Erotic sex on the plane | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

About the clouds lie on the couch, so I suddenly hear a loud screeching through the whole apartment. I straighten up and turn around you. “What is?“, I ask you. You look at me with joy: “You still know when we took part in a competition for a luxury travel agency half a year ago? We have won first place and can travel to a destinatio of our choice with a private jet.

“”. Incredible, and so we are now happy together. Our choice falls on an Atlantic flight to South America. The big day came, our suitcases packed, and we are waiting in the executive check-in until we are called up so that we can start our flight. A gentleman in a suit comes towards us and accompanies us in a limousine to our plane. Incredible, we have an entire plane for ourselves. I see the joy in your face. This look alone makes me fall in love with you again.

I take you in my arms and we look out of the window together, while we are approaching the private jet. We don’t have to worry about anything. No dragging hand luggage, showing no boarding card. We climb the plane. As soon as we sat down, a stewardess greets us with a glass of champagne each. We sink into the leather armchair and look at ourselves overjoyed. The jet is quite spacious and offers places for more than 10 people. We sat on two large armchairs each and look in love with our eyes.

The door closes and the captain appears from the cockpit. He greets us friendly and asks us which route we want to fly. We look at ourselves. He thinks the goal is determined, but he would have a certain scope and, for example, could fly over the Pyrenees at our request if we wish. We agree and can hardly believe how much we are spoiled. The plane takes off and we look out the window during the takeoff.

Our eyes strike again and we look at each other in love with each other. What a wonderful day. I ask you to put you with me. You solve your belt and sit on my legs. We put together together and take a look at each other again. I put my hand on your thighs. The stewardess Has moved into the Galley, the door to the cockpit is closed, we are all alone, alone in this big jet.

I stroke your fingertips over your thighs and look deep into your eyes. You know that I am a bit excited about this eventful day and stroke my neck with your hands. Our lips come closer and closer and we kiss a first time passionate. Arribodes around us and a slight vibration of the strong jet engines. While we kiss you you feel how something is getting in my pants.

Our lips come loose and you smile at me, with a look in the sense of “seriously now?!”. But somehow it excites you too. And I know that you have wanted it for a long time, Sex on the plane. You bite on your lips and look around, want to make sure that nobody is really in sight. Then you judge your top in such a way that I can see a little more of your bust size. You know exactly how you can get me further and you know immediately that it worked when you feel a simple pulsation under your legs.

We kiss again. This time I put my hand on your neck and start to stroke you there gently. Your kisses will immediately become more intense. You sit on the armchair a little else, so we sit opposite each other, but on the same armchair. My lips loosen from your lips and start caressing your neck. You automatically put your neck to the side to make access to me as easy as possible. Again and again we forget where we are here.

In an airplane, with other people. But in this price range, discretion is a matter of course and it seems that our stewardess is not being explored on purpose after our well -being. My wet tongue tip on your neck excited you, you start to move your upper body rhythmically to my tongue movements, I feel how your hair straighten up with lust. To watch you as you are becoming more and more excited brings me to the mind. At some point I can no longer hold myself and lift you.

I straighten myself up and lie down on the armchair with a gentle force. I sit on my armrest and kiss you immediately. You feel how my warm hand drives under your top and explores your breasts there. You bite my lips briefly as my fingertips drive over your nipples. I briefly stimulate you. We look around again. The curtain to the Galley is closed, the door to the cockpit is also.

And even if, for the next 12 hours this is our plane. You feel how my hands put on the left and right of your hip, cling to your top and then pull the top over your head. I grab your back and pull you to me. My hands openly open your bra. I throw both clothes out of reach on the armchair on the other side of the jet. Now you lie in front of me, naked at the top, with hard nipples, completely reduced.

I also take off my top and throw it from you to the clothes. I immediately devote myself to your body again. I lower my head. My hands reach your breasts from below and include them. You immediately lift your upper body and come towards my lips. You can feel my breath on your breasts, then wet lips and finally a tip of tongue on your nipples. When I start moving my tongue tips up and down, a first, quiet moan escapes out of your mouth.

