Fick trip with Isabel | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

With Isabel on Lustrisemein Mobil, I tore me out of my lethargy. “Hello Tim, Isabel here”, it was the language to me. “Hello, how did you get this number?” I asked. “Your business card from the hotel. The receptionist was so friendly. Are you still on Simi?”. ” Yes. I’ll stay a little more, ”I answer. “Tim, I’m in Zurich. We can start over. I want to book you and your ship for two weeks. Do you have time and do you want? she asked”.

The thoughts rest, what can I say. “Against the insertion of corresponding coins!”. “Well, I’m flying from Zurich. In the morning I am on the island. Please pick me up from the ferry. I have two suitcases “. “If the ferry is around noon, I wait at the investor”. “That’s how it is,” said Isabel and putting on. The rear gate swung up and tourists flocked from board. I didn’t recognize Isabel at all at all. Completely changed, very, very elegantly dressed, hairdressing, subtly made up, two suitcases traveling behind him.

In my surprise I forgot to go towards her. Isabel put the suitcases on the ramp and looked at me. It is aware of its effect on people and so I approached her. One or two steps. Isabel opened her arms to a hug. Tim, just try again, I thought and let myself be hugged. The erotic fragrance of Channel No. 5 climbed into my nose when I kissed her cheeks.

“Welcome to Simi. I take your suitcases “. Isabel really looked stunning. Together we went around the harbor towards the hotel. The lunch sun warmed our backs. At my yacht they stopped. “Don’t you want to go to the hotel?” I asked. “Tim, as I mentioned on the phone, I book the ship and you. So we won’t go to the hotel, ok?”. “Of course. My daily rate including meals is 1200. -€. Week price 7800. -€. Payable in advance, ok “.

“13. 500. -€ for 14 days, yes?”. “Isabel, we are not on an Arab bazaar here. 15. 600. -€ in advance please “. My Lady just nodded and wanted on board. I parked your suitcases in the guest cabin. “Do you want to stay at sea all the time? I am not equipped for that. As you pack out, I buy in the supermarket at the bridge and check out in the hotel. Any special wishes?”. “Captain, I let myself be surprised”.

A good 90 minutes later I was back on board. The goods are delivered a little later by an employee. Isabel had granted her things in the guest cabin and was sitting on deck with a gin tonic. She had put on incredibly light and elegant boat clothing. “Like what I wear? Everything transferred “. “If the provisions are on board, we can take off. Do you have a specific goal? Or just the nose “. “Captain where it is lonely and beautiful”.

A good two hours later we went out. We left the small mystical place behind us, past the bunker station and turned to the taxboard. Isabel watches the whole thing. “May I also go to the rudder Tim?”. “If you want, please. However, allow you to watch you at first, ok “. We drove through the island world leisurely when a small completely empty bay with a flat rising beach opened the taxboard. Isabel looked at the plotter and laid a slight oven for taxboard, reduced the speed.

My passenger didn’t drive a yacht for the first time. She stopped the ship and we went out of anchor. The sun moved in a fire -red fireball towards the horizon. We sat on the fly and discussed the next few days. Isabel was unusually relaxed and enjoyed mild evening and asked for a glass of sparkling wine. Slowly the dawn started and I was on the way to the bathing platform to prepare the grill. In the comby I just wanted to push the snails in champions and herb butter in the polluting when two arms hugged me from behind tenderly.

The starter standing let me turn to Isabel around. Somehow the “negative waves” of Isabels were no longer available. Slowly our lips approached and united us into a wonderful tender kiss. “Please let the food wait. I want yours tail blow. “I want to go to the bathroom briefly. You too? I asked. She just nodded. Isabel appeared shortly after me. In putty she lay down next to me. “Tim, take you out” asked Isabel. When the pants fell, the latte pounded out of the underpants.

Horn drops ran out of the penis head. Her fingers drove over the moisture and distributed them on the glans. Her head fluctuated to the crossbar as she opened her mouth and my friends donor was surrounded by her lips. The tongue played with my glans. A hand on the sack, light and tenderly holding. The tongue play stopped and Isabel stuffed his tail into the stop. A nice compensation for the previously lost joys. “Please stop, I’ll come right away,” Isabel pushed her head back and forth.

Too late. The tail muscles contracted several times and I splashed everything on her suppositories. I believed my blowing and swallowing up immediately. But no, everything stayed in the mouth and she swallowed everything down. I didn’t think happening very often. Some women don’t like the somewhat bitter taste of the sperm, not so Isabel. She took my shrinking sniff out of her mouth. “Now I have thirst and hunger Tim,” she said, got up and went to the pantry.

I quickly put on my things and followed her. “Rum cola with a slice of lemon and ice please”. Isabel sat on the top of the four stages to the salon. The starter was in the oven and I prepared two identical drinks with my back to her. With both drinks I turned to Isabel. Her legs were spread, the shorts in the crotch aside, pushed and two fingers fingered in her pussy.

I looked at her hand in astonishment. “Take a look at how I jerk myself and the drink please”. With her free hand, she took the glass and a big sip, wanked further. Three were made of two fingers. The drink now stood on the floor and the hand -made hand massaged the clit vigorously. The fingers faster and faster in the smacking hole in and out, the second hand rubbed the minipenis between the labia in a very faster episode.

The eyes were now closed, the breath was more violent than her body tensioned. Deep, very, very deep breathed out Isabel. She had hers orgasm When the watch rang from the oven. The snails had passed and 12 minutes passed. In standing up and without saying a word, she directed her clothes, leaned into the glass and went to the fly. With the snails on a plate I followed her up. It weren’t late that my guest went to bed early.

So I only remained tidy up, checking the anchor, completing and then sleeping. Something is not as usual when the first rays of the sun through the narrow window in my cabin seemed. Another smell, strange sleeping noises and a head on my shoulder. Isabel was next to me. I sneaked out quietly, closed the chamber door and went on deck. Everything OK. The fragrance of fresh coffee filled the salon when the cabin door was opened.

Completely sleepy, Isabel tumbled towards me and kissed me on the cheek. “Good morning, the coffee is ready?”. “Even. How did you sleep Isabel?”. “Quite good at the beginning. Then I heard such unpleasant gulpish noises. I was afraid and went to your bed and fell asleep immediately. Feel really good “. “That pleases me. Here is the coffee “. After breakfast and baking, the anchor went on deck. We still drove around the island, visited an old monastery and in the afternoon we drove to the west on the Greek side.

