The motorcycle lady | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Eroticgeist 0 part 22 of the stories from Petra Kirsch’s Environment Petra could not believe what she had planned. She had seriously decided to buy a motorcycle. The lively memories of their youth had ultimately made the decisive factor. Petra had remembered the great time when she was chased over the country roads with her friend at the time. At the time, they had already excited the fine vibrations of the heavy machine, and the speed at which they had driven had thrilled them and moved them into euphoria.

The motorcycling practiced a strange fascination on her, which could not be explained so easily with some sentences. Now, on the early Monday morning, she stood in front of the motorcycle dealer shop window and looked into the exhibition room, in which there was a stately number of large and small machines. Petra looked at the individual models and already saw himself in spirit on one of them whiz over the streets. She imagined what it would look like if she would drive with the respective machine.

Petra gave up a jerk and entered the business. A well -known smell hit her. This mixture of petrol, oil and leather made them shiver slightly and excited them at the same time. This fragrance had something special in itself that could not be described in a few words. She looked around the shop and went over to the exhibited motorcycles. Petra looked at her in detail and tried to climb one or the other.

She stopped in front of a white blue -painted machine that she had already noticed from outside. It was a Suzuki. More precisely said around a GSX 1100 R. This motorcycle radiated strength and speed. For Petra it was clear that it had to be the one she wanted to buy. Petra put her handbag on another motorcycle and rose. She straightened up the Suzi, whereupon the side stand with a loud limestone.

With both hands on the handlebar she rocked back and forth slightly. The machine was not as cumbersome as it worked. Petra believed to get along with her. The speedometer promised a lot of fun. It only reached its end at 320 km/h and the tachometer showed the red area at 10,000 revolutions. Petra had fallen in love with this motorcycle. She was already looking at her on curvy country roads. “A nice machine.

. ! But have you noticed too much?“She carefully asked a male voice. Petra saw a strong man around forty in front of him. He represented the typical motorcyclist. He had a slight abdominal base, full beard and carried leather pants to his T-shirt. When Petra did not answer him, he continued: “This is our fastest Suzuki and at the same time the hardest. With petrol, the easily weighs 220 kilos.

“He looked at Petra in detail. He didn’t know what to do with this mass that apparently sat in his head to buy this power aggregate. This woman was the hottest thing that had entered his shop recently, and not just as a passenger, but as a customer who wanted to buy a motorcycle as it appeared. Petra noticed his uncertainty and smiled at him in a friendly manner.

“It was some time ago that I had a reasonable plane between my legs, but I am not inexperienced. My last friend had a Kawasaki Zi, which I was allowed to drive too. . With him on the back. “, Said Petra in a calm voice and looked at the seller. However, she did not told him over ten years ago that she had driven a motorcycle and the heavy machine always moved only a few kilometers, but her words were impressed by the seller.

He now behaved openly and insightful. His initial concerns had apparently disappeared. He relaxed Petra the individual switches and instruments. After all, he even offered her a test drive with the big Suzuki, which Petra thankfully rejected. “I take her!“Said Petra convinced and looked at the seller. An hour later she left the motorcycle shop with the purchase contract in her pocket. Petra had not found a suitable clothing and now wanted to go to another motorcycle shop.

The seller even gave her the tip to look around there when she found nothing with him what she said to her. The other shop was part of a large chain that specialized in motorcycle accessories and had their business in the entire European area. Petra entered the shop and went to the clothing department. In contrast to her motorcycle dealer, she found a rich selection here, which Petra was very impressed.

She hadn’t thought that there was such a selection of motorcycle clothing these days. Petra was very impressed by the large number of helmets. Slowly Petra strolled through the corridors and looked at the various leather combination, which hung on large, round racks. They existed here in all conceivable color comments. A blue white combination liked her, so Petra looked at her in more detail. Petra finally took him from the stand and went to the changing rooms with the station wagon.

She pulled out her jeans and climbed into the leather pants, which suited her like a second skin. The length was also correct, so that it did not have to make any changes, which would have been difficult due to the zipper. Petra now took the jacket down from the clothes and put it on. To her disappointment she was too tight. She could still close the covenant, but the jacket was too small around her breasts.

