A dirty class reunion | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Finally the time had come: our long -planned meeting began. Our long -planned meeting? Your reader doesn’t even know who we are. So first of all a good 18 years back. At that time we all went to school, were a year before the high school diploma and our French course went on a trip to beautiful France. Avignon and then Paris had chosen our teachers as the goal. We were 20 or 21 students and of course schoolchildren, I don’t know exactly anymore.

Actually, the group was a rather colorful mixed bunch, I didn’t have a narrower one beforehand Contact had only the usual in a advanced course. I had never taken care of others from the course, my friends either didn’t go to high school or were in other courses. And my girlfriend at the time did an apprenticeship anyway in the office. But in the course of the trip we came together to fifth: Frederike, whom we all called Fritzi, Melanie, who was only called Melli, Lukas, Dennis and I, Frank.

They occasionally said to me Fränki. I didn’t think that was so great, but I was guarded to protest against it, because nothing seems more than when others realize that they can annoy you with it. Fritzi and Melli liked it to be called like that. Achsooo, you want to know something about her look? Well, Fritzi was a long -shot slim girl, but not a bean bar, because she already had an ass and her breast was also visible.

I have no idea what size she was wearing as a bra, probably a B cup, I suspect today. She was blonde with a pretty face. Melli was the opposite. She had to struggle with her pounds, always as long as I knew her. But for that she had the dream of all little or big boys: a very big breast. I don’t know whether she was wearing more than C-cups at the time. Her ass wasn’t small either, he fit in with it.

She had black long hair and it was particularly noticeable that she actually always laughed and was in a good mood. Lukas was our sports cannon, wide shoulders, blonde, blue -eyed, good -natured and the swarm of many girls, I think, but a real buddy. Dennis was actually not fat, but he did too little sport, he would have to be careful, that was already clear at the time. With his slightly reddish hair and the pale skin, he didn’t look like a type of girl, but since it was nice, he was accepted on my part.

And I was the right guy for Fritzi, shot for a long time, very thin, just the basketball player, who I really was in my free time. By chance we sat on the outward journey on the bus everyone in the same corner and so we talked and laughed a lot. After our program on the first day in Avignon, we also went to the city at the fifth and had a nice evening. More actually took place during the whole trip, well, if you disregard that Dennis and Melli brotherhood wanted to drink on the third evening.

Actually it was completely stupid, after all we had never sized. But of course everyone was clear that the two just wanted to kiss. So they pushed, crossed their arms and then kissed. Completely harmless what it looked like. We clapped and I said to Fritzi: “Well, we both want?”She smiled at me,” of course, why not!“We too kissed, in short and without tongue, then she kissed Dennis and I Melli and finally Lukas also the girls.

Then suddenly Melli grinned, Fritzi whispered a little in the ear and then to our astonishment the two kissed. “Hey,” I called, “boys, but I don’t kiss you!“Large laughter and relief on the faces of the two. Shortly afterwards we had to slow down so slowly to be in the youth hostel at the given time. On the way, we had to go along the Rhone, the bladder reported from Dennis. We turned to the shore and he went away to pee on any tree.

I sit on the bank embankment, pulled the Fritzi next to me down and said quietly to her: “The kiss with you, it tasted more like more. “She looked at me in a moment, then she leaned to me and I kissed her again. Or you me. This time we did not break away immediately, rather I opened my mouth and let my tongue slide over her lips. Fortunately, she was putting, interrupted, and when our lips met, her mouth was also slightly open and our tongue tips touched.

I no longer know whether there was the famous little electrical blow of excitement, but our tongues already performed a hot dance. I wanted to stroke her too, but she pushed my hand away without interrupting the kiss. “What’s going on here?“Dennis suddenly asked. He had logically ended his pink and now discovered two wildly smooching couples, because obviously Lukas and Melli had also taken the opportunity. “Boah, shit bubble!”, He swears,” As soon as I’m gone, I come too short.

