Hardcore with Rötfötzchen | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Written with amolyphia (here again thank you)

We look forward to suggestions and constructive criticism.

If you want to have other fairy tale figures, write it in the comments.

Chapter 1

Red -pussy

Once on it was, in a far away country

There was a young beautiful girl named Rotfötzchen.

Her Mother she called Lilith, because of her red hair she was named by all Rotfötzchen.

That day she was on the way to another village. She had accepted a job there over the holidays, in an erotic store.

And it ran lightly and cheerfully through the forest. When she saw a nice little clearing, she suddenly got so much desire to play in her, she thought a little rest I can do, I still have enough time to start. So she sat down in the soft moss, lifted her skirt and began to rub her clit.

In doing so, she forgot the time so that the night broke out.

And how the moon opens, it decides on the clearing to sleep because it was a warm summer night.

She had just fell asleep completely naked after making it violent a few times and was completely exhausted but happy and satisfied.

In the villages it was said that a beast roamed the forest at night, which was more terrible than any animal. However, Rotfötzchen did not believe this story. It was said that the monster was huge and wild, fast like the shadow, strong like 10 men and a heart as black as the night. It devoured everyone who went into the forest at night.

However, the washing women said that this was only due to men. Women, especially boys, almost always came back, and it became behind the hand, about chaste women who were told children after being in the forest.

Slowly the werewolf sneaked because he was this beast, to the lying figure in the clearance. He had just heard a moan from here and now smelled a woman’s desire.

A young woman and that drove his curiosity into immeasurable, so he began to make his way towards this clearing the moaning and the smell of her young delicate meat. Slowly he approached the origin of the smell, but a piece of fabric blocked the way. He lifted it quietly with his claw to get a direct view of the origin of the attracting fragrance. Her Legs were spread and showed him everything.

Slowly he drove over her thighs with his tongue, in the middle. She did not awoke, but continued to spread her narrow thighs in the unconscious and curved her virgin column of his playing tongue. He slowly licked her column and dang her with his tongue. He felt a resistance and realized that it was still unconditional.

He wanted to remove this treat and crept quietly back into the shadow.

When Rotfötzchen woke up on a bright summer morning, she was amazed that she was no longer covered with her cloak and noticed her from pleasure gender. She puts on, bathed in a nearby stream and put on to continue to the village. When suddenly the events of her dream appeared to her in front of her spiritual eye and let her blush. Around noon when she took a rest, she thought again about the dream she had in the night and which was very erotic as she found.

She further remembered that a strange being raised her coat in it and became deep red in the further thought pictures of how it had licked her virgin column with his tongue. In these pictures, her young body overwhelmed a lustful shower that made them tremble into every single cell. Other dream pictures followed in which she saw in her mind’s eye how his tongue licked her clit, creeps her up and stimulates her and then lengthways drove through her pussy until she came to orgasm under twitching.

She was confused how real this, very exciting, was a dream. Something like that couldn’t be.

Then she remembered the stories that the women in her village had always told. From a beast in the forest that liked young women and blurred memories of touch, which had not been discussed. She shivered when she realized that she had almost happened to her almost exactly the same thing. Suddenly she felt observed.

She turned around several times as she continued the forest path. But every time she looked behind her, she saw nothing but the empty forest path that continued towards the village. But due to her concern and nervousness, she did not pay attention to her way, so she suddenly stood in front of a crossing that she didn’t know. She stopped jerkily and thought for a long time in which direction she should turn or whether she should go back the way.

It was already dawning when she came back to the clearing on which she had started this morning. On the way, she had seen something scurrying through the trees twice, but could not see what it was. Exhausted through the long walk through the forest, she sat down on the place from the morning and took out her provisions to fortify herself and then to wash and lay down in the stream.

Now she was there again, in the same clearing as the evening before. He thought of how much luck he had been that she had got lost.

He went through the day again in my thoughts: he knew that he would stay a wolf for this day. The moon stayed in the sky, full and bright, but the sun covered its appearance. But he still felt his influence. she got up.

He watched it from a cave under the root network of a tree. He saw her slim, naked body when she put on and washed herself. Then she went her way. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Since he saw which way she would go, he hurried there and hid a tree. She would walk along here. He could surprise you to leave her from leaving the forest. If necessary by violence.

