Erotic vacation for two women | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

How became more from friendship with my new girlfriend. Hello everybody. I would finally like to write one of my most beautiful experiences in my life about my soul. It was last Summer happened. In the meantime I am glad that everything turned out differently than I had planned. But you can read that yourself … my name is Hanne, I’m 1.65 m tall, slim, ca. 63 kg, blonde longer hair, green eyes and am 35 years old, so 22 then 22.

At that time I also had a friend, Erik. He was always totally nice to me and I also loved him infinite. On Ebay last summer Erik and I bought a travel voucher for 2 people: A week of the Ore Mountains in a hotel of the upscale category. Erik was professionally at the armed forces. 3 weeks before it should go, he got the offer to go to Kosovo for six months. We thought about it for a long time, but we needed the money, which of course attracted.

In short: he agreed to go to Kosovo and 2 weeks later he was already gone. The common Vacation Was died first. I still intended to drive, after all the voucher was already paid. I just drove alone and so it came too. When I got to the hotel, I first checked the situation. At the age of 23 I was pretty much the youngest in the hotel and thought so, it can be cheerful.

Since I was a little bit of the journey, I decided to spend the first evening in the hotel and eat a little something in the restaurant there. In contrast to the others, I only booked breakfast, so that I had to search for a free table for a long time, since half board guests apparently demanded their dinner at the same time. But there was no free table anymore. The waiter shrugged helplessly with my shoulders and offered me to ask other guests if I could sit in a free place.

I waited and then he came back brightly. He pointed to a hidden table on the right side, which I couldn’t see from where I stood and said I should take a seat there. So I went down determined. At the table a woman sat on her child. She smiled at me and said I could be happy to sit down. She introduced herself. It was called Ramona. She is single and that next to her is Simon, her 5 year old son.

I quickly got out that Ramona is 37 years old. She had a very pretty face, long reddish hair, but was much more powerful than me, others would say chubby. She had a fairly wide pool, was about my size, but I think that she would definitely weigh a little over 80 kg. We talked very nicely and she also told me that her husband and at the same time Simons Father she left 3 years ago.

Since then she has been looking for a new relationship. But through the child she rarely gets among the people and the hotel is not necessarily created for a vacation flirt like. Only couples beyond the 50 and we stop. We laughed about it. Then she said goodbye because she had to put Simon to bed. I asked her if she would like to drink a cocktail with me later in the bar. “Thank you, very happy, but not today.

But it was not offset, ”replied Ramona and said goodbye with a smile. Your smile was just magical. It was somehow contagious. So I went for a little walk alone after eating, looked a little away and then went to bed. The next morning I met Ramona and Simon at breakfast. She immediately waved me over and I took a seat. She apologized to me that she had knocked out my offer yesterday, but she didn’t want to leave Simon alone in the room.

Simon looked defiantly to the side. “I’m already big. I can very well stay alone in the room, ”he said. We both had to laugh. Ramona asked me if I wanted to come to Dresden. Afterwards she drives with a rental car for the city tour. “If you take me with you? Gladly!“Was my answer and was totally happy about being able to spend a day together with the two. We spent a wonderful day together. We told each other almost everything.

I learned everything about her separation and her from my relationship. We became really good friends. It was like I always knew her. When we came back in the evening, we 3 went back to eat in the restaurant. Then Ramona asked me if I wanted to come to her later in the room. We could still drink a glass of wine there and Simon would have been under control. I was happy, I was happy and said to.

Around 9 I went to her and entered her apartment curiously. In contrast to me, Ramona had 2 rated rooms. In the back room there was a bed in which Simon slept, in the front a double bed in which Ramona spends the night. It was a family room. Ramona grinned and said she had booked it because she hoped to make a nice acquaintance of men here and to be undisturbed by Simon. By the way, Simon slept when I came.

So we both made ourselves comfortable. Ramona had a black top and blue jeans pants. Okay, you saw their bacon rolls under the top at the side slightly swell, but I still liked it. Although she was a lot older than, I found her somehow sexy and totally cuddly attention. I myself wore a short skirt, a white carrier shirt and a white open short -arm blouse above. We both sat on the bed, looked a little away and of course drank Ramona’s alcohol supplies.

We chatted deep into the night, drank, laughed and fell asleep. I can’t remember anything from the time after midnight. The next thing I know was that I woke up through a loud noise. It was Simon who woke us. He knelt on the bed. Ramona and I woke up at the same time. It was already light, but how were we there? I was cuddled with Ramona’s back from behind, my right hand was on Ramona’s left breasts.

I immediately took my hand away and shot up. It was totally embarrassed to me. Fortunately we were both dressed! Ramona pretended that she didn’t notice it with my unfortunate position of my hand. She struggled to put on a kiss on her forehead, looked at me briefly, grinned at me and complained about headache. “Phew, maybe yesterday was a sip too much,” she said and devoted himself to Simon again.

