A horny Friday evening | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Friday 8:00 p.m., I had voluntarily taken over the late shift again. Had nothing to do again at the weekend. So I stood in the new company indispensably and clamped overtime what the stuff held. I’ve only been to the new company for 5 months and was still in the trial period. At the same time I had carried out the move. So on weekdays I was familiarizing in the office and busy at the weekend with the establishment of the new apartment.

Therefore I had made no special activities except for one or the other visit to the cinema and a few beer drinks and, apart from the new work colleagues. Due to all the work, I had not yet managed to take a closer look at one or the other trendy pub. No, my private life had to be put up first, and I had been looking for a reasonable job as a dispatcher for too long. I was ready with my work so far, only wanted to bring the driving orders for tomorrow’s subjects to the drivers’ subjects in the residence and changing room in the basement.

On the way down I noticed that the entrance door was not yet complete. Funny I thought that the boss had already completed it when he went because all the trucks were back on the yard. I closed them and was already with the subjects when I noticed that the water was still running in the shower room. “Oh, there is still someone!”I said and looked around the corner to see who they may be.

It was björn. My heart immediately started to throb a bit faster. Of all drivers who worked with us, he was the most attractive in my eyes. Certainly 50 % of the workforce were around 30 and not unattractive, but since I currently had other things in my head, it was just work colleagues and no longer for me, even if one or the other fit into my Beuteraster. But Björn was quite mr.

Right, large, about 1.90 m, dark haired with full beard, slightly tanned skin color and nicely hairy in the right places, also well -trained. With him I got myself in daydreaming as he might look under his clothes. Now that it became autumn, he always came to the company with his dented Kadett D, but during the summer months he always came with his Harley. Unnecessarily to say that his leather clothes, which brought out his slim figure well, did the rest to get my juices going occasionally.

And this cream slice is now the way he has created the dear Lord, in front of me in the shower and smiles at me. “I’m the Björn, greet you, Richard. I already thought I was the last one because the front door was already complete. I still screwed around on my cart, the carburetor causes problems again. ” -” Yes, I replied, “I also had a few things to do. “I didn’t know any more right away, because I was very flattened by the unexpected sight.

“Yes, Hörma´, et is after the weekend, don’t go on the slopes?” -” Mhm, no, not really, I’m still still New in the city And don’t really know a lot of people here yet, I spent the last weekend to prepare my apartment, I’m not quite finished yet, wanted to do a few things. Hanging the curtains and roller blinds and so I have to get behind me. “ – I didn’t want to stop chattering anymore what else was to be done in my apartment, because so I had the opportunity to look at his face alternately in his face and at least as long.

“Nah, that way not to spend your Friday evening. Be careful, I’m invited to my best friend’s birthday. I don’t have that many bucks on it anyway, we do the following, you just go with it and we will quickly remove ourselves and then we go 2 pretty beer sip and tell our way of our life story. Hold something of it ?” -” Oh, in principle not bad, but everything will be too late. I would still have to take a shower and change.

“ – I had not quite spoken of the sentence yet, when a bathing towel flew into my head and Björn shouted:“ Well, the clothes can still wear this evening and there is also a shower here. So take off your density and off you go. You make me company. “Now it was too late to pinch and the prospect of spending the evening with this dream man was the best thing that had happened to me since I arrived here.

No sooner said than done, I slipped out of my things and stood next to him under the shower. Immediately I started to pull myself with his shower gel, because the situation was actually so pleasant, so much I was aware that I could not keep this situation under control without noticing my physical reactions to his presence. “Hey, there is no cat linen with me” – Schwupps took the shower gel out of my hand and started to wrinkle my back.

That was too much for me. From one second to the next, my cock started to straighten up and how I never had the feeling before. Fortunately, I was facing away from him so that he couldn’t see my excitement. I noticed that he didn’t like catwashes. I didn’t move at first, as well. From time to time, I noticed how his bedroom cock touched my butt as if by chance.

Then he also started my “bridge” and my page. That was no longer a coincidence. He turned me around and looked at my full lusty grinning with a grin grinning. “The others are all home and you have completed the door again?“He asked and I could only drove with lust. Then he closed his arms around me and put his tongue in my throat. Now I couldn’t stick to myself and started to massage his hip and best piece.

The two running showers had turned the small room into a steam bath and from the events around me I got hot and cold at the same time. When the foam was largely washed off me, he turned the rooster of my shower and got to his knees and began to incorporate my pleasure piston in pleasure. How long had I hadn’t experienced this feeling. What happened here, why a hetero blows my cock here very professionally? I didn’t care, I gave myself all of this situation.

I only enjoyed it, the cozy currents that this horny guy just prepared me here to feel through my whole body. He understood his craft and performed the act with full devotion. Rarely had I received such a horny blow job. Very soon I was in the seventh heaven and gave Björn to understand this by pressing his shoulder. He also understood immediately and massaged my twitching strap gently until my juice poured out on his wonderfully hairy breast.

