Our 1. Four | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After our first sexual experience for three, which we captured as a memory for our cell phone and looked at lust again and again, my wife and I decided to expand our little sexual evening tax and continue to dive into the world of lust. We had a lot of cheeky ideas in my head, for example how we wanted to give each other small and great joys with small erotic tasks, but also to enable the other “new lust” to each other.

Due to our lust and openness, we had individual profiles at Xhamster and pair profiles for erotic portals in the Internet created. Our contacts with other couples, which we met like this, were very interesting and those, as well as we were open -minded, and who like to write more with us on the Internet due to my wife’s hot photos. With some we had not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life via WhatsApp Contact And again others, we actually wanted to realize in real.

With an insane tingling in the stomach and an enormous anticipation, we didn’t even make ourselves four months after our first three to meet another couple with whom we had exchanged ideas and lustful news every now and then. We drove to the district of our city and then stood in the front yard of a chic small family home. I put my index finger nervously and excitedly at the bell at Katharina and Ben and looked my wife deep again to make sure if I should turn on firmly.

Despite all the anticipation and desire, my loved one was at least as nervous as I was – but she nodded with a cheeky look and with her sweet grinray on her face. So I pressed and shortly afterwards and we heard a very special “gong”. When the ringing of the “Big Ben” sounded, we both had to laugh out loud. Shortly afterwards we heard steps to the door and after opening Katharina we were with a friendly “Hello, you two! So you dared.

“Stand in. We grin – knew that the two were already moved and wanted to know for us how far we will go at a meeting. And yes, we dared and to greet Katharina my wife fell around my necd and pressed her on the left and right a kiss on the cheeks. “Hello you two, come in,” called Ben from the end of the hallway and when I also stepped in, Katharina also fell around my neck with two kisses to greet me.

So now we stood in a house of us, actually two strangers with whom we actually only combined, cheeky and frivolous to have exchanged. Ben greeted my loved one with a kiss onto the cheek and stretched out his hand in a friendly manner, while Katharina hanged our jackets and asked us in the living room. The living room of the two was nicely decorated. In one corner a dining table with six chairs, which was covered for four people and a fairly large couch landscape in the other corner of the room, with fireplace and large pillows.

Wow, I just thought, because I know that my wife also wants a couch. Ben went to the table, opened a bottle of sparkling wine and for the culinary greeting there was a fairly full glass for each of us. After the sparkling wine while standing, we soon sat at four at the table and ate fried salmon fried on the skin, plus spinach and pasta to have a basis in our stomach before we should start the night together.

After the enjoyable meal that the two had prepared especially fresh for us and some sparkling wine for women and a beer for us men, the taxi came two hours later and after a short drive, we were in a club that the two forchose today. We two couples sat opposite each other at a chic table and there were four colorful cocktails between us, which had been offered to us by the club operators as the “drink of the night”.

We encountered each other, but were also very quick with everyday topics on the topics, from our accrued chats. Sparkling wine, beer and now the cocktails had loosened the tongues. There was an informal and relaxed atmosphere and it was as if we were already knowing half a eternity. When a song completely unknown to me sounded, our hosts suddenly got up and hurried to the dance floor, where they hung in their arms and began to dance.

Somewhat irritated by the sudden departure from the table, I still took a look behind Katharina, because her body was in a black almost completely back -free mini dress and I wanted to see what tattoos were there. However, I was distracted by the back and looked at her crisp and round buttocks with much more attention, which really seemed as hot as that of my wife. With a little folding on my thigh, my loved one tore me out of my thoughts.

“Is damn hot here, or?“ – she asked me. And I knew that she did not mean the temperature in the club. I felt caught, turned to her around her grinning face, which tells me, how the question about the temperature was meant. “Everything is good, darling, I also looked at. “, She continued with her mischievous grin and added with her hand on my thigh:“ And not just on her butt, but also on her tattoos and Ben.

“I laughed, also grin and enjoyed the fact that my wife, like me, was about her thoughts. As far as I could evaluate this, Ben was one of the men who could hardly refuse a woman, he did something, earlier at us when he was pouring the sparkling wine, here in the club and above all how to get thereThe dance floor moved. In contrast to me, he is quite slim, he moves with an elegance that probably not only liked his and my wife, but also the other ladies in the club, who watch the two dancers.

