Erotic vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In a bar on Lake Constance I bached an attractive blonde. She might be about 40, plentiful rounded with a lush bust. The dark blue, skin -tight rock and the white blouse emphasized their curves. The high heels of their white paint shoes pulled my gaze to their beautiful ones Legs. At the first opportunity I moved up to her at the counter. She reacted very friendly and we talked well. After a while, an older lady came to us, who had been talking to the bar owner for a long time.

Her black, the figure -hugging summer dress had already noticed before. She was slimmer than the blonde, but also equipped with plenty of bust. Her black hair had some white strands. The two obviously knew each other well. “I think we should then,” said the black one. “Then Harry should pick us up,” agreed the younger one. I saw my skins swimming. “By the way, my name is Charly. And that’s Rosalie, ”she pointed to the lady in black.

“We are now enjoying the wonderful summer night on our terrace by the lake. Don’t want to get a glass of wine with you?“Unexpected turn. I liked to accept and we went over to the ‘you’. A big Mercedes Cabriolet was waiting soon after the bar. It can’t have driven far, I thought. The driver was not presented. During the short journey there was also no conversation. Our goal was a house right above the lake. Even at night you had a great view.

There were wide leather sofas on the covered terrace, on which we made ourselves comfortable. Harry ignited a few candles and brought wine. Then he was gone. ♦ Wine and entertainment flowed plenty. When Rosalie went into the house, Charly got up and came up to my couch. She sat on my side. Her tight skirt slipped up. My hand lay on her thighs like a reflex. I felt their stockings, then their stockings.

She leaned over me and kissed me. Then I felt her long fingers on the bump, which had formed in my light summer trousers. After we had explored our bodies, Charly whispered: “We should make it more comfortable. “With this she brushed down skirt and blouse. I could also see the white top bra and the right straps belt in the dark. While I took off, she also slipped out of the silk panties. She had already expected me because when I wanted to lie down on the leather sofa next to her, she pushed me back into her soaking wet between her legs and my wand.

I didn’t really want to leave the situation to her. I started very slowly, noticed how impatient she became. I took time, on the side of her bra and stroked her big buds. This made them only more demanding, their pools pushed more and more violently against my movements. “Now … come … get ready …” With a few long, deep stös, I gave her what she wanted. ♦ “Rosalie, you also had fun?”Asked Charly.

Now I only noticed that the lady had come out in black and had watched us with a glass of sparkling wine in my hand. The glass now put them aside. With a cheeky smile she came up to me. “If you could pull …”. With this she pointed to the zipper of her dress. When that fell to the ground, a black underwear came to the pre-certificate. Rosalie put her leg on my couch and hooked her stocking, then the other, and finally a black panties came out under the underwear.

Now I was pressed onto the cool leather cushion. Rosalie above me, let her fingernails circle over my chest. She grew closer and closer to me. Then she sat on my hip. I kneaded her breasts through the tightly filled baskets. My staff straightened up, still wet by Charly’s juice, touched her backers. Rosalie moved towards him. With a safe grip she pushed him into her cunt. Like a rider in the elegant trot, she lifted and lowered her butt.

The eyes closed and breathed deeply she enjoyed our game. Since I had already drained steam and Rosalie took over the sporty part, I was able to withstand a long time. But then their shocks ebbated. “Sit down,” she whispered when she got out of the saddle. Then she raised her underwear and sat on the back on my lap. Between her legs she reached for mine tail and maneuvered him from behind in her column. Then she pushed my hand between her widely spread thighs.

I quickly understood and looked for her pleasure pearl. My fingertips slid over her button faster and faster, and faster and faster she rode on my broom. Charly had come closer and had hugged Rosalie. Completely out of breath, the black beautiful finally sank to the side and enjoyed hers orgasm. Still we dissolved from each other. Drinking with her from a glass I stood at Charly. ♦ “Yours still stands,” she whispered amazed. “I wasn’t at the end yet,” I whispered.

Charly nestled against me and reached for my stones. I carefully pushed myself into her column and started to let my hips circle. As soon as we found each other, I felt Rosalie on my back. As I had comprised her hip beforehand, she now grabbed my tail root and massaged me in the rhythm of our bumps. Then I noticed how Charly rubbed her cunt on Rosalie’s hand with relish. I withdrew a little to leave Rosalie more scope.