He was also hungry. He asked for blood. She came closer. It was too early to strike.

He could eat her, breastfeed his hunger and move on. Even closer. It is almost at my height. A quick blow with its praises, a bite in the throat, and it would be all over.

Now she was in position. He tensioned his runs to be ready to snap out …

But he didn’t. He couldn’t do anything to her. It smelled too good, was too beautiful.

It ran into the undergrowth, with a branch cracked. She looked frightened in his direction, but he went flat. Apparently she didn’t see him because she went on.

However, he now needed prey, since otherwise he might not be able to control himself anymore.

He searched for traces in the forest until he found the track of a wild Ebers around noon.

He followed her until he saw him drinking a little stream.

He sneaked closer, his claws ready and his breath flat. The boar raised his head and noticed it. Immediately he went into the fighting position, the rear hooves scraping and the Hauer lowered.

The Werwolf knew that a direct hit of a starting wild boar could kill a person. However, he was not a person.

Not now. He attached his muscles and jumped towards the boar. The Hauer dug into his left leg, but he was already over the boar, his claws in his back and his teeth around the neck. The wild boar came out and joined to throw the hunter, but with his great strength the werewolf managed to siege the boar and sail it in the throat with a bite.

Now he started to feast on the lush meat of the animal. He tore large pieces out of the flank with his clutches, and devoured the raw, warm meat. Blood flowed from his corners of mouth over his face and his upper body. It did not bother him, more precisely he enjoyed this feeling because it announced his power and successful hunting.

When he had half eaten, his hunger was satisfied. In the meal, his leg wound had closed again, one of the advantages of his mutation.

Seated, he was in a hurry back to his own track because he hoped to find the girl again.

He met again where he saw something strange. The girl went back the same way she had come. Apparently she had strayed.

Now he wondered where she was going. He followed her in the shadow of the trees, not louder than one.

But still she turned twice and at least seemed to have a guilty that he was there.

He followed her here, and now he would act.

He sneaked, like last night when she slept approached her. He stayed flat on the ground, so that he did not appear in the light of the moon. He thought of her well -shaped body and smelled that she was wet again.

This read both of them excited himself. He leaned over her and grazed her coat aside. She opened her eyes and stared at him.

She felt her coat pulled away. She opened her eyes jerkily.

Her mouth opened and she cried out with panic loud and shrill.

She saw the beast from the stories about herself. It had a hairy, wild face. The backwards and the flat, black nose looked like that of a wolf, just like the teeth. But the snout was too short and in the annal eyes she saw a touch of intelligence.

When she screamed, he immediately put his claw on her mouth.

She was more shaped than a hand than a paw, but she was hairy and with sharp claws. This growled softly, so she thought it would eat her now. Lilith’s eyes rolled with fear and a quiet whimpering escaped from her throat. Then she looked at the foreign being again, but could not name what it was, the only thing she knew was that it was male, which clearly recognized her, on his flat chest and his striking facial features, but especially on the erection, who pressed against her stomach.

Dark red lines and traces were on his face and upper body.

She realized that it was dried blood. She thought shocked that he now mealed after another meal, which was obviously she was.

She hit her, turned and tried to escape. She was afraid of death and just wanted to get out of this forest. Her fists hit his upper body, but it had no effect, except for a threatening rumble.

Finally she realized that it was pointless.

She put her head aside, closed her eyes and whimpered. She didn’t want to see the end.

It didn’t come. She heard him sniff, felt his hot breath on her neck and cheek when he smelled at her. His breath smelled of blood.

But he obviously didn’t want to eat her. She collected as her courage and said him: “W-W-what you want from me?”

A quiet growl penetrated out of his throat. Not aggressive, rather demanding. She didn’t know what to think of it.

“You are W-W-W-Wer? What do you want from me? What are you doing?“Brought out whimpering.

Another growl sounded, this time deeper, calmer.

Slowly she turns her head to him and looks at him frightened but also a little curious.

There was something like calm in his eyes, but also a strange greed.

He gently pushed against her cheek with his snout.

Slowly she calmed down and her breath went calmer and more even. After a few moments she smiled very easily and started to relax a little.