When Rhodes came in sight on the taxboard side, my guest had a wish. So back to Rhodes city. Please do not meet Anita. My turbogue parts Fickfreunde from last year. My lustful thoughts of Anita drew a smile in my face. The port was well occupied and it was a caustic placking until we were firm. As usual, port wine is available as an inlet drink. Isabel changed and wanted to land. For me there was cleaning, short check of the systems and machines.

The food is prepared and I rested on the fly with a glass of wine when I saw Isabel climbing a taxi. The driver opened the trunk and an incredible five shopping bags were served. My God, hopefully no frustration shopping. When everything was on board, Madame disappeared into her chamber. With a glass of red wine in my hand, I knocked on her chamber door. “Come in and take a look at my new things”. Isabel, naked as God created it stood in front of me.

Tons of blouses, T-shirts, boat shoes, shirts and clothes on the bed sheet. I looked at the delicate body. “We fuck later. I want to show you my things and know how you like it. Have you prepared something to eat Tim? She asked. “There is fresh grilled lamb with herbal butter, plus lettuce and foil potatoes with skate wheels. Four different varieties baklava and coffee, if you also like cognac. For the starter I thought that some raw vegetables with a dip.

If you appear with the new clothes on deck? I cover the table ”and kisses Isabels cheek. Isabel has taste. In her new clothing she looked stunning. I waited with food until everything was shown. Isabel told about your purchase while eating. Later we went to a bar at the end of the harbor. Isabel even laughed, but she didn’t speak of herself. It was late when we came back on board. Isabel hugged me on the bathing platform and kissed me unexpectedly violently.

“I am free, I will have a good time, hopefully have great conversations with you and await fulfilling sex. I now get something for adults to drink? A whiskey is exactly what I need now Tim. “Before I walked the glass on deck, I quickly swallowed a standstill pills. Who knows what is still coming. We enjoyed our drink in peace. Isabel became restless. “Would you like to go to bed,” I asked.

“Another whiskey and then. “With the glass in her hand, she got up. “Are you coming?”” Go ahead. Complete and then I’ll be with you “. Light burned in my chamber. Actually she was on my side, but it doesn’t matter. Briefly in bathroom and off under the ceiling. Our mouths met, the tongues played with each other, our hands felt the body of the other. Isabel fingered my cock. Not only your massage helped my dick in an upright position.

Isabel turned unexpectedly on the side. “Fuck me from behind”. My latte aimed at the pussy. The hole is made for my cock. The glans slips into the dark cave with tastes, the shaft was comprised by the cunt meat. Put my hands on the butt and specified my fucking time. Nice, very nice. Slowly but deeply my noodle worked in her cunt. Isabel held against it with a light rhythmic back and forth. My juices are still deep in the basement.

So I have time. Much time. Isabel started to moan. The pussy mucus ran down on their pussia. I enjoyed stopping, fucking further, harder and deeper, slow and tender to rub the G-spot with the nille head. My playmate got involved in the game. Willingly followed my speed. An orgasm was hardly noticeable. The pill helped to keep my stands in shape for a long time. We started to sweat. My hands slipped on her hip while Isabel put a hand on the clit and rubbed violently.

With my joy donor I pressed the G-spot from the inside. My fuck partner wanked the outer cunt. I felt the juices climbing when my partner’s orgasm waves crossed her body. When my lout slipped out of my cunt, she reached to the tail and held it firm. She turned to me with a smile. Your face radiating, slightly reddened. Lips open. “I love it when I can suck a cock that tastes like my cunt. Don’t hold you back and flute my mouth “.

Isabel did not hesitate to take the slimy cock to the mouth. Her tongue neatly licked the shaft before stuffing the root into the bladder and. With one hand on the shaft and mouth she performed fucking movements. Two fingers shaped into an “o”, followed the lips up and down with unexpected pressure. The juices rose again and poured themselves out in her mouth, not stopping the fucking movements. Isabel continues and on.

My cock shrinked and I had to hold her head so that it doesn’t get uncomfortable. My knees were already trembling when my sniff slipped her mouth. A quiet “Thank you, very good” was everything I could say. We still drank our drinks and slept closely together. We stayed in Rhodo’s city for two more days. Visited the Grand Master Palace, walked through the old town. Isabel bought a little thing here and there. I started to get used to Isabel.

We both matched the body length and the outer. Our familiarity increased, we caught when someone was looking for the hand of the other. Very unusual, at least for me. We sat somewhere over a coffee, put Isabel intended or not, her left hand on my right hand. Are they signs of security or satisfaction? I’m not sure. On the morning of the third day we left the port of Rhodes. A beautiful day.

Hardly wind, sun and 27 ° C temperature on the water. Calm lake. I had proposed Isabel on the eastern side of Rhodes CA. 30 nautical miles to drive into the bay of Lindos. In fact, there are two bays. One is wide and open, the other is very small, flat and incredibly protected by a natural wave breaker. Above both bays is the Acropolis of Lindos. At night strong headlights shine the old building. Unfortunately there is a parking space in the southern bay on which tourist buses last all day.

We decided to go to anchor in the northern bay. The tender was made clear and I was waiting for my guest. Isabel appeared in a short blue skirt with a white belt, a white -blue striped blouse with anchor motifs, boat shoes and a huge bag. “Do you think it’s a good idea of climbing the skirt to the tender,” I asked. “Wait! The skirt stands for me, or?“I just nodded and helped her get in.

Isabel also sat down the rubber pier. I took off and we slowly drove towards the beach. My passenger turned to me and opened the thighs. I hardly trust my eyes. She only wore the skirt, no panties or bikini base. “Can we stop here and do something?“Asked My Lady. I reduced the speed and switched off the engine. The waves easily hit the boat hull. Isabel got up to get her bag.

In doing so, she turned her butt and bent into the bag. The skirt slide, I think intentions, up and released the sweet cunt. It was really no different and grabbed her in the crotch. As if by itself, two fingers glide into the gap. A little more dry, my fingers drove into the column and out. Isabel just kept silent. Slight moisture spread. The fucking movements of my hand horned up.

“Please put your whole hand in me”. I looked around if we are being observed somewhere. I carefully formed all four fingers into a “V” and put my thumb in the palm. A not easy undertaking. The cunt widened from second to second. I was already in the dark wet column to my knuckle. Isabel still didn’t move. I worked hard and in the cunt. Finally my hand slipped in completely.