Petra left the cabin for a short time and went back to the clothes rack. Petra made sure that nobody watched her and took the jacket of a larger station wagon. This fit better, but was still very tight over her full breasts, which she didn’t like. So she made the same game again. Now Petra was satisfied. This leather jacket fit exactly. Petra looked around for a mirror. Not far from the changing rooms she discovered one.

When she looked at her reflection, she was surprised at how well she was the combination. A strange tingling drove through her body. She would have preferred to keep the leather dress on, but she still wanted to go to the company, she went back into the cabin and brushed off the station wagon. Her panties also slipped down, which she did not notice at first, since a physical and mental tension had taken possession of her.

Now she only stood in the cabin with her T-shirt and stockings and felt how it was cool between the thighs. Petra grabbed the pussy and had to find out that she was already gossip. In her high mood, she had not noticed her physical excitement at all. The hand on her column Tatnun still. Petra’s cunt began to twitch and asked for satisfaction. When a finger over her hard clit, she groaned behavior.

Seconds later, Petra had a grip and took the hand from her wet lust grotto. She put on the panties and grazed her jeans over. When she left the changing room she looked briefly in the mirror. The upright nipples were clearly recognized by the fabric of the thin T-shirt. Petra took the station wagon and carried her to the seller to the counter. “May I put it here for a moment?“She asked the somewhat rounded woman,“ I need some other things.

“”Of course!“, The woman replied with a smile. Half an hour later Petra left the shop with her new things. She had completely stocked up. Now there were station wagon, motorcycle boots, helmet and gloves in the trunk. She drove into her company with a lively and parked the car in her parking lot. As Petra at the desk, she suddenly had no desire to do anything anymore. The joy of her new motorcycle was stronger than the desire to do the work she had planned.

Petra picked up the telephone listener and chose the number of her motorcycle dealer because I immediately contacted. He assured Petra that one of his employees had already registered the machine and that she would be at her door in the next two hours. Petra asked him to fill the tank right away, which appealed. Petra put the listener back satisfied again comfortably. She was already ironing over the streets with her motorcycle and sweeping through the curves with extreme inclinations.

Petra just couldn’t stand it in her office. With a few phone calls, she delegated part of her work and left her office again. Miss Lachmann smiled at her when Petra left the office building. Petra climbed her Audi and drove down rapidly from the company premises. On the shortest way she drove to her parental house, which she has been inhabited for three weeks now. Although she felt comfortable in her condominium, she had still decided to return to her birthplace, which was empty after the sudden death of her parents.

Petra had put a large pool in the garden and had the entire back of the property planted with bushes. So nobody could look into the garden anymore, and Petra move freely and unobserved. Around the pool it looked a bit like a construction site, but this was eliminated in the next day through the growing grass,. Slowly Petra drove up the narrow driveway to her new, old home and looked around in the park -like area.

Something had to be done in several places. In some cases, the park looked pretty neglected and needed an in -depth care. Petra decided to transfer this task to one of her workers. Someone cared for the company’s green space and kept them in shot. If she paid a person who did it anyway, she was able to participate in her property right away. Petra now reached the main house and steered the Audi over the gravel path to the new garages that she had just built the gardener house.

And there she stood, her brand new Suzuki, her gem. With the remote control she opened the garage door and parked the car. Petra went to the mailbox with wide steps, closed it up and took the envelope that was located in it. She immediately felt the interior key lying inside and tore the envelope impatiently. Petra went back to the motorcycle with the key in hand, unlocked the steering wheel lock and put the key into the ignition lock.

Petra climbed the heavy machine with a slight tremor in the knees. When she turned the ignition key and the different control lights flared up rose her excitement. Petra pressed the starter button. The large four -cylinder engine started to move and gently let the entire motorcycle tremble. Petra turned carefully on the throttle, and the engine was willing to open up. Petra could literally feel his huge strength, which rested in him and was only waiting to be brought to life by her.

She let the speed rose briefly to six thousand revolutions and felt how the vibration became stronger and passed to her upperred body. The rising excitement made Petra’s nipples hard and exuded a pleasant tingling in her body. Petra let go of the handle so that the speed immediately fell back to stand gas. She operated the emergency in which the engine fell silent. Petra put the machine on the side stand and climbed down from it.

