Lisa couples me | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Ah, today there was nothing to work, around 3 p.m. I am reasonably fit again and meet with Lisa in the cafe. She wants to know everything …
But I think I have to start over.
Lisa calls me on my handset last night and asks if I can’t pick her up from a tupper party. I affirm and want around 20.30 o’clock there.
Once there, there is a funny ranks as women between pastel -colored plastic things that are admired as if they had just lifted the world out of the fishing.
So I wonder why I am not invited to such parties.. In contrast to Lisa, I have three times more to do with cooking than Lisa.

Doesn’t matter…

Since I have just come from football training, and Lisa only picks up because she has gossies with her boyfriend again, I am hungry. Fortunately, there are small snacks to eat here, so that I grab a plate and load myself generously. Sandra Must also be there, because one of her devil builds up in front of me and blows me: “Tell me, Mama has already told you so often that there are pasticides in there …” I am visiting the particle from all sides and mine to thatFour cheese up: “Hm, yes, but I think they taste very excellent!”” I say mom “threatens gnome and I can only one:” Yes, I’m sure of that!“Call afterwards. In addition to with me, a redhead grins at me, which actually more similarity to one of the snacks than with a woman.

Her narrow shoulders end in short arms, under the colorful knitting sweater you can see that the chest goes into the stomach and the spherical shape is held together by an expansive jeans that give the thighs a short, beet -like shape. On a short neck that seems to be made of three rings, a ball -round head with only 10 cm long copper -red hair, which is combed with gel to be combined with gel. Her face adorns a full pout, there are bright green eyes behind a round silver frame glasses. “You can handle children well!”Says the redhead and I can only reply to munch:” You less with me!”

I make it comfortable on the sofa and park the brown bizzel sugar water solution.

Then I admire a few of the colorful plastic devices and plan to order some of them for my kitchen, because some of them seem to be useful when the sofa turns deep … “Oh, there you are, my fat man!“Laughs, slightly inspired by sparkling wine and vineyard cream. Lisa introduces me to the redhead who giggled with Dickerchen. I displace the name and decide to name it instead of the dumplings.

Because when I am a thicker, then I find dumplings justified for you. Lisa has rolled up again and I can see her in the corner of the room with anette discussion with Anette.

Klößchen has become a little too cuddly for me, and when her hand slips my thighs into the direction of my ground region as if we were too much for me. Klößchen gleits softly: “Well, uncomfortable!“I will do the devil and explain to her that my hormones are not exactly picky … at least not at the moment, but at the moment I can’t imagine someone like Klößchen at the moment.
So I apologize to have to go where you just go alone. Once at the top, it is unfortunately occupied, so I have to wait.

The hallway is weakly illuminated and so I wait for the wall in the half -darkness leaning when the cliffs come up the stairs. She looks around the stairs carefully and then urges me ..

She whispers: “Sorry, if that’s direct, but Lisa told me earlier that you, well, were a little starved. And because there are no other men here anyway, and you are also solo, I mean, I don’t want to sleep alone tonight..“She takes a breath and then breathes:“ Come on a coffee with me?“Before I can say something, she felt my colt with her fingers and extended to the full size. I am frozen when she steps back a piece, looks closely looking at her again, then opens her pants and embarrassed me embarrassed.

She takes my hand, stuffed it into her pants and whispers Heiser: “I feel like you, feel it!“And really, it is as if you are reaching into a bucket of hot fango, because moist is something else, so softening it meets better here. Klößchen moves the face and tries quietly to ride on one of my fingers when I pull my hand back, because the toilet flushing sounds …

Somehow I can’t get rid of dumplings, or rather she sticks to me. It exudes the smell of musk and sweat for my sensitive nose. Yes, Klößchen has a red head and sweats, you don’t seem to be comfortable in your skin and in many eyes.

Lisa smiles very mischievously, and I know who has threaded it again.
But I don’t care slowly, the hormones cook literally and dumplings take my slowly painful masculinity as an opportunity.
So I bring Lisa home, who with “a lot of fun you two!“Amused by Klößchen and I said goodbye.

