The pharmaceutical whore! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am Nicole, An ever -horny woman of thirty years,
With a still slot that is constantly itching and
People prefer to keep a tongue, a hand or on
Lady would like to feel a cock. But that works
Unfortunately not always, so that I actually only
the opportunity to do the scratch from time to time
Hand under the skirt to give some relaxation-
I often do it with a dildo during the au-
Tour from one customer to another, especially,
If I haven’t caught a long time. Longer means
for me: more than eight hours, because I’m a horny,
need a tail or at least one
I am a pharmaceutical consultant for a large group
active in the field in northern Germany, visit the doctor-
te and hospitals. I’m in my company because of
look at my sales success well, but I give
to the fact that I often work with means, the men only
can use extremely rarely:
I work with my body! Among my round
Nine hundred customers are good hundred and old doctors
(and three doctors), in whom I sell my sales-
could only achieve episode because I had sex with them!
In principle, this runs as follows: Basically Tra-
I don’t have any pants, just skirts or.

Costumes, whereby
The skirt length is already on the limit of what is allowed.
At the first sales talk with the doctor attempts
I always sit down in such a way that I don’t
Desk, but sitting next to it – definitely like that,
that he can see my long, slim legs.
I hit the legs, so that the anyway short
Rock slips even higher and the top edge of mine
Looks to see stockings.
Occasionally when the skirt has slipped nicely,
I sit with a slightly spread legs so that the look
can go to my panties unhindered when I
Because a carry at all. I have to
Always prevent me far so that my breasts almost
Falls out of the deeply buttoned blouse.
Almost all men drive on it (and also some women-
en) from. Often the conversation is after a few
Minutes with a completely different, specific topic
arrived, although I’m absolutely not prudish. almost ever-
The man is keen on a quickie in his
Practice, although I never say no.

Mostly they get around
the desk, put a hand in my-
Kel or breasts and caress me. I am also not
Inactive, open the pants and usually get it half-
or very stiff tube, jerking it up a bit-
chen, bladder the crossbar and crawl his eggs in the sack.
Then comes a condom (I always have in my stockings-
frand) over the horny pipe, and then it goes
Fucking. Most of the time I lie on the desk or
a couch, the horny engraver between mine
spread legs. Since I never wear tights,
but only hold -free stockings or straps, only plus
a mini -brief, it is easy to my horny column
to get.
Some also like it while standing, sometimes from the front, sometimes
from behind.

Others want me to ride on them,
while you are sitting on your executive chair. some men,
Mainly older people are satisfied with me
bladder the tail until it comes to them. in these cases
I do it with my hand at the same time, jerk myself
the pussy until it comes to me too.
From Beate Uhse I have a slip with one-
established dildo ordered. I always wear it now when
I visit a wind customer.

It comes to me
very quickly, I just need something to get on the panties
Press the dildo in me for hum and in
To bring movement.
After the horny guys sprayed, Rich-
we ten our clothes. Everything always works a lot
fast, because there is often a risk of discovering who-
what has only happened twice than ever-
Because a helper burst in. But it wasn’t further
tragic. Incidentally, I pay attention to the purchase of my clothes
Always get things as wrinkled as possible-

Then such a quickie does not stand out afterwards.
At the end of the number there is always juicy up-
sluggish for me and my company. Then there was a
Visit again worth it. For further visits that
So it is easier: it is easier:
Usually we get to the point, find or bubbles
a round and then do business.
The three lesbian doctors are also very interesting-
Names I have to do with: regardless of a-
Other three put the conversations for the second ver-
Action on Wednesday afternoon when the practice-
was closed. All three had the same stitch: cure-
zes business discussion, then slide into the private
Area, compliments about my appearance, stroke
of my hair, my shoulders.
When I weren’t defended, they became more intrusive, streak-
chose my body and my tits, smooched.
Then they pulled me out and off until we only
BH, panties and stockings wore, I had to open myself
the couch put (with the gynecologist on the investigation-
and was licked and licked so horny,
that it came to me every time.
Then role exchange was announced, I was which one

One of the three had a dominant vein,
Buckled up a dildo and fi cced me hard
through, whereby it came back to both of us.
Even with these three, there are always thick orders.
With my later visits, all of them on Wednesday
In the afternoon, there is always hot, lesbian
Hours that occasionally later in my respective HO-
Tel or in your apartment. I am
thereby really got a taste of what
Lesbian games concerned. I’ve always been wet in
Step if one of these three Lesbian on my
Visit plan is standing.
With one of them I visited a Gei one evening-
Le lesbian party, where total group sex was announced. every
Made around with everyone, everyone knew each other, but because I
was new in the circle, I kept two, three or
Four horny women on my body that strokes me-
ten, licked or with the fingers into the one or
others or both holes.

The evening was su-
Perggeil, I had orgasms without end, and all of that
Without a splashing tail. I have to be open-
ben that I don’t have any horny women either
Has missed the tail.
I also meet with many of the men in the evening. I
Always plan my tours in such a way that I have one of mine
Ficker as the last visit of the day and I in
the place stays overnight. So it’s easy to do it in the evening
to meet again and the fucking from the afternoon
to continue or to start only if in
the practice was not an opportunity.
Two men are there, good -looking bachelors,
which I basically visit on Fridays.

Mostly it works
Then in the evening after a meal together in one
Pärchclub, wherever horny hours with many fucks
on the agenda. Then spend
we then come together for the weekend, come
rarely out of bed.
Of course, there are also one among my customers
couple of sloping guys who have a somewhat unusual ge-
have a tasty, but since they make good sales, AK-
I also do that. One is there, even older, the
I found out with difficulty in his practice. I had
already difficult to stand up to his cock
get, the number afterwards was so la la la.
On the next visit he asked me a car with him-
Drive and blow his tail.
I said, but I didn’t know that the trip in the off-
a convertible took place.