The head boomed me too. While Ramona went into the bathroom with Simon, I made my clothes to make my clothes, especially my crumpled white favorite blouse and called her into the bathroom that I will go to my room and be fresh. I closed the door behind me and went to my room. There I sat on my bed exhausted and decided to drop the breakfast. Although Ramona didn’t say anything, it was totally embarrassed that I was so intimate on her and then had my hand on her breast.

I took off my crumpled blouse and lay down again. I woke up around noon. My stomach growls. A few cookies and a little soda had to serve, and a headache tablet. I showered in detail afterwards and at some point later I left my room. I knocked on Ramona. But nobody opened with her. A little sad I went for a walk into the nearby forest. Somehow I was in my mind, the afternoon passed quickly and I was looking forward to the evening.

After I had freshened up again in my room, I went to Ramona’s room. I knocked, but again nobody opened. Maybe the two of them are already eating? So: off to the hotel restaurant. But everything was empty at the table where Ramona and Simon were sitting. I asked the waiter, but he only told me that the two took the bus away shortly before noon. I ate a bite and went to my room a little sad.

Drinking frustration was the order of the day. On the one hand because I was boring, on the other hand because I felt lonely. My friend was away for miles and my only hotel acquaintance disappeared. So I thought: off to bed, watch TV and drum me. Get out of the clothes and into my sleep T-shirt. A known series and 2 glasses of wine, it must have been around 9 p.m. A voice called my name. It was Ramona.

I jumped out of bed fully exuberantly and opened the door to her. “Would you like to come in?”I asked her. She nodded and looked at me questioningly because of my outfit. “Oh, I hadn’t expected a visit anymore. “I answered her, since I was so lightly dressed in front of her. She told me that she was in a small amusement park with Simon and Simon had a lot of fun. Then the 2 had missed the bus and so everything took so long.

Then Ramona said that she thought we could still chat with her now. But I didn’t want to get dressed anymore. I suggested that Ramona stay with me a little more. Despite concerns about Simon, she agreed and sat on the bed. I lay down again and covered myself. I handed Ramona a cardboard cup of wine and we were heading. We talked again about messed up relationships.

At some point later I said to Ramona that I have to stop drinking the wine now. In this context I apologized to her because of the embarrassment of this morning. Ramona looked over at me and said that I don’t have to be embarrassed. We were just drunk. Then she said that she still had to confess me. “I had already woke up before Simon had woken us. Since you just struggled to me from behind and put your hand on my breasts.

I woke up of that. “” Why didn’t you press me away?”I asked her. Then she replied: “As strange as it sounds, but at that moment I enjoyed it. Since the separation of Simon’s father, nobody had cuddled with me. I just thought it was nice. If you were alone as long as I do, you would certainly react to everything that is tender. “She smiled at me dreamily.

Ramona looked at the clock at the same moment. “Crap, over an hour again. But now I really have to go back to Simon, I’m already very restless. “Ramona said shortly afterwards, gave me a kiss on my forehead and left my room. I stayed there, thought about her words. Your openness and honesty impressed me. I tried to displace the topic, switched on the television. I saw far away, but I didn’t get what I saw.

Again and again I had to think of Ramona and her words. For half an hour I was still struggling through the television program and decided to go to her again and to do her society. I just put on a bathrobe and a few slippers and made myself on my way to your apartment. I knocked and waited, but no reaction. She was already sleeping. I just wanted to go back to my room when I heard my name called over the hallway.

“Hanne, Psst, Hanne. “, She called after me. I turned around. Ramona had actually been in bed when I knocked. “Come on, come in! I’m really happy that you have come again. “, she said. Ramona stopped me. She stood in front of me in a yellow panties and a associated sleeping shirt with Snoopy on it. Looked totally cute on her. In the tailor seat we both sat on their bed, but I took off my bathrobe beforehand, otherwise it would have become too uncomfortable.

We did what we wanted to do: chat. At some point we came to the topic of beauty surgery. Ramona said that she would like to tighten her breasts and maybe even let her reduce down. I eyed her shirt. What I saw, but I liked it. She had really big breasts, but there were no exaggerated monsters. Well, maybe they really hanged down a little, but I had already seen really worse things. I envied her a little about her bust and honestly, it suited her and I also found it sexy on her.

I told her all too, probably became a little red and showed her a bird. Ramona just shook his head and said I had to be blind. She pulled her Snoopy shirt over her head and suddenly sat barthy in front of me. I was speechless about this wonderful sight. “So now take a look again. Are you still in your opinion?”;;she asked me. I was anything but shocked by the sight.

She had beautiful big big breasts with a light slope down. The nipples were very small, the atrials might be as large as a 2 euro piece. Although she had a somewhat more lavish figure, she looked absolutely female on me, or maybe because of it. Ramona was waiting for a reaction from me. I answered her with dry mouth: “So if I were a guy and would have to make a decision between you and my body, I would take you.

You are so incredibly female. I find your proportions totally sexy. No wonder that I cuddled up to you last night. Your breast almost invites you to. Look at me, I feel totally male with my hedgehog sneakers when I compare our overalls and bodies “To prove it to her, I also pulled my sleeping shirt over my head and showed her my bust. She examined my breasts and replied that I should be happy to have so sweet breasts.