This put my organ and brushed with the glans over Charly’s pleasure bud. It was so wonderful that I wanted to continue forever. But then Charly pulled me and pushed me so violently that the juice soon splashed out of my tube. Now a cold shower for everyone. ♦ Soon we had gathered again on the terrace, all cuddled into bathrobes and slimming on a champagne glass. “Do you see Rosalie, why I like to know more mature men?“Charly said mockingly.

“Thanks for the compliment,” I returned. “You are pretty ripe for Rosalie’s taste”, Charly clarified me. “How young when I can ask?, I turned to the black. “Not as young anymore as Charly does”, she eradicated this. “I still remember that not even the boy was sure to mow our lawn before her. And he didn’t even have a driver’s license, ”said Charly Spitz. “But that was a long time ago,” said Rosalie against it.

“And we just found each other. “♦ I didn’t have to ask for long, Rosalie told her story. The boy couldn’t leave his eyes off her when she was lying on the terrace in a swimsuit and he cut the lawn. She also found him great how the sporty young guy sweating his rounds with a bare torso sweating. When he was done, she offered him her shower. She found her guess when she noticed his latte.

And she quickly found a use for it. That was quick teenager but also shot his powder. So Rosalie began to inaugurate him in her secrets. Soon she had used a steadfast lover who learned to follow her wishes exactly. In the course of the summer, Rosalie noticed that the boy took the relationship with Ernst and kept more distance. “I have often seen that he went out with significantly older women. He always wore a suit and tie to look older, ”she said.

“At that time he must have been very popular with women traveling alone, he also had everything on it. “Rosalie was still proud of her pupil. ♦ “You often wear these nylons and bodice in the style of the 1950s?”I asked Charly. “Do you like her?“Came the counter question. “I love that,” I confessed. “Rosalie never gave up. And I took it over from her, ”said Charly. When I didn’t ask any further, she said: “Many men like that, especially the more mature.

“Then after a long break:“ And I feel good in it. Femal – somehow. “♦ I woke up much later and still found it very mandatory. We had drunk a lot, I found. Then we all fell asleep. The candles had gone out, but the moon illuminated the night. I was looking for a phone to call myself a taxi. Then I heard steps. Rosalie stood in the half -darkness. The bathrobe hung loosely on her shoulders. “You have to go, in the middle of the night?” she asked.

“It’s time, you don’t find?”” Beds are free in the big house. But just as you want. “I thought briefly. Actually I didn’t feel like my hotel room. She noticed that I hesitated. “Then come on,” she said and went ahead. I followed her up the stairs. Damped light seemed. No doors, all a big gallery above the huge living room. The bedroom Was equipped with a large four -poster bed, silver with pink curtains. Silk shimmered green pillows.

And I had thought of a guest room. ♦ With an inviting gesture she asked me to make it comfortable on the bed. She didn’t follow me the same, but came back right away. Certainly there was a dressing room here because she had swapped the bathrobe with a black nightgown. Actually it looked like a underwear, narrow straps, tips on the breasts. Very elegant, the lady, I thought. After a rather innocent kiss, she nestled to me with her back.

We were like that for a long time. I wondered whether she fell asleep. In any case, I couldn’t think about it now. My hand slid slightly and carefully over your side. No reaction. Over their back. Nothing. I carefully enclosed her chest. A mash. Now she also had to feel my swollen lance on her buttocks. My grip for your breast became more energetic. I felt her nipple grow. She didn’t move either when I pushed up the edge of her nightgown and stroked her thighs.

Then, after all, the upper leg slid backwards. That gave my hand the way to Venus delta. I didn’t want to offer her that easily. Only when her pelvis twitched more and more restlessly did I push a finger between her labia and found her pleasure button. Comfortable groans confirmed to me that I had remembered properly. That was really the button that climbed the highest level of lust. She couldn’t get enough of it.

Sometimes very tender, then again very energetic. My club had pushed her back baking between. Her lustful hip movements, which reacted to my finger in their column, gave him a wonderful wonderful massage. In the expectation of the coming up, he had already produced plenty of syrup. I wanted more. And so I pushed my plump shaft from behind into her soaking wet shell. In the same rhythm my cock pushed into her cunt and stroked my fingertips over her plump pearl.

