Dirty fuck with Robin part 2 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am really me? Part (2) After Robin has almost fleeed my house, I shower and sleep despite the fact that I am extremely agitated very quickly. When I had breakfast the next morning I experienced the experience again through my head A 20 year old made me get out of my panties in a bar and as a little one whore and horny bitch denotes. When I just think of these expressions, I get the tingling feeling in my middle of my body.

And where is my string that he won’t have taken with him as a trophy? But no matter what to eat and a hot coffee. Again and again I catch how I look at my cell phone in the hope that Robin reports … but nothing happens. Well, I think today’s youth like to sleep a little longer. In the evening I lie back on the sofa and do it myself with the help of the memory of yesterday and my vibrator.

But I don’t get the good feeling of yesterday and long for this young 20 year old. I scare something when I realize that I also want to be insulted by him as a whore and bitch again. I even wish that he will be me again sperm wiped into the face. In the meantime it is 9:30 p.m. and I find a little sad and disappointed again that I have a new message on my cell phone but it is only from Sabine my best friend.

After we have written a little back and forth, I go to bed and sleep frustrated and hope that he reports to me again. Or was it just a unique adventure for him with an older woman … With this unsightly thought I finally fall asleep. On Monday my alarm clock rang like every weekday at 6:00 a.m. First I looked at my cell phone whether Robin might have registered. None … My mood at work wasn’t exactly the best.

This was repeated on Tuesday, so striking that colleagues already talked to me what is going on with me I would be obvious. On Wednesday morning I had already cursed myself to get involved with such a young guy and especially that it throws me out of the track just because he doesn’t report. I had the feeling that my colleagues were making a bow around me when they see me.

I’m really so next to me? My cell phone vibrates around noon and from the corner of the eye I see that on the display is a new message from “Meister Robin” What the spinner had thought that I thought but was actually too tired to think about it to think about it. I opened the message (shit lock code) as soon as possible. Then I finally made it. “I want you not to write me back on this message.

Even if you want it to continue with us! (a little strange but there was probably nothing that I preferred) I want you to wait for me on Friday at 4:30 p.m. in the parking lot in front of our supermarket. You will wear the dress from the last time. Before we misunderstand only the dress no underwear without a string you already know. Incidentally, I just smell on the last time … and your wonderful tits should also enjoy freedom.

Stay in your car with an open cover and I know that you want to stay my little whore. Your Lord Robin!“Your Lord I think of his little whore something … But quickly the first trouble flies when I notice how my nipples harden and I already produce juices in masses … How did he get that back with just one message to completely throw me off the track. At the end of the lunch break I have to get relief first and disappear on the office toilet.

Again I have astonished colleagues because my mood suddenly went up. The first municipalities already have to do with a man, which of course I left uncommented. Suddenly the time until Friday no longer seemed to pass, although I always fluctuated between outraged and sensible, cool and submissive. Now it’s finally Friday we have it 4:28 p.m. and what can I say I just sit dressed in my open convertible with my dress and shoes and wait in the corner of the parking lot on Robin.

4:35 p.m. that can’t be serious, I will get his ridiculous front and he puts me ice cold here. 4:40 p.m. I shouldn’t just drive 4:45 p.m. this creates me and I have prepared for so long. Shaved everywhere again and so elaborately but discreetly made up as it has been for a long time. 4:52 p.m. now it will be too stupid for me. I just want to start the car because I get a message on my cell phone again because master robin.

(Why didn’t I actually change that) “Very good my little whore but why do you want to start your car? I just applied you at 16. 30 to be here!!!!“4:55 p.m. I look around for him but cannot discover him. 5:00 p.m. where is it and why does he not finally come to me? I still look around in all directions and cannot discover it. 5:02 p.m. My cell phone master Robin “Take your hands on the steering wheel and look ahead how to do it while driving.

