Horny boss | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

When I was ten, we moved from Cologne to Brussels, the capital of Belgium. My Father Had one there Brother, And together with the caught in Grimbergen, a suburb of Brussels, with wholesale in Italian wines and specialties.

So I got all my education in Brussels and after my studies I quickly found a job there. But who would have ever thought that one of my weekly tasks would be to fuck my boss? When I was still in the high school in Molenbeek, I never fucked a girl. I kissed a few, yes, but nothing more.

What interested me first was my studies and then tennis.

At school it quickly turned out that I had a lot of talent for math, but not really for languages. That meant that after my secondary degree in high school at the Vub (Vrije Universityitit Brussel) I was aiming for a master’s degree in insurance mathematics and financial sciences. I don’t want to explain this too much so as not to get bored the reader.

To just say that I have thorough knowledge of quantitative techniques. These serve to analyze current problems in the insurance mathematical and financial world and to propose solutions.

After graduating almost eight years ago, I found a good job pretty. “MLI” was an American company that specializes in life insurance.

They had a Belgian branch in the European quarter of the city of Brussels in Archimedesstraße, not far from the Berlaymont building.

These life insurance were only intended for very wealthy people who could pay an astronomically high premium every year. I mainly had two tasks at MLI. The most important thing was to create risk profiles of potential new customers.

I also had to carefully track the customer data in a basement. I initially found the latter assignment a bit inferior. The lowest MLI employee could just as well have put new documents after day and date in the folders on metal shelves in the basement. Afterwards I reconciled with this part of my job.

There, in this underground area, in the silence and calm of the archive, I felt better and better after a while. At first I was all alone. Nobody bothered me. In my office on the first floor, I didn’t have to take care of assets and liabilities for a while.

Even if I sometimes stayed in this basement for hours, nobody came to point out my insurance mathematical duties. Until…

Until one Monday afternoon my boss suddenly stood in front of me. She was called Georgette de Natprutte, was a real Brussels, born on the Sablon, four -language. Now she no longer lived in Brussels itself, but near the botanical garden in Meise.

Georgette de Natprutte had studied law, but not like me at the Vub, but at the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles), the French -speaking counterpart of the Vub. I don’t know exactly how old was killed when I started working for MLI. She never told me her age. If I had to appreciate, I would say that she was fifty or early sixty when I started working for her and mli.

She never told me whether she was married, single or divorced.

Other MLI employees, especially women, often talked about it. They found it incomprehensible that they did not know the least about our boss as a private person. Some of these women let their imagination run free and gave the most bizarre explanations for discretion that boss de Nateprutte respected at any price.

Most of the time it ran out that our boss certainly had something to hide ..

My week hadn’t started very well this Monday. In the morning I had talked to an Englishman about a very high life insurance for one and a half hours, which he wanted to take out in the name of his wife. I thought it was a little lazy because I wondered why his wife hadn’t come himself or why he at least didn’t bring her with him.

This Brit could not understand that I did not want to present a contract immediately and have it signed. At some point he got up and called me a “damn idiot”. Then he would have gone and would have left me with the bad taste of failure in my mouth. When my boss Georgette was in front of me in the archive cellar, I thought first that she would accuse me of this failed transaction because I had screwed up this insurance contract.

But I was wrong. Very quietly she pulled a 20 and a 5-euro note from the jacket of her suit. She put the money in front of me on the desk I was sitting on without saying anything. I didn’t say anything either.

I immediately understood what her intention was. Only I wondered where she knew how high my installment was in the Vub to think about other students tail to show. It was like reading my thoughts because she said:

“You certainly don’t think, Pico, that we will only hire someone for a responsible position like yours? This does not happen without thoroughly checking this person and examining their background. It is not true that I know everything about you, but still a lot, believe that.

And now is your money here. Now it’s your turn. Show me what you have to offer.””

I was sitting there in this basement in my best suit, one of Giorgio Armani, with a flawless white shirt and an expensive silk tie … I did not intend to take off my pants and underpants. Suddenly someone else who was looking for our boss could appear in my basement ..

So I pulled the zip of my pants down and pulled out my cock along my fly to show him the nateprutte who was killed.

“Good,” she said, “even soft it is impressive. May I point out that I gave you twenty -five euros and not fifteen?””

So she wanted to see my penis upright. I myself did not start damn to my lout jerk off. I pushed out my chair behind the desk, spread my legs and made my boss an inviting gesture.

She came closer, leaned over my cock to take a closer look, and then pulled my foreskin up and down over my glans. It took less than a minute for my dick to be hard and upright.

