Taboo fuck in the disco | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Basses roar through the room, laser lights cut through the air pregnant, a tangle of voices in the background, here and there the sound of glasses and whipped bottles. Finally the weekend was and I was able to devote myself to my favorite activity again. Sit on one of the backless bar stools, tip one drink after the other behind the bandage and watch people. From time to time look at the dance floor and have a amusement about others, with the ulterior motive not to be able to do better.

But at least you didn’t make yourself a monkey yourself. Then get up from time to time and take a tour of the hopelessly blocked corridors, at the end of which the toilets were that you would normally have not even touched with the pliers. Good that you are a man, the problem didn’t face. Surprisingly, the men’s toilets were much cleaner than those of the women. This could at least be seen from the fact that some of the girls preferred to make it easier for the gentlemen, especially since we did not stand in front of the door.

Then one of the girls wanted to go to our toilets, they first had to pass the pee channels. This in turn gave a great grossy among the men and often led to amusing sayings. A strange situation at all when several men delivered a tail parade, while girls ran past them again and again. Sometimes I suspected that the women were not about going on our toilets, because there was something to see for every taste.

This time it even happened that one of the women stopped and everything took a closer look. That was something for us men. Those who did not leave water straightened their gem into the light so that they saw it very carefully. That then resulted in an uncanny joy and was a murder of fun. However, there was no winner, because it disappeared faster than expected and with a pretty red head.

When I then at the disco Again saw, I smiled at her mischievously and she looked at me according to my feeling, a little ashamed. But then smiled and I winked at her. Then I was past her, sat on my still free stool and devoted me to my drink again. For this purpose, I always bought a whole bottle of Southern Comfort (no resilience advertising, I really liked it at the time (note from the author)) because it was much cheaper to order one drink after another.

In addition, the drink then at least corresponded to my taste and consisted of zero percent of ice cubes, because I hate watered drinks. At all to kill two centiliters of something with ice cubes. No more taste and not to be enjoyed. There should be something to see on this day. Two dance performances. Break dance at its finest. At least one music that I liked and the demonstrations promised to become interesting. At least I hoped that because I admired people again and again when they moved like that, I never could have done it.

In addition, there were the electronic sounds and the laser light, which fascinated me anyway. If I was on the dance floor myself, it was almost only because of it to stand in the laser tunnel or to experience the lighting effects around me. Otherwise, as I noticed, I stayed away. At least since I had seen myself in a mirror. Really cruel. Much too stiff, more like a puppet without recognizable threads. That gave me the rest.

Today I was lucky. My stool was not far away from the dance floor and I would only have to turn around to enjoy the demonstration. In front of me would only have a maximum of a person, at least if there was still enough space so that other people could pass. So it was certain that I could see something and that while I was sitting. Seen in this way I had a strategically cheap place. The first performance should start in a quarter of an hour and it was slowly getting around me.

Many have already secured a good place to see something. I, on the other hand, have already prepared myself by turning around, stretching out my knees as far as possible and thus making the place in front of me appear less than it was. This tactic proved itself immediately, because a man of at least one meter ninety in the square actually wanted to stand in front of me. But since my knees in his Legs Drilled, he pulled it in front of something else.

With its size it would not be difficult to find a different place, but his head was far enough over the other. So I managed to keep the place in front of me with a little skill and was looking forward to the coming. But that was given to me for a little moment, but only for a tiny moment until I saw who had the audacity to stand in front of me. A first reflex was this person to ram my knee against the legs, but I quickly failed when I saw what and who it was.

One meter sixty tall or small, depending on how you saw it. Half -high dark blue pumps on the feet, a mini skirt over the more than handsome legs, plus a wide -cut blouse and flowing, dark brown hair that meandered over the shoulders and back. Something like that could and could not be driven out. You would have been nice and stupid. So I pulled my knees back in and enjoyed the sight that I had seen somewhere, but could not classify it.

If something took my view to me, then something like that. Then the lighting was screwed down to a minimum and the first laser rays and stroboscopy flashes drove over the even empty dance floor. Then the first grumbling noises that were not from the music, but were recorded by the DJ. They let the whole body vibrate and created a strange feeling. I took a sip from my drink and let the liquid run down my throat. Then people came onto the dance floor and delivered a firework of dance art, as I had rarely seen before.

At least what I could see left nothing to be desired. Various new combinations that I didn’t know yet and fascinated myself again. But this fascination was soon steered in a different direction. A completely different direction. While I was staring at the dance floor, I suddenly noticed a touch on my right knee, which at the same time transferred a strong warmth and slowly but surely crawled up. I loosened my gaze from the dance floor and noticed with once how the body slowly came to me in front of me.

