The secretary | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The following story arises purely my imagination. Similarities are just a coincidence. If you share my stories that would be an honor for me, but please be so fair and give me as an author. Thanks to the secretary in the reason, he hated his job. Well, he was promoted to the regional manager a few years ago. Got a good salary and a fat company car. Ultimately, however, he was an employee, which annoyed him incredibly. In addition, he hated his boss.

It was such a real ass. But well. Although much also did not really ran round in his current job. He had to take over a difficult region. Important key positions were vacant. On the others there were sometimes incapable people and sales did not fit. In addition, it is not exactly easy overall in retail. But he knew where he came from. And he knew what he was worth. He didn’t know his father. His Mother was a scandal for the conditions of his youth at the time.

Lived with a woman and sog everything under the table that was not on the trees at 3. So he was on his own and had to work out everything. Hands on … As you say today. But his current problem was very different. 10 months ago he hired a new secretary. After a long search and 2 failed attempts, he finally had one which he could rely on blindly. 33 years old, long blond hair, somewhat too small tits, he estimated 75a, but a somewhat wider ass.

She was far from fat, but she wasn’t as slim as he would have liked it either. But she had something, he couldn’t say exactly what, but he found her horny and was keen on her. They were already on a line in the interview. She had to move because of her boyfriend and was therefore looking for a new job as a secretary. She brought a lot of experience with what was just right after the two previous disappointments.

Exactly this interview is the reason that he has to talk to her today. It was agreed that an honest way of dealing with each other was always maintained. He owed her that too … What she didn’t know is that because of his dissatisfaction, with his job and his boss, he went new ways. When he was completely ko at home after another 80 hours week, he had made the decision that it couldn’t go on like this.

He works like stupid and the others get the pockets full. But he had an idea. A company which deals with customers from customers. Guarantee cases take over and, if necessary, make repairs. At the beginning it was a lot of work to get the whole thing together. Negotiations with companies, creating the web site, bringing the whole thing into an app, marketing, advertising and what is not all included. And all of this next to his job as a regional manager. But it went very well.

And, through a cooperation with 2 large companies, he has almost become a millionaire overnight. Finally the point is where he can gave up his old job. But, as promised, he has to say that of his secretary. After all, her job is on his bound. As soon as he is gone, it would be unemployed. But he had considered something for that. The conversation basically started very harmlessly. The usual thanks for the work done, thanks for what was achieved together.

Although she knew something like that. “Christine, as you know, I’m not satisfied with the current situation in our company. I will therefore submit my termination tomorrow “. That sat. All sorts of things buzzed around her in your head. She had so much. You wanted to buy a house. Even had already chosen a property. Then she just got this great job right to her. She also got on great with her boss. They were absolutely on the same wavelength.

Well, he was 18 years older than her at 43 years old. His bare forehead and clearly recognizable abdominal base were not her thing, but he had something. He was boss of 2. 000 employees. Wherever he came, you noticed who was saying that. This makes it radiated. That captivated her. And yes, she excited too. Even if she didn’t want to admit it. “But I have an offer for you.

I built up a company with the money and the premiums that I deserve here. Since I recently won two very large companies as a customer, I now have so much coal that I can leave this crap behind me “” I need an assistant in my company that I can rely on in my company. Your tasks would be to plan and accompany all the trips, manage all appointments, to create all presentations and numbers for meetings ….”” But I’m already doing that for you …

“” I’m not finished yet. In addition, you would also be my personal assistant for all my private concerns “” You get to do your job 2 secretaries of me. I also grant you my own budget of 1. 5 million a year from which you can make the necessary editions of your department. I offer you a month of 15 a month. 000,- € plus company cars and the usual things like Christmas bonus etc.. In addition, you get a budget of 10.

000,- € / month for your personal concerns if you need clothes for a meeting or something. If that doesn’t be enough, we just have to talk again. “Somehow it was all too much for them. So far she had only 3. 200,- earned and your boss came with such an offer. Where, moment … Private issues?“I don’t even know what to say. I also don’t know where to start. But I would have one question: What do you mean with private matters? What should I do for you there.