“Hey, let’s only watch them when dancing or we also want?“My wife asked me and we got up. I no longer know whether it was a really designated dance floor on which we found each other or just the lucky circumstance of a free place that we danced to four now. In any case, I marveled at the graceful and energetic movements of the two women who danced around me who were one with the music and also produced a head cinema in me.

I don’t know what was in the cocktail or whether it was due to the dance, a touch of eroticism was in the air and I could not away from Katharina or Ben, nor my wife. It seemed to me that every man in the room would have preferred to be Ben and exchanged me to perform this dance too. Due to the good music selection, we did not go back to our drinks and squares, we danced on and we joined other couples, a few tables were pushed aside and the operation of the club enabled that a special disco feeling was now created.

The bartender prepared new cocktails and we were able to dance and rock from dance to bar and back with full glasses. I, who really can’t do anything with disco and dance, because I prefer to be at concerts and festivals, caught Katharina’s look for a few seconds. She danced exuberantly and smiled at me with an outrageously erotic charism.

We two men looked like fawns for the next two songs, but after the two songs we naturally exchanged our partners and I saw, while dancing with Katharina how Ben let my wife hover over the dance floor, while Katharina onlyA few millimeters before my damn tight pants presented. So I hadn’t been wrong, it was erotic in the air and now I felt it, but I didn’t dare to toast or even hug my dance partner.

After all the wild dance – we needed a break, we went back to our table, but stayed in the partner exchange constellation and were now sitting where we had started to talk about the evening before. We four understood each other perfectly and gymnastics around all night, cheeky sayings and flirtatizing looks determined our behavior, so I hadn’t been detached for a long time. At some point after midnight, Ben’s proposal came that we could visit another small bar, completely near the beach.

He seemed to be very familiar here on the Baltic Sea, because it was a complete success and I had long since taken off my aversion to clubs. So we started with a taxi until we visited another bar in the early morning. The taxi ride was fun, Ben sat with the two women in the back seat and I tried to catch a glimpse from time to time, which the three do with their hands.

But it was too dark, I couldn’t see anything, but I know that I would have loved to exchange with Ben to sit next to the two beautiful ones. The cocktails did not miss their effect, we four laughed, the air crackled, even though our conversations were not just about erotic or sex, I had the feeling that we were in a intoxication. At some point Ben got up – to order a new round again at the bar and I noticed how my wife’s gaze almost stuck on his back.

Katharina had also seen it and pushed her up laughing. I smiled and thought of the situation in the first club when I was who couldn’t take his eyes. Caught by us, blushed my wife and yet she grinned back, she didn’t care. Ben returned to the table with the new drinks and Katharina looked at her boyfriend, then looked at me and then my wife very deeply in the eyes.

She lifted her glass and said: “Every time I see your looks with which you sample us – then I have the feeling we are naked, so greedy you look at us. It may be that you want to have more fun with us?“Wow – for a moment I thought I had been interrogated and bit on my tongue, I had told myself, my erection arose when dancing? I stared at Katharina and my wife, then Ben but all three of them only smiled back and grinned in the group: “Yes, I have the feeling too.

“Then both started to laugh and toasted us. “Think about it. “ – said Katharina and winked at me. The three had a plan in the taxi earlier, for example, without my knowledge. Somehow I felt surprised, even though we had thought about new experiences. We drank everyone else another glass, of which what Ben had advertised as a “secret” and brought us from the bar – we drank, we bobbed the bodies to music – but the cheekiness of the ahead and conversations was somehow evaporated.

Also, the mood from the first shop could not really be made here. I, more than wiping more than noticeably, still admired the two women who were sitting opposite me and I failed to push the thought of sex with the two of my head. “Hey! Don’t dream ” – Ben, stuffed me, he was my dreams and the changed situation also noticed and he said,“ We four are now going back to our home better.

“Again taxi – this time a nicer seating situation for me. I could sit back with the two women and the eyes that we three in the taxi were not really reserved, I hiked across the bodies of the women, pulled them out with my eyes and both kept in touch with me with their eyes constantly. When we arrived at home again after a quarter of an hour or a little more, Katharina showed us where we should stay tonight.

Nothing, with a lounging and playing together on the couch in your living room, nothing with other drinks, when we suddenly stood alone in your house in a guest room and should feel like “at home”. My wife took me in my arm, kissed me hot and willing, grabbed me and breathed to me that she would like to do it with me now that she has been hot since the taxi and that she didn’t want to wait any longerto put on an i-point to the evening.

