How it all started | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am Judy.

44 years old, blond, single, never married. Very good, I’m just a bit chubby or other butt pressed thick. But have a nice big breast.

I already had complexes and problems with men in my youth.

What I report about today 5 years ago.

At that time I was 39 and for almost 4 years of single again and did not have a single date in time.

Not that I would have missed it, I have enough other interests but I already miss the physical closeness from time to time.

I have been annoying for several weeks my girlfriend Danny with her finally going to the new club at the other end of the city.

Danny is 2 years older, also blonde, chubby but a little less than me.

In contrast to me, she has no problems getting to know men and since I had canceled every time she always went to the club alone.

But every week that I “no” said for a long time, she annoyed more and raved to me how great everything is there. And that the men there would be totally off “women like us”.

Finally she had me that far.

So that I finally had my peace I told her to accompany her this Friday.

“But only this one time” was my condition.

On Friday evening she picked me up and we drove to her “dream club” at the other end of the city.

Once there, I was a little surprised.

It wasn’t exactly the best area in the city and not as I expected from a “dream club”.

No bright light, no flashing neon lights, no bouncers who select the audience something.

The club was in a former warehouse. The entrance was in a dark side street and when I entered a lot of me the unpleasant smell from the toilets on the one we had to pass them first to get into the actual club area.

Here, too, it didn’t look much better.

The floor was dirty, the air stuffy and the bass boomed out of the boxes. Overall it was also very dark and my eyes needed some time until I got used to the darkness.

Then I looked around.

The club still didn’t look better.

And the audience?. Well, as far as I could see, the male audience consisted of more than 95 percent of blacks in the age group from 18 to 60.

The female audience was mostly white, was in the same age group and quite mixed by slim to my proportions, sometimes even more.

“Where did you drag me here?” I asked. “Don’t worry, you will see, you will like it here” was Danny’s answer.

Danny, ran through the club and was greeted very warmly by many of the men with hugs and kisses.

Sometimes there was also a slap on her butt, which was a bit horrified again.

Sometimes I had the impression that they also spoke over me. Because many of the men looked over at me and sometimes she also pointed in my direction.

This was a bit embarrassed to me but apparently not necessary because I noticed that I was watched by many of the men in the club.

Danny had obviously ended her welcome round.

Because with a group of approx. 5 black men stopped.

The greeting here is much more warm than the other.

Each of the 5 hugged her, pressed her and kissed her. 2 of them even on the mouth.

She waved me over to her.

Well, I thought, it is still better than to be stupid here alone.

“There you are finally Judy” she greeted me. “These are my best friends here in the club”.

I almost got used to it that everyone was black. What amazed me, however, was the age.

The men or better boys were all between the beginning and mid -twenties.

Everyone greeted me in a friendly manner, took me in my arms, kiss on the right and kiss on the left. However, the last one put his hand on my bottom when the hug, kissed me on my mouth and whispered in my ear “Hi Judy. You finally want to. Danny has told me a lot about you.

She didn’t exaggerate. You are really very nice and super sexy.”.

“Oh” I said “she never told me”.

“Come on us at the bar and entertain us something,” he said and without waiting for my answer, he took my hand and led me to the bar. There he ordered 2 Vodka Bull, without asking me again,.

“I am Roger, 24 years old, from Nigeria and for 3 years in Germany,” he introduced himself. His German was quite passable.

“I work on temporary work, on construction site. My friends also come from Nigeria. We are here every weekend. Is a great club and you can finally get to know nice people here.

Is so easy outside in everyday life net.”

First the entertainment revolved around such things. But then the topic changed a little.

“You are really very attractive. Have great hair, a beautiful face and a beautiful body. Unbelievable that you are already alone.

You really need a man “

I wanted to protest but he just ignored this. “It was a good decision to come here. You will get to know many men here and be happy.”

It had passed for some time and I looked at Danny.

After some search, I saw her on the dance floor how she danced very, very carefully. I didn’t know her that way.

3 of the black friends of Roger they surrounded and that seemed all the more encouraging them.

Now she danced right in front of one. Touched him on the butt, nibbled on his neck, slowly went on his knees in front of him, not without going deeper to her mouth with every further movement until she was at the level of his rice closure.

And I wasn’t sure. At least I thought I saw that her mouth was still pressed onto the man’s body.

“Hard to believe” I heard Roger say “Danny still calm and a few weeks ago shy how you were “

He took his hand and put her on his lap. I could do his tail feel.

He couldn’t be hard with the best will in the world, but he already felt very big and powerful.

Roger seem to guess my thoughts.

He grinned and said “Don’t worry, he gets much bigger. I know German women love big thick cock. Now he’s only half stiff “.

I wanted to say something but completely surprisingly he kissed me suddenly.

“Nothing a lot, sexy judy, just enjoy” he said.

It was hard to believe.

The first time For more than 4 years I went away and now I was sitting here with a stranger young black guy after less than 1 hour and was wildly smooching on.

Yes we kissed again and again and I really enjoyed it..

His kisses were wild and passionate and somehow also demanded.

He started my big heavy breasts and without protesting I kissed him even more passionate.

I even read it to the fact that he stroked my thighs. Even then as his hand drove under my skirt.

Yes I opened mine Legs something else.

He stroked the inside of my legs with one hand, with the other he kneaded my breasts.

I groaned slightly.

Roger had only waited for that. His hand pushed himself up further and further.

He stroked mine pussy in which he let his hand slide over my slip,.

Even now I did not protest.

He took my hand again and put it on his lap. “Compare now. Has got much bigger, ”he said.

And actually his cock felt much bigger than the first time. I gently stroked him. “Yes that is good,” said Roger “Make me hot baby”.

Then I felt his hand pushed my panties aside.

He played something about my pussy and then pushed a finger in. I was electrified. When was the last time I had something in my pussy that wasn’t my own finger or a toy.

It shot through my head for 5 years.

Yes it was right. Has only been single for 4 years but the last year of mine Relationship Also sex and joyless.

I slipped closer to Roger on my armchair. His finger penetrated me deeper into me. I groaned and again as he took another finger to help and then started to fuck me gently.

“You are so hot baby” I heard Roger in my ear “hot and wet, I knew from the first moment when I saw you that you need a hot thick cock, I’ll fuck you really cool tonight.”

Usually I would have given a slap in the face at the latest and would be running away. But the only thing I heard was “yes.”

Was I that or was that more the effect of the 4 Vodka Red Bull I had drunk.

Roger got up. “Let’s go you horny sow,” he said.

I was shocked about the language but still like in a trance and actually got up and took his hand.

We quickly went to the exit.

I looked around for Danny shortly. At least I had to tell her.

But could she see more nowhere.

Again he seems to guess my thoughts.

“Don’t worry about Danny.

It was already clear that you would come with me tonight. It’s no longer there anyway. As I know the horny sow, she went with my boys and can already be fucked into all holes “.

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