In the river | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: (c) 2000 by Erotic virgin part 11 of the stories from Petra Kirsch’s environmental Michaela piloted her out of the city and told her that she should drive to the right onto the main road. Once there, leaned Michaela back and a cigarette. Minutes later she looked at the tank clock. “I think the fuel is enough,” she said amused when Petra’s unbelieving look noticed. After an hour drive they reached the Rhine.

“Behind the next village we have to turn right into a narrow dirt road,” said Michaela Petra, who steered the Audi as dependent on the bumpy path, which was hardly to be described after a hundred meters. Petra feared to get there. She came with that automobile just through the bushes. After another hundred meters the path had disappeared and Petra had to control the Audi over a wild meadow.

“We can park the car in the shade behind it,” said Michaela, pointing to several large trees under which the car had enough space. Petra headed for the specified area and had to recognize that they were located directly on the banks of the Rhine. When Petra switched off the engine, they both got out, went in front of the cars and looked out on the wide river. “A really nice place!“, Said Petra appreciatively.

“Even as a small child, I always drove here with my parents on Sundays and spent the whole day here,” explained Michaela, went to the car and returned with her bag. Michaela spread a big blanket, took her place and interpreted Petra to set her. Petra striped off her shoes, crouched on the ceiling and watched Michaela how she cleared her bag.

She brought out a laptop. A cell phone and a tube of sunscreen followed. “If I had known that this calm cookie was so remote, I would have taken something drinkable,” said Petra sadly because she was already feeling thirst. “I’m a bright girl,” said Michaela with a laugh and brought out a bottle of mineral water from the large bag. “If I didn’t have them!“, Said Petra and looked at Michaela. “I think we can go to you here.

We can save this for the company, ”added Petra. “Agreed!“, Michaela said with bright eyes, opened the laptop and started it. “I’m making music,” said Petra, rose, went to the car and switched on the radio. “RPR one makes good music,” called her Michaela. Petra pressed the scan button, let the individual stations go through until she found the desired transmitter and turned the volume up.

When they left the car she stretched and looked around. Michaela was sitting on the ceiling and typed around on the keyboard. Since Petra couldn’t help her, she closed off in the surrounding area. “I do a little exploration tour!“, She called Michaela too. “But don’t let yourself be addressed by foreign men!“She replied with a laugh. “Why not?“Asked Petra and started without waiting for an answer.

Petra first explored the edges of the meadow, which had apparently not been managed for years, so that a thick, soft grass layer had formed, which in turn was mixed with a lot of moss. Petra believed to run on a thick carpet. On three sides it was growing by dense bushes and bushes, which prevented any view of the meadow. The fourth side towards the Rhine was open on a strip of around twenty meters wide and only overgrown with several large trees that donated plenty of shadows.

Petra ended her exploration tour and returned to Michaela, who still dealt with the laptop. “How far are you?“Asked Petra when she sat down next to Michaela on the ceiling. “I got it the same,” she replied without taking a look from the monitor. Petra took a sip from the water bottle because the heat of the day was slow. She noticed how she started sweating under her breasts and her full tits on bra rubbish.

“Bingo. . I have her, ”said Michaela Freudig and beamed at Petra. “Then let’s see what our dear Mr. Rossmann wanted to hide from our eyes,” said Petra, slipping closer to Michaela, laying on his stomach and looking at the screen. The first file only contained information about a long -completed project. Petra wondered why he still had these documents on his computer. Petra taught himself that there was a certain reason for this.

Her hunting instinct was awakened and let her shiver slightly. Their inner excitement was also evident outwards. Her nipples emerged hard again. The second page also gave nothing new price. Petra literally betrayed the idea that Horst Rossmann had one or the other kind of dirt on it. “So I don’t know how you are, but it’s decisively too warm in my clothes,” said Michaela and Riß Petra from her thoughts.