“He looked desperate in a strange way, so we all laughed. “Come on,” said Melli, “that’s really not fair”, and she was already pressing himself to Dennis and raising her head towards him. It was recognized that they weren’t long with a lip kiss. They too smooched a moment, a hand was also fended off while we watched others, but then we hurried to come to our accommodation. It was not spoken.

Obviously we all went through our heads. We kept crouching together during the trip, the others only called us the “five -way”, but except more or less wildly smooching, it was absolutely not happened. Well, every girl smooched with everyone, even with the other girl, there were no fixed couples, but both girls didn’t allow more. I don’t know if they had agreed, but we were rarely alone anyway.

We told ourselves a lot for that. At the end of the trip we all knew many secrets of the other four. I never found such a relationship of trust in a group before and never afterwards. But then at some point the high school. Unfortunately, the contact tore off. Then came 18 years after the Abi the First meeting. A meeting of the entire year, but I definitely wanted to go there.

I was now in private, but we were still childless, first wanted to climb the career ladder a little more. I was still in contact with some ex-classmates, after all I didn’t live very far away, and so I knew that some old school friends would come and were looking forward to the meeting. On the Saturday, on which it took place, a lot of ex-classmates had come. I talked to a whole series until I suddenly heard a female voice behind me, “well, if that is not even the horny smooch!“I didn’t have to turn around to know who had spoken there.

“Hello Fritzi, great that you are there too,” I said in turn. Of course I greeted her with a kiss, albeit on the cheek. “You look great,” I said admiringly. Of course it was still the same size, but in width she had bought, that was clear. And that was excellent for her, made her a little beauty in my eyes. She wore her hair shorter, and that also matched her type.

And, I couldn’t leave it to take a quick look of the review on her chest. Yes, the breast seemed to be up to my memory. She took my hand, “Come with us, the other three are there too. “I didn’t ask who she could mean was somehow completely clear. And there they also sat away from the other former classmates. No wonder I haven’t seen her yet.

Melli hadn’t changed a bit, somehow she had her figure, her hair and everything just like back then. What after ca. eleven years old was a miracle. Lukas, on the other hand, had received a belly, not doll, but also not to be overlooked. He explained to me that he had suffered a difficult injury and could therefore no longer do sports intensively. Also leaves the job no time. Dennis had grown older, the most striking thing about him was that the first light area was already evident on his main hair.

I quickly realized that it was quite a bit of a look. As it turned out, the others no longer had any firm contact with each other, only Melli and Fritzi had rarely called on the phone and again. We were not all married, but in a steady relationship, except Dennis, whose connection had recently ended. Nobody asked who had left whom, we didn’t care. At the end of the evening, at some point after midnight, we had only talked to us and not bored for a second.

“Somehow we get along sooo well. “, Said Lukas,“ so I would sometimes go somewhere in the Vacation drive. “” Super Idea, “replied Melli,” I would be there. “Dennis on it:“ So I’m currently not hinge anyone, go on vacation alone is stupid anyway. “Fritzi and I first advocated thinking, after all, we both didn’t want to endanger our relationship and I already knew that my girlfriend could be jealous.

But we commissioned the single Dennis to develop ideas. You can imagine how the evening ended: Fritzi came to me in front of the schoolyard exit, said very dry: “As usual, as usual!“And kissed me. In the middle of the mouth of course and with tongue. Not long, but nice as before. The women all kissed again, including themselves and then we drove back to the respective home. Already approx. Three weeks later I got an email, not only me, but all of us, of course from Dennis.

He had found nice accommodation at the Costa Blanca, near the city of Estepona. To my astonishment no hotel rooms, but a house with three bedrooms, not with a sea view, but not far from the sea. ‘Friends’, he wrote, ‘For each of us a room, of course’. Provided with a wink Smiley. I understood immediately, of course, because it was officially a vacation among men or women for our respective partners, no reason for jealousy for my girlfriend.

