The gene laboratory | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was in 1982 when the small Upper Swabian community sold the wasting country to the international pharmaceutical company Global Genetics. At first there had been bitter resistance, but the prospect of a bulging municipal treasury and new jobs finally let all opponents fall silent. Before the construction work had started properly, the entire site was delimited with a four -meter -high fence. From this point on, nobody from the community had ever set foot on the site again.

Of course there were many new jobs, but not for the residents of the surrounding villages, all of the staff was brought to Oberriedburg by Global Genetics from all over the world. There were numerous apartment blocks and even small shops on the factory premises, so that the employees do not Contact Had to the inhabitants of the community. It was also in 1982 when Stephanie was born. She was the fourth Daughter On the little one Farm yard, who has been managed by the Haller family for generations.

The courtyard was just outside of Oberriedburg, from there you could see the highest buildings in Global Genetics, especially the chimney, which protruded to the sky like a huge cigar over thirty meters and spent out fine clouds around the clock.

Summer 1999. Steffi, as she all called, had now grown into a young woman. It was the literal beauty of the country. With her 1.70 she was still the smallest of the four sisters, but was envied by everyone else for her perfect female curves and her flawless skin.

Although Steffi never made anything out of trendy clothes and make -up seemed to sparkle her blue eyes and her bright smile immediately spread in a good mood in her area. The only jewelry she was wearing was a golden cross that was attached to a fine necklace.

The black hair tied into a simple ponytail fluttered in the wind when she turned into the courtyard with the tractor and quickly headed for the big silo. You helped her Father gladly at work.

As she was waiting for the loader of the trailer to raise the grain, she felt how the hot air of the nailing diesel engine hit her. It was already a particularly hot day, silver shiny sweat droplets formed on their skin. She climbed over the seat and jumped with a routine sentence from the tractor. Her pink t-shirt and the frayed short jeans literally seemed to stick to her.

She was looking forward to the evening when she would cycle to the small lake on the edge of the forest, she could really feel how the cool water would feel on her skin. It took almost two hours for the last grains of grain to be ripped into the opening of the silo from the trailer. Steffi still had to hang out the trailer because her father would later need the tractor for the stable. Done.

She climbed between the trailer and the tractor and wiped her hand over her forehead. Finally it could start. She just quickly exchanged the chunky work shoes against a few flip flops, stuffed a towel and her bikini in a backpack, then bike bike. “Don’t come back so late,” her called her Mother her after “you have to help again tomorrow”.

There wasn’t much going on at the lake, most families had already gone home and Steffi had her favorite place for himself. Her bike was in the grass, the rear wheel was still turning slowly, when Steffi had already slipped into her bikini and ran to the water as quickly as possible. The cool water felt great, a dolphin swam in the direction of the small bathing island, which was anchored in the middle of the lake. According to her school grades, she was not particularly good in sports, but working on the farm was strong and swimming has always been fun for her.

Right next to the lake was the terrain of Global Genetics, there were no buildings so close to the fence, only from time to time an off -road vehicle of the factory protection came over. It was only last year that there had been excitement about global genetics. Sports divers had discovered several pipes in the lake, which apparently led to the factory premises. The official explanation was only harmless cooling water.

After a laboratory of the environmental protection ministry also confirmed that the water was absolutely okay, the excitement quickly lay down again. Steffi climbed onto the platform, she loved lying on the warm wood in the evening sun. She had often sat here with her friends, but they were all gone over the summer vacation, some even on another continent. Steffi’s family couldn’t have afforded something like that.

Steffi didn’t have a friend, she had been crushed many times, but nothing really turned out of it. Often the boys were more interested in a styled Tussi from the city and let Steffi left left. That you still Virgo was sometimes almost embarrassing when she heard what her friends told. In a few years she would study, probably she would even move to a larger city.

Steffi lay on her back with your eyes closed, in my mind she painted how it would be without living in the city without the parents and siblings.