Petra saw Michaela rose and put her hands on the lower hem of her T-shirt. Michaela noticed Petra’s eyes and said: “Don’t be afraid. In addition to the ship crews, nobody can see us here. And they can’t come here. “She said loosely and grazed the shirt over the head under which nothing but naked skin wore. Michaela just threw it on the bonnet. Then she opened the zip of her skirt and hurled after the T-shirt.

Now she only had a tiny white panties, which she pulled out just as easily and threw away. Michaela stretched his arms up and stretched out enjoyable. “Now I feel much more comfortable,” she said, and besides Petra on the ceiling, who was still believing what Michaela had done, even though she had seen it with her own eyes. Michaela seemed to have no inhibitions off and lying around naked.

Petra still hesitated. In her deepest inside, she would have preferred to tore the things off the body, but because Michaela was one of her employees, of whom she did not know if she in the company She would still hesitate about her excursion. But she decided to do it Michaela. Petra rose, went to the motor hood of her Audi and undressed. The light breeze, which instantly cooled down her heat from the river, and formed a slight goosebumps for the fraction of a second for a fraction of a second.

The sudden coole also made the nipples bloom, which Petra unsettled because she didn’t know how Michaela reacted when she returned to her. In order to win some time, Petra put her clothes together and stroked her smoothly. “I found something!“, Michaela called,“ you should look at that ”Petra let nipples be nipples, returned to Michaela and lay so tightly on her stomach that her bodies touched their bodies.

The Contact triggered a blissful in Petra, which dragged her to her labia and further increased her excitement. “Look here!“Said Michaela and pointed to a text passage. A financial transaction was listed there, which Petra could not explain on the second reading. Based on the account number, Petra could see that 50. 000 DM had been transferred from the company account to an account of the Luxembourg Central Bank. As far as Petra was informed, they worked exclusively with Deutsche Bank when it came to transfers abroad.

“I can’t make a rhyme on this transfer,” said Petra and read the section again. “I’ve read about such transfers many times,” said Michaela Frei and looked at Petra without understanding. “What do you mean?“Asked Petra. “Just as I said. I know about several transfers to the Luxembourg Central Bank, ”said Michaela without participation. A dull fog horn tore the two women out of their work. “I think we have new friends,” said Michaela dry.

The Nebelhorn clearly came from a passing freighter, whose crew she had apparently discovered. The men s) could only look at their bare asses from behind because they both closed their thighs. “We want to heat up the boys a little?“Michaela Petra grinned with shiny eyes. “I don’t know,” replied Petra evasively. “Come on, don’t be like this. We can beautify your boring journey for a few seconds, ”Michaela Lüstern breathed and was already leaning on her arms.

As Petra could see, their nipples stood hard from their full tits. The fact that Michaela seemed to present themselves to the foreign men seemed to be excited. Petra also had to admit that the idea did not leave her cold, but she hadn’t yet particularly excited, since she had already banged in the bar in front of an audience. “What is now?“, Michaela pushed. Petra decided to go all over. “OK. .

But then we also really offer you something ”;it came from Petras lips. “How you mean. Count me in!“Michaela replied with a slightly trembling voice. Petra rolled around and straightened up so that you could look at her front from the ship. Michaela did the same. Petra had immediately discovered the man in the control center. He had a binoculars in front of his eyes in her direction.

Siihm waved up together with a smile. Petra pulled her Legs and let them slide a few centimeters so that their pussy came to light. Petra believed how to see the eyes of the helmsman greater behind the binoculars, which she hung up. She literally felt his view of her hot column and let the thighs slide apart as far as possible. Petra started to knead the plump boobs and did not let the man out of his eyes for a second.

At the moment he didn’t care what happened to the ship. He only stared over at them. Slowly but steadily Petra’s hands wandered deeper until she reached her pubic hair. “Very daring what you are doing,” said Petra Michaela’s voice. “I said it if right then,” Petra breathed and spread her now damp labia with two fingers. From the corner of the eye, Petra saw that Michaela is the same.

