Horny fuck with two ripe sluts | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Bi is nice I just had my high school diploma and treated myself to a little break with a friend, of course with mother’s approval. Her friend, her name is Lilly, lives alone in a super beautiful house. At the age of 41 she is 3 years younger than my MA. The two get along great and, even though they live a good 40 km apart, they could be described as inseparable. I also like her girlfriend very much.

She is a very beautiful woman with a good figure and full breasts. I know that because whenever she visits us, it often runs naked through the house without shame. Mine Mother it doesn’t bother, because it too is often naked. Even if your girlfriend is not there. Being naked is something very natural in our small family, which means nothing else than that I am often naked too. Sometimes I lie in my bed and in my imagination I see the two naked, they massage their full breasts, let their hands slide between their legs and look at me with a smile.

I jerk my totally hot and stiff tail and then sprayed insanely. My hot seed sprays on my body and the picture in my imagination only disappears from my head very slowly. I looked at mom and told her that I would love to go to Lilly for a week. She was pleased and calm, she now knew that her son did not fell off the meat this week. So the things were packed, loaded into the car and we went to the girlfriend.

It was a Friday and it was very hot. It was this hot Summer, of which the meteorologists said that it shouldn’t have existed at all. After just under an hour of travel we reached our goal. Lilly’s house was a good 20 m from the road between small and larger firs. The lawn in between was green and looked as if the heat could not harm him. We drove onto the property and parked the car in front of the garage.

The engine was not quite out yet, when the door opened and Lilly came out of the house with a laugh. “Nice that you are here. I hope the trip was not so exhausting ……… “. She talked, laughed, hugged first mother, then me. It was just joy. You felt that. She asked us to come into the house. It was noticeably more pleasant in the house, not as hot as outside. We sat down, Lilly provided drinks and as always there was a lot to tell.

I told them that I would go into the garden briefly. They only nodded without being disturbed in conversation, and I got up and went through the patio door into the large garden. The garden was created with a lot of love and a high dense hedge protected from the outside from outside. Only the side to the neighboring house was not separated and gave the view free. I saw the neighbors, I knew them from seeing and from one or the other celebration together.

They were around forty and childless in terms of age. When they waved me, I waved back. They prepared the grill. They probably wanted to celebrate a little today. I looked for a shady spot, lay down in the grass and enjoyed the air, the warmth and my imagination, inspired by the weather, this picture appeared again. Again I saw my mother and Lilly as they stand in front of me naked. My hand slips on my own my legs.

I felt my cock, my eggs. I started to massage my cock through the thin fabric of my pants with your eyes closed and it had happened. My cock was hard and stiff. I enjoyed feeling my hard cock, enjoyed massaging it, feeling it. A voice that called my name saved me from an embarrassing situation. Namely that I should have explained a sprayed pants a short time later. The voice came from Lilly.

I opened my eyes and looked into her laughing face. “Come on Max, Anna wants to go again. You should at least say goodbye to her “. I stuttered around and got up. I literally felt this great bump between my legs in my pants. What I had just enjoyed, namely to feel my hard cock, I now cursed. But my cock did not consider that. As if he put it on showing his hard splendor.

He remained steadfast. Lilly felt my embarrassment. But before she could say something, mother appeared in the patio door. She came to me in the garden. I felt her eyes that briefly wandered between my legs. Then she looked into my eyes with a smile and took me in my arms. “Max my sweetheart I have to go again now. I wish you a lot of fun and don’t make Lilly trouble “. In doing so, she pressed me, probably rather impulsive,.

I felt my hard cock touched her body. She also had to feel it, but did not show anything, kissed me on my forehead and loosened the hug. This short Contact My hard cock with her body drove through me like an electric shock and made sure that my cock stretched even more. Mother said goodbye to her Lilly, then she got into the car and drove back home. I was still in the living room, still something of the role and sorted my thoughts.

My cock slowly calmed down. The bump in my pants was visibly smaller. I didn’t have much time, so Lilly came back into the living room and said with a laugh: “Max, now come on. Nothing happened. What is there if you have an erection. That’s completely normal. I know that, your mother knows that. Come on let’s drink something and then we go over to our neighbors. We are invited to grill.

But we should change beforehand. Your long trousers are certainly not attached to the heat. Take a short time. You have something with it. Or?”. I nodded and slowly my uncertainty disappeared again. Lilly took me in my arm and pressed me a kiss on my cheek. She gave us a glass of red wine. With the words “so that we can get in the mood” she toasted me. When the glasses were empty, I moved.

I put on a thin shorts with inner trousers, so I could at least leave out my underpants and a light T-shirt. Then I went back to the living room. Lilly came a short time later. “Well, how do I like you?”She asked with a smile. She just looked stunning, no, she looked totally cool. The short light summer dress flattered her body. It was just a touch of fabric. You could see that she didn’t wear a bra. Her big breasts spanned the fabric and its nipples were clearly recognizable.