Would the boys pay more attention to them there, or would they even be the little mouse farm? While she was doing her thoughts, she gently stroked her stomach, she enjoyed the tingling feeling, slowly stroking her hands over her firm round breasts, she brief. Steffi had discovered early on how well it was to stroke itself, so she now knew exactly where she had to touch to create this wonderful tingling. There were only a few people on the bank, so she dared to push her top down a little, but not too far, someone could watch her. The warm air on her half -bare breasts to feel it strangely excited them.

A pull spread out in her stomach and she knew that she would soon be wet between her legs. That was not strange to her, but so far she had only dared to touch in her room at night. She gently groped over the panties of her bikini, at one point it was actually a little wet. She looked into the shore and dared to push the panties to the side.

Without resistance, her finger slid between her labia, the clear slimy liquid had already thawed and was just waiting to be distributed. Steffi breathed deeply, she loved this tingling, but it seemed even more exciting in the wild. Slowly she let off her finger up and down, she didn’t dare to penetrate deeper, her mother had blown her in that it was very painful the first time. So she only deteriorated her juice on the little knob between the labia and made sure again and again whether nobody really looked at her.

The tingling was getting stronger, sometimes she shrugged uncontrollably, now it didn’t matter whether someone saw her. So she did not disturb the shrill siren, which boomed on the global genetics terrain. The yellow and red flashing warning lights on the fence was not at all, not even the off -road vehicle that shot along the fence and turned with squeaking tires to drive back in the other direction. Steffi trembled, her fingers circled around the little knob faster and faster, she breathed quickly, bit her lips, which gave her face with the red glowing cheek to a sweet grimace.

“Are you crazy?“The man roared in the white smock, who had just fallen into the control room.

“How many times have you been told that you can only open these valves when I confirm it in writing,” he vigorously typed with his finger on one of the many screens on which technical data flickered non -stop. Obviously you could control a complex system of tubes, tanks and valves from there. “Should we the divers …”, the man with the blue uniform, was completely out of breath. “Are they crazy, they should stay away from the water,” the other man drove him on.

The man in the white smock was a professor atkinson, he was responsible for the most secret research projects, there were projects that only knew what was actually researched. Even the management only had to inform about his work if his results could be marketed in any form, otherwise he was the ruler about the entire facility in Oberriedburg. “Finally depart the damned alarm, or better call the newspaper,” he drove on to the datter man in front of the screens, he pressed a few buttons as hypnotized, whereupon the red flickering of the screens changed to an even greenThe shrill siren also fell silent. “It’s gone!“, The voice from the creaking radio was hard to understand, but Atkinson understood too well what she wanted to tell him.

He hastily opened a small safe in the corner of the room, tugged carefully prepared plans and different colored folders and threw them on the large table in the adjoining room. “Call all, alarm 21e”, this instruction was Markus Schmidt, who, as the commander of the factory fire brigade, was the highest crisis staff of the company, then Atkinson with a gewing smock disappeared into the endless corridors of the facility.

The last croak of the siren was just faded when Steffi felt that it was going soon. She increased the pressure of her fingers and felt the good feeling that she always called it over. Warm waves shot through her body, she could no longer breathe without scattering sounds.

She hadn’t experienced it for a long time. Exhausted she sank back and sucked the pleasant air into her lungs. Her head glowed, good that she could cool down again right away.

About ten people had gathered around the table in the meeting room, their excited voices mixed into a wild confusion. Plans and folders were scattered on the whole table.

A female voice suddenly prevailed and brought everyone else to silence “could kill someone?“She asked again in a firm voice. Everyone looked expectantly to Professor Atkinson who was sitting at the head of the table. “Naturally!“, He drove her on as if their question had been completely unnecessary. “However,” he now drove almost deliberately “would that be our smallest problem”.

“What does this mean?“, Ms. Doctor Brown, stared at him questioningly. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He had no desire to talk to this wife doctor about his research, but he knew that he had to fend her with any information now. Before he could say something, Schmidt had jumped up “there!“He stammered again and again and pointed to the screens on the wall.

One of the screens showed the lake. “Get it closer,” someone called through the open door into the control room. The picture moved jerkily and the small bathing platform came to the center, Steffi was recognized, which was just climbing into the water. All stared at the screen spellbound.