You won’t find me that way. “I immediately take the position he demanded. 5:12 p.m. Oh robin where are you only I showed you that I want you. Why don’t you finally come and kiss me as divinely as last time? 5:20 p.m. I’m trying to squint on my cell phone without moving my head. Not that I missed a message from him. 5:25 p.m. Since it actually vibrates and Master Robin is on the display I only take the right hand from the steering wheel and grab to the cell phone “You will now pull your dress up your hips so that you will use your ass directly on the leather sitting!“I’m carefully looking around again.

But in the last corner of the parking lot there is little going on (whoever wants to go on to the entrance) with as little movement as possible I press up and pull the dress up. The feeling of bare skin on the seat also excites me. And the fresh air around my cunt does not bring cooling. 5:30 p.m. where is it. Now I’ve been sitting here for an hour and waiting for him for 5 minutes even with a raised dress as he ordered.

(Ordered how that sounds but somehow I can’t think of anything more aptly) 5:35 p.m. another message, of course. “You do that very well my little whore is done and I am very proud of you!“It may sound stupid now, but when I put my cell phone back I straightened up again in my sitting I stretched my arms on the steering wheel and presented me literally.

5:45 p.m. The last ten minutes passed as I hoped that someone was going closer to my car to see how proud I was sitting here. 5:55 p.m. My euphoria is disappearing again now I’ve been waiting for almost 1.5 hours and apart from a few news I have never seen anything of Robin. And that while I stand half naked in my convertible in a public supermarket car park. 5:58 p.m. again vibrating Master Robin “One last hurdle and then I’m with you.

You now take two fingers of your left hand and put them in your whore. Then you pull them out again and when they are really damp you lift them into the air and hide once. If you are not really damp, take something in and then raise your hand and horn when you are ready. “6:00 p.m. To my amazement I have to find that the few messages have made the associated tasks so horny here that I am glad to have no substance.

In other words I am more than moist. So quickly and chopped up. 6:02 p.m. The passenger door opens I look over frightened and then finally see in Robin’s face. I just want to welcome him because he only makes “psssst little whore you will now lick your cunt juice from your fingers” I licked so quickly that I was startled by myself and looked at Robin questioningly.

He nodded and we many in our arms and immediately kissed again as passionate and good as last time. We loosened from each other and Robin said “Drive off I tell you the way. “I started the car and rightly moved because I have been almost motionless for 1.5 hours in the car sat. Robin looked at me “always nice of your dress think little whore”. I immediately pulled it up a little again.

Robin did not put his hand on my thigh as expected, but behind my head and tenderly crawled my neck and behind my ear, which kept chasing me through my body. I don’t have to mention that my nipples were hard as cherry kernels in this procedure and the wind. After approx. 30 minutes he steered me on a small remote forest parking lot because I had never seen before. I just wanted to ask why he had had me fidgeted for so long both until he reported on Wednesday and why he had me wait today.

But Robin came back to me before. “Listen to my little whore I know we don’t know each other for long. Nevertheless, you can trust me 100 %. I will not do anything that puts you in danger or reputation with other people. Do you trust me?“I must have been completely sensible that I answered this boy who I only met twice. Yes Robin I trust you. “Very good. Before we continue, a few rules.

We will expand this together step by step. Although I will give you most of it. As I could see so far you have a hidden submissive vein. “In his words I had to swallow briefly but he was right why I would have waited for him in the parking lot without underwear and pulled up dress for him. “Let’s get to the first rule I will only if we are alone just whore, bitch, fucking piece, etc.. call what does not mean that I do not desire or do not respect you.

On the other hand, you will address me with master or gentleman. Understood my whore?“Completely thoughtful I said yes. “Yes understood what?“He was stuck to me. Yes understood master I quickly improved myself. “I already see we understand each other. If we come to the second rule, I will do you from time to time for you to punish and for pleasure for me only for pleasure. At the beginning, of course, not too firm to test whether it is excited you too.

We come to the third and the last but most important rule today. The safeword should be too violent for you or you want to say that all of them are no longer acidic and I end everything. But survive the good because with everything I mean that I mean exactly that! My little whore understood everything and is ready to go into my hands?“I looked deep in the eye and answered my gentleman out of the deepest conviction! “Very nice my bitch then you now have the opportunity to prove your seriousness.