I relaxed my muscles and paused for a moment when the butt of the pounded up went up and down. Madame fucked the cunt with my hand. Her free hand whipped up and down over her rivet cone wildly. “Slowly Isabel, otherwise we will captivate”. The behind, but not the hand, moved calmly. It didn’t take very long, her cunt juice ran down my arm and with a smacking noise my arm slide out of the pussy. The waves of her orgasm let her body shake and she sank to her knees.

As she rested slightly exhausted, I cost her mucus on my arm. Isabel tasted good. My guest turned, sat down on the boat floor with spread legs, feeled and looked at her cunt, which was really wide and deep red. “With my ex I was never able to live out my head cinema. It hurt something at the beginning, but a great feeling. It is still tingling on the pussy “. For the first time she spoke of herself.

“If you like it, at any time again. Would you like to tell me more? I asked. Isabel only shook his head. So we drove towards the beach, put the tender on a crumbly bridge and went ashore. A long, steep path to the acropolis was in front of us. But it’s worth going so far. A wonderful view of the island, the sea and the port. Every now and then I put my hand on the butt of my companion and I got myself when I thought that Isabel was not wearing a slip.

Actually, I constantly had a half -stiffer in my pants. Most tourists are already on their buses and lawn for the next “attraction”. We looked for a place in a round arch and enjoyed the view of the sea. Just when I wanted to start a sentence, Isabel reached my pants, fiddled with the zipper and got colleague out half -tire. She played with my noodle until it is extended to full size. “I like your tail.

So with the red glans, the peeloch. Looks good, ”leaned away and the snap was gone. Her lips clutched the Pillermann. Basically, I like it, but we are from a sheriff caught, it goes behind Swedish curtains. “Please don’t here. If a policeman caught us, we could get trouble “. Isabel raised his head and pouted mischievously. Packed the snap in your pants quickly. On the way to the harbor we passed a supermarket, bought in, continued to walk to the tender and drove to the yacht.

In the tender, her horny cunt flashed out from time to time under the skirt. My dick was still in the half -tire condition. Back on the yacht we stowed the purchases, put the bimini up and opened a bottle of sparkling wine on the fly. “My ex and I got married very young, had it quite well,” took a sip of sparkling wine and continued to say “lots of work, a nice house, everything as in the television ball. After a while the sex became less and less.

If we had sex, it took less than two or three minutes. He splashed and turned around. We lived apart. My ex stayed away more and more at night “. Isabel drank something and looked at me. “I finally want to live. Exchange of ideas, culture, leisure, good food and my head cinema live out. Do you understand the Tim?”” Isabel, I am a sailor, love the sea, sun, wind and new things to discover. No more and no less. I don’t like life advice or the like.

As long as you are on board here, please listen to you, I am the wrong person for psychological advice. When distributing empathy, I only called it very quietly “. My counterpart laughed until the tears ran. “Tim, that’s exactly what it is. I have solutions myself, just listen to myself. I’m looking for peace to gain distance, variety and someone who hears me. Oh one still. My fantasies. I want to gain experience what I like sexually and what doesn’t.

Do you help me?”. “May I answer you when eating? We should move to the small bay. Otherwise it is overcrowded “. My guest nodded without being disappointed and I had won time to think about it. Isabel wanted to prepare dinner tonight. The table is covered on the aft deck, the generator bubbled quietly is quiet, anchor light burned and the candles on the table too. We opened a good wine again at the table. “Sexually I have experienced a lot, we can definitely find common ground, that means that if you do not want a sexual practice.

Do you feel like it, I am there “. The eyebrows lifted up my guest smiled at me, got up and looked at my knee face. She looked deeply into my eyes. Instead of words kissed Isabel me. Honestly, I have already kissed a lot of girls and women, but none kisses as tender, loving, as devoted as Isabel. My hand wandered towards Pussy, knocked on the snap pins and played with the labia.

To solve itself from my mouth, my hand on the hole, the lady sat on the table. Legs wide, very wide spread. Isabel looked at the cunt. “Watch my cunt”. As I maltreated the cunt, she opened the blouse and kneaded the brasless tits. Horny sight. My cock almost threatened to burst. It was not easy to open the belt, zip and shorts with one hand either. “I want to fuck you!” I said.

The crossbar jumped out like a feather. “Eat your tail, you horny goat”. Slowly I got one down, but with breaks. It was very difficult for me not to wrinkle off. The cunt fingered in front of my face. Isabel pushed the glasses aside and lay on the table. One hand twisted the nipple, the other hand played on her cunt next to my hand. Your and my fingers on the lust grotto met on the clit.

Her flat stomach moved up and down, spanned orgasm. Isabel encompassed my hand and held tight. I understood. I continued to get up, stopped my cock in front of the pussy when a yellow piss jet hit my stomach and tail. I spoke more powerfully over the piss beam on the cunt. “Oh is that cool. Spray me fully “. My cargo was shot and the piss dried up. I sat down again and licked the best drops of a woman from her slit.

Put my tongue in the red -grated pussy. Isabel distributed my sperm on her stomach and then licked her fingers. “It is good. Let’s take a shower, ”said Isabel. We got up. My guest grabbed my shrunk, wet cock and we kissed. We are mutually upset under the warm water, not without undergoing a special treatment without the hottest parts of the body. In the meantime, the darkness has pulled in over the little bay. We were calm with two more boats.

From the other yachts, scraps of conversation and music came across us. Slightly dressed we sat back at the table and talked about this and that. My freshly divorced told about themselves. When eating and a bottle of wine, our conversation became more familiar and intimate. After another empty wine bottle we went to sleep. The next morning I woke up alone in my bed. Fresh coffee scent pulled through the cabin and got up. Nobody was in the pantry.

For this, water rippled around the ship and went to the bathing platform. My playmate swam around the boat. Naked, of course. “Jump in. It is fantastic warm and very clear, ”she called to me. “No thanks, too early. I also have to go to the bathroom first, ”I said and went. After breakfast I devoted myself to the weather forecast and the prediction. It didn’t look good for the next 2 days. Winds around 35-45 knots from north/ northeast.

At my advice we left the bay and relocated to the Turkish coast. A good 60 nautical miles were in front of us. With the levers on the table we needed almost three hours. Here we are better protected from the tricky winds. Two to three meters of lake could quickly build up. Isabel took over the helm and followed the dark blue line on the card plotter. In front of Turkish waters I signed up at the coast guard and asked for an enema license to a bay east of Marmaris.

