The smoker | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was on the way back from Hamburg. I had visited relatives there. In the early afternoon I drove back to Bremen by ICE. There was a woman in the compartment who had certainly already crossed the 55. At least she looked like this because her sun -tanned skin on the neck already showed slight wrinkles. She was slim and looked extremely attractive with her clear light blue eyes. Her black curly hair gave her something exotic.

We began to talk. She was called Inge and, like me, had visited relatives. Not in Hamburg, so near Husum. My interest was fully awakened when she said that she was also moving back to Bremen. You can always find nice interlocutors when you trudge through the world with open eyes and senses. When we are around 14. Arrived in Bremen at 00 a.m., I still helped her with her luggage.

I myself only had a small backpack with the most necessary. “Finally I can infect a cigarette …” She reached into her handbag and took out an unopened pack of west, tore up the pack with driving fingers, took out a cigarette and put on it. “I get very nervous when I’m sitting on the train for so long. Would you like one too?“She kept the pack under my nose. I shook my head.

“No thanks. I haven’t smoked for a long time. But I know the feeling. I smoked for a long time. But I am glad not to be dictated by cigarettes anymore. “”OK. Because you helped me so nicely with the heavy suitcase, I would like to invite you to a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. “Inge looked at me questioningly and added:“ Oh, I forgot to say, of course at home.

And the cake is from my children. Please say yes, I would really be happy. “” What can I say, Inge … I can’t refuse such a nice invitation. You are also lucky because I have a day off tomorrow before I have to go to work again the day after tomorrow. “” Well, that’s great. We then take a taxi, not true? I pay. They told me that they would not earn so much … “” Um, yes, I said, but … just don’t make any circumstances, I don’t want to be charged to you.

“” They don’t do that. I am single and can use a little company. “Sitting in the taxi she continued to chat:” … my husband unfortunately died four years ago, maybe you can understand how that is … “” I try. I am also single. My last relationship with someone was a while ago. “However, I was silent that I lived with a man. Some older people reacted to it as I could sometimes find out.

I didn’t show anything and smiled at her. “So, we’re already there too. This time the taxi driver will have to drag the suitcases. “Arrived in her apartment, she lit another cigarette and offered me to take my shoes off. So only with stockings I entered your pretty little apartment in the west of the city of Bremen. I put my shoes on the inside of the apartment. “Just come in. “With her open hand, she made an inviting movement.

“Take space at the table – no matter where. I just make the coffee quickly and in less than five minutes we can also eat the cake. You like Black Forest cherry cake?””Yes, of couse! All men like to lick. I know many who forget their good upbringing at Black Forest cherry cake … ”We both laughed both. With the cigarette in her mouth, she put the coffee service on the table. “You smoke a lot, not true?“Maybe she had the wrinkled skin of it.

“Do you think …? Find? You don’t notice it yourself. If it bothers you, I like to do it the window on. “She gave a piece of cherry on every plate and then said:“ For me, the cake will be bad, I hardly eat any. So now and then I invite some young gentlemen who affect me with a cup of coffee company. “” Aha … “I looked at the woman a little more precisely.

She shone when she spoke of the young men. My head cinema started to turn. I imagined how we were in bed and she smoked one cigarette after the other. She wrapped the young man next to her (me) into the smoke swaths. “Would you like a cup of coffee?“Your voice tore me out of my thoughts. “Uh, like and I would also like to have a piece of the delicious cake …” “But of course, my boy.

“She gave me a cup of coffee again, which was tasty to me. She pressed out the cigarette. “You have good coffee. “”I really hope so. I like a strong coffee, you too, not true? And maybe a cognac for coffee? I have a bottle of Asbach ancient – also from my children, by the way, by my children. It tastes incredibly with coffee. “” Yes, I heard about it. Many people also tip over it in the coffee, ”I said.

“This need not be. We don’t want to do it? We already call ourselves the first name. Sounds somehow stupid that you are not true with the first name?”” Well, she … uh, you certainly want me to stay over here the night and … “She laughed, was a cigarette and said:” Because of the schnapps? You have to know that yourself, Oli. You can stay, but you can also go home later.

I am the last to stop you. As I said to you, I am alone if you stayed the night here, I would spoil you. “Seducing the right word would have been. She made the decision very difficult for me. On the one hand, it bothered me a little because she smoked a lot. On the other hand, it was very attractive, it was slim and absolutely my taste. Besides, she hadn’t fallen on the mouth.

I liked it if someone was quick. She noticed very well that I had the advantages and disadvantages and gave me a glass of Asbach. In doing so, she deliberately blew the smoke over me. “Okay, persuaded. I stay the night. At my home nobody is waiting for me. But I have to tell you that I don’t have a pajamas with me because I had only visited my relatives for a day.

If you don’t mind that I sleep naked … “” That doesn’t matter. On the contrary, I’ll enjoy your young body. “I saw how she imagined the night in front of her spiritual eye and had to grin over it. Oha, she pulled on all registers to seduce me. She expressed the cigarette, but already took another one out of the package. It smokes more and more, I thought. I don’t know if I could kiss the woman.

And she wanted to make me drunk. The cake – I ate three of it – was heavy in my stomach, okay, the schnapps seemed to clean up in my stomach. The alcohol It still worked in it. She lit the last cigarette of the box, which she opened a few hours earlier and then said: “What do you think of it when we order a pizza? Here nearby is Joey’s delivery service.

