Special massages | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

By Gubold

My wife Tatjana and her friends Ludmilla, Sibille and

Sabrina drove to a wellness weekend in the Rülzheimer Wald.

There they wanted their duties as Mother and wife

recover. So far so good!

Once at the hotel, the four women moved their rooms. Sabrina and

Ludmilla as well as Tatjana and Sibille divided each other

Double room.

After the women unpacked their bags and things

in cupboards and chests of drawers, they went into the

Wellness area. There they received a bath towel and one

Bathrobe, with which they went to the changing room. The four women pulled

Bath suits and bikinis and now searched for that Swimming pool on.

They splashed for some time or swam in the warm thermal water.

Ludmilla said now was one massage right. Also my wife

said a massage would be good after swimming. The two stairs

From the pelvis and got rid of her wet swimsuits

dry out. After they put on their bathrobes, they went

both in the massage area to register there.

A something

Thicklike lady welcomed the women and said it was about. a half

I would take an hour for the masseurs to be free. Ludmilla and Tatjana

waited in the registration and talked. Finally they came too

both masseurs.

One imagined as an Igor was relative

Small and a little bit and had a bald head the other type wore

A short stubble cut, said Vlad and explained that he was over

Romania while Igor recognized himself as Russian. As opposed to

Igor was Vlad tall and muscular. Ludmilla said she wanted

be sure to be massaged by your compatriot and disappeared with this

Behind a door. My wife, for her, followed the Romanian and went

to the second massage room, where they hesitantly the bathrobe

Wiped off and put on the couch.

Vlad began to massage my old man thoroughly now. He oiled them

one and kneaded her back really masterfully. She sighed

Before relaxation, whereupon she asked the Romanian if she had the massage

would promise. Tatjana affirmed his question.

Vlad ended the massage

and handed my wife the bathrobe. He asked how long she was here

be and whether she would already do something tonight. “My three

Friends and I stay here until Sunday morning. For tonight

But nothing planned yet, ”she replied.

“Organize in the hotel bar

You an oldies night tonight. Maybe you and yours have

Friends want to go there. Igor and I sometimes go too

to there when we can’t think of anything better!“She shared the masseur

with. “Well, sounds nice, but I have to do that with the others

discuss ”she said to him and said goodbye to the man.

After returning to the other two women with Ludmilla,

my wife told about the proposal of the Romanian mass. After

A short discussion was finally decided unanimously to

to look at this bar at least once the dinner.

The four women went to the hotel restaurant shortly before 7 p.m

Food extensively. You drank a bottle of wine to get yourself for that

In the evening output.

Before the women

visited the bar, they went to the respective rooms again to

freshen up. Tatjana went into the bathroom, searched for her perfume in

Travel cessaire and found that you forgot your pill

had. “Such a crap!” she thought. Now she would possibly

Get their rule again on Sunday after they have only since one

Week was over.

She also couldn’t call well at home and me

ask if I would bring her the pill packing over her. Since they are on

This misery couldn’t change anything, she was now moving around. She

put on a black bra and a tiny black panties, pulled one

Black satin blouse and their black lederhosen, which their buttocks

Wonderfully shaped and slipped into her 13 cm high platform boot.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Sibille almost fell off the chair in fright.


Did you style off? I don’t even recognize you anymore!“Called

they are astonished. “How come? Nobody knows us here. You can too

Tighten an outfit!“She explained to her astonished girlfriend.

The two then knocked on Ludmilla’s room door and got the two


Sabrina and Ludmilla also admired Tatjanas sexy

Clothes and said that she would also have the corresponding figure,

to wear something like this.

The four women entered the hotel bar around nine. It apparently ran

Really music from the eighties and there were even guests who

frolicked on the small dance floor. The women were looking for a table and took a seat there, a little off the bar counter.

