A kinky garden party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am a notorious exhibitionist! I have to admit that. And so it was only a matter of time to admit this openly, … and then to live openly. My previous actions mostly began to be caught in such a way that nobody was there at first, but the tickle was tall, which was often done. Or when I exposed, I pretended that it was completely accidental, and of course that was infinitely embarrassing to me. Secretly, however, I had wished to say openly for a long time: “I think it’s horny naked to be naked” … and then do it too.

So far, unfortunately, there has never been the opportunity, or (yes, I admit it!): At the time I didn’t have the mummy. Until I this Summer An old school friend visited in Nuremberg, Kathrin. We two were never particularly fat friends in school. The usual rump and snack stop in the schoolyard. After the middle ripe, Kathrin moved to Franconia with her parents and our paths separated. Last autumn we had a class reunion for the first time after schooling.

When we go for a walk, we both got into conversation, and apart from the usual “What are you doing soooooo now?”And” Oh! That is very interesting!“We understood ourselves surprisingly well. We quickly found a confidential basis and also told ourselves things that did not matter the others. Afterwards we made lots of loosely to meet under four eyes. And so it happened that I visited Kathrin for a weekend in her apartment in Nuremberg.

Kathrin, as she always says herself, is a bit too short and smaller than me. But I think she has a sweet figure, because the proportions are just right. Your black hair is very short to say not exactly Burschikos, cut. In my opinion a little too short. Somehow that has something of eco -man (I as a woman can write that), which she is not at all! Kathrin also has beautiful, big black -brown eyes. I arrived on Friday evening.

We strolled through the really very beautiful old town of Nuremberg, and also drank some wheat beer. We got in talking well, lost the distance of several years very quickly and told us many, even intimate things from our lives. I also told her about my exhibitionist side. Kathrin almost flew her eyes out of her head when I told her about my previous flashings. Incorrectness and astonishment about what I dared to do, kept the scale with her.

The atmosphere that evening was not to prove it immediately. Even if a slight tingling of my guy was not denied at this thought … Kathrin was invited to a garden party for the next evening and said that was not a problem when I come there. She was even happy if I was there because she probably didn’t know a pig there apart from the host. Saturday evaporated in no time (sleeping down to the dolls, brunches to burst, strolling).

Although we didn’t talk about the flash all day, I dragged myself down my wet razor when I showered, and only when I shave mine pussy Realizes what I was doing here. I had to laugh out loud!”Nici, Nici!”I said to myself. I stroked my clit and felt how I was wet in my pet. I briefly dived with my middle finger and got enough moisture to stroke my clit a little further.

Hmmm, yes, maybe it is so far tonight … I continued to stroke my clit, felt how it was getting more and more intense. Not wild, only more intense. And then he came too. Such a nice, smaller orgasm. My abdomen trembled very easily. That has something of secret enjoyment! And I enjoyed it!In the evening when you choose your clothes, I also thought practical: it was a very warm summer day and so enough sandals, mini socks (with mandatory string) and a tight, short top.

My stomach was free, nobody anyway. Kathrin looked at me with a grin, but she too was not exactly unsexy: sandals, hot pants (maybe not absolutely in at the moment, but cute!) and a carrier shirt, but with bra underneath. We went there at eight o’clock. The party took place in a suburb, really single -family houses, garden fences and such. The host, Dirk, was a good friend of Kathrin. His parents were in Vacation, And he used this out.

Maybe 20… 25 guests were present, all at the beginning/mid 20. Beer tables and benches were set up in the garden, the coals glowed on the grill, the grill meat smelled delicious. There were lots of salads, cakes and other things. We got something to munch and a bottle of beer and sat down at the table somewhere. Kathrin looked around and said that besides the host, she really only knew two or three other types from vision, the rest of the guests was also unknown to her.

