Anke or: a full | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It is the story of my friend Waldemar. So he and Anke told me at least. However, I changed the names without changing the story. (And I couldn’t contain some comments.) Last year I was with my brother and his wife Sandra on the way.

We had agreed to a nice bar of pubs. Meanwhile, a babysitter took care of my little nephew.

It was a really nice evening until we noticed that it was already around 01:00 a.m. Anke, The babysitter, I asked my brother to be there at 11:30 p.m. at the latest, otherwise she would miss her bus.

We called her on her cell phone, apologized and promised her that I would go home. (His brother’s heart was probably no longer able to drive.) When I got to know, I didn’t regret my offer. She was about 20 years, approx. 1.65m, slim, well -proportioned, with long red hair.

So exactly the type of woman I like … We entertained us while driving and I liked the girl better and better. I just had to see her again! After all, I came to a decision.
“Listen, I would like to apologize that we have moved you. May I invite you to a meal? That would be the least I could do.“Anke looked at me and smiled.

“I’m sure of you at all? Sandra told me a lot about you.” “What?“My courage sank.
If Sandra had chattered the really hard stories, the matter had already gone practically. (Once he had two friends at the same time. At least until the time when the two at the disco met and one said: “My friend comes there …” Understood?) “That you can be a very nice charmer to get a girl you like.““ Any ASI can return to the proletess.” “True. And to answer your question, yes, you can invite me to eat.

And at Miguel … “Oops, that would be expensive. But I didn’t care now. She had promised! (Miguel is the father of an old school friend of us and has the best Spanish restaurant in the city. Jum pre -order is requested!^) “O.K.

Next Friday? If your friend has nothing against it.““ He doesn’t mind, because I am solo. I agree with next Friday.“Good news that!!!, I thought to myself. “Well, then I’ll tell Miguel tomorrow.“The following week was a real Robinson week. Waiting for Friday ..

But then it was time. Anke called to tell me that I should pick you up at the main train station around 7:00 p.m. No sooner said than done, at 7:30 p.m. we sat at Miguel. It had placed us at a two -table, in the corner next to a pillar.

We could see the room, but we could hardly be seen ourselves. There was a candle on the table. Anke smiled me mischievously. “Was that your idea? A romantic dinner for two?““ I am innocent, Miguel is responsible for this.

But I’m not angry with him.” “Me neither. Definitely not.“This answer gave me hope. Maybe I could really land with her.

We sit down and first load the menu. The writing errors in it challenged me to some jokes.

(Miguel is, as I said, Spaniard and his wife comes from Poland. At the menu, every Deusch teacher is insane.) Anke’s sense of humor was very similar and so we were quickly caught up in a more or less sharp -tongued word plane. I was able to take a closer look at her during the meal. She was wearing a black mini dress, which was high in front.

When I took the jacket from her, however, a fairly daring back neckline came to light. Her legs stuck in black tights and high -heeled pumps in the same color. The emerald green eyes were the most striking on ankes finely chopped face, the nose was decorated by a small plug with green stone. She wore her hair open, large silver earrings and was discreetly made up.

Shortly, her appearance was breathtaking. My little friend immediately woke up at this sight. (Not just his. I saw Anke in the presentation.

Hechel …….) We talked for a while, with it turned out that Anke had no good experiences with men. This seemed to have to do with her name. So I asked. “What is so bad about the first name Anke?““ With the name Anke it has nothing to do.

But rather with my second first name. My name is Anke Wilma. You can imagine how some people react to it.“I looked at her without understanding. “Wicking is written with a Vau …” “The eating for pubescent boys.” “Exactly.

And for late puberty too. At school a few boys and some girls only called me Anke Wilma Ficken. For my first friend Jörg I was only a trophy. At that moment I separated from him where we left a party and he said goodbye with the words: ^“We are going now.

Anke wants to fuck.”;;From the others he harvested loud laughter and a slap in the face of me. After that I mostly kept away from people.“(I was at the party too. First, it was not a slap in the face, but a kick. Second: How long have boys have their ears between their legs? Well, it was definitely painful for the good Jörg.) “What do you think, the boys made from my first name Waldemar at school? ^“His name is Waldemar because it happened in the forest.”;;I could get used to Waldi, but then someone came up with the idea that Waldi was a dog name.

So afterwards I was only called Waldi Wuff. Or just wuff … ”(true! Was my idea. Grins …) She laughed involuntarily and then paused frightened. “Sorry, I’ve angry you now?”” Wuff, “I made and grinned at her,” not at that time, now I can laugh at it.“Now we both laughed and the mood was even more loose than before.