But it wouldn’t go out about a little smooch anyway, I was sure. It was clear another two weeks later. Everyone could take a vacation and everyone would come along. Great, I was already looking forward to it, even if the trip should only take place next spring. And with that I am back at the beginning of the story. We flew from Düsseldorf and only met at the airport. Everyone traveled by train and so we had already said goodbye to our loved ones.

There is no more than saying about the flight as about the journey. We checked in and were happy to be on site. It was still a little time until dinner and so we first set up. The first question to be solved was of course that of the space distribution. “Of course Fritzi and I sleep together. “, Determined Melli. We three men went lots and I was lucky enough to win and to be able to sleep alone.

“Seven days for us”, I sighed relieved and really happy. “And seven nights!“Came the dry comment on the part of Fritzis. I looked at her puzzled. “Well, evenings” she corrected, slightly blushing. After a very good dinner in a restaurant we strolled through the streets, of course also drank one or the other beer or two glass of wine, but went towards accommodation relatively early, since such a travel day is always exhausting.

And we noticed the first evil, we had three bedrooms, but only a bathroom, after all, a toilet. “May I take a shower first?“Asked Melli. “Sure,” I laughed, “always the size or rather the little one after. Then shower Fritzi and I last. “” But not together, “said Lukas dryly. “Fritzi looked at me, smiled in a sophisticated manner, but said nothing. I think nobody had noticed that except Melli. Melli had just wanted to say something, but what did I never find out because she just worked her mouth again.

Instead, she went into the women’s room and came out shortly afterwards, just covered with a large hotel bath towel. We didn’t look bad, starts well and trustingly, I thought. Lukas and Dennis sit on the balcony with a beer. Since this was quite small, (second disadvantage) I stayed inside, sit down at an end of the sofa. Fritzi sat down with me, then lay down in such a way that her head lay on my lap and asked me if that was okay.

I did not answer, but bent and kissed them very simply. She was surprised for a moment, but not long, then she replied the kiss. Our tongues touched, the friendly kiss became a passionate, very passionate even. As I had tried many years ago, I put my right hand on her belly, nothing changed on the kiss, I pushed my hand among her top, again there was no reaction at all.

So I slowly pushed my hand up to the edge of your bras. No reaction, we kissed on. My hand was now stroking her breast, I felt her bra and below the breast, now there was a reaction. I thought I heard a slight groan, maybe it was just a cozy purring, who wants to differentiate that exactly when kissing. I just pushed the bra up from below and put my hand directly on the breasts, stroked and massaged it.

It felt great. And no question, she enjoyed it, she clutched me, kissed me and kissed me. “We have three options. “I whispered to her too. “We go to my room, I take you off here, or we have to stop. “” Don’t stop, stay. “Only these three words! I lifted her upper body a little and pulled the top over her head, then I opened her already slipped bra and brushed it off.

Then we suddenly lay on the couch side by side, we kissed again while I caressed her beautiful tits, massaged, kneaded, kneaded her not so little nipple with his fingers and sought one twirled. Clear moaning in my mouth, loud, lustful moaning. In contrast, there was narrowness, or in other words, mine tail Wanted out. “Oops, what’s going on here?“Melli’s voice sounded at the moment. I looked up, Fritzi too. “Surprised?“Asked my golden angel in my arms.

“No, actually not, I would not have expected the speed. “Came the answer. Melli was wrapped in her now damp bath towel. She went to the balcony and said that you enjoy the fresh air out there and miss the best in here. Laughing, she turned around, came to us and simply dropped the bath towel. “So alone, I don’t approved that. “, She grinned. In front of us there was a little bathing beauty, despite a few kilos too much a handsome full female with amazingly tight breasts, shaved pussy and, as it seemed to me at that moment.

The two women smiled at, for the first time that this was not so accidental, it looked like it was rather long planned by the two. But immediately I also realized that it didn’t bother me at all, on the contrary. However, I would not be the only beneficiary, rather I had only helped to open the situation. Because now Dennis and Lukas came into the room, first stared at the naked Melli and then Fritzi.