What did the man think about over there on his ship, Petra shot through his head. Probably nothing at all because he dedicated his full attention to her actions. Petra went one step further. With her free hand she grabbed Michaela between her legs and stroked her plum. Michaela’s cunt cooked and was soaking wet. Petra crumbled her middle finger and pushed him into the pussy, which caused her to form a deep sigh.

Now Michaela took a heart, Petra led between his thighs and bored a finger in Petra’s pleasure grotto. “My God. . What makes me horny, ”groaned Petra lustfully and closed his eyes. She concentrated all of her senses on the wanking finger in her horny hole. Petra felt like the climax in her climb and the excited fuck column began to tense up the fucking finger. “We can end our show.

. The barge is gone, ”Michaela breathed and pulled out his finger. Petra opened his eyes and looked out on the empty river. The ship was actually gone. She now let off Michaela’s column and looked into her face. Her lust, which emerged in dark red spots, was clear there. It had horny she as well as Petra. “It would almost have happened to me,” admitted Petra freely.

“I was no different,” it came over Michaela’s lips, “A minute longer and it would have come … we want to go swimming a round?””Why not?“Petra replied calmly and rose because her knees caused her some problems and began to pain. “Come with me!“, Said Michaela Kurz and ran off. She did not go to Petra’s surprise to the river bank but struck a different direction. How a sheep was followed by Petra behind Michaela.

Petra trusted her blindly, which she was surprised because she normally did not entrust herself to other people so quickly and preferred to get away at a distance to get to her counter. Michaela steered purposefully for a group of bushes. When they were only a few steps away from the bushes, Petra noticed a narrow entrance that could not be seen from the distance. They both entered the shrubs.

The passage was so tight that branches repeatedly touched their skin, which felt like gentle whip strains;And not exactly appropriate to let Petra’s excitement subside. On the contrary, every new touch made it even hornier. “Where do you take me?“Asked Petra to distract himself a little. “We’re almost there!“, Said Michaela pressed another branch to the side. Less than fifty steps further, the bushes ended, and the two women stood on one of the many Rhine side arms that were still available in this landscape.

The adjoining arm was more like a lake that was covered with trees and bushes. The connection to the actual river was less than five meters wide. There was a heavenly calm that was only interrupted by the twittering of the birds. There was peace at this place. No noise disturbed nature in its existence. The smooth water surface shimmered silky matt, so Petra could not see the reason for the side arm. “It is a strange feeling at the beginning when you go into the water,” said Michaela and looked at Petra.

“How come?”” The underground is pretty muddy, “said Michaela and took a few steps. Petra followed her in the shallow water, which had a pleasantly cool temperature and she let her sexual excitement subside. After about two meters, the Rheinwasser Petra reached the hip. Petra briefly kept on his knees, so that only her head looked out of the water. After she got used to the water temperature, Petra swam off.

A quarter of an hour later they left the cool wet and went back to their berth. Wet as they were, just let yourself fall on the ceiling that was now in the sun, as it was pulled on in the sky. They both turned on their backs, closed their eyes and let the sun burn down. Petra almost fell asleep when she heard a quiet, gentle moan next to her.

She showed no emotion and wanted to wait and see what happened. Slowly but steadily groaning became stronger and passed into a gasp. Michaela somehow seemed to be irritated because these tones only suggested a sexual excitement. Petra decided to give up her attitude. She opened her eyes and turned to Michaela. Petra’s assumption met too. Michaela had put on her thighs and spread. She massaged her pussy with both hands.

Two fingers of one hand had pushed herself into the wet grotto and fucked herself with them while rubbing over her clit with the middle finger of the other hand. Michaela had apparently noticed Petra’s movement and turned her head to Petra. “I’m so horny!“She breathed without interrupting her work. “Go ahead. . Make it, ”said Petra, who felt the lust again as well as in her and made the cunt twitch.