They are at least tight and besides, size is not everything. She added that she found my big long nipples totally beautiful. “I would also like to do that, but mine are a bit stunted. Be happy about what you have. Sometimes it is quite exhausting to have as heavy breasts as I do, ”she said. “I still envy you around your beautiful breasts. Would be happy if I had such beautiful parts. “, I answered her.

“At the latest, no longer if you have such a slopes as I have. They are really difficult, especially like now when I don’t wear a bra. Take in yourself, then you notice how difficult they are. “Ramona suggested. I hesitated for a moment, then I put under her breasts with my palms and lifted them slightly several times. Suddenly I was totally excited, for the first time I touched another female breast.

The skin was so soft, it felt fantastic. Nevertheless, I took the chance and briefly stroked my thumb over Ramona’s right nipple. I wanted to know how it feels. Her nipple was like the rest of the breast: velvet soft. Finally I let go. Ramona looked at me frightened and thinks: “What was that now?”” Um, yes, excuse, but I just wanted to test whether your nipples feel as soft as they look.

Unfortunately my nipples are totally hard, anything but soft. I would also prefer to exchange with you too, I just noticed. “, I said to her. Ramona looked at me incredulously, took her hand, now felt my left nipple with my thumb and index finger and even played a brief moment with it. While she did it, it tingled in me. That was too much for me then. When she let go, I hustle it briefly and said that it would be time to go now.

Ramona was also apparently embarrassed, she pulled over at the same moment as I was her shirt over it. She brought me to the door, we gave ourselves a Wangenbussi to say goodbye and I went back to my room. When I was bed, I was at Ramona with my thoughts. I somehow missed her, even though I had just seen her. What was going on with me? Again and again I had to think of her beautiful breasts.

Viewed soberly I found that I felt pulled towards her. Wait, to a woman? No, that must have been the residual alcohol. At some point I have to fell asleep. The next morning my first thoughts were immediately at Ramona and the previous evening. I decided to avoid her first to get clarity about my feelings. Because me and a woman: that couldn’t be. That couldn’t be.

I let the breakfast whiz and stayed in my room. Around noon it knocked, I heard Ramona calling my name. I got nervous, I would have loved to storm the door and would just have hugged her. But I didn’t open. She went again. Shortly afterwards I heard from outside, but this time from the entrance I could look at Ramona’s voice. I looked out the window and saw Simon climbing into a man’s car.

Ramona cuddled the little one and waved him. Shortly afterwards she looked up to my window. With a fright one step went aside and wiggled with the curtain. She saw me? She had seen me! Because again it knocked on the door. “Come on Hanne, open. I know you’re there. “, She called through the locked door. “I have to talk to you. “I went to the door. I was still wearing my outfit from last night.

“Hi Ramona. Sorry that I didn’t open earlier. I wanted … oh what if it were. come in. I have to talk to you too. “, I said to her. I quickly went into my bed, sat down lightly and covered myself. Ramona sat on the edge of the bed. “Simon wanted to say goodbye to you. His dad picked him up earlier. It was probably too boring for him here. I called him his dad this morning and asked him to pick up the little one.

What he had done too. I would normally have left, because if I hadn’t met you here, I would have driven along, you know that? I just stayed because of you, Hanne. Because I like you so much!“, Said Ramona to me. We were silent for a while. Then I was probably on the train to say something. And suddenly it bubbled out of me. “I am also happy to have met you.

I am glad that you have remained. I feel like I already know you an eternity. I had to think of you all night. I might not have left last night. I would have preferred to come back to you immediately, crawled into your bed and would have nestled me up to you, as in the night before. I had enjoyed your closeness so much. In my stomach it had totally cribed when I went to you last night and was with you.

When I caressed your nipple, I wanted to know what it was like to touch a different breast. I also enjoyed your touches very much. Don’t stand for perverted or something, but I … “. Ramona interrupted me by putting her index finger on my lips. At that moment I was no longer master of my emotional situation. I rolled tears from my face. “Oh crap … I don’t know what’s going on with me. But if you want to go now and never want to speak to me again, then I understand that.

“, I sobbed. Ramona now sat on the bed and I hugged my arms. I lay on her right shoulder with my head. She stroked my cheeks, my face. she did not say anything. I continued to cry. When I calmed down at some point, I looked at Ramona. She too had sad, moist eyes. Then she started talking. “Oh Hanne, our friendship means a lot to me, more than you may be able to imagine.

Even if you don’t understand that now, but I think it’s really better if I go now. I’ll go to my room because I have to think about a lot. I am afraid that we will do something here now that we don’t want and what will be suffering from us later and our friendship destroys us later. “In the room it crackled between us. Nobody really wanted to admit it. We looked into our eyes, then Ramona gave me a short kiss, on my mouth for the first time, and said: “Make it good!”.

But it remained still sitting, and our eyes were not dissolved from each other either. It tingled in me again. “Then see you later. “, I also said to her and also gave her a short kiss directly on her lips, but I stayed on her lips for a moment when she was my before my kiss. We still looked at each other and stayed sitting. “Yes, then until later,” said Ramona again to me, without loosening my eyes and giving me another kiss to say goodbye to my lips.