Petra went back into the garage with big steps and opened the trunk of her Audi. Petra stripped off her jeans unabashedly, threw her carelessly on the roof of the car, and put on the leather combination. Ten minutes later Petra had dressed completely and sat on her Suzuki again. The machine started straight away. Petra took first gear and slowly let go of the clutch.

Petra drove out carefully onto the street and turned onto the main street. With four thousand revolutions, she switched to second gear and slowly turned on the throttle. The Suzuki attracted violence with sheer and easily accelerated to eighty km/h. The town sign flew past Petra and it was on the wide, well -developed country road. Now Petra had nothing back. She pulled the gas open and switched through the gears.

The Suzuki reached the two hundred brand with ease. Petra felt in high mood. Your pulse raced. After an hour’s drive, Petra had found the feeling for motorcycling back. Even the enormous weight of the machine no longer turned anything. She felt overgrown with the machine. Petra was amazed at how quickly she got into motorcycling and had returned her driver routine. At around eighteen she returned to her house and parked the Suzuki in the Free Garage.

Petra zogdie out gloves and grazed the helmet. With slightly trembling hands she opened the jacket of her leather combination and separated it from her pants. Through the former servant entrance Petra entered the stately parents’ house, which was actually too great for her alone. Even the reception hall had the extent of its condominium and the dining room, with its large oval table, would have offered enough space for a imbiß Bude. Petra climbed the wide staircase and entered the hallway of the first floor.

You were up here bedroom, With an affiliated bathroom and a dressing room. Furthermore, there were also four guest rooms, which also had their own bathrooms and were very spacious. Petra had practically had the entire house rebuilt. All water heating and power lines had been renewed. Petra had a large American Whirrl pool installed in her bathroom. The surveillance system that Petra had installed was to be regarded as a special feature.

There were four hidden, small cameras in every room of the house that could not be seen with the naked eye. Each single camera was connected to a motion detector and switched on automatically when someone entered the room. In addition, the entire property had been connected to the surveillance system. In the area of the driveway, Petra had some spotlights set up, which enabled her to see in the dark.

The large LCD screens alone, which were also injedem, had cost Petra a fortune. For the normal visitor it was only possible to see away from these screens. Petra, on the other hand, had a special remote control that signaled her in which space was moving and was able to abrupt the activated camera on the respective umbrella. For documentation she was able to switch on a video recorder. Petra was able to quarter the screens through her remote control so that she gained a better overview.

Petra entered her bedroom and went into the dressing room. The jackets already stuck on their arms. Petra was able to move out with a few effort. A short time later she had got rid of her boots and began to open the zippers of the leather pants. Petra’s fears occurred. The inner lining of the pants stuck on her legs, so that Petra could only get rid of the pants with great effort. After all, she made it, and Petra stood, only with a damp T-shirt and panties dressed in the room.

The last two clothes followed the leather pants a short time later, so that Petra no longer wore fabric on the body. When the sun started to go slowly, Petra stepped out onto the large terrace and looked into the extensive garden. She had after that have a shower Just stripped of a silk, knee -length morning gate. Even here there was one of the large screens on the house wall, which could be removed in the cooler months when you could no longer sit on the terrace.

Petra had not properly incorporated into the surveillance system, which she gradually gradually. She managed to activate the screen straight away, to select the right camera with which she could control the property entrance, she only succeeded after repeated attempts. Now the screen showed the wrought -iron gate, which could also be operated with the special remote control. Petra pressed the corresponding button and looked at the umbrella. “Strong system!“, It came admiringly over her lips when she saw the goal, as if it were done by ghost hand.

Petra switched to television and followed the evening news. Then she looked at a documentary show about an African national park. Middle Early it had become dark and Petra felt the tiredness climbing. She switched off the screen, went to her bedroom and lay down. Petra woke the morning sun out of her dreams. She seemed in the middle of her face and made sleeping impossible. It was an uncomfortable feeling like the sun through the window Throughout her closed eyes stabbed.

A slight draft stroked her bare body and formed weak goosebumps on her arms. The duvet was next to her bed. Apparently she sweated at night and stripped off the ceiling from her body. Petra blinked over to the alarm clock. It was shortly after ten o’clock, on this beautiful Sunday morning. She had slept well and felt fit. She stretched her limbs and recently stretched out in bed. Petra had no desire to get up and closed her eyes again when a new gust of wind roamed her body and let her nipples emerge.

