Pregnant and still dirty hardcore | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Anja+Timo #4: Timo meets Jeanette

Around 6 p.m. I go back to Anja. Evening lakes with her best friend. I’m curious to see what awaits me. After all, I am almost 20 years younger than Anja.

Being with her is the best at all, but we have expressly determined that we do not want a relationship or something in the way. Anja forbidden to sleep with other women. And she also promised to sleep with no other man as long as we have our sex affair. The probability of me would have been very low anyway.

And both of us are more concerned with venereal diseases, since we do it without beingeted.

In any case, it is strange to get to eat and to be introduced to the girlfriend. Which is also a lot older al. On the other hand, Anja only wants to thank both of us because we helped her with the move.

I shouldn’t use my key either, so that your girlfriend doesn’t notice what could be between us.

Anja opens the door for me and when I come in her friend sits at the kitchen table. And she looks at me like a car – as if George Clooney was just materialized in front of her. I literally feel your eyes scan from top to bottom.

Only when Anja introduces us that she stops fixing me “Jeanette is Timo, Timo, Jeanette. Well you can do the rest yourself “.

Anja brings himself back to Jeanette and I instinctively try to sit as far as possible from both ways.




Jeanette is very pretty to look at.

She sits opposite me with jeans and a light blue tight t-shirt. Even while sitting it is quite big, at least it seems to me. And as I find out later, it is also over 1.75 tall. She has long, almost black hair that falls into her face with a cheeky pony, a narrow almost girlish and friendly face, very dark eyes.

And although it is slim, at least I don’t see the smallest bacon roll, it has a nice bust. Probably C typing. I look at her breasts. The thin bra turns off slightly and your nipples are easy to see.

But before I can take a look at her in peace, Jeanette stretches her hand over the table “Hello I’m Jeanette, my friends call me jo jo.”

I also give her the hand “Hello Jeanette ..

or jo.”

You “you can say jo. Anja has told me a lot about you, and that you have already helped her so much.”

In between, Anja bursts with a strict “Jeanette” and a look of the killing. Jeanette is immediately quiet and somehow looks into her coffee cup.

Then Anja gets up and goes to the kitchen “Timo, you also want a coffee, I’ll make you one.”

I say yes and Anja disappears into the kitchen. Jeanette looks at me again with a smile, “It’s great that she has someone here.

With her big Belly she is not quite as fit at the moment.”

“Jeanette comes from the kitchen!! I can hear you, you should keep the flap.”

Sweat breaks out. Something is here in the bush.

Then Jeanette changes to Smalltalk “And you study computer science? I don’t have it at all with computers … “etc.

I talk to Jeanette, but in my thoughts I am only thinking about what Jeanette could know. I don’t leave that.

After a few minutes, Anja comes back, puts me a cup and says “I’ll start cooking.

But there is not much. You don’t need to help me.“When she goes back into the kitchen, Jeanette gets up and goes towards the bathroom. I get up immediately and go to the kitchen.

I’ll burst out “Say Jeanette knows something … From the ..

between and?”

She does not answer, but only works to herself. But that tells me everything.

I “Oh man, what did you tell her? She knows that we have sex?”

Anja looks at me “Yes, she knows, she got it out of me right away.”

I “Great, that’s why she fixes me all the time”.

She “No stress, she is my best friend, we have known each other forever. We just tell ourselves everything. I also know everything about them.”

I what?!? What does she know about us? Everything?”

Anja seems a bit embarrassed “I told her what kind of one tail you have”.

The jaw falls down “Oh man, no wonder why Jo stares at me”.

You “well there are other cocks too.

There are certainly other reasons “

I “What reasons?”

You “Sorry, please let’s chat another time.”

At that moment Jeanette comes out of the bathroom again.

I get almost dizzy because my thoughts roll over and I quickly flower “she also knows how we are doing it together?”

Anja does not answer, but just says softly “Please go back to her now and read me here. We continue to talk later. OK?”

What almost something for me means “yes”.

I am drunk and sit down at the table again. Jeanette grins at me.

In her hand she holds the small manual milk pump. It was probably on the table all the time, but so far I hadn’t noticed that she was standing there, nor that she was three quarters full of Anjas me. I grin only stupidly, get up again and go to the bathroom too. But instead of putting myself on the toilet, I go to my knees and stop my ear to the ventilation slot, at the bottom of the bathroom door.