Iron?“He only briefly pulled his eyebrows up. “No, but it’s right. We have to talk about this point. “” I will be traveling a lot. Europe, USA, Canada. I don’t care what that means for you private. However, I expect you before you agree, have carefully considered everything. I can’t stand back and forth on death. If your relationship is on it is your problem. ““ There is also something you should know.

Since we still work in a large company, I always followed our internal code of conduct. But that will end. My company, my rules. I expect you that you are properly dressed. The way I want it. You also have to ensure that someone regularly ensures my relaxation. I don’t care whether you do this or if you pay for it from your budget. It is important that I don’t want to have anything to do with it.

I expect maximum stress for myself in these things!“She was confused. Relaxation? Regardless of whether she takes care of it or someone else? “Don’t look at me like that, you are clear what I mean!“Somehow yes and no. She was completely unsure whether he really meant it that way. “Sorry, no” she said. “Simply if we go where and I feel like fucking then you take care that I then z. B. In my room something to fuck find my demands is enough.

I then mean by stress that this cunt knows what I want, what I love and do not ask myself stupid questions like z. B. Put for money. You checked the topic of health beforehand and ensure that it disappears just as quietly afterwards. “” I’m not a pair of!“She replied Kleinlaut. “Also what kind of expression is that?””Be quiet!“He ruled her. “As I said, I don’t care if you get me a hooker, yours Sister lies in my bed or you spread your legs as long as my demands are met.

How you do that with the payment is your thing. For example, if you spread your legs yourself, then the money is too. “” I will give you the time to think about it until tomorrow. No day longer. If you want the job then I expect that you will come to work in a short skirt with a white button blouse tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. Black bra, suspenders and beautiful stockings. No slip. High heels probably understand themselves.

Your hair is tied to a braid. “She was still completely confused by the whole situation. She knew her boss differently. Of course he was tough, but he was rare so hard. Actually, she should get up and run away. At least she had learned that in her upbringing. Nevertheless, she was unable to do so. She does not know if it was the threat of loss of job that a lot of money she could get or just her fear of her boss when asked: “I don’t have to do these things with them personally if I pay someone for it?”Correctly” came the narrow answer.

“What claims did you mean when you said that this woman” she swallowed “or I” she pushed her very little “to be enough” to meet her demands?”” “I will only answer that if you accept the job” “How should I decide whether to accept the job?““ This is not my problem but yours. But be sure that you will not wear any permanent physical damage. “Rumms, that was already the 2. What sat. No physical damage, that can be cheerful.

“Do now Quitting time and think about everything in peace. I like you and would not make the offer to everyone. I wish you as my right hand. But … to my conditions. You will experience a lot, learn a lot and get around a lot in the world. You will also get a salary that you would not get in 30 years. Not to forget the budget that you can dispose of. If you say yes you know my conditions.

Until tomorrow. “She got up and was still completely confused. Everything really happened? She made her computer out, took her key, said Tschüss and left the company. Everything happened like in a trance. She only thought of the last few minutes. Decision at home she stood at your old convertible, she decided to open the roof first. In this great weather, that’s exactly the right thing. She got in and drove off.

With every kilometer, their thoughts became clearer: “No problem, he insisted not to fuck me, I just have to get someone. ““ Men in power postings are just like that. “” I’ve always liked traveling. “” “My relationship will endure once my friend sees how much I earn is also thrilled” When she got home, her thoughts were in a different direction again. “Morally is the bottom drawer” “I’m not a pimp” “What does he think that I let me fuck”.

She was torn back and down when she tried to close her hidden and nudged her finger. “This old crapping. “She scolded. It was defective for a long time. Unfortunately the money was scarce and the necessary repair was repeatedly postponed. She wanted to take a shower now. She went up into the bathroom. She was still alone. First take off the sweater, then the bra. Then jeans and the slip. When she pulled out the panties, she thought how it would be all day without running around? This thought only lasted briefly when they asked themselves what such thoughts were supposed to do in the next moment.

She stood in the shower and began to wash herself. Your thoughts always revolved around the conversation. She didn’t even notice that she had washed her tits for longer than usual. Again and again she drove over her pugs with her soaped hands. Her nipples were increasingly tougher under the warm water and the soap massage. She felt how her lap began to pound. She imagined what her boss probably wanted to do with her.