I also teased her: “Kathrin, that’s the possibility for your first flash!”” Ha, ha, then start first. “” Well, you know, … “and then I told her what I said in the opening credits here. Actually, I would like to just stand to be stupid (“Uhps, what’s just slipped out of it?“) And simply to spend an evening naked naked under dressed. Kathrin was amazed, but remained quite cool and asked: “And? Where is the problem? Nobody knows you here anyway nobody.

“That was right, but still … I looked around. The guests looked ok, were solved, stupid around. But what I also saw: the sky had totally contracted at dusk. Heavy, black clouds covered him. And, Rumms, we also heard the first thunder. The first raindrops fell at the same moment. And what kind of! All guests got up, grabbed their plates and drinks and fled into the house. And now it was already poured out of buckets!Dirk called: “The salads and cakes quickly help me to save me!“But how was that again with your own shirt ..? Nobody noticed him!All tried to stay dry only as dry as possible.

With me, of course, my helper syndrome came through again, and when I felt how wet I got, I thought that was the possibility … I ran to Dirk and we carried the table with the food under the balcony that was over the front door. He looked at me thankfully and looked down at me. He smiled: “Thank you! But now you are snappy wet. “I grazed my wet hair from my face and now looked down at me too.

As expected, my clothes dripped with moisture. And above all: my shirt stuck to my upper body and, even worse (rather: absolutely great!), it was completely transparent! My breasts were to be seen as if I had nothing about it at all. “I’ll give you something fresh to put on,” said Dirk. “Mine Sister Has your figure so, we would have to find something. “So, I thought, now or never. Of course the whole story excited me. And not too little.

Already running around in the rain gymnastics, because it was still not cold. I rather had the feeling of the mulch, the temperature rose even more. But maybe I was just hot ..?But it was clear to me that I wanted to pack the chance of packing. Behind the open glass door I saw the other guests standing and looking out to us. They gaffed me, grinned and whispered, that was clear, about my tits.

Kathrin also looked out and probably waited what was going on now, she had no idea. I winked too. “Uh what? Fresh clothes? Nope, that is not necessary, it’s so warm tonight. I’m not freezing. I just have to take off the wet things. That’s ok then. I don’t need any other clothes then. “I looked into the group: loud amusement to unbelieving looks. “Or bother you when I pull out the wet parts?”Stupid question.

The answers were then between: “Nope, uh, why too?”, And Obercoolem:” Already clear “, and a lot: silence!At that moment I realized that I was playing the stupid and naive again. But I didn’t want that just! I wanted to stand by my tendency!”Ok, uh …,” I stuttered. Kathrin looked at me and seemed to want to encourage me to really say it now. I got courage: “I like to be naked in public anyway. I just feel like it here, in front of you, which, except for Kathrin, are all unknown to me, and to stay naked for the rest of the evening …

Uh, … I don’t just feel like it, … the thought of it gymnastics when you know what I mean. And then actually doing it is the absolute feeling!… I’m an exhibitionist!“Now it was out! Silence affected around me. You have definitely not yet experienced anything like that. However, some women looked at me very dismantled, probably thought I am only on men’s catch and want to poppen. I looked directly into my eyes and added: “I’m not concerned with popping or being tied! I don’t allow that.

I think it’s excitingly naked. “Now almost everyone looked at me in a very nice way, and I thought:“ What to wait for?“I reached for my top and pulled it over my head. It was really gossip! My breast was just laid. And I enjoyed the looks that rested on me. The men now smiled more and more and bluntly start on the titties. With many a woman I wasn’t quite so sure what she thought.

But whatever…. I pulled my skirt down and got out. That too was totally wet. I put both pieces of clothing on a garden chair, which was also under the balcony. I stretched my buttocks to society. I really enjoyed this now! When I turned around, Dirk and a few others were still in the door and looked at me. However, some had already crumbled back into the living room, thought that was it.

Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!I still took my panties, which was only slightly from the rain, but was more moistened by my sweet Möschen, and pulled it out and put it on my chair to my other clothes. Now the amazement seemed great. “Come on,” I said, “let’s go in. “So that I could really enjoy completely nudity, I pulled out my sandals, left it outside and went, noticeable the bare floor, very closely past Dirk into the room.