With a lot of imagination you can say that the bay is similar to an amp. We survived the mandatory control of the coast guard. Just don’t take any stones with us, the officer warned us. Isabel then wanted to. I fulfilled this wish with the tender. We agreed for a time to pick you up. Hardly back on board, my cell phone rang. “It’s so wonderful here. I would like to at the beach stay and grill. Can you also bring something to eat and drink, please?”.

“But it takes some time to load everything into the tender”. “Don’t do anything. See you later Tim ”and put on. I liked Isabel more and more. She has initiative and ideas. Tim, don’t do nonsense. Despite the wind, it is brooding hot in the boat and sweated like a bull when everything was loaded into the tender. Again checked whether it was not forgotten, the door was closed and stored. My Lady was waiting on the beach.

Folded up the engine and pulled the tender onto the beach. Isabel helped with unloading. When everything was unloaded and structured, she went to the cool box, took a bottle of sparkling wine, two glasses, opened and gave a. “Tim, let’s go into the water. It’s wonderfully warm and drink a glass of sparkling wine “. We came across. Actually very warm water. Isabel touched my arm tenderly, looked into my eyes. Two or three tears ran over their face.

“So I always imagined my life. So and not otherwise Tim “. I whispered her tears kissing in a quiet voice “It is Vacation. It’s always nice to be free. No stress. Nothing, just enjoy “too. “I know. They are my dreams “. We sat side by side in silence for a while. So shortly after fourteen the sun was up in the sky and burned down on us. I got up. “Where are you going,” asked Isabel.

“Pee in the forest. It is enough if fish ship into the water. I don’t have to do it too “. “Do, don’t do. Wait, I will come with you. Must too “. Once in the forest, Isabel gave me her glass and pulled my swimming trunks down, took the snap in my hand. “Pink. I hold him. Let me see your beam, or are you guessing yourself?”. Instead of an answer I pressed my pee through the snap outside. Isabel painted something in the sand.

I stood in my hand with two glasses and looked at the painted. My little one was shaken and then verbally cleaned. I stood in the forest like a Neird with sworn swimming trunks and fluing banana as if Isabel pulled her bikini pants to the side and shipped in standing. Her beam hit the picture painted by her with my steel. I did not notice the end of her beam in his thoughts. Only when she took a glass out of my hand and dipped my cock in the sparkling wine and drank, I was torn out of my thoughts.

A free hand each pulled my swimming trunks to the planned area. It was a magnificent afternoon and evening on the beach, fantastic sunset. At dusk we drove back onto the yacht. We cleared the tender that should remain in the water overnight. There were hardly any lights on land. Tiny LED illuminated the corridor and the fly. Isabel is a little shorter than me and was close to me.

Our upper body touched. We had taken one on our lips properly. She put her head on my chest and murmured something that I didn’t understand. “Forgiveness, can you please repeat what you said. It was too quiet “. She raised her head and looked at me with tears in her eyes. Your answer lasted. “I have never had such a nice time in my life as the last few days. I feel incredibly safe and satisfied “.

I guilty an answer and instead put my arms around her and held her tenderly. Basically I felt the same way, but I didn’t want to fall in love, was a burned child and shy away from the fire. “Come on we go to sleep. It should be enough for today, Isabel ”and solved my arms from her. Holding her hand I went with her from the fly. The anchor position briefly checked, anchor is still holding and the salon door closed.

In the cabin, Isabel was waiting with owner -free stockings, a bra and slipover dressed. “You look wonderful. Sexy, lascivious. “My cock grew and grew with this horny, sexy sight in the short. I opened my shorts and pulled Slip with me right away. The latte stood steeply like a spear. I tenderly put my hands on her cheeks. Passionately I kissed my little one and promoted us onto the bed. I stroked the throat, face, her hair and our tongues in demand from her lying on the side of her.

Slowly a hand slid to her bra, loving the warts, played with the breasts in the packaging. I felt her leg of mine touched. A wonderful feeling of this delicate nylon on the leg. I caressed her lips between her open legs. With one or two target exercises, my spear penetrated her labia and gently slid into the column. I carefully pressed the cock deeper into the cave. Isabel raised his legs, put them around my hip and captured me in this position.

I could only move the butt. Based on my elbows, I moved the tail in the pussy in full length and out. Isabel held the bar. When I stopped in the column and behaved quietly, she turned her buttocks and played with the tail. I started again with the fucking movements a lot you immediately into the rhythm. So we loved each other for a long time. The juices stayed where they were. At some point she pressed her legs more strongly around my hips.

The orgasm is shortly before the outbreak. I pushed more strongly. My lover groaned softly, held his hands in front of her face. “Oh oh. Deeper “. The waves twitch their body. The pussies sagging. I held back and pulled the tail out of the slot. Isabel needed a few moments rest. I knelt between her legs and jerked mine to burst hard cock. “Don’t spray me on the cunt. I suck you out “. She took my hand away at lightning speed and placed the snap in front of her mouth.

It didn’t need much in her warm oral cavity. Then the egg whites shot into her mouth. Without wasting a drop, she drank the liquid. Already shrinking, she still kept the cock in her mouth and plucked like a drowning after air snapping on the tail. “Please stop”. Isabel released the tail wet with mucus from the blowing and. We took a break. “Dear, I want to taste you now, stroke your punched legs”. Without an answer she spread her legs.

The slip was pretty wet around the Fotzenloch. The labia peeled out of the fabric. The freshly fucked smelled incredibly horny, the cunt juice like nectar. I played my tongue on the clit, licked my labia, penetrated into the hole. Isabel danced with her butt. The breath became faster, deeper. The abdominal muscles are tensioned. With a loud, deep and satisfied exhalation, another orgasm announced itself. Her hands held my head at lightning speed. I stopped with my tongue dance on her cunt.

For a long time later we were satisfied with sleeping side by side. Isabel was awake earlier than I was awake. The breakfast table is covered and my guest is freshly showered. With a cup of coffee in her hand, she woke me up. I took the cup thankfully. “It’s a wonderful morning. I’m on deck ”and disappeared. During breakfast on deck we discussed how it should go on. Around noon we navigated north, always nicely along the coast. We passed both navy ships from Greece and Turkey.