This man who respects so and of whom she has such a high opinion. Whether you are his tail Bubbles? “Hopefully he doesn’t want to fuck me in my ass!“It suddenly came to mind. Her hand slowly wandered from her tits between her legs. Slowly over her pussy hair to the column. First a finger, then a second disappeared into her cunt. While one hand continued to massage the chest, the other now played with her clit.

The thought that her boss would fuck her drove her further, and wilder kept her fingers into her wet cunt. Through their own cunt mucus and the warm water you heard a loud smacking of your fingers as you slide in and out. She leaned against the wall and pushed her pelvis forward to get deeper. Always alternately she massaged her clit and stuck her fingers in. How wild she felt the warmth of her climbing and the liberating orgasm announced herself when the front door suddenly opened and her boyfriend came home.

Startled, she looked at the bathroom door and pulled her fingers out of her cunt. She had left the door open. In the next moment her friend was already in the room. “Everything OK with you?” “Yes. I just shower quickly. But then we urgently have to talk. “” That fits quite well, I have to talk to you too. “And left the bathroom again. She was lucky. He didn’t notice anything. Nevertheless, she was angry because she was denied the redeeming orgasm.

After she was down, she went to the living room where her boyfriend was sitting. “You wanted to tell me something darling?” “Yes. “Said her friend. “My boss fired me today. He said something of you had to save and so nonsense. I can now work for 3 months and then I am unemployed. “What was going on today, she wondered. Sure, her friend worked as a carer. Qualified staff is in short supply there. So he will find a job again.

But what should they do by then?”Oh, basically the same thing happened to me today” “What???” He screamed. “You were also terminated?”” Oh god, how should that go on now? What happened then?”” My boss will quit because I am his personal secretary. “” When will that be?” asked he. “I will probably be unemployed in a month. However, he made me an offer. “”An offer?““ He founded a company on the side that should run really well and he asked me if I wanted to become his assistant there.

But I have to commit to do many strange things that I don’t want. “” What did he offer you in salary?””That is not the problem…. “” How high is the salary???“He interrupted her. “15. 000,- plus vacation and Christmas bonus. I get a company car and a budget for workwear and so things of 10. 000,-€. But as I said, that’s not the problem. He wants strange things from me. “”Do you still have them all? You are always super satisfied with your boss.

You get a bunch of coal. And you bother you a few strange things? Take in the job and is good. “If he knew, she was going through her head. She had to tell him. “But it’s about …… “Tried to say. “I don’t care what it is about. That’s awesome! I find a job again, but with the coal we can buy the house of what we dreamed of.

Your car is broken anyway, so it is also ideal. “” Think after. We live in a much too small apartment. Your sister and your brother are constantly on the mat and begging for money. When did we last time Vacation made? Take the job!”He pushed after. “But I would also be a lot on travel!“At least she tried to bring in the conversation. “I’ll tell you again, I don’t care.

We will manage. With the coal we will be able to fulfill our wishes and live considerably more carefully. I go to the kitchen and first get a bottle of wine. Who would have thought that the day would go so …… “Now she was sitting there. What should you do. Both have no job. You can’t borrow anything about the family either. And if you can no longer pay your rent, sit on the street.

The first day of the day had slept very restlessly last night. On the one hand because she failed the desired orgasm, her boyfriend remained after the 2. Bottle of wine was no longer used. On the other hand because their decision was firm. She has to, no, she wants to accept the job. After all, she didn’t have to serve if she didn’t want that. And with the rest she will be able to come to terms. It was clear to her that they needed the money.

And you only get such a chance once in life. She now only had one problem. She didn’t have the required clothing. Basically, it was more of a type of comfort. Pulis, pants, panties that keep you warm … Then she was sitting now. 8:00 a.m. was the start of work, where should she get it all in the morning early? And the money was scarce too. But she knew her boss. She didn’t need to call whether she could come later.