“Get it out of it,” roared someone and Schmidt immediately grabbed his radio. “Nobody goes out there,” raged Atkinson, he had torn the radio from Schmidt and threw it on the table. All stared at the screen, the camera followed Steffi, who removed from the platform with even trains.

The water was wonderful, silently Steffi slid through the cool water with strong trains. In the meantime, nobody was on the bank anymore, only her bike and her clothes were recognizable in the meadow.

A little tickled on her foot, reflexively rubbed her feet together to shake off the supposed aquatic plant, then she continued to swam. Again she tickled something, this time on the foot and on the stomach. She stopped, turned on the spot a few times and looked into the water, so there was nothing, so she headed for the bank again. Then she felt it very clearly, something was on her leg.

She struck her leg to drive away the cheeky fish. She was a good swimmer and she knew the lake since childhood, but something was different, somehow she felt watched, wanted to get out of the water as soon as possible and accelerated her pace. Something soft creeping around her ankle, Steffi was stopped and pulled backwards. Panically, she reached down to free her foot, a little creeping around her arm.

“Help!“, She roared as loudly, then she was pulled under water. Steffi struggled as tight as she could, tried to get back up with all my strength. Something black, elongated things had wrapped around her arms and legs and pulled her down. It was quickly pulled through the now ice -cold water and whirled around again and again, it was about to open her mouth and suck the water into her lungs.

Suddenly it got brighter again, immediately she snapped to air when her head appeared again on the surface. Her arms and legs were still clutched, something was now winding her stomach. Nobody heard their desperate screams. She pushed out a pointed scream when a black tentacle appeared out of the water right in front of her face and wrapped up around her neck.

The tip of the tentacle seemed to score away. Steffi felt a stinging pain in the neck, then it got dark. How she was pulled deeper and deeper under water, she was already passed out.

“I now want to know what to do with her now!“, Angry, Doktor Brown hit the table with his fist. They all had observed how Steffi had disappeared from the water surface, after which none of the cameras could discover them again.

“Come with us,” growled Atkinson and went to a smaller room next to the large meeting room. Doctor Brown followed him and hit the door behind him.

Slowly Steffi came up, she was no longer in the water, she looked around, her neck hurt. Laided around her and she recognized dense bushes and trees, she had to be in the small forest behind the lake.

Although the sun had almost ran now and she was only dressed in her bikini, she was not cold. She couldn’t remember what had happened, she wanted to swim to the bank. She could now see everything around her clearly, it was the little forest, as a child she had played hidden with her sisters as a child. Panic got up in it, she couldn’t move.

But she could move, but it was so difficult, she cost her a lot of strength to lift her arm a little, sticky threads spanned between her hand and the forest floor. She lay on her stomach. Her other arm and her legs also seemed trapped. About a meter around her, a milky, sticky liquid spread, slowly realized that this slippery liquid kept her caught and she was not only lying in it, but was also covered with it from head to toe with it.

Her hair stuck on her cheek. It rustled, Steffi could feel that she was not alone, but as much as she tried, she did not succeed in turning her head far enough. For a moment, she saw something black next to her, but with the best will in the world, she could not see that it was not a human. The sound was so shrill that it rang in her ears.

The noise fell silent. Steffi, it was certainly something rounded, black to have seen, she couldn’t see a face, but several long legs, she just didn’t want to come up with where she had already seen something like that. She couldn’t think about it anymore. Two long, slippery tentacles whipped on her back, researching the strong tips felt over her.

When they had reached the panties of Steffi’s Bikini, a whorling whistle and a jerk went through Steffi. Within a few seconds the panties were torn into small pieces, only a torn piece of fabric that glued to it. Another tentacle walled along her and appeared directly in front of her. He seemed to look at her, there was no eye to see, but the pulsating opening was directed directly to her face.

Steffi started screaming automatically, she took a deep breath, opened her mouth and roared for her life. The tentacle, wall and a mighty gush, the milky, sticky liquid steffi in the face, it poured over her head like a warm shower. Now she could only see blurry, noises just penetrated her ears and she couldn’t open her mouth either. It was trembling on the forest floor, sucking a desperate air through her still half -free nostrils.