We had a lot of fun and made a stroll through the city after eating. When I hugged her at some point, she had nothing against it.

At 00:30 I brought her home. Once there, I asked her if I could see her .In response, she nodded, breathed a kiss on my cheek and disappeared towards the front door. I was satisfied because I decided to slowly take it easy with Anke.

There was something about the girl and after her experience I didn’t want to fall into the house with the door. (I had already wondered. Otherwise he gets down faster.) So I made my way home. After approx.

I noticed twenty minutes that Anke had forgotten her handbag. (Pink glasses, or what?) What to do?, spoke zeus. She was probably already in bed, so it is best to send a text message. At that moment my cell phone rang.

“You, I have my bag with you in the car calmly. Do you bring them over to me? But only if you don’t mind. Otherwise you can bring it to me tomorrow.”” I’m already on the way.“Anke opened the door with a smile. The mini dress had moved out.

Instead, she now wore a short nightgown that showed me her outlines in the back light. And they were so worth seeing that the pants were too tight for me again. (At Ankes Figure? Very understandable. She has almost 90-60-90 …) “Why don’t you come in? I picked out a video film because I can’t sleep.

My parents are traveling for three weeks and I feel pretty alone.” “Why not. It doesn’t matter whether I will get home at 02:00 or at 04:00.“We sat down in the living room and watched the film. I put my arm around her and cuddled with me. Even without words it was clear that we were now together.

Every now and then we kissed, but I didn’t want to go any further. At least not that evening. What would be on later evenings? Let’s see…. (As I know it, the next day it would have been time.) Anke got up around the middle of the film.

“I get something to drink and nibble.“She closed the door behind her and left me alone. I stopped the film and waited. After a few minutes, I was already wondering where she stayed, the SMS tone of my cell phone grilled. I looked and read the following message: ^ The film Is boring.

I’m in my room. Do you come after? Anke Wilma fuck …; the path to her room was characterized by her placed clothes.

On the third stage of the stairs upwards I found the nightgown, in the hallway the bra and on the handle of a door ankes slip. I liked this kind of schnitzel hunt. (Me too!!!) But it was serious to her too? I knocked first.

“Anke? If that’s a joke with the SMS, I can just as well drive home.“It was quiet for a moment, but then I heard her voice quietly. “Come in … please …” I entered the room. Only a small, low lamp lamp on her bedside table donated a little light.

Anke lay naked on the bed, her body was covered with chips, peanut curls, salt bars and the like. There was a glass of red wine between her legs. I had an absolutely exciting sight. Anke’s green eyes sparkled like that of a cat.

My little friend reported for the third time that evening. (Already see the idea of Anke … drooling) “As you can see, the SMS was not a joke, but my seriously serious. But before that happens, you still have to remove the nibbles. I hope you brought an appetite … “” When you said you would get something to get something, I rather thought of a slightly different kind of tablet.

As for the appetite, it always comes while eating. If you are stuck, I lift the glass of wine for the end.““ As you want, my dear. But please take your time … I want to measure it.

And take off your way too. At the moment you have an advantage towards me and your pants burst as I suspect.“Correctly suspected! After I had put my clothes, I approached her and let me down next to her on the bed. Starting on her neck, I slowly nibbled down to her breasts. I gently pulled off the peanut curls with my teeth laid around her seized nipples and then let my tongue circle about it.

Ankes firm, well -shaped tits had done it to me, so I was still a little concerned with them. I knead her tenderly, then it went down her flat stomach. Anke had to have a good self -control, as she did not suggest a muscle all the time. Even though she had goose bumps and breathed a little faster.

No particle fell down from her. Even when I was concerned below her navel, she didn’t move. (Anyone who has already played the game itself knows how difficult it is to stay calm. Everyone else is recommended for imitation.) Siefer only added something to me.

“It’s really nice … I once read about it and I really wanted to try it out.“Anke could no longer hold himself and reached for my tall -up pint. However, she only gently kept him in her fingers without further stimulating him. The trace of the nibbleer was now running down on her left thigh and back up to the right to the location of the wine glass.

The last piece was just above the column on her, except for a circular spot, shaved Vötzchen. The labia was already shining moist. I lifted the glass, and I slightly grazed her plum. Anke winced a little.

Then I handed her the wine.

