Erotic hours with my sister-in-law | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The sister-in-law – help in the family network found Written by Dimension Domso An inconspicuous moment was that November afternoon. Outside it was gray, stormy and rainy. It wasn’t particularly better inside. My wife, Anna, was in the host stress. Cooking, cleaning, preparing guest rooms. In addition, our guests were delayed because they were in a traffic jam. It was better to avoid Anna completely because she quickly lost the version in such situations. So I dealt with our two daughters who were no less excited.

Who were our guests? Anna’s brother, Thomas and his wife Gaby. But it was not a normal visit to the relatives. Although the two have been married for six years, it should be their first visit as a couple with us. It was an attempt to get closer, because Gaby and my wife never liked each other. It was dislike at first glance. This was so deep and constant that we never invited them to us and sporadically kept in contact twice a year by greeting cards.

If they met with other relatives, they could have an hour with Small talk survival, but the air cracked just as a mutual disgust. I had never understood why they couldn’t stand themselves without getting to know each other properly. My wife was definitely trying to explain to me a dozen times what was going on at the time. Unsuccessful. I just shook my head and put the matter as the “mysteries of the female way” to the files.

A few years later, however, they remained and after the first, tentative emails, my wife finally invited them to us for a long weekend. Finally we heard your car drive into the yard. Since it rained in streams, I went towards them with a large umbrella. A neutral handshake with Thomas, a cool hug with Gaby, then I accompanied her into the house. And lo and behold: the two women who had been hitting for years and had avoided, crying and sobbing.

We guys no longer understood the world and looked at this spectacle with dripping wet clothes, because they completely blocked the path in the hallway. When she finally let go of after a quarter of an hour, Gaby mumbled something into my wife’s ear, whereupon she nodded with the most dead face. She only made such a face when it was very important if she somehow wanted to save the world. I found it strange, but I thought nothing of it.

But when the two women moved to the evening and the following day, it seemed strange to me. I was distracted by the fact that I now had to put Thomas on my own, which, admittedly, was not particularly difficult. He was a good interlocutor, I was able to exchange ideas with him about men’s topics, with the beer bottles emptied at a quick pace. Soon we arrived on that painful topic, which was also the reason for reconciliation.

They had long been a desire to have children: unsuccessful. While in this regard everything ran almost like clockwork and Anna was pregnant with our third child, Gaby and Thomas have spent the last few years in the practices of a wide variety of doctors in order to advance in the slow process of artificial insemination and the associated examinations. Fortunately, Thomas was apparently able to easily deal with the situation and told his experiences with gags and laughs. Of course I noticed that his humorous handling was only a camouflage and that it was actually much more difficult with him.

The next day, Thomas had to depart two days earlier than planned, but Gaby remained. This also didn’t seem to be strange to me, since they certainly had a lot to tell with my wife, there was a lot to catch up with. But dinner was strange: both were calm, hardly said anything. But I didn’t know my wife at all. When she tidied up, she then pulled me aside and said in an unusual voice: “Gaby would like to ask you for something.

You have to know: you have my blessing for that. “Before I could react at all, she was already pushed me into the living room, where Gaby was sitting on the sofa and looking at me with the same, strange expression as my wife. “It’s best to go up to the guest room,” she said and I followed her like a good dog. Once at the top, she closed the door and sat on the bed. I did the same, but with a certain distance from her, as is the case with people who are not too close to you.

Then she sat closer to me and reduced the distance between us both literally and symbolically. With the best will in the world, I couldn’t imagine what she was up to. “I ask you to treat what I will tell you now strictly confidentially. Nobody tells it further apart from Anna. Not also Thomas. promise me!”I replied with a bored” yes “. “Then please say it!“, She asked me. “I promise it,” I said then slightly irritated what she calmed down.

“Thanks. So, you know that we have wanted a child with Thomas for a long time. But it just doesn’t want to work. You don’t notice it, but the thing gnaws at him. His masculinity, his pride – he is not doing well. Me neither. I really want a baby. I want a Mother be, I want to give birth to someone, take care of, pull up. “She sounded frustrated. I nodded compassionate. “We started the procedure of artificial fertilization some time ago.

The hormone treatment worked well. But the puncture and the transfer, i.e. when the egg cell is removed and when the embryo is planted, was a horror for me. I was afraid and was totally under stress. Tremble, panic attacks and such things. The procedure could not take place. I was then with a psychologist and after a few sessions it turned out that I probably did not accept artificial fertilization itself and therefore show symptoms of stress. The result was that the treating doctor advised against artificial fertilization.

“She drank a sip of water. “Of course he said we should continue to try. After the hormone treatment, it should be easier, not give up, Bla, Bla, Bla. But Thomas’ sperm are hardly functional, that had turned out during the investigations. But I don’t want to give up. So I have to go one step further if I want to give natural fertilization another chance. So what condition must change in order to give me a much greater chance of natural fertilization?”, she asked.

Instead of answering, I just looked at her hollow. I understood what she said, but I couldn’t follow her logic. She noticed this on my eyes and tried to help me jump. “So”, she took a deep breath, “I definitely want to try the last, remaining option before I finally see that I can’t get a child. I want to try to get pregnant from someone other than Thomas. “She looked me in the eye for a long time, then she took a deep breath:“ I want you to be this someone.

“She spoke the last sentence as if this was the only logical conclusion. My chin worked slowly. But my motto has always been: what is far too unlikely to be true is not either. So I took myself and a grin spread on my face. “Well, Gaby, that was a nice junk. But seriously: What do you actually want to discuss with me?“But she continued to look at me with sincere eyes and slowly continued.

“Micha, I want you to help me to have children. I want you to help me get pregnant!“The walls are moved slightly, outlines, I became dizzy and I had to support myself on the bed so as not to tip over. I looked around, saw her water glass. I pointed out and said: “Sorry, but I need that now. “She nodded and I drank it with a train. I first had to think clearly, look at this fact logically, analyze so that I could get along with this situation.

I stared on the floor for minutes to collect my thoughts – with success. I was finally able to react critically. “I don’t understand: just because of a little stress or fear you don’t take the artificial fertilization with you? That would be the greatest chance if you want a child or not?”” Yes, but there are also psychological prerequisites for the whole procedure that I cannot fulfill, “she said sadly. “And contrary to the doctors, you think that it should still work in the well -tried manner?“, I hooked ironically.

“I don’t know if it has to work,” she said almost sobbing. “But I know I have to try it. So that I know that I really tried everything. “I felt sorry for her. I didn’t know myself well with this topic, but I had the feeling that their arguments were not conclusive. But what did I want to discuss with a desperate woman? I knew from experience that it was pointless. I looked into her sad eyes for minutes.

“Why me?”” I want someone who looks somewhat and has a little brain. Someone I know that I can trust. Someone who already has his own life, his own family and does not want anything from me. “Then she added with a smile:“ Well, and last but not least, someone I know that he is fertile. “Your last sentence made me feel like an object for a moment. “What does Thomas say about it?“I asked continued.

“He doesn’t know about it and that should stay that way. I also don’t want him to notice it later. Therefore also your promise, please stick to it!“I nodded frowning, almost insulted, as she could think that I couldn’t keep up. But then the next question came. “So he shouldn’t find out about it later? How do you imagine that? What if it turns out: because, for example, the child looks like none of you? Because the blood group is wrong or if a genetic test is done.

What then?“I kept haking. “I know him well. I know what I can tell him. By the way, you both have the same blood group. A genetic test? Then it is the same, I accept this risk, ”she winced with her shoulders. I was amazed. On the one hand because I didn’t know my own blood group, could never remember. Only my wife knew her and obviously they had already clarified this little medical problem. On the other hand because of their boldness, their firm will paired with looseness.

“You will be able to deal with it? If you see him how he takes care of the child and you know it is not his. “” You know how often it happens?“, She laughed. “More often than you think. We women can handle it very well. “” How would I deal with it?“, I asked the much more important question and quickly added:“ purely theoretically. “” Well, you have to know that for yourself. In any case, your role should end after a conception.

I hope you can think that I don’t want two fathers for the child, ”she replied with little sympathy. I thought briefly, but I couldn’t clarify the human-moral part of this request within a few minutes. It took me more time to do this. So I devoted myself to practical questions. “And how do you specifically imagine such a … um … pregnancy?“The moment I said pregnancy, I was ashamed of this choice of words.

Extremely inappropriate. “Well, the way you do otherwise. There are fertile days and you should try to meet during these days and … you already know the rest. “” Do you actually want to do this in the context of a sexual act? Or somehow different?“I asked clumsy, as if I was a little boy who had never seen a naked woman. I felt ridiculous, Gaby had to smile. “Yes, I don’t know how it should work differently.

“She thought briefly. “Do not think that you are emptying yourself into a container and I splash it. Don’t think about ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ or something, I don’t want a ceremony, let alone still have someone with me. I want it as natural as possible. “I looked dazed for a long time and avoided her gaze. “Think about that. Let everything go through your head. I can understand that you can’t give an answer yet.

Let’s talk again tomorrow. And please think about what you want for it. I can’t expect you to do this out of pure charity. No matter what. Name the price!“I nodded, slowly got up and went to the door. “Good night!“I said and left her back in a clumsy way. I went into the basement and wanted to bring myself to other thoughts in the hobby room with wood carves. But I neither carved wood nor were my thoughts suppressed.

Questions turned like a whirlpool in my head and flashed again and again – without waiting for an answer. How did you get such an idea? How could my wife be able to agree with this? What happened to Gaby and Thomas when I rejected Gaby’s wish? What happened to me and Anna when I fulfilled Gaby’s wish?I had to admit that I liked to look at beautiful women. Flirting was also in there. But such a planned one Fling? That wasn’t an affair at all.

Then what was it? Sex should definitely be. I was a guy who had to get in the mood to be ready for use. I couldn’t get one on command. So I would have had to see Gaby as a sex partner to let it go so far. Suddenly, the first time Since I knew her since I had seen her, she appeared in my head cinema as a woman. Not as a relative or sister-in-law, but as a woman, as a potential object of lust.

