Auctioned as slave [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

(2000) I was sitting comfortably in front of my computer and surfed in the Internet around. I had several SM contact sites displayed via a search engine that I have now searched for interesting texts. In one were still slaves wanted who wanted to be auctioned at an auction. I immediately went to the hem in the advertisement to find out more.

Submissive, masochistic men should report who would be ready to be bid by a dominant lady. The amount achieved should half of the slave or its mistress Received, the other half get the Femdom Group, which carries out the auction. The slave should arrive at the auction on the auction day until 10 a.m.
There he had to hand over all the clothes to the guards.

The guards would tie up And he has to spend the last 6 hours until the start of auction on a ring chained to the ceiling. If this time would be interested women who could examine the slaves. The slave had to serve the mistress until the day after next Saturday at midnight. If you want to apply, you should send a signed contract in which the slaves’ rights and obligations were regulated.
I had been dreaming of a woman for a long time, but had never been lucky with personals.

I only found it disturbing that I should completely deliver myself to a stranger that I didn’t know at all. I dreamed of performing a woman’s commands, tied up and letting it all over every now and then, but I never wanted to serve as a human toilet.
I replied to a few personals from dominant women and went to sleep. Of the ladies that I wrote to, only two replied and they wanted to have a certain amount of money before they would hand in with me. This extinguishing pond immediately from my computer, because if you send money to such post -bearing addresses, you usually don’t get an answer except new money claims anyway.
After 14 days and several failed applications with dominant ladies, I decided to offer myself as a slave at the auction.

I just had a week until the registration period passed. 2 days later I learned that I was accepted.
I took 14 days for the time in question Vacation, grabbed my suitcase and ran by train to the place where I should report. At the train station there was a VW bus with a woman who wore leg -high black leather boots and had a strict look. She ordered us immediately and then we drove several kilometers to a huge property that was surrounded by a high stone wall with barbed wire.

One had the impression that you came to a prison.
We were immediately received by several women who attached all black leather uniforms and the high boots. They wore all the belts on which a nine -tailed cat or long -rolled leather whips hung. They saw their faces that they were just waiting to use these instruments. I prefer not to put on with them, so I obediently followed all the commands they gave me.

I put my bag in a locker on which my name was already standing, pulling out and putting my clothes in the locker. Then I bathed for a long time and extensively, let myself be creamed with fragrant oils all over the body and didn’t even try to defend myself when I got foot – and handcuffed.
Now we were brought to an inner courtyard by a large building. From the wall of the building, long metal sticks with an iron ring at the end of 5m and at a height of 3m and at a height of 3m. We were chained to these rings.

All 18 slaves in the yard were published as the first interested women. Most were dressed in the dominatrix outfit and it was slowly getting a little queasy. They walked along the slaves and examined them extensively. Many had whip or riding a few and it was better to do what they said to you.

If the grip of a whip was pushed between the legs and the command came to make the legs spread, then the command had to follow, otherwise there were painful blows or a guard flash out thoroughly. I followed all the commands, willingly let me squeeze the genitals and managed to get away without blows. Some of my competitors didn’t get away so well and their backs had a pattern of stripes.
Slowly I started to regret that I had got involved with this adventure. Most of the women looked fantastic, but there were also some that weren’t that particularly beautiful.

A woman who was bigger as I was with my 175cm and certainly over 100 kg of interior people weighed especially for me and said to me she would buy me. She made a well -trained impression like a strength athlete and I was afraid of her. She was wearing a leather corset from which her lush breasts are kept out in half -shells. Strapse were attached to the corset that kept a few black nylons with seam through which their muscular legs came into their own.

She wore black paint shoes on her feet and her cunt was covered by a tiny leather tanga. She had attached a nine -tailed cat and one of the long rolled -up leather whips on a belt she was wearing. She also turned a round, examined all slaves and came back to me. She squeezed my eggs and showed me the contents of the bag that dragged her around with her.

It contained leather cuffs for hands and feet, a belt body with many iron rings on which you could attach the leather cuffs, as well as a chain and a dog collar. She said to me this would be all my size and she likes smaller men who are inferior to her anyway. My fear that I would actually be the slave of this woman. You could see that she was physically superior to me and I was afraid of the whip she had, especially after she announced me.