Shortly thereafter

came a waiter and the four friends each ordered a white

Russian, a fairly strong mixed drink with a good proportion

vodka. After a while suddenly the masseurs Igor and Vlad entered

the bar. The two men headed towards the counter when Vlad mine

Woman and their companions saw. The Romanian told the Russian

something briefly, and the masseurs went to the women’s table.


Evening, we can sit down with you?”Asked Vlad. Ludmilla said,

You don’t mind and so the two gentlemen took between the

Women’s place. When the waiter brought the drinks, the

Masseurs with him, twice pure vodka!

One was talked about, especially Ludmilla with her Russian

Compatriot Igor while Vlad turned my wife. The four

Women got a second white Russian, although

In some of the first effects already showed.

Shared around eleven o’clock

Then Sibille and Sabrina with the other two women with that they

Due to their fatigue would withdraw to their rooms. Ludmilla

And Tatjana should knock if they came later.

After the two women had paid, Igor ordered from the waiter

A round drink for everyone. Vlad asked my wife if she was with him

wanted to dance, which greeted them very much.

A cuddly song was just running,

Which led to the two of them nestled quite closely

dancing. The masseur literally pressed against the body of mine

Woman and whispered in her ear “You are a really sharp bride, me

I’m totally horny for you!“And put his hands on her two plumps

Bake back to knead them lightly. “Do you really find me

sexy, vlad?“Replied Tatjana. “Of course, even during the massage

It was a pleasure to touch you!“Replied the Romanian and

Kissed her neck tenderly.

When the song ended, the two went

back to the table, where Igor and Ludmilla smooched intensively together.

The Russian masseur put one of his big hands on one of the

huge breasts of the Kazakhin and started to vigorously

Massage, whereupon Ludmilla groaned softly. Tatjana and Vlad took

next to the two space and watched them for a while.

Ludmilla now loosened from the man and then said with a heavy tongue

“Tatjana, Igor and I will leave you now because I feel like it

on sex and now need a hard tail!“My wife was

Amazed about so much openness and asked her girlfriend what she did

Man Eugen would say about it.

“Oh, you know what Eugen doesn’t know,

Doesn’t make Eugen hot! It would also do you well if you have one

strong thick foreign tail would fuck really cool!”

replied Ludmilla, got up and went to the counter with Igor to get hers there

Collection to be paid. Vlad put an arm around Tatjana’s shoulder and caught

to kiss your earlobe. “Man, that tickles!“She giggled with

Voice that was a voice, and she did not fight back when Vlad is one

Hand on one of her breasts and laid out that violently. He

pressed his lips on their and urged with his tongue

Into her mouth, robbed her of it and let her sigh.

The Romanian looked at Tatjana and then spoke fully excited

“Would you like to take a drink with me in my room?” She

looked at him with already slightly glassy eyes and replied “Well beautiful,

why not!”. The masseur called the waiter, paid the

Drinks and then took my wife by hand to get out of the bar

conduct. He explained that his room would be in an annex,

Where Igor would also live. Therefore the two left the hotel and

went through the nightly garden.

“Wait” said

Vlad “let’s see what Igor and Ludmilla do so briefly!”. The

Romanian led Tatjana around the building to a window, from

the weak light penetrated. My wife almost would have it

Language clever when she looked in. You saw a bed on which

Her girlfriend Ludmilla was lying with legs spread wide, meanwhile

Igor lying down on her huge cock in her cunt


“Heaven again!“Tatjana shouted,“ the guy bangs her

shame!”. “Don’t worry, Igor just fucks your girlfriend correctly

properly! She can definitely go back to normal tomorrow noon!”

said the Romanian laughing. “But come on, let’s go in, in the thin

Blouse is definitely cold!“Said Vlad and pulled his

Key from the pocket. After opening the doorstep,

He also locked his room door with it and asked my wife


He immediately switched on the light and locked it

Door from the inside. The man put the key back into his

Pants pocket and then stepped behind my wife, which something

undecided in the Umsah masseur room. He spanned with his

Big praise their pugs and started massaging them full of lust,

while he kissed her neck gently at the same time. She opened the

Lips and groaned softly.

