Education of the wife | Erotic sex stories

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Marriage is not always so easy if it has lasted for a long time. Then you come to me. I can often help when it comes to something extraordinary practices. A husband asked me for advice: “My wife is always so defiant, she all constantly has her own ideas and ideas, I don’t know her again at all. “What happened? His wife was nice, tender and understanding at a young age when he met her. She tried for a nice partnership, also in bed.

She had changed, just as the times have changed. Women’s movements are increasingly influencing the behavior of wives. His wife had been tempted by it. She was increasingly refusing to sex if he didn’t trace. That simply went on the alarm clock. “I heard,” he said to me, “you know your way around with the upbringing of women. “Yes, too, that is part of my job. You have to set limits when it becomes unbearable.

I am absolutely for equality and of course also in bed or anywhere else in the landscape. However, this equality is based on mutuality. If the man no longer gets his right, it is just as unjust as it is vice versa. And if the woman only chops around on him because he didn’t let the car wash or did not properly suck the footwell, or because in her opinion he thinks too much football Looks and so on, then it’s enough.

Enough is enough!If all of this is punished with the withdrawal of sex, then the limit is really exceeded and you have to intervene. It may now shake one or the other or the other, but sometimes it helps to lead the woman back on the right path. So I will certainly not get any applause for women now. Or maybe yes? Want women a flap at their side? Or do you want a strong man who says where it goes? My experience taught me that the latter is the case.

The beating, as was still common in marriage in the Middle Ages, is rightly abolished. But there are also more subtle methods. I advised him to get a dog collar. A nice wide end leather And maybe occupied with rhinestones, so somehow it seems special. If possible, his wife should also please. “And then”, he asked without understanding. “Then you ask her very politely to wear the collar at home during your presence.

“He still looked inconsistent. “It’s like a second wedding ring that you give her and expresses her connection with you when she wears it. Make it clear to her. “At our next meeting, he said to his own surprise that she actually does it when he is at home whenever he is at home. “Good,” I said, “then you also buy a dog leash. And whenever you are at home, get them into the collar.

You then explain to her that you won’t let her off the chain as long as you are married. “At the next meeting he said that she would have refused. He had asked heretically whether they wanted to be left off the leash to fuck foreign. He learned quickly. It was just the right reaction. And from now on she let herself leash. Following my recommendation, he expanded the experiment and also performed it publicly on a leash.

The astonished and curious looks of all passers -by also liked his wife. She increasingly attracted herself when they were traveling together. So she steered even more looks of the men in particular. He also liked that when other men were admiring and surprised by his wife. And sometimes, he believed, to recognize jealous looks as he had his wife under control. If he then noticed how some of the men were chased by their wife because their men were interested, he had almost a little pity with these men.

I praised him for his daring and for his flair to get his wife back on track. The therapy obviously followed her. She entrusted herself to her husband and opened her belonging to him openly. But, he reported, when she was stubborn because he hadn’t done anything to her satisfaction, he couldn’t get back on the train. So she couldn’t be fucked. “Then we are now coming to phase three,” I explained to him.

“You have to make them compliant. She signed a marriage contract. She expects you to be ready at any time when you are afterwards. That is her right too. But that is based on mutuality. “” How should I do that, “he asked curiously. “You have to make her understandable and clear that she must be available. It is her marital meal!“You just have to name things by name. He followed my instructions. When he was at home, she had only lightly clothed to run around.

I advised him to set the heating a few degrees higher. After all, she shouldn’t freeze. If he wanted it and wished, she had to satisfy herself in front of him to let him forget his everyday stress. In the future she had to make absolute obedience to satisfy her husband. If he was one porn Looked at, had to sit next to him and stroke him. If he wanted it, she had to blow him until his tail As stiff that he could fuck her.

“It never works,” he said. “You just have to want it,” I tried to convince him, “and you have to offer her appropriate incentives so that she wants it too. “Helpless husbands are a problem. But I’m there for that. On his next visit he told me. “She got it herself in front of my eyes, And she found it exciting how I reacted to it. When I fucked her afterwards, she was very happy.

” Oh look, it works!“You have to show her and prove who the gentleman is in the house. You do not allow contradiction if you want to fuck them, then you do it. And if she realizes how much you want it, she will be the hottest bride that you’ve ever met. Women want to be taken, then they bloom. Anyone who can be rejected is also written off. “He learned quickly. In the future, even when he came in to the doorstep, the collar and a leash.

She wore almost nothing except very exciting lingerie. She asked well if he wanted to eat dinner and then fuck or vice versa. He didn’t recognize his wife again. It is not the case that I only advise husbands, even wives come to me who have become too boring. Therefore I also gain my knowledge from the other side. A wife came to me after twenty years of marriage. “Always the same,” she complained, “only in and out in the same position.

I want to experience something exciting again. And if he would rape me … I am his wife, that would be exciting!“She wanted to be dominated, she wanted to feel the lust and lust of her husband. She wanted to submit if she only felt that she was perceived as a woman and sex object. Unusual? I now know that it happens more often than some husbands can imagine. My customer was one of those.

He knew nothing about his wife’s secret wishes. That’s why she had become so unruly. She didn’t want to annoy him, she wanted to shake him up. She wanted Pep again in her marriage and that he was a keybull to her counterpart. He was a bit overwhelmed, as I found on his next visit. “She asked me if we didn’t three could do with another man, ”he reported.