Unpunctuality and unreliability do not work at all. Since her sister Miriam a lot. She has always been very freely. You should have something suitable. Fortunately, she found a suitable blouse in her closet, which she bought for an interview. In addition, she had a few high heels from the past. She had actually only worn them once for her friend’s wedding. She also had a black bra and started. 6:50 a.m. she rang with her sister.

After a few bell attacks, she opened slightly dressed and overslept the door. Miriam is different in type. With 170 cm it has a decent size with horny long legs. There are also short brown hair, which you make you look quite cheeky throughout. What she was basically too. She was very slim with a crunchy ass and horny C-tits. She was also a little sister for 18 years younger. You looked at her body that she went jogging regularly and otherwise paid attention to her body.

“What do you want here at this time? Did something happen?“Asked Miriam. “I urgently need your help. “Said Christine and went into the apartment. “I need a short skirt of you. Also stockings. “”Why is that?“Asked Miriam. “Do you give me this or not?”Said Christine visibly annoyed. After all, she runs the time because she still has to go to the office for 40 minutes. “I have a look. But I think that most of it won’t fit you.

Your ass is a little wider than mine, ”she said with a grin and ran into the bedroom. “I have a few winding skirts that could fit you. “Came from Miriam. “Sorry, I need something short. It should end above the knees. “Christine became more and more nervous. After all, they have been looking for 10 minutes now. “Why that?”Now don’t ask and hurry up”. “Well, if you want it so I only have this leather mini for you.

It can be seen from the technology like a diaper skirt. But that only ends just under the ass. I always put it on when I am very ratty and need a few guys for my holes. “” Miriam! Stop with it and behave! I don’t want to hear such a language from you. Give me the thing, I’ll try it. Do you have stockings and owners?”” Sure, please very much. They are particularly sharp.

I found the network pattern totally cool back then. But be careful. They weren’t cheap. Although, actually you paid them. At least I had borrowed the money from you. “Great, Christine thought. So my sister uses me. But that doesn’t matter now, I have to go. She hurriedly put on everything and looked at herself in the mirror. “Give me a brush, I have to make a braid in my hair. “Miriam no longer understood the world.

The big sister is in her apartment with her. In her hooker mini, with her hottest net stockings, on high heels. Even though she was always the decent, yes, even the button. Christine covered the brush back and hastily said goodbye to Miriam. Only 20 minutes left. She never manages that. She hastily runs from the car to the company. To make matters worse, the traffic was so bad that it was now 30 minutes late.

“Sorry for Mr. Hofreiter that I am too late. I’m very sorry. “With these words she entered the office from her boss. “What do you want here?“He just asked. “I wanted to tell you that I would like to accept your offer” “I don’t know anything about an offer. At least nothing of an offer that has been met until 8:30 a.m. I only know something from an offer for 8:00 a.m. “He said calmly and looked her straight into the eye.

“I … I … know. I’m very sorry. “She started to stutter. “But I didn’t have the desired clothing and had to get something this morning. I hope it is to your satisfaction. “Hasty added“ I hope I meet your requirements. “He looked at her from top to bottom. Something was wrong. “Show me your cunt. “” Boss, they said that I don’t have to take care of their relaxation myself ….”” I want to see if you have a slip, so show me your cunt.

Alternatively, you can also turn around and show me your ass. No matter how, I want to see what you wear underneath. “Ohjeh, of course. He hadn’t said clearly and clearly no slip. She had forgotten that. “I’m sorry, I forgot that in the hustle and bustle this morning. ““ You are late and forget half of. As I said, the offer was only valid until 8:00 a.m. And you didn’t comply with the conditions either. I therefore no longer see a basis for my offer.

I spoke to my boss this morning. He accepts my termination without notice. So from today you are unemployed. You will get your salary until the end of the month. Use today to secure all data. Then put your desk up and end all open topics. I have an appointment this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Until then you have to have everything ready. “Shocked she left the room. It couldn’t have been.

She had always done such a good job for him. He was always so satisfied with her and then he doesn’t even give her a 2. chance? How should it go on now? How should she explain to her friend that because she was late, everything had lost everything?Ultimately, she did what he told her. She completed all open projects and cleaned up her desk. Then she got an idea. “That can and must not have been!”She said quietly to herself.