A gentle tingling spread out in her full chest and finally woke her up. Petra spread his thighs and put on it a little so that the fresh morning wind could blow over her pubic hair. The weak tingling in her chest strengthened as the next gush of cool air stroked her pussy and spread out in Petra’s naked body. Petra enjoyed this wonderful feeling of rising excitement in her body.

In the past few days she had mostly committed herself to work and had no sexual experiences. She had no orgasm for five days and her body longed for satisfaction and relaxation. On Friday evening she had to go to a business lunch, which she didn’t like at all because she had never thought much of such events. Horst Rossmann had surprisingly called her and informed her that the Swiss building owner group was in Frankfurt and asked for a conversation.

For him, this call had come just as surprisingly, since he had not yet made any concrete suggestions regarding the expansion and equipment of the leisure center. As he said, he had not expected a specific order and therefore made the thing in the back. Now he was in the forced and Petra had asked for support. Since she was boss of the company, she hadn’t been able to say no and had driven to the hotel with him to Frankfurt, where the Schwei-Zer stayed.

He parked his car in the underground car park and together they drove up the elevator into the ground floor. Petra had already noticed the surveillance cameras in the underground car park. Even here in the elevator there was a camera in the ceiling of the cabin. Obviously nobody could enter or leave the building unnoticed. Safety seemed to be very important in this hotel. When the door opened Petra was a little impressed by the elegance and the pomp on which they met.

They left the elevator and looked around for a look. “Come on, let’s go to the reception. Maybe you know where we can find our business partners!“He said, Petra grabbed her arm and pulled her with herself. Petra freed himself out of his grip with a clever rotation of her arm and looks at him in an impact. She wondered how he came to duzen. As far as she knew, they had not yet drunk a brotherhood that he could take the right out of her and to treat them in this way.

In addition, business was here and she was still his boss. If she had been alone and privately, she might have reacted more forgetted. Horst Rossmann was already a man where you could forget and his resolutions could have overbord. Petra did not find him unatractive and would have tried it with him in another life. In the current situation, it could not be considered at all, especially since he had the reputation of a life man who used a woman and then simply left her to look around after the next.

In addition, Volker Kleinert, her personnel manager, was still having in her head, who had seen her in the night bar at one of her appearance and she had said bluntly if she wanted to fuck with him, which she had done and had also liked her for a while, but ultimately could only cause problems because she was his boss and he was married. Albeit unhappily and unsatisfied, at the time at the time.

Horst Rossmann let Petra go ahead without saying a word. She saw his facial expression that it was embarrassed to him. When they were only a few steps away from the reception, they were addressed from the side. “Ms. Kirsch?“Asked a female voice with a Swiss accent. “Yes. . “, Petra replied stretched and turned to the woman she had addressed. She thought she couldn’t trust her eyes.

In front of her there was a good -looking woman around forty who was elegantly dressed and made an educated impression on her. She had a well -groomed appearance and was immediately sympathetic to Petra. Smiling they handed their hands and imagined each other. “Marlene Pflügi,” she said in a cheerful voice. “Petra Kirsch”, Petra replied just as friendly. Her tension slowly gave way because she would no longer be the only woman in this important dinner.

Her intuition told her that this woman is not only a henchman of her bosses, she appeared too confidently and moved too impartially in this area. “May I lead them to the dining room, where the gentlemen already expect them?“She asked Petra with a smile and showed her direction with her arm. “Why, surely!“Petra replied her. Next to each other they walked along a long walk on which no one came towards them.

They came to a large, massive, double wing door. Petra’s companion opened one side and joined her at the same time. Horst Rossmann followed them without saying even a word. The woman from Switzerland had simply ignored him and degraded it into an appendix by Petra without further taking care of him. This fact had a certain unrest in Petra again. Her security just gained was back.

One seemed to be so loosely on circles of the top floors of the management and simply ignored the lower ones. “Gentlemen. . Ms. Petra Kirsch, our interior designer!“, She said loudly, so that each of the people present noticed that she was now there. Petra and Horst Rossmann were led to two free places in the middle of the round and taken by hand signals. Petra saw himself surrounded by men older ages.