The guy considered this as a sign of

Approval and began to open your blouse’s buttons. Now he pulled

also the fabric of the bra from the tits and twirled with his

Fingeled their already mighty stiff nipples so that they

excited panties. “Come on, you horny mouse, let me fuck now!”

Grunted the Romanian, turned over and sucked on the hard toughness

Nipple. “I don’t know, Vlad, actually I can’t do that.


I already have a guilty conscience towards my husband!”Said

They breathed heavily, but he just grinned and replied “Your husband will be

from yours External fuck know nothing. Just let yourself go.

You won’t regret my darling!“Now he roamed her

Blouse off and opened the hooks of the bra to take it off too.

Now he asked her to sit on the edge of the bed and

then stood between her legs.

“Now get my cock

out, you probably don’t want to buy a cat in a sack,

or?”Said the guy. Tatjana registered the mighty bump in

of his pants, took his zipper and reached into the

Pants slit in. She hesitantly grabbed his penis and pulled it

out of here. My wife was amazed than the enormously long and

Thick tail protruded horizontally in front of her face.

It had to be over

Be twenty centimeters that the hard phallus measure. “Oh God, that’s

yes a huge monster!“Called excited, clutched the fats

Shaft and started slowly to the mega beats jerk off. “Yes do

He really stiff, you horny bitch!“The Romanian roared when she

His foreskin pulled backwards and an incredibly plump

Eichel emerged. While she continues to jerk off his bar,

their fingers now also worked on the twitching tail tip of the


She scratched her fingernails on the skin of his glans,

Massified them in between, knocked on the opening with his fingers

and finally put her hot lips over her to formally

suck in by. “Oh yes, that’s mega horn! Yes, suck him, you

cunt! You are really great!“The Romanian moaned loudly.

After a few minutes of the tail struts, Vlad withdrew his stick

her mouth and rushed out. Then he ordered his wife on

To put a bed.

The Romanian pulled her the platform boot, the leather pants and

also their panties as quickly as possible, so that they are now complete

Naked in front of him lay on the bed. Vlad spread her legs to her immediately

to lick your labia like a more obsessed one. The guy now let

His tongue about the meat of their

Slide cunt, sucked her clitoris eagerly and brought her

So fully gone. Tatjana gasped with lust and pressed with

their hands his head against her abdomen.

“You make me completely

Kirre, you unique!“Japied her with lust. “You have a condom for

Hand, or?“She asked the masseur snuffing. This let her

Cunt and explained that unfortunately he would not have thought of that. She

straightened up and said “Then you have to do your cock before he

Injected but pull out! I have my pill at home

forget!“But the guy was so horny now to my wife too

Fuck that he just nodded and replied to her “Yes, yes, I’m already passing

open and pull it out of you before spraying, okay? But now wants

I first put my hard cock into the hole, baby!” The

Man spread her legs wide apart and rubbed with his

Swollen glans challenging at their dripping wet cunt entrance.

“Oh man, you make me really horny! Now put him

finally in!“Wailed lustful.

Vlad slowly pushed the throbbing acorn into the pussy entrance to mine

Old people who were really wet. Piece by piece of his enormous

Fickbelbens disappeared into Tatjana’s cunt that does not do such a cock

was used and therefore had the feeling that she would be one

Push the cucumber in. The masseur bored his giant penis

ever deeper until he finally fully in her slippery

Fotge had disappeared.

He stayed motionless for a few seconds

lying so that Tatjana himself has the huge dimensions of his tail

could get used to. Then he caught her with slow movements

fuck. The Romanian pushed rhythmically, stretched with his gigantic

Fuck organ almost out to the bursts and made mine

Wife is increasingly horny. He licked his neck with his tongue and

her earlobe as he mercilessly pounded her.

