My first anal fuck experience | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The sun just went down when we drove into the residential area and searched for the number of number that Thorben had given us. It was his turn with driving and I was able to be driven relaxed. I was already looking forward to the promised Tequila party and grinned into me when I thought about my last tequila crash. Of course we both cleaned out and hoped for a lot of interesting and hot guys. Maybe there would even be someone for Nina and someone for me.

At least to enjoy a funny evening. As always, Nina was very elegantly dressed with long bright fabric trousers and a noble blouse in the right color. But I decided again for the somewhat cheeky variant. I had my white, waisted blouse buttoned up, I had tied my dark blond hair back to a braid and my secret weapon in the fight for the hottest guys was in bright hot pants. Because it was cold, I wore black tights and small black boots with high heels to make myself a little bigger at least.

If you were standing next to it and risked a look, you could certainly catch my black push-up, but that didn’t bother me. On the contrary. I liked the attention and loved the secret looks. And the push-up brought everything out of my little breasts that had to be pushed. Finally we arrived at the address and promptly found a parking space. We weren’t the first and we heard the loud bass from indoors in front of the house.

“Wow!«, Nina called me impressed. “That’s a nice accommodation that Thorben put himself here. «I looked around and had to agree. A really chic, new house with chic lighting and even some party decoration in the well-kept garden. Nina rang and bit her lips full of anticipation. party!And when Thorben opened, she grinned at me again mischievously and gave me a knowledgeable look because she knew that I always found him quite spicy, but so far he hadn’t really started me.

»Hey, you two pretty!«, He greeted us warmly and pressed us one after the other. “Nice that you are here! Go straight to the living room and take off. Drinks and snacks are available to you and we are already a very big round. «He looked biting into his washed -out jeans and his white shirt, especially since I stood on big men anyway. I would have loved to be in his arms for longer and felt a little. But he was charming as always and only gave me his smile that a tingling sensation sent me over my back.

Thorben hadn’t promised too much. His house was already fuller who drove around everywhere, drank, chatted or just standing around. Nina and I got a brief overview and grin when we looked at ourselves after a few seconds. We already arrived well and pulled the eyes on us. We knew a few people, but there were also many new faces, so that we were allowed to fight through the crowd, introduced us and were introduced.

After a few seconds the music was damped and Thorben’s voice was looking for attention. “Guys, I actually wanted to officially welcome you to the Tequila party, but unfortunately due to some crazy excuses that I don’t want to repeat individually, made a tiny mistake. «He grinned so cute that I listened to his words as spellbound and probably grin back quite stupidly myself. “I really thought of everything. Only the lemons were surprisingly lost to me.

So we can’t celebrate the tequila party in style. «There were occasional calls into the laughter of the people with advice or compassionate statements. But it was Michael who put an end to the chatter. With a guitar in his hand, he started a chord and called: “Well, let’s go, we are now moving through the neighborhood and singing around our lemons!«Everyone was immediately enthusiastic and a few moments later, we were already outside and lively discussed the possible selection of songs.

To date, I only knew Michael fleetingly, but I also liked it right away. He laughed and had the crowd in a playful manner under control. His good mood was contagious and he was also quite pretty to look at and even a little bigger than Thorben. Our singing in the neighborhood had two effects. We didn’t get lemons, but were immediately supplied with alcoholic beverages almost everywhere. On the other hand, the tequila was slowly becoming superfluous, because at least my head was pretty well buzzing from the whole to the fresh air from the whole.

When we arrived at Thorben at home after an hour, it was already after twelve and so slowly we got less. Some had simply reached their levels, but others celebrated vigorously in the warm living room and turned the music up properly. Thorben came to me with a laugh and took me to the side of my arms. “Well, that just went well with the lemon debacle, or?«I beamed over both ears and held up close to him.

“Oh yes, you solved that very well. You and Michael have been a cool team. “”However. This has been my best buddy for years and together we are obvious!«Oh … so far I have nothing to complain about with you. I think you are great!«He grinned and let his gaze slowly hike over my body from top to bottom. Immediately I felt my pulse go up and even caught how I turned a bit to show him everything.

“Oh, Sara. And I hardly dare to say how I find you!«Then the guy actually left me without giving me a chance to continue to hook or say something about it. I wanted to be outraged, but instead only grinned into me and looked at his butt while he joined other guests. The party Toted her run and Thorben often gave me a meaningful look across the room until Michael noticed it and pushed into my field of vision with an excessive pout.

