Andrea: caught, blackmailed, fucked [4] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“So now you know Hans. Yes, I invented the story because my little one likes punishments.!”There was only one” hmmm “from me. Andrea has just woke up again and looked into the group questioningly. Michael replied first “did not miss a lot, little sow.

But now go into the bathroom and clean yourself. Then you get dressed and go home with Hans.“Gabi took Andrea to the bathroom and after a short time we heard the shower.
“Uh, Hans, I have to leave you alone for a few minutes,” said Michael and disappeared into an adjacent room.

Well, I thought, and also got dressed. Which was actually not that easy, because my cock in the tight jeans did not succeed in the first time. I was horny again, with the thought of the previous fuckerine.

After approx. Michael came back for 15 minutes with a VHS band.
“Here Hans, for you. I have the story with the little sow from earlier on tape. But be careful, that’s the original and there is none.“Now I was flabbergasted, well maybe you could use it.

Who knows that. The two girls from the bathroom also looked out of the bathroom and looked quite useful again.
“So Hans take the bitch and drive them home. She came with a taxi “whistled me Michael.

“And you Gabi Think of the preparations for tomorrow. We’ll meet all around LL tomorrow.Oouhr in the morning here! I hope you understood that??!”Andrea just wanted to say” but I can …“Michael immediately banged one.
“I didn’t say that I want to hear a comment from you.

Besides, you are not expressed in the situation here your opinion. So march until tomorrow.!!!“I took Andrea on my arm and pulled her to my Daimler. When you get in, she slipped the and short skirt at the top. Boy like my cock reacted to it.

After closing the door she wanted to pull the skirt back down. But then I had something against it.
“Leave the skirt above, hooker!! And also take off your panties right away!”” Hans now listen to “she started crying,” I don’t want that anymore. And you can show the photos to my husband. His reaction cannot be worse than your treatment either!““ Schnauze bitch, I want to show you something with me.

And now the slip, believe me it is better for you!“She did as she was ordered. But looked at me a bit noticeable due to the last remark.

“Put a finger in your fuck hole while driving, go!“Aha she did it. After approx. We arrived with us for 10 minutes.
“Finger out and show here! I don’t think so, as if it had been under the water pipe.

well then.“We went to my apartment and I conducted them into mine Living room.
“Take off completely and sit on the floor in front of the sofa, with your face to the television. We’ll be a private porn view. And then I want to know how it goes on!“I put on Michael’s film and started the device. I immediately heard the Wimmer of Andrea and Michael’s voice.

I looked Andrea fully in the face. She changed the colors.

“Stop and switch off” she shouted “her pigs, you can’t do that. The photos are not enough yet?!““ No little sow, and now I want to know if I should give your husband’s photos with the film?!“Andrea was calm and stunned.
“Well what is still a big flap?“She caught herself and said“ No, please don’t, I do what you want.”” Well “” So and now turn your face to me and come over to me on all fours. Good.

Pull my pants off. But carefully!“She took off me and my cock stood like a one. I turned around and switched off the video device.

“We no longer need that. So at the end of the day it is blown again.

Make up and make you try.“She licked her tongue over my glans and took my good piece to the mouth of my mouth. Now I really wanted to fuck her in my mouth. I took her head with both hands and pulled it back and forth. She looked at me fearfully.
“Hooker, you already know that.

Now it is fucked until I inject everything in your mouth. And now go, I’m still horny from the fucking from before.“I rammed her tail in really firmly and moved her head back and forth faster and back. After a short time I was ready.

“So, now swallow the cum nicely. I don’t want to see anything on my carpet.

Understood!?“She nodded because she couldn’t say anything with her cock in her mouth.
“Ahhhhh” I exploded with two or three giant sprayers in her mouth. She swallowed what the stuff was. After taking my cock out and cleaning on her face, she started coughing.
“Just leave the juice in it, otherwise you will get a belt to feel”. But she kept everything with herself.
“Now dress and disappear, bitch!“It was dressed and disappeared in no time.

What do I do with the evening that started? I turned the TV on and hugged myself. At some point I fell asleep.

The next morning after extensive breakfast and shower I called around 9.00 with Andrea.
“Yes, please,” she reported.
“Come over” I drove them on “but quickly!!“She put on the listener without comment. 5 minutes later she was already with me.
“Go to the living room!“I went after her. The sight from behind, and the thoughts of the previous day, left me that Egg cook.

“So Andrea, now we want to watch the video from yesterday” “” It has to be, please not Hans “” Keep your mouth, you cunt, if I say we’ll see it together then we make it too.

But you will move out for that.“She looked at me again.
“Come on do it!“She took off. I set the recorder and the television and immediately caught the film at.
“Sit down with me, little hooker“ Now came the place where she screamed for her ass. I looked Andrea in the eye. Should the film horny you? Yes, she became restless.

I stood in front of her and played on her nipples. A quiet moan showed me that she liked it. I pulled more firmly on the things. Now the moan also got louder and she took her cunt with one hand.

I was now able to park the television.
“I allowed you to jerk off?”” No Hans “she groaned” but I couldn’t take it anymore “I took off and kept my cock in front of her face.

“Blow!!“She immediately followed the request.
“Yeah, blas him so stiff so that he can fuck you into all the holes.“However, it didn’t take much to do that, because my best piece was ready to fight after a short time.
“Turn around and go to all four. I’ll edit your cunt from behind.“She turned around and my cock immediately disappeared into her wonderfully wet cunt. First I fucked her with slow bumps. Always KPL.

Pure with the good piece and slowly to the Eichelspitze.
“Fuck me faster, come to me, please, please!!!“To the answer I first hit her with the flat hand on her ass.

“You want to be fucked so faster” and another blow, “I don’t think you can tell me what you want,” I gave her a blow that she acknowledged with loud groans.
“You still like that too. just wait!“I pulled my cock out of her cunt and put it in her ass without warning.
“Auuuuuu, no please don’t!“You could hear them now. And again it put some blows on her ass with the flat hand. Now I wanted to have my staff really felt to her.

I took her pelvis with both hands and started.

“Yeah, now it’s right now. fuck me. Do what you want with me. Let’s go faster, Yeah gets me!“Due to these ongoing cheering, I was ready.
“Spray everything into my ass.

Please.!“That should have the little sow. I exploded in her. But she also came. And that is huge.

With three four bumps I shot my fuck mucus into the ass.
“Yeah I come, Hans, please continue. Yahhhhhhh, ohhhhhh again faster again. Yes now “I noticed how the waves of the orgasm They shook. I pulled my still half -tire cock out of her ass.

She couldn’t hold herself anymore, and in many ways on the carpet. Since my cock was still half -time, I pulled her Legs apart and put him in her cunt again.

“Wow, Hans don’t stop, I think it comes again. Yeah, please continue!“You could have that. Now I fucked what the stuff was doing.

Her head a lot back and forth and she screamed confusing, horny stuff. Now her whole body reared up and she came again with a huge scream. My cock was still stiff but I couldn’t. I pulled out of her cunt and went to the bathroom.

When I came back after a good quarter of an hour, she was still on the floor and had closed my eyes.
“What is, you don’t want to go to the bathroom?““ Yes, Hans, I need something else. Get me five minutes.””O.K. But think about our appointment with Michael. We don’t want to disappoint him, or?”I asked smugly.
She looked at me frightened: “We really have to go to the two terrible people?““ Yes, we have to.

And I think there is a lot to come to you. So get ready “

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