In the afternoon we started a small island in Greek waters. Unfortunately there was no calm anchorage and drove to the island of micro chorio. In a dreamy little bay in a dreamy little one to the north we went out. Isabel, naked as God created it jumped into the turquoise blue water. The sparkling wine was on the table in the cooler. For me there was time to relax. My guest soon climbed out of the water and only sat down to me with a towel.

We talked for a while when the knot of the towel opened. Her nipples stood steeply from cold water. “Do you want to kiss my nipples” asked My Lady and moved closer to me. The towel is now completely open and your body tempts to tap. I tenderly took the right then the left nipple in my mouth. My playmate had closed her eyes and tenderly stroked my head. She slightly pressed my head deeper and deeper, so I came to the clit in the upper part of the pussy.

Legs pressed apart slightly and the column lover. A little later I rose to take off my clothes. The spear was still limp between my legs. “Isabel, I would like to drink your sparkling wine from the source,” I said and lay on the deck. She understood the invitation and crouched about me. I conducted her source in a position where I had her piss cunt directly over my face. The column was pulled apart.

I could see the pink cunt directly and jerked my cock. It took the piss jet on my face rippled. The piss was very warm and not so salty. My lümmel rose to the full size. With her hands on the cunt she distributed the beam over my whole face. My tongue was looking for her cunt entrance as the beam dried up. So I licked the cunt dry. Isabel rubbed her clit. I don’t know if she had an orgasm when she wrote down her rosette with spit.

“Let’s get your cock in my ass?“And pushed towards the cock. The cock tip touched its rosette. With baked ass pulled apart, she carefully pushed herself on the spear. The dark hole gradually widened. I held my cock straight and tight so that the Pillermann didn’t bend over. The rosette widened gently, I removed my hand and the tail slipped deeper into the ass. With calm fucking movements, the ass rose and fell and the hole widened more and more.

Isabel rode the Schniedel, now jerked off the cunt. I just stayed lying as she fucked me. So she had full control how deep she wanted to put the spear in the asshole. My hands looked for their tits, found the wart and twisted more and more. The fucking movements, the hand on the cunt became more violent. My cock stayed hard for a surprisingly long time. Wild rode to orgasm. The waves were verbbited and Isabel’s head lowered to mine.

Keep their butt as a duck, they met our mouths. We kissed passionately. Now I also want to inject in her dark hose. I easily moved my lower body and now fucked her ass. The muscles of the rosette tensioned slightly. Isabel just kept the ass silent. So I fucked her ass until my juices climbed. I exploded with primal power. My lower body spanned and raised Isabel so suddenly that it fell forward.

My cock slide out of the hole. We were now laughing side by side. In the shower my sperm claps from the asshole from Isabel on the bottom of the shower. Fortunately without earth. The brown edge on my cock washed Isabel extremely thoroughly. Before sunset we drove the short piece to the port of Tilos. A simple pier, but protected and calm. Attached landed, we strolled to “Gorgona Greek Tavern” and enjoyed the food consisting of fresh fish, seafood and plenty of ouzo.

We had a funny, lively evening in the Tavern right on the water. The lamp glowed again when we held together to go to the ship. Isabel snuggled up close under my ceiling. Gottlob no sex tonight. For breakfast in the village. In the village itself a few colorful houses of fishermen. Bought briefly in the supermarket. At some point I should bunker too. The next petrol station is in Bodrum. So stored and back into Turkish waters. On the taxboard we passed a elongated rocky peninsula, a little later on the Backbord the island of Kos.

Bodrum is located a good 10 nautical miles further north. A port with a huge marina. The long -drawn pier on the right side of the ship passed, we immediately turned to the petrol station to get to the petrol station. The gas stationery took the linen and we bunkered. 2400 liters in the tanks, faeces sucked and paid for. I asked the gas stationery if there was a berth for the night somewhere. He called and described the way. From a distance we saw the harbor master Winken, who took the eighth fixed makers.

As always somewhere in a marina, the other boat owners are waiting for the harbor cinema. But not with us, even if it is very tight. Sitting on the fly, we drank our inlet drink, I smoked one. Isabel said with once “Let’s do Pennerlunge”. “Please what?” I asked. “Take a train, inhale, kiss me and breathe out. I breathe in”. Said and done. Sometimes Isabel pulled on the cigarette, sometimes me. Our berth is in the very north of the port, near the mosque, as the call to prayer.

Bodrum is a lively place. Many yachts, tons of vacationers and lots of restaurants and discotheques. We wanted to eat again tonight. Everything is geared towards tourism in the place. In a side street we found a typical Turkish restaurant. Almost all tables were occupied. The host tried to explain his menu in broken German with hands and feet in broken German. Two couples at an adjoining table jumped in a help. The delicious menu and the red wine matched.

At the next table was properly drafted. When we finished our food, we paid and went. Isabel hooked himself with me to go through the town something else. We looked into one and the other shop without buying anything. In the meantime it has become dark, the yachts and boats are illuminated, crews were sitting on deck, in their duties or on the open bridges. We just passed a San Lorenzo when a “hello” was called to us.

The fourth table from earlier in the restaurant, but now only the ladies. “Is her also in the harbor here” asked the somewhat lavish of the two. Before I could say something, Isabel answered. “Certainly, a few meters further”. The other lady invited us to come on board. Isabel entered the landing and strolled to the large open area of the back ship. I followed her. We introduced ourselves and took a seat. Isabel got a whiskey and I received a gin tonic.

Katrin the lush and lisa the older ones are our hosts. With a casual remark, Lisa mentioned her men to the airport. Call shops and you are here in Bodrum the week. Katrin and Lisa are old friends. There were pleasant conversations. To, yes until my Isabel Pipi had to. “Come along, I’ll show you the ship,” said Katrin. Together through the saloon, a deck deeper. Lots of cabins. Isabel also found a toilet.

The ladies and I stand in front of a door, waited for Isabel. “And that’s our playroom,” said Katrin when Isabel came back to us and opened the door. A weakly lit room with a lounger, a cross on the wall, a swing of iron chains hung from the ceiling, an incredible number of dildos, whip, leather straps and other SM utensils were in this room. “We are confessing swingers and love light SM games.

Do you want to have sex with us?”Asked Lisa. Katrin sat in the swing with a high -pulled skirt. Without panties and lightning blank, your pussy, provided with piercings and rings. Isabel picked up my hand and pressed violently. “Lisa, Katrin. Thank you for your offer. But now we want to go on our boat. “Said Isabel for both of us. Too bad, could be interesting, I thought so. But we already had sex and it is enough at some point.