“This is unfair, Sara! I greeted you just as warmly and even made the whole group sing for you. And now only he gets your hot looks?«I went to him with a laugh and put my arm around his back. “You find my eyes hot? And the team only sang for me? Soso … «You might be the best buddy and similar in appearance. Otherwise Michael was another caliber when flirting.

He immediately put his arm around me and pulled me tightly until my hip pressed against his thigh. “Your eyes are not only hot, they are pure sex!«I was actually surprised for a moment, but I quickly got back. »Pure sex? That sounds cool. And then you just stand in between? Is already brazen from you!«I tried to sound really reproachful, but I continued to turn to him until I stood headally in front of him and looked into the eyes of him challenging.

Again he pulled me closely and so his thigh landed directly between my thighs and immediately electrified me. He smiled cheekily and even increased the pressure a little bit. “If you have a chance of such a sharp part as you, I shouldn’t be reserved. Otherwise Thorben just snaps you away and at most I can still look after. “The alcohol made me brave. I opened my thighs a little and liked to let myself be pulled against his thigh.

“And you would just snap away beforehand and let him go empty -handed? You are a great buddy!«That was a cool saying from me. At least I thought that for a tiny moment. But Michael was anything but speechless. He looked at me, tensioned his muscle a few times to push directly against my pussy and then whispered quietly in my ear: “I am sure that he and me will come up with how we can share you … best at the same time!«And now he also left me! Such an ass! He couldn’t whisper something in my ear and then just go away! Damn it, that should have been my departure to wrap it around his finger, and now he had tried it with me.

I had to see a thought later that his attempt was absolutely successful. My pussy cooked and I was on the hook. Then many my eyes almost my eyes and my face ran so red that everyone would notice it! Michael stood near Thorben, whispered in his ear and showed me over to me!I would like to be sunk in the ground. I went a little confused into the kitchen, the hallway, back into the living room and back into the kitchen.

I was startled when Thorben met me in the kitchen and asked me as if nothing had happened at all. “Hey Sara, what are you looking for?«I looked down and stammered a little, but Thorben behaved completely natural and relaxed opposite me. He got new ice from the freezer, smiled at me, said innocently: “Sara, you look really good today!” and went. As soon as he left, Michael reappeared with a grinning grin in the kitchen door.

I sparkled with him and hit his fist as hard as I could against his shoulder. »Au!”, He shouted at play. Apparently I couldn’t even miss a memo. However, he laughed disarming and took my fist into his hands to kiss her. “Sorry, Sara. I just couldn’t resist and I had to annoy you a little. Evil?«Oh, this guy! Now he also played his deer eyes and I couldn’t do anything about it.

I melted there and whispered back very threatingly that I would take revenge. “Hey! Here you are!«Again I winced and tore my hand out of his hands a little too quickly to be covered up. Nina stood in the door and examined Michael for a moment and then cheekily grinning me. Then her expression changed and became a little miserable. »Sorry, Sara, but I really have headaches. Is a great party, but I would like to drive now.

«Fuck! My conscience stood up because I had neglected Nina all evening. So she was in a bad mood and wanted to go home? And I didn’t want to go home yet. The party was great or at least it was Thorben and Michael. “Oh, Nina. Thorben must have a tablet for you. It’s funny here. «“ Sorry, Sara, but I really want to go home. My head explodes the same and I want to go to bed. «At least it didn’t sound like she’s mad at me.

But that only made it better in part. I wanted to stay, I couldn’t get rid of it yet. Thorben saved me and appeared alongside Nina in the kitchen door. “It’s a shame that you have to go, Nina. I would have liked to have had you here longer. «She only pointed to her temple and Thorben turned to me. “If you want, you can also score here and I’ll drive you around tomorrow. You are definitely not the only one and I have enough mattresses.

«It was tempting. And Nina looked at me peacefully and pulled my shoulders up. I pondered a little and talked to myself. After all, I wouldn’t be alone and the party was just too cool straight. “Ok, I stay here when it’s ok for you, Nina. «” Sure, treasure. I’m really sorry that I will give up now, but I have to go to bed. enjoy the party. «She pulled her jacket over, checked her cell phone and key and took me to say goodbye.

Then she whispered to me softly: »Grab one of the two and let it crack for me, yes?«Then she kissed me on the cheek, grinned and went. The party continued two or three hours and I flirt alternately with Thorben and Michael. Gradually the other guests said goodbye and I was excited to see who would stay. When the last girl went, I looked at Thorben a little questioningly and he understood immediately.