The two long tentacles had been wrapped around her thighs and raised Steffi’s pools out of the sticky puddle, she felt the enormous force that was dragging on it. A third tentacle slowly slid along her legs, felt from her feet to her hips, he stopped between her thighs. Steffi couldn’t imagine what should happen to her. Her heart raced, almost forgot to breathe when she realized where she touched this thing.

The tentacle was not occupied with strong suction cups, the smooth skin was covered with thick knobs, at first it was hardly thicker than a finger, but hardly that he had bored between Steffi’s labia, he began to swell pulsating. First, the tip of the tentacle grew into a balloon -shaped ball, then the rest became thicker and thicker. Steffi felt a stinging pain below her abdomen, then a jerk went through her body, it was unable to grasp a clear thought. Felt that something had penetrated her deeper than she had ever dared to do with her finger.

She had given up the fight against the sticky liquid, her body was pushed back and forth in it. The pain had subsided a bit, only from time to time he flared up again when the tentacle drilled a few more centimeters into it. Steffi believed to lose her mind, she wanted to go, but something in her made her unable to defend herself. It was the good feeling.

For the first time in her life, she couldn’t control it with her fingers, she could only lie and endure it. The warm waves shot through their body violently than ever before, every muscle seemed to be senseless in her muscle. Endless minutes Steffi was overwhelmed by new waves until it finally got dark. She had passed out again.

Steffi dazzled light light as she opened her eyes.

Where was she? The room reminded her of a hospital, she was lying on an uncomfortable couch. A woman in a white smock stood next to her and felt her pulse. Steffi also wore a white polo shirt and white trousers. “Well, they are awake, I’m a doctor brown”, she pushed up Steffi’s shirt and felt her stomach.

“Where am I?“, Steffi’s voice sounded weak. “At Global Genetics, they were very lucky that our factory fire brigade had an exercise at the lake,” she took the ultrasound device and led it with firm pressure over Steffi’s stomach. “Why, what happened?“, Steffi also looked at the gray flickering screen next to her head. “You probably strained a little, the divers could get them out of the water just in time,” Doktor Brown looked concentrated on the screen.

The phone on the small desk rang “yes, she is awake”, Doctor Brown made a worried face. “But that’s too early what if you …”, the caller interrupted her. “Well, I’ll bring her out right away”, she hung up. Doctor Brown Half Steffi Half up.

“We bring her home right away”, she led her through an apparently endless gait that led directly to an underground car park. Steffi was allowed to get into one of the black, shiny minibuses. There was only seats on the front of the bus, Steffi’s bicycle in the hold and her backpack was hung on the handlebar. The driver didn’t talk much, Steffi wasn’t talking about it either, she just didn’t understand what had happened, she still remembered how she had been on the bathing platform, then she was awakened in this foreign room.

The driver already stopped on the way that led from the main street to Hallerschen farm, he lifted her bike out of the loading space, then he said goodbye and broke back to the street. Steffi was only right, so she was able to bring her bike to the shed and sneak into her room right away. It was already eleven o’clock, her parents fell asleep in front of the television. In her room she threw the strange clothes into a corner and grabbed a T-shirt and underpants from the chest of drawers.

She cuddled into her bed and simply decided to forget the strange incident. She was good at forgetting unpleasant things, she had often done so with her math homework.

“Steffi!“Her mother roared from below to the first floor. Steffi sat down sleepy, immediately her stomach made himself noticeable.

“Finally, like you sleepwear,” boomed another request from the kitchen. Steffi found that the turquoise T-shirt with the printed Teddy Bär, which she was wearing, was good enough and slipped into her frayed jeans. The T-shirt had become a little too small for her over the years, so now there was a few centimeters of skin between pants and a t-shirt, but that didn’t bother, it seemed to be a hot day again. She greedily devoured the jam bread prepared by her mother and she emptied the cocoa in one train.