We twitched over a hundred
The highway, I blew his tail and all the tru-
ckkenhafted like crazy. When he is deep in my mouth
Had hosed down, we drove back to do business
Another asked me directly whether I was anal
would do. He was actually fi xed on men, with
Women can only be possible if he in the asses
would. I thought that was a lazy excuse to
to get to my ass, but the subsequent
Ass fi ck, which he gave me standing, was not from
bad parents, especially since he is my title with one hand-
and with the other my clit vigorously-
Another first pulls out skirt and panties, puts me
Then on the investigation bed and shaved all of me
Pub hair off until my column is completely bare.

we exchange the places, I shave his already hart-
ten tail also. Only when we both completely hair-
Let’s get rid of me – always standing from behind.
If he is ready to spray it, he puts me
backwards on the lounger and jerked my juice on me
The freshly shaved cunt. He finds that particularly cool.
Of course there is not a practice every day on the
program. If I do a day without fertilizer
Has brought behind me, I usually get myself in the evening
What I or.

My body needs.
Then it goes to the disco to open men. there-
Of course I make my way around horny:
Minitanga, super shorter mini skirt, holding -free stockings
With a wide top edge under the skirt-
Look out the hem, skin -tight top without busts-
keeper below so that my always stiff nipples
are easy to see. In general I like it, horny
To make up, to dress up to dress in order to
To heat men.
I have about fifteen discos, which I pretty much
regular visits. The audience is at each-
different, but I basically have with the people
no problems.

I like to dance passionately, come
So of course quickly with men in Contact. I
But don’t let any man take me. ever-
I make it clear to the one I fake
not plan to fall in love, but that I am on
The transit and a sharp engraver search,
de it properly worried.
When I’m in a good mood, it can happen that I
me in one evening or at the same time-
tig – that depends on the situation – two or even
Take three men with whom I mostly horny, great
Ficks have. Since I am naturally, I am on every fi ck
happy and do not need a long starting time, it comes to me
always relatively fast, so that I can also-
have something from the fi ck.
I am afraid that someone could do something-
By the way, not, because I know my skin

Make it since I was twelve
I karate, have three times at German championship-
ten participated and was two -time runner -up. it
Has already happened a few times that a guy, with
which I was on his booth, didn’t let me go
wanted. But it was never a problem, clearly from it
To convince opposite.
Once I found a guy in a dark corner
in a disco. A few hours later, I wanted ge-
Rade climb into my car, he came with two buddies,
They also wanted to fuck and take me with them.

I said
No, they wanted to pull me into their car. a word gave
the other, but after two minutes all three were
Opinion that it would have been better if you
would have let me go. still while you are at-
rapped and their damaged eggs and cheated bodies
Weddled, the police appeared by neighbors Alar-
mierte. You can do the amazed faces of the bulls
Presently introduce you when the three crawled into their car
and wanted to drive away in a float.
My record – set up in the last Summer – lies by
Six men with whom I pim in one evening-

I have them in three different discos
torn open, with five of them I have a quick number-
merners while standing or lying on the bonnet on the
made respective parking spaces or in dark corners.
I took the sixth, an eighteen year old-
gens at five with us to the hotel, where we are in the afternoon-
day -to -day, fi cccited, fi ck. I felt countless MA-
Le, he sprayed eight times. The boy was inexperienced,
but willing to learn, enormously potent and really well built. he
Made me so finished that afterwards I two
Days my wound holes have been bleeding.
From the beginning I have exactly about my love life

I don’t have all fuckers with names-
written because I didn’t know her, but my fucks
are all noted, with many horny and necessary one-
retirement. So far I have had three hundred hundred and-
Ninety men cuddles, of course only with a condom.
Many are there, with them I have it more than once
made, but around a hundred and fifty were on the fifty-
Flows that I get to know in discos or hotel bars
Among them were also fifty -two Hitchhiker, that I
I took it and nibbled on the go, mostly
In parking spaces, hidden between trucks or in-
Located forest paths. Then there were eighty -four
Men whom I have for certain reasons with the
Mouth made or by hand. Zweiundzwan-
umpteen men have me to orgasm licked because it
was not possible to take your tail to a standstill
It is always interesting how different the
Men are: there are those who are in the tail
Even when I get into the room, others are enough
A grip on the pants, with others it is only through
Wanking and bubbles to get up.
This is exactly how it is with the endurance: a fifth a stun-
de or longer, bring me to a number of departures without
to spray yourself.

Others already inject when they
are especially in me, but can then have a long time-
In total there are two men to date to date,
with which I had sex in some form,
come nine and nine after my fuck book-
ßig women with whom I had sexual contacts. and
all of this without ever capturing something
I know what I mean ..
I live alone because I don’t feel like myself, just
To bind a tail, I have in the last
Years too many good cocks enjoyed. I need
Simply variety, because every man fi cces differently.
However, I have something like a trunk at home-
FICKER, with whom I’ve been mine for over eight years
Have fun. It is a married entrepreneur with
which I have a great fi ck in a couple club
and which I happened to be on one three days later
Permit petrol station.

Fueling ended in his
Bed, since then we have been finding two to three times a month
each other.
I am also doing without a husband or firm friend
Well, have a great apartment, an equally great car
(BMW M 3), I earn very neatly, last but not least
Indirectly through my rumbling, as I do some-
call. Some of the doctors are honest with me
In love, but I don’t intend to do one in just one
tie. In addition, everyone suspects that they don’t
The only one is in which I have my sales through findings
high -drive.
So that was a small report about “The Hottest Pharma-
whore Germany “, as a customer always calls me.
I think you have a lot to read now-

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