Your buttocks. She wore a slip? I couldn’t see it. She just looked horny. I looked at her and said, “You only see Ge Ge Ge …, anyway, you apologize, you look stunning”. “You can say horny Max. It’s a compliment if you say it, ”she replied and smiled at me. Then we went over to the neighbors together. We have already been expected and greeted with joy. Klaus and Monika, the two were called, hugged us and handed us a glass of cognac as a greeting.

They toasted us with the words “He’s to warm up”, too. Then we sat down at the table, talked, laughed and drank. The mood became more and more relaxed. I learned that the two convinced nudists were. Just like Lilly and mother, of course, too. They often raved about it, naked at the beach from Fuerteventura To lie and enjoy the sun, the beach and the sea. We sat with a good hour laughing and chatting together. At some point Monika got up and went to the grill to look at whether it was ready to put on the meat.

A short time later Klaus got up. “I want to see if we can start grilling,” he said in a good mood and went over to the grill to his wife. I looked at him. He stood next to his wife and leaned over the grill. Both had returned to us. Then I saw his hand slid over the back of Monika. But when she slid down to the buttocks, the short dress took and raised it, I didn’t believe my eyes.

A naked, plump and insanely horny bottom came out. Klaus Hand gently slid down between her legs over him. Monika spread her legs easily so that Klaus hand was easier to go to the goal. I didn’t think I saw. But it was clear. I saw that Klaus put a finger in Monika’s cunt to easily fuck her. I was sitting there and couldn’t take my gaze from the two. I saw his hand slide through Monika’s poster.

Monikas Po began to make slow circular movements. I looked at my aunt, she looked at the game of the two with a smile and I felt my cock stirred in my shorts and steadily upgraded herself. How spellbound I stared at the two and found that my hand had become independent. I felt how they massaged my hard, hot cock through my shorts. I don’t know how long it took, at some point I saw Klaus coming back to the table.

I had to take myself together to tear Monika’s eyes. I saw between Klaus legs and could see a big bump there. At that moment I couldn’t defend myself against the thought that I would like to see this horny, hard cock and maybe also want to feel. I wasn’t even scared about it. I was just awesome. Monika also came to the table now. “Lilly” she said, “it’s very hot today.

Shouldn’t we take off our clothes? I think that’s more pleasant “. Lilly nodded smiling. “Correct Monika, especially our two,” she looked at Klaus and me, “need more space”. Monika nodded smiling and looked at me. It did not escape that my gaze was fixed between Klaus legs. Without turning away from me, she slowly pulled her husband down and asked me softly: “Max, you want to see Klaus Schwanz?”.

I was sitting on my chair and how under forced I nodded. It seemed like my eyes were nailed between Klaus legs. I wanted, no, I had to see his cock now. With lust, it didn’t even come to my head about why the view of seeing this cock so horny. And so horny that I now massaged my cock through the short again and I no longer headed that everyone could see it.

Lilly smiled, pulled my hand away from my cock and said to me: “Come on Max, pick up your sweet butt something so that I can pull your short down before something happens”. I nodded, raised my buttocks and Lilly pulled my shorts down. My cock really jumped out. He stood vertically between my legs. In the meantime, Klaus stood in front of me. Lilly tenderly pushed my legs apart. I sat there with her legs spread wide, while Monika Klaus conducted with her hands between my legs and then pulled his shorts completely down.

Klaus Schwanz literally jumped out and stood slightly vibrating just a few cm in front of my face. I have never seen another cock in this state. In pictures yes. I always enjoyed looking at her. But this one was real. He stood in front of my face with the foreskin pulled far back. Just a few cm away. Full, thick, a good 18 cm long. Shaved. I felt a hand between my wide -spread legs. Lilly’s hand tenderly slid over my cock and my eggs.

I heard as she said, “Max, if you want it, just take it”. She seemed to feel what was going on with me. I nods silently. My hand slid as by itself between the legs of Klaus. She reached Klaus Sack. I felt his horny, plump eggs, let them slide through my fingers. When Lilly started to jerk off my cock tenderly, it was over. I groaned loudly and walled my lower body.

Lilly, jerked my cock with a crazy feeling. Sometimes firm, sometimes tender, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Monika stood behind Klaus, massaging his butt and stomach. It was crazy. I had never experienced anything like that. Klaus groaned slightly and pressed his hot, plump cock towards me. I grabbed him, let my fingers slide over his already damp glans and started to jerk off. I saw my wanking hand slide his foreskin over his glans.

I started moaning, it was just indescribably cool. My hand slipped over Klaus Schwanz. I wanted more, wanted this cock. Lilly seemed to have guessed. I heard her whisper in my ear: “Max, it’s nice to jerk off Klaus Schwanz? To feel it?“I groaned and nodded, felt how she always jerked me hornier. “Do you want him entirely?“I heard her questions. Her hand slid tenderly over my eggs, over my cock to my glans.