“Heat yourself, your father is waiting”, her mother kissed her briefly on her forehead and pushed her out of the kitchen. How accidentally did the black minibus turned to the main street and followed the tractor. A trailer filled with grain was already ready on the field, Steffi’s father was already waiting impatiently when he finally saw her driving the dusty dirt road. “You know how much the combine harvester I cost me every day,” he grumbled while she depends on the empty trailer and then disappeared towards the farm with the full again.

This time the black minibus drove in front of her, he stopped at a junction, the driver acted as if he was looking for the right way on the road map.

It was already unbearably hot, although it was only early in the morning. Steffi looked at dreamy of how the grain trickled into the narrow opening of the silo. Drops that rolled along their legs were tickled. Suddenly she had a burning desire for the good feeling, that had happened to her several times, but actually only when she was alone in her bed and could not fall asleep.

She stood under the canopy of the barn and tenderly stroked her breasts. Strangely enough, the touch caused a slight pain, but the subsequent tingling was stronger than ever, it felt as if her breasts had become thicker and the nipples were already pressing against the t-shirt. Steffi took a few steps backwards and let herself fall on a straw ball, her knees were suddenly soft, she grabbed the t-shirt and pulled it up. Her always rounded breasts actually seemed to be even firmer, she felt around the hard nipples.

Sighly she leaned back and kneaded her breasts. Then she hastily opened the button of her jeans and drove her hand into her underpants, immediately slid her finger between the already damp labia, Steffi groaned, rubbed with a finger on her column. In the tight jeans she could hardly move her hand, hurriedly raised the zipper and pushed the short trousers together with the underpants. Finally she could have her flat hand circle over her soft pubic hair.

Her body curved from desires, she rolled off the straw ball and was now on her stomach, loose straw tickled her stomach and breasts, she rubbed on the floor lustfully. The hand was still pressed against her shame, she stretched out her buttocks. A thought shot through her head, she wanted to feel something immediately, not just a finger, no, she wanted it to penetrate a little deeply into her immediately. Almost desperately she looked around, but everything she saw was the sea of straw in which she was lay.

She put the index finger and middle finger together and slowly pushed the two fingers into the small opening of her column. She waited spellbound for the pain that would exist if she would drill her maiden hewn. She was ready, now she wanted to do it. But the expected pain did not come, instead the two fingers slid deeper and deeper.

Wild rammed her fingers as deep as possible, then she started to fuck herself with it. It didn’t take long for the good feeling to get over, clapping her hand hit her more and more until the last waves slowly die away. Exhausted but relieved and liberated at the same time, she got dressed again and routinely took care of her task.

“Can I have anything else?“Steffi had just had three plates spaghetti, but she was still not full. “Well, you were hardworking”, her mother smiled and gave her a portion.

“You can’t work as much as the one eats,” threw Steffis Sister provocative. “Karola!“, The mother vigorously hit the table with her hand to end the impending discussion immediately. After the meal, Steffi went to take a shower, it was good to free himself from the dust of the grain. She stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at herself, she has never been slim, but somehow her belly seemed to be particularly far, maybe she should eat a little less in the future.

“Are you ready soon?“, Karola shook on the bathroom door, so Steffi quickly slipped into her nightgown and disappeared into her room. She was in bed and read in a book, but her thoughts were not with the actually exciting novel. Again and again she had to think of her experience in the barn. The longer she thought about it, the more excited she became and began to stroke gently.

The book fell on the floor when Steffi pulled her nightgown up to her belly and let her fingers slide over her thighs. The wearers of the nightgown only needed to push her over her shoulders and her breasts were released, the nipples already stretched out hard. Suddenly she had the urgent need to feel something in her again, but this time her fingers would not be enough. It couldn’t wait a second longer, she immediately needed something that she could put herself between her legs.

Her choice quickly fell on the flashlight, which was always ready on her bedside table. The lamp was heavy and long, four of the large batteries had space in it. At first it seemed impossible, but Steffi was wild and pressed the metal flashlight as tight as it went against her labia. Her free hand clawed into the plush teddy bear, who was always sitting next to her pillow.