She appreciated the average age of those present to around sixty years. In addition to the woman she had intercepted, there were three more in the big round, who did not give the impression to say something, they were only the companions of the gentlemen next to whom they were sitting and did not match them from their age. In Petra, the thought was that it was professional hostesses that could be rented for such occasions and then did not take care of the night when it came to spending the night with the hosts.

Petra looked around and looked at the gentlemen present. The first glimpse did not have to talk about money, they had had enough of it. Most of them talked to their table neighbor, sipped their wine glasses from time to time and cared for the usual small talk, which was held at these business lunches. Petra counted nine men. She considered whether it was all of the money or whether they only represented the board of a larger group.

A young waitress asked for Petras and brought her the requested glass orange juice a short time later. A side door was opened and several waiters began to apply the evening menu. The soup was followed. In side dishes, everything the heart coveted. And finally, the obligatory dessert that consisted of a colorful shell of exotic fruits should not be missing. After everyone was done with the food, society went into a smaller adjoining room to talk about the business.

When Petra saw that Millene lit a cigarette, she didn’t hold back and rummaged out her box. One of the gentlemen handed their fire. Petra thanked. The older gentleman just wanted to start a conversation with her when they were asked for their attention. A gray -haired man with an equally gray full beard spoke and introduced those present to the construction project. His lecture lasted almost an hour.

What impressed Petra most was the fact that environmental protection and permanent tolerance with nature played the greatest role in all individually planning and expansion stages. It was even ready to question the whole project if it was not justifiable from an ecological point of view, this leisure facility to harmonize harmoniously. There was special value on natural building materials. As was not to be expected in Switzerland, this should mainly be wood.

The speaker spoke up again and announced a multimedia show, whereupon a wooden wall moved to the side and released a huge screen. Petra had already heard of the new LCD screens, but she hadn’t seen any yet. The show was a mixture of video films and computer simulations, the duration of which was about half an hour. Quiet murmur always started when you could see the individual departments of the system.

The rooms were all still empty, but offered a fascinating sight. “Fantastic what you can do today with these computer scenes. A building is not yet built, and yet you can already look at it from the inside!“Said one of the older gentlemen turned to Petra and looked at her from the side. “Yes. . A lot is possible nowadays. The computers become more powerful from day to day and enable complex calculations, ”Petra replied with a smile while she registered his eyes and wondered what this man wanted from her.

His face seemed familiar to her, she just didn’t know where and in what context. He waved a waiter. “Would you like to drink something?”He asked her. “Yes. . I would like to have another orange juice, ”the waiter nodded and disappeared again. Petra looked around. Since they left the dining room, she had lost sight of Horst Rossmann. She discovered him at the bar. He talked to a young woman who has never seen Petra had never seen yet.

Petra looked around again, but now focused on the women present. To their astonishment, some were added. Her first suspicion seemed to be confirmed that it was professional shareholders. These old sacks actually ordered hookers, thought Petra and watched the newly arrested women who were well dressed and performed elegantly. They seemed to specialize in such receptions and were definitely not cheap.

Petra had no longer wanted to stay among these people longer. She accepted eye contact with Horst Rossmann and indicated to come over to her, which he did immediately. “I no longer feel like looking at these old money bags. I want to go home. If you still want to stay here, I’ll take a taxi, ”she said to him and looked at him questioningly. A quiet sum of Petra tore out of her memories.

The new coffee machine had ended her work and signaled her that the coffee was ready. She got out of her bed and went into the kitchen around a cup. Then she went over to the table, took a cigarette out of the box and lit it. Petra decided to make a little something and pushed two slices of toast bread in the toaster. When the machine spat out the finished slices again, they spread the hot bread slices with butter and forest fruit jam and consumed them immediately.

Then Petra took a shower and sat an hour later with a light pink top with wide -cut straps and thin, white fabric trousers dressed in the living room. She had waived a bra because the cloudless sky again expected a warm day. Only a thin, white, with pointed panties, she had undergone because the fabric of her pants would have shown the pubic hair. If she prevented herself, you could look directly at the full boobs past her armpits.

With the remote control she switched on the screen and dials from CNN. It was less about the news than to keep fit in English. After about fifteen minutes, Petra changed the channel. Today she was not in the mood to deal with the English language. When she searches the entire program of progress and found nothing interesting, she switched off the screen again and went to her study.