His fucking pace

increased continuously from minute to minute;He drove panting

My wife his fuck tube until it stops in the tight hot cunt.

Her cunt juices flowed out and she started to loud with lust

screeching and clawing their fingernails in his shoulders. “Oh, Vlad,

You really fuck fantastic! Get me thoroughly, you crushbock!”

Johl, whereupon the Romanian and faster. “In

Your cunt is hot like in a fire oven!“Called the guy

Lust of trembling voice, rammed his monstrous spear faster

and faster into them and pressed his tongue between hers

hot lips.

Tatjana was made by a faint -like orgasm

Disapped and cried out loudly when the Romanian

pulled out and asked her to get up and her stomach on the

Small table that stood at the window. Now the

horny masseur behind her, rubbed his hard glans on her wet

Column and sluggishly pushed his thick strap with a shock deep in

Your fantastic cunt in. My wife clawed with his fingers

At the edge of the table, the man fucked it through. If the

Guy his plump dödel crunched into her tight mouse up to the root,

If you heard clapping bouncing meat together, so brutal

Bangsten vlad through her.

After a while the guy left out his phallus

Sliding her pussy went into the bathroom, while Tatjana is still how

Paralyzed on the table top, and brought a can with

vaseline. He now smeared his penis thoroughly,

Also immersed his index finger in the sliding cream and deteriorated it

Then with the fingertip on her rosette. Slowly his finger slipped

In her ass, making it good for the inner walls of her intestine

Could lubricate.

“You don’t want to fuck me in the ass now!“Protested

My wife, but the Carpathian wolf just grunted horny and pressed with

his mighty glans against her anus.

Very slowly that penetrated

Teak of the Balkans in her butt, stretched her

Carefully out of the intestinal channel and caused a quiet one at Tatjana

Moan. “Oh, please carefully, I’ve never fucked in my ass

gone!“Asked her jammed. “Well, then it is high time that

you deflower your horny ass!“Laughed Vlad and drilled his

Fat beating deeper and deeper into the heavenly narrow fuck tunnel. As the

Pistons to the approach of his pubic hair was in her rectum, held

the guy poured for a moment and then pulled his cock again


With very gentle bumps he penetrated my wife, who

In no way against the monster -like phallus in her butt

let alone defended. His big one moved before and back

Schwengel in her intestine, which resulted in my old one increasingly

Please at their anal defloration found. “Oh, that’s hornier than

I thought!“She informed her engraver in a hoarse voice. “If

Sometimes the initial pain has passed, ass fucking is just

cool!“The masseur explained and always rammed his enormous fuck lance

Anger in their horny ass.

She screamed with lust, trembled on

whole body and got a violent orgasm again. Then asked

she vlad to give her a break, which he also approved her.

He let his dödel slip out of her ass, wiped the staff

with a cosmetic cloth, led her to the bed and ordered Tatjana,

to jerk his tail a bit, which she likes to do.

After about five minutes the guy put my wife back on my back,

to squeeze her thighs apart and penetrated again with his

giant fucking device in you.

The man supported his hands

on the bed, opened the act of love with powerful

deep -infringing bumps and filled her boiling cunt with his

huge tail until tearing! Vlad crashed quickly

again and again, sank his club deep into her and drove her in

Direction of another intoxicating climax. “Oh, you pig! You

Keep me up with your cock, that is that huge!“She groaned

Panting while you are back and forth under his massive body

walled. The Romanian also got hotter, now grabbed her legs

his hands and pressed them together. He pushed her backwards,

Then put himself on it and thus penetrated even deeper into hers

slimy cunt.

The masseur fucked faster and impetuous

My wife, made her to cook and, because of sheer sex greed, baseless

scream. “Oh god, it comes back to me right away! Yes, fuck me, you

Hurenbock, fuck my horny cunt until she explodes!“She roared

sobbing. The Romanian fuck stallion had an enormous endurance, but

With him too, the orgasm slowly announced itself. “I can

Don’t hold it back, you cunt, I have to cum straight away!”

he whined breathless.