Rosalie Wimmer louder and louder. She was ready? A few more deep bumps and I exploded. My hand caught between her thighs like in a striking iron. Rosalie trembled all over the body. Only slowly she relaxed. No word, no movement. Rosalie finally straightened up from a intoxication, looked around in the half -darkness, then whispered to me: “You Teufelskerl. Immediately noticed how you get me. … for a long time not so good …

“. The rest was just murmur. Exhausted we really fell asleep. ♦ When it was light for a long time, I slipped out of the house to mine automobile to search. I met Harry in the entrance. “I just wanted to do the pool,” he informed me. “Just too, I won’t bother her,” I said back and disappeared. The night after, I met Charly in the bar. We talked well. “Where is Rosalie?“I asked when I couldn’t discover her anywhere.

“Her husband is in transit,” I heard her murmur. “Bad weather front pulls through. “I didn’t ask any further. But it was clear that we brought the evening in my hotel room at the end. I also learned that Charly lived with Rosalie if she was not on a flying visit to her trusted in Munich. “So the seat of the ‘funny widow’ is here on Lake Constance,” I said. Charly nodded. “We make Pyjama party on Monday,” she announced conspiratorially.

“If you are still there, we would be very happy about your visit. “Listen to Rendez-Vous, but according to larger society. ♦ The truth was in the middle, as it was on Monday evening. I had mine Vacation specially extended, although it had become rainy over the weekend. When I arrived, the freshly bushed, black pajamas in a shopping bag, I was welcomed by Charly. She immediately pushed me into a small reception room, where there was already plenty of clothing around.

So the provisional changing room. When I was ready, I was greeted by Rosalie with kisses and the other guests stated. Greta, a young, slim blonde in a pink-silk-silk night trough and matching slippook, seemed to give the Swedish film star. Fred and Uli, two young guys in boxer shorts and T-shirt, seemed to know each other well. Then I discovered Harry in his new role as a bartender. The drinks flowed out and I had to be careful, not early K.

O. go. Harry had now disappeared. While I chatted with Charly and Rosalie, I noticed that Fred and Uli were trying more and more intensively around Greta on the enormously expansive seating area. It squeaked with pleasure, an endless giggle. I tried to follow our conversation. Rosalie was wearing a black, glandic corset, black nylons and a suitable peak cloak. On her breathtakingly high -heeled, red pumps she stood safer with every glass. Astonishing. Charly had equipped himself similarly, but in white and light blue.

“Let’s proceed”, Charly suggested. With this she pointed to the stairs to Rosalie’s bedchamber, which I already knew. We lay wonderfully comfortable on the wide bed and continued to chat. Charly was now closer to me and her slim fingers slid over my pajamas. Greta’s lustful groan was not to be ignored from below. My Schwengel arched the light fabric of my pants considerably. Rosalie challenged that and resolutely grabbed it.

Who should I pay my attention now?Fred came up the stairs, naked and fought just in time. “I thought I could rest here,” he joked. “Come on, my dear. With me you will find relaxation, ”Rosalie flutes. While I found out that Charly was not wearing a panties under the Corsage, Greta and Uli also came to us. Even in the very large bed it gets tight, I thought. Was that the reason why Fred was now on Rosalie? I approached Charly.

Greta and Uli soon agreed in the fours. After I reached the climax with Charly, I had to be a little bit away. When I woke up again, I saw her in the riding seat Ulis Speer Bear work. Greta and Fred were closely wrapped on the fluffy carpet in front of the big bed. I saw Rosalie waving out of the half -darkness. I straightened up and followed her. Already on the way to the dressing room she brushed off her spit scene.

“My dear, you would help me out of the corset?“She lured me. In doing so, she sat down on a stool and slowly stripped off her stumps, but immediately slipped back into her red high heels. Then she turned my back to me. I started to hook off your corset, nice and slowly from top to bottom. Even though it was dim, I saw her smile in the mirror. She wasn’t tired, that was clear. Somewhere she fought a thin, black nightgown, very short, deeply cut out.

“Before I have to forego you for a while now …” she murdines. “Like the other day?” I asked. Rosalie nodded. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me for a long time. Then she pulled me into an adjacent little room that I hadn’t noticed so far. A wide leather armchair filled the room. I should take a seat there. Rosalie sat on my knees and cost me again. Then she turned my back to me and my stand got her backbake.

I lovingly stroked her column and carefully edited her pleasure button until the juice dripped out of the cunt. Then I pulled her closer so that I could threw them from behind. While her hip rocked lustfully on my spear, she captured my hand that I certainly did not subside to massage her lust hill. That never ended. I was completely exhausted when Rosalie finally groaned more and more violently and tipped backwards. I freed myself and left her the armchair.

After three hours of sleep and a strong breakfast in my hotel, the vacation was over for me. The shops shouted. ♦.

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