The thick manual was still on the desk, in which the functioning of its surveillance system was explained down to the smallest detail. Petra sat on her work chair and hit the heel in which the video recording described Was, and let the chapter through intensely, so that after reading it through she had understood the individual steps to activate the system. What particularly impressed her was the fact that this device was able to take the pictures of all activated cameras at the same time, and that on just one video tape.

In the prescribed order, she pressed several keys on the remote control and briefly looked up at the small, invisible cameras, which were in the corners of the room directly under the ceiling. They were so hidden that they could not be discovered straight away even when the corners were considered closer to the corners. The electronics company had done a good job. Petra put the manual in a drawer, pushed the chair aside and sat on the desk.

She raised her short top over her nipples. With circular movements she stroked the breasts, which was still covered by the thin fabric. Her hands drawn ever larger circles on her body and continued to raise the top, so that her full boobs finally came to light. Petra grazed the little top over her head and carelessly threw it aside. She excited her immensely to expose herself in front of the hidden camera.

She considered a moment whether she should look at the result or whether she continued right away. She chose the latter. Her hands now drove over her whole body and brought her further into turmoil. The nipples of her tits had set up steeply again and had Petra shivered with every touch. She didn’t have to force herself to strip her pants and panties and massage the burning clit.

She danced playfully as she had seen in the night bar, and slowly got rid of the clothes. Petra looked into the camera for a brief moment, as if she wanted to say: If it is a good thing, you see everything?Her hands stroked the thighs, which opened as if moved by magic, and the surveillance camera granted the full insight of their now horny column. Two fingers of one hand spread their damp labia while rubbing over the hard clit with the middle finger of the other hand.

The orgasm was not far away anymore. Petra lay on the desk, closed his eyes and gave himself the climax that came towards her at a huge pace. In the spirit she saw herself on the screen as she was concerned. Petra heated up this idea even more and inevitably drove them towards the height of the height. When the first wave of the orgasm through her body shot up loudly and rubbed the pleasure stick even faster.

She took a hand from her twitching cunt and reached the tits. In full ecstasy she rubbed the clit and her stiff nipples. Petra only let the clit in peace when the climax was faded. Heavily she stood on the wall, stroked the boobs and looked into the little hidden camera. For the first time in her life, she had satisfied herself in front of a running camera.

It was a different kind of excitement she had felt. It could not be compared to her appearances in the night bar. There she saw her observers and could see their reactions. The case was very different here. The camera represented an invisible observer of whose reaction she could not see or even control. Perhaps one day a strange man got to see this video and was given through her show jerk off animated.

Petra stopped the recording and let the tape run back. A snow gravel appeared on the screen. She was about to stop playing because she thought she had made a mistake when suddenly her study was shown. Petra stared on the screen and saw himself sitting on the desk. She had to smile when she saw her awkward movements. It somehow looked stiff and edgy how it moved.

Banned, she followed the next few minutes of the recording without missing even a second. When she had her orgasm on the video, Petra felt her clit to itch again. She fleetingly stroked her wet column with one hand. Moments later the screen was black. Petra stopped playing, spending the tape back and watching her first self -turned video film again. She then decided to delete the recording because she felt silly and it was not worth keeping her to keep.

Petra went into the kitchen and gave himself a cup of coffee. She brought out the manual again and let the next chapter. In this the settings of the individual cameras were explained. One had the opportunity to follow the cameras of the movements of an object. Furthermore, the zoom setting could be changed. Petra changed some settings for the cameras in their living room. Then Petra went into the living room, sat up the couch and switched on the screen on which it appeared immediately.

The picture showed almost the whole wall with the couch in the middle on which it was sitting. Petra pressed the button for the zoom and got closer. She kept the button pressed until her body filled the screen and could take a closer look at it. Petra turned the upper body as far as it could now be seen in the profile. Their shaped chest turned out to be sharply against the wall.

Again she pressed the zoom button and the chest increased on the screen. Petra let the camera drive into its end position. Now you could clearly see her nipple because it filled almost a third of the screen. Slowly and with slight pressure, your left index finger stroked the nipple, which increases and swell up to a pleasure bolt that was getting bigger and bigger into the picture. Petra found it exciting to see how the wart grew and harder.

