The deception | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Thomas Krüger 0ich was sitting in my apartment in front of the telly who had nothing to offer apart from boring games and repetitions. I decided to make a bar or pub to drink a few beers and maybe play some billiard. So I set off and after a while I also passed a pub with billiard tables and darts boards. After I went in I ordered a beer and asked for the billiard balls.

After a few tests, a red -haired lady asked me if I wanted to play a game with her. After I told her that I had come here, she took a kö and we started with the game. She probably had a lot of practice in this game. I also lost the first round. Some time later, there were now 3 to 3, she said, we could make the next game a little more interesting.

My proposal that the loser invites the other to eat has replaced it with another proposal. The loser has to take the other home with him for tonight. I thought why not, so I agreed. This game was now very exciting. I could hardly concentrate, which was perhaps understandable based on the anticipation on the following night. Despite my concentration problems, I won the following game.

After I reminded her of the agreement, she said, but she wanted to take a drink before we made our way. My beer needs of the evening was covered, so I only ordered a cola. She took an O-juice with whiskey. We talked about the current labor market situation and the A-Class Mercedes. When our glasses were emptied, Britta said, by the way, my billiard colleague was called that we could slowly set off now.

It wasn’t exactly very warm outside, so we were dressed accordingly. After approx. We had arrived for 15 minutes. She had a nice little house, which she, as she said to me, she had from hers Uncle would have inherited. Arrived in the living room, she asked me something to drink and we talked for a while. Britta said we could slowly get ready for the night. I fell that I had nothing for an overnight stay with me.

Before I could say something about it, she said that she almost always slept naked and I could do that because I wouldn’t have anything else. I fell a little stone from the heart. We undressed and I could admire all of her beauty. Britta had quite flat but very nice breasts. Their shame is quite densely overgrown. In my opinion, she had a few grams too much on her hips.

However, this did not bother me because I had a slight tendency to some chubby women. Now we stood, naked like at birth. Her sight suggested me, which my limb immediately helped to swell. Britta, of course, noticed that. With a smile and the remark that she would probably excite me, she took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. The bed was only designed for one person, but because we probably won’t plan to separate ourselves anyway, it was probably not a problem.

We sit on the bed and sank into deep look. Our faces were slowly approaching until we kissed passionately and for a long time. Britta’s hand began to stroke my chest, which I did for her right away. I kept stroking her nipples that were already very stiff. Now I slowly turned down. She had mean tail clasp and rubbed it very gently. When I arrived at her vagina, I rubbed her little pearl pretty intensely.

This gave her to stop kissing in order to be able to groan. I had to taste it now, so I let it go and crawled down from the bed. I knelt in front of her and started her tongue pussy to edit. She groaned louder and more violently until she announced her orgasm with a loud cry. Britta said that she had to reciprocate and asked me that I lay on the bed.

Now she started massaging my pint slightly and after a while she also took it into her mouth, where she then edited it with her tongue according to all the rules of wind art. It took a few minutes when my stand started to twitch. Britta now took him out of his mouth and watched my Schwengel exactly how he spit out the entire man’s force. A few drops hit their face the others landed on their chest.

She had to wash herself briefly and left the bedroom. I was excited to see what would happen this evening. When Britta came back, she lay down next to me. Resting her head on my chest and playing with her hand on my masculinity, we dreamed in front of us. This treatment was good for my Schwengel and started gaining size again. Britta stood up briefly over me and slowly let himself go on my pint.

Britta stayed calm for a few seconds and then slowly started riding me. She quickly became more violent until she took a break after a few bouncy so as not to get to the climax too quickly. Shortly afterwards she rode me further. I took her now and we rolled on the side until I was lying on her now. I stirred her juices vigorously with my spit. It was about her.

She kept the air for a few seconds, whereupon she came with a short but violent cry. I pulled back from her. At the same moment she picked up my pint and rubbed it violently. That also brought me to the climax. The first splashes put their breasts and the last landed on their stomach. I lay down next to Britta and we rested a little.

We had to be pretty tight, otherwise someone would fall out of bed. Break said that she had to go to the toilet again and got up. She came back pretty quickly. I couldn’t hear the conditioner even though the toilet was right in the next room. But I didn’t think about that. She lay down again and we soon fell asleep. I became awake. It smelled of fresh coffee.

Brit-ta was still next to me and slept. Britta? Who had put it on the coffee? If someone still lives in this apartment. I woke her up and told her that someone had prepared breakfast. She only said that we could have breakfast. She got up and went without putting something into the kitchen. I thought to myself when she does it, I’ll do it and went just naked afterwards.

In the kitchen I saw Britta sitting on a chair, even naked. Stop! Why Britta? She stands next to me. I watched alternately to Britta and then, well, Britta. The two started to laugh. Now I went up a light. The two were twins and had put me on the grain. After I had that, I had to laugh at the situation as well. The two clarified me.

The two of them make such ‘games’ every now and then. In the School they were put in two different classes, otherwise they would have Teacher The two cannot keep apart. I also tried to determine a difference. There was a. Bettina, that’s the name of Brittas Sister, Had a small liver stain below the nabel. But it was impossible for me to separate the two. We have had a lot since then Fun for three. If you liked this story, you are welcome to contact me.

Who of course also has suggestions or criticism. Mail:.

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