“You first, you deserve it.“Anke accepted the wine thankfully, emptied it up to half and handed it back to me. I drank it except for a few drops. Then I smiled at her. “I sip the rest from a special vessel …” I poured the remaining drops on Ankes column and started licking the wine with relish.

(Yes, he’s already a treat.) She groaned and pressed my head faster against her abdomen. With my tongue I divided the labia, circled the clit, then to go a little deeper and the tongue deep in her already dripping wet hole to stose. Anke rummaged with his fingers one hand in my hair, the other clutched, now no longer, little friend and began to rub him. That and her quiet groaning excited me more and more.

“Yes … Lick my plum … Oooooh … Yeah ..

Don’t stop with it …“I noticed that she was approaching her climax and also stuck a finger in the pussy while sucking on the clit. As soon as I had three or four times in and moved, Anke came out. And very loudly… “Yeah-yesjajajajaja..Uuuuh …

Yes!…Yes!… yes!!!Ü!“I pulled back a little and wanted to stroke her while her orgasm.

But I didn’t come to that, because Anke really hit my cock, put her lips over it and began to suck and lick it stormily. He disappeared into her mouth to my eggs. “Don’t tear him off, I still need it.”I joked. “Don’t worry, because I still need it.“, Came your answer.

(Why is it????) Shortly before I sprayed, I lifted ankes head from my Schwengel to kiss her. Her hand, which immediately reached again, I fended off. In the meantime I was pointed like a needle and finally wanted to get with her. “Always slowly with the young horses.

Otherwise we will only come to the best part in the second round. And we don’t want that, or?“Anke understood the allusion and lay on his back. Slowly and with relish she spread her legs, drove over the pussy with one hand and pulled me up. “Come….“I put my cock tip on her pussy and penetrated her very carefully into her.

I wanted this feeling, the first time to push my cock into her cunt, correctly measured. When I put it in all of her, she clutched me and we kissed wildly. Her legs crossed behind my back and her pelvis started rolling. With careful strokes I drove to a common climax.

Anke gasped quietly and excited in Meinohr. “Oh yeah., This is nice … to feel your cock in me … yesaaa …“Slowly I increased my rhythm and with every sinking into ankes pussy our lust also increased.

With every movement on my part, Anke urged me to show me that she was as sharp as me. She pulled my head down and raised her tits to my lips to let me suck on her nipples.

I bite into it, which caused her to move even more wildly under me. Her pussy was rolling rolling against my hard cock and her cunt muscles, which she apparently could deliberately control, dairy dies. Which of course made me even hornier when I was already.

If a bomb had been hit now, we would not have noticed it, so we were deepened into our horny. We just wanted to fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.. When I finally rammed my pint and deep into her cunt that the bed almost collapsed, she no longer gasped, she didn’t groan loudly either, she screamed! “YES!… that’s so cool …

Fuck Mick … Fuck me how I was still fucked … Fuck me ……… jaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!“The moment she came, I also injected deep into her. I had the feeling that I would all Angel listen to.

(And I have the feeling what they sang was not a hymn.) I sank over Anke as if I had shot me. We were definitely there for five minutes and did not move and did not move. Then I rolled down from her. A questionnaired me: “Why? I mean, yes, I wanted to go to bed with you.

But I also wanted to wait because … because I fell in love with you. And with your bad experiences …“Anke looked me deep in the eyes, then she stroked my face and kissed me. “First: I also fell in love with you.

Second: you passed my little test. Third: my cousin Yvonne told me that you are not that bad in bed. And fourth: Even though I had bad experiences with men, it does not mean that I am supposed to suppress my sexual needs. That means I really like birds.“(If I only knew this fact earlier!!!) “Your cousin Yvonne, it may be that she has the nickname ‘the bliss*? And what test did I pass?“” Yes, Yffi also got the name Wonne.

I do not know why.“(Because you have to say hello to you to get bliss and you have to order three to five Barcadi-Cola. Then she is ready for every mess. And with a bliss! And no, she’s not blonde.) “And as for the test, the whole evening was a test. You have taken note of my mini dress, but not a single remark, remotely, or tried to take a look underneath during the meal.

When I complained to you my suffering at school, you didn’t make fun of it.

When strolling in the city you only put your arm around me, nothing more. And earlier you kissed me in the living room, although you could have tried to go on. And then in the end you also knocked on whether the SMS would be a joke. That was actually the most important part of the test.

