Sweet revenge | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.


sweet revenge

I bent over you and after the Tie up grab. When I look at you, in your eyes I see the shimmer of excitement very clearly. The expectation of what may come now is it that makes you glow.

Slowly I let myself slide on you, so that my still moist column on your recreational state tail comes..

I let myself slide a bit higher over it. To the left and right next to you on my knees I bend and take the first arm and start tying it tightly at the bed post and immediately the second one.

My breasts swing back and forth over your face and lifting your head you try to reach my buds with my tongue, to get it with my mouth but I don’t let you let you. As soon as you are strained, I try to reach them back.

Again and again I sink until just in front of your face and then withdraw it. You try to take your hands automatically, but since they are tied up, you can’t do it. Yes my dear now you will feel what it means to be at the mercy of me. Now I decide what you get when.

Slowly I slide a bit back over you, my breasts roam yours and immediately react as my nipples, and arise aroused.

How do I let your best piece glide through my column wow this is such a great feeling I feel how hard it is again and presses against me. Moaning again and again quietly moaning you accompany my actions.

I bend down and grab your head and kiss you gently my tongue glides into your willingly opened mouth and starts a game with yours. You push yourself towards me more of it, but no my dear the bill you did without me. I get up lightly and turn your head to the side with my hands and delicately hiking my lips over your neck.

I pull a damp track to the earlobe on which I then gently let you feel my teeth. A comfortable sigh escapes you as I do and I drive away by starting nibbling on your neck, then gently kissing it and starting at one point suck as if I wanted to give you a smooch.

Then I slowly, slowly continue to go down over you and like a broken diaper I slide my lips over your skin. Excited I notice that goosebumps overturn your body and that you have started to tremble.

When I reach your buds, surround them with my mouth and easily pack your teeth and start carefully on them, you rear a first time groaned. This is new for you but you seem to like it when I gently stimulate them with my teeth.

Always alternately I circle with my tongue and pull them on it. It excites me to see more and more how you start to wind slowly and keep groaning quietly.

Again I slide down and let you feel every millimeter of my skin while I cover your kissing. Tender bit over and over again and again always elicit new tones.

You seem to like it really very much if you are tenderly felt your teeth.

I am getting closer to your horny Schwengel, who cheekily and pretended. When I slide it between my breasts and at the end gently with my tongue on the glans, you hire yourself pressing towards me moaning.

“Yes I know you want me to get you my sweeter,” I say “But I’m far from being so far”.

Then I look at you and add “you will suffer baby”!

And said done I continued my project. I let myself slide down and reach for a pillow that I have under your horny ass Slide what you willingly will be ready for your pelvis. Then I also tie yours Legs each to the outer bed posts.

Then I look at you as intensely as you before and I notice how much it excited you.

Yes, so you are perfect for me now and also to reach the whole area from penis to anus is now open in front of me.

You don’t let me excite me for a second you watch what is happening now. Now first of all I come down your cock and glide with the column over it and in which in my pelvis now in front of and back, I keep moving it through my labia back and forth. I moan and you too are right.

With your hands on your thighs from support, I enable you exactly to you observe Which makes you even more excited. You let your tongue slide over your lips, recognize and feel exactly how wet I am. And only too much would you take them in with the tongue they taste my lust.

I notice that you suffer but you try not to let me remember but in your eyes I can see it and I also recognize how you always pull on the bonds easily and again. “Well, my dear there you would like to ran with my tongue now I know” I say provoking to you and look at you.

Who knows, maybe you can say it yes I get on my knees up to your head and hold her wet cunt over your face. I sink down to you for a bit and she already comes your tongue and wants to lick me but I’m already out of rich again. And as much as you are now exhausting yourself, your head is grossed, you can’t reach it. With the index finger of the right hand I stroke through my column and as a small consolation I let it slide over your mouth, and so you surround it with your lips and suck him greedily.

I remove my finger and then because I want it I let myself sink over a face, press my labia with your fingers for you and sink over your mouth. Immediately you start licking but only for a short moment then I escape you again because you can only cost more, because you should suffer! But you should watch them my wet grotto and so I stay above you kneel for a moment.

Finally I let myself sink on your stomach and pull with mine pussy A moist track on your skin up to him that is already waiting for it with excitement. I’ll go down to your thighs down you then I bend down and lick the trace just drawn from your stomach.

Always following the damp track I go down to your tail which is also damply covered. Your eyes follow my actions and excited you keep wetting your lips with your tongue and you can see how much you would like to drink it the horny juice.

When I start licking it, you will tremble on so much you have longed for this touch, you finally get it, I lick it with relish while I hold it with my right hand. I take every angle with the smallest place with each other.

I let my tongue circle your glans and let them slide into my mouth again and again. Then I go down further and from a loud moan on your part, I hike my tongue further down to the testicles and from there to anus. More and more you rear up on you do you love it when I do it. You are getting more and more restless, and your moaning is louder and louder.

Gently around circles I have your anus and like before you let me slide a little bit again and again. You wind more and more and you are groaning louder now, I enjoy it, it makes me power about you as well as I love it when you have a look at me.

Now I hike up again and while my left hand continues to play the anus, my right now takes your cock and I start moving your shaft evenly up and down, I keep changing it with my mouth and let it slide and go out again and again, andagain. Alternately I lick you now and blister it where I let you feel my teeth on the glans in between, because you also love that very much.

I also suck your testicles off in between. Your moan is now getting louder and your pelvis pushes towards me to my rhythm adapted to me when blowing. I interrupt again and again so that you don’t get too quickly. For a short time I still drive my game with you then I will revenge you and let you get your mouth full of a loud outcry.

And I soak up every drop of your lust.

I wait until you get quieter then I solve the ankle cuffs first and then I come up to you kiss you gently and also loosen the handcuffs. You immediately take me and our lips can be found for a long kiss. Still trembling and exhausted you have a moment in your arms but finally you roll around us around my pussy and take the juice that you like so much as long as you edit me with your tongue deep and licking until untilI also reach orgasm. We then enjoy the proximity of the other

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