I also hear quietly but clearly Anja “… great done. How can you be so stupid. Can’t you hold your flap.

He immediately gave us talking.”

Jo “How do you want to know that?”

Anja “Because he just asked me”

Jo “Really? Oh!”

Anja “yes oh. You stupid cow, he’s totally through the wind.”

Jo “I noticed it. I’m quiet now, I promise. Here pack your milking part away.”

Anja “Give the thing and just hold the flap.”

I sit down on toilet and just think “Ok, everyone knows”.

I have to calm myself down now. The situation is totally exciting, but I take care of it as if it were nothing. The only thing that comes back to me is whether Anja really has her anal plug in her ass, as I last told her shortly before going. Now I’m going to be really cool, but I am also changing again.

I sink and go out.

I go to the kitchen and ask “I can’t help something?”

Anja “No, no, leave, I only have something open to him. I’ll do the noodle later “

In reality, I don’t have to help. I quickly look over the Schulte if jo can’t see us and Anja grabs into the brace from behind. The airy dress and the thin panties hardly disturb when you feel.

I slide the asses with my fingers towards the cunt. Then I feel the plug. I quickly press it into Anja with the index cuffs a few times deeper into Anja. I flower her very quietly into her ear “You bitch, I will take you hard again.

You told her everything from us.”.

She closes her eyes, presses her ass towards me and pulls out the air loudly through her nose. Then she also says very quietly “I thought that … but please stop now”.

I push the plug into her hole with all the violence and say “You shouldn’t give me commands anymore.”

You “sorry.”

I “know Jo that you have something in your ass.”

They with big eyes, but quietly “No, you are crazy.”

I “a shame.“And take my hand from her ass and trolleys from the kitchen again.

When I go to Jo again, she reads in a women’s magazine. We start chatting and in the end the evening will be very pleasant and I find out a lot of Jeanette and also a lot about Anja.

Jeanette is only 35.

You got to know each other at the university. When Jo started, Anja was almost finished. They only visited together for a subject for a subject, but got on so well that they became the best friends. Jo also studied organic, like Anja, but as a second German.

But she is not in any School More, but is employed as a full -time tutor. Although things are probably not going so well at the moment. Both have been together several times on holiday and have already made some ups and deep through together. Although they both did not want to go into detail on the subject of heights and deep.

Jo wants to go to the hospital with Anja even at birth and hold her hands.

Jo lives a little outside of Berlin Mitte, but also has to move back into town. She even thinks to pull near Anja again. It doesn’t fit me that way, because I’m afraid that the two are hanging together all the time and I no longer have Anja as I would like to have it.

Jo stays with Anja today, and I’m going to my bed around 1 a.m., slightly drunk.

The next morning around 10:30 am I go to Anja again. I only have university at noon and then only briefly.

Maybe I can snort a breakfast with Anja beforehand. Jo went to work early on, but wants to come back today, early Friday evening. And since Anja has the larger apartment, also with a guest bed in the future children’s room, she also wants to stay all weekends.

I find jo annoying. I plan to see Anja after breakfast again.

Maybe the last option for the next few days.

But first I have to know exactly what the two of them have about me.

At breakfast it bursts out of me “Why did you tell her from us, why about my cock and have you now told how we do it or not?”

She sips her cup “We have known each other for so long, we know everything about ourselves. I also know everything about them. She immediately got pointed that something is going on there. She asked me why my breasts suddenly give milk like stupid.

I’ve been pumping every 3-4 hours now. And not a little I have already lost weight. Baby and milk. I could only eat.

And about the milk, we came up with sucking during sex, on you, on your cock.”

I “ok, and how we do it?”

She “she knows me better than I myself. She knows what I stand up.”

I a little more relaxed “Ah ha … and …. What is jo on?”

She slips back and forth in her chair.

With me all sirens start. Then she says “Well, that’s the other problem”

I am very interested in “what a problem?”

You “um, there is one thing you need to know about Jo. So, just said, I had already told that I like it too, but I am not painful. Jo already.

And that is her, well, problem. So part of it “

I am confused, have to swallow and Anja can only stare at.