It was only when I stood inside all of the people who were very incredulous, since they had no longer had the whole strip, a shudder went through my body. And also a hesitation. It was a bit strange. To be naked at a party. But one back would have been more than stupid now, and the incentive to pull it very big. Kathrin came to me with a red cheek and smiled a little unsafe.

“Wow, I haven’t believed that now. “She looked at me from top to bottom. Her eyes stayed on my bare pussy: “Aha, so it took so long in the bathroom. “” Mh, “I nodded. Almost the whole society was still looking at me, the party seemed to be stalling. “Come on, let’s keep eating. Where did you put our plates?” I asked. “Over there in the dining room. “We went over. I tried to stay as natural as possible and sat down at the others with the others.

The situation in the living area now seemed to normalize: music ran, some louts lout on the sofa and armchair. Smalltalk was the order of the day and the dissolved mood from the beginning seemed to come back. “Give me the mustard?“I asked the girl next to me. I noticed it earlier because she seemed to be one of the few singles at this party. She grinned: “Sure but!“Although I was still looked at in disbelief, and I also felt that some women didn’t like the bright eyes of their partner here, I found a certain normality.

As far as it was possible to hold as a naked and louder dressed. I just have a certain level of experience. I was used to being blown together shamelessly. I continued to eat and talked to Kathrin. Kathrin became more and more relaxed. Maybe it was on alcohol. She gave me compliments about my breast (not exactly big, but nicely shaped). She also envied me for my courage. “Man, Kathrin,” I said. “Try it a bit.

“” No, Nici. I don’t dare to do that. “” You don’t have to move out completely right away. For example, just let the bra away. That is crazy about! The breasts rock while walking. And everyone sees that you have nothing to do underneath. “” Mhh, I don’t know … “Our two bottles of beer were now empty. I took the empty pistons and got up. I went through the living room towards the balcony. Of course there were still a look at me, but somehow even an exhibitionist seemed to be normal at a party at a party.

Maybe it was only because of my self -confidence. I moved completely naturally, smiled at people and went to the terrace where the beverage crates were. The rain had been easy and the whole smoking faction frolicked outside. “May I go through?“I asked, and squeezed through the group. “It’s clear. “They all looked at me friendly and now no longer at all incredulously, more interested in me. I also received open compliments.

“You look great. “Nice that you dare to do it and admit it too. “I bent down to the beverage crates and stretched my bottom up. Now she could see my butt well. Probably not only my sweet rosa anus, but also my Möschen. At that moment I also noticed: Of course I was excited! But not as usual. When you flash the secret, you never know how long it will go until you caught or it is only for a short moment.

That heats me up incredibly, and my pussy is getting chatter. It is not uncommon for me to run down the juice even my thighs down. I then want to masturbate at any moment, and then do that too. Here is a clear thing. Not as heated, more like this afternoon in the bathroom: a quiet enjoyment. But much longer tonight!I took two bottles of beer and pushed myself back into the living room. I went over the dining table, but Kathrin wasn’t there.

She was in the living room and I overlooked her?So back again. But I found her anywhere. Well, it will probably be on the toilet. “Hey, Nici, come to us. “I heard someone calling. It was Dirk. He was sitting with several others at the living room table of his parents on rather bourgeois black leather armchairs and a sofa. I went over, and since all the seats were occupied, I sat down on the leaning, as I would have done otherwise, right next to Dirk.

Of course I quickly spread my legs. The boys, probably already worn alcohol, grinned, and looked bluntly at my now open pussy. Although there were also girls in the round, they also grinned and had no thoughts of jealousy. The alcohol makes it possible. I liked that and I opened my thighs a little more. My labia could be seen so completely, and you could also see that this was not very cold here.