Michaela suddenly took her hand off the clit, reached into her pocket and rummaged around in her. Finally she pulled out a vibrator and held it out Petra. “It would be nice of you if you would spoil me with my boyfriend,” Michaela breathed excited. Without a word Petra took the rubber milk from her hand and climbed between Michaelas Schenkel. Michaela pulled her fingers out of the column and spread her dark red labia, so that the hard pleasure stick appeared clearly.

Michaela’s pleasure center was far open in front of Petra’s eyes. She had a wonderful love grotto, as Petra found. The sight of this soaking wet cunt made Petra’s column twitch, which could be felt deep into her abdomen. Following a sudden inspiration, Petra leaned forward and stroked her tongue over Michaelas Kitzler, who groaned under the unexpected touch and Petra stretched out her abdomen. In any case, she seemed to please her, Petra thought, since she didn’t know whether Michaela had ever been licked by a woman, and let her tongue drive over the hard pleasure stick again, which Michaela assessed for another horny groaning.

“What do you do with me?“, She breathed excited. Petra didn’t answer her. For this she let her tongue enter Michaela’s pleasure center deeper. Slowly Petra’s tongue struggled along the inside of the labia and gently drilled into her horny fussy. “The. . is. . nice!“, It came chopped out of Michaela’s mouth. Petra felt like Michaela’s twitches increasing and her breath was faster and faster. Petra was now limited to sucking Michaelas Kitzler as she grabbed the rubber hing and carefully brought it to the cunt entrance.

She let him slide through the moist column several times before she swiveled it and put the tip of the tail between the diligent labia. “Give me!“Michaela gasped, and tried to stretch her horny cunt to the vibrator. Petra did her a favor;And gently pressed Michaela into the rubber canteen, which at the moment she acknowledged with a loud sigh. When the Lümmel was half in Petra stopped and wanted to wait for Michaela’s reaction, but it immediately came to.

“More. . deeper. . I need my friend deep inside me, ”Michaela breathed, so Petra could hardly understand her. Slowly Petra began to move the rubber milk back and forth. Like Michaela, she felt every penetration of the tail and her excited body tangled. Suddenly Michaela reared up under her and was uncontrolled to tremble. The trembling and tremor of her body, which was churned by the orgasm, was so strong that Petra had difficulty drilling the rubber hing into her wet cunt.

Michaela experienced an intensive climax that took her breath away for a minute, so that when the orgasm was abandoned, she gasped exhausted after air. Last but not least, Petra pushed her friend, as Michaela called him, deep into the cunt and let him put there. Petra was now also horned enough to get relief. She lay down next to Michaela, spread the well -shaped thighs and reached the cunt, which was completely wetted with mucus so that her fingers could easily get in.

Petra grabbed her tits with the other hand and alternately massaged the hard nipples. Petra closed his eyes and gave herself all of her sexual feelings and forgot her surroundings. At the moment everything didn’t matter to her. Even if a strange man with a stiff strap suddenly appeared between her spread legs, she would not stop him from fucking her. Suddenly Petra felt like a cock tip to be troubled between her wet labia.

She opened her eyes. She believed that her fears had met and she and Michaela were discovered by a stranger. Petra’s tension immediately loosened when she discovered Michaela’s head between her legs, who looked in the face with a smile. “I can still?“She asked shyly. “Why, surely. . Get it to me, ”replied Petra upgraded. Now Michaela was a climax in the series of her partner.

She skilfully let her friend slide through Petra’s horny cunt while exercising gentle pressure on the clit with a finger. For Petra, who kneaded with both hands during Michaela’s efforts, which kneaded full tits, this situation was not long to endure. She felt like the orgasm in her climb, gained strength and finally brought it to the climax. Petra groaned her lust uninhibitedly and stretched Michaela’s friend the twitching column, which kept drilling the rubber pollution into her cunt.

Petra also broke out exhausted when the climax was gone. She stayed weak on the ceiling and breathed deeply, she knew that this condition did not last long and she soon had her strength back back. The two were silent in the sun and recovered from the events. Every now and then one of them turned to get in order to get in touch because the sun burned mercilessly on it and heated up their bodies so far that they began to sweat.