If he needs relaxation then I will take care of it. I will not make my chance just because I built such a crap and thought too long yesterday. Although ultimately I even dawned this morning. I could have been with Miriam at 6:00 a.m. How expensive can such a whore be beautiful?After a short search in Internet Did she become aware of a whore portal. You only indicate the zip code and already see what is so around.

Just what should she choose? At least she has to come to the office. That was fixed. She will probably not make it that he also drives to one. But what should it look like and what “service” it should offer. All things that were completely new for them. Alone that something is called such a service. The women make their legs wide for coal. No more and no less. However, the service for home and hotel visits was rather limited.

There was blanka. 20 years young and permanent. She offered GV, GF6, ZK, DS active and passive. All abbreviations with which she couldn’t do anything. Or suzi, whose passion was sex. Whether it is all right? She thought herself. Ultimately, however, she had chosen Lisa. 23 years young, slim, 85c breasts. What was decisive, however, was the fact that she liked it hard. At least if you were allowed to believe their advertising.

She offered things like GV, AV, NS active and passive. But also versatile massages. Now she just had to raise the courage and call the lady. To do this, she left her office to make calls undisturbed. “Hello? Speaks there Lisa?“She reported. “Yes, what can I do for you sweetness?”” I want to surprise my boss. He had such a difficult day and he needs some relaxation. “Listen to it. “I am stupid.

Who says that to a whore?“Silence at the other end of the line. “Yes, I wanted to ask if you would like to come by. Um, of course only if you feel like it. I hope that fits you. “” When and where should I go?”Asked Lisa. “Well, around 1:00 p.m. How are here near Berlin. Should I pick you up?”” Say little, you have never done that before, or?”” No, excuse.

“Christine answered. “So take care. For one thing: I don’t bite. On the other hand, what are you really about?”” My boss fired me today. But I absolutely need my job. So I want to surprise him with it. Maybe he’ll think about it again. “Christine sounded quite desperate in the meantime. “Well, I’ve heard a lot, but never such a nonsense. I don’t have time for such a fool.

Get lost…..”” Please wait. Otherwise I will lose my job!“Christine called into the listener. “You mean that really seriously?” “Yes…. “And Christiane explained the annoyed situation to her. “Nagut. You seem ok and desperate to me. I’ll make you a suggestion. I take € 200 an hour for out of the house. Plus 50,-€ journey. If I manage to get your job back, you doublet this amount.

Which then makes in the entire € 500 for an hour. I won’t need more. If you agree then give me the address where to go. “500,- € ? How should she pay for it? Ultimately, this is the complete food money for the month. But since she saw no other way out, she agreed and gave Lisa the address. It knocked on her office door at 1:00 p.m. A real men’s dream came in.

Horny tits in which even Christine Neidisch became. Endlessly long legs, crunchy ass and everything packed in a super tight dress. “You are Christiane?” “Yes. ““ But you still have to work on your outfit. Do you have my money?”” I thought I had to pay afterwards. “Said Christiane in astonishment. “Nothing there, first coal, then I make my legs wide. Everything else just gives trouble. “She willingly gave her the money. “And what happens now?”” Your boss does not know anything yet?”” No, he knows nothing.

“” Well then go to his office and explain that you, because he has a particularly stressful day today, wanted to do something good. Therefore you called an old friend who is specially designed for such cases. He should see it as your farewell gift and you wanted to thank you again for his trust you have placed. “Said and done. Slowly she went to Mr. Hofreiter’s office. “Sorry, I can briefly disturb the boss?”” Only briefly, I have to go right away.

What is there and looked up at her. “At that moment he noticed this young woman behind his secretary. Man had the tits, although he was still amazed what she wanted from him. “I wanted to thank you for the chances you gave me. It was great to work with them. “Mr. Hofreiter listened spellbound and was excited to see what should happen now. What does this horny snail have to look for here ….“Besides, you have a particularly stressful day today, since it is your last day in this company.