She continues to tell “she is totally on it. I would say more than you do well. Not so much the severity or pain itself that it wants, but that it is addicted to a certain degree.

She sees it differently, but I already think. It is so naive and easy to get around, it can always be with the last idiots. It is not so easy to find a nice one who not only wants to take advantage of SM moderately. She has a hand for such guys and can then not let go of them anymore.

I can then build it up physically and morally again when things have ended badly again.

Fortunately, she quickly got rid of the last. I also took care of that. The one in front of it was so bad at the last meeting that I almost had to take her to the hospital. I cared for it for a week and shit the guy together and threatened him with the police that it has never reappeared since then.

He was a real sadist. Jo doesn’t need that. But what does she want to do when she is tied to bed. And afterwards they always feel sorry and they promise that it never happens again and everything is love.

Super. And Jo falls in again and again. Always. She is so nice and affectionate.

But now she tries to take it easy. That’s why she wants to pull close to me so that I have her in mind. I’ve always been something like her big one Sister. But I realize that it itches again.

It is like a stray cat that actually only wants to be scratched, but it knows exactly that there is zoff. And if nobody holds it, she gets scratched back every night.”

I am flabbergasted and impressed by Anja. But, unfortunately I have to admit it, somehow sharp on Jeanette.

I “I wouldn’t have believed that at all.”

Anja gets up to bring her cup into the kitchen “Yes, now you also know why she stared at you so”

I “what do you mean?”, I get hot,” I … “

I follow Anja with my cup in the kitchen.

She introduces herself in front of me and looks at me very calmly “You didn’t get it ..

She likes you … she’s horny for you. The first thing she asked me yesterday when she came in is whether there is something new in bed.”She laughs” yes, and then I told her about your criminal action n of the kitchen “.

I roll my eyes “Hey, you tell everything about us.”

She “I told you. And since I told her that you are a dear, nice and crunchy guy with a huge tail that can also blow nasty, she has been rats on you.

And even before she got to know you personally. Now that she knows you, she is blown away, believe me.”

I almost hit me. I feel incredibly flattered and I am totally confused at the same time “aha, and now you want to couple me. We both just got to know each other, I want to experience so much with you.

There you come with your girlfriend … what? … I don’t quite understand it.”

Then it dawns on me “You want that I don’t know, I take a moderately ran. Yes and what about us?”

She laughs loudly “But you stood on the line for a long time.

The hottest experience comes up to you and you almost can’t get it with you.”

Then she looks at me gently again “What should change with us? What we two have, we don’t miss out on, or?”

I quickly “no, no, at least I don’t.”

You “just, we’re only when we approach. I don’t let you get off the hook yet. Only when I have the last drop out of you can you go.”

If I just think about it, get horny again, but still tear me together “um yes … and how do you imagine that with me and jo before? And with us three?”

She suddenly soberly “I can share you with her, and I also do it a bit for Jo. That sounds stupid now, but that’s how I have jo and you under control with jo.”

I “what do you mean?”

You “well, jo will no longer fishing an idiot and I don’t think you are exaggerating it or exploits it and I get it with if necessary.

And then I’ll step into your thick eggs. Believe me, I mean seriously.”

I “I’m not a friend and why should I take advantage of something? Especially since I have no experience in the SM area at all.”

She “I think you do that. Yesterday, that was not bad for the beginning and apparently you liked it. That was actually enough for me, but at jo give you a little help.

I know Jo exactly and know what she likes. I’ve never been there directly, but she told me a lot.”

I “know so much about you”

Anja will be totally embarrassed and looks “can be.”

I’m just thinking “good to know”.

I “and how does it go on? Then do you take part? How do I say it jo or do you tell her to her?”

She “she comes back today and she knows that I tell you everything and ask you. But it remains among us what I tell you and that I want to guide you a little bit. I will also listen to them so that you know their reactions.

Jo we don’t have to say anymore. Later, if you know each other better, you can do it all among you. I just tell you when you can get started and when you can do what. I give you small characters.”

I “yes and then, then I’ll just snap it or how”

You “yes exactly.

Person! She knows that you know and you know that she knows that you know. Do you want to chat with her for hours. Believe me. She is waiting for it.

And if you do it properly and dominant and strictly appears, it will be soft as wax. I know you. You can also be rough and brutal. Even if I am there.