Petra no longer endured the summer heat. Her whole body was bathed with sweat. Even her breasts were covered by the salty liquid. She lit a cigarette, rose and went to the river bank. In the pleasantly cool shadow of the old trees, Petra sat on a large stone that lay in the flat water and looked out on the slowly flowing Rhine. Her legs stood up to the ankles in the water, which made her body cool quickly, so that Petra felt more comfortable from minute to minute.

Petra heard the engine of a strong boat, the volume of which is constantly. She looked to the right, in the direction from which she heard the swelling sound. The Rhine made a curve here, and Petra was sitting back on her stone, so that she could not see the river in this direction far. She couldn’t see the boat yet. But the increasing volume of the engine let Petra come to the conclusion that the ship had to be in the immediate vicinity.

She looked forward to the unknown ship that had to drive close to the bank. Finally the bow of a snow -white yacht appeared. A little later Petra was able to admire the entire ship. It was impressed for a moment of the size of the yacht, the length of which it appreciated to about forty meters. For the Rhine it was a huge extent. There was only one person on the command bridge who could only be the captain based on their clothing.

When he discovered Petra on the bank, he couldn’t take his gaze from her for several seconds. For him it didn’t seem to be everyday to see a naked woman on the Rhine. Suddenly loud voices appeared from the rear of the ship, which even drowned out the booming engine. Petra looked at the rear and saw a group of people sitting there whose age appreciated it for well over sixty years. She couldn’t recognize the language precisely.

However, it seemed to be a group of Americans, from whom the women looked at them, while the men grabbed their photo devices, pointed them to them and, in quick succession, pressed the trigger. They took their photos until the shrubs prevented them from being viewed at the naked Petra. The whole thing had taken barely two minutes. Slowly the engine noise of the removing yacht. “They believed that you were the Loreline,” heard Petra Michaela’s voice behind him, who had stepped down without Petra noticed.

“That can be quite possible!“, Petra replied with a laugh. “While you play the tourist attraction here, I have tickled some interesting details out of the laptop!“, Said Michaela Stolz and Griente Petra. “Then show me what you discovered”, it was excited about Petras lips, who immediately rose Undmichaela back to the ceiling, where the open laptop stood. “Did you hurt yourself that you run so strange?“Asked Petra concerned when she noticed Michaela’s short steps.

“No. . No, everything is okay, ”grinned Michaela Breit, and let her stomach fall on the ceiling, with her legs apart a bit apart. Petra could now see the reason for Michaela’s gray gait. This horny bitch had pushed the rubber pollute into the cunt again. “So I can concentrate better!“, Said Michaela when she noticed Petra’s eyes. Petra lay down on the ceiling next to Michaela and looked expectantly on the screen on which a series of file names could be seen that didn’t tell her anything.

Michaela explained Petra the content of the individual files. In each of it, a transaction was listed with the Luxembourg Central Bank, from which the intended use could also be recognized. “I get almost 800. 000 DM, which our Mr. Rossmann transferred to Luxembourg, ”said Michaela Ernst and looked at Petra, who ran a shower over his back when she heard the enormous sum. Petras heart raced. She got a queasy feeling in the stomach area.

Should Horst Rossmann have robbed the company? Petra shot the wildest thoughts through his head. She couldn’t get an rhyme on his treatments. The other department heads knew about his machinations?“End of the session. . We need a socket!“, Michaela said suddenly and tore Petra out of her thoughts. “How come?“Asked Petra confused. “The battery is empty,” replied Michaela. “My can probably won’t help us,” tied Petra, who slowly found her back and regained her security.

“I like to believe that your can is back on power,. . But you won’t bring 220 volts together!“, Said Michaela Lachend. Petra thought about what they could do now. On the one hand, she had no desire to return to the office at the moment, on the other hand she wanted to know what was going on in her company. Michaela seemed to read Peta’s thoughts. “If we had a quiet room, we might be able to follow the bookings,” said Michaela slowly and turned to Petra around.