“Sorry, I really thought that more people would spend the night,” he said convincingly, “as it looks, we will only be three today. “Aha! Michael would also stay here. Well, we couldn’t change that anymore. When Michael gave me a cheeky look again, I had to grin and hit him again against his shoulder. “So good,” I called to you, “where do we score?”” I’ve already put the mattresses in the living room, “called Michael.

And before I was able to ask further, Thorben interfered. “Then put another one. I will not leave you old piglets alone with Sara. Better, I’m going to take care of it a little!«We laughed and I didn’t think anything about it. Thorben worried ceilings and pillows and even put one of his shirts because I hardly wanted to score in my blouse. He also offered me shorts, but they didn’t fit at all.

“Hihi, it won’t work,” I giggled. “But your shirt is so long for me that I will try it without shorts! But keep your fingers with you, of course?«I sparkled her seriously and both nodded well. Then I disappeared into the bathroom, changed and only returned to the two with his shirt in my string, which had already cleaned up, had dimmed the light and lay on their mattresses.

“Really now?«, I grinned at the two of them. “I should be in the middle?“They didn’t answer, only pushed the ceiling back in the middle and pointed to my mattress. So I lay down between the two and made every effort not to show too much of me. But I was startled a little when I saw how my small, pointed nipples stood out hard and pierced my shirt and threw a long fold. “You haven’t seen that, or?«I asked in my cute tone and looked at the two of them grinning one after the other.

Immediately both of them shook their heads and bit their lips. “It’s just cold here!«And now the two nods just as violently and bit more on their lips. Thorben knapped the light, but the standby light of his music system was enough to still recognize everything. We chatted for another minute, then we wished for a good night. While calm came, I was tortured with my face and he was to me.

I looked him deep in the eyes and he kept his eyes until I got hot and cold at the same time. I saw his smile and grinned back when he opened his mouth wide and pretended that it was suddenly terribly hot under his ceiling. For minutes we just flirted with our eyes without saying a single word, and I almost burst because he still didn’t do anything. A few times he carefully looked over me and checked whether Michael had fallen asleep now, then he smiled at me again with this hot look and nodded quietly.

My smile got even wider and that was enough for him to finally dare. His hand slowly came to my face and his fingers touched my cheek very gently. It felt like small heat waves were flowing through my cheek into my body and heating me up from the inside. I turned my head a bit until I came against his fingers with my mouth and kissed it carefully. Immediately he put his fingers under my chin and his thumb on my lips, which I opened a little and sucked on it tentatively.

Thorben closed his eyes briefly and pressed his thumb deep into my mouth, so that I could now really lick and suck on it. He pulled it out of my mouth several times in a row, stroked my lips and then penetrated me back into me. My pussy burned like fire and my nipples stood so hard that it hurt. I felt that Thorben was slowly sliding his free hand under the ceiling and looking for a path under my shirt.

He circled my little breasts and I couldn’t concentrate on his thumb anymore. Slowly he slid out of my mouth and stayed on my lip while the other hand arrived on my right breast and tenderly slid over my stiff nipple. So spoiled, I could hardly pull myself together. I wanted to moan loudly, but I tore myself together so as not to interrupt our wonderful game. And Thorben enjoyed it to make it extremely difficult to make it together.

He took my nipple between the thumb and index finger and gently grabbed. He plucked it and let him escape from his fingers again and again. I could hardly stand it and the first quiet groan sound sounded out of my throat. My body rebelled and didn’t want to be quiet anymore. I finally wanted to access and snap this delicious guy in front of me, who was still smiling at me and with his lips a “schhhh …”. When he moved away from my breasts and let it slide down, I stopped the air.

He slid over my stomach and navel, circle it once and then drove on to swipe my thighs, which I immediately and willingly opened. He found my clit immediately and didn’t torch for long. After only two small movements I groaned again and this time a little louder. And I didn’t care. His fingers felt wonderful and I grabbed his thumb with my mouth to suck violently this time to show him that I wanted more.

And Thorben’s finger shared my hot lips and penetrated deep into my pussy. It was over with my mastery. I groaned a little louder for the first time and twisted my eyes with lust. Then I flinched together!A hand stroked my bottom tentatively and I stopped the air as if that were helping. My first reflex was protest, but Thorben’s finger in my tight pussy simply pushed my reflex aside.