I had to admit that she was actually attractive. As old as I do, 38. About 175 cm tall, slim, with medium -sized breasts and you are no longer firm but round butt. Her shoulder -length, brown hair was very full and had a pleasant color. Her also brown eyes were nice, her nose looked a bit too sweet. But otherwise? Oh yes, she didn’t make up, not at all because she just didn’t need it and what could hardly be seen her.

Many were jealous of that. Yes, she was sexy. My thoughts, which were previously filled with caution, skepticism and fear, were replaced by erotic ideas. That would be the opportunity to try something else. My wife in all honor, but a man sometimes needed variety. Everything would be legal, even for a good cause. What more do I want? But what if this pregnancy broke something in my relationship with Anna, irrevocably destroyed? I arrived again at the beginning of my train of thought.

Just a whirlpool that sucked me in again. After a few hours, when I had already sorted and tidied all the tool at least twice, I wanted to lie down. Anna was in bed and seemed to sleep, I carefully lay down next to her. Then she turned to me. She was awake and seemed to be able to read my thoughts. “It’s for her. I know how it is when it doesn’t come when you want it.

We do it for you. I can live well with it if you can do it too. See it as an adventure. “(Yes, for our first child we needed almost four years. Anna was extremely frustrated in the end. She did everything: yoga, special food, herbal aids, no alcohol, no parties, sufficient sleep. It was hard to endure for months. We fought violently, then we drank two bottles of wine together, fought ourselves even more violently and crowned the night with a rage sex.

Murphy’s law came into force and she became pregnant. ) She had been able to calm me down with these few sentences. She already knew that I would not reject this please. The next morning the breakfast was pretty wordless if the children would not have been there, it would have been silent silent still. Then we pulled back with Gaby. We sat on their bed and looked directly into the eyes. I hesitated because I didn’t find the right words, but she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Did you decide?”, she asked. I nodded several times in a row and raised my thumb, she breathed out relieved. “Then please tell me: What do you want as a consideration?“She asked, just like the business woman who was professionally. “Nothing material! I do this primarily for you when my relatives, and because I hope that I would do something good for you or you, ”I replied and so I meant that too. Gaby smiled embarrassed.

But I slowly let my ulterior motive appear, it was not for nothing that I was awake all night. “There is only one thing: I want to have fun. If I can legally experience such a change, I would like to enjoy sex. “She had a damn good poker face and listened to me motionless. “When I cut out sex, it means that I like it imaginatively, wild, uninhibited. I want to take you properly, play with you.

“Poker face or not, she got bigger eyes and had to swallow. “You don’t have to be afraid, I’m not brutal or something. Just wild. And if you are also willing, it would be what would satisfy me. But you also have to want it, don’t just play something half -heartedly. So that would be the price I want. “” Mh-Mhh “, she grumbled and nodded very slowly. I could literally see how she shocked the situation from my condition and tried to imagine what that could mean for her.

She turned her eyes aside and thought about. Then she moistened her lips and said with a touch of devotion: “Good. The price is acceptable. “The answer came faster than expected. There was an eternal look in the eyes. We both did not know how we should behave after this agreement. Knock on the shoulder in a friendly manner? Embrace? Drink something to seal this agreement? Or even kiss?Her cell phone rang and saved the situation.

It was Thomas, I left her alone. In the afternoon I took her to the train station. The trip that lasted half an hour passed silently. At the platform she breathed a kiss on my cheek and said: “I’ll get in touch with you. “At home I arrived a bit confused and got a kiss on the same place from my wife. “Please don’t let us talk about it anymore. You visit them when it is time.

“So it came two months later. I was still tested for venereal diseases (this was in turn Gaby’s legitimate condition) and was studying the paper with the results for the tens of time when she called. “I want to book a holiday apartment, we can be undisturbed. I definitely want to use the duration of the ovulation, you also have to calculate a little on it. That means three days, two nights. The next appointment would be next week from Tuesday to Thursday.

Can you do it?”” Yes, I can do that. If you need something else, I should bring something?”” Just you and your sperm “, she laughed nervously. “Oh, yes, yes, if you want to have something for sex, then of course yes. “Short silence. “Um … I should maybe take something with me?“The question surprised me because she really went down at my request. My gray cells immediately strained. “Yes, what you have in sexy laundry bring with you. And scarce, short skirts, airy dresses, things that show a lot of skin.

“”I do. “”Anything else. Do you shave?”, I asked. “Um … yes … or … not quite,” she replied unsafe. “I would like if you are completely shaved. “Short silence. “Yes, I do,” she said quietly and shamefully. I liked her obedience. The few days passed as if in flight. I had a lot to do at work and at home. I tried to suppress this special appointment so as not to burden my everyday life.

But the day before I was already under the spell of my mission. I got into how I got an erection again and again because of sheer anticipation. I decided to sleep in the guest room the night before the two women, to be able to separate these two dimensions. The next day I woke up. I said goodbye to my family and drove off. The trip lasted about three hours, which I spent with rapid heartbeat and a latte … When I stood at the door and pressed the bell, at least things in my pants had calmed down again.

Gaby opened and looked at me anxiously. I presented her the little bouquet of flowers that I bought while driving. This immediately made her smile. Kisses followed on the cheek, I entered and we sat down at the kitchen table. We both looked a bit embarrassed and looked at ourselves silently. Finally she broke the silence: “I would have a few little things. So since the goal is the fertilization, I ask you to only come in me.

“She cleared her throat. “Vaginal. It would be a waste if it happened elsewhere. Please mind that. And please give me 15-20 minutes every time so that I can let it take on ‘. “”Clear. “Gaby was soned, I looked at her that she wanted to say something else, just didn’t know how to formulate it. “Um … I brought the clothes that you wanted. Should I put on something? Or how do you like it? You said that you like it if … well … “if …” I waved it off and took out a bottle of red wine from my suitcase.

“I want us to toast first. “She defended herself:“ I can’t drink alcohol, not during this time. “” Gaby, the ban on alcohol was only true for artificial insemination, or? And I think you absolutely need something to be able to relax. “At first she looked into my eyes thoughtfully, then she finally sighed:“ Well, it probably doesn’t matter to that either. “I gave us in, we lifted the glasses. “On you, Gaby, should your desire to have children come true!“, I said the toast.

She nodded and drank a sip. I continued: “Something very important: I want us to make a cut now. Let us forget from now to day afternoon that we are married. Complete!“I held a little rhetorical break. “Let’s pretend that we are just a couple who just wants to let off steam for two days. Agreed?“She nodded again. Then I pulled my wedding ring off my finger, put it on the table and asked her to do it with my eyes.

She hesitated for a few seconds, then she followed my example and placed her ring next to mine. It was a surreal sight, we both stared at our marriages for a minute, which we had now demonstratively put aside. We were on leave, so to speak,. “From now on everything is allowed: kissing, touching, grapping, everything. We are a couple who wants to have fun. OK?“She nodded, this time a little more anxious. “Then please show me how you can kiss!“A short wave of terror swept over her face, after all her facial expressed.

She put her glass on the table, stepped in front of me and slowly stretched her head towards me. I gently took under her chin and pulled her closer to this way. After so many years I kissed another woman. Even this mere fact made this kiss look fantastic. At first our lips touched only briefly. Then longer and longer, more and more intense until our tongues met. They gently danced around, sometimes mine pushed into their mouths, sometimes their in my mouth.

It got hotter: your breath, your movements. She sniffed louder, her pleasure level rose. Then I ended the kiss. I was satisfied that I could excite her so quickly. “Go now, take a shower, prepare yourself, make yourself chic,” I ordered her with a gentle tone. She quickly disappeared into the bathroom. I sipped my glass again and looked at the apartment. The kitchen was unspectacular. The living room large, especially the comfortable looking sofa and the wide armchairs were inviting.

The bedroom was also spacious, the bed was also lush and very comfortable. The furnishings were simple, almost minimalistic, but yet tasteful. Everywhere I turned the heating up to the maximum so that it was nice and warm in all corners and you were rather inclined to be unmatched. I continued to drink my wine and went out to the balcony. The cold air was good for me and refreshed me. In my thoughts, I watched the little city when I saw from the corner of the eye how Gaby crept from the bathroom into the bedroom.

Now it was my turn. I got into the shower cubicle, washed myself thoroughly and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I was examined in the mirror. Unfortunately I had put on a little belly, but I went a lot of jogging and trained on my upper body and arms, so I found myself quite passable. My eyes fell deeper. The day before I trimmed myself, my hair was accordingly short and thin. In the trash can I saw the packaging of an ovulation test.

Yes, that was the goal. I took a deep breath and then hit a bath towel around my hip. I intentionally opened the bathroom door so that she could perceive that I came. Nervous but curious I went to the bedroom. The door was open a gap, I carefully pushed it open with a finger. The light was insulated, only the two small lamps on the bedside tables indirectly illuminated the bed. On this, in the middle, Gaby was.

They knelt in a black, sometimes transparent bra made of black tip and a suitable panties. Discreet but sexy. She was not made up now, but her hair was tied into a ponytail – probably for practical reasons. On the one hand, it looked anxious on the one hand, but on the other hand it also seemed full of zest for action. I came closer and closed the door behind me. She too moved in my direction, which was called so much that she went to all four and looked at me invitingly.

First in my eyes, then on the area that was still covered by the bath towel. Her sight, her body, her zest for action didn’t leave me cold. I felt my masculinity gained strength and thicker. I pulled out the cloth and threw it on the floor. “Wow!“, It sounded quietly from Gaby’s mouth. I went to the bed edge, so that my best piece, which was now in an almost horizontal position on his own, dangled in front of her face.

“You are well stocked,” she said a compliment. I smiled proudly as she reached for my member and clutched it. It was upright within a few seconds. I gently grasped her ponytail and she immediately understood what her job was. Bava came a little closer and opened her lips. First she licked the plump glans a few times, then she took it completely in her mouth and sucked it. My hand let off from her hair and stroked her neck and shoulder.