With one hand she took between her thighs and pushed the vibrator in and out. Unabashed, she groaned softly when the rubber polley stuck deep in her horny cunt again. “As I know you, you already have a suitable idea,” said Petra and drove one hand over its rifle, the wart of which was hard under the touch. “Not far from here is a hotel that was built in the style of an American motel,” replied Michaela and looked at Petra’s breasts while she continued to work on her wet column.

“Then open to the Americans!“, Said Petra Fröhlich and got up. Michaela pulled out the vibrator and threw it into his pocket. Together they put the things together and put them in the trunk of the Audi. Michaela looked at Petra questioningly, who, like her, was still naked. “Do we want to put on again in accordance with it, or do we want to take it easy?“Asked Michaela Lüstern, grinned in a meaningful way and put her bag on the bonnet.

“Loose,” replied Petra directly. Michaela rummaged around in her large travel bag and pulled out a small fabric networks that at first glance couldn’t be a piece of clothing. She threw him to Petra, who cleverly caught him. “I should put on that?“Asked in disbelief and looked at the scraps. “Why, surely. . I still have another, ”said Michaela motionless and dragged out another part. “This is a menu shirt,” it came over Petras lips, who looked at the shirt with arms stretched out.

“Yes. . You could say that … it’s just a little longer, ”said Michaela carefree and attracted the part. It nestled like a second skin on her body, which did not hide any of her curves, so that her full breast and the tight butt clearly emerged. Due to the deep sleeves you could see the approaches of her breasts. After a short hesitation, Petra grazed his shirt over.

She had to pull tight to get the elastic fabric over her tits. Petra pulled the shirt down as possible. It covered Geradeso her butt. “When I bend I can look to the kingdom of heaven,” said Petra amused and looked at Michaela, who she had watched. “Then you have to be careful when you move,” she laughed, “that’s a very dangerous fabric. He has the property, with every movement to slide up on its own “Petra took a few steps and noticed how the shirt slid slowly higher.

After ten meters, the shirt had suffered so far that her pubic hair and the bare butt were freely viewed, which Petra didn’t like, because afterwards they were still in public and did not know how the other people they would meetwould react to their presentation. Without saying another word, Petra got into her Audi. Michaela checked her berth and sat down in the front passenger seat a little later, whereby her shirt also slipped up and released the view of her abdomen.

Practically from the navel naked, they slowly drove back onto the street. Petra followed Michaela’s instructions and steered the car in the desired direction. “If the police are now controlled, we will probably spend the night in an arrest cell,” said Petra after crossing a small village. “Or they fall over us on the spot,” replied Michaela Lachend. With every kilometer they drove they continued from the Rhine and came into a hilly landscape in which the forest became more and more dense.

On Michaelas Wink Bog Bog Bog off in a narrow, paved path, the signage of which would get to a castle ruin after her. Petra got a queasy feeling in the stomach area. Burgruins meant people who might be able to take off their elevator. Petra looked at Michaela briefly, who had made herself comfortable in the passenger seat. She had slipped a bit and had lit her legs apart. Everyone who looked into the car was able to look at their wet lust grotto because their labia was still unable.

“We have to turn left behind the next curve,” said Michaela and sat up. Petra not thought again when she saw the narrow path where she would guaranteed drive past. He didn’t look much better than the bumpy path that had led to the banks of the Rhine. To Petra’s astonishment, the nature of the path changed after the first bend, which can no longer be viewed by the street. The path was now filled with gravel and turned deeper into the dense forest.

Petra briefly shivered the sudden coolness of the forest, so that goosebumps formed on her arms and the nipples set up. The goosebumps disappeared again seconds later, but her nipples did not like it and continued to press the shirt cheekily. From the corner of the eye, Petra saw that Michaela was also doing it. “Here is a hotel?“Asked Petra in disbelief and looked over Michaela. “Yes.