Tighted by her kisses and words, I grabbed my wife under her dress and pulled her down her string, which was noticeably moist from the evening. All desire from us four seemed to have accumulated in my wife’s lap. When she opened my pants to me and pushed me under wild kisses on the wall, I was able to easily bounce my tail lead into her wet pussy. My wife was hot and she groaned her lust while I fucked her uninhibitedly and with wild bumps in the guest room of our hosts.

It didn’t take long for her to cum. However, we both could not get enough of each other, turned on by us and the night with Katharina and Ben kept over the lust for us. Again and again we slept briefly and then fall back on top of each other until we finally fell asleep around four in the morning. When we drank the breakfast coffee on the gigantically large couch with our hosts on Sunday morning, it didn’t take long for us to talk to four to the previous evening, the dancing, the clubs and drinks as well as sexual fantasies and without us being over beforehandWe felt a “good morning partners’ exchange” that we felt that we thought about sex with each other and exchanged soberly and not cocktailed.

After a while my wife looked at me and asked quietly: “Should I?“ – I remembered the morning when we the first time The three of them had fun and felt how my cock got tough, so I nodded her to her. My wife slipped to Ben and Katharina, the three were as close as it was in a taxi a few hours ago and it started to crack when she exchanged delicate kisses and first touches with the joy of lust, which we both came todayNight already experienced in pairs.

There was again the moment when I became shaky with lust when I saw my wife put on the lust. The erotic tension and tension, all yesterday’s situations, was back and it was too late to cancel. Our desire for what should follow immediately was too great. Our two women kiss passionately, their bodies seemed to dance again when they got rid of each other’s clothes. Ben and I, we stayed at the ends of the couch and looked at our women in the light that the sun threw into their living room that morning.

It tingled in me, my stomach was flush, my hands warm/cold at the same time, my cock pumped – without me just touching it. Our women kissed tenderly on their mouths, their tongues, on the other hand, played wildly, both loved themselves while their hands were slowly wandering across their bodies. The tongues of the two played intensively and Katharina’s hands initially hiked over my wife’s breasts, then over their thighs and then stroked their buttocks.

I gave Ben a look that was already completely lost in the game of the two and had his hand in his short, let his tail play on his tail. My wife, played by Katharina, let herself and Katharina’s hands and lips alternately wandered over her breasts and slid deeper and deeper until her hand finally slid over her venus hill and even further between her legs. With her caresses, Katharina ensured that my wife slipped one sigh after the other and turned them into our gaze.

She smiled at me, then looked Ben and asked me, “what was better, dancing or loving?“I answered“ Love ”and now also reached into my pants to clearly show them that they also make me completely crazy. Katharina leaned over the upper body of my wife after she had convinced herself by Ben’s and my intimate about playing around and started playing her nipples with her tongue, while her fingers of her hand repeatedly small rounds over the inside of herThigh moved until she finally arrived at the center of my wife’s lust and massaged her pussy.

My wife groaned lustfully, it was a similar sound as this night, when we couldn’t leave each other. Katharina stroke her over her clit and knew how to touch her how only women could give each other, in parallel my wife raised her head, looked at us men and asked with an innocent smile: “Say, you don’t want to move out?“Ben and I, we got rid of our clothes and could still not let our eyes gently played my wife’s pussy from his girlfriend’s hand.

While my wife’s gaze wandered between the two men back and forth, Katharina stared at Ben’s body and I saw a short glow in her eyes when he jerked his plump cock to her movements at the same pace. Thereupon Katharina reinforced her touch between my wife’s legs, who rolled her eyes with lust and showed us with a cozy groaning that she was in ecstasy. While my wife now pressed her venus hill faster against her playmate’s hand, who in turn started to spread two fingers over and into her wet pussy.

The same enjoyed it back and pushed over my mouth so that I can taste her fingers on my lips. I licked her fingers with relish. “Yummy?“She asked me with a grin on her face before she gave a groan and sigh again, gave it through her games. I looked into the bright eyes of the two women, had already completely forgotten Ben and let my gaze slide a little deeper, over the body of Katharina and her medium -sized, round breasts, to my wife’s wet lips.