Then, after weting me thoroughly, she straightened up. I pulled her to me and kissed her again. Wild, conquered. I opened her bra with one hand, with the other I grabbed her buttocks. She was not idle either and held onto my stiff chunk with one hand. It was so far. I wanted to take her. I pushed her in front of me until she fell on her back.

I didn’t give her a lot of time, because I pulled her panties aside and put on her vaginal entrance. “I won’t take long so that you can take your first load in reception as soon as possible,” I said and tried to work confidently. But what nonsense! I haven’t had sex for six or seven weeks. My wife was in the first trimester – like the two times before – either tired or she was bad or she just had a bad mood due to hormone.

There was no eroticism. The male needs that male needs would be discharged very quickly during this time. In this case, however, my supply met exactly the demand. Gaby smiled and I slowly penetrated her column. She was quite damp. anticipation? Egg symptom? Or had she already touched in the bathroom to be prepared? I pushed and pushed, she kept her breath and we looked into our eyes all the time.

When I was in it until I was in it, she groaned. It was somehow relieved, calming as if she had been waiting for it forever. I circled with my hip to get to know her vagina. But my movement quickly changed to the well -known bumps, which were not quick, but strong. She was pleasantly tight, soon I felt the end coming. I held it back for a few seconds, then I pushed as deep as I could and unloaded me.

Gaby was startled or at least surprised, made big eyes and opened her mouth as if she didn’t get any air. Yes, my load was not small. But then her face relaxed and she smiled when I twitched several times in her. I stayed in her, support myself a little better and now had the opportunity to take a closer look. The face of a woman lying on her back, looking at the man who was over (and in her), has always been simply magical.

Your eyes, your charisma. Beautiful. My gaze wandered deeper. Her breasts lay flat and evenly on her upper body. Only the two darker nipples stood up a little. I pulled my sagging penis out of her vagina. This was red and a little opened. She immediately took her hand. “Should I push a pillow under your bottom?“I asked, since she did not want to cover up, but only avoid that the juice that is precious to her is developing.

She nodded, raised her pelvis and I pushed a pillow underneath. Now there was a slope in the desired direction. She took her hand away, closed her legs and let me continue the visual exploration of her body now no longer. I stroked her thighs and calves to feel your skin. Of course she was different from my wife, so I wanted to get to know her. Then I lay down next to her, support my head with one hand and felt her navel.

However, this hand was not content with her belly, but stalked up, gently grabbed her right chest and finally took her nipple between the thumb and index finger. She looked briefly on her chest, then again in my eyes. Slowly I stimulated her nipple: first it was a stroking, then gently pressing and finally a twirling. I watched her very well. Your breaths didn’t get faster, but deeper. Seductively raised and lowered her chest under my hand.

I switched to her left chest. There I also massaged your breasts before I devoted myself to her nipple. At that moment she opened her mouth and sighed very quietly. Then she closed her eyes briefly and I was happy that I got such clear pleasure signs from her. Not only this: their nipples suddenly signaled excitement because they became hard and stiff. And as if this had been a kind of signal for my member, he slowly started to take up an equally hard and stiff format again.

I felt how I was showered by hormones, so I wanted more. I drove my hand over her stomach onto her venus hill. She promptly opened her thighs so that I was able to continue the trip and finally stroke her vulva. After collecting a portion of your pleasant moisture, I targeted your clitoris. I landed on this amazing organ with a fingertip and started with a dance. Circular, caressing and moving around in a zigzag I wanted to enchant her.

Gradually I managed this too. Gabys breathing actually became intense and loud. Soon she couldn’t keep her pool calm. But she made all of this with your eyes still closed. But I wanted to see her! So I took her ponytail in my hand, whereupon she opened her eyes and got an intrusive tongue kiss from me. Because of the ancillary orgasm, she could hardly keep up. I saw that, instead I grasped her lower jaw and forced her to look into my eyes.

What was that pleasure! Your begging look, cloudy with lust. Another circle, and one more thing: she was there! Again and again cramping, dancing and panting with her hips, she experienced her climax. She had kept back quite a bit, I noticed that, but I was still happy and satisfied to have brought her so far. My limb was particularly happy, which was now unmistakable for Aktion Bat. So I straightened up and went between Gaby’s thighs.

She, partly in the intoxication of her high-altitude flight, made a horror-shocked face when she saw how I started my staff. With lips pressed together, she took me back. Her vagina was noticeably wetter this time, no wonder my juice with her mixed up in it. Since I already gave her what a woman deserves, I took her harder and wilder. My bumps were deeper and firmer. With full force I pushed myself rhythmically against her abdomen.

My hardness also made it possible to keep her poker face. She only took air through her mouth moaning. Although she tried to close her eyes, she had to open her again in the violent act. I immediately snapped her gaze. Horror, coupled with discomfort, and their firm determination, but there was still something: there was a little a **** lical, original game. It made me even hornier, I felt my limb still stiffer.

My highlight was only a quarter of an hour behind, so I knew that I could take it for a long time. This gave me even more self -confidence. My drive to play and dominate awakened. I kept changing the rhythm. Sometimes clumsily in the fast clock. A circle deep in your vagina. Slowly out and jerkily into the stop. She looked at me without breaking eye contact, in the eyes. Sometimes she gasped, sometimes she swallowed or bit her lower lip.

After this poacher wrangling, I switched down. I straightened up, knelt with slightly spread legs in front of her and pulled them along – without having my limb slide out of her vagina for a second. She was still lying in front of me, on her back, with raised buttocks and bent legs that were also spread so far that I fit in between. An ideal location, because we were able to divide the movements: sometimes I pushed, sometimes she pressed her pelvis.

I was pleasantly surprised that Gaby Proactive participated and had fun with it, because after two three minutes she was more active. With twitching, sometimes sideways, she enjoyed my hard stem. I also no longer had to hold them, so my hands remained free for exploration. I graped her appetizing thighs, kneaded her buttocks (as far as I could) and stroked her stomach and breasts. In particular, the stimulation of her nipples turned out to be expedient, because soon she looked at me with a face of excitement and veiled eyes.

The dance of her lower body on my limb became more and more cramped, she had her vagina massaged from a very specific direction and with a very specific amount of strength, so that her labia and a little also got her clitoris a little. An eye-catcher! The sight enchanted me and kept me at the necessary arousal level, because the angle that my upper body and my penis formed was no longer pleasant, and Gaby’s bumps were already painful at times.

But I held out because I wanted to experience her next orgasm. This first announced himself with a slight tremor of her limbs, then a loud moan and finally some particularly powerful strokes of her abdomen, in which my testicles were affected a little bit. Then she could no longer hold herself and dropped on her back. She leaned her head to the side and enjoyed the last aftershock of her highlight. I still knelt in front of her with a reasonably ready -to -use genitals.

She quickly noticed that. “You are still…?“She asked with an unsafe facial expression. She was a bit exhausted by her ride and hoped to be able to rest a little – I looked at that. Nevertheless, she reached for my penis. It was because of the mere sight or only out of a sense of duty? She stimulated me gently. Her head still inclined aside, she looked at me stealthy from the corner of the eye. I felt that she was waiting for my next step.

I didn’t want to disappoint her. “I am not ready yet!“, I said threatening. “Turn on your stomach, I want to take you from behind!“My first real command brought her hand briefly to freeze and she looked deep into my eyes. She had this typical look that women sometimes have: a mixture of questioning, curiosity and submissiveness. She wanted to find out if I was serious? Wanted to find out how hard I would deal with her? One answer only delivered her reaction: she slowly turned on her stomach and showed me her pretty butt.

She supported her elbows and kept her legs closed. Her back had a nice bow in this body position, on her skin was an aesthetic shimmering. I took her calf and slowly drove up with my hand. When she reached her knee throat, twitched and giggled, so I quickly put the path of my hand away. My handle became a little firmer on her thigh, but my touch was tender and soft on her buttocks.

Goosebumps formed on her cheeks and I heard a quiet sigh. Now I really grabbed, shook her cheek and then clapped it a few times. Then she turned her head back to me and looked at me. It was just a quick look, because the next moment she looked at the duvet. Before I got active again, I wanted to feel their buttocks again with both hands. So I placed everything in the strategically correct places: left hand on the left cheek, right hand on the right cheek.

I stroked, massaged and kneaded. Of course I did not fail to spread her cheeks so far that I gained a good insight into her rosette. Then I spread her a little deeper. Her removed labia revealed her vulva in an inviting way, her vaginal entrance was still a little open. I accepted the invitation, put my staff on and slowly pushed myself up. With gentle bumps I drilled myself deeper and deeper into her column. Soon I lay comfortably on her butt and thighs.

I took her slowly, but deep and strong. After each thrust she groaned or grumbled. I steadily increased the pace. Her humming changed into a groan and wheezing. She clawed with both hands on the covers and picked up my ever wild mating with your eyes closed. These audiovisual stimuli only made me wild. I rammed my penis as deep as I could and enjoyed how my testicles press against the soft meat of her thighs and buttocks.

The minutes passed, we became more and more overwhelmed. Even if my staff still did his job hard and hard, I knew that I could hardly come. So I put one on it: I took her arms and pulled her to her upper body in parallel, because so I could better capture her. I continued with strong handles on their upper arms. But it was still not enough. I wanted her even more helpless. So I gently turned her arms and crossed her behind her back.

With one hand I held her arms together, with the other I supported myself and rose a little. This slightly changed angle and Gabys sight helped me to work faster to the climax. She breathed more and more hastily, which is why she could no longer groan, but only scream briefly with every impact. That gave me the rest and I injected her a new load in her vagina. Then I let go of her arms and let myself lie down on her, but so that I supported something and did not push her.

We both were sweaty and out of breath. I remembered your request again. So I pulled out my penis, climbed off her, helped her to roll on her back and pushed her pillow under her butt. I lay down and rested me satisfied. It was a hot introduction … we looked at ourselves silently. For minutes. Her eyes moved constantly, her thoughts had to give a wild dance in her head, but there was no sound out of her mouth.