Everything turned in my head and all thoughts seemed to fire at the same time. The idea of protest came again and again, but I definitely didn’t want to stop. Just protest. Michael smuggled close to me and gently kissed my neck up until shortly in front of my ear. “You’re so incredibly horny, Sara! Your horny tits turn my head and I only have head cinema on your trained buttocks!«He let his hand slip my twitching body on my side and looked for my breasts.

In contrast to Thorben, which I had to encourage a little, Michael knew exactly what he wanted. He grabbed my chest hard and let me groan. I still tore myself together to be quiet, although that was no longer necessary. But it was much too unreal as if I had been able to indulge immediately. Thorben took a second finger for my pussy and now fingered me a little stronger, Michael kneaded my chest and I lost myself in my lust.

And both now groaned louder and louder. Her lust was transferred to me directly over her hands and continued to grow while the two researchers became. “I want to finger the little one too,” I heard Michael to Thorben say. Oh, my god was horny! One pulled his fingers back, the other took his place, only that he was cheeky here and his two fingers stuffed me into the pussy quickly and hard.

“Fuck, Thorben … it’s much hornier than I thought,” whispered Michael Dunkel. “Your pussy is so tight that I hardly get in with two fingers. «Now I groaned really loudly, threw my head back against Michael’s shoulder and called it in his ear. “Finger me on! That’s so cool … you pigs planned that!«» Schhhh … If I feel your pussy so much, then it doesn’t seem to disturb you very much.

«Michael pushed into my tight column twice and then turned back to Thorben again. “You or I? Who fucks them first?””I!”, Thorben called immediately and crouched down to get rid of his shorts. His harder tail Jumped out of his prison and lured me to himself. I leaned forward, reached for it and sucked it straight into my mouth. In the weak light I could at least see enough to lick it completely from the outside and then pull it back into my mouth.

And Thorben groaned so horny!“Oh, yes, you horny piece! Suck him his cock nice and stiff so that he can fuck you equally well!«Michael took my head and pressed him a little deeper on Thorben’s tail and whispered in my ear. “Suck him, and then you suck my cock to me. Do you feel like my cock?«I couldn’t answer properly with the tail in my mouth, but at least I murmured my consent and he laughed quietly in the ear.

“I knew it, I knew that you were really cool in it. Thores will fuck you now and you will suck my hard cock with it. «Thorben retired, grabbed me and turned me on all four. He kneaded my ass and pushed my upper body down so that I was crouching perfectly in front of him to take his cock deep into me. His tip slid three times between my wet lips and pushed against my clit that I was horny.

Then he put on and pushed a little bit. While my lips greedily divided, he penetrated my pussy and sent me to the dreamland. His cock, Michael’s talk and the whole situation made me lose any control and I felt an amazing orgasm. Finally Thorben pushed deep inside me and I screamed my lust out loud. Thorben enjoyed my tight pussy for a moment, then he pulled back almost completely and pushed again.

My head was pushed deep into the mattress through its strength and I drifted into paradise when Thorben finally fucked and bumped again and again and again. I heard him moan and also heard my own as if from a distance. And when Michael pulled my upper body up, I just let it happen. “So horny, Sara, you are so horny. I want to push my cock into your mouth and fuck you!«And my lust gave me answer.

“Yes, push your hard cock into my mouth. Fuck my mouth!«His cock was a surprise for me. As he in front of my eyes Aktung and I chased the outlines in the weak light, I took a sigh to me. Thorbens was very cool, but Michaels was a good bit bigger and, above all, thicker. I had to tear my mouth open to let it slide into my mouth and enjoyed the thick tip that was pushed over my tongue and moved back and forth.

Thorben took a break and waited deep in my pussy. With one hand I supported myself on the mattress, with the other I played around Michael’s eggs, the plump and heavy hung in front of me, and made him so horny that he immediately breathed heavily and let the air hiss between his teeth. So that was he. My first double fuck! For the first time I had two cocks in me and I was immediately addicted.

I only had the two guys for myself and was literally the focus. I was about to. Just a little more and I would come so violently that I could hardly wait. Thorben only had to continue and when he finally moved, everything went messy. Both wanted to penetrate me at the same time, pulled me back and forth, slipped out of me and pushed me back and forth rather than fucking me.

It took another two seconds, then the two boys giggled and finally I also over our weak attempt. “Damned!”, I complained half -laughing half -complaining,” I’ve almost been ready. I would have imagined it easier. «Thorben slowly penetrated me from behind and held me on my hip. “True. In the porn it always looked much easier!«I turned a bit to him and my lust was back.