He apparently felt her change and now slid deeper with his mouth, roamed over her shoulder to her breasts.

In short she pulled the air sharply when she felt his lips on her shoulders and on her full well -shaped breasts.

She ran deep red when she felt his lips and didn’t know how to react, after all, she was still untouched and had no idea how to describe this feeling. It was a tingling like she didn’t know it yet, but she liked it very much.

Encouraged by this new sparkling feeling she looked at him encouragingly and meant to caress her with his lips.

Now his tongue slowly slipped out of his mouth and caresses her nipples. This, also new, feeling briefly brought her breath to stick.

Then she relaxed and enjoyed it by placing her back to press her breast against him so that he realized how much she liked it.

She closed her eyes, curved her back again and could no longer suppress a quiet groan.

She felt his erection became harder and pressed more against her stomach. Apparently the creature was also very excited. At the same time, it had its tongue played over her other nipple.

Slowly breathes into and out a few times and stretches her little narrow hand trembling towards his chest. She carefully strokes her chest a few times, but then pulls her hand back quickly when she noticed her daring.

However, the wolf seemed to be liked, because a quiet hum was heard from him.

She looked for his eyes and looked at him questioningly.

It seemed to her as if he was to suck her when he raised his head and she looked at her. She looked at him completely confused and blushed violently.

Slowly he led his claw to her hand, took her and led her back to his muscular chest.

She winced, but left her hand. It begins to caress his muscular chest and drive through his chest hair.

Slowly her hand slides towards the stomach where her hand stays.

A deep humming sounds from the wolf’s throat, which had closed the eyes when touched, but now opened it again to look at them expectantly, from his deep, dark eyes.

She didn’t know how to interpret the eyes of his eyes and looked at him irritated. Determined but carefully she stroked his stomach a few times and then slid back to his chest.

He now lowered his head again to lick her breasts.

But from there he went down, over her belly to her most intimate areas.

Startled, she tore her hand away from the chest to cover her most intimate place.

The beast raised his head and put it on. A rumble arise of his throat. Then she just looked at her.

She looked at him disturbed and frightened and pressed her hands on her shame.

For a moment the wolf just stared at her. No muscle moves.

Then he was back over her, his tongue danced around her nipples and the tips of his catches touch her meat, almost playful. She looked at him first and then as he plays around her tips with his nimble tongue and again she feels this vibration deeply and the tingling on her skin.

The wolf put his prison on her side, very carefully, so that he did not hurt her with his claws, and kept her with himself. Confused, but it was not uncomfortable she was in front of him. Slowly she took her hands from her most intimate place and began to stroke her chest and belly but then she considered whether she should become more daring and put her other hand on his neck.

The creature apparently enjoyed her touch, because again the hum can be heard. With his rough, big tongue over her breasts he stroked her neck back to her neck.

In a pleasure she closed her eyes and dropped, a quiet moan escapes her throat and then her dams seemed broken. Slowly she let her hands drive over his chest and stomach while her others stroke his neck and back.

The Werwolf’s mouth approached her, she looked directly into his eyes. Slowly he pushed his tongue in her mouth opened by groans.

When she felt his tongue she winced briefly, but then she started to return his kiss gently.

His tongue moved in her mouth, she explored as she circled his with her own tongue.

Slowly she liked it and began to play his tongue faster with hers. She let her tongue circle, who wrapped his and clawed her hand in his back.

Again she felt his erection pressed against her. His prince was now on one of her breasts and massaged her, which elicited her a voluptuous show.

She involuntarily made a hollow cross and bulged towards him and moaned vigorous.

His tongue now moved deeper in her mouth, and her own explored his. She had already kissed a boy in the village, but this was something completely different.

With her tip of the tongue she felt the rip and his lips. Her hands continued to explore his body, clawed at him and she was amazed at herself that she was suddenly so brave. At that moment she understood that he should be who should make her a woman. In daringly she let her hands slide over his back to his buttocks that she stroked and then knead and massaged.

She didn’t understand something in her but it didn’t matter to her, the lust had taken over the helm and all other thoughts displaced.

The time had come, she seemed ready. He felt her hand slid over his hand and massaged him. He wanted her, here and now.

Soon he would just take her like that, even against her will if necessary. He hadn’t been with a female being for so long. He pushed his enormous member against her to show her what he wanted.