They probably took me at most peripheral, I had to grin grinning inside. But then she wanted to plunge into Melli, which defended. “Stop, I’m naked, I can only touch naked!”” Neckisch “, I grinned, turned to Fritzi,” you can see it that way too?” She nodded. “From now on. “Well, then make yourself naked. “I replied while I hurried not to leave Dennis and Lukas too much lead.

Almost seconds later we stood or sat naked. I was about to deal with Fritzi again when she stopped me. “So, the following must be clear: 1. Is everyone without venereal disease? We were always so open to each other that we should have trust. 2. What happens on this vacation stays below us and really only happens on this vacation. Continuation at home are taboo. We are tied to Dennis. 3.

At the end we will clarify whether we want a repetition. 4. Much can, nothing has to. Says one or one of us ‘no’, then that also means no. That is not discussed either. 5. Actually, Melli and I have wanted this constellation since Avignon. At that time we didn’t dare, now we are both ready. 6. And we both take the pill. So nothing should happen. Everything should be said with this. All agree?“Big nod of everyone, or a clear ‘yes’.

But somehow the speech was also a break, nobody dares to start again until Melli almost whispered into the round: “You want to let me stand around so naked now?“Large relieved laughter. Then I explain research, “all three on Melli would not be fair now either. “Rather, I turned to Fritzi again:“ May I do something good for you?”” Woe, you would have forgotten me “, a smiling answer spontaneously came back. “But now I’m going to take you first.

“Hardly pronounced, she had already grabbed and definitely grabbed me on my full size, but also gently to herself. Without further words she withdrew the foreskin and played around my glans with her tongue. Then she licked on the ribbon, circled the Nille, licked along the shaft with his tongue and finally my growing friend disappeared into her mouth. I turned my head a little to see just as much to see how Melli was on earth while Lukas had hidden her head between her legs, not difficult to guess what he was doing.

And that she liked it was easy to read on her face. Meanwhile, Dennis dealt with her big tits, kneaded her, sucked on a nipple, twirled the other and finally pulled up a tits on the nipple with his fingers. Melli groaned loudly whether pain or lust or both of them could not be distinguished. In any case, Dennis got up and closed the balcony door. Well, I thought. Melli uses the little break, straightened up and said: “I hereby explain our room to the fuck room.

We’ll sleep somewhere else. I’m going to bed now, it is more convenient. “She got up and without looking around the dralle beauty went into the imaginary woman’s room. Of course she was absolutely certain that someone would follow her. I could see from the sofa how she laid her legs on the bed, briefly considered and uprising again. “Wait,” she said, “precisely because it the first time is…”. She bent into a suitcase and already had a male hand on her horny column from behind.

Laughing, she opened the suitcase and actually took handtails and a scarf. “Captivates me and connects my eyes!“, She ordered Dennis and Lukas. I looked at Fritzi, “we should also go over?“She nodded decidedly and so I went after her. Melli was just able to take a look at us before her eyes were connected, then she lay on the bed long, the boys tied her arms up to the bed post.

Then my goddess loosened from me, smiled at all of us and knelt between Melli’s legs, then only licked with his tongue without using his hands from the knee, very slowly on a thigh inside. Obviously, very much for the pleasure of Melli, whose goosebumps – despite the room heat – could not be overlooked. Then practically at the same time and without consultation that Dennis cried out over Melli and pushed her rather tense Schwengel against her mouth, which she opened immediately and saw the spanking as a very welcome intruder and sucked in.

At the same time, Lukas now massaged the big tits of our girlfriend, while I crouched behind Fritzi, pulled her ass apart, by the way, a super -horny sight, and then entered the lust grotto with my tongue. Yes, it was a pleasure grotto, no longer moist, but very wet. I changed my tactics, let my tongue circle around her rosette and put two fingers in her wet cunt. Immediately she came towards me, obviously licked the pussy at the front and fucked with me in the back of the rhythm.