This time my lips slipped between hers and she also easily opened her lips. After approx. 2 seconds that occurred to me like an eternity, our lips loved again. Since she was still looking at me with a serious look, I put everything on one card. I said: “Until afterwards. “And kissed her again. This time I stayed on her with my lips and held her head slightly at the same time. I now kissed them significantly more extensively.

I don’t know why I did this, but I just had the need to kiss Ramona, and apparently she too, because Ramona replied the kiss. I saw her closed her eyes at some point and enjoyed it, then I also closed my eyes. I wanted more and Ramona apparently too. We played with our lips for some time. Then I felt Ramona tried to penetrate my mouth with his tongue. I had only waited for that.

I could have kissed her with tongue, but I wanted to leave the initiative to her, especially since I had already dared to take the first step on the kiss. Her tongue came towards me and I willingly opened my mouth. I wanted to know what it is like to kiss a woman with a tongue. And I was not disappointed. Finally we kissed properly, no, we smooched and drooled like 2 teenagers. I felt the tongue of a woman in my mouth for the first time, and this woman kissed excellently.

I not only kissed the softest lips I kissed, but also the nasal tongue in the world. This kiss was so soulful, tender and full of passion that I never wanted to stop again. It was the most tender that I had experienced until then. Our tongues are devoured, it was like an addiction that did not want to end. In the meantime we were already side by side when Ramona began to get out of the kiss. “Would you like to stop?”I asked her.

“No, keep going. It is so beautiful. I enjoy each of your touch. If you like, you can touch me anywhere. “, She almost groaned. Then she kissed me on my lips again. My hands went on a hike. I stroked her over her white blouse that she was wearing today. “Pull it out to me, there is far too warm in there, Hanne. “Ramona breathed and I did it too. I carefully buttoned each of her buttons, 6 pieces, I still know that exactly.

I grazed the blouse slightly and then stroked her breasts, which, however, were covered by a bra. “If your offer that I can touch you anywhere, then I would like to touch your breasts, but unlike yesterday. You have such beautiful cozy breasts. I would like to stroke them properly, touch them and cope with them. may I?“I asked Ramona. After she had mostly looked seriously, Ramona finally smiled at me again.

The seriousness from her face had given way. “Then you have to open my bra for me, or how else do you want to get it?“Was Ramona’s answer. She straightened up, pulled her blouse completely and then turned her back so that I could open the closure of her bra, which I did too. I carefully grazed the bra, but so that I could touch her breasts with my palms from above.

I took my hands, grabbed her tongue from behind, nestled my back and held her very hard. I kissed her neck and neck. Ramona walled under these kisses and got goose bumps. I let it go shortly afterwards. Then she turned back to me and sat barkbust opposite me. I kissed Ramona on my lips again and then began to stroke her big heavy breasts with both hands.

I stroked her soft tender nipples, over the atrial and massaged them a little with powerful movements. Ramona had closed her eyes and moaned quietly. “You really like them, my breasts?“Ramona asked me. “You are beautiful. So womanly. You can almost only envy Simon that he was allowed to suck on it as a baby. Would be too happy now a baby!“I grinned. “Then be my baby. If you want, you are welcome to do that too.

I would be happy if you kissed her. Nobody did that for so long. “, she answered. I asked if she would do that with me too and she nodded me. Her big goblet eyes shone. Then I kissed her on her soft lips again and then breathed 2 delicate kisses on each of her breasts. “Don’t stop, Hanne,” she breathed over to me. I kissed on her breasts, now started licking the skin and for the first time licked over her sweet little nipples.

“I never thought that it could be so nice to spoil a female breast. But your breasts are so nice, ”I said to her when I looked up briefly. Then I went on. Ramona also melt away. For the first time she started spoiling me too. With one hand she disappeared under my shirt and tenderly touched my little tittis. I heard to spoil her at that moment and took off my shirt.

Now we both sat there with free torso and spoiled ourselves with our hands. Although she had a lush physique, I found it totally sexy. Your curves were so beautiful. I loved her fat -handed stars on the sides. I pinched them in several times. We finally laid each other and looked at each other. I started kissing her breasts again and sucking on my nipples for the first time while I pressed her breast with my hand, almost like a baby.

I couldn’t get enough of it, obviously not Ramona either. Uncontrolled, she rolled back and forth. Finally Ramona rolled onto her back and I started spoiling her abdomen. I licked in and around her belly button, licked her bacon rolls and finally asked that she should take off her pants. She did that too. She got up, stood next to the bed and stripped a little for me. I joined her to go on.

But she let her slip. Now it was tie: both of us only had a panties. She came back to bed and pushed me aside so that I was now on my back and now she started spoiling myself. She kissed my belly and then my little breasts. But most of them seemed to like it to suck on my long hard nipples. She no longer stopped. In between, however, we kissed again and again on the mouth.