The hands slid over his hips and pelvis to its remarkable erection and included

they with their filigree little hands. She looked at him questioningly because she didn’t know what to do.

He led a prison on her hand, and slowly moved up and down. She understood what to do.

Slowly she started moving her hand up and down and looked at him unexpectedly to see his reaction.

She saw his eyes closed and, as before, sounded the hum, only longer and deeper than before. She understood that he liked it very much and continued with her game, but looked at him again questioningly. He took her hand again, and at the same time his erection, and slowly led her down to her intimate areas.

She followed the movement and allowed it to. She carefully led his big stand to her untouched wet tight hot column and then took her hand away. Waiting, frightened and a little curious, she looked at him and smiled weakly.

Now he fell back to his instincts. The foreplay had irritated him so much and made him horny that he almost fell over them.

With his hammer so close to her damp pussy, he could only happen. But he slowly slid into her at first because he knew it first time was. Soon he felt resistance. Here he increased the pressure a bit until the resistance jerky.

She gasped, but he was now in her. At first he moved carefully and out, but then he got faster, pushed harder and penetrated deeper into her. She was so tight that he only came into her with his half a member, but still screamed and groaned with lust. His tongue drove back over her nipples, which were now steeply directed up.

Guarding lust groaned, she walled under him and spread her legs and curved her now open column to encourage him to penetrate deeper into her. He did this too, almost came into it until the stop. Be tail Districted slightly under her skin as he pushed deep into her while her screams Animals in the area frightened. He enjoyed the feeling of her tightness and now took one of her breasts into his prison and pressed her and massaged her.

In her rampant lust, she put her hands on his paws to mean him that he should tackle more firmly, at the same time she followed his uninhibited rhythm with her pelvis and curved her glowing gender. He pushed closer and deeper, enjoyed her passion and pressed her breasts even firmer. Another loud groaning swings her throat and she claws in his back. He grabbed her ass with his paws and raised her up, as if she weighed no more than a feather.

Supporting each other, he kept sliding down his limb and then lifting her back. Unleashed by her lust, she enclosed it with her long, shaped legs and groaned loudly and loudly again and again. Her eyes firmly focused on this uninhibited, captivating being, which she fucked so mercilessly.

As he moved her up and down on his cock, he licked her hard buds again and again with his rough wolf tongue. Requested, she pressed her swelling buds while fucking while fucking and winding in his strong arms.

He held her, and now let her slide slower up and down, but deeper and deeper.

He took one of her buds in his mouth and sucked it and played around with his tongue.

She withdrawn her swollen nipples, put her hands on his broad shoulders and tried to stop in the movement when she didn’t want to succeed, she gasped: “Please let me down.”

He let her down, but looked at her questioningly. “Lay on your back,” she instructed him trembling with her girl’s voice. He obeyed her, but looked at her doubtfully.

He didn’t seem to know what was coming. She saw his doubts, but winked comfortably to him. She had heard of the women in the village that men like it when their gender was spoiled with lips and tongue and that is exactly what she had now, even if she was very nervous herself. The werewolf now seemed to have guessed what she was up to and looked at her expectantly.

With a smooth movement, she let herself slide to the ground and put a hand around his erection and began to jerk off. Again the wolf grumbled, which she now recognized as a sign of his satisfaction and excitement. She continued to be braver by his humming and began to make him more happy with skillful fingers while working on her damp red cunt with her other hand and excitedly groaned. Suddenly he raised her up and put her wet column on his own, great throat, so that her face was still facing his beating.

Then he started licking her slowly with his red tongue. She understood what he wanted leaning over his stands and took him a bit between her full red lips and began to hesitate to let her tongue slide over the top. Now his tongue slid deeper into her while his lips played with her venus hill. She winced together from these completely new feelings.

However, continued to work on his hard cock by taking him deeper into her hot mouth and letting her tongue slide and over the top. In the meantime, his tongue circled around her clit and brought her to moan. His paws started massaging her breasts again when he left this humming again. She heard it and was happy that he liked it, she felt desired and sexy and let her tongue continue to play.