But I realized that her look had become softer, more tender. “We should eat something,” I interrupted the silence. “Good idea!“, Came a ray on her face. I got the menu of a delivery service from the kitchen. She pondered briefly, then she chose a salad with an unspeakable name. “What do you take?“Asked she asked. Oh, I knew this tone in women! They expected a very specific statement or made something different in the shield.

“A little salamipizza,” came my careful answer. “Well, but please add a banana hake,” came the prompt reaction. “I’m not the fan of such drinks. ““ Is good for the formation of sperm and ejaculate. “She made me smile. Since I had made my way around like that earlier, I knew that this was not proven and you should only drink a lot of fluids. But I leaned on her wish, it shouldn’t fail that.

“Well, good. “I called and had to stutter the name of the salad three times until I was understood. Then I noticed how glued and sweaty I was. “I’ll wash myself a little,” I told her and pointed to my lower body. In the bathroom I found that I was smeared almost to the navel with Gaby’s love juice. I liked it. I’ve always found it exciting, the characters To wear a sleeping sleep on my body, be it small scratches on my back, smooch stains on the neck or the slowly drying mucus of a woman.

So washing the little was a complete shower process. I had to have taken for a long time, because as soon as I stepped out of the cabin, it rang the doorbell. I quickly put on boxer shorts and bathrobe and opened the door. I accepted the meal package and checked in the kitchen whether everything corresponded to the order. Gaby, however, did not get any movements out of bed, so I carried everything into the bedroom. We started eating our late lunch.

We always looked at each other. Again I had to find that their facial expression was softer, their attitude to me more openly, their movements looser. “When did you come to mind for the first time to get pregnant from someone other than Thomas?“I asked with the aim of sparking a conversation. “About half a year ago. After I have understood that I can’t participate in these ops. She looked at me and saw that I continued to listen to her interest.

She continued gratefully. “All sorts of thoughts in my head first circle. That is all over. That I’m not a real woman. Worthless. Unusable. Then, after a small depressed phase, I wanted to try everything again. Even if it was unconventional. I read all the findings again, including where it was discussed that Thomas’ sperm is almost immobile. That made me startled. I started to play with the thought that sperm from another man.

At first it was just a fantasy. “Gaby looked at the wall thoughtfully and ate a little of her salad. “Then I searched in Internet, How to do that, what options are there. There are sperm banks. That is thawed and you have to inject yourself. Brrr! So cold, insensitive. And then there are so -called private sperm donors that fertilize naturally. But let a stranger to me? No!“I continued to listen to her interested.

“You know it was so difficult. I couldn’t talk that with anyone. I couldn’t say that in the family that they hadn’t understood that. If I had told one of my friends, they would have thought I was a nasty woman and almost banished. I had to brood so much and couldn’t show anything. “She had a captivating narrative style. But her body was also captivating, as she did it, with the knees attracted, the ceiling around the upper body wrapped so that the breasts remained covered.

But at the same time her back was free. “After a few weeks I more or less decided to look for someone I know. But there were so many aspects. It should look somewhat and have brain. I don’t want to be like that … well … I’ll say it freely: have a stupid or ugly child. Then he shouldn’t be single, otherwise … I don’t know either, but I didn’t want anyone who is independent.

There were three candidates. And then. Well, when the ice broke slowly with Anna, you came into question as the fourth candidate. I somehow saw that as a sign. And now you’re here. “She ended her report with a shamefully lowered look. I looked at their eyelids: they were so modest, reserved, but also characterized by pain. I had to admit that I was getting more and more into the heart. But before I became too sentimental, I noticed that the ceiling slipped a little over her breasts when she picked up the plastic plate again and pious the rest of the green stuff with the fork.

I put the pizza box aside so that I could pull on the ceiling, so that her breasts were bared. My plan flew up immediately. First she looked at her right chest, which was only half covered, then she looked at me outraged. I moved on. Slowly her right nipple came to light, finally the entire breast. I didn’t stop. Soon I also exposed her left chest and completely freed her upper body from the ceiling.

She persecuted my maneuver tense, then she looked at me again. Oh, what a look! With slightly open lips she wanted to tell me: You undressed me, I am ready, have me. I slipped closer to her, gently stroked her neck, shoulder and arm with my fingertips, and then take a junction towards your breasts. “I feel like a dessert!”, I said. I wanted their breasts as dessert.

To do this, I carefully tipped her on her back and started decorating her right chest all around with gentle kisses. My kissing circles were getting narrower until I got to her nipple, which was waiting for me when I was hard. I was excited to see how Gaby reacted to such games with her chest. Wouldn’t she like it at all? She just wanted a gentle caress? Or it was more intensive treatment? She looked skeptically, but curious about what I was doing with her.

I now stimulated her nipple with my tip of my tongue and danced a waltz with her. I tipped her to the left, right, up and down, every time she quickly jumped back into her stiff attitude. I checked her reaction again: her eyes were now closed. So I continued: I sucked her nipple gently into my mouth and then let her slip out. Then again and again. Now I didn’t have to look up anymore, I also felt that it liked it because her chest raised and lowered itself more and more violently.

So I pulled her nipple deep into my mouth and massaged her with my tongue. She sighed and breathed louder and louder. She groaned especially loudly every time I kept her breast. Of course I repeated this stimulation all the more joyful, again and again, more and more intense. Soon she couldn’t lie quietly, but rocked back and forth, after all, she took my head, grabbed my hair and pressed me on her breasts. So I sucked her chest particularly deep in my mouth and gently bit on her meat, whereupon you let a strong, roasting sigh.

I looked up. Open her lips, teeth together, her eyes testified to desire. I fell on her left chest. No introduction, no dance dancing. I immediately licked and smacked to get her the same stimulation. Gaby could no longer remain silent, each exhaling was accompanied by a groan. I liked it to take her to the top. How long could she hold out? Now I smacked alternately on the one hand, then on the other chest.

Where I didn’t suck right now, my fingers had their guest appearance there. Gaby’s moans became Schriller, it sounded like a pleading or begging. So I took her most sensitive meat: stroked gently, massaged targeted. Less than 30 seconds had passed and she was shortly before her climax. But I wanted to make her suffer a little, so I picked up my hand from her shell and just licked her chest. She replied with gross hum, but said nothing more.

When her breathing calmed down and her moans died off, I put on my fingers again. It may take three minutes and it was just about to fly again. Then I always took my hand away for a short moment: circle on the clitoris, lift hand, let it back on the clitoris and circle, lift again. Finally, when she could no longer stand this game, she moved her pelvis up so that the contact just does not demolish.

I looked at her: she had such a pain of expectation on her face. She wanted to come, her eyes bend me. So I granted her the climax. Rhythmically I rubbed their clitoris and labia, enjoyed the increasingly powerful tremors of their body and listened to the music of their moans and screaming. After she had the summit behind her, my hand slipped deeper and I started to play with the plenty of juice. Again and again one or two fingers slid into her vagina and smeared her venus hill and thighs.

It smelled of sexual intercourse, it was a mixture of haze from sweat and pleasure juice. It was that certain fragrance that was disturbing under normal circumstances, but was intoxicating and exciting in the state of loved ones. This charm, coupled with the sight of her body and the music of her wild moan, made me become incredibly hard. Only now did I realize that my member was in danger of bursting, my glans was plump and wanted to penetrate. I looked at Gaby: she looked exhausted, but was startled when she saw a devilish flashing in my eyes.

That was this look for me, which some women already called the predator view. In this way I looked when I targeted my prey and put on the attack. So I led her hand to my penis, she reacted with a small lip bite to the stiff thing between her fingers. She pressed and massaged it for two threes, then I went into position, spread her legs and aimed at her pleasure grotto. First I stroked the tip over her clitoris and her labia, after all I penetrated.

She was hot, gossip and beguiling. With a wide torn mouth, but silently, she picked me up. She was no longer particularly tight, after a few moments I found that I could hardly come in this way. I needed a bit harder, more perverse. While I thought about this, I continued to push her and admired her facial expression. It had to be painful for her now. Sniffing, with your mouth open she had this renewed pairing. Your forehead frowns, your eyes closed again and again.

I pulled her arm up over her head. Light fright shone in her eyes. The sight was highly erotic: their smooth armpits presented themselves aesthetically, their breasts were flattened, but their stiff nipples emerged. With my left hand I summarized her wrists and at the same time I was based on her. So my right hand was free. I stroked her hips, her stomach and then graped her left chest, which finally floated in the twirring of her nipple.

Ultimately, your expression drove me to the climax. A little fear, a lot of devotion, a breeze perversion. She was shaken through because now I pushed her so strongly that her whole body trembled in time. When my ejaculation finally announced itself, I penetrated particularly powerfully and unloaded me deeply in her vagina. This last round was so exhausting that I stayed in my position in and over Gaby. I didn’t let go of her hand even. We looked into our eyes for a long time.

I had the feeling that we both wanted to say so much, but we didn’t dare. Instead, we just looked at each other. After a felt eternity (which in reality could have taken a maximum of two minutes) I lowered my upper body on her and took a kiss. She came towards me and spoke her lips. This amazed me so much that I froze. In turn she realized in the same moment that I noticed her devotion.

She blushed. I gently stroked her cheek: “You are cute. “Then I kissed her. Passionate, but short. I no longer wanted to go on to this situation. I got up, got up and stretched out. I felt drained what was no wonder after this afternoon rich in sexual intercourse. Since Gaby had made herself comfortable with a pillow under her butt, I disappeared into the bathroom. I was sticky again: with sweat and love juice. I spent at least half an hour under the hot shower.

My penis was done and sensitive. I haven’t had this feeling of sexual exhaustion for a long time. I secretly hoped that I was allowed to give my member a break until the next morning. I was lucky, because when Gaby crawled out of the bathroom after over an hour, she almost regrets me about ending the day without sexualities. It was already after seven o’clock. So we made a few breads, lay down in bed and looked at second -class series on TV until we both fell asleep before 9 a.m.