Then she leaned over me and held one of her big breasts to my mouth. “Come baby, you like that!“, She grinned provocative. I immediately started sucking it, but then I already had her tongue in my mouth again. With one hand she now played on the edge of my panties. Meanwhile she looked at me. I looked up at her and said, “I’ve never done that before. At least never with a woman.

” “Me neither. Do we want to continue or stop?“, She asked me. “Keep on and never stop again. “, Was my answer. I lifted my butt slightly and she brushed down my panties. I was lying in front of her naked. Fascinated she looked at my shaved genital area. “Wow, it looks great. “, She said beaming joy. “But I also want to see you naked. Show me your beautiful body. “, I asked her. I was surprised myself where I took this courage.

Until last night I would not have thought of exchanging tenderness with a woman. “I am a little ashamed to show you completely naked. You have such a flawless body. Are you sure you want to see me that way? Look at me: wide pool, bacon rolls, hanging tits … “. I interrupted them at this point by kissing them. After the kiss, I countered her: “Your pelvis is beautifully female, your bacon rolls make you totally sexy and I can’t get enough of your hanging tits.

Finally show me your body in all its natural beauty and then I will show you, we very much I like it. I want to spoil you Ramona. Take off your panties, please. “Ramona got up, stood next to the bed. “I warn you Hanne, I’m not shaved at the bottom. For whom? Down there is really jungle “. “It doesn’t matter, I want to see it,” I said to her. She pulled her panties down uncertainly and stood in front of me.

In fact, she had a thick bush hair around her mumu. But that made me even sharper and stood excellently. “Come to bed!“I said to her and pulled her back on this. She was now on her back next to me. She looked at me and said to me with a serious face: “You Hanne, I rush under your compliments and tenderness. I can’t remember that someone was ever so tender with me.

Hanne, I don’t know where that should go now, but I would like to sleep with you now. I don’t know how to do it, but would like to explore it with you. Do you want to sleep with me?“So far we had only stroked and tenderly touched and kissed. I was actually a little quick and at the same time too slow. I replied to her: “Yes, I want to sleep with you too. I want to see how you are going under my touch.

I want to give you everything and see you happy. I want our bodies to fuse with passion. “As much as at this moment, it had never crumbled in my stomach beforehand. I had never been so excited. Ramona also breathed heavily. It probably was no different for her. Then I stroked and kissed her body again, in front of all her lush breasts. With one hand I stroked her dense bush for the first time.

Ramona gasped like never before. When I felt between her legs, I felt that she was already damp. With a finger I started to penetrate them. She spread her legs slightly. Then I started rubbing them on the clit with several fingers, as I did it myself. I now lay down next to her that I caress or stroke your clit undisturbed. Grate and she could suck on my left nipple at the same time, which I stretched out to her.

They bit slightly and sucked. That made me frenzied. Unfortunately it didn’t take long for Ramona to cramp under my touches. My nipple had long since released her out of her mouth. She groaned loudly, pressed her clit against my hand and I strengthened the pressure. For me it was absolutely new and exciting to experience how another woman got her peak. And I was surprised at how quickly Ramona came. Your moan sounded fantastic.

I was so proud that it was I who gave her these feelings. She literally screamed out her redemption. But on the other hand, it was a miracle? She hadn’t had sex for so long. While she was still trembling, I kissed her on the mouth. Demanding and totally in ecstasy she replied this kiss. She licked my oral cavity like a wild animal. It was the hottest kiss to date that we exchanged. When I felt her climax, I took my hand from her clit and smelled on her.

“Smells good!”I said to her and licked my fingers. “May I kiss you on your sweet mumu? It tastes so tasty … May I?”I asked her. She just groaned and I interpreted this as a yes. I slid down with my nipples on her stomach on her body so far that I stopped her belly button and stained it. Then it went deeper. I briefly sank my nose in her bush for the first time and it smelled incredibly erotic after sex.

She spread her legs and I saw her shiny damp column. At that moment I thought about whether I should really do that. Kiss the vagina of a woman? Should I really do that? But it looked so tasty. So I stuck my tongue and luckily I didn’t regret my decision. My courage was worth it. It was indescribable. Finally I felt the delicious nectar of her excitement on my tongue. I felt that she was as close to her than ever before.

Incidentally, it tasted very neutral, but it smelled incredibly exciting. I pulled my tongue through her column a few times, her pubic hair tickled my nose. Then I went up to her and kissed her. She literally licked my mouth and groaned. We snuggled up with our breasts. I felt her lavish breasts on mine, massaged her bacon rolls. She stroked my face. We are devoured in a never -ending kiss.

Then she gently pressed me to the side, so this time I was lying on my back. While she also spoiled my breasts alternately with her tongue, and so tenderly someone had never spoiled her before, I felt her hand on my shaved mumu. She was very excited and trembled as she touched me. I also trembled, but with excitement. I was now so moist that they entered me without any problems with one of their fingers.

I could hardly control myself. She massaged fantastic. “I want to suck your chest while you stroke me,” I bend her. She heard me and again she kept her left -wing tits in front of her face. I immediately sucked on how a baby. But soon my breasts robbed me again and instead kissed my tittis again, kissed his navel and breathed a careful kiss on my shaved pussy. “I don’t know if I can lick down there.