We said goodbye and went poor in arm to the boat. We drank sparkling wine on the Fly. Isabel seemed restless. “Do you want to talk?“I asked and looked at my guest. “I’m still thinking, but I didn’t like the SM equipment, the dark room and the type of. With all curiosity, no, not my world. “” I already found it interesting, but the hardware store on the pussy would bother me. Good that there was no strong magnet nearby.

“Isabel laughed until the tears ran. Since no answer from my conversation partner was expected, I think this topic was over. We went into the bunk a while later. Coffee viewer and the sound of a shower woke me. I got up quite crumpled and got a coffee. In the salon I looked at the sky. Unusual. Heaven covered, more wind than yesterday. I looked for my cigarettes and opened the door to the deck. My coffee tasted, but after four or five trains I threw away the coffin nail.

Fresh as the bright morning, Isabel appeared with a cup of coffee and only with a white bra and hipster on deck. The hair is still wet, your skin lightly browned. For eaten sexy. “Good morning. Did you sleep well??” “Like a marmot. And you?“I was guilty of an answer. “Two more days and the charter era is around. Do you have an idea of how it should go on?”I asked and took a break. Small sweet folds were created on her forehead.

“I do not know. Feel comfortable and safe with you, we have fun, lots of news, everything fits so well. “I got up, gave her a kiss on her forehead and to the shower. After breakfast we rented a small car and drove something around the area. The market in the middle of the city is worth a visit. Isabel wanted to drive. After an hour we reached the mountains. She drove safely and foresight.

There wasn’t much talking during the trip. In a parking space With bar I ordered Cay (tea). We were sitting outdoors under a canopy on the black and very sweet tea. “Tim, I have no obligations in Switzerland. As you know, no children either. Financially it works too. But I can’t always rent you. Is it possible to make an arrangement that comes towards us both?”. “Isabel, I think you have a precise idea of what you want.

Tell. I am open ear. “” Let’s drink the tea and if you keep going, I’ll tell you. The only pleasant on car journeys are reasonably deflecting without conversations. “So we drove on and Isabel told me her thoughts and wishes. I could live well with almost everything. The idea of living again with a single woman scared me a little, but our fourteenth day together was quite pleasant in the cramped room. And so I said “Let’s try”.

When she kissed me on the cheek, her hands slid to my belt, opened the zip and promoted my snap from the underpants. The little car didn’t really have much space, but Isabel managed to bend like this to me one Blowjob to miss while driving. But shortly before I cum, I had to stop the vehicle. In the early evening we were back on board. We made a drink and discussed the next few days.

My thoughts actually circle more around the white underwear than anything else. “Isabel, I want to spoil your pussy. Do you feel like?“Together we went into the salon, closed the door, pulled the curtains in front of the windows. “Isabel, please let your lingerie. I want to feel your body through the thin fabric. Blouse and rock put them together on the free side of the sofa. LASZIV and SEXY Madame placed on the U-shaped sofa.

An extremely horny sight. I slightly stroked her cheeks, neck, kissed her face, further on the approaches of her breasts above the bra, played with the nipples with the fingers, which were hidden and upgraded below the wonderfully soft and white fabric. Isabel had closed his eyes and let himself fall, gave himself all my caress. My fingers are still on the nipple that has now been erected, my mouth kissed deeper over her belly button to the pleasure center.

Her intimate fragrance climbed into my nose and put on a switch to my cock that quickly upgraded itself. Only, I didn’t want to fuck her, just drive with fingers and tongue to trigger. My tongue licked slightly over the fabric between the slightly opened thighs. With two fingers I pushed the thin fabric to the side. Inviting was an enchanting column. My tongue slid gently between the lips and played with the inner labia.

Isabel twitched when I touched the pleasure button. My free hand not only stroked the chest, slid over the stomach, thighs and the vacant spots of her buttocks. The longer I licked the column, the further the thighs went open. The little labia opened at the same time and some horny drops ran out of the column. Now my free hand reached into the panties and the venus mound. Certainly, but carefully I pulled the soft skin. Your clit emerged like a penis.

With carefully I sucked the pleasure button in my mouth and carefully closed my mouth. My teeth held the cone. The tongue performed a real dance by the rivet pencil. My head now had to compensate for the twitching movements of Isabel’s pelvis faster and not to hurt or hurt her. I now use the free hand to slow Isabel’s movements. However, it didn’t really work. Get the clit licked, sucking and the slight pressure of my teeth stood, she let yourself go.

The panties were already damp, the Mösenloch anyway. My hand on my stomach also pressed onto the bladder. With a cramp -like cry, some drops of pee, abdomen to the best, Isabel experienced her orgasm. I licked on until she clamped my head with her thighs. Isabel breathed heavily than me and was quite matted on the sofa. The pressure of her thighs slowly subsided. My head was free again. Hand out of the panties and kissing towards Isabel’s mouth, I moved up and searched for her lips.

She hugged me as demanding and our lips met a long, long kiss. We stayed in this position for a while. Our lips dissolved from each other. “That was really cool,” she said and saw my latte. “If you put it in my ass?“And pulled out the slip. Shirt and pants briefly pulled out, put the tail on the rosette. The brown wreath widened, but it didn’t go in completely. Picked off again, spit on the tail, get to the cunt and some mucus to the rosette.

Now it slipped. The lout slid into the dark hose without much resistance. I hadn’t mentioned yet that Isabel was on the salon table. My hands vigorously grabbed the slim hips and only captured the female body. My bumps became hard and deep. Isabel said no mucks and just kept the ass there. Somehow the rosette was wetter and moist. A **** shocking, every now and then I gently slapped the cracker, I fucked Isabel to the shot.

With a tough bump, I plunged my mini charge into the hose. The lümmel slack up almost immediately and slipped out of the intestine. Briefly in the bathroom and then on deck. We stayed in Bodrum. Advantages filled, made a pure ship, some maintenance. Our togetherness was getting better and better. We complemented ourselves, the conversations became deeper, but also more sensitive, had to learn how the other ticked. It went ahead. My agency called me on the second day and made lucrative offer.

The boat wants to charter a few in the honeymoon for a few days. One of the agreements with Isabel is, with a good charter offer I agree. The next day I had to take the couple on board. We discussed further action over a coffee. Isabel was looking forward to the guests and the hopefully pleasant journey. We had a good 95 nautical miles in front of us after taking it off and regulated economic travel speed. After lap six hours on the water, we passed the moletops of Maramis again.