It was almost harmonious. The next morning we woke up almost simultaneously. Although it was only shortly after seven, both of us growled our stomachs so strongly that there was no way of thinking about idyllic lazils in bed. So we went to a bakery around the corner. I approved a decent breakfast, Gaby also bravely grabbed it. “But you are hungry. It was a hard day yesterday?“, I ask cheekily. she laughed. She was much more relaxed and more relaxed than the last day.

I looked her in the eye again like a predator: “Or you only eat so much because you know that it will also be a hard day today?“Her laughtered and blushed, she looked at me shamefully as she lowered her head slightly. A wonderfully devoter look. I would have loved to continue to stimulate her verbally, but I wanted to treat her to a cozy breakfast and not tense her – not yet. Fatty and in a good mood we made our way back.

I offered her my arm for hanging, which immediately accepted her to my astonished. I felt how an affection between us developed from hour to hour. I was certain that a relationship psychologist would have fun with our reactions. However, these thoughts quickly evaporated when I remembered what I wanted to do with her. When I got back to the apartment, I helped her lose her coat and initiated the next program item.

“I now want you to show me a little fashion show. “She looked at me with big eyes. I led her into the living room, where I put an armchair and a table aside, so that a kind of corridor was created. From the window, across the room to the hallway. “This is the catwalk. The bedroom is your dressing room. Put some outfits together, make yourself chic. I leave you artistic freedom. The main thing is airy and sexy. You put it on, go up and down, show yourself, then back, you put on the next and so on.

“She still looked at me in some cases, partly horrified, but she tried. “So I should get dressed and then show here, just like a model?”I nodded. “And what exactly did you think about? But I didn’t take that many clothes with me. I don’t even know what I could put together, ”she looked for excuses. “Should I help you go through your clothes together?“, I offered her my help. But her feminine vanity won.

She couldn’t allow herself to let me dig in her laundry. “No no. I think I’ll get that there. “Brooding it disappeared next door. I switched on the small stereo system and searched for a radio station that could deliver suitable music. I was nervous and especially curious. But I had to be patient, because until a woman is finely cleaning up, a lot of time could pass. To calm me down and make the waiting to bear, I gave myself the rest of the red wine from the previous evening.

I kept sipping on the glass and let myself be sounded by pleasant rhythms. At the window I looked into the distance. Time evaporated, but suddenly I was torn from my thought asleep by rattling paragraphs. I turned around. There she stood. The hair was casually put up and she was made up. The first time I saw her with make -up. Even without without it, it was very nice, but with color support she got a completely different face.

Dark red lips, a bit cheeked, the eyelids in a light blue tone with endlessly long eyelashes. She was wearing a short, canari yellow summer dress that reached up to her knees. Dark sandals with high heels on her feet. The chin had to be down, because the way I looked at it brought it to smile. “Wow!“, I could only get it out, sat down and indicated that she can start with the demonstration. With slow steps she struts from the door to the window.

Your running technology with the high heels was remarkable. Once at the balcony door, she quickly turned, whereupon her dress was a little. She looked at me all the time. Of course she was embarrassed, but at the same time she also wanted to impress me. Arrived at the door back, she turned her back, leaned a little and stretched out her butt, then to look at me while slowly pulling her dress up. But before her pretty butt had come to light, she let go of it again and grinned.

She played with me. Then she wanted to disappear into the bedroom again, but I jumped up: “Stop!“She was startled. “Please turn again, very quickly!“I asked her. Then I sat down again, because while sitting I hoped for a better insight. She fulfilled my wish. Her dress rose through her revolution and revealed her white slip. Your butt was particularly desirable in this way. I drew a circle in the air with my index finger, it understood and turned again.

I nodded and she turned again. I got up and slowly went to her. She took two pirouettes very much before I found her. Again we looked deep into our eyes. Holding her hand I turned her back to me with her back. At first I didn’t do anything. I wanted to tense her, whereby I was sure that she could have guessed what would happen approximately. From behind I put on her left leg over her knee throat and slowly pushed my hand up.

When I reached the underside of her butcher, I felt goosebumps formed by her. I continued until her butt was free and when I was there, I grabbed her thoroughly. Finally I came up so close to her that she got my erect link through my pants. My hand just wanted to sneak into her breast on her hip when she stopped my stalking. “The show is not over yet.

Be patient!“, She said cheekily. For a short second I thought about whether I shouldn’t overwhelm her, but she was right. I wanted the show, then I also had to give her the opportunity. She also enjoyed this situation. I let her go and she went back to the bedroom. I had to take a deep breath and drink another sip so that things calmed down in my pants. It did not pass two minutes when she was already appearing in the new outfit.

A white, sleeveless, wide-tapped blouse that hardly hid the black top bra and dark blue shorts below. Her left hand was casually rested on her hip, with her right -hand she stroked along the hem of her bra. She started her march back on the window, turned over and made a detour to me. She leaned down to me and slowly opened her blouse, but she only revealed herself for a moment, the last button was knocked back, giggled and left the room with her butt.

I really liked her idea. Not only the visual aspect, but also her way, which became more and more relaxed, always lascivious. I drank the glass and was looking forward to the next set. It should be the most attractive: black spaghetti top, black G-string, holder-free network stockings and black high heels. As erotic as her clothing was, so Ernst her facial expression. Again I perceived traces of nervousness with her, which, interestingly, overturned me. “The final,” she said in a pale voice and started her passage.

We constantly looked into our eyes. Nobody only seemed to breathe, only the clacking of their high heels could be heard. She turned her circle and stopped in front of me. Their legs were simply at eye level, their thighs – surrounded by the fine, slightly shiny fabric – to bite. Your vulva hides through a wafer -thin textile triangle: promising. My gaze wandered up. Their facial features were tense and waiting. It was clear that she had played the ball for me.

“Turn around!“, I said softly. You obeyed. “Spread your legs a bit!“, The next command followed. She also followed this without a word. The sight of her body and the fact that she was so willing almost took my breath away from me. I got up and clapped on her butt. She groaned briefly, turned her head back to me and looked at me with big eyes. But I did not see anger or fear in that, but curiosity and lustful depravity.

“You know, with this string your ass somehow looks smacked, I just have to clap it,” I said in an excited voice. To underline this explanation, I hit her baking twice more. They bit themselves on lower lip. “Bend over!“Slowly, she tipped her upper body forward at a slow pint and looked at me continuously. Finally, it was supported by her knees. I grabbed her left cheek and shook it, as did the right one. Then I clapped a few times on both sides.

Suddenly I heard a wheezing. I said it was an excited wheezing, but I had to check my guess and put under her string: I found clapping wet conditions. In addition, my touch caused a quake in your body. “Mhhh … take me,” she murmured softly. “I don’t have you completely. What do you want?“, I played with her. “Fuck me!“, She hissed as an answer. She probably had to burst out of loud lust. I didn’t need any more incentive.

I quickly opened my pants and brought out my stiff. I carefully took her vagina to the finish line. Her meat looked and also felt like a plum. A warm, slippery plum. I drilled on, but after the first weak push I noticed that it would be nothing in this position (it was too deep and unstable). “Ride me!“I said and brushed off my jeans and boxer shorts. She literally tore down her string from herself.

I threw myself into the armchair, Gaby approached carefully in reverse. She took my stem and moved it like a joystick until he was in the right place. I’ve always enjoyed such maneuvering movements in women. Then she did not make it slow, but let her weight slide to my limb until lively until the stop. We groaned at the same time. The next moment she leaned towards my chest and immediately started her ride.

But not up and down, but back and back while I was completely sunk in her cave. She was wild. Finally she was wild. She groaned, sighed and snorted. I wanted to feel her body, grabbed her thighs, her hip, then her breasts. Somehow she managed to take off her top without interrupting the rhythm. I enjoyed her breasts with relish, played with her hard nipples and bit into her shoulder. She continued to trotted with powerful vibrations of her hip and pelvis.

It was exhilarating to feel her clitoris hard against my testicles. There was no way out, I came within two minutes. I splashed deep into her vagina. Then she suddenly screamed out loud and cramped. Then she trembled all over the body as if she had chills. After a few seconds she sagged and just lay there. On me. “Everything OK?”I asked worried. “It’s all ok. It is very rare that the cumshot brings me to the climax, ”she smiled, then she tried to straighten up.

“But how do we make it with the pool now? If I get off now, almost everything flows out. “” Then just stay that way. I act as your plug. “She laughed. I leaned back and she made it comfortable on me. It feels good. Too good. We said nothing, just lay there and looked at the ceiling. But after a few minutes my plug shrinked to its original size and could hardly fill the gap, which of course also noticed Gaby.

“I think it doesn’t last long now,” she says and wanted to descend. “You can let him grow again,” I replied, and gently clutched her upper body. “Aha. And how?“, She asked partly irritated, partly curious. “With words. Causes my thoughts and you excite my body!“She swallowed. In the meantime she had to be able to guess what made me. Perhaps this was the reason why she didn’t take the initiative. In addition, of course, there were still inhibitions, even if we had remarkably a lot in the short time.

So I gently grabbed her breasts as if my hands were her bra and came towards her. “For example, you could tell me what made you so sharp earlier,” I started my research. “I don’t know. Maybe the situation so generally, ”she wanted to make me away. But I didn’t give up: “General? I would like to know what it was specifically. Tell me, please!“I started massaging her breasts with wafer -fine movements. Her nipples reacted promptly.

“It was at your last outfit, I’m sure of that. Maybe it was because of the string that you spent? Clothes make people?“She swallowed, but didn’t show anything else. “Maybe I said something that made you so hot?“I continued my interrogation. Your breathing intensified something. “Was it that I spanked your ass?“She sighed. Almost imperceptible, she wanted to hide it, but since she tied with her body on my base, I felt every emotion, however small.