“For God’s sake, not in the cunt! Pull yours

Tail out, please!“She begged while orgiastic twitches

had their hot fucked body shaken! The muscular Balkan prick

However, she ignored her pleading, said Gaucens, “But I want to think of you

Spray fuck juice into the cunt, you horny woman, you really thoroughly

inseminate!“And drilled his cock so deep into her hole,

that the glans bumped against the uterine opening. Then he roared

Animal and his pulsating cock splashed! He pumped

Grunting his hot seed deep into her uterus mouth,

Flooded the punch of my old ones with his sperm. Incessantly

Ejaculated Vlad, his eggs chased a beam of his cum

the other in her stomach, while Tatjana howled with pleasure.

In the meantime it was also her shit whether they forgot the pill

had or not.

She felt his cock in her in hot waves

cum and found it mega horn! Vlad still shot his

remaining juice in her and then remained on her lying after air.

“Man, it was horny to fuck you, Tatjana!”Said the guy

snuffing. My wife was also completely done, but also extremely

Satisfied with your engraver and his fuck skills.

When Vlad finally pulled out his cock, thick sperm stream ran

From her fuck hole and dripped onto the duvet.

The man massaged

One of her breasts and sucked smacking on the other. She caressed

His head and said that he was a great fucker with a horny

Tail would be. “Don’t you want to lick my cock a little?”

he asked her, whereupon Tatjana leaned over his genitals

and with her tongue the spanking smeared with cunt juice and sperm

of the masseur licked. “Should Igor fuck you tomorrow evening too?

Maybe he is not quite as busy with Ludmilla as I do with

You! He also has a huge cock that brutally

would extend.

How do you like this idea?”Said the Romanian. “Very

Good, but what would Ludmilla think of it?“Answer my wife.

“We will fill them in the evening so that it only falls into bed

And then three of us could play a few horny games!”

replied Vlad. Tatjana now rose, went to the bathroom and cleaned


Then she put on and kissed Vlad. She quickly looked for her

Room up and knocked, whereupon a sleepy Sibille opened.

“We still talked” was the explanation of my wife

her girlfriend. She fell into bed quite exhausted and slept immediately


The next morning the ladies went back into the

Indoor pool for swimming. Ludmilla came to Tatjana and asked her if she was

let yourself be fucked by Vlad. “Yes, the guy has a huge cock

and banged me so much that I can hardly go!”

replied my wife. “Igor also fucked me through the best.


Type has a monstrous spanking, you can’t do that at all

introduce!“She informed her of the Kazakhin. “He has my cunt that way

Pumped out that the whole sheet has been messed up. Do you have

Let your engraver inject in, Tatjana?“Asked Ludmilla.

“I didn’t want that at first, but then I really enjoyed it,

How Vlad filled me with his fuck juice!”Said my wife.

However, when Sabrina and Sibillle joined the two, ended

this topic.

The rest of the day went without any special until dinner

Occurrences. During the meal, Ludmilla said that Vlad and Igor

would like to go back to the bar. Since my wife is already on

A reunion with the Romanian and also his idea for one

Dreier was happy with Igor, she immediately enthusiastically agreed.


Sabrina and Sibille a bit, but finally they agreed

Women to go to the bar again;For this reason alone that

you would no longer have to drive the car somewhere. So distributed

after the end of the dinner, they are on the different rooms,

To get fresh. Tatjana chose a tight -fitting

Black turtleneck sweater, a pretty short black mini skirt,

Black holdless suspenders and their black platform boots as

Evening wear out. Sibille and her other two friends

they showered with compliments at their erotic outfit! In such a way

Styled you went to the bar shortly before nine o’clock.