Finding a berth was not easy this time either. The agency had given the couple my mobile number and so we were waiting for a call. It rang very late. I said the pier and berth. Isabel and I had prepared the chamber. The honeymooners were very tired and went to bed almost immediately. The next morning at breakfast we discussed the next few days. The two lovers wanted some loneliness, wanted to swim and waived excessive attention.

It was a very quiet and pleasant journey. Isabel and I held back with sexual activities, but the young couple did not. Arrived in Maramis again, the couple went on board and drove to a hotel nearby by taxi. We cleaned up and then showered to end the day ashore. Isabel looked breathtaking. In a restaurant near the berth we ate dinner. The skin of Isabels is tanned, the eyes shine and shine.

With a smile she said between two bites: “Tim, I like this type of work very much. It’s fun to get to know nice people, not in the office to sit. Always something new “. “It is not always as light and simple as with these two. Sometimes it is really stressful and exhausting, ”I replied. “I like it, no matter what comes Tim”. After eating and some drinks we went back on board. Hardly on board, hugged and kissed me like wild.

We tore our clothes from the bodies and fucked our clothes until the doctor comes. The days passed that ship is prepared for the next season. Isabel was in Switzerland to regulate private affairs. It’s also nice to be for yourself again. The boat was fine so far and I booked a flight to Nice to see a house. Because of old -age provision. The aircraft to Paris was fully booked, the plane to the Cote Azur was relatively empty.

I had a window seat and leafed into the expose of the house. In the middle row, a young woman saw a toddler and an infant, maybe 7-8 months old. Arrived in Nice, the young woman tried to tame her children, bags and shoppers. She tried really much, a flight attendant was not nearby either. I really felt sorry for the lady and offered my help. Without a word she pressed the infant and the shopper in my hand.

The little screaming stumbled instantly. Together and heavily loaded we went out of the plane. She opened the shopper on the ramp, put the toddler in and hung the bag on a handle and I followed with infant. Together we went to the exit. There she took the child from me, thanked me for the help. I looked at her on the way to a taxi. Suddenly the lady turned and returned to me.

A business card was put in my hand and bent over to me, she only said “Twenty-One Thirty” and went to the taxi. The card in your pocket and then for car rental, car brought and drove to the house. In the evening I moved to a hotel that is located on the Avenue, strolling a little through the city, away from the Monsterstrasse on the water. Drunk a pastis in a small bar. When I wanted to pay and reached in my pocket, I also had the business card in my hand.

I looked at the address, paid and asked the host for the way. Just two blocks away. Time was not too short. The street tight, but calm. Ten minutes before the time. The light started in the hallway of the house. Actually, I didn’t believe in a reunion, but the young lady appeared in the door. She chopped down and pulled me away from the entrance. After several meters she said in English with wonderful French accent hello.

We took a way to the water, which was not difficult, but the crossing of the Avenue. The young woman talked about herself, was Nanny and the children with the parents, free until morning, drink something and let’s see. In the direction of the airport and my hotel we found a small bistro. The bottle of excellent cardonnay is empty and even late. The lady thanked for the evening and I paid. Outside the bistro Renee asked what I was doing now.

“In my hotel around the corner and to bed” I replied. She just nodded, encompassed my arm and off we went. On the way to the hotel we bought a bottle of wine. Once in the room, I opened the red wine, gave a. With two filled glasses I turned to Renee ‘. Naked as God created, small solid breasts that would pass every pencil test, flat stomach and no hair on the pussy. My snap grew and a bump immediately emerged on the pants.

Renee ‘took the glass and a sip, reached my noodle. “Come on let’s have sex. I’m horny “. I put my glass on the sideboard, shirt over my head, pants and slip with shoes without drinking shoes. The tail stood like a lance. With a light hand she grabbed the cock and jerked it tenderly. With her hand on the tail she pulled me to the armchair, sat down. With half -closed eyes she opened her mouth and pushed the bolt in her mouth.

She put her long dark hair on her neck. She gently stroked her glans with her tongue, pushed her lips along the shaft. Women can blow so differently, racing ‘is a natural talent. While she was working on my cock, her left hand played on the pussy. “Lay on the bed so that I can taste you,” I said around my cock out of her mouth. We almost jumped on the bed. Renee ‘lay on his back with wide, very wide -spread legs.

Her cunt lips worked out slightly and invited me to caress. Put my mouth on the cunt and licked the labia, the clit and the hole with the tongue. Run’s hands pressed my head tightly on her hole. I didn’t want to stop anyway. Man, it tastes good. Renee ‘was already cool, but my lick sparked a fire in her. The cunt juice just ran out. “Fuck me now. Hard and deep, ”she said.

When I put myself in position, Renee put on his legs, she encompassed her with my hands. The cunt was now far open in front of me. I put the tail on the pussy without any problems and penetrated with strength. Your cunt muscles spanned the tail like a hand. Wonderfully soft and yet firm. I started to fuck on my hands. I penetrated deeper and deeper into her. Sometimes I had the feeling of bumping into the uterus.

Now she let go of her legs, both put around my hip. The lady stated the clock with the heel. So I added to your specifications. The clock was faster. Stronger, almost brutally my cock fucked her hole. “Harder, harden you old horny stallion” groaned. It really couldn’t be harder. Don’t want to break the cock. The orgasm broke over Renee ’. But my juice didn’t stay in the congestion either and so I unloaded myself in the young cunt.

A few fucking movements later the juice ran out of the pussy onto the over bed. Don’t give a fuck. Exhausted I sank next to Renee ‘. My gluely shrinking dick hung now and dripping on my thigh. The freshly fucked rose and grabbed the snap. Gentle, very, very gently gently pushed her lips over the glans and carefully played with the tip. Slightly sucking, you sipped the last drops with your own mucus. My hand was looking for its entrance.

Wet, slimy and warm received her horny hole. Without letting my lust piston out of my mouth said something like “keep going”. My fingers plucked at the rivet pencil, played with the labia, penetrated into the cunt. Renee’s suck stopped abruptly and she only concentrated on her body. Now with both hands on the Pussy, I worked on the cunt. The little butt rose and lowered, turning small circles around my hands.