I also reacted immediately, my limb grew again. I kissed her neck, her shoulders. “Replace, Gaby! What made you so sharp?“I demanded her. I kneaded her breasts firmly, while I also became more active in her vagina. But she still didn’t say anything. That made me angry. I took her nipples between my fingers and twirled her. At first she just sniffed wilder, then she groaned loudly, she even screamed as if it wanted to burst out of her.

I grabbed her neck with my left hand, with the right I continued to make her chest. Finally she spoke quietly. “That with slutty …”, she snapped for air, swallowed and drove away hardly any audibly, “and clapping. “This confession finally made me hard. With a strong jerk in her vagina, I showed her that I liked the answer, with a oppressed Röcheln she took note of this. I wanted to apply this newly gained knowledge immediately.

“Oh yes … that was you … nice and grutty in the string. … how you stretched out your ass. “That was much more difficult for me, because on the one hand my pulse and respiratory frequency rose, on the other hand, Gaby became more and more fidgety on my staff. To keep going, I had to advise: only had a fetish for the word or really turned it on to be something like a hooker? I decided on that variant that I liked better.

“Like a bitch … it wants to be groped, that’s right?“I provoked her. They bit on. Although she said nothing again, she was waving and winding, she was always wilder, was completely besides herself. Since this had also become more uncomfortable for me, I wanted to put it in a different position. “Get off. And show me how much you want to be fucked. Show me what kind of bitch you are!“She got off, turned over, went to her knees and started to jerk off my staff with massive movements.

I was lucky that this was well coated with her juice and my sperm, otherwise it could have been uncomfortable. But maybe I wouldn’t have noticed that at all, because their grimaces, that of an excited and frenzied woman, outshone everything. She looked at my eyes sparkling, flinging her teeth and hissing because otherwise she would probably have not given any air in other ways. I could have enjoyed this spectacle forever, my last effusion was hardly a quarter of an hour ago.

But I wanted her even wilder – if that was possible at all. “Come on, you little hooker, ride me again. Show them what you’ve got!“She didn’t need more incentive and climbed into my saddle. If she danced violently earlier, this new round was close to a trance. She moved her pelvis so quickly and rubbed her meat so roughly to me that it almost hurt. Relief brought the sight of their tense thighs, which were simply biting.

She kept looking at my eyes. There was everything in her eyes: madness, lust, depravity, aggressiveness and desire. I wanted to heat her even more, so I clapped hard on her butt. Again and again. It had to hurt a little, but her lust converted this into ecstasy. She groaned and grunted only after every blow. And then – then she only needed a few seconds. She clutched my head and pressed me firmly.

Her rhythmic ride turned into a series of chaotic cramps. Her back trembled, then groaned and roared with such a deep voice that I would not have believed. Again and again. Their climax seemed endlessly to last long. But finally her grip slackened. She no longer held me, but leaned onto my shoulder and gasped. She recovered slowly, she raised her head and looked deep into my eyes.

I was able to follow your transformation. The cloudy, lustful eyes cleared up, their facial features relaxed, her mouth appeared in a natural corner – and fright spread on her face. She got off. She was sober again and was ashamed, that was clear. “I … um … has to go to the bathroom,” she explained and hurried away. I was dazed and had to grasp myself first. It was a wonderful experience, I was happy that I would make Gaby so wild that I was able to see her inner desire.

I drank my half -full glass on small trains. Gaby seemed to be an eternity in the bathroom. I looked at the clock: three quarters of an hour had passed. I wondered if I shouldn’t go to her, maybe she wanted to talk about it. Women always want to talk about anything. At the same moment I heard water noise, she had to get into the shower. So I stayed sitting. After another quarter of an hour it stopped. You shouldn’t bother women in the bathroom, but somehow I felt the urge to stand by her, to be there for her.

I knocked on. It took a few seconds to open the door and looked at me with thoughtful face. She had a white terry bathrobe, her wet hair was stripped back. The make-up was gone, it was maskless. She didn’t ask and complained, but let me go in. I stroked her cheek, she nestled on my hand and closed my eyes. Then suddenly she drove up, her gaze seriously and worried. “Earlier”, she pointed her finger towards the living room, “I have never been like this during sex! Nobody has got something like this out of me yet.

“Her eyes flashed desperately, she continued to be reproachful:“ You can’t just do that!””That was not me. You were, ”I replied to her calmly. “I just helped you a little, but you got it out – from the inside. “” Maybe “, she said thoughtfully. “It’s so confusing. I … I need some time. I can’t go on now … you already know. “I nodded and suggested:“ Let’s go strolled, look at the city.

After that we can eat nicely somewhere!“Half an hour later, after I was also fresh, we strolled towards the pedestrian zone. We were lucky: it didn’t rain, the air was fresh and a few sun rays made it through the thick cloud cover. The city was not very large, but big enough to make women’s hearts beat faster with a small shopping mile and thus to ensure distraction. At least for Gaby. Because I was not distracted.

I kept having to think about how wild and unleashed it showed herself. Was that her true me? Was that her sexuality?I had to be patient. So I had trouble hiding my thoughts and concentrating on our leisure program. We looked at almost all the shop windows carefully, also entered most shops and chattered about articles, prices and similar trivialities. Gaby became looser, the thoughtful face was repeatedly made by smiling and laughing amused.

So much so that she had bought almost a few clothes, but her stomach growled away from it and we sat in a small but fine restaurant. If you ran next to each other, you didn’t have to look into your eyes. Without contact it was easy to hide thoughts. You could just chat out into the world. Now we sat at a table opposite each other. She could not escape the eye contact, which meant that she was forced to speak to that specific topic again.

“I’m sorry that I reacted so weird. I was angry. I felt exposed, I showed something that I don’t plan to show. “But you had to know that it could happen. After all, you accepted my condition for this project, ”I replied to her. She looked into my eyes, nodded, but immediately turned her head off to look at the distance. Then suddenly she was again present: “Yes, damn! It is still very disturbing if it breaks out of me.

“Our discussion was interrupted by the waiter, who was just bringing our dishes. Or rather complete, because the situation no longer requires words. We ate silently while we were both in bed again in my thoughts. After we had paid and I helped her with the coat, the urge to play over was higher. So I whispered in her ear: “When we are back, I want you to be a hooker again, who struggled hard and want to be fucked thoroughly.

And if you won’t be good, I’ll put you over the knee. “When I removed from her ear, she looked at me. Her eyes sparkled with lust … We were both tense with longing, the way back was long, but we did not heal ourselves. It was kind of nice to experience and enjoy this anticipation. We kept looking at ourselves as if we only wanted to communicate through our eyes. We didn’t say anything, it was only smiled.

When we got past the shop of a well-known lingerie chain, I maneuvered us in. Gaby looked at me questioningly. “Choose something that fits well for the evening. Only for tonight!“, I gave her the instructions that she confirmed with a slight blushing and nod. It didn’t take long and came out of the ranks with something that was small and black. “Do not look! Will be a surprise, ”she said coquettish. I had to smile again, but I looked away well.

She paid at the cash register and we continued our way with a small pink bag. Arrived in the apartment again, the nervousness had increased. We looked at ourselves unsafe, none of us really knew what should happen next. So I wanted to give us some time. “Make yourself fresh! I’m in the kitchen for so long, ”I suggested. She gratefully accepted my suggestion, looked for something from her suitcase and then disappeared into the bathroom.

After a good quarter of an hour she was finished and I could replace her. For me, the freshness only took five minutes: brush your teeth and a small laundry below. When I took the few steps to the bedroom, I realized that this situation was ghostly resembled from the previous day. But 24 hours have passed since then – highly eventful hours. It was not a déjà vu experience, but for me, and certainly for Gaby, it was something completely new.

I slowly opened the door. Gaby was in bed, covered up to the neck. I had to have looked a little disappointed because she giggled. But the next moment she started to slowly pull the blanket down with her feet. First her bare breasts came to light, finally her newly acquired underwear: a black G-string with a triple side straps. The little fabric that was supposed to cover her pubic area could not do justice to his task, because he was so transparent that I could immediately see and admire her excited labia.

Gaby also did her part for it, because she spread her legs, raised her and stroked her vulva with two fingers. Then she rolled on her stomach, stretched out her butt and rocked it back and forth. The sight increased my excitement into immeasurable, the bath towel, which was beaten around my hip. When Gaby heard the result of her little show, she got up and hugged me. “I feel it and also tested it: I have my ovulation now.

Now it has to happen. Pregnant me!“, She whispered in my ear and kissed me on my neck and earlobes. “Ohh, I’m so sharp, I literally drip. Take me, take me again and again!“I just wanted to enjoy a violent kiss with her with her, so she was already going at a diving station. She tore my bathing towel off my body, clawed my limb and blew it with an intensity as if her life depends on it. She literally forced me towards the climax, I needed a lot of presence to brake.

“If you continue like this, my juice won’t land where you need it,” I groaned. She stopped, took my penis out of her mouth and grinned me victoriously: “How do you want to take me?“One of the most exciting questions at all that a woman can ask!“From behind. Offer you like a rolling cat!“She looked at me sharply, then she laid her stomach on the bed and stretched out her butt. “Show your wet column. Show me where to go in!“, I cheered them on.

She reached between her legs with one hand and spread her vulva with her fingers. Invitingly her meat opened and shone to me. My limb almost burst with joy. I also climbed the bed and aimed at the now well -known vagina. I slowly dashed, but only until my glans sank, then out. Back and out again. Gaby grumbled enjoyable. “Rub your clit! I’ll take you hard, but I want you to come too!“Bavaraved her with a finger to her pearl and screeching around her.

For a while I played my pure-back game, then I bored very deeply. Gaby moaned satisfied when I was sunk into her until I was a stop. I still tried to penetrate even deeper with each time. Then I switched a gear and banged it with a lot of momentum. With every push I clapped loudly against her cheeks and thighs. I became wild, not just with my movements. “Well, it is what you need? To be taken hard? From behind, like a bitch?“I asked, although it was increasingly difficult for me to formulate reasonably sensible sentences.