The two

Masseurs were already waiting at a table, rose and greeted them

Woman almost exuberant. Vlad immediately ordered at the waiter

Bottle of vodka and ice cubes. A sociable atmosphere was created in no time,

which was soon significantly reinforced by the consumption of the schnapps.

Igor and Vlad took care of Ludmilla intensively, which you keep being

refilling, while the other ladies are essential

hold back.

Around half past fewer showed the rampant alcohol consumption of

Ludmilla effect;She already looked more than struck. Tatjana

to the two men said that Ludmilla is now better in the room

would bring and so they said goodbye to the masseurs.

My wife left her handbag in an careless manner

to find a reason to be able to return to the bar again.

Together with Siille and Sabrina, she brought Ludmilla to her room,

Halfed when moving out and bring to bed.

“Crap, I have my bag

left in the bar. I’ll look down quickly again!”She said

Sibille with.

Igor and Vlad were already waiting for my wife at the bottom of the bar. The

Guys thought they should be paid for right away and leave the bar,

Before one of the other women appear and the whole beautiful plan

would make no.

Therefore, they left the bar together to

To make your way to Vlad’s room. Arrived there, Vlad Castle

immediately off the door and got a bottle of sparkling wine out of his refrigerator

out. “Let’s sit down!”Said the Romanian, opened the sparkling wine and goss

three glasses full. He handed her glasses to my wife and Igor

and toasted the other too.

“On a wonderful woman!”He said and

his glass emptied in one train. “Then we want to get started, or,

Igor?“He said, got up and opened his pants to his

Get out the monster -like cock. His buddy Igor did the same,

Although Tatjana was now able to see that his tail still a piece

was longer and thicker than the already chunky fucking of the

Roman. The two masseurs now stood in front of my wife,

they asked to wank their spanking properly first.


Tot one of the fat sticks into her hands and started, the two

to make mighty swing really nice stiff. “Man, what do you have

Only for giant cock!“She cried enthusiastically. The two men

So soon started to whine with lust. “Lick our acorns, you

horny bitch!“Vlad moaned from lust.

Tatjana therefore put theirs

Hot lips over Vlad’s tail tip and stimulated this skilful

her tongue. Then she devoted herself just as committed to Igors

Eichel that she hardly brought her into her mouth. She still made the guys

Hornier when she stimulated her fingers, scratched it and scratched it and

slightly bite in. Igor moaned that he would come immediately if

she did not stop and he also expressed the desire to close her cunt


My wife now released the two megodoles, got up and

started to undress. She grazed her skirt and sweater,

opened her bra and now lay down, only with panties, stockings and

Boots dressed in Vlad’s bed.

Meanwhile, the two masseurs also had their clothes

Get rid of and stood with their long fully erect penises

next to the bed. Igor lay between her legs, grabbed her panties

and dragged it over her long endless legs.

The guy knelt

Between the blast thighs of my wife, pulled her fingers

The labia apart and now licked with his nimble tongue

Enjoying the already very moist opening of your vagina. The Russian

made her increasingly hornier by then greedy on her clit

suck. “It is so good! I’m really horny for yours

Huge cock, you buck!“Tatjana gasped breathless. “Licked enough, I

I want to finally fuck you now, you bitch!“Grunted the masseur.


pressed his monstrous glans against her pussy entrance, pressed the

Large tail tip with a sigh into her wet cunt and pushed

his hard cock with a jerk to the root into her. The

Huge limb of the Russian filled Tatjana’s cunt to the burst,

When Igor now fuck her with slow but still hard bumps

started. The chubby guy lay on her with all his weight

Body, rammed his plump penis powerfully into her tight fuck hole and

sniffed loudly, because her hot punze totally turned him on! “Come,

You horny cunt, let’s go!“Grunted the Russian engraver. Too

She immediately opened her lips, stretched out the tongue and

Completely performed with Igor.