Liebess juice quoll on the pussy. I jerked more firmly, faster and harder. Easy twitching of your body interprets another orgasm. I worked violently, my body twitched more violently. How easy some women have to get one, two or more orgasms. She released my cock from the blowing and pressing the face into the overebed. A small cry in the duvet announced her triggering. The orgasm itself was stunningly strong. In order not to call the hotel staff on the plan, bit the young woman to the bed to dampen the volume.

The waves slowly floated and Renee ’took a deep breath first. We were quietly side by side. Renee ‘got up and went to the bathroom and sat on the bidet. Sperm, pippi and cunt juice flowed into the pool. With the cultural shower she cleaned herself. Back again, we drank some wine that has now become very warm. Renee ‘asked about the time and got up. With slight movements she put on, put the panties in her pocket.

” I have to go now. Thanks for the wine. “. “Only for the wine” I asked. She threw a hand kiss on me and turned to the hole, which the carpenter read. “Merci for the time with you” I said before the door stopped. After breakfast I visited two houses and flew back to Marmaris. Isabel still needed time in Switzerland and so I lived on the day, lay on the sofa, listened to music and had a good book by Camilla Läckberg.

A crime thriller from the small town of Fjällkat on the west coast of Sweden. Inserts into the words of the crime writer, I first tied the knock on the ship. Then a female voice called “Hello, hello”. Put the book aside to go on deck. A lady beyond the fifty, lush and hung with gold and brilliantly stood in a half -length floral dress on the kohe. “Mister, I need some help” she said in English. Your ship was a few more places.

Something was wrong on board and so we made our way to your boat. Once there, she showed me her problem. Water entered via a fresh water pipe under the sink. We searched the fuse to the pump, switched it off. Then I looked for your tool for repair. Lying on the corridor plates, I made myself the repair. The lady, whose names I do not know, stood close to me and watched my works.

The repair is really not a big deal. The drops got less and finally stopped when a hand was struggling with my chicken slit at that moment. I am amazed at the head and promptly I pulled a notch on my forehead. “Stay there” she said, grabbed a clean cloth and put it on the wound. “Hold on”. I didn’t think more. Since the woman was already kneeling, she opened the door to luck and brought my limp cock to light.

Although quite borrowed, the owner is extremely artist. Bowed his head deep and the lout disappeared between the red lips. Her tongue knocked on the tip of the dick, tried to get into the urethra, blew and jerked the tail. It didn’t matter to her to put a unwashed lust piston in her mouth. Well, why not. The fuck with Renee ‘was already there for days. Their efforts had an effect and my piston grew to full size.

Holded the cloth with one hand, slipped under your dress with the other hand, the legs along the legs. What huge thighs stuck in holding stockings. Continue to the cunt. But where is that? Between two thick skin rings I finally found the meaty, slightly hairy warm pussy. Somehow I slipped into her hole with half a hand. The gold -resistant twitched slightly, but continued to suck on the tail. My hand tried fucking movements, which was hindered by the meat gay on the cunt.

The lady sucked and jerked my snap so strongly that I thought she was pulling me a vacuum and the Nille. it happened the way it had to. With explosive pressure I pump my juice into the bladder and. The lady kept everything in his mouth and didn’t swallow. She gently let my cock slide out of her mouth, raised the fat ass and got up. At the Kömmbün counter she took a schnapps glass and spat my seeds in. Ups what now.

Looking at my sperm in the glass, she went to a flap embedded in the ship’s wall, opened it, picked out a gin bottle. No I thought. What bitch. Gin on the table, lock open and a big sip gin on my sperm. Already to see, my stomach rolls together. But it happens. “Cheers!”She said, put the mixture on the mouth. What kind of mess I thought so. Way was the “drink”.

Now I just wanted to get away from here. Exactly, head up, new notch. “Damn” I swear. Similar to a tornado, belt the being and came to me. I need a new cloth, or. Pavement. I carefully slipped under the sink and tried to get up. The gintant kept me on the ground with her massive body. She looked at the scratches. It was no longer bleeding. With one hand she picked up to the gin and put the digging on her mouth and poured himself too.

A huge amount of gin has disappeared. After everything was swallowed and the bottle turned off, she took my hand off my head, led it under the dress to her cunt. Either arms that are too short or legs too long. I wasn’t enough. The gintant without a name turned very skillfully to push my hand into the cunt. Ok, what Tim now. If it is worth it, I asked myself. Blowing was good. The rest is dirty.

play with. I put my elbow on the ship floor and shaped my hand in a kind of spearhead. She rose light -footed, ventilated the dress, spread her legs over my arm. Now I was able to take a look at the massive thighs, saw the skin of the skin over the cunt and truly huge meat flaps than labia. Think of something nice Tim when the body moved towards my hand. She reached on my arm, lowered the cunt on my hand.

Without any difficulties, she pushed her hand, hand ankle and a good distance of my arm into the grotto. My fingertips touched something in her body. The fat ass raised in front of my face and lowered itself several times. The knees of the gintant tremble. A grip on the gin, on the knees, everything in a movement. With my body part in the cunt, she took a big sip. Now the bitch moved again. She reached to the dress and picked it up.

The free hand is looking for the pussy entrance. The skin of the skin somewhat lifted, she found the clit and the pussy entrance. With skillful finger movements, she massaged the area without adjusting the riding movement. It took a while, but the orgasm wanted to come. Fingers and ass moved faster. Seconds later, waves of relief hit their body. I noticed anything in her cunt. But she had finished. Exhausted the aunt rose, my arm slid out of the hose.

She is very shaky on her stilts. With a raised dress and naked fat ass she sat on her salon sofa. The gin had an effect, because the attempt to feel their stretched column failed pitifully. Meanwhile, I got up with my cock hanging out of my pants, washed my arm and hand in the combination sink. When I was clean and dry, I wanted to let the fat one blow again. I looked for the gin, took a glass and gave myself one.

I went to the sofa with the glass in my hand and sat next to her. I jerked my cock on the torn, fat thighs. The gintant said nothing. When my cock was reasonably hard, I took the buckle of the buckle and pressed it to the tail. She understood, opened her mouth and pulled the tail into. Slow up and down on my shaft. However, it was not enough. And so I took the lümmel out of her mouth and jerked in front of her face.

When the juices climbed, I pushed my cocks into the bladder and piped the egg whites into her mouth. The aunt was fully drunk and I placed the woman on the sofa in something like a stable side position. I didn’t get out of the dust quietly and went to my ship. By the way, I never saw the yacht with the fats.

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