I was just horny. I couldn’t think anymore. I wanted this cock. Before I opened my mouth, I gasped: “I can’t for long, I have to cum right away”. Then I opened my mouth to Klaus Horny Cock and closed my lips around his glans. It was just cool. This hot glans. I sucked and sucked it, then Klaus pressed his cock deep into my mouth. I let my tongue circle, blew and sucked.

Then I felt Klaus started to fuck in my mouth. I could have screamed loudly with lust if I hadn’t had this horny, called, fucking cock in my mouth. I felt Lilly jerked my cock faster. Demanding. And then it happened. Despite Klaus fucking tail in my mouth, they heard me moaning, almost screaming when I started to cum. Lilly massaged my injecting cock and Klaus fucked my mouth and both together chased me in another dimension.

In a grave that was never previously known. I heard Klaus groaned far away. I felt his cock deep in my mouth again. He twitched and pulsed. Then I felt how it shot hot in my mouth. I wanted to suck out his cock with lust, but he pulled it out. I felt like his hot seed on my bare body. My body twitched with lust. I groaned and screamed. It was unimaginable. I don’t know how long I was breathing hard and fully sprayed in the arms of Lilly.

I felt her tender and stroking hand between my wet legs and slowly I came back to reality. I just hesitantly opened my eyes again. I saw Klaus sitting naked on the lawn with wide -spread legs naked. His cock was wet from his – or was it mine too? – seeds and still hung half -time over his heavy sack. I looked down at myself. My belly, my chest, everything full of seeds. It was impossible to be all of me my cock was not so stiff, but it was still quite upright between my legs that were still wide.

Everything was full of seeds there too. My sack, my glans, everything shone wet in sunlight. Lilly sat next to me and I lay in her arms. She did not make any institutions away her tenderly stroking hand between my legs. Monika also sat on the lawn next to Klaus, looked at me and asked with a smile: n “Hello Max, you are back?”. I nodded. “I think so,” I replied. “Max, my little darling,” I heard Lilly asking, “how do you feel?“I turned my injected upper body and my head lightly and looked her straight into her eyes.

“Lilly, I’ve never felt as good as at the moment”. I pressed my lower body up slightly and pressed my cock and my sack firmer against her stroking hand. She had understood this little horny gesture because her hand now enclosed my cock. “I am particularly happy when you like it so much,” she replied and replied my gaze. And as she looked me in the eye, she started to jerk off my still stiff and totally wet cock with a smiling manner.

“Is it so good? Do you like that?” she asked. “It’s just awesome, insanely horny” I answered moaning. “I’m happy my little darling. Then enjoy it, ”replied Lilly. Yes, I enjoyed it with every fiber of my totally overheating, horny, naked bodies of lilly. I groaned and tried to get my hand between her legs. Monika and Klaus, both of whom were still on the lawn and watched horny as Lilly jerked me, also saw my efforts.

I was just horny. Lilly felt what I wanted. “Max my darling,” she said so loudly that Monika and Klaus could also hear it, although she wanked me tenderly, “You still have enough opportunities today. You will still see me naked. If you want it you can lick my cunt, fuck me, fuck Monika and Klaus will also be fucked in your mouth, where we know that you like his tail so much.

But now we want to spoil you again. “. As if that was a signal, Klaus came up to me and knelt between my still spread legs. Monika also came to us and knelt down to the right of me, her hand stroked my stomach just above my cock. Lilly pulled my foreskin far back. I saw Klaus head to lower, his lips opened. While his hand was playing with my eggs, he slowly sucked my glans into his mouth.

I felt his lips slid over my glans until they tighten my globe wreath firmly. I felt his tongue that started to circle my hot glans in his mouth. I thought I would be crazy now. It was the first time, that my cock was in one mouth and was sucked and licked and then also in the mouth of a man. It was indescribable. Just crazy. I hadn’t been under control anymore.

My body reared up, twitched. I groaned, screamed briefly. The sucking on my cock became more intense, my tail slid deep into Klaus Mund, was blown, licked, sucked. I was no longer master of my body and my senses. Lilly and Monika also stroked me. I felt her kisses on my body and heard her voices as far away. “Yes, oh yes max, let yourself go, yes it is good, let yourself fall, …… I couldn’t say anything, there were only incomprehensible sounds over my lips.

My twitching naked body was spoiled by two women and one man. It didn’t work anymore and I just wanted to cum. I felt the seeds climbing up in my cock, felt this pressure. I was no longer able to warn. I just exploded. I had the feeling that it was tearing my abdomen tearing. I came so huge. Lilly and Monika had to hold my twitching body. I put it out like never before and something in my head realized that my injecting cock was still sucked.

I was about to turn off. Insulared my lower body shot and my cock shot in a splashed deep deep into Klaus mouth. I wish that this sucking between my legs may never end. Only slowly the wave became me in the orgasm wore smaller. She became flatter, lost energy and then I landed gently on the floor again. Still breathing quickly I opened my eyes. Klaus still knelt between my legs.

Monika knelt on the right of mine. Her hand was lying on my lifting and lowering belly and my head lay in the arm of Lilly. <<Hello people – this is a network find and not from me, so no continuation>>.

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