I closed my eyes and imagined that I would like to fuck one of the two now. Then I felt Katharina’s hand on my thigh and twitched briefly together. When her fingers touched my sack and tail, her fingers slowly closed my hard cock and she slowly closed it jerk off started. Then I realized that my wife and I could enjoy the tenderness of another woman together at the same time, just as they enjoyed us men last time.

I grabbed the women with my hands and stroked them. I enjoyed the goosebumps on her bodies and somehow that Ben let me advance. I stroked the two smooth shaved pussies, heard my wife groaned and looked over Katharina’s shoulder, who was now upgrading and started massaging her breasts. “Do you like what you see?“, I heard Katharina in my direction and at the same time she jerked my cock a little faster until I groaned and answered a quiet“ Yes, I like it ”.

Whereupon she let go of and now turned my wife. “Well then, then let’s go, enjoy what you see. “, She said, let go of my cock and sat at my wife’s head, with her pussy, on the mouth of my loved ones, which began to enjoy a wild leak. While my wife licked Katharina, she spread her legs so that Ben and I could see her wet pussy. “Come here, Ben.

“, She said and I turned my gaze from her wet pussy to Ben, who started to lead his plump gland through her wet lust. My wife opened her eyes and looked at me in love and the next moment when Ben pulled his cock through her wet column again before reaching for a condom and then entering her lustfully. My gaze stayed between my wife’s legs, hiked about the game to Katharina, who rose, turned to me and pressed her pussy in my face so that I could take the smell of her lust that my wife gave her.

I breathed deep into myself before I drove my tongue through her column and her bewitching taste on my tongue, enjoyed a good whiskey. While I was still thinking I was in paradise, Katharina pressed my head firmer between her legs and at the same time pressed her pussy so violently in my face that I hardly got any breath. What encouraged me to caress and lick them and lick them more and more wildly. She quickly got louder and when I started sucking her pearl, she shrugged more and more intensely until her quiet moan was drowned out by a louder, greedier one … it was my wife who drowned all of us.

Ben had just prepared her first climax of the morning. Katharina then grabbed my head and turned it away, but pressed me on my back next to my wife and then crawled between my legs. From there she looked at me with a smile and said: “Look at how your girlfriend comes while I suck you around your mind. “, Before she closed her lips around my cock and started sucking on my glans, I saw how Benn started again and my wife spoiled with his cock.

She groaned loudly next to me and I looked at how she had started to wind next to me. Ben’s cock rubbed her clit at a quick pace, while Katharina took her tongue from me and began to jerk off my cock again by hand. For a moment I didn’t believe my ears. It was really my wife, who started with dirty talk next to me? She stuck Ben to fuck her properly and said words that are otherwise not part of her language use.

I stopped my breath, was ready to watch Ben fucks my wife and Katharina sucked me empty at the same time. In the intoxication of the senses, I no longer knew where I should look, I was so intoxicated with four of our game to the four of our game that I would inject everything out of me uncontrollably at some point. Katharina’s grin caused joy in my face and wife, she was now also in a frenzy, while she was uninhibitedly enjoying the tail of another man and shouting out with lust between dirty talk and lust.

She came long and violently and it took a while until her body slowly came to rest. Her moans became a sigh and that also went into a heavy breathing promptly. Wow, what kind of morning. Our hosts not only made us a long evening with fun and eroticism, but also showed us in the morning how cool it is to start a new day completely surprisingly. After my wife and I went to bed alone at night, I hadn’t even thought that we would be too fourth.

After we were all showers and new coffee was cooked, we sat dressed in the living room, my wife whispered that she also wanted to have a big couch and holes what she had to do to get his couch. We quickly laughed and quickly agreed that it would have to go quite wild to get this couch that just us a new experience had brought. “As you both beam, I probably don’t need to ask you if you enjoyed it?”Katharina Keck asked the group -” If you want, it was just a start this morning.

We would like to see you again. ” -” If you decide to come back, you don’t need your own couch ” – Ben followed up without not being able to resist a mischievous grin. “You don’t have to decide right away, even if I’m sure you’ve already done it. “Katharina continued. The two rails liked to have found us and I could also imagine visiting the two more often. A few hot thoughts were still active in my head and my body also felt comfortable when thinking about letting this round happen again.

When we were back home in our apartment in the evening, the two women sent a few more news back and forth until my loved one then sat down to me and breathed my ear that she loved me and not a single day of our relationshipAnd marriage. I put my arm around her and told her: “I love you. “.

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