Now he slowly pushed his tongue deeper into her and began licking her. With his claws he played carefully on their nipples. His humming didn’t seem to stop anymore. Determined to give him the satisfaction he deservedly sucked in her eyes, licked and jerked his enormous erection and she noticed how much she excited his lust.

She felt how the penis began to twitch in her mouth. The hum of the wolf became louder and more urgent when a liquid suddenly came out of his tail. She was a bit slimy and tasted strange, but she liked it, she swallowed as much as she could, but a lot ran out of her corners. This was incredibly horny for you.

She thought her body would rush as her soaked pussy began to vibrate and twitch, and a completely clear liquid sprayed out again and again and again the rays sprayed out until she fully glued his penis out of her mouth and lay down on him lengthways. When the liquid shot out, the werewolf put his mouth over her column. She felt and heard how he drank everything that was going out of her. Her young body shrugged uninhibitedly and she could and did not want to do anything about it, which she wanted to never end up with this feeling.

But after a while it did, but she wanted to have it again. She would never get enough of it. His tongue slid over her column a few more times to lick the last remnants until he put his head back and stroked his back with his paws. She rose weakly, let himself fall next to him, closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep naked as she was.

Side by side as two spoons of each other nestled, but exhausted but satisfied on the forest floor

She turned her head to him so that she could see him and smiled at him happily and satisfied and at that moment she understood that he was something special for her. He returned her gaze with warm, hardly any wild eyes. He didn’t smile because he would only show his threatening catches. She understood his gaze and said softly “Thank you for making me a wife.“It seemed to understand her because he nodded slightly with his big head.

Slowly, her eyes were closed by dense eyelashes and she had already suffered in deep sleep of justice, naked, fucked and smeared with his juice as it was. On another bright summer morning, Lilith started rain slowly, woken up by her full bubble. Slowly she opens her eyes, but when she looks next to her, there is a young beautiful stranger. Completely irritated she asked her where the wolf was lost, he had left her during her deep sleep? Unable to speak, she looked at him questioningly and then blushed violently when she had become aware of her nudity.

She saw how he slowly opened his eyes himself. They were dark, almost black. His hair was also colored in the same way. He looked at her and smiled.

She smiled back deeply and thought with herself: “Wow what a sight.“Slowly the man straightened up. At the same time, it got up so that they faced each other. He was good and like one and a half heads larger than them, almost two meters in height. She put her head back to look into his dark eyes, with question marks in her eyes.

“How rude from me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Erik Schwarz’s mane. And you, my little one, are …?””I?“And again she blushed.

“My name is Lilith.”

“It is a pleasure to see you again, Lilith.“He eyed her from top to bottom, her red, long, curly hair, her bright, almost white skin. But in the end his gaze remained on her green eyes, which almost looked like emeralds. “To see me again? what do you mean? Tell me Erik!“The words came out quickly and violently. “Don’t remember the last night? We hadn’t imagined.“Then she dawned her.

“But how can that be? How can you see me last night?”” You looked at me all the time.“Then he bumped out a deep hum that she seemed very familiar to her. She looked at him completely datted and then she gave her legs and she plunged down. Immediately he was with her and caught her at lightning speed before she came up. He looked her deep into her eyes.

She replied his gaze to say something unable. “I’m the wolf,” he said her thoughts that she didn’t want to admit. “But how can that be that you are now a person?““ This is my true shape, only at night does the beast appear.”” Then you are one, a werewolf? I thought it was only in the imagination or in books.” “I was thinking the same thing. Until the opposite was convinced how you.”” Please tell me your story, Erik.“At that moment she became aware that she was completely naked like Eva before the fall.

Slowly he let her slide to the ground, where she put on while he got her coat to cover her with it. “It was three years ago when I met a nice girl. At least she was that during the day. However, when she came to my room in the evening, she changed at sunset.

She became a wolf that bite me and then fled into the night. Since then I’ve been like that, one being a day, another in the night.“He had taken her counterpart while telling her, with crossed legs, seeing that he was as naked as she had been. She raised her head to look at Erik, he was a nice sight, big, slim and muscularly dark almost black eyes and a look that sparked the fire in her again. His body actually reminded her of that of the wolf.