I therefore allowed myself to call an old friend who is trained for exactly such cases. Please see Lisa as my farewell gift to you. “” I hope she will meet your requirements. “She quickly pushed behind. These words surprised him. He was convinced that his secretary could not get out of her skin. Sure, she had tried to clean her out today. What he saw was miserable. Nothing fits each other. The old blouse from the interview, the too tight rock.

She looked like a penguin on the high heels. And to make matters worse, she was still completely without make -up in front of him. That was not what he wanted at his side at important meetings. He wanted a horny cunt that distracted the interlocutors. Where the men and women become so sharp and distracted that he has easier game with them. What she did now was more than clear. She tried to do what he wanted to have her for.

And he was ready to let himself go. Maybe there is still hope. “Ok, thanks Christine. Please let us alone. “Now it was Lisa to save her job and went back to the office next door. “The door remains open!“She heard when she tried to make it behind. “If she wants a chance then let’s see how far she is ready to go. “Thought Mr. Hofreiter.

“Please sit down Lisa. I am not quite clear what your specialty is, maybe you could put some light into the darkness there. ““ The question is much more what can you do for me. I have such an itch in my cunt and my ass. I urgently need some help. I urgently need a horny cock that really fucks me. “That was more than clear. Still, it shouldn’t be that easy.

Mr. Hofreiter loved such games. Therefore, a suitable answer came: “Who says that there is a tail for whom your cunt would be good enough?““ You will have to prick my horny tight cunt to find out. I guarantee you, you haven’t had such a tight cunt yet. “” “What do you already know how many pussies I had in my life?” he said. “And what do you think how many cocks in my blasmaul, my cunt or in my ass have sprayed their juices.

And only in the last week?“Christine sat in her office and had to listen to everything. As if she was sitting right next. She felt how she horned up the whole situation. Suddenly she remembered that she was still unsatisfied. Slowly Mr. Hofreiter got up and went to Lisa. “Come here and show your trainee what a really hard cock can do everything. “She provoked him.

“Name me Bernd and now like you fuck meat. “He grabbed her in the neck and pulled her to him. Driven by lust they began to kiss. Although you couldn’t call it kissing. Her tongues were immediately in the other’s mouth. His fingernails drilled into the back of Lisa and pulled them even closer to him. She groaned briefly under the pain to immediately play the tongue game.

His hands wandered up and off until they came to the hem of their dress. With a short jerk he pushed her dress up over his ass cheeks. Then he clawed in her ass and pushed her cunt on the already hard cock in his pants. He was horny, he was really cool for this little cunt in his office. As a special kick, he enjoyed it that his prudity was sitting in the next room and had to listen to everything.

At least if she wanted this job. “Go to your knees and do your job!“He said Lisa. This did more than willingly. She loved it when a man says clearly where it goes. Otherwise she then put more types on the table for € 100 for 30 minutes and ultimately only put it lazy until it is finished. So she gets coal, but remains unsatisfied. She loves something like that. Slowly she goes to her knees.

From the perspective, Bernd can examine her beautifully shaved cunt. Small labia, that’s exactly how he likes it. Smooth shaved and in between the juicy shiny cunt mucus that spreads on the cunt of Lisa. That’s how it had to be, he thought. Lisa opens his pants and gets his cock out. Immediately she drives up and down again from the base of his tail to the glans. She loves licking cocks and she shows that too.

Suddenly he grabs her head. She knows what is coming now. Men love that. He jerks into his cock in the neck of Lisa. Again and again he fucks Lisa in her neck as he fixes his head with his hand. Lisa already knows this and relaxes to let the tail in her neck as far as possible. Due to the hard throat fuck, the snot runs out everywhere. But Bernd only seems to be more on that.

What does he try to stick his cock even further in Julia’s neck. “Finger your cunt bitch. I expect it to be just as well lubricated when I put my cock into your whore hole. “What Lisa was too happy to do. Christine was sitting in the next room. Her fingers had long since strayed from the ultra short skirt from their point of view. Since she was no longer wearing a panties, her fingers also had an easy game.

She rubbed her clit gently. The other hand had opened her blouse’s top button and disappeared into it. She didn’t understand it, but the hustle and bustle next door makes her incredibly cool. She caught the fact that she would have loved to be a room on her desk now too. But that again their moral views. She had a loving friend and this was only about a job. Nevertheless, her body spoke a different language.