“Yes-haaa … mhh … fuck me hard! Ohh … “” Then you get your reward right now, you little bitch!“I croaked. She tried to answer, but it was incomprehensible and went down in moan. I clawed her hair, pressed her head into the mattress. “And now you get your juice, you whore!“I said and sprayed deep in her cave after four-five strong bumps. Until then it was my most intense orgasm, a short tremor ran over my back before I was back in my senses.

My limb was twitching for the last time when I felt her quick and incredibly rough rubbing. I wanted to start to worry that she couldn’t come because she groaned and roared and grumbled out loudly into the world. I got to feel her muscles in her vagina again while her body shook as if she had chills. When she calmed down after a minute, she giggled and laughed full of satisfaction. I wanted to say something like I always had something to say after a good number, but I didn’t find words.

What I found was only the sound of her request in my head to give her time to take action. So I got off her, routinely, she got a pillow under her bottom after she had turned over. I lay down next to her and we both do it before us. These breaks were very welcome. Time enough to recover and get new ideas. After half an hour, so many gathered in my head that I couldn’t be quiet anymore.

I straightened up and saw that Gaby had fallen asleep. She was still naked, with raised butt. Her legs were bent and leaned loosely, so I was able to admire their plum, as my white juice was slowly going out of it. An extremely erotic-sucking sight. I granted her the calm, covered her and sneaked out of the room on the tips of the toe. What does a guy who wants to mate, but cannot? Drink and watch TV, what else.

I opened a new bottle of wine and zap through the programs. It passed an hour, then two hours. My disappointment grew, although I had to admit that I had already got a lot more than I expected or suspected. Until the next day it was still a few hours that I would have liked to spend with more interesting things than with a documentaryoap in which people shouted continuously. So loud that I don’t even notice how Gaby woke up, crept into the bathroom and who knows how many times made fresh time.

I only got with me that she stuck her head through the door slot and said Keck: “So, I knew something better than sitting in front of the telly!””Oh yes?“I made the box in no time. “Then come here, you sleep cap!“She opened the door completely and showed herself. Fortunately, she only had the new string, nothing else. She approached with careful steps and sat next to me. “I’m sorry! I was just so exhausted.

“She put her hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear:“ How can I make it up?“I looked at her like a predator:“ By losing it first!“I got up to free myself from my bathrobe, sat down again and pointed to my lap. “Lay here nice here!“She knew exactly what she came up with. I again received her shamefully submissive look before she slowly climbed into the desired position. She wobbled a little back and forth with her pelvis until she also had it comfortably, then she lay quietly and waited.

I slowly touched her while I moved in this wonderful sight into myself. Her head was inclined on the bed to the side, her buttocks stretched out. I looked between her legs: her plum shone, her labia were open like a bloom, and her back entrance could hardly hide in this position. My left hand rested on her back, my right slide tenderly up and down on her legs. So tender that I received goose bumps in response.

I concentrated more on her thighs. Stroke, followed by massage. I shifted the massage to her buttocks and intensified it until it flows into a knead. With the other hand I felt her accelerated breathing frequency. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open to get enough air. Her butt felt heavenly. As if by itself my hand and clap on it. Once. Twice. “This gets naughty girls who bid instead of offering themselves,” I started to sleep, “I started the verbal accompaniment and struck twice at about each sentence – once on the left, once on the right.

“You could have been fucked properly. Deep and firm. You can’t prefer sleeping! Your plum shines with hunger, it wants to be filled. That will also be. But now she has to be patient until her owner gets her just punishment, not true?“She murmured a yes. She sounded pleasant and was hard to understand because of her ever louder breath. I slowly continued. Even if I finally wanted to punish her, it was not my intention to cause her great pain.

Accordingly, my blows were moderate, whereby I gave her time after every pat on it to enjoy it and prepare for the new one. On my part, I used these breaks to stroke their thighs or to take stimulating explorations between their legs with my fingers. My goal was to keep a balance between excitement and pain. Gaby’s wheezing and moaning became louder and more sensible. After every pat on it she squeaked, she grumbled with every petting unit. Her cheeks slowly took on a red color and felt hot.

I decided to end the spanking for the time being, gave her a few harder blows for the final, which she also acknowledged with a louder outcry. “Now we can come back to how you want to make up for your unauthorized nap. “Slowly she straightened up. Of course, she didn’t have to think long about the way in which the reparation. My limb, which was jammed all the time between her thigh and my stomach, now had air again and dangled between my legs.

She knelt on the floor in front of me, support herself on my knees and took it playful in her hand. Then she gave me a mixture of stroking and caressed with a girlish curiosity. It has always been a pleasant balm for my soul when a woman was interested in my penis and had considered it so extensively and laid out hand. Especially when this manual care merged into oral pampering. She was very tender, her lips soft and careful, her tongue gently.

But she knew exactly which places were to go to to keep me at operating temperature. Soon she was already tired of my glans. I slipped all the way to the edge of the bed and spread my legs so that she could show up as close as possible and unhindered her oral skills. My excitement rose, as well as my wildness. I had to touch her head, hold, pack her ponytail so that she just didn’t stop (not as if she wanted to).

Then I pressed her more and more on my staff. Soon I felt her throat with my glans. I wanted deeper, but gentle, I paid attention to her reactions so that I could stop immediately if it got too much. So I gently slipped a little further with every penetration and she did well. When I ended this deepthroat costum test, she looked proudly and satisfied. I would have liked to ask what was going on in her head at that moment, but I knew it would have been inappropriate, so I made a completely different, only meaningful comment.

“You can blow well while your butt is red. “She Schrak on:” Really?“She took her buttocks, reached and stroked her as if she wanted to feel the red color of her skin. A sight that made me smile. “Come with me!“I led her to the big mirror in the hallway. She turned her butt so that she could look at herself. Again she grossed and stroked her butt, which also encouraged me to do so. “A pretty, flanked butt of an unique girl,” I said, grapping her baking.

“Or rather the one, a little hooker? Anyway, I think it’s good for you. “She looked at me shamingly in the mirror. “Look what it looks like when you get wider!“I clapped the already red skin a few times. We both watched exactly how their buttocks shook. It was slim, but not sporty, accordingly that area was a little limp. But that was just attractive to it. We were enchanted by this spectacle and stared on her butt, to which I kept giving a pat.

I almost overlooked that she bit on the lower lip. I stopped clapping and smiled. She also noticed that I perceived this obvious sign of the excited tension. She quickly tried to distract from this nose. My penis, who was no longer as stiff as before, but still plump and thick in front of him, came there. She seized him. “It also looks very nice in the mirror. “I smiled at her weak attempt, but I wanted to make the best of it.

“He still looks nicer in your mouth. Have you ever watched yourself?“She shook her head and she crouched. She fonded in the mirror, wanted to follow every movement from this new perspective for her. I too was fascinated by our reflection. Less of how Gaby spoiled me orally, but much more, how she watched herself. However, this attentive view only appealed to me to a limited extent. From sheer self -observation, she neglected the actual bubbles.

I wanted to save Gaby the disappointment that my member was shrinking on his normal size in her mouth, so I changed the scene again. I pulled her into the bedroom and pushed her onto the bed. Willig let her fall. I wanted to cost her all the time, but without me being forced to get my own sperm. Since my last cumshot was long ago, I saw the opportunity. “So, Gaby, now I want to taste your pussy!“I spread her legs, pushed her up and admired her meat.

Their outer labia were swollen and red, their inner lips were disassembled and shone here and there, while a wet vaginal entrance between them was hidden with the obvious goal of being filled very soon. Gaby’s fragrance, this typical, female fragrance, was quite intense and beguiling. I licked across her entire vulva several times. Not her fragrance, her taste was beguiling too. I smacked her labia extensively before I started to systematically spoil her pearl.

Circular, up and down, left and right, in a zigzag, with the tongue surface, with the tip of the tongue. I held her legs on her knees and gave her little space for moving. After a short time, she snrewed and groaned louder and louder. Her upper body bulged and cramped – and I stopped my tongue. Gaby raised her head and looked at me reproachfully. “You already know the game,” I grinned. When she cooled down a little, I continued licking.

After a few minutes, the climax was again within reach for her, but I let her crash again shortly before. She whined quietly. “How was it? I don’t understand you. Do you want to come about?“I asked and enjoyed her answer, who was once again looking away her sweet, shameful way. Again came the tease followed by denial. Her whining was now louder, her eyes were borrowing me. And she always bit her lips. Out of all despair, she pressed my head together with her legs so as not to let go of her vulva.

This was reason enough to go one step further. “Na-na-na, I think I will have to fix you a little. “She looked at me with big eyes when I got handcuffs out of my suitcase. Better said there were two straps for the wrists and a carabin chain to connect. I took her arms and stretched her over her head. The bed frame was made of metal and was just offering himself for bondage games. I was finished quickly and looked at this woman, who was now completely at the mercy.

Although she had already voluntarily delivered to me without bonds, her handcuffs had a lot more attractive her helplessness. I now put my finger in and drove their clitoris to madness. I stopped three times shortly before their climax. After that she couldn’t. “Let me come! Please, give me it!“, She demanded heavy breathy and became louder and louder. “You can do everything with me! Everything!“I was intoxicated. Of course she didn’t mean it seriously, but it was satisfactory.

I enjoyed it for a second for a second, then I turned her on her stomach. “I do that what you see the most. To be fucked like a hooker!“I said and put on. “Yes! I am your hooker! Fuck me finally tieeef … Achhh!“She roared when I was busting. I lay down on her, clawed her shoulders and gave her what she wanted. Not too fast, but powerful. She didn’t need two minutes and gave me a literally gripping orgasm experience.

Her vagina worked so intensely that I had the feeling that she wanted to crush my best piece. After that I didn’t take long and gave her something from my juice again. We were both out of breath. I got away from her weakly and she got the pillow under her lower body again. Then I lay down next to her and we stared at each other. The more and more we did, the more interesting your eyes became. It was slowly dangerous.

It was no longer just curiosity or sexual attraction, but it was bought something. I was startled and was able to save myself from the situation with the proposal of a new pizza order. We were both hungry and when the delivery arrived, I forgot my concerns and hit my stomach full. Gaby not only ordered green stuff this time. We ate and rest for half an hour before I gave the signal to continue.