She would really whip me after which she would have bought me so that I would not get stupid thoughts. In addition, she would use the whips plenty of, because her saying was: “If you go to the man, don’t forget the whip.“I was fervently hoping to go out with the auction of money and I would get another mistress. Unfortunately, I am a bit chubby and was the oldest slave. The other slaves all had much more interests like me.

I could only hope that I would be auctioned at the end, because there were many more bidders like slaves, but the draw did not bring me luck. I came third. The first two slaves were auctioned for almost 5000 DM. With me they started with the minimum offer of DM 20 and the price sluggishly crawled to DM 1500.

At 1500 DM, the matron I feared offered for the first time. It increased the offer by 500 DM to 2000 DM and had so frightened the other bidders that no longer bid that. She received the contract. The supervisors took me off the shelf and led me to her.

She rejected the supervisors’ help and said she would be done with me alone. She threw me to the ground and knelt on me, then she took the nine -tailed cat off the belt and began to overrun my back with a pattern of stripes. She broke my will in a brutal way, and I willingly let me put the belt body and the leather cuffs around the wrists. She attached the cuffs to metal rings from the belt body at the hip height.

She also put cuffs on my feet and connected her with a short iron chain, so that I could only take very small steps.
Finally, she put the dog collar around me. When she pulled it, I rose, but was immediately thrown over and got the nine -tailed cat to feel. Then she explained to me that her slave had to crawl in front of her. She pulled on the collar and I slipped on my knees after her.

However, that was too slow for her and she said now a real punishment would be due. I whimpered and pleaded for mercy, which she also bothered me. She reached into her pocket and ordered my mouth to open my mouth. I obeyed and she put a foal gag in my mouth that she flies up with a small press air bottle.

Now I didn’t get a sound out. She led me to a tree, ordered me to raise me and threw the leash over a branch. Then she fastened the end so that I was tied upright on the branch. She went back a few meters and started the long -rolled whip off the belt.

I started to tremble before the first blow hit me because I suspected what was blooming now. When the first blows met me, I knew that my worst fears were exceeded. Against these blows, the blows with the nine-tailed cat looked like strokes.
After a short time my back and ass was littered with bloody cracks and I knew there would be scars behind. This was something that I had always rejected in my reply on personals.

My limits were actually KV, NS and traces that didn’t heal after a few days. However, I had signed here that I would agree to everything. Now I regret my signature. I just hoped that they spared me with KV, because I think this is absolutely disgusting.

After I had briefly lost my reflection in between, she started again. I had to go back to my knees and further behind her.
I slipped after her to an elevator that was attached to the outer wall of a building. With this we drove to the third floor. She got a key out of her pocket and opened an apartment door.

With a jerk on the collar she gave me to understand her to follow her. There were a St. Andrew’s cross attached from the ceiling and the wall was attached to the wall. In one corner there was a criminal linen with straps strap. I knew it would get very hard and took me from obedience.

She led me to another room where an iron bed stood. She strapped me on the bed with the arms and legs spread out, then she got the remote control of the television that was in front of the bed. She stood over me wide -legged, so I had a clear view of her tightly hairy cunt that came closer and closer to my face. With her knees she sat on my shoulder, pressed my head between her thighs and pressed her pleasure grotto directly onto my mouth.

She said she would be about now. View a porn film for an hour in which a dominatrix is raising a slave. If I don’t at least five times during this time orgasm I would have licked, I get your pee to drink. So I didn’t stand on piss, so I had to make a lot of effort.

I immediately opened my mouth and started licking. She was quite damp with excitement and tasted slightly sour.
I let my tongue circle and sucked on her labia. I immediately had the whole mouth full hair, which I don’t like at all, but Pee I liked even less, so I made every effort. I searched her clit with my tongue and played around with it.

I really sucked on her cunt and clit, but it took quite a long time to the first time came. Her thighs pressed my head together quite tightly and her cunt pressed her so much on my face that my nose was still closed by a belly fold, so that I couldn’t get any air and it became black in front of my eyes at times. But I wasn’t allowed to make a limp. I had to make more effort, otherwise I would never give her five orgasms in this short time, hopefully I can do it.
End of 1.

Part ..

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