You will now completely undress that you only wear your shoes then you will put it in the trunk and then hand over the car key to me. “Immediately I start pulling the dress over my head and claps on my right tits. Aua does it. “We still have to practice that my whore. If I command you to answer you so that I know you have understood me.

Clear?“Yes, I call master immediately where I pulled the dress over my head. “It works! And now hurry to take off. ” Yes Master. I quickly pulled out completely and put my dress in the trunk and then handed over Robin the car keys with which he had fully under control. This fact inevitably made me shudder again and my juices to cook. And how do I ask master now slightly unsafe.

“Now you will put your hands on the bonnet and stretch your ass out so that I can give you 5 blows on each ass cheek with the flat hand. My whore has not yet understood who was saying here!“You alone master I say quickly. But it’s already too late as ordered I support myself and stretch my ass out. “Nice to count and do not understood bitch?” Yes Mr! You can believe it or not but after the eighth blow I had the first one orgasm this day and without vaginal stimulation.

What does this boy do with me? In this state I am really ready for everything he demands from me. “As I see, my whore even liked it very much. That’s wonderful. “He pulled me to himself and kissed me passionately. He breathed into me in my ear “You are wonderful my little whore”, the more often he said this word whore known to me as a dirty word was all the more proudly, now I felt every time he called me that.

My whore! I was proud to be his whore. If someone had told me that a week ago I would have declared him crazy. But I am quickly torn from this thought. “You will now follow the forest path until I tell you something else!” Yes Master. And so I started except for my shoes naked and about 5 meters behind me a 20 year old I call master who ordered me around here.

About 200 meters after we started I heard his voice. “That makes my bitch really well. Stop now, prevent you and spread your ass cheeks that I can see your cunt. “I did like me and noticed again how this treatment makes me infinitely horny. I don’t know how long I was there but it felt like an eternity. But don’t think that my gentleman grabbed me in this situation or would have fucked me.

No he just left me there and looked at my far gaping and dripping cunt. After another perceived eternity, he said “that’s enough for the time being we don’t want someone else to see my horny whore like this. So off to the car with you!“I was relieved and sad at the same time that he didn’t take me. When I got to the car I thought I would get my dress again. But far from it naked as I was at the wheel and continued the path specified by my master.

Shortly before we reached our place of residence I had to stop and got my dress again. But had to pull it up over the hip again. As soon as we crossed the place sign, my master put two fingers in my cunt and stimulated my clit with his thumb. “Woe you come while driving!“Short but unequivocally came his next command. I groaned more than that I spoke a master.

Finally arrived at my house and that without orgasm. “You will immediately undress naked, so the shoes. Then you get a vibrator and put in your cunt on a medium level. Then knee your hands behind your head into the living room again with full light and wait for me. And don’t come to come to come without my permission. ” Yes Master. Quickly open the door to the dress and the shoes away bedroom and pure with the vibrator.

Less than 5 minutes later I kneel as ordered in my living room. A quick look at the clock tells me that it is already 9:30 p.m. 9:40 p.m. My master is already long in coming and I can’t get long without coming. Fortunately, it is also completely naked in the door and with stiffness tail. He watches me for a short moment and then repeats “Woe to my whore comes without my permission” I will not master.

He comes to me grabs me on my hair and pushes his cock into my throat. He immediately begins to fuck me in my neck. This treatment turns me on and I’m about to explode. “Listen to my whore I want you to keep my whole juice in your mouth!“Shortly after this announcement, the time has come and he injects his dams that have been pent -up all over the week.

It is so much that I have big problems not to swallow or let it run out. He pulls his cock out of me and says “and now come my whore for me! But keep my juice nice!“He continues in front of me and works quite hard my tits and in fact I come to an insane orgasm shortly afterwards through his blows on my tits and his sperm in my mouth.

“Now let everything go over your tits and strike it on your horny body!“I was only happy to meet his request. A short time later we fell asleep together in the living room. End part (2).

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