She could not suppress a sighing outcry more than her vagina finally gave away and the lamp disappeared into it in one fell swoop. She just kept pressing until the slightly corrugated handle of the flashlight could not be pressed deeper into it with the best will in the world. So she kept the lamp pressed firmly and looked at her work. The desire in her was still not satisfied, she needed more.

She pulled the lamp out of her vagina and knelt on the bed, this time she would try it the other way around, so she turned the flashlight and began to press the wide part between her labia. Panting, she knelt on the bed, with one hand she pulled her labia as far as possible, with the other hand she pressed the flashlight against herself. Finally the semicircular over the top of the lamp was disappeared into her, the shiny labia was tight around the round grip. She lowered her pelvis when the lamp put on the mattress and bored unstoppably steffi gave a grunting sound of herself.

So she now knelt on her bed and papped panting and moaning back and forth, every time she dropped down, the lamp pressed against her stomach. That was what she had longed. When the good feeling broke into her, there was no stopping, she hit her arms wildly, threw the small reading lamp from her bedside table. Her pelvis rocked up and down so lively that the entire bed squeaked back and forth.

They bite their pillows firmly so that their parents and siblings could not hear their lustful screams. She fell on the bed, the flashlight was still stuck in her, only with difficulty she could grab the slippery handle and pull the lamp out of her vagina. Still trembling with excitement she rightly pushed her nightgown and sneaked out the stairs into the kitchen out of her room, she absolutely needed to eat something.

The men stared in the yellow protective suits, on the strange creature that was spread out behind a thick window on a shiny stainless steel table.

The sight was most reminiscent of a gigantic squid. Some of the powerful tentacle arms hung lifelessly across the edges of the table. “I said right away that it won’t survive long in the wild”. The man who had never had a problem atkinson.

Nobody dared to contradict him, but everyone knew that he was wrong. “What about the girl?“Asked one of the men. “We’ll take care of that,” replied Atkinson Arrogant, “as soon as something happens, we intervene.”

Like every day of last week, Steffi was incredibly looking forward to a strong breakfast. Centimeter thickness she stroked Nutella on the two slices of bread and licked the knife straight away.

She was ashamed a bit, only with difficulty she had to get her short trousers in the morning, and the t-shirt spanned her arched stomach. Nevertheless, she did not keep the worry about it to shovel an extra spoon of sugar into her cocoa. She would start with a diet right after the holidays. A thunderstorm had been raised in time with the last truck, since then whispered gray clouds and the sultry heat had decreased significantly.

Steffi was alone in the yard, the parents had driven into the city, and their siblings with friends. Perfect prerequisites to spend the day before the television. Somewhat bored, she switched through the programs and finally got stuck on a music station. Your stomach growled.

She was just on the way to the kitchen when a stinging pain got her off her feet. Trembling she lay on the tiled floor and pressed her hands against her stomach. The only small dark spot spread quickly on her pants until the fabric finally stuck gossip wet on Steffi. Her became dizzy.

Finally, she managed to open her button and free herself from the tight pants, her body curved again and again under violent cramps. The echo of her bestial screams echoed on the walls of the kitchen. With every new cramp, Steffi believed to be torn in half. She was lying on the kitchen floor with bent legs and crying desperately, she sobbed pathetic until she was gripped by a hellish pain again, soon she would not even have more breath to scream.

Their vocal cords burned scratchy. In the mirror that was attached to one of the kitchen cupboards, she could see herself on the floor. A deep hole gaped between her thighs. As if by itself, her labia had spread, the pink meat pumped pumping pumping.

Steffi grabbed the bare panic when it became clear to her that something stranger was in her. So desperately screamed, there was nobody there to help her. Steffi panted trembling, she sobbed again and again and a few last tears rolled over her cheeks. She stared at the ground in disbelief.

There was a huge wise egg between her thighs. As bizarre as the situation was, she caught the egg carefully and handled it carefully into her T-shirt.

Steffi had carefully carried the egg into the barn and lovingly hidden under a tuft of hay. Freshly showered and cuddled into her most comfortable jogging suit she slept on the sofa when her parents came home.

End part I.

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