Bernd tore her out of her thoughts again: “Place your back on your desk. I want to lick your cunt juice directly from the source. “Nothing better than that, thought Lisa and lay down on the desk. She attracted her legs strongly to bring her horny ass up. Maybe he will get something today too. Bernd licked the cunt so well that Lisa was just before.

First he drove his tongue through her column. Then he licked over her clit while slowly starting to fuck her cunt with a finger. This was followed by the second. And then there was a finger in her ass. She just produced lubricants enough. “Fucks me with your gorgeous tail. “Lisa groaned. Christine also groaned next door, which of course Bernd and Lisa did not hide. Christine was so horny that she didn’t notice this at all.

She only heard the hustle and bustle next door and fingered her cunt to glow. First one finger, then the second. She massaged her tits by lust. Not long and she will get her longed -for orgasm. Bernd put his cock next door on Lisa’s cunt. “Wait my horny cock, I still have something for you. “And Lisa put a condom over the tail. Such a crap thought Bernd. Without is just hotter and more intense.

But of course he accepted it. It was also about his health and he did not assume that Christine had previously obtained a health test. In any case, he rammed his cock as deep as it goes into his whore. He loved it when he can push his hard cock into such a tender adult woman as a big man. He had the feeling that he would trigger her cervix, which could not be.

His cock wasn’t that big either. Or was this cunt ultimately built as closely as it initially claimed? He felt the lust more and more losing him the mastery. The day was hard and he just wanted to fuck all the stress out. So he kept driving his cock in Lisa. Although he always changed his position slightly to get the cunt really to scream.

Sometimes he drove his cock straight in, sometimes from light left to hunt his tail from top right into the cunt right afterwards. For a long time he couldn’t stand it anymore. And then there was also the little horny ass from Lisa needed the care. So he pulled out his cock. What Lisa acknowledged with a groan. After all, that was already the 2. Times that she almost came.

Slowly he put his cock on Lisa’s ass. He didn’t need any lubricants. Lisa’s Mösen mucus only ran out of her and the desk was long too sewed too. He rubbed his cock with the horny juice and put the tail in a jerk in the ass of Lisa. Fortunately, he had already stretched her ass a bit. That, and Lisa’s ability as a professional ass fucker, ensured that she felt no pain but just lust.

After a few fuck bins, he pulled his cock out and put him in the cunt. He repeated this a few more times until Lisa literally begged to come. Actually, he doesn’t let women say anything, but since he was also about it. Just when he had his cock in the cunt, Lisa came. The movements of her cunt were uncontrolled. The already tight cunt became even closer for Bernd too much.

He pulled out his cock, pulled the rubber off and injected his sperm on Lisa’s tits. Christine had long had the moaning of Bern and Lisa drifted into another world. She was just horny and wanted to come. She was still fingering her cunt. In the meantime, however, she had started massaging her clit with her second hand. She felt the wave came towards her. Now. Now it should happen. In her office while her boss and an unknown whore were next door and fucked.

At that moment she should come. Even if she tried to prevent it. Her moan was clearly heard by Bernd and Lisa. And both knew only too well what was happening to Christine. Slowly Lisa and Bernd came back. “You can be overjoyed that you have such a caring secretary Bernd. You can’t just quit such a good secretary. You don’t find Bernd too?“Bernd was of course clear where the wind blew from.

But that was ok for him too. After all, Christine had surprised him. He would never have believed that she would have been morally able to do so. Still, he didn’t want to make it too easy for her. It was a beginning. But she didn’t know his complete “requirements” yet. Also, he didn’t just want to let her misconduct this morning. “Yes, you’re right. I think such a secretary would at least have a 2. Earn an opportunity.

“Said Bernd with a certain grin. He had a spontaneous idea. He wanted to give Christine a chance. But he didn’t just want to give small ones either. You have to make it clear who has to say and that everything has to be done as he wishes. “Christine, please put on cleanly and then come to us. “Suddenly Christine became clear that her boss must have noticed everything. She would like to be sunk into the ground at that moment.