He distributed it on his chest and stood and took me in his strong arms and kissed me passionately. I was blessed, so unexpected and so cool and then still in the company I had never hoped for the return to a sex life that was done. Suddenly he loosened out of the hug, turned the tap again, kissed me again on my mouth and said: “Thank you, Richie, that I wanted to experience it, aba jez had to watch, we quickly make ourselves sauba,We are long overdue for the Paaardy.

“I was moved by thunder. Even if I had enjoyed every second of the last half hour, I expected in a typical hetero manner that he would now quickly look for the width and quickly forget the past. Instead, this cream slice wanted to take me at his party as promised to sweeten the evening. I was speechless, but accepted speechless. After we had dried up, we went into the lounge where the drivers’ lockers were standing.

I quickly hung my things over a chair, he was now naked and smiling in front of his locker and grinned over to me in a variety of ways. I noticed that the usual posters made of Hustler and Playboy were not hung in his locker, which I had often observed in the other drivers. We quickly got dressed and in no time we sat in my Ford Focus. I had suggested that he left his age -weak cadet and that we should rather take my car instead, then he could also drink something.

He liked to have one. His girlfriend Sonja hardly lived from our company for 5 minutes by car and so it came that when we arrived our hair was still wet. Sonja opened the door personally and welcomed us with the words: you are late! You got into a rain,?“ – Björn replied:“ Dat is Richard, my colleague, is new in the city and nobody knows yet, I just brought him and we had to take a shower before we could come to you.

After all, in contrast to you, we work in the sweat of ours. “ – He kissed her warmly on her mouth and shot past her into the apartment where he greeted several guests. I walked towards Sonja and handed her hand. “Hello Sonja, congratulations on your birthday, I hope it’s right for you that I just came along?“ -“ Björn is a very special friend and his friends are always welcome with me.

So finally come in, nice to get to know you. “ – With these words, she hit her arms around me and kissed and kissed me and I could find that the curvature of her abdomen was not the result of overpowering food, but that it was highly pregnant. Better, could the beginning Not be. In general, I was not a friend of parties where I didn’t know anyone, but in this case everything was different. It quickly went down the stairs, there the party took place in the basement bar.

The room was already well filled and everyone came to Björn to greet him to greet him. At first I seemed a bit lost until Sonja took my arm and said to me: “I think it’s nice that Björn finally found someone and brings him right away so that I can get to know him too. “ – Before I could return something, she introduced me to all guests. Many guests were also couples who should soon have children or already had some.

Oh dear, where was I got in here. Certainly his wife will come from a corner with 3 tormenters in tow. I was greeted with joy everywhere and the party was already in full swing. It has already been danced big. Since most of the male guests were obviously dance muffle, Björn and I were very quickly sought -after prey for women and we danced for the bet on Ibo, Andrea Berg and Wolfgang Petry.

Björn cut a very good figure, as far as I could watch this while dancing and the eyes of the other women confirmed what I thought: What kind of cool guy. The evening got very funny and I quickly got in touch with the other guests and we held conversations about this and that without it making Small-Talk typically embarrassed. It was striking that almost without exception all guests agreed that they could not understand that the body and the character and the character could not grab Björn yet.

I was reassured that my fears were groundless and always replied truthfully that, as I had got to know him so far, I couldn’t understand it, but I would only know him for a short time. It quickly became midnight and we still came across the host of the hostess, Rüdiger, who had his birthday the following day. Suddenly around 1 a.m.

We said goodbye quickly and sat again quickly in the car. I asked Björn where he lived and he described my way. When I got to the door, I got ready for reunion under the shower. “What should dat?“Asked Björn. “The evening is probably not over yet? Today my wish has fulfilled another guy to blow the shotgun and I now want to know what it is like to get this from a guy! Or was that not horny earlier?“He could ask questions, I thought to myself, but ok, maybe he really has no comparison options yet, but with the way he licked and blown my cock, it was difficult for me to imagine that I was 1.

Should have been. “Yes, but I replied, but I had thought that the thing was over with our shower activity, you are not the 1. Hete, who is then haunted by feelings of guilt and wants to displace everything. ” -” Quatschkopp, nu red´ no arias and verplemper no time. We could already pimble neatly alongside. ” -” And there is no surprise in the form of a woman up there?! – “Haha, my buddies don’t tell you that they are already worried that I end as an eternal bachelor?” -” Indeed … ” – I couldn’t get more because he pushed his tongue into my mouth and barely 6 hours after the events in the company the juices got back into the loop.

Once at the top, he immediately moved me into the bedroom where we immediately started to kiss passionately and it didn’t take long for us to get rid of our clothes. Hey, what was this, his hands seemed to be everywhere, I had already had sex with heteros, they were all tailed, but only on their own. She wanted to be blown and waxed. Any further touch, apart from the fact that they encompassed your head to push her deeper into your throat, was completely missing.