“Jesus Christ, what kind of organ do you have!”Said Georgette de Nateputte. “I had no idea that something like that really exists!”

What should I say about it? I didn’t have time to think about it.

Before I realized what was going on, my boss pulled her skirt up and sat on my lap. She was not wearing underpants. So she had planned from the start, which would happen in the archive cellar. This certainty grew even greater than she pulled up the front of her dark blouse.

She also had no bra underneath. Their big pale tits appeared in front of my eyes. They weren’t beautiful, I have to say, but very big and thick, with rounds and pale pink nipples, and their tits also ray very well. She had probably rubbed Georgette with an expensive cream to keep the skin on her breasts ..

“Play with it, or?“My boss asked me. “You don’t have to suck or kiss my nipples. Give them a little slap, massage them gently. Because of the guy you have to put in me without hurt me, I have to get wet, you will understand that.””

I started to stroke Georgette’s tits, massaged and kneaded a little.

She didn’t wait until hers pussy So was wet enough. She immediately grabbed my hard cock, spread her legs a little further and tried to push my cock head into her gap. That was impossible. Her mouse was still too dry for that, and de Nateprutte actually hurt me, but I didn’t dare to say something about it.

After all, she was my boss, and I probably didn’t find it very uncomfortable to be busy with her well -filled breasts.

And then I realized that she became wetter and tender between her legs, also hotter. I thought I could dare to push my dick into her pussy. I gave a gentle push with my cock and Georgette worked with.

To slide completely into her wet pussy was not an option, my cock was too long and too thick. But it went, and I could see in the way Georgette’s eyes turned away, that I did it right when she gently moved her ass up and down while my cock was gradually and deeper into her fuck hole. The cautious way she moved to me made sure that I was not hurt and that she didn’t hurt either. Suddenly my boss started to tremble like a escpen leaf in the wind.

She grabbed my shoulders and bent her body to me. I had to leave her tits to their owner because she pressed her flat against my beautiful white shirt, so to speak. She trembled for a moment and then she got ready. I have to say that Georgette de Natepreutte showed a lot of self -control as soon as you orgasm achieved.

She did not scream or screamed and did not splash a pussy juice. I was a little afraid of it. If that had happened, the pants of my beautiful and expensive Armani suit might have been for the loapping basket. Only this tremor and also a kind of sigh that came deep out of her neck indicated that she would come.

She looked me in the eye when it had happened to her.

“You continue now,” she said. “I’ll stay on your lap. Don’t try to put your whole cock into my cunt.

It could hurt me a lot, and that shouldn’t be. My vagina should still be able to work today.””

What Georgette said was true. I fucked her gently while sitting and she went up and down with her buttocks when I pushed into her. A few times she made a face that showed me that I pushed too deep into her fuck hole.

But it didn’t take long to mine sperm pumped into her cunt. When Georgetten realized that I was just injecting, she put her hand on my mouth. She did this to prevent me from hearing my orgasm scream on the hallway. Now I was careful with it too.

When I shot my sperm into my boss’s cunt, I didn’t roar. I grabbed air and sighed. After my orgasm I fell silent. Georgette de Natepreutte got up carefully and kept her legs apart.

I didn’t understand why that was necessary. I could hardly believe it, but she had also brought Kleenex paper handkerchiefs in the jacket of her suit. With her legs spread, she wiped my sperm between her labia. When that was done, she lowered her skirt again, pulled her blouse over her tits and gave me a Kleenex to dry my cock.

From that day on, my boss Georgette de Natepreutte appeared in the archive cellar every Monday afternoon, unless she had her period.

Then she skipped a week. You fuck, that only happened once a week. After a few weeks it had become a real routine. I compared it to filling out a lottery form on a fixed day.

It also turned out that my boss was actually a habit. She never wore underpants or a bra when she visited me in the basement to be fucked. She never wanted to do it differently than the first time. She called our sex position “Stuhli”, and that was the best name you could give this position.

I once wanted to put them on my back in my basement, crawl on them and prepare them in the position that most couples use during sex. I never dared to suggest this to her. After all, Georgette de Natepreutte was my boss and she was not a simple woman. She laughed most of the time unless she insulted you.

I didn’t trust her to smile. My impression was that she carefully hided what she thought and what was going on in her. Not only did I think that. Other employees also thought that the Nateprutte had a wrong smile on his face.

But we had to take it how it came about with her. In our company was your will law and nobody dared to stand in her way.

The fucking of my boss had some consequences for me when I worked for MLI. Most of them were positive, but some were not at all ..

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