I’ve never done that before. Do you want me to kiss you on your plum, ”she asked me. “Decide for yourself whether you are ready for it. But please, continue. Touch me down there, I can no longer. Touch and kiss me wherever you want, ”I groaned. She used her hand and kept stroking me. But she penetrated carefully as she rubbed me, with first one, then 2 fingers and fucked me easily but tenderly.

Again she kissed my belly button, then she lay in front of me and actually started kissing my shaved zone with her tongue. I was happy and had to moan even louder. I licked myself before the first time Another woman in life, but how soulful that was. Her soft lips kissed tender kisses on my pleasure center, her tongue hit the right points. I leaned up because I wanted to see how I licked me down there.

But my eyes fell above all on her sexy thick butt, which protruded in the back of the air. Her thick breasts rocked back and forth, her tongue licked back and forth. For me, too, the point came at which pulling in my belly area. I felt the wave on myself, groaned and louder, enjoyed her treats, looked down on her erotic thick body and then had feelings that I will never forget again.

At the latest now the whole hotel knew that sex was made in this room. I must have moaned so loudly when my climax rolled up. Exhausted, I first dropped on the pillow while Ramona licked me further. Then I straightened up, came to Ramona’s chin, which was still on my cunt, and gently pulled it over to my lips. We kissed and she gave me a great kiss.

She came up to me, we snuggled up, covered ourselves and fell asleep with exhaustion. In the evening we woke up again. The first in what I looked into were the most beautiful eyes that I had seen in a long time. “It was wonderful to sleep with you. You are so tender, have accepted and took me and my body as it is, despite the child, you have made friends with me … why can you not be a man?“Ramona asked me with sad eyes.

“Because I’m a woman? That’s the difference. ““ You are the perfect guy for me. If you were a man, I would marry you immediately and start a family with you. “, Said Ramona. “You can also start a family with me as a woman and marry me?”, I answered. “Well then I prefer to get out of the way, otherwise I really do it,” said Ramona and we kissed intimately.

What can I say? If there had been a civil servant somewhere at that moment, I would have shouted out “yes” out of sheer luck. I was infinitely happy. As happy as never before. I had found the best friend who could find the woman and could also show this friend how important she is for me, how much I also use her physically. The idea of being with Ramona forever, always being able to spoil her beautiful womanly body let me hover on cloud 7.

Ramona was no different. How it goes on with us, nobody knew from us at that moment. But that didn’t matter at that moment, because we both gathered in the present, now enjoyed it and we also had 4 days of vacation and 5 nights together in front of us. For the first time in our lives we both slept with our own gender. The tension, the desire, exhaustion and fulfillment dropped us into deep sleep at lunchtime.

We were both as satisfied as never before. My head was on Ramona’s shoulder, my right hand included her left chest. We would probably have slept on for hours if we hadn’t been woken up. In the subconscious I heard someone called “room service”, but I only perceived these words in the subconscious. I dreamed too much in front of me and felt Ramona’s soft body on mine. Suddenly we both shouted up when the cleaning lady stood in Ramona’s room.

We both lay naked on the bed, not even covered. And the young cleaning lady started red when she looked us in a clear pose. She apologized and left the room. I giggled, Ramona didn’t think that was funny. “Great, now everyone thinks we are Lesbian. They will all point to us with their fingers. If you were a man now, nobody would say anything. But now we will be the topic of conversation here. “Ramona was kind of desperate.

I don’t understand why. Sure, the situation was new to me too, I even had an intact relationship with a man. It should have been even easier for Ramona, especially since she was solo. But somehow she was totally broken. After a few tears ran down her cheeks, I looked her deep into her eyes. I stroked her cheeks without a word, wiped the tears out of her eyes and came closer and closer to her face.

I wanted to kiss her, but she turned her head to the side. I flinched a little and looked at her questioningly. “If you were a man, everything would really be easier. “She said to me and at that moment more tears rolled down even more tears. “My environment is so full of a philistine who would make life hell to me if you knew that I was with a woman. “Now I spoke to the word to bring her back on the ground of the facts and first told her in the face that we only slept together and have no relationship, which also didn’t work, since I still have a partnerhave.

I also told her that I was also confused, after all I had never had anything with a woman. My environment is also peppered with people full of prejudices against same -sex relationships and yet I did not question the events that have happened, but rather I enjoyed the new feelings. Then I told her that I fell in love with her, and for this reason I will go now so that she should think about what happened and what she wants.

I got up, put on clothes hastily and went back to my room. Ramona was on the bed in silence when I closed the door. Outside in the stairwell I met the cleaning lady, she just smiled at me, I nodded back. And somehow I was angry on Ramona. First she turns my head, then she backs a back. After taking a shower and getting a little quieter, I thought about her words that she had said to me: “If you were a man, everything would really be easier.

“Unfortunately, or fortunately, I am not a man, but a woman who crushes her head over his head into another woman. Okay, I thought to myself. You want a man? You should have that. I went to my wardrobe and ransacked my clothes. I was looking for and searched … But even my black trouser suit that I packed up in case I went to the theater seemed too female to me. But I really wanted a masculine outfit because I wanted to meet Ramona as a “man”.