Now my right leg stuck in front of me between the slightly opened of the woman. A few seconds later I not only felt a slight pressure from the side but also from above. Then she stopped for a moment and then slowly began to rub on my leg. Almost not to be noticed at first, but then becoming stronger and finally not overlooking itself. I got hot and I honestly didn’t know exactly what to do.

So I decided to wait and see what would happen. I then looked around and researched whether it was noticeable to anyone else. Most looked like me on the dance floor before, but the man next to me looked at me with a smile, pointed to the one in front of me with his head and then winked once. Then his gaze also looked at the performance again. At first I wasn’t sure how to rule it on it.

After all, there was some woman unknown to me in front of me to rub on and on me and with full purpose. I couldn’t explain it differently. I came up with the idea of signaling her that I felt it and pressed my leg more high from below. She only listened to her movements for a moment, but then pushed up on my leg until her butt touched my abdomen when she pushed back back.

Then she started rubbing on me again, but at the same time circled easily with her hip. Then I put everything on one card. I turned slightly to the side, put my glass on the counter after taking a deep sip, turned back and put my hands on her hip. She stopped for a moment, but then continued when she felt the pressure of my hands, which asked her to continue.

At that moment she knew quite certainly that I was aware of what she was doing. This was apparently a signal for them to be able to drop, because they continued their actions all the more intensely. Two, at most three minutes later, her legs began to press on mine rhythmically and a tremor went through her body. Then her movements froze and stiffened while I kept them firmly pressed on my leg.

A while later she loosened again and slipped from my leg. Especially at the right time, because it was presented and people began to dispel again. She didn’t even turn to me, but went without a look without a look. Really an unusual one encounter And I was no longer so sure whether it really had been, because it somehow seemed unreal to me. But when I looked down at myself, I could see a relatively large wet stain that emerged on my right thigh on my pants.

I noticed that the guy next to me looked at me. I turned to him and he toasted me. In order to tell me something, it had already become much too loud again. He also looked down at me and his grin became even wider when it was already. Then he emptied his glass with a huge sip and left his place. On the other hand, I turned back to the counter and hid my wet leg, from other curious looks.

The whole thing had only had an almost lousy side effect. The whole thing hadn’t passed me without a trace and it had become tight in my pants. My hand drove into my pants unseen and first ordered everything she found. So he was at least a little more comfortable and I could move better. But what annoyed me the most was that I had felt now. Only where there would be something so quickly that would give me relief?Since this was not in sight, I almost fully poured my glass and approved a deep sip, a very deep one.

So it could be endured and my excitement laid faster than I was hoping. alcohol can sometimes be a savior in need. I sat there for the next two hours and stared more in my glass than I watched my surroundings. I hung up my thoughts and slowly let myself run full. After all, I already had a light to moderate mica than people gathered again to follow the second performance.

This time it should go in a different direction. Robot was on the program and I turned back in the direction. I took the same precautions as before and was only happy that the wet stain had now dried. Only an almost not recognizable edge was left, which showed where the stain was once. At first I had a clear view, because nobody stood in front of me and I enjoyed the first artist to really master his body.

He really had the angular movements on it and I was once again shown how you could keep your body in shape. Nothing for me and I was once again glad that Mother Nature proved me the favor not to let me work like a yeast dough, although I didn’t move more than somehow necessary. Even while the human robot brought his spectacle on the floor, I noticed from the corner of the eye how some movement came into the standing, other spectators.

Someone was pushing through the crowd and came closer. Just a few seconds later I recognized the woman who had given me her personal idea. Now I could see her from the front and then I remembered where I knew her from. She had been the one who had gone to the toilet with the men and stopped. In doing so, I very much calmed me down that it was also attractive from the front, corresponded to my taste.

But that was kind of irrelevant. She pushed through the amount of people and only stopped when she was standing in front of me. Here she turned as before and I could look at her again from behind. But she only stopped for a few seconds, because one of her arms swung backwards and her hand pushed between my slightly opened legs. In addition, she came further back and slowly pushed in between.

I also opened my legs and suddenly felt her hand, which lay on my step. Here she only remained motionless for a little moment, because she started to stroke me quickly and clearly. She found my bigger again tail and pressed and rolled it between her fine but strong fingers at the same time. So it didn’t take long and my little one screamed for more space. It had long since become too tight and I felt restricted.

But what should I do?I couldn’t do it, but she. She now grabbed her skirt and raised the fabric while she pushed herself further to me. So she could now put the few fabric of the mini skirt over my step. As soon as this happened, I noticed how she opened my belt, overcame the button and pulled the zipper down a little later. The tightness was immediately gone and I was able to get a little deeper again.