She just cleared the dishes in the kitchen when I approached her. “Kitchen work can wait. We have more important things to do!“, Came my announcement. She turned around and didn’t look at me at all anxiously. I slowly loosened the knot on her bathrobe belt. She supported herself on the worktop with her hands so that I could fold the coat halves undisturbed. I cheerfully found that she was wearing her new string again.

I put on her chest and kissed her lips. In no time we were hot again and waddling how teenagers towards the bedroom. On the way we both lost our bathrobes. When I arrived in the bedroom, I threw her on the bed and just wondered which part of the body I should come across. “Anna was mad at the time because I looked at you so much. “I drove back and needed a second to understand the context of her statement. Women have always had a sense of practicing the past moments during the most inappropriate moments.

Even if it was a very interesting detail from the past this time. “What does that mean?““ How women look at a man when they find him interesting when they check him out. She saw that immediately. “Gaby looked cheekily at me and challenging. Just like my daughters when they made nonsense to test my limits and provoke me. During sex you often became a child, I knew that, but I never thought that I could use experience from child training in this way.

“Why are you telling me that now?”I asked her. She did not answer, but continued to look brazen and cheeky in my eyes. Maybe I should have weighed a little, but the situation left me only a logical conclusion. Because somehow I knew immediately that she had not constantly fantasized about me for the past six years. I also knew that this project was not an excuse to have sex with me. She had only placed this piece of the puzzle from the past to provoke me.

Very different from my daughters, I gave this provocation from Gaby with great pleasure. “So you’re a little bitch that only wants to be fucked. “She almost grinned devilish. I pushed her string aside to dive into your sheath with two fingers. I briefly enjoyed her wet heat, pulled her out and put her in her mouth. She sucked in them well while I sank my limb into her instead of my fingers.

I took her hard and tortured her breasts a little. But the kneading, pinching and turning nipple made them even sharper. So I turned her over and raid her butt again. “You little bitch, you can only think of the tail all the time?“I groaned her. “Targeted like a whore, again and again. You want that, don’t true?“I continued to hit her cheeks. I tried to control myself, but the blows were a good bit stronger than before.

She groaned and groaned. It could not be distinguished whether with pleasure or pain. When my hand hurt, I penetrated it again. I pushed her vigorously, pulled her hair and bit into her earlobes. “I’ll fuck you that you can no longer run tomorrow,” I bragged. “Then I put your ass that you can’t sit for days. “My verbal stimulation fell on fertile soil, lustful grumbling and wheezing it.

Once again I started to do it, then I took her again. Always alternating. I couldn’t count on how often I changed back and forth. At some point I came deep in her cave. I couldn’t remember whether she had a highlight. I only remembered how I looked at it afterwards. In her eyes it was an incredible satisfaction that infected me and let me fall asleep immediately. When I opened my eyes the next morning, Gaby was awake.

She lay next to me and looked at me. Not a word fell. An uncomfortable silence. What did you say after such a night? One asked how the other was doing? You kissed yourself? You cuddled? No. You sank into your own thoughts. Because I found that this situation with Gaby, this “morning-no-in-bed-lazy romance” seemed too familiar to me. After less than two days, her face and your body had become a matter of course. This discovery of my change of sensory brought me into a shock -like condition.

First your request let me revive. “I want it again. Another last time to be on the safe side. And then … “She pressed her lips together and I thought I had seen the approach of a tear in her eye. I almost soft. “Then we make the cut again,” I ended the sentence with fake self -confidence. “Yes, exactly,” she said relieved. Apart from this approaching farewell, it was very pleasant to get sex from the bed partner shortly after waking up.

I stroked Gabys cheek and gently grazed the ceiling from her body. It looked cooler and more inhibited than the day before. I revealed her shoulder, her hip and finally her buttocks. With the fingertip I first districted her chin, then I drove over her breasts, turned a few rounds of honor around her nipples, made a curve on her belly button and conquered the gate over her venus hill to the sky. But she reacted to the tender sliding of my fingers over her labia with a painful hissing.

“Yesterday’s day was intense. Is still a bit painful there … below … ”, she said with sad eyes. “Where below?“She hesitantly answered with a slight swell:“ You already know. “” Oh, do you mean your pussy?“I asked cheekily. She gave me a submissive look. Splendid! Fund of my limb, which was ready for use within seconds. I led Gaby’s hand there and immediately felt her firm grip that went into massage. “So where exactly is it painful?”I asked her.

She hesitated, so I became a harsh: “Reply!“Finally the quiet answer came:“ On my pussy. “”Volume up!”” On my pussy!“, It came out of her mouth loudly and understandably. “Say it in a different word!“She immediately obeyed:“ Sheath. “” Another!”” Vagina “, she waited briefly and continued. “Vulva … hole … column … cave. “She was slowly talking to her, her ever stronger movements on my member betrayed her. The last synonym that she could still come up.

“FFF cunt. “Then we kissed violently. She pulled me on and directed my staff to her cave. “And what happens to your cunt now?“I was slowly finding speaking difficult, just like her. “She is filled and fucked,” she smiled at me. “And how is she fucked?“I asked while I was happy to have brought her to the dirty talk. She looked at me with her blissful eyes with her lust. “Deep and firm,” she groaned and clung to my shoulders.

“And then the cream comes. “I was slow and gentle. I didn’t know if her meat was actually as sensitive as she said. I only made very small, circular movements out of my hip. This technology also climaxed me, but much slower. I wanted to have a lot of time, I wanted to enjoy this supposedly last opportunity with her and I definitely wanted to see her again how she received her orgasm. If it was rather quiet at first, the volume of her lusty noises rose steadily.

Soon her pelvis moved at the same pace, but in the opposite direction. As much as its genitals were strained, she didn’t want to miss the rubbing of her clitoris. This sex was the most intimate of everyone. The crazy feeling that she kept raising her pelvis made me almost rash cumshot. However, I was able to concentrate on pushing out in good time and was torn from Gaby’s quiet, shaky climax. She stayed firmly on my back, even when her orgasm had subsided.

Then she noticed that I hadn’t arrived at the end and I realized that I was now very far away. So I switched one step higher. I pushed her harder. Her whole body swung in my rhythm, her breasts rocked up and down. She swallowed, she sniffed, she tried to close her mouth, but with this intensity she couldn’t. Her mouth remained open and groaned louder and louder. It was soon visible that it started to get her uncomfortable.

This made me wilder, which is why I took her even wilder, which in turn made more suffering. She borrowed me with her eyes and finally succeeded: With some particularly strong bumps, I unloaded myself in her. We looked. Long, far too long. Then she closed her eyes. When I pulled out my member, she grabbed a pillow, shoved it under her buttocks and turned her head away. She closed herself in front of me, she made the cut.

Okay, I thought that’s it. The adventure was over. I got up and went a little perplexed into the living room. I would have loved to treat myself to wine, but later I had to drive a car for hours. So I only stared out of the window with an empty look and drank mineral water. I was caught in a psychological emptiness. Too many emotions, impressions and thoughts whirled around in my head, I couldn’t grab her. My rational reason fought with irrational longings.

Time evaporated. Two hours later – I didn’t know how – the suitcases were packed and we stood in the kitchen. We are just putting on our wedding rings. Our eyes met. We both considered what we should say, how we should say goodbye. Finally Gaby raised the floor. “Thanks. I am really grateful to you, whether it worked or not. Thank you for giving me this chance, Micha!“It happened. First she sobbed, then she cried.

I had to hug her. I pressed her, she clung to me firmly. Slowly she calmed down. No, the wrong word was quiet. She stopped crying, but there was something else that she didn’t leave. I felt it too. Your proximity, your warmth had my fuses burn. What else should you expect if you paired each other for days. You couldn’t leave the feelings on the outside. You couldn’t stay cold and sober.

If it was so simple, people ticked so simple? A female and male were locked together, let them get closer and it already sparked it? Our emotions played a prank, our feelings developed a life of their own. Gaby looked at me. These eyes. Chestnut. Sad. Lost. They made me weak. Our lips touched. We kissed, more and more violent. It wasn’t wild, it was passionate, almost in love. We could not control ourselves and tore the clothes off each other.

It was like in a romantic movie. Everything disappeared around. I just wanted her, nothing else. At that moment it played itself the ring No role on my finger. I put it on the edge of the kitchen table and took it again. But this time it was different, very different. Everything was more lovely, my movements, its hugs, the kisses, the touches. It was an emotional firework. But after the fireworks the awakening came.

We desperately looked at. This setback ultimately helped shake ourselves and get a cool head. The dream This two days had to end. Finally! We looked around and cleared our throat. “That’s it! Take a deep breath and go home, of course?“I said the tone, even if it was damn hard to me. Gaby nodded. We got dressed and hurried out of the apartment. Outside the door we would no longer do stupidness.

We looked at each other one last time. “I wish you from the heart that it worked,” I said. “And it was … beautiful!””Thanks! For everything!“She whispered. A painful farewell. From her jacket pocket I saw the string bought last day, which made me smile. Then we got into our cars and drove away in opposite directions. Literally and symbolical. Epilogue: The ancillary and after-effects were stronger than assumed. It turned out that I and Anna could not handle this pregnancy project so well.

We needed several weeks to reduce the distance between us again, to find each other and to be able to exchange tenderness. It came about that she entered the second trimester. Her hormones played crazy and her sexual desire rose exponentially. One day the dam was broken, we fell on top of each other. “Take me like you! You … you inseminated!“She groaned and I knew that she had managed this trauma. Even so good that she made a fetish out of it and repeatedly used sex.

Well, the ways of the woman are sometimes unfathomable. And Gaby? Since then we have not had direct contact. The project was successful. Before she gave birth to her daughter, Thomas was promoted and she moved abroad. From time to time we got photos of them. Thomas proudly holds the girl in her arms. Soon they want to visit us. That will be interesting….

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