Sweet 16: Memories of a horny summer | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Summer, Sun, vacation-what could be nicer for a bright 16-year-old? Ralf peppered his school bag into the corner, and there she would stay there for 6 weeks without any further attention. It smelled delicious from the kitchen.

There would be noon on time at 2 p.m. They wanted to advise today how to spend the holidays together. None of them traveled.

For which too? They all lived in the green, loved their river, loved the small island on which they used to stay as pirates, and they all loved the old sawmill … – there was no reason to travel, especially not without friends.

The smell of the fried condensed into meatballs, there were vegetables and an excellent sauce. Joana could cook really well. Ralf had to eat alone today.

His Mother Had got stuck in an important board meeting, and his Brother had already broken up to a camp yesterday. To his Father Ralf couldn’t remember at all. His parents had lived separately for over ten years, and his father had gone to Texington, Idaho/USA quite soon after the separation.

He had made a career in a software company there, and he sent a check every month, filled out on a sum for which others had to work for a whole year.
Joana had served him the food on the terrace. Ralf liked to sit on the terrace, preferably alone.

From here you looked at the old sawmill via the swimming pool.

The memories of the old sawmill belonged to Ralf’s greatest treasures. Many great events had happened there. Some were not that far behind: It was only half a year ago that Ralf had met Manuel there if he only thought Manuel was thinking, he flocked to great feelings of happiness, and he got goose bumps.

Ralf was able to remember that afternoon well: as usual, after noon he went down to the old investor to meet his friends, smoke, chat, – stop to do what a boy with 15 somaches. Nobody was on the old investor today.

He then remembered that today all on Saturday football-Derby wanted to go. He wasn’t particularly concerned with football, and he was sure that his friends would get along there without him. So Ralf made his way home again;At home a number of good books were waiting for him. He really likes to read.

When he was almost at home, he noticed the big guy who undecided in front of the dilapidated gate to the old sawmill and went off.

Ralf sat on the curb and watched. Ralf had never seen the boy here before. Maybe the stranger had noticed him because of his strangeness? Or was it the fact that the boy opened and off before her favorite meeting point? Ralf noticed a slight tingling sensation that spread in his stomach area. Perhaps 5 minutes passed, which Ralf found to be extremely exciting in which he carefully examined the stranger boy – and classified him as really nicely – a cyclist came along the street.

The cyclist stopped in front of the goal of the old sawmill, leaned his bike on the rotten fence and fell into the stranger.

Ralf could now see that the cyclist was a girl. The girl had never seen Ralf before. Ralf estimated the little one about as old as he was, so 16, maybe a little older too. And Ralf found that it was a very pretty girl.

After the two had greeted each other, they disappeared on the site of the sawmill. The ralfs gastrointestinal tingling reinforced. Without thinking for a long time, Ralf crept after the two. He knew every corner and every corner here, that benefited him.

After a few moments he had discovered the two.

They had made it comfortable on a stack of old sacks that were previously used to remove the sawdust. Ralf crouched behind a stack of boards, was barely 2m from the two and had a good look at the two. When the two were now kissing, Ralf suddenly realized what would happen now. For a moment, Ralf considered whether he shouldn’t go, whether he shouldn’t actually go: this is none of your business ..

But the charm of getting things that he was currently dreaming of every night was too overpowering.

Joana served the dessert, strawberry ice cream with whipped cream, very tasty. Ralf had excited the memory of that afternoon. Be tail Cumed in the tight jeans, created a pleasant pressure and caused a significant bump. Joana came to carry the dirty dishes away – Joana …, that was also a thing.

She was two years ago as Home help was set by mother. At that time Joana was just 18 years old.

Joana had become 19 last week and there had been a real birthday party. Joana was no longer just domestic help, but rather girl for everything with a family connection. Joana’s parents died in a plane crash several years ago.

Ralf’s mother got to know her in a professional funding project and hired her and from Fleck Weg.

Lately it has been more and more common that Ralf’s dreams were liven up by Joana …, and then she kissed him at the birthday party last week, Ralf found it quite intensely. The following night he made it three times.

The table was cleared, Joana had disappeared in the kitchen, and Ralf had a little time until 3:00 p.m. He drank the rest of his cola, looked over to the old sawmill again and dreamed a few minutes from that Saturday afternoon: the stranger boy had pulled his girl down to his knee and his hand pushed under her panties. The girl was lying on her back, the boy crouched next to her, and while the two kissed, the little one fiddled his cock out of his pants.

Ralf knew about class trips and showering with his club mates that he himself had a pretty big tail. But compared to this boy there, his cock seemed rather puny for him. The little one had only raised the zipper of his jeans and then she initially had difficulty getting the huge device out. When she finally succeeded, Ralf didn’t want to trust his eyes: that you could have such a big cock! The little one pulled back the foreskin and pushed her sensual lips over the plump, shiny acorn.

But this prelude did not take long, the two were obviously very starved and really sharp.
The boy did not take off his pants – his enormous thing still stoke up from the open zipper – and without a long duck, the boy pushed his cock into her cunt.

There was a loud moan and the boy rammed his soul out of his body. Then, as on command, he pulled out his cock, the little one turned on his stomach and the boy pushed his horny cock in full length in her … asshole. The boy shot his seed.

Otherwise Ralf would have given something to see the young cumshot, but his plump tail was in her butt until the stop.

The two remained intimately united for a few more moments, then the guy pulled his thing out of her butt.

They kissed again, got dressed and left the terrain. Only now did Ralf notice that his own cock was hard as a cannon tube, it almost hurt. Ralf had opened his pants in a matter of seconds and with just a few hand movements he reached to the climax: his seed clapped on an old board that was on the floor in front of him. Ralf sighed quietly and thought how much great the feeling should be in a real hole, although he would have no matter whether the front or the back ..

Joana shook him out of his thoughts: “You didn’t want to go down to the investor?”” How, what? Oh yes, I just dreamed so nicely!”” What?“Joana wanted to know.
“I better not tell you that now,” replied Ralf, who felt his locked -up cock throttled.

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