Her cunt began to itch. The lust in her was now awakened and asked for satisfaction. Now she wanted to see more of her body and let the zoom drive back. When her entire body appeared on the screen again, she turned her front section of a camera and tried to get her pussy into the picture. She did not succeed straight away. Petra had to sit on the backrest of the couch to get to the right height.

Now her wet cunt was exactly in the middle of the screen. Petra closed his thighs and started driving the zoom back on. Now there were only two big knees left. Petra’s heartbeat accelerated when she slowly let her thighs slide apart and her wet pussy came to light. When she saw her horny column on the screen she took a deep breath and looked at the picture in detail. Petra zoomed up so far so that her cunt filled out the screen.

She could see her pussy in every detail. Her hard clit between the moist shiny labia was clearly recognizable. The cunt mucus shimmered matt and covered her inner labia. Petra’s hand stroked the horny column and continued to share the lips. She could now look exactly in her greedy fuck hole. Petrra’s excitement continued to increase even though she actually wanted to stop. However, she had already exceeded the threshold and didn’t want to go back anymore.

On the screen it was clear how her calculated index finger pressed between the wet labia and the fingertip in the cunt disappeared into the cunt. Petra only stared on the screen. Apparently a woman satisfied herself there. It appeared to her as if it was another person and not herself. The cunt shrugged and clung around the finger, which was now completely sunken into it.

The tingling in her chest increased the desire for satisfaction even more. Her whole body grown after an orgasm. Petra picked up the remote control and stopped the recording. She went into the bedroom, searched for her vibrators, returned to the living room and crouched on the couch again. Petra started the recording again. From her flat stomach she led one of her pleasure sticks over the labia, which stood wide apart.

Petra stroked her twitching column several times before setting the tip of the rubber hing at the entrance of her pleasure grotto. Slowly she pushed him into the hole. It was a wonderful spectacle to see how the vibrator disappeared into her horny body. When he was all of her, Petra took his hand aside and looked at her cunt spellbound on the screen. You could clearly see a weak twitch of her horny cunt.

Now she was no longer to be kept. Petra grabbed the vibrator and began moving back and forth. It took less than ten minutes and she had reached the climax. Wildly twitching, she let the orgasm endure. Again and again Petra looked briefly on the screen during her climax. She hadn’t experienced orgasm so intensely for some time. She explained it with the first situation. Exhausted she leaned against the wall and waited until her breathing had normalized again.

Petra put the rubber hing in the wet column. She stopped the recording tape, spent it back and pressed the playback button. Slowly Petra slid down from the backrest of her couch and sat down. Banned she looked at her second film, who already said more than her first attempt. Petra noticed the three red dots at the top of the screen. She remembered that the operating instructions stated that if one or more red dots flashed, other cameras had registered and recorded movements.

Petra switched to multiple representation. Four different pictures now appeared on the screen, which she showed from different positions. When the recording ended, Petra was appreciative. She was satisfied with her new system. She would not have thought that such an image quality was possible. Petra switched all cameras to persecution. Then she ran naked through the whole house. Again and again she took a break and showed herself from her hot side.

On the wide stairs, she sat on the steps, spread her thighs and played briefly on the clit. Petra bowed at the front door, stretched her butt into the room and pulled the ass cheeks apart so that her wet cunt could be seen. Petra got a sausage out of the fridge in the kitchen and licked Siel teaer. With one hand she pulled a chair, let her legs slide apart and pressed the sausage into the horny cunt.

Petrra’s excitement had grown again so much that she no longer had any control. She jerked off her hot plum until it came back. Petra continued her way through the house with trembling knees. In the bathroom she sat on the edge of the pool and picked up a bottle with a swimming salt. The bottle that had a long neck also pushed Petra lusting into her wet column and briefly jerked it.

The lust again grasped its lustful body. Since Petra had not yet visited all the rooms, she pulled the bottle out and left the bathroom. In the hallway, Petra thought about where she could go now. The basement, shot it through her head. Petra strolled down the stairs with swinging hips, stepped through the side hallway and opened the door to the basement, which was in the dark. Petra grew cautiously down.

With every step their full breasts bobs on us. The motion detectors automatically switched on the lighting. As they knew, the surveillance cameras were activated at the same time. Petra omitted the heating cellar, since there was nothing interesting to find in this room what she could abuse. Petra continued the narrow corridor and further penetrated into the basement vault. It continues with part 23 of the basement.

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