On the way to Klößchen’s apartment, which lies a villa district of Wiesbaden, she keeps my exposed potency in her fist. She slowly stole it out of my pants over the course of the trip and without knowing my passion, ensuring that I get a completely new impression of my passion. Before a level crossing, I can no longer, and when the train thundered through, my discharge thundered through Klößchen’s fingers, which comments on it with an “Aaaahhhh” and carefully catches the mucus. She then quickly cleans my glued lips with lips and tongue and gulps into itself in a wicker.

Arrived at her home we have to go to the top floor in the small 4 party house, the house has died out and Klößchen explains: “Everything just investor..

No tenants besides me, like a villa alone for me … ”She opens the apartment door, and when I closed it behind me, Klößchen is somehow jumped out of all clothes. Her breasts hang over a mighty belly that hangs over her shame ..
She grabs me and grumbles: “Come on, take your way out, I can’t stand it anymore!“She literally drags me into the bedroom, where I leave my last clothes, and then I am already lying on a glowing body of soft meat … I just want to go into position my strengthened masculinity as if it went like an anaconda and with a few movementsMy lance slides deep into its intimacy. It is no trouble to leave me out, everything under me is in motion, twitches, fidgets, trembles, shakes, wobbles, jerky, hammer and winds. Your hands claw into my buttocks, my back, my neck, my thighs, my arms, my arms, my shoulders and plow through my hair.

My tongue is controlled by her on her neck, she has torn her mouth open and screams, gasps, moaning, whimpering and grunting in all shapes and volumes. I have the feeling that I have fallen into a carnivorous plant that keeps my tip firmly enclosed, in a stream of ever -always, uninterrupted, glowing hot digestive juices, and so try to soak up my whole body. It will soon be up, I don’t even know how deep I am in her and whether my pelvis is still outside of her lust temple. She still determines pace, rhythm and movement alone, her legs are firmly clamped under my thighs.

Her arms hold me off and she whimpers in the pillow next to my head. I have no chance to move, but I don’t have to. Kums spreads their juices over my stomach, my shame and it drips down on the inside of my thighs onto the sheet. Her movements move me, and instead that she seems to be more and more relaxed with the pleasure, it becomes tighter for me and it needs more and more strength to keep the fleshy filling and move in it.

I will soon be up and press my pelvis against her soft, slippery middle. I almost lose the Contact to your mucus cave, but can prevent me from gliding. I don’t know if she played the highlights, I didn’t care either. After three loud, wildly cramping moments, I was over the fourth, pressing me so much that I thought I had to suffocate.

It took a moment to breathe for a moment until my masculinity was finally driven up with a cramp -like twitch to the booklet and probably a few centimeters further. It was not a gliding, it was rather raw violence, and it was like peeling of an overripe fruit with raw strength, which then burst up and exhaust the juice … I only saw asterisks, and Klößchen had fallen into a vibrant cramp … So we stayed heavily breathing, then Klößchen’s arms slipped from my back, the feet of my loin and in the warm stream between our abdomen we stuck together. So we fell asleep.

I don’t know when I woke up, but I felt a light coolness on my back and moved, whereby I slowly slipped from dumplings. Klößchen slowly opened her eyes like a crocodile on the lurder, turned around and her hand immediately found my glued -up area smelling of old protein and started massaging it again. Clever and practiced how in the car On the way, she had no trouble causing a bloody thaw there again, and then crawled over me. She asked five times if she was too heavy, and I said no five times before I slipped into the again dripping pot.

She bobbed up and down, rolled forward and backwards or let her hip slide over my abdomen, sometimes backwards backwards, sometimes in circles, sometimes rubbing violently. Again she organized a noise level that I was sure you could hear us through the whole neighborhood.

She had her head on her neck, kneaded her breasts, clawed into my upper arms or broken down on her chest. Panting, she also asked here whether it was still possible or whether she was too heavy … I just let her do it, after the third screaming eruption of lust she asked if she couldn’t do anything for me.

I explained to her that I wanted to see more or less and before I could explain my passion, she had directed one of the bedside lights like a floodlights on her honey pot. Now she spread wide and helped my eyes to get a clear view of what is happening. It helps her abdominal meat, and now and then also open the wrinkled meat of her gender … it now massaged too in front of my eyes Your twitching cherry while my spoon in her mature peach processed the frush meat into porridge. So it didn’t take long and again glowing lava pulled from my center between my legs through the throbbing hammer and unloaded as a beam deep into Klößen’s liquid body center, which was groaning loudly …Again my inside of the thighs and spread a penetrating smell of copulation.