You start loosening and gradually forgets where we are. Your hands gradually lose control. Wild searching to roam my pants as long as you meet the bump in my pants. Immediately clamp the bump with your fingertips and start to stimulate me slowly but definitely. You make me even wilder when I am already. One hand loosens from your breasts and wanders carefully over your stomach to your waistband, which blocks my way.

But we are practiced in the meantime. You breathe in deeply and pull in your stomach. The gate to your pleasure center is open, the way is free to stimulate yourself even more intensely. My hands disappear under your waistband, my fingertips feel your erogenous zone. You can feel how my index and middle fingers each stroke on the left and right of your labia. I hardly clasp your labia, press the two fingers together and let in first time Indirectly shoot intense feelings through your body.

Another groan is bothered by the engine in the room. A channel needs so much desire and I feel how you are in a hurry to open my belt and the hose button. Hardly open, your hand immediately disappears into my pants and grabs my harder tail. We rock each other and so it doesn’t take long for my longest finger, the middle finger, dig between your damp pubes. He moves briefly to the left, then to the right, moistened and then strokes your clitoris once.

Another groan, even more lustful than earlier. I circles with the point of my middle finger over your clitoris, over and over again, and look into your eyes. I want to see how your eyes are crying for more. Then my hands loosen from you. Again you look at me dilently. I get up and kneel in front of you. In front of the armchair. You know exactly what that means. Again you smile and – without having to say anything – lift your pelvis so that I can take off your pants.

You are now completely naked in front of me. Even hard nipples, spread legs and, above all, a very expectant look from you, which I like the most. My head disappears between your legs. Before I can stimulate you, put a hand on my head and drive through my hair full of lust. I kiss the inside of your right leg, then the left leg. You feel how the kisses will always get closer to your pleasure center.

You straighten yourself that your pelvis protrudes just over the armchair and want to make the tongue as easy as possible for me. Then, finally, my lips hit your labia. I’ll kiss you directly on the labia. You move your pelvis, wilst more. I only keep my tongue out of my mouth very easily and without having to do something, your pelvis moves towards me. The tip of the tongue penetrates your labia and meets your clitoris directly there.

An incredibly good feeling overturns you, you are full of lust. Again you groan up briefly when I start moving my wet tongue up and down. We didn’t notice it at all, but the stewardess dimmed the light from the Galley. The few moments in which you have opened your eyes are briefly looking out of the window. In front of you the whole world at night, you see the lights of the cities among us. But you don’t have your eyes open for a long time.

As soon as my tip of my tongue is spreading directly over your clitoris again, you close your eyes again immediately. Again and again my fingertips paint over the inside of your thighs. At some point, however, the hand does not return. You feel the fingertips on your vagina instead. In small circular movements I drive along the entrance of your vagina. That together with the game of my tongue lets you moan even louder. I get a second finger. They revolve around your entrance together and you have a lips with pleasure because you can hardly wait for me to finally go on.

My tip of my tongue becomes a little faster, then I slowly penetrate you with both fingers. As soon as you penetrate you, the two fingers spread and give you a certain feeling of “being filled out”. Again and again I penetrate your fingers into you. After the first time the two fingers were soaking wet because you are so excited, which makes me incredibly hot. Your fingers drive me through my hair and wilder.

The longer I spoil you on clitoris and in you, the more restless you become. You spread your legs, want to make access even easier for me. But as soon as I meet the right spot with my tongue, you close your legs again, never want to let me go again. This is how you change, while your moaning is becoming more and more pleasant. Your nipples are now really hard out, especially if you stretch your chest forward because you can no more than display your desire.

A third finger of mine now penetrates you and you know that it is getting more serious now. In addition to my tip of the tongue, you also feel how my nasal tip and my chin participate. The pressure of my head between your legs increases. You now stick to the armchair, your fingers dig into that leather. You straighten your upper body even more, your stomach pulls in and your pelvis presses even more against my tongue.

I’m going to be very quick and nimble now. You groan louder and louder, the space is filled through your moan, the tribwers can no longer be heard. Your lustful moan becomes very loud and then all of the tension in you suddenly comes off, you come to your first orgasm. While the most intense feelings of the orgasm rapid through your body, your moan is briefly groaned until it is back in full force, while your pelvic muscles pulsate wildly.