He drilled my incessantly

Woman his fat lance in her wet and slimy fuck channel,

while the two kissed passionately. Vlad now lay down

In addition to the two fuckers, also on the bed and fired his

Friend loudly to fuck Tatjana even harder. “Concern the

horny fuck bitch! Bring your cunt to glow!“Johl the Romanian.

“Oh Igor, you have a fantastic cock! You bring me with me

Your hard fuck club immediately to explode!“She stammered hard


The man’s butt was always lifted and decreased

more quickly. His violent bumps more and more gained intensity,

whereupon she screamed with lust. My wife scratched her

Long red -painted fingernails his muscular back, snake

Your legs around his rabidly fucking ass and bit with lust in

his earlobe. “God, it comes to me! I see it away right away, you

Pig!“She whimpered ecstatic.

However, Igor fucked her without mercy

Continue like a wild boar! He granted his cock in

Done her twitching vagina and asked his buddy from Romania

“You, say, you can inject into them or not? My balls

will burst straight away!”” She didn’t want it, but I

I just sprayed my cream into the cunt. You can calm her

also like to inseminate!“Vlad replied. The Russian grunted and

Now start a furious final sprint. “Now I’m pumping you full

With my sperm, you hooker! Say that I put my hot juice into you

Hole should shoot!”He said very panting.

She screamed like on the spit,

Her fingernails clawed in his butt and then replied “Oh yes,

Spray me so full with your fuck mucus that I overflow, you

bag!”. He then hammered his monster tail until the stop in

Her horny hole, pushed out an animal scream and then sprayed

Uninhibited in her. The guy roared like crazy while his

Plump eggs tons of his boiling seed deep into her uterus

pump! Igor filled my wife’s horny cunt with a true one

SpermaLut off, he ejaculated with loud screaming and chasing

Spermast beam on sperm beam into my wife’s abdomen. As he

With his ejaculation was finally finished, he pulled his sperm and

Cunt juice -smeared giant cock from her dripping cunt, what to

The result was that a thick trickle of his warm love juice immediately

dripped onto the duvet.

“Man, it was one horny fuck, Vlad! You

really didn’t promise me too much!“Called the Russian.

His comrade had now fetched a tube with sliding cream and

told my wife that she should go into the dog position.

Oboiding Tatjana turned and now stretched her ass to the Romanian

in contrast to. The masseur led the tip of the tube to its PO input

and pressed it properly.

The lubricant penetrated into its intestine,

whereupon the man put his middle finger in the rectum and the

Cream distributed with it. Then the Romanian also smeared his enormous

Hard tail with the lubricant, pressed the glans to the

Rosette and slowly pushed her into her ass. The guy grabbed mine

Wife on the hips, took out with his pelvis and now started with it

to fuck your ass with strong bumps. She jawed loudly

on as the thick Romanian beating through its extremely tight intestinal channel


Vlad rammed her fat spear to the approach of his

Shame hair in the buttocks, which led to Tatjana baseless too

Circles started. Always angry thundered his big member in hers

Ass back and forth, this made their more and more uncontrolled

Court cries that reverberated in the whole room. “Well hopefully

None of the other house residents complain!“Igor said that

Breathtaking spectacle fascinates. Vlad gasped “is in me in

Moment for a shit, whether someone complains! It’s just

horny to fuck this tight ass! You have to try it later!”

The guy now accelerated more gas, leaving his sustainable phallus with everyone

Make in her butt so that your deafening screeching

mixed meat with the sound of clapping meat.

The Carpathian wolf birded my old anal.

Tatjana screamed “I can no longer! Your cock soon dismantled mine

Darm, you Mistkerl!“What her fuck stallion prompted to do so

To get faster. But he also knew that it wasn’t forever

could go on, because his testicles were already bubbling, so much more rapid

him the fucking in her buttocks. “I’ll inject right away, you bitch!”

the masseur roamed loudly, gave her anus a brutal

Jump and then flooded her hot intestine with his cum.