That was an approach. “This is okay,” I encouraged him, “as long as you determine where it goes. She has to make two men available to you. And you determine what’s going on. She also has to serve the other man because you want it that way. “He looked at me in doubt:“ How is that supposed to work?“Sometimes it is not easy to advise a awkward husband. Your wish was very clear to submit and indulge in.

Now her husband had to take the lead. I offered to be present at the event in order to be able to intervene or correct it if necessary. Gratefully he accepted my offer. It is a woman who makes almost all men’s dreams come true. Slim with pronounced hips and narrow waist, medium -sized, solid breasts and endless legs. I could understand that he had married her. Her beautiful long hair and the pronounced cheekbones completed the image of a woman as she is in the book.

I would succeed in doing my customer’s wish to satisfy? How was she really renitated, or was she just underwhelmed by her husband?The “third man”, the second male part, was an eternal single and came from the circle of friends of the two. So there was no fear of contact, as if it had been a completely strange and unappealing type. Now it was about teaching my customer what his wife really expected from him.

She was wearing a bra that brought her tits full to its own and let the nipples free. In addition, she wore a wafer-zard mini-slip that was almost transparent. And of course she wore the collar and the clinked leash. Almost naked as she was, she opened the door to the visitor and me. She ran barefoot and tripped to the living room in front of us, where her husband awaited us. He greeted us very friendly and ordered his wife to take care of drinks.

She came with a tray she held in front of her and on which the glasses stood. In the middle of the tray between the glasses, their breasts like for presentation also stored. My customer had already done preparatory work. She had not only learned to present herself on the street and here in the house. We encountered together, and of course she was allowed to drink too. Then he stood up, my customer, she took the leash and ordered: “On his knees!“Obeyman knelt down.

“Crawl to him!“She crawled into the common friend. “Equip yourself and show him your tits,” her husband asked her. It didn’t work that way. “She has to offer her to him,” I instructed her husband, “she should raise her even further so that he can better guess the abundance. “” Come on, “she got to hear from her husband. She pressed her breasts even further up in the baskets. The friend got stem eyes.

“You can also touch her,” said my customer to the friend, “she wants it because I want it that way. “He had learned. It was clear that the friend didn’t have to be asked twice. My customer’s wife seemed to enjoy it. She was treated as she would like as a desirable woman, and because her husband wanted it that way. I looked at my customer in a requesting. “It is time for you to become active. “He understood and undressed quickly.

He pulled out his wife’s panties and began to finger her cunt. At the front she had her hands on her tits and from behind her husband’s fingers in her pleasure column. Her moan became appealing. Her husband’s marriage weighing aimed at exactly where she was sure to expect him. She just became a willing wife, as I imagined it. You have to give women and especially long -term wives the opportunity to live out.

You want sex without taboos as at a young age, when you still fucked wild and uncontrolled. At that time no freer asked how, where, what, what?? And the young women didn’t want to hear any questions either, they wanted a cock in their cunt!Was a bit hard formulated now, but what is true must remain true. Why did my customer suddenly have marriage problems? Because his wife believed that he was only there for his quick satisfaction.

But she wanted sex, real, unbridled sex again. Before my customer put his cock into his wife, I stopped him with an interjection: “Think of your third partner, he certainly has a stiff in the meantime as you have. “His wife understood me faster than him and opened the slot from her visitor. His stiff part jumped out of it. “Come on,” my customer asked her, “act on him!“Tentatively, she followed his request almost shyly.

My customer had now penetrated his wife. She willingly stretched out her cunt and received his bumps with a bliss, as it was very obvious. The poor guy in front of her still only had her hand around his cock. It didn’t work that way. I had to intervene again. She wanted more, but she didn’t dare because she didn’t know if her husband wanted it that way. “You have to ask her to use your mouth.

That’s your job!“You really had to explain everything to him. He followed her afterwards: “Open his mouth and show him what kind of artist you are!“She couldn’t really believe what her husband asked of her herself. At his request, she should lick a different cock in his presence. Again only very tentatively licked her over the top of the visitor. So that was of course nothing. “Motivation is the order of the day,” I cheered on my customer, “what do you have your wife’s baking my wife’s baking for you in front of you? Light blows on the back of the head already have in the School The ability to think.

So motivate them!“He hit her vigorously on the left and once right onto her ass. The tail of the visitor completely disappeared into her mouth. Everything developed to my full satisfaction. The man took over the direction. You could hear cozy grunt and moan. Her husband fucked her and she had a plump cock to suck in front. However, the fact that her husband had taken over the helm was crucial. He had made it to be unabashed.

He had made them indulge in two men at the same time. He had become the decisive part in her marriage and she followed him and his wishes. It was what she had hoped for a long time. Her husband fucked her more and more. She sucked on the other tail. It was already violent what was going on between the three. When the visitor and friend of the two groaned louder, it came to her husband. He hit her on her ass cheeks two or three times and she cried out when it came too.

Meanwhile, she swallowed that deeply and incessantly sperm of the tail in her throat. She turned to her husband and kissed him with smeared mouth: “Incredible, incredibly beautiful and cool! Thanks!“I had done my job. I could say I was successful. That’s how it should be. When I said goodbye, she whispered in my ear: “I can also visit you? I would have another question. “”.

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