They make very good pizzas, they are well occupied and worth their money. “” Yes, I know that. I’ve also ordered there a few times. Yes, from me like. As I said, I currently don’t have the financial means to buy everything my heart desires. “”Excellent. I quickly clear the table here and you can choose something. “She put the folding brochure from Joey’s.

Tuna pizza with onions, which always tasted best to me. “And afterwards we make ourselves comfortable!“, She called out of the kitchen and started whistling. I’m curious. Admittedly, I would like to be pampered. From attractive people anyway, I didn’t care whether it was a man or a woman. I can with both. She came out with two round wooden boards, cutlery and two glasses and put things on the living room table.

“Tell me … your glass is empty? Give yourself a. Boy. It doesn’t cost anything. And what pizza did you choose?““ Modest as I am, I have the NR. 6, the pizza tuna chosen with onions. “”Wonderful. I already know what I’m taking. Pizza Capricciosa. I will also order a red wine. You like red wine?“I nodded eagerly. A long evening seemed to be waiting for me. She went to the phone and chose the number of the pizza service: “Hello? Here is Inge XXX.

I want two pizzas – the NR. 6 and the NR. 10 order and a bottle of chianti please. Wonderful. And please greet the boss very warmly … “She turned again and said:“ Make it comfortable, boy. I take over the direction for tonight. Eat a nice pizza, some red wine, dreamy melodies from the radio. An evening in pairs cannot be better, it is not true?“She had lit a cigarette again, whose smoke now unabashed in my direction.

Tomorrow I would stink like a pub, so I was quite sure. And in terms of health, this is definitely not the first cream. Then rather die in road traffic. I scored when the doorbell went and Inge quickly got up. Once again I dreamed of myself. Less than two minutes later she came back into Living room and held the bottle to me. “Do you just open and give in? I cut us the pizza.

“In silence, but afterwards we ate our pizza. We toasted each other. And in fact the red wine tasted great for eating. How evaporated was the previous alcohol consumption, which was very amazed at me. After a good 20 minutes I leaned back as she brought the dishes to the kitchen. She came back with two glasses and the opened bottle of Asbach. “Friends, the Buddel has to be empty. I don’t like empty bottles in my apartment.

How does it look? The apartment must always be flawless if guests come. “She gave us both of them full and toasted me again. “Prost, Oli! Thanks for the nice evening with you. If it gets too warm for you, you are welcome to move out. I still turned up the heater so that you can sit here without clothing. “In fact, it was suddenly very warm at the beginning of the meal.

That was not just due to the Akohol. Inge had certainly turned the heating unnoticed. Without clothing … your words had a strange sound. I looked at the woman next to me. You are really so alone in old age that you have such thoughts? She had to invite her again and again to her new men? Well, it didn’t bother me. If she has fun, just too. I don’t attach great importance to the kisses of smokers anyway.

But then why naked? Wants to take photos? I started grinning. She had hardly ended her sentence when she already took off her blouse. She stood in front of me and made a striptease. She turned to the beat of the music and dropped one piece of clothing after the other to the ground. She didn’t wear much anyway and Ratz Fatz stood naked like in Evas Garden in front of me.

Your sloppy breasts dangled in front of my eyes back and forth. Her shame had shaved out as if she was a young girl of 20-25 years. “Now you!“She danced back and forth in front of me. My little friend in his pants was difficult. I did her favor and got rid of my clothes. What can bumps?”Oh how cute! It’s cute!“She grabbed mine tail, which was only half -uptight.

She pushed him a little and pulled it foreskin down. Then the tail slowly got hard and the glans shone in the light of the living room lamp. “Yeah, that’s how I like it better!“She sat down with me and moved up very close to me. She put a cigarette. She had probably already emptied two boxes since we were together. Your lungs had to be Pechschwarz. Strangely enough, she didn’t cough at all. But I also coughed briefly in the morning.

Still holding the tail, leaning down and blewing the smoke on my cock. Her head covered the view of my best piece, so I couldn’t see what she also did. At first I only felt the warm breath when she blew the smoke on me. She straightened up again and held her cigarette dangerously close to my glans. I winced and wanted to avoid the heat.

However, she held me tight. Where did she get the sudden powers from?“Well, how is that?“She was not waiting for an answer, pressed the cigarette in the ascher to light a freshness immediately. With this she also slowly drove along the glans at a short distance. “It’s not very nice …” I protested. “If you are not careful, you still sink me …” “This is not what I want. I love to get men down.

That with the cigarette is just a game. Leave you back, sweeter. The Inge will show you what she feels like. “It covered the tail with her right hand and started it too jerk off. Due to the alcohol it took a long time before I groaned into her hand. “You see, it works! And now he is ready for me. Yes, I know that you may not come back again.

Drink you another Asbach. Mine pussy Just want your hard cock, nothing else!“She sat on my cock, which was still hard up and started ride me slowly. What kind of horny sow is that? While her breasts swung back and forth in front of my eyes, she pressed me even more back into the sofa cushions, it seemed almost grotesque when she lit a cigarette.

Schwanzail and horny cigarette! Then prefer one who is addicted to tail and just horny. Of course I didn’t come a second time! Too much alcohol is death of death. Nevertheless, after hours, she fell into her bed with satisfaction. The next morning I woke up because someone was struggling with my Dingelchen. Inge of course! The tail was already ready to fire when she jerked him with relish. I came loudly. I have to admit to be awakened in this way.

With the cigarette in her mouth, she said goodbye to me after giving me two more orgasms.

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