Kevin – The adventures of a young Milf Hunter [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Chapter II

An addiction has grabbed me since my experience in Italy. An addiction to other women of their age too jerk off. Since there were still vacation, I decided to try my luck in swimming pools and experience similar moments. But that was easier said than done.

I don’t want to report on all the days full of failures.

There was a lot of patience, but then finally this came a nice summer day in the morning in the outdoor pool, who was all worth it. Takingness pays off. As always, I roamed the more remote places in the large meadow, some of which were covered by trees.

I saw a woman who corresponded to my preferred age who was spreading her ceiling.

I stood a bit hidden in a bush and could watch her well. When they prevented themselves to spread the ceiling, I immediately noticed their big breasts, which almost threatened to climb out of their bikini.

She saw me, but did not really react to it because I was just another swimming pool visitor for her. But when she found that I was looking at her all the time, she looked at me questioningly.

I went out of the bushes and presented her to her hardy, which I got out of my swimming trunks on the side.

I have often done this in my previous attempts, which only broke outraged faces, scolding and other trouble in the failed failures and I always had to leave the scene quickly. But this woman seemed quite relaxed after the first surprise, looked at mine tail precisely. But then she just went.

I looked after her and wanted to follow her, but my cock was too stiff that would have looked out of my little swimming trunks. Unfortunately, she went past a somewhat lively place and since I had no towel to cover myself up, I had to wait or bad until I was limp again.

I looked after her as much as possible and found that she went into a small shower building. I was a little relieved that I hadn’t lost her and when my little one was in the right size, I hurried after her, past the benches and the table with the pensioners over the black floor plates heated by the sun and then towards the shower building.

When I came in, I already heard the pounding water of a shower and smelled shower gel in the air.

When I turned around the corner and entered the room, which was equipped with 6 shower heads on the walls, I saw her as she was under the wet ray. Fortunately, nobody else was here and I felt my excitement and slight lust rose in me because I knew it would be serious now.

She stood there, looked at me and then began to open her bikinio report so that her beautiful breasts came to light and hung on her and hard on her. Before she started pulling her breasts, she quickly freed herself from her bikini panties and now stood naked in front of me, which finally reminded me that I was not yet naked.

I hastily pulled my swimming trunks down and my already completely stiff tail was ready. I jerked something and watched interested in what she did. “Help me once” was everything she suddenly said and after the first moments of the surprise, I went towards her, unerringly with stiffly furnished cock between my legs, which opened and frustrated with every step.

I stood in front of her, she looked at her panting. I was incredibly horny, after all a naked woman stood in front of me and I was also naked – with hard cock, who is slightly curved up horny from me.

“Washing my tits” were the words that let my lust become immeasurable. Not only the fact that she asked me to do so, but also that she expressed herself as I am not used to women now.

I reached into the lush tits, kneaded them slightly, massaged them and slid over them through the foam again and again, drove underneath it. You seemed to like it.

Then she turned around at once, stood with her back in front of me and asked for me to reach around her to massage her breasts. In doing so, she took the shower gel bottle, turned around and covered the inside of her buttocks with the shower gel.

As she said “Washing me too” she pressed her butt towards me, so that my cock of the length just had to slide between her buttocks. I looked down in disbelief, I first had to make it clear that my cock was actually between her bare, beautiful, round ass cheeks.

I couldn’t do any other way than to move and rub it in between and down, which was quite easy through the shower gel.

I kneaded her breasts further from behind, felt the weight of it lying on my palms. But my priority was on her ass cheeks, between which I repeatedly rubbed my cock up and down, and my glans could see how she always protruded with every push. I stood behind her with slightly bent legs, pressed our bodies close together and moved slowly, wanted to grate my entire length between her baking, but then became a little faster because it felt so cool.

I fucked the ass cheeks of a woman with my cock I went through my head.

My steel -hard part rubbed between her soft ass cheeks over and over again and it didn’t take long to feel it that came to me. I only got with me how my cock embarrassed, beautiful mine sperm Distributed between her buttocks while I was closed and clawed myself into her tits and kept moving while cumshot and rubbing on her. My tail slid through the foam and my sperm and it felt breathtaking.

After I had sprayed, I got slower with my movements and then went back, saw my cock connected to her ass with a sperm shop and noticed how white thick drops dripped down from her buttocks. I was so horny that I would have loved to continue.