So we fell asleep and when I woke up, I felt sucking on myself.

Klößchen hung on my middle of my body in the dark and what she had already achieved was not required to explain. My masculinity was stiffened again, pounded between the sucking and demanding lips, and when I turned, dumplings lay on my stomach, my hand was groped to the switch of the light, which dived her massive body in golden light. So I rolled my abdomen on her buttocks, now slipped in between and now tried to hit her opening again, but whenever I almost wanted to reach the center of the dripping wet, Klößchen pulled my effort away until I suddenly felt her hands,who pulled aside their big arches and then sank again. But this time not in an opening that was intended as the entrance and later output, but slid back into the output backwards.

What happened now mocked all description.

Klößchen began to romp and I wonder how the bedding and the cover ended with everything. She bit, she tore, she rummaged … Yes, like an uncontrolled raging, wild raiding cat, she worked under me, while I was wedged in a tightness, clutching from a strong muscles, so that I had to work with a lot of strength, what she had to doTones and sounds brought that were hardly earthly. She drooled and I could now feel on my thighs how she expired again ..
Like the vet tries to set the raging big cat, I rose to drill it into the winding meat. This was only possible with effort and raw strength, so that I sweat in streams and panting like a wild scorpion to bore my sting into the working meat.

Actually, this was strictly stretched out and yet the obstacle was aware of what made Klößchen to the ecstasy and caused me not to cuddle, not be careful not to want and look for delicacy, but to expand this tightness with the power of a bull with my hornAnd deeply plowing the boiling meat, breaking the floes with all its might and rummaging through the fears deeply.

It took and when I thought I got a cramp, my heart soon felt in the mouth and struggled to breathe, I got a whole cramp, everything contracted …brought my soldering iron to her wet welding site, which was now covered with the glowing soldering … When I rolled down, I fell asleep almost sudden.

She woke me up when the sun had already opened. I ripen panic -like in the company and had all appointments moved because I have a stomach upset and therefore could not come. Crooles, still naked, served croissants with a lot of milk coffee and we had breakfast.
Klößchen explained that it was good, and I still had to go before noon because her ex would come, pick up clothes and he should never notice who had romped here in bed. So she literally threw me out, and so after a little break I went into the bathroom.

A large whirlpool spread and I just wanted to get into the shower, as if dumplings pulled me to the tub. She had sneaked behind me silently, climbed into the tub and pulled me in.

Immediately she was again Anaconda, but this time she whispered: “Havest, not careful, violent. Really firm, everything that works!“And my thorn, which had become almost suddenly stuck in the warm water, drove into this non -bleeding wound until the booklet, tore it up … and then I started in the manner of a ramb. The water swayed, syringe and Klößchen began to organize a theater again that it boomed in the bathroom.

The water turned into a thunderous surface of a storm of lust, and I forged their embers against the anvil of their pelvis with the toughest hammer blows. It was buzzing in the material of the tub when the hammer drove up to the end of the stem and its mass was insisted against the wall of the tub. Growling bid her over and over again and again, not letting it all down, but it is best to take me even more violently against her, and my knees found a abutment on a neck pillow picked up in the pelvic floor to exercise an incredible power. The piston moved powerfully in his leadership, which was driven by forces to the career, which my thighs and my buttocks used painfully.

But her words and demands spurred me on, made the hormones boil into unexpected wildness and so I drove the chisel, raw and violent, yes insensitive. A bone -destroying Pochwerk, where the bumps never reach the mighty pelvic bone, but the soft feed of the lower abdomen used with all violence. Again I started to whine, the sweat mixed with the sprayingly thunderous water, their loud roar in my ears and all of this could be sounded in my ears as if you were stuck in the water wheel of a hammer mill. The water rages around you, the bike pulls and paints on all the muscles of the body and the raw violence of the hammers makes the body tremble.

So I probably stamped her for an endless time, raw and raw, and the more, the further she opened, and the more demanding pumped her hands up my body ..