I don’t know what I was hoping for. Somehow I wanted her to accept me as a man rather than a woman. The only question is what is when the clothing has moved out? I needed something else and decided to use them for a little time to go into shops. Before that I passed the Ramona room again. Somehow I was hoping, she reports to me again. I still wanted to knock, but when I listened to her door, I heard it rustling, she showered.

So I went to the place. I had no idea how I was able to do my outfit. And I was sobered by the fact that the number of business was very manageable. After running up and down the road, I found that there were only cafés … and a single fashion business: “Brigittas Modestübchen”, a shop for women’s fashion. There was definitely no ties to buy. I still looked through the shop window and to my surprise was a mid -twenty-year-old in the shop.

It didn’t look like a brigitta. When I looked more closely, I saw that this woman was wearing a dark blouse and a bright red tie. Looked good somehow. The woman had a taste, which is why I decided to go in. I had nothing to lose. Otherwise, because the older clientele is probably lost into this shop, I was welcomed with a nice smile. She asked me if she could help me and I told her if she had an idea of how I can come to a masculine outfit.

I also said to her that I like her outfit and whether she also had ties in this shop. She looked at me and said: “We have no men’s things here. You have to buy the souvenir for your friend somewhere else. “Then I said to her:“ No, not for my friend. I need one for myself. “She shrugged and just said that something like that is not in demand here.

Also this week she only represents hers Mother, who goes on vacation yourself and is pretty sure that this does not have something like that either. I still said to her that I hoped that this tie would give it to buy here. She just smiled and said: “Unfortunately not”. I thank you and went back. I was just out of business when she called me to come back. She asked me what I needed this tie for.

I got red and it was embarrassing me too. But she was my age and I told the whole story shortly, also the story that I crushed myself in a woman for the first time. She listened to me. When I was finished, she said that I should wait a short time. Then she said that she has always liked to have been fashionable in terms of hobby, much to the dismay of her mother, who does not get along with her style at all.

She suggested to me to get to my hotel and combine something that makes Ramona speechless with the clothes I have in my wardrobe. I was still waiting until she closed the shop and then we went to the hotel together. Since I didn’t want to be seen by Ramona with Julia, by the way, we did not want to be seen, we crept into the hotel. But who did I meet again? The cleaning lady this morning. This time she looked at me totally dotted, probably thought, a woman is not enough for me.

Arrived in the hotel room, Julia looked in my wardrobe and immediately said that she had already found the right one when she came out my pants suit. I looked at her and said that it looks fully female. “Wait!“, Was your answer. She continued to rummage, then looked a bit resigned and asked me if I had no blouse with me. I denied. I didn’t wore blouses, just shirts under my pants suit. But then I fell that I still had a white shirt from my friend with me.

He had once received it from his parents. It was too small for him, on the other hand it was like a glove, both on the waist and on the collar. But I only wore it in bed at night when I missed him. It was something that belonged to him, and when I cuddled into my shirt, he was always somehow with me. My luck was that I hadn’t worn it on my vacation so far, it wasn’t crumpled yet.

“Well then: put on everything!“Julia asked me what I did too. But the design of the outfit was a little more difficult. We tried all variants through. We closed the collar, opened the collar, worked the collar over the jacket, then again … and came to the same result: it just looked feminine. Julia thought about it, then grinned, put her tie down and pressed the bright red piece of fabric into my hand.

“Here, tie it around …”, said Julia. I looked at her at a loss because: I couldn’t because I didn’t control the knot. After all, I had never worn a tie before. So Julia took over the part. She made the knot really nimble and fast. I asked her if she was wearing ties more often and she only said that this was her favorite tie. She has even more, but she has all of them in her student booth.

She wears some quite often at the university. Here only if your mother is not there, since these ties and women connect with lesbian. But her mother is not there. I asked her very curiously if she was lesbian. She grinned at me and just said that she is hetero. The boys are totally on this outfit, and that is also the reason why she likes to walk around with blouse and tie, as today,.

Then she said: “Wow, you are fine. Now close the top button, close tie, hair to the ponytail … done! And if you promise me to bring them back to the day after tomorrow, I’ll borge them until then. But not to snake, which is made of real silk! I think it suits you quite well, to your shirt and your pants suit. Your girlfriend likes it, you look very sexy in the outfit!“After she had bound my hair to the ponytail, I stood in front of the mirror and: wow.

It looked really good. Masculine and yet feminine at the same time. I pressed Julia very tightly, thanked her. She wished me good luck and then went. I then looked at again in the mirror, straightened the knot and couldn’t wait to go to Ramona. I already had a plan, as I should do it to approach her as a “man”. I wrote a small card at the status: “I would like to invite you to a drink at the bar at 8 p.m.

I pushed this card under her door and started waiting for it to be 8 p.m. The only question was: comes it? I don’t want to talk around for long, because the time for me was slowly passing for me anyway. But I still have to say that it knocked on my room door around 7:45 p.m. and Ramona called for me. She knew I was in my room, but I didn’t react. She called to me that she is in the bar from 8 p.m.