She turned around, looked at me and then my cock and reached for it. “Mmh …” she whispered with a nice deep voice, apparently visibly surprised and pleased that he was still steel hard. I was ready for everything, but then I heard something. Voices.

In no time I hurried to my swimming trunks and hurried to the shower in the corner under which I stood my back to the room, because I still had a hard stand.

One Family I came in and I got to my disappointment that the woman attracted her things and left the shower after she was washed by my sticky gift. Again I couldn’t get after her and this time it would not have been so easy to find her again.

Since I did not have the time to wait this time, I did what had to be done: the shower was set on ice cold and after a short time everything shrank again so that my swimming trunks no longer showed treacherous bumps.

I went outside, looked around and found it relieved that she was sitting at one of the tables. I went to her, sat down and looked at her happily.

“Hello,” she just said smiling, which I replied. “I’m the rosi,” she introduced herself. “Kevin …” I replied a little unsafe and continued: “That was really cool.”” Yes, that was … “she grinned and added” … and you too.“In doing so, she winked too.

I didn’t want to talk long around the hot porridge, even though I was excited animal. “Could we … so maybe we could …” I stammered very awkwardly “… also really fuck?”

She then laughed and I looked at her very seriously because I thought she would laugh at me. “Oh, you’re really a sweet one,” she said.

“And I wouldn’t be averse to such a sweet boy, especially because you have a really nice cock.“She winked again and I became quite proud. “That means that you … um, you find my cock cool?“I asked very primitive.

Again she laughed. “Yes, you can be proud of it.

Above all, I liked his hardness. As hard as you were afterwards, we could have done it immediately afterwards?“I couldn’t believe what I heard and replied“ Yes, I can also cum twice in a row when I’m horny. I often jerk.“It was hardly clear to me that I was able to talk about myself so freely with an adult woman and also about a topic, which gave me a lot of fun, but was otherwise very intimate.

“But all the young girls can be happy if they can be fucked by you several times and who is always standing, hm?”” Well, I only jerk because I haven’t had a girlfriend … “” You are still Virgo?!“She then visibly asked in surprise and then slowly added“ So… Listen.

To have some fun like is ok, but yours first time Shouldn’t you have in this way and above all not with a woman my age.”

I was disappointed when I heard that and tried to explain why I wanted it anyway. “But I think you are incredibly great and would love to do it with you.”She replied:” I think that. But that is still not right. Find a girl of your age who also has no experience yet.

Discover them together. This is much better than sleeping with a woman who yours Mother could be.“I didn’t want to let go but the arguments went out and I noticed that I would not convince them.

“But I’m still very horny and would like to do something like just doing it again. At least that would work?“I almost already bend. She smiled, probably she noticed my despair driven by lust.

“Well, then I don’t want to be like that if the Lord wants to cum again” was everything she said and I felt how I got a stiff from her words. So she didn’t mind that I would cum again.

She would even help me with it again. “Come with me.“She got up and I went around the shower building with her.

Nobody could see us there on the back. She sat down in front of me and slowly pulled my swimming trunks down. I thought that was totally cool because I didn’t have to do anything and left her everything. My cock stood in front of her and she put her hand around him.

“I haven’t wanked such a young cock for a long time …” she said when she started shifting my foreskin, only slowly, then faster, then faster. She really grabbed my cock with her hand and grabbed hard, probably wanted to feel his hardness in her hand. She looked at my eyes grinningly while I stared down with big eyes.

She got it while she jerked me, cleverly her chest and then her other from her bikini, so that she was now hanging out and wobbling through her movements, which made me incredibly hot. Then she dropped out briefly from my steel -hard tail, which stood upwards and slowly licked over her entire palm, which she now moistened by her saliva again around my cock.

So her hand slid much nicer about what also caused a dirty sound and felt incredible. I didn’t hire it and just let it inject. She wanted me to get on her tits, but my cock really reared up and the first splashes went into her face, which surprised her because she closed her eyes, looked a bit disgusted and spit my sperm directly when she was on her lipsmet. “Pfffffffftt” was the sound of what she did when she blew my sperm from the pressed lips.

I didn’t care and luckily she continued, trying to push my cock down so that I was injecting on her tits and her stomach. I let her jerk off by her to the end while my sperm ran down on the face. When nothing came, she reached for her towel and wiped my juice from the face and her body. I think she was actually angry because she said nothing at all and just left me with stiff tail.

When she went, I thanked a little unsafe.

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