“And … since then you have been turning?”” Yes, and it’s a curse. I was very surprised when I saw you here in my clearance.““ If you are transformed and the control over you would lose you, it could happen that you also transform me into a being like you?” “No. You have something in yourself that masters my beast. I couldn’t do anything in any of my forms.”” Why were you surprised to find me in this clearance?”” It is my clearance.

I have scattered rumors myself that a monster is up to mischief here. Here I hide my clothes at night, before the transformation.““ I had heard a rumor that a beast should live in this forest, but I hadn’t believed it, but now I know it is true. But believe me, I will keep your secret, I owe that to you ”, in these words she winks mischievously. He smiled backly back: “You have a wish for me for that, because the villagers would hunt and kill me.

If you do it.”” I hope that you stay with me, “she said quietly and blushed again violently. He smiled, apparently she had given the correct answer. “I will fulfill this wish with joy.“He got up and went to the edge of the clearing. He came back with a bundle of clothes and a backpack.

“I have to make myself fresh and pack my things, then we can break up.“, Said Lilith. She first went into a bush where she made it easier and then ran lightly to the stream into which she jumped upside down and happily laughing a few trains before she started washing her thoroughly. Wedwraping wet she ran to him in the few sun rays that penetrated through the leafy work to let the eyes dry. Erik had now dressed up and got a breakfast of cheese, ham and bread out of his backpack.

“Would you like something too?“Only now in his words did she notice how her stomach growled loudly that even Erik had to hear it. He laughed and handed her food. After eating and getting dressed, they went towards the village. “I have a vacation job in the erotic store,” she chatted on it, “you know my pocket money is not that lavish and so I thought to take a job on the holiday to fulfill a wish later.”” What would that be?““ I would like to have a tattoo stinging that mine should adorn a body side or my complete back, I don’t know exactly yet.”” Do you already have a place to stay in the village?”” No unfortunately not yet, you know a good inn?”” Yes, and I’ll rent a room.“He brought out a bag in which it clashed lightly.

“And the tattoo shouldn’t be a problem either.” He grinned. “We go to the dancing unicorn.”” To the dancing unicorn? I don’t know the inn.”” It is the best inn in Hymendorf. But it has very private rooms, so we have our peace.”” That sounds good “she said, and blushed promptly.

They wandered the way to the village further. On the way they chatted about this and that until they arrived late in the morning.

The village was not big, maybe five hundred souls. Soon they found the shop where Lilith would work. Erik turned to her in front of the door: “I will rent a room in the dancing unicorn. I tell the landlord that he should give you my room number and a key if you give him your name.“He leaned forward and kissed her mouth too.

Then he quickly disappeared between the houses. She stayed confused and with frenzied heart and looked after him and wondered why her heart only raced in his presence, but then she displaced this thought, streamed her body and entered the store. He was small and in solid, black, red and with golden borders. The range was sorted by topics and fetishes, which would make it much easier to find articles.

Lilith breathed deeply and took measured step to the counter where she stopped and a well -dressed, black -haired, beautiful woman stood opposite. She looked at the name sign, cleared his throat and said friendly: “Good morning wife of Wetterberg, I am Lilith her vacation foster, I am happy to meet your acquaintance.“The woman eyed her from top to bottom and seemed to evaluate her. “So you are Lilith? I’m pleased. You can call me Babarella.““ Thank you Babarella, I am pleased that you gave me the holiday job and I hope that I will do justice to your expectations.” “We will see.

First of all, I’ll show you the shop now and then your work uniform.”” Yes, but we’ll come to that right away. Follow me.“She went into the store. She showed her the different departments where there was almost everything. Dildos, vibrators, bondage and the like.

She also saw things that she didn’t know. There were also a few changing rooms, right next to the range for “body -hugging” clothing. At the end of the tour, Babarella said to Lilith: “Now you have seen everything if you don’t know where something is then just ask me. Oh, by the way, here is your work uniform, please move to the employee cabin and then come back to me to the shop.“She accepted the uniform, a short, black and red skirt and a thin, white blouse.

In addition overknees and pumps “sexy”, she thought when she examined herself in the mirror. In her new “work outfit” she left the locker room and went back Babarella. Babarella looked at her with a exam and said appreciatively: “Lilith, you are really a feast for the eyes, this outfit is perfect, after your job you can keep the things after the charging unification has been removed.”

So started her first working day.

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