This was totally different. Had really only noticed this horny guy in his mid -30s what he really wanted and was a pronounced natural talent without any experience? While these thoughts went through my head to me, the guy had already went on his knees and worked on my already drilling lümmel. – “Stop, stop, now I also want to show what I can do. “With these words I took him up and threw him on bed and fell full of lust for his joy donor.

It was not bad what nature had given him, while my part in the limp state was rather small and only grew to its true size when it was needed, he was otherwise well stocked, but what is now towards mestretched was really a challenge. While for the time being I only worked on the tip with my tongue and held the lower half firmly in my hand, I heard reaction from above, which indicated a quick end.

I had hardly thought of the thought and briefly released his cock out of my lips to snap for air when his full load hit me in the face. My dear Scholli must have had a pressure. So far I only knew such a pressure and such a quantity from the small films that you can get from good friends from time to time. Here you are always inclined to believe that this has to be somehow faked if you compared this with your own sperm emissions.

My face was covered over and over by his juice and I was pointed blind. Shit burned that. When he slowly recovered from his orgasm, he saw what he had “arranged” and began to apologize immediately. “Oh, shit, dat is really sorry, I was so horny, I just couldn’t hold myself back, you drove me so crazy. Sorry, what did I do. “ – He immediately started looking for tempos to eliminate the mishap.

Although I couldn’t see him, I could notice how embarrassing his quick cum and much more that he had soaked me. While he wiped around on my face and apologized again and again, I started to laugh, still threw him blindly, back into his pillows and threw me on him: “Hey, but now is good, some would give a lot of money for it once, onceto be able to experience with you.

“Still enormously sperm smeared, I kissed him stunned on my mouth. “And I have to admit that I always found a little sperm on my face, maybe it doesn’t have to be that much next time. “ – Then he obviously fell a stone from the heart and he also started to laugh, his kisses were now more passionate and he began to lick the last remnants of his load from my face.

This obviously did not miss the effect for him, because in no time he was back to 100 and on the way to my now stiff prengel, which he greedily incorporated again. I stopped him and ordered him to turn around. When he was lying on his stomach, I sat behind him to his feet. Apparently he was of the opinion that I was now planning to take his obvious gay virginity, whereupon he raised his head and spoke over his shoulder: “You, Richie, I don’t know if I already bring dat!“ – I immediately understood what he wanted to go and answer him:“ Don’t worry, we don’t have to go straight away in 1.

Try all practices at night. But relax now, I will not do anything you don’t want. But I think that what I am doing with you will please you. “ – He had me granted and I spread his cheeks and began to edit his crack with my tongue. A cozy grunt told me that I wasn’t wrong. He enjoyed it to the fullest and the more demanding my tongue crowded into his ass, the more he stretched it towards me.

I decided that I wanted to have a further consequence of the hasty effusion, because I was sure that something would go today. I put myself opposite him and began to caress his magnificent guy again. He got it immediately and began to work on me again. Alternately we got in the way, but did not want to delay it as long as possible this time as long as possible. While he pulled my cock in from top to bottom, I started licking his eggs, which he obviously liked very much, since the first drops.

Its sucking became increasingly violent and passionate. It quickly became clear to me that I could not endure this for long and thus increased the intensity and speed again. When his loins showed the first twitches, I let off from him and could hardly count until 3 until a good sperm beam splashed on my chest. I felt his hot sperm on my chest and he started adding a tooth so that I also poured myself on it.

He began to tremble with excitement and I let go of him and lay down next to him and covered us. It was good to hold him in my arms like that. Somehow this horny guy was like a little boy at that moment who was happy and safe to me. We were lying side by side for a while and held up when he suddenly started: “You up to my first guy, I have been introducing myself for a few months, as et would probably be with ´Nem guy.

But I could never get to really go through that. I haven’t touched any more for a long time, even though I had a lot of opportunity to do so. I just don’t want it anymore. The last time I usually let myself be bubbled and always imagined that this would not be a chick but a guy. If she wanted to fuck, I always want to take it from behind, what most aba didn’t want.

Daduch also broke my last firm relationship. ” -” Wow?“I said, amazed at so much honesty. “Well, of course I immediately fell into the eye of all the drivers with us. ” -” Dat was probably not unnoticed by me!” – “Real? How that?” -” Well, I have already seen from the corner of my eye how you watched me from the window from the window when I washed my moped. Or why do you think I took off my T-shirt?” – “Crap, caught.

“ – Yes, then I looked around on the relevant pages, but did not find a profile that came to you. Then I remembered, you moved from Hanover to Duisburg to and bingo I found your profile. And what I read about it in this way. Dat then once an opportunity arose, I would still take a shower with you, I hadn’t hoped in my wildest dreams.

“ – I was flabbergasted, this horny guy had already thought about it and deliberately rushed and I only rushed out of a distance. That’s right, due to all the moving work, I had hardly visited the famous blue side and also not changed my profile accordingly. “Well that yesterday we both were in business for so long and this unique opportunity came for us. “We kissed long and intimately and both slept totally tired and overjoyed in the arms of the other.


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