If you had just come in, I would have slept with you too, but I would have thrown you out at the latest now and didn’t ask if you would stay for breakfast. Do you stay?“To remain decent, even if I also had trouble, how I open it openly, had given me one of the hottest evenings in a long time. And apparently Anke was as in love with me as I was in her. That she liked to have sex also spoke in her favor.

My decision was clear. (Sometimes he really only thinks with his cock.) “Of course I stay. I want to know whether your talents also include culinary art. After that you can still throw me out.” “I will think about it.

But you have to work out the breakfast, that’s clear to you, or?“With these words she moved closer to me. We stroked and kissed, rubbed each other, tenderly explored the body of the other. I sucked on ankes nipples as she nibbled on my earlobes. But I did not take her all the time between her legs and she also left my best piece alone.

We both knew what this game would run out, but we also wanted to delay it as long as possible. In the end I couldn’t stand it anymore, I touched Ankes Pussy with my fingertips. At the same moment, her fingers closed around my cock. That was the starting shot, wild and horny we jerked each other, let our fingers play.

Anke was so wet in between that the pussy juice from the cunt from the cunt, but the first drops. I turned and put my head between her legs again to lick her. As before the wine, I now sipped ankes juices. I kneaded her clit with my lips, then I handled her mouth with my mouth or put my tongue deep into the horny hole.

But she also didn’t remain idle.

Her mouth grabbed after my pint. Sometimes her tongue circled my glans, then sucked it again or put my eggs in her mouth. The room was filled with the smell of sex, excited moaning and quietly whispered cosquitory words. Then, from one second to others we stopped suddenly and said like out of one mouth: “Let’s fuck!“Anke was a little faster than me, so I came to lie on my back.

She swung over me and made my stiff disappear in her cunt. Her fucking movements were so wild that my Schwengel slipped out of her again and again. I pulled her head down to me and kissed her to keep her a little back. In fact, she got a little calmer, her tits roared on my chest.

I reached for it and massaged them. “Yes, take my tits … You have to knead them properly.And Zwirbel Meinippel … a little firmer ..

Yes, exactly like that … or suck on it … Oh yes … that’s even better …“Anke now hopped around me so wildly that I now rolled her on my back.

Otherwise she was unable to control. She put her legs on my shoulders and raised her pelvis.
“So it’s good, now you can get deeper into me. Even deeper … very deep ..

Oooohh … Jaaa!“Ankes comprehensively bustling tits and her nipples twirled with every bumping tits, I fucked faster and faster. Her cunt muscles surround my cock, like a solid hand in a wet, slippery glove. At her loud groan I noticed Anke that she was again shortly before the orgasm.

Even in my eggs, a certain, oh so well -confidantian, pressure. After all, I couldn’t stand it anymore, with a panted scream I distributed my fuck sauce in ankes narrow pussy. As soon as she noticed that, she was also shaken by her finish.

“Yeah … spray me fully ….GIVE ME EVERYTHING…. I’M COMING…

I kooommeeee!!!… Yeah!!“We were cuddled closely to each other and stroked ourselves. We no longer came to a third round, since Anke finally fell asleep. Holding her in my arm, I also made a trip to the realm of dreams soon after. (He deserved that too, or?) The next morning I was awakened by the smell of coffee, fried bacon, eggs and fresh rolls.I followed the fragrance into the kitchen and grows with a kiss on her neck with a kiss.

Then we had breakfast together. “Breakfast is top -class.“” Thank you, I baked the rolls yesterday. I only needed her to push her into the oven this morning. The jam is also homemade by me.“(Only it seems to me that someone had planned the whole thing in advance?) “I don’t know where you are better, cooking or birding.

Now you throw me out?” “No, I do not.“Her smile was more beautiful for me, as others in the world. (Yes, yes, dear, love …) I only drove home briefly that day to get things to change and wash. We spent the rest of the weekend together. (I can imagine what.

You too?) On Mondays I drove from Anke’s apartment directly to work, where a nasty surprise awaited me. I had to go on a two -week business trip at noon. Of course, Anke was sad that they had to miss me now where we had found each other for so long. I didn’t feel better.

But this time also passed. Anke picked me up from the train station and we drove to her into the apartment. The whole trip over she looked at me half joyfully, half anxious. So I asked her what was going on.

But only in her apartment did she want to answer me. “Sit down first.“I did like me. Then came the message that I somehow feared, but sometimes also hoped for: “Congratulations, you will be a father. And I think you killed me with the first shot.

A direct hit, as the one says so nicely … ”(The two are now married. Wonne was also present at the hen evening. What some of the guests did to her there is a different story …)

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