Incredibly hot to watch you like you come. I let your first orgasm subside very slowly, my fingers and the tongue only move very slowly and with a lot of love. You are still moaning, but in the meantime it is a very relaxed moan, your eyes are still closed. Suddenly a loud cliff in the Galley, the stewardess must have fallen a glass. She definitely noticed it, but she has now dropped the glass out of the ladder of tension on the aircraft? Allegedly.

But we don’t care, it is our moment and we also enjoy it together. You look down to your pool relaxed and smile at me. A hand of you claws my back of my head and pulls me up to you. We kiss again, but this time more passionate than ever before. In all conviction, thank me with the kisses, for your orgasm, the moment and the incredibly beautiful day. But all of this is not enough for you yet.

You are more excited by this setting than before the orgasm. While we kiss, I feel your hand in my pants again. The movements have become much more convinced, firmer, faster. I pull my pants down, as soon as the waistband stripes over my glans, it jumps out and straightens up. Full of pleasure. You start and start massaging it very quickly without warning. One hand drives along the shaft, strokes my glans and that very intensely because your fingers cling it so much.

You take the other hand and reach for my testicles, they should also get something. You look up and watch me how now I will sweat. But with all your tension you didn’t notice how pointed you did me. Even if your fingers play around me very well, that’s no longer enough for me now. I straighten up and put a foot next to your pelvis on the armchair. Then my pelvis bends and stands over your pelvis.

I press my finger onto the shaft of my cock from top and press it down until my glans at the height comes to a standstill your labia. I pull my glans along your labia. My acorn tip meets your clitoris and again you groan up briefly, but I don’t stop. I push it down and immediately penetrate you into you. While my cock spreads into you, you straighten yourself up, your pelvis bends a little up to make the access even easier for me.

Centimeter by centimeter disappears in you. I fill you entirely and again an incredibly good feeling overturns you. This time it is not my fingers, but my cock that shines moist when I the first time Remove again. Incredible how moist you have become. Again and again and again I penetrate you. I straighten up and again we kiss passionately. A enjoyable moan always escapes between our kisses because we are both stimulated so intensely.

At the latest now we have forgotten everything about ourselves. We only concentrate on both of ourselves. I penetrate harder into you, my testicles clap against your pelvis and let your whole pool vibrate. I feel how we both become more and more excited. I pulsate in you for lust, you moan louder again, longer. But I can’t go on in this position because I can only take you hard to a limited extent. Again I hold you with my hands, I leave my cock on you on purpose and lift you.

Next to us is a desk, presumably that business people can do their important work during the flight. We are now doing something else and I lift you on the desk. It is higher than the position from before and I can get even better into you. You lie down completely on your desk, but always get upset to watch me penetrate hard between your legs. Watch me how excited I penetrate you and keep escaping a slight groan.

Again you straighten your pelvis until it looks slightly over the table edge. So you have the better scope to move your pool and make it even crazier. Again I bend myself from time to time and kiss you. Your legs crossed behind my buttocks. Come something, you don’t let me go anymore and press me even closer to your pelvis with your legs. To watch how you lie in front of me, moaning, again with very hard nipples, how to move your belly full of lust, that just makes me insane and lets my cock pulsate in you, which you feel more clearly the more clearly.

Meanwhile, we both have to fight. Through our relationship we learned to pay attention to signs when the other is about to orgasm. And this moment is now. My abdominal muscles tighten more than usual. My groans gets louder and deeper. My fingers claw the holding bar over my head. I am now entering you with all hardness. The clapping of my testicles when they pop against your pelvis fulfills the whole room and mix with your and my moan.

Your eyes are closed, you can stick to the edge. I clearly feel how you get closer, which gives us both the last kick again. The friction in you is now too strong for me. I moan loudly and you feel how the contour between glans and shaft gets very hard. You now feel practically every vein of my cock in you.

I come loudly and intensely. But you were so shortly before the orgasm that this sight also brings you to the coming. You moan even louder, your pelvis begins to move uncontrollably and you come – even while I ejaculate and pulsate in you – to your second orgasm. We stay that way for a while. You enjoy pulsating in you and I enjoy watching you to end how you can end your orgasm, how you always swallow significantly between the relaxed groan.

I bend – still inside you – to you and thank you with loving kisses for this extraordinary orgasm over the clouds.

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