. It is a small hotel that is only visited by regular guests who want to have their peace,. . And want to gain distance from everyday stress, ”said Michaela, emphasizing the last part. Petra was listed. So it didn’t seem to be a conventional hotel. It was too remote for that and was not signposted, which made foreign guests impossible to find. So it had to be an elite group of guest who got off here and, as Michaela said, wanted to win the distance from everyday stress.

Petrra’s tension rose. It had to be a special place, that had become clear to her now and made her unsafe and euphoric at the same time. Something did not happen again. “How far is your secret domicile away?“Asked Petra to get air. “Not far anymore,” replied Michaela with a smile and looked at Petra from the side. She seemed to feel Petra’s tension. Petra did not want to be bare, asked no further questions and concentrated entirely on the narrow forest path that steadily led uphill.

She appreciated the route that had been driven since she left the street on a good four kilometers. Again Petra wondered what would happen to her. Who were these regular guests who were a hotel, or whatever it was, in this location? And how could this hostel survive financially? The most impossible questions shot her through her head. After another kilometer they reached the crop of the forested hill. There was a dense panel provision up here, into which you could not look for twenty meters.

“Danger. . Now you had to drive very slowly. The path bends to the right at an pointed angle. If you don’t manage the curve, we stand in the middle of the forest and drove ourselves, ”said Michaela Kurz, without taking a look off the path. “Slower!“Michaela warned after a few seconds. At walking speed, Petra steered the car through the bends and saw a large sign that pointed out that it was now a private route whose use for strangers was banned and the illegal use would have police measures.

Petra had to cling the steering wheel firmly so that Michaela didn’t notice her slight tremor, which she captured when reading the shield. “Almost as well secured as Fort Knox!“, Said Michaela with a smile. After another narrow curve that now led to the right, Petra and Michaela reached a large park -like clearing, on the opposite side of which a stately building complex extended. The flat wooden houses literally ducked under the tall old, old firs that stood here.

The path that was sprinkled with fine white gravel led along the edge of the clearance. On the well -kept meadow, which was more like a huge lawn, there were young fir trees in several groups, which repeatedly blocked the view of the log cabins. Finally they reached the buildings. Petra now realized that a number of smaller buildings were grouped around a larger main house, in front of which there was a covered carport. With a quick look, Petra found that only vehicles were parked under half of the roofs.

“Drive to the main house. . Then I go and register, ”said Michaela and stretched her arm towards a big wooden door. “I wouldn’t get out of the elevator here anyway,” replied Petra and continued to look around. Michaela smiled, got out of the Audi, pulled her shirt down so far that it was covering her ass cheeks, jumping up the steps and disappearing with swinging hips in the house.

Petra inspected the terrain. This property, which was so deep and hidden in the forest, made a very well -kept impression. Nowhere was waste or dirt lying around. Money didn’t seem to play a role here. The regular customers had to be stone -rich people who did not get to the mark. The door in the main house opened and Michaela came back. In any case, Petra thought this at first, since she only paid attention to the white shirt.

To her astonish, however, she now found that she had been wrong. It was a woman who almost had Michaela’s figure, but it wasn’t. She also wore a shirt like Michaela and she was astonished by Petra. The unknown woman apparently had nothing under her shirt that she was also a number too small and released her lean thighs, which seemed to have no end.

The small pointed breasts pressed against the fabric of the shirt and showed every detail. The woman smiled briefly and went to one of the wooden houses without taking any further note from her. Petra was confused for a moment. This shirt seemed to be the standard clothing here, because now another woman came from the main house, who also wore this simple shirt that everyone who had seen Petra had been too small was too small.

Maybe there was only one size, thought Petra amused and lit a cigarette. While she was waiting for Michaela’s return, she was suspected that Michaela had planned this visit. For the other reason, she should have packed this. Petra came over a strange anxiety. Maya and Rossmann should do a common thing and tried to get out of the way here. Maybe they had a relationship and financed their meetings with the embezzled money.