I rubbed my stem with my free hand, it was really hard, I wanted to sink it in this horny column in front of me and so I picked up the sweet ass something and put my concentrated pleasure into the cunt. Fucking with me she was still licking the Mellis cunt. That now got it too. “Ohh, Ahhhhh, Jaaaaa, that has to be Fritzi, who licks me, and it is bumped out at the same time, how cool is that?“And then she couldn’t speak anymore, just groan until it came to her shortly afterwards.

I was able to see over Fritzi how it twitched back because Melli really sprayed a little. But Lukas had also noticed that and immediately he started it, licked it and, yes, actually, he came to Fritzi and kissed it, obviously not only pressed her tits with her hand, but also the tongue with the cunt juice putIn the Fritzi’s mouth. This hesitated briefly, but at the same moment I pushed particularly violently and loudly groaned she opened her mouth, which of course Lukas exploits.

Fritzi let it happen, kissed and caught him now, I fucked them and then we both came at the same time. Horny, somehow saved for years it was the hottest orgasm, that I had until then and I hunted boost in her hot grotto. Finally I pulled out the bedding cock, climbed onto the bed, “replacement”, I typed Dennis, who immediately understood. The smallest of us really had a remarkable crossbar, he deserves to hide in the right place.

I pressed Melli my cock into my mouth. “Oh, but someone has to be licked cleanly,” she mumbled and did exactly that. I was lucky that I pulled my boyfriend out of her at the moment when she suddenly scored and was literally thrown up with a jerk. Dennis had put his cock into her wide -open cunt with all his strength and now fucked her very powerfully and not at all tender. I preferred to get rid of her hands quickly so that she could hold onto.

And finally she could stop everything in one word. But Melli said nothing, she just groaned, almost screamed, luckily we had no direct neighbors. She came, once, twice, then pulled out his cock, wanted to inject everything on her stomach, but he had made the bill without Fritzi, immediately grabbed his latte and waited slightly until he was waiting for her in the entire load in theMouth splashed. She tried to swallow everything, but that didn’t work and so she leaned over Melli, “here, cost.

“The two women kissed, then sucked and licked the very last drops out or off, once again shared with Melli, who could then be started and also stopped the blindfold. “Shut”, Lukas sweared now, “five people are crap, now I’m the fifth bike on the car. “Fritzi smiled at him,” but why then? Do you think the evening is already around? But first I need something to drink now. “We all got beer, drank, kissed, stroked ourselves.

Then Fritzi said to Lukas again: “And now to you! Suggestion: you lie down in the middle of the bed, then Melli and I will spoil you, it is true Melli? And as a reward for your waiting, you can then wish for who should ride your horny cock. “Melli nodded,” agreed “and Lukas did not look so dissatisfied with one time. Rather, his still bed -loving friend flinched with anticipation and already raised his head curiously.

He hurried to get into the desired location and from the right and left the heads of Melli and Fritzi leaned over his best piece, which reached magnificent length and size in no time. In a pleasure, he closed his eyes, put his hands crossed under his head and alternately felt the blisters of one of the two women, while the other snapped his eggs or put in his mouth. I couldn’t see that more precisely, because I stood behind the Fritzi, which was kneeling with upgrown ass, and looked at the horny column that was right in front of me.

For me, a cunt from behind is the most beautiful and most exciting sight of a woman and so there was clearly the desire for touch. I stroked this female work of art, a three -dimensional work of art, in which one can also penetrate what my instinctive fingers did almost without my will. First a finger who found that this artwork obviously also had to have a water connection, because this horny woman was completely wet again. And when blowing she pressed towards my finger as before.

Dennis also moved to my example behind Melli, but I couldn’t see what exactly he was doing. He stood close behind her, whether fucking or fingers like me, I didn’t know it. What I knew was that a finger was too little for Fritzi and so the second one was used, which also had space without any problems. I fucked my beauty with my fingers, then wanted to increase, pulled out the ring and middle finger, both of which were very wet and slimy, instead there was a show and middle finger in this horny hole and with the ring finger I circled around her rosette before I thenCarefully overcame the sphincter.