But only briefly, because then I felt her searching hand again, who pushed into my pants. First she slid over the fabric of the brief and I felt the narrow fingers that traced my contours. They slowly but definitely drove along my stiff and big cock while researching him. A few seconds later it wasn’t enough for her. She pulled her hand back, lifted the fabric of the briefs and drove underneath.

I stopped the air when I felt her fingers directly on my sensitive skin. Her fingertips felt every detail, drove along the heavily swollen veins and slid to the sack, the skin of which she rolled between your fingers. But apparently time or something else pushed, because her hand disappeared as quickly as it had come. Instead, she pulled me slowly, with the other hand on one leg, halfway from the stool.

She moved with me so that the fabric of her mini skirt did not slip from me. As soon as I was more or less suffered from the stool, I felt her hand back to me and she pressed my pants down. I started helping her now. After all, I was now aware of what she wanted to go and I was the last one who didn’t strive for it. So I let my pants slide down so far that it was still safe between me and the stool, but at the same time far enough so that my stiff tail could move freely.

He skipped and touched her butt, which was completely naked. Again I stopped the air for a moment. I didn’t really expect that and it got better than she was now moving that he lay between her cheeks. Immediately she pressed back on me and began to move. So I slid back and forth in between, up and down and I became very different. It was just too beautiful.

While the people were romping around us, my tribe was spoiled in the most pleasant and I enjoyed it from the fullest. I was almost glad that I had already drunk a little more. So I could endure it longer, otherwise I would probably have had more than problems now. The irritation were too good and I hadn’t had a woman for a long time. So my excitement increased more and more, but secretly I knew that I wouldn’t get it.

But apparently she didn’t want that either, because her movements became more and more demanding and I couldn’t imagine that it should have been. And right. She moved away from me and my glans slid down through her poreates while it was getting warmer and moist. In the end I went down a little further and suddenly felt her hand again. She reached around her and had my glans in her hand a little later, which she led to the goal of her and my wishes.

I already felt it more than moist and hot at the top when she put it on her pleasure center and immediately the foreskin pushed far back. I twitched completely naked and got pressure from the front as an answer. Her butt came further back and I suddenly felt my thick glans between her wet labia, crossed her and enveloped by her heat. They locked themselves firmly and at the same time flexible behind the red head and was slowly pushed further into it.

What a feeling. I slipped deeper and deeper while she pressed her butt against me a little later. Now I stuck as far as I could come and enjoyed the hot recovery, which kept me more than stuck and worked on me. It was just fantastic how she could massage me with her innermost. Her muscles always contracted rhythmically and quickly let go. So my excitement rose even more.

While I almost couldn’t believe my happiness yet, she started moving a little now. Almost not to be felt at first, but then more becoming. In doing so, she went back and forth, but let her hip circle. Now I got very different. Now the somewhat increased alcohol consumption was no longer used. I reached her hip and pulled her up as strongly as possible. I slipped a little deeper, which was prompted to twitch again than before.

It went through her body like an electric shock and she froze for a short moment. Then I left a little loose again and immediately pulled her back to me. It was not a bump in the sense, rather an idea of the brain that suggested, but that was enough to get us on the way. At least I already saw the goal and knew that I was so far. My cock was ready.

He still swelled something and I noticed how much I was tense. I had to dismantle this tension and I knew exactly how. When I realized that it started with me, I let it go again, even pressed it away from me. But then I pulled her back with full strength and pushed my air out of the lungs. She noticed it immediately and came towards me. Her head suddenly turned back and I pushed mine forward.

Our lips united and opened up. Tongues are swept and drove into the oral caves of the other. This was the trigger. But not only with me. My abdominal blanket hardened and winced to it to her to it. He got a little thicker, anchored himself completely in her stomach and then sprayed the hot, pent -up seed. A flood of sperm shot out of me and pressed into her body twitching.

When she realized it came to me. Her butt trembled, her muscles in it tasted and her vagina sucked on me. Well -like movements went along my shaft and gathered on my glans, which has now been pressed together. But she bumped into it and pumped the last rest into it. At the same time, she screamed her love scream in my mouth, but no one heard at the volume around us, nobody heard.

Only me, because the fine vibrations went through my skull bones. So we hung together for another minute. Only then did it go away and we came back to the real world. If she was a little blurry before, she was clear again. Then we managed to sort ourselves almost unseen and loosened us from each other. Only on the other side of the dance floor was the man who had previously sat next to me. I could swear that he looked over to us and his grin had passed into excessive.

But that was only too guessed with poor lighting.

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