According to grunting, the horny engraver pumped a real sperm

in. His seed supply was so huge that he seems to

could no longer stop injecting. After actually too

The last sperm cell had left his aching eggs, pulled

he his ass, which was over and over with fuck juice

and just let yourself fall back onto the bed. Also my wife

was completely at the end;She fell on her stomach and desperately after


Igor came to the bed with the champagne bottle and the glasses where the

both of them tried to recover both completely spent to relax.

The Russian replenished the glasses, she handed her two

Fickfreunde and so one was thrusting again. One was entertained

for a while on a wide variety of topics when Igor the proposal too

made a DP. My wife asked a little naive what a DP

would be.

“Well, a sandwich stop. A cock in the cunt that

others in the butt, and of course that at the same time! Well, you have

Desire to try it out with us?”She asked the Romanian. “Do that

Not hurt either? I mean because of the stretch through two spanking?”

replied Tatjana. “Don’t worry if your two holes first

are properly drilled, like now, we fuck you into the

seventh heaven of lust!“Igor bragged.

The Iwan lay down with that

Back on the bed, jerked his giant tail really stiff again and

Then ordered my wife to turn his back to him, his

To put Dödel in her ass. Since this from Vlad’s sperm still

was excellently lubricated, Igor’s thick fucking piston effortlessly penetrated

Until the stop in their rectum. “So, you bitch! Now riding me

Time properly!“The masseur snorted, after which my old one started,

rhythmically on the plump stand of the man back and forth

move. “Yes, you are really tight! Give a tooth too!“Igor gasped

and tried to push into her ass from below.

His friend Vlad

got one again from the sight of the fucking couple

giant fuckdorn. Therefore he now hopped on the bed, that

Due to the movements of my wife and the Russian, squeaking well audibly.

The guy knelt between Tatjanas wide -spread thighs, rubbed

With his thick throbbing glans at your pussy entrance and urge

Then finally in her cunt. Slowly he pushed his fat

Cock in her further into her and now asked Igor with him

toast simultaneously.

The two guys quickly found a common one

Fickrhythm, filled out their holes until tearing and fucking

my wife vehemently. “Your missers!“She almost shouted

hysterical, “You still kill me with your monster tails!”

Completely unmoved, the two men put their hard and deep bumps

Fort, they truly penned! The air smelled

Full sex, the bed seemed to break down soon, you just heard

the gasping and moaning of those involved. “We’ll get you with ours

Fill fuck juice so that you will believe we have you

Water hoses inserted into the holes!“Vlad wicked Wolltigig. The

Both engravers put all the strength in their cocks again, so penetrated

deep as it went and grunted with lust.

Then my wife caught

Howls and fell into convulsive twitches, so huge was her

orgasm. Now there was no stopping for Vlad and Igor. The Russian

groaned briefly, rammed the stick shortly before the explosion

Again deep in her ass and then shot his cum in

their butt. Like one from a machine, his seed injected into her

Darm, while Vlad was also more and more intensely whining and with

sprayed out a hard shouting loudly.

He pumped his warm

Sperm fading into her boiling cunt violently, inserted her like a

Service bull. My wife was about to coma, felt like the

Sparrowing in her hot body bubbled. The horny trio fell

As if hit by lightning, apart and all three lays of air

mutual side by side. “Man, it was horny! Heaven, my holes

Burn like fire!“Tatjana gasped.

Also the two men

showered my wife with compliments such as “horny cunt” or

“Hot Fickarsch”!

After a while she collected her clothes, got dressed and kissed

The two masseurs to say goodbye. She went to her room and

drumming Sibille from deep sleep again. After she showered briefly

Had, she lay down like a slain and slept to that

Time when her friend waved her up. On the way home she thought

Longingly on Vlad and Igor and their giant tails.

Maybe dignity

You again next year for a wellness weekend in the

Rülzheimer Wald…

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