My Vötzchen shone with moisture. And this step sitting on the backrest strengthened the feeling even more. “How do you know Kathrin from?”Asked Dirk. “We went to school together. A propos Kathrin: Where is it?”” Then she comes!”Said Dirk and pointed to the door to the hallway. “It was probably pee. “” Kathrin!“I called and waved her too. She saw me, but came across a little hesitantly. It noticed it immediately, because her white carrier shirt was not too opaque: she had undressed the bra! And what I only noticed now: their nipples were very dark and therefore stamped strongly through the thin fabric.

Her nipples were so stiff that they were totally standing. “Come on sweetness!” I said. I turned slightly so that she could sit on my lap (the boys acknowledged this with disappointment. Now my Möschen was hidden again. ) I whispered Kathrin in the ear: “Look great! You can afford that!“And then a little louder:“ Come on, here is a fresh beer. “She smiled a little unsafe and drank a huge sip from the bottle.

And so the evening continued. We talked to all kinds of people, danced and drank beer. Kathrin became more and more confident and tried to expose her titties rather than covered up. “You will also be a real exhibitionist,” I told her. She grinned: “This cannot be ruled out …” We had a lot of fun, talking to many party guests. I felt at home!It was so natural to be naked. And sometimes I had the feeling when I didn’t stretch my bottom up when bending down, or I didn’t sit down exceptionally strikingly wide -legged: nobody looks at my beautifully shaved?!This was a bit of a shame, on the other hand, this normality encouraged me to expand the open exhibitionist existence even more in the future.

But where should that lead???At some point after three, society dissolved and we asked Dirk to call a taxi. We say goodbye and thank you and took to the street. Only when we stood did Kathrin look at me: “Hey, you completely forgot to dress again. “Shit, I thought. It was so of course the last few hours. I had really forgotten that the bare skin was just my party outfit, not exactly suitable for street.

“I go back to the balcony briefly and get your clothes,” said Kathrin and wanted to run away. I immediately felt that I didn’t want that. “Nah, let. I don’t want to get dressed tonight. The taxi driver will not care … On the contrary probably … ”Kathrin now laughed freely:“ This is the hit, Nici! No, I don’t think the driver has something against seeing your breasts in the mirror. “She stroked my breasts.

She really had some alki intus. Then I got an idea. “Come on, Kathrin. Now you also put on a briquette. “She looked at me a little at a loss. I reached for her shirt without any further talking and pulled it up. And… Kathrin willingly raised her arms and let it pull over his head!I also laughed now, stroked her buds and said: “They will certainly do quite well in the rearview mirror. “We both laughed! I was surprised at her looseness!At that moment the taxi also drove.

Without talking we got in at the back and looked ahead, and we had to laugh loudly again: the driver was a woman. “All right with you two?”” Yes yes, “said Kathrin. “Please in Xyz-Strasse 36. “And so we drove, Kathrin half -naked, I go entirely to Nuremberg. Over light illuminated streets, stopped at traffic lights. But nobody seemed to be interested in us. Arrived at home, Kathrin said: “Please give me my shirt. I don’t want to meet any other house resident like this.

That would be the house discussion for the next ten years “. “Oh, come on. It is already so late. We certainly don’t meet anyone. “And without waiting for the answer, I got out and ran to the entrance. I heard a “shit!”, That’s it. Kathrin got out and ran after me, overtook me at the door and closed me. I just got in before the door struck and hurried after her stairs.

Kathrin had not turned light on, probably wanted to stay so unseen when the light suddenly approached. I heard a stick above me Kathrin swearing: “Crap! The Meier has early service!“But I also heard that she reached her apartment door, opened, and let it pop behind her. Great, I thought. And then around the next corner I stood in front of Mr. Meier!Totally naked, not even shoes!But somehow I didn’t really care about it now! I greeted: “Good morning, Mr. Meier!“And just ran past him, stopped in front of Kathrin’s apartment and rang.

Mr. Meier only turned briefly: “Yes, tomorrow. “And continued. It was still missed, I don’t think my nudity was noticeable. Kathrin opened the door with bright red pear. We hugged each other, pressed naked chest on a bare chest, and roared, off laughing!.

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