“In the porn the sluts are simply fucked harder!«Michael almost choked and howled loudly. “Oh fuck! You are so crazy!«With one hand he put under my chin and came close to my face. “I’m on sluts. I fancy you. And now we will fuck you like a horny porn lamp!«And I just grinned at him cheekily. He kept his cock in front of my face again and wiped my hand aside when I wanted to grab it.

“Forget it. You wanted porn!«I willingly opened my mouth and took the big cock greedily in my mouth. Its tip slid over my tongue again and this time deep into me. So deep that I couldn’t go on and had to pull myself together when he pushed against my throat. Then Thorben also started to move again and now pushed his cock forward and back in my pussy. And this time the two found a horny rhythm.

I felt more cool than ever before. And I felt filled out. The tail in my mouth just tasted wonderful and in my pussy sent one electric shock after the other through my body. A few bumps, then the horny feeling of the approaching highlight came back and I felt how I lost myself again in my lust. I heard the two guys say something, but no longer understood it and didn’t take care of myself as long as they just didn’t stop.

A little still. I was just about to do it and only concentrated on myself while the two took over the full control. Again the two called something incomprehensible and increased their pace. Thorben also fucked me hard and sent me a step further. And I exploded. A fireworks went up in my head and I would be limp on the mattress, the two guys hadn’t kept me. I whimpered and howled, my body twitched uncontrollably and my pussy contracted rhythmically around the tail that was still in her.

“I want to exchange now,” called Thorben. “If you stuff her tight cunt while I now fuck her mouth!«And I was simply pushed into the desired position by the two. I had no say and didn’t want to. I enjoyed the waves that raged through my body and were happy to let myself be lifted onto the flat couch. Thorben had now also discovered his dirty vein and put me back on the back the couch and let my head hang over the edge.

I almost laughed because I found it so uncomfortable before that she had no armrests, but now I shot through my head that it was more advantageous for the number here. Thorben knelt in front of my head and let his smeared tail drip directly on my face. “So, you little cunt. You want it like in porn? Then suck my cock nicely clean! I hope you like a little pork stuff.

“” Yes, “I groaned breathlessly,” I stand on it!«He promptly drove me across my face with his cock and I tasted my own pussy on the pulsating staff. I tried to catch him with my mouth, but Thorben played a little bit with me and enjoyed the sight while his eggs clapped my face. Michael had also put himself in position and pushed both thighs apart to be able to fuck my pussy.

“I’ve been waiting for that for a long time!«Then he quickly penetrated my shritching column. His cock was significantly larger and painfully filled me up at first. But my lust followed quickly and again I was impaled from both sides when Thorben finally pushed his cock back into my mouth again. The boys finally came to my sensitive breasts and used it immediately. With two cocks in me, the two alternately pulled on my nipples, tricks or turned and kneaded my little breasts.

It was hard and raw sex and I loved every second. My pussy was still overwhelmed by the climax and yet I soon noticed how the next one announced. Thorben reached my neck and pressed my head down a little further so that he could fuck me directly in my mouth. I had never allowed anyone to do that before, and yet it made me incredibly hot, so hard and dirty to be used.

Again the two changed and now exchanged the places. Thorben pushed into my pussy again, while for the second time I had to suck my own juice from a tail. Michael drove his cock deep into my mouth and played wildly with my breasts. And Thorben fucked my pussy for a few seconds until he pulled back and turned me on the side. He knelt down and pulled my thighs apart, then licking my used pussy and playing with my clit.

When I groaned with relish, Michael also paused and enjoyed the show. Thorben spoiled me so wonderfully that at first I didn’t even notice how he let his second hand slide past my pussy further backwards. When I realized what was going to come now, I howled out loud and wanted to free myself from the tail in my mouth. But Michael did not give up and talked to me. »Hey, Hey … We determine here and you just let yourself be fucked and enjoys.

Schhhh … this is your first three. Let’s try everything and go there. «I was still whining quietly, but no longer moved, but kept silent. Michael continued to talk to me and Thorben played with his tongue on my clit as he pushed a finger over my crispy buttocks and between my buttocks. He circled his finger around my little, tight hole and gently pressed against it. That was wrong and horny at the same time.

I wasn’t there either Virgo, But so far it has always happened with a lot of rest and only with a man who could take a lot of time. This would be different and it scared me. And yet I was paralyzed and let her do it. Thorben increased the pressure and pushed his finger forward in a circular movements. It felt pretty strange to let me touch it, but my pussy had long since taken control of me.