If I want to see her, I should fulfill. I crept slowly from behind after 8 after 8 so that Ramona couldn’t see me. She had put on a jeans and a tight T-shirt. It looked sexy how her little bacon rolls looked over the pants. When I was behind her, I covered her eyes with my hands. My heart hit excitement faster. She cleverly withdrew this clasp and turned around.

She wanted to know who her mysterious admirer was. And looked happy, flabily and pleased. She beamed and said: “Are you my admirer? You look great, totally sexy. I hoped so much that the card was from you. I’m sorry what happened this morning. “I looked at her and said:“ I see you found my invitation. May I kiss you from man to wife?“She grinned at me, looked to the left and right, and said:“ We can’t do that.

What should people say?“I answered her:“ Where is the problem when a man kisses a sexy woman in public? And if someone has a problem with it, he should tell me. “It tingled in me. It already excited me to enter the bar in men’s clothes. Everyone could see that I was a woman. But even more it excited me to give my first lesbian kiss in public and to tell people: Yes, I like women.

Ramona later confessed to me that she was no different. The public’s eyes almost let me leave out. And then said, no, Ramona finally breathed: “Yes … please, kiss me …”, which I didn’t let myself be said twice. Only: Ramona was faster. She grabbed my tie, pulled me down and we kissed and smooched uninhibitedly. After endless wonderful minutes, she asked me if we wanted to go to the room. I grinned at her and nodded, and we went hand in hand to the gaffing guests and the staff past Ramona’s room.

Once there, the wild smooch continued. Ramona said to me that it was very excited to kiss with me in public and asked me if we wanted to shock the staff again tomorrow, in which we exchange the roles. I liked it, Ramona certainly looked sexy with a tie and suit … but now I just wanted one thing: she saw naked and have uninhibited sex with her. Our lips touched again, I pushed her shirt up and stroked her breasts.

I freed them from the bra, which was also pushed up and already hung her breasts in my hands, which they gently supported. I licked her nipples and she only said: “So my gentleman … equality for everyone!“And got over my clothes. First she pulled out my jacket, then she opened my pants and slowly dropped it down. Then the shirt came on and she buttoned it up from below.

Since I didn’t wore a bra, she was on my bare breasts pretty quickly. Then, after sucking on the breasts, she opened my tie and let her fall on the bed. My shirt fell onto the floor a short time later. I got rid of my briefs and asked her what she likes better: I as a man or now as a woman. She kissed me and said: “If I knew you stay with me, I would like to scream all over the world that I had become lesbian.

I can imagine living with you, even if there is a lot of curiosity now. “I answered her:“ Thank you … I think I will break up with my friend so that our love has a chance. I also want to be lesbian forever … but only with you. “A short time later we were completely naked next to each other, I felt her breasts on my nipples, we hugged ourselves and began to smooch again uninhibitedly. When I suddenly felt her hand on my mumu, which had been damp for hours, I let myself fall back on the bed, Ramona first touched me, and followed me.

She lay next to me on the side and started to penetrate me with her fingers. Again my mind stopped and I was just cool. I straightened up to get to her big breasts and started to suck her delicious warts again. Ramona groaned and I noticed how she started to stroke herself with her other hand. In the meantime I was so excited that I felt my climax getting closer and closer. Ramona’s movements, on both hands, became faster and faster, our breathing more and more rhythmic and faster, and then I noticed a well -known pull in my abdomen.

An overwhelming climax, triggered by Ramona’s nimble fingers, electrified my body, while I was still licking and sucking on Ramona’s breasts. What was still unthinkable for me a few hours earlier felt so normal and really: I loved a woman. And I didn’t care that I was actually hetero. And it felt better than with a man. I let off her breasts exhausted and fell back on the back.

Ramona looked at me lovingly. Now I noticed that Ramona was still stroking. But I couldn’t allow that. I took the stroking hand away and led my fingers into my mouth. The bewitching fragrance of their excitement was liable to the fingers. I licked this delicacy with my tongue and felt the urge for more. Without further ado I slipped down and started kissing her hairy triangle again. What a taste … what a smell … and how horny I found her thick bush, which tickled me so much.

Ramona moaned. It really only took a few minutes and she got a climax, which I almost regretted, because I would have loved to continue to kiss her and licked it. Her taste is heavenly, I loved her bush when he tickled me and I couldn’t get enough of her juice. She pulled me up and kissed me. Apparently she wanted to taste herself because she first licked my mouth and then my oral cavity.

Exhausted we stayed for a short time, then I devoted myself to her breasts again. Touching and stroking another female breast by hand and stroking me in pure excitement;Then licking them and sucking them on them was amazing. I would never have come up with the idea of how great it can be to caress a female breast. Ramona enjoyed my treatments and let himself be pampered. I snuggled up on her stomach below her heavy breasts.

She asked me to look at her, which I also did and asked me seriously: “Do you want to go with? Do you want my girlfriend be?”I replied:” Yes, I love you!”.

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