She really directed her clothes and went towards the chief office. Lisa just wanted to rise from the desk when Bernd said: “You stay exactly like this until I say you can down. “She was amazed, but followed his instructions. When Christine entered the room, her boss stood naked in front of her. His now sagging cock hung down. Lisa was on the desk and had sperm on her breasts and dress everywhere. “Christine, Lisa pointed me out that I should give you another chance.

After all, from her point of view, you showed yourself as a very caring secretary. I see that too. “The relief made itself with Christine Breit. Your plan had risen. Lisa had obviously kept a word and did a great job. The situation itself was extremely uncomfortable for her. She didn’t even know where she should see. Her boss with sperm -smeared tail and Lisa, who was still on the desk and presented her cunt and ass.

“But…. ” he continued. “I can’t just go that from this morning. I expect that you follow my instructions on the most accurate and without hesitation. Is that finally clear now?””Of course. I was very sorry for this morning too. Please give me another chance. “”OK. Then I have a new task for you. You now know the parameters of the task. As you can see, your girlfriend’s clothes are a bit dirty.

So she can’t go on the street. What should people think about that. I also have an appointment afterwards and don’t want to go there. Please do me first, then Lisa and connect the office again so clean that nobody noticed what was going on here. “Christine was amazed. He really asked her that she cleans his sperm from his cock and then from Lisa?Even if she found it perverted what he asked for it drove her what he had experienced.

Besides, it was what she wanted. A chance and there she was. Without hesitation, she went out of her office and got wet wipes out of her drawer. First the boss. She was unsure. To clean everything she had to touch his cock. After she cleaned her boss very tentatively, he put on again. Lisa was still on the desk unchanged. Her cunt was still glittering. Here, too, she cleaned tentatively and gently everything until Lisa hopped clean from the desk clean.

Then she wiped the mixture of cunt mucus, sperm and sweat from his desk. It stank disgusting. With her own friend, she always avoided his sperm and now this. She wasn’t just wiping the seed from the tail of her boss. He even forced her to clean this hooker. “I’m ready Mr. Hofreiter. In order not to disturb it, I just wiped the desk at first.

I will clean the rest later when you are gone. “” Thank you Christine. You can leave. “” Bernd … “Said Lisa. “You didn’t want to say anything else?“Bernd looked up and looked at Christine in the eye. “You got the job. Tomorrow I’ll present your contract to you. Then I will also tell you the remaining conditions if you still want. “Christine was still completely overwhelmed by all the events. But she knew that this job needed and wanted it.

“Yes, I really want this job. No matter what conditions you have. “Bernd looked at“ Nice to hear, even if I’m looking forward to how you will handle it. Now please bring your girlfriend out. I still have a lot to do. “” Thank you for being there Lisa, maybe you’ll see each other again. Take care, ”Christine brought Lisa out. The hour was over now. “I said I can get that there. “Lisa said with a wink.

“I didn’t think I was so grateful to you. “” You don’t need, after all, you paid me the double sentence. And I also had fun. That doesn’t happen that often. “” No matter how, thank you Lisa, I don’t know how I could have done it without you. May I still ask you a question? You said earlier I still have to work on my outfit. Can you also help me with that too?““ If I listened to you in your fingers earlier, you need more help than just with the outfit.

“Christine became red. “What do you think?”” Well girl, look at. You are still really wet now because you are so horny. Every normal woman would have come in and would have participated. But you sit in your office and try to satisfy yourself quietly and secretly. And probably also think nobody gets with him. You have to get looser. Have fun. Just take what you need. We women have the right to do so!”” You can say that so easily.

Take a look at. Besides, I can never deal with men like that. I had my first sex with my current friend. And frankly, I don’t even enjoy it. “” I’ll make you a suggestion. You have my number. Call me if you need help with your outfit. I will help you under 2 conditions. 1. It will cost you money. 2. You will be with me an evening with me Swinger club spend.

You will see the whole perverse hustle and bustle there. Everything. And exactly exactly so that you can see what there is and how you can have fun with it. Maybe the stick will come out of your ass. This is my condition. If it doesn’t suit you, throw my number away. “Without further ado she turned and went.

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