And since I was still keeping still, Thorben took it as a request to push his finger a little bit into me. My tight butt cheated a little bit and his fingertips slid into me. I immediately felt the urge to pull my muscle together and push the intruder out. And when it didn’t work, it became uncomfortable. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel right. And here with the two crazy guys, I couldn’t really let go.

“Oh, Sara!”I heard Michael. “You are the hottest sow I know. I look at you how you have to pull yourself together and it makes me horny. You are really a small, dirty bitch. And now you let your tight asshole finger!«His dirty talk seemed somehow sliding directly into my cunt, because it really turned me on. I wanted to be his horny bitch and wanted to pull myself together. And when Thorben’s finger slipped another piece in me, I could leave a little more loosely.

It burned, but he continued to push forward until I peeled out loudly, turned through my body and my finger was completely in my tight hole. Again, Michael talked to me, so horny this time that I calculated at any moment that he would spray. “Oh my God. You little cunt. You really let yourself finger in your ass! How cool! You stand on it to be our bitch, or?«He released my mouth and leaned down to me.

“Say, you want to be our bitch?«I breathed heavily and looked his eyes deep in his eyes. And I nodded. “Say it!”” Yes, “I breathed. “Yes what?«Michael didn’t give up. “I want to be your bitch!«Suddenly Michael tore me up on my shoulders and Thorben’s finger quickly slid out of my buttocks. Michael sat down on the couch and pulled me to ride him and his thick cock bored into my tight pussy.

With a long moan I slid down deeply on him until I had it completely in me and was completely filled out. “Sara, what do you want to be for us?«” Oh, my god … your bitch!«I could hardly hold myself and my head fell weakly on his shoulder. Michael grabbed my side and fucked me hard a few times on his big cock until I could only whine and whimper.

“Say it, Sara! say it!«Everything turned again in my head and I didn’t even know exactly whether the climax came or went. My pussy tingled continuously and my body wanted more. So I finally shouted: “Come on, now, please fucks me, fucks my ass!«And at the same moment Thorben appeared behind me. Michael pulled me closely and kissed me intensively, while Thorben pressed his cocks against my tight asshole.

I breathed quickly and clawed into Michael’s shoulders. Then I felt a pressure on my ass and was slowly pushed forward. My tight hole did not let the intruder in and was only pressed forward. Only after a few more seconds I winced and my muscle gave in a little that the tip could penetrate me. »Uhh… Damn!«I blown out the air quickly and loudly from my lungs and couldn’t believe what was happening here.

Then Thorben pushed further forward and my tight asshole slowly released the path. I howled and whimpered while the tail was paving its way and my entire abdomen seemed to burst from the pressure of two cocks. I could no longer tell my body’s individual signals and thought I couldn’t stand it anymore. Then Michael pulled his cock back a bit and pushed him back into me again. And again.

And again. My body cheated on me again and my pussy let all of the nerves fire until my whimper was finally groaned and I dropped on Michael. Thorben pushed himself deep into my little asshole with another shock and this time I screamed with lust. Everything felt overcrowded and tight and my head cinema called me that I now had two thick cocks in me and I experienced my first sandwich.

I was like in a trance and started enjoying the extreme number. The moaning of the guys also made me horny and gave me almost a feeling of power. The longer the two took me and the louder they groaned, the hornier it made me until I rounded up to the two of them finally. I only had to wait a few seconds, then Michael first discharged in my pussy and shortly afterwards Thorben injected his hot juice deep into my ass.

Another premiere for me. I didn’t come again at that moment. At least it didn’t feel that way. But still all the nerves of my pussy and my tight hole fired at the same time and sent a circulatory impact after the other through my body. I don’t even know how we fell asleep afterwards and I only know that I didn’t even have enough strength to clean myself after this mess. Only hours later after a little sleep, I was the first to wake up and went under the shower, where I stood long, extensive and dreamy and let my hot water run over my skin.

It was actually a little embarrassed to us and the situation was pretty uncomfortable for me. I looked at the floor shyly and almost thought that the two would somehow judge me. But when Thorben looked at me, raised my face and gently kissed me, my concern was gone. Both took me in the arm and Michael couldn’t leave it to whisper a little again in the ear. “Sara, that was by far the hottest sex of my life! And if you feel like it again at some point, we will fuck you even more nastier and harder!”.

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