The water alleviated my pounds, and yet it was more intense than anything else, so I unloaded myself a scream of pain. No, it was as if the tip was being broken into a thousand pieces, which then drill into the soft meat of my needle, my twitch was completely in my still uniformly tuning hard throbbing, which they continue with a loudly screaming, I come further, I come!“Demanded. In doing so, she tore my buttocks on her, headed wildly into my loins to make the moment of the serve as violent as possible while her body was thundering against the wall,
Another body would be broken.
When it was over, I glit into the water and I would have fallen on my back, I would have drowned. So it kept me up and down the stomach, which I would not have perceived, which I would not have perceived because I was completely at the end.

Freshly washed, but completely ready I drove home.

It was good 11 a.m. when I got there and immediately went to bed. Lisa woke me up around 3 p.m. to meet me. She just wanted to go to the sauna with Anette in the sauna and then drink a cafe with me in the diesel.
Yes, and there we stopped at the entrance and Lisa had listened to this story closely. She had gurring on her straw and sucked every word from my lips.

When I ended, her handset rang.. I immediately noticed the dumpling her called. Lisa clearly let me know what was going on on the phone and therefore said loudly:

“Oh no? So really? I am pleased that it was not a rumor and you are so satisfied.. How? Oh, the right word is not satisfied, it’s better? How, you weren’t in the office? It didn’t work? Oh, again in the tub and that right..

Understand. Aha, so like a bull … okay, yes … not particularly big, but strong and powerful. Well, very good … no, I haven’t heard of him yet. Shall I ask? No? Well … you want his number if? No? Well, not bad, I can give it to you if you really need again..

hm yes, understand.. OK. Yes that is fine. Good..

Oh? You poorest.. Well, go by too. Hm, hm, yes … so until then, bye sweet!”
Smiling, she explained to me that Klößchen hadn’t gone to the office because she cramped so. It would also have expired, like a waterfall and would therefore wear binding, as against incontinence.

I must have behaved like a pressure pump, so I had filled her body.

When I rejected this, Lisa did not accept it and for the first time she was leaning towards me: “You, if I didn’t know about your passion, I would like to do one now Handjob give. Just to feel whether she is really right and he is really so short but so strong … “” Nah, let!“I rejected and she pulled the sweetest pouts I saw from her and she said:“ Thank you, I didn’t expect anything else from you either. Completely gentlemen and therefore I like you like that!”” Sorry Lisa, “I said,” but I just don’t want to break that, even if there was a complete hormone emergency!“Lisa smiled and then said:“ Dü could be with Sandra..“And there was again the usual speech over Sandra and her advantages that I was going to endure this time.

I was too tired, but when she took a breath, I said: “You, let Sandra let’s, I would rather prefer Anette!”” Anette?“Lisa and I realized that she had never taken it seriously when I said something, and she only said:“ I was with her today in the sauna, And believe me, she really can’t do with men at the moment. Herrje and she makes every effort!” “Why?“I ask curiously and Lisa laughed to explain:“ There has not been shaved for months.

Herrje, she has more hair than a man full beard. When she wears the swimsuit, the hair swells out and it looks like she was wearing a bandage as a dark shafing wool, thick and ugly!“I painfully felt an emotion under the table as a blood poured out body regions in the idea of the idea of the idea.

Lisa smiled and said: “I know that you have a preference for the female genital region and gives you more than 50 willing women with a free upper body, but that is definitely not erotic!“I had to grin because I imagined Lisa, who was probably sheared … but Lisa disappointed me:“ And before you breathed your head, I would almost show you after the story, but I am, but I amnot smoothly shaved!“She pulled this pout again, took a deep, erotic pull out of the drinking straw and whispered:“ A tender stripe hair, just two fingers wide, three fingers wide from the navel to between the legs!“She grinned when she saw how I was grimming my face because the blood again caused slight pain under the table … and that didn’t get better because I had to think about Anette all the time.

I made something? Was it just sex, or I wanted more? In the end I fell in love? I didn’t dare to ask the questions. Lisa would probably have caused as much pain and horror with the answers, as I avoided to answer these questions themselves.
Lisa drove me home, where I write these lines completely at the end ..
I’m going to bed now, hopefully it won’t be too exhausting tomorrow ..

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