She kept silent when I pushed him in her ass, and then I could feel in her abdomen myself, somehow a crazy feeling that my current girlfriend had never allowed me. I started with slow movements, which soon gained speed, I couldn’t enjoy it for a long time, because at that moment!“Fritzi dropped forward so that the fingers slipped out of her, smiled at me briefly, but did not hesitate but did not hesitate to the edge and then climbed over him.

With his face to him, she crouched over him and conducted his magnificent erection into her pleasure center with her hand. She sank up on him, stayed like a short moment before she passed over a slight trot to a long -stretched gallop. Melli asked Dennis to lie down next to Lukas and then began to ride him with such fervor. Impressive how their tits hopped up and down. I had to grin, there was probably a task for me, so I stood next to her and kissing and massaging, I held these horny boobs.

I decided to help even further, put spit on my middle finger and put Melli in the ass. This slipped without any problems, but not without reaction, because Melli now groaned loudly: “Ohhh, yeah, that’s awesome, tail in the cunt and finger in the ass. Try a second one. “I could feel the fucking cock from Dennis, probably he also felt my finger, in any case I managed to place my index finger in the hot asshole.

I only moved her slowly, but that was enough, because right after that, Melli was shaken loudly by a blatant orgasm. Dennis had to feel how the juice ran out of her cunt, he stopped for a moment, waited for her twitches. I took advantage of that, I had such a stiff cock, I wanted to fuck again too. And there was still a hole. So I knelt between the legs of the two, asked Dennis to slip out of the pussy briefly.

I don’t know if it was clear to him what I was going to do, at least he followed my request. I definitely didn’t push my latte brutally into the mellis cunt that wet -flooded. Deep in so that my cock became gliding accordingly. Then Dennis took over again and I put my cock on the rosette and slowly but definitely pressed my good piece into the ready -to -use ass. By the way, as she said afterwards, it was her first threesome in which they fucked two men at the same time.

I moved now, only pushed slowly, then more firmly. I felt the warm soft ass and also the hard cock of Dennis, who did not move, only lay in it. I was responsible for the stimulation of the two. And that worked, and how. Within a very short time Melli screamed out her next orgasm, she did not get to let him go away, the next followed, or maybe it was the same, I don’t really know.

Then inject Dennis. That was also not to be ignored or overlooked. “Frank, please go out, I can no longer,” moaned Melli. I was shortly before the cumshot, but of course I followed the request, but was immediately compensated for it, because Lukas had probably pumped his sack empty in the meantime and Fritzi, who apparently looked up close, had taken my tail and really blew it and really, regardless of the fact that he was just in the ass of another.

That made me ready and so it only took seconds to get me and inject my load in her mouth. She swallowed everything and licked her mouth afterwards. But then we sank exhausted on the beds. “So I’m done,” Melli murmured after a short time, “showering and sleeping, I don’t want more. “We agreed so much, it was late too. Fritzi said: “So don’t wake up before 10 a.m., but I don’t really want to sleep in this bed now.

We had to laugh and of course I offered her my double bed. “And I’ll penn with you. “, Melli determined to Dennis and Lukas briefly and briefly. Fritzi and I went into the shower together. “But only please reject the back, otherwise I don’t want to feel a hand anymore. “, She grinned. And that’s exactly what we did. Lukas and Melli also proceeded on the principle that Dennis then also received this service from Melli. Of course we sank to bed naked naked.

Only Melli put his head back in again: “If you fuciate before breakfast, you are responsible for exactly that. “We had to laugh, she always had a saying in stock, as before. We didn’t have sex anymore, but of course there was a short good night kiss and of course we cuddled together in falling asleep. In the neighboring room, Melli also had one or two hand on her body all night, but we all slept excellently, as we found the next morning.

————– that is the end of the first part. If you want a sequel, please write it to me. And if a woman wants to help shape this or a new story in her view, then I would be very happy about it. That would be something new for me. But please no fakes, it should be real ways of thinking of a woman.

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