Don’t be bothered by me. You shouldn’t overdo. I’ve already experienced that with her.”

I “Well, you tell me when”

She grins mischievously “Yes, let mom do it, I’ll come up with the right topic.”

Me “and then, then we go into yours bedroom? Do you take part?”

Then I go to Anja and I grab her on the tits “That would be cool.”

She lets me grant, but does not react a bit “No, I don’t want that. Maybe another time.

Maybe later.”

I look her in the eye while I lightly find her nipples through the bra between the thumb and index finger squeeze “I would find it cool”

She bites herself on the lower lip and then says “hmmm, yes I believe that. If you want it I’ll take part. Jo must also want.”

I “Sure, that would definitely be horny. I thought jo you don’t have to ask something like that for permission.”

Anja breathes “let’s see when it is so.”

Slowly the bra and the dress get wet and I have milk on my fingers.

As I continue to massage her breasts, I ask “And what about us two when jo is there? Can I use you like this or just fuck you ..

Or humiliate.”

She is slowly getting hot “hmmmm, ohh yes that is definitely cool. But were still there until you know them better and edited a few times.”

I now grab her under the skirt and rub her cunt through the slip. The panties will be moist immediately.

I “I will fuck you both and take it hard. I will humiliate you bitch in front of jo, you fuck.

And jo I will in the middle of the living room, cut the ass red in front of you, push my cock in and spray on you at the end.“Then I come to the stall“ Uh, I can fuck jo too or should I just take it hard?”

She gasped “You can do everything with her. But put your focus on SM. Come on keep on I want to feel you in me.”

Now I pinch them directly with the fingernails and as tight as I can in the labia. “You cunt shouldn’t command me”

She howls and goes to the knee “Sorry, sorry, I’m already taking care.”

I leave her labia and her chest free and ask “Did you actually have sex with jo?”

You “yes, but only a few times during your studies.

And only … well … harmless sex among women.”

I only grin you lustful on “You two horny Lesbian slut. Take off and kneel in front of me.”

Anja hurts, throws everything on the floor and goes to my knees in front of me.

“If we have a well -rehearsed three Team are you to lick my salty juice from your fucking extinguishers.”

Anja escapes a horny gasp.

I open my zipper and get my cock out “Hands on my back, mouth wide and you on me, you sperm bitch.”

She does what I tell her, but says before she opens her mouth and stretches out her tongue, “Please don’t like that long, my knees hurt sow on the flow.”

I imagine you and start right in front of her open mouth jerk off “Don’t last long.

I will not fuck you now. I just want to get rid of my juice in you. Take up your bubble hole and stretch out your tongue “

She whines something with a wide mouth. But I don’t understand a word.

I only concentrate on her fat udders that lie on her plump stomach and wank as fast as I can “you bitch I jerk off you in your mouth cunt and nothing else. punishment is needed. Knead your udders and let them inject. That makes me horny.”

Anja does what she should and soon small merchant strain in all directions inject.

I massage my thick eggs and jerk me as fast as I can.

Then I’ll come too. With one hand I wank on and with the other hand I put anja on the back of the head and press her on my cock “Woe to let the udders go … Yes sip, swallow you bitch, sip … oh horny yes I pump it right in you inthe throat”.

I spray deep into her mouth. Anja chokes and swallows. I multiply on her choking and twitching that she has almost swallowed.

But I hold her tight until everything is in her mouth. Then I push her head back “I’m done, you can get dressed”

I quickly pack my cock again as best they can, in my pants. A whole piece looks out at the top but still.

I help her up. She collects her things slightly sour and dresses.

She “That wasn’t nice.

That was cool, but I’m no longer awesome after the action.”

I “I’ve already told you a few times, you shouldn’t command me and you keep doing it. Also last night by Jeanette.”

You “I know, but I don’t mean that either.”

I “Well, but I’ll do it again until you don’t do it anymore. Or I’ll take you as much as yesterday afternoon.”

She takes the face “Uhhh, that doesn’t have to be. But soon you will have Jo jo.”

I “Ohh yes, it will definitely be horny with you two.

I can’t believe it yet.”

She laughs again “I can think that you like it”

Sequel follows…

PM’s desired as long as you don’t have to deal with the spelling.

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