The anxiety slowly gave way to a panicked fear that Petra’s body grasped, so that despite the high temperature, slight goosebumps formed. Petra was just able to resist the pace to snap the tilt out of the window. As she put the cigarette butt in the ashtray, she talked too quiet to stay too quiet. Your guess could only be bare nonsense. She said herself that her mind had played an evil prank.

Petra wondered what Michaela was doing in this house and looked over to the front door, which was open exactly at that moment. Petra saw Michaela holding the door on the blade and talking to someone. Two minutes later, Michaela sat beaming next to Petra in the car and stroked his thighs. “Everything was settled,” she said, “Tonight the office belongs to us” Petra looked at Michaela for a moment without understanding.

She wondered, what do we want there?Michaela seemed to be able to read Petra’s thoughts and grinned at her broadly. “The computer there is faster than my laptop. He also has a firm internet access. If I worked with my laptop and cell phone, I would have to ask you to pay a strong salary increase to pay the telephone bill, ”explained Michaela and waved with a key. Petra was able to see the number twelve and looked over to the flat buildings, but they did not wear a lettering and therefore did not help Petra.

“The last log house,” said Michaela, pointed to the house at the end of the series and then put a cigarette. Petra started the engine and slowly drove along the narrow path to the dependent log house. “Not much going on here!“, Said Petra when she the cottage had reached;and Petra found that the other log houses that were apparently uninhabited in front of them. “Usually there is not much going on over the week.

I have given myself the last hut so that we are undisturbed, ”replied Michaela and got out after Petra parked the Audi under the big canopy. They entered the log cabin one after the other, which was too rustic for Petra’s taste but still exuded a calming security. Since Petra had left her clothing in the car and nothing but this shirt she had no other luggage. She immediately started to explore the log house.

From the living room Petra entered the large terrace that joined the flat hut. When she looked towards the main house, she discovered a remarkable swimming pool that was surrounded by large old firs, so that it could not be seen straight away. Petra noticed a movement next to him and turned his head. Michaela just stepped out of the living room and stood next to her. Together they looked into the forest for a while and enjoyed the cool oxygen -rich air.

Suddenly Michaela grazed her shirt and threw it onto the wooden table that stood in the middle of the terrace. “So I feel much more comfortable,” she said happily and stretched out her arms. “Can you tell me what is actually normal here?“Asked Petra and looked at Michaela. “Nothing!“, She replied briefly and laughed. “I almost thought that,” said Petra with sarcastic undertone in my voice.

Michaela came up to Petra, reached for her shirt and just pulled it over her head and threw it to her on the table. “You don’t need to be embarrassed here,” said Michaela and pointed to the forest. Petra’s gaze went in the specified direction. Several people came up the forest on the hotel on a barely recognizable tramble path. They were naked except for one man. Petra thought she couldn’t trust her eyes.

The man actually wore such a shirt and nothing else. His vibrant lümmel was clearly recognizable, which was very important to the shirt. The rest of the group had the shirt in his hand or it was on the shoulder of the respective person. “The clothing regulation only knows two conditions here: with, or without a shirt,” Michaela said and stared at the persons who came to you, as the narrow path went directly below the log houses.

“I don’t think what I see,” it came across from Petra’s lips, which at this moment recognized the one woman recognized. It was the moderator of an entertainment show on private television, whose program Petra had often seen. Petra didn’t know the rest of the group. The mutual greeting consisted only of one – hello – and nothing else. Michaela and Petra looked after the group until they were covered by some trees, disappeared in the main house.

Petra was speechless. At this place there had to be real confidentiality, because how could a woman of her awareness be bothered to walk naked through the forest. Usually sensational photographers were lurking at the holiday resorts of prominent people and hoping to photograph them in some extensive situation so that they could sell the recordings for a lot of money. “Let’s take a walk before it gets dark?“Michaela and Riß Petra asked out of their thoughts.

“Gladly,. . If it won’t be a day trip, ”said Petra with a smile. “Definitely not. I want to show you a job that you will definitely like. “It continues with.

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