Hot sex in the data center | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

For a while I worked as a responsible operator in the data center of a large warehouse a few years ago. At that time the computers were still very large and used a lot of electricity that was implemented accordingly into heat.

As a result, the women who were responsible for entering the data, especially in the late shift, were very lightly dressed when there was only few staff. I usually had little in front of the week and often stayed longer and my boss rewarded this by giving me a day off and not so much attention when I took a break more than usual in between. I used that thoroughly.

Because next to Sylvia, The very pretty head of the data station, who basically took over the data backup in the late layer, there were two other women, who I liked very well.

One was Eva, the Secretary of the boss and the other Helga, the writer in the personnel office. Eva was also pretty and not fell on the mouth and Helga, who didn’t look so good and was a bit chubby, was just a very nice woman with whom you could talk perfectly. Every now and then I chatted with them alone, or sometimes with all three. But only if the boss was not in the house.

In one day, I came a little later, the boss immediately fell towards me and explained to me that the computer made difficulties.

I should repair it immediately. After a short check, I informed him that the repair made the system necessary for hours and that I could only start with it after the late shift so that the operation continued. He cursed, but it couldn’t change the matter either. So I waited for Sylvia to end the data backup in order to then start the repair.

I watched her and admired her figure.

She was wearing a short -black skirt and a loosely falling, bright blouse that she had pushed out quite far because of the warmth. She wore her long dark hair openly and every now and then she wiped one of her curls out of her face. The camp emptied and an hour after the general Quitting time, When Sylvia was finished, I was finally able to start.I lifted the floor slabs, because of course the error was on one of the hardest accessible areas and rummaged into the guts of the computer.

Sylvia now cleaned up something. I knew that the ventilation was coupled to the computer and that the transformers would heat up the air tremendously and hurried me, although it was clear to me that it would take a long time anyway.

Then I heard Sylvia say something and crawled back so far that I could lift my head up and looked up. “What did you say?“I almost got stuck in my throat because it stood in front of me and my gaze fell well under her skirt from below and I was able to track her long legs to a tiny, white panties. “I asked if I can help you.“, She repeated.

“Uh, no. But if you could put on coffee again, that would be nice. This will definitely take longer.” “Okay I’ll do.“She didn’t seem to notice which view she offered me because she stopped for a moment before she went away to cook the coffee. I crawled back and tried to concentrate on my job again, but her endlessly long legs always appeared in front of my eyes.

After half an hour I had to take a break and Sylvia had brought me a pot of coffee for which, despite the heat that was slowly spreading in the small room, I was grateful.

I sat down at her at her and took my cup. Sylvia also sweated and the blouse was so transparent to the large welding stains that I could find it without problems that she had not. I forced myself to avert my gaze and asked why she was still there.“The boss thinks that nobody should stay alone here and that you may need help. So I have to stay too.““ So, I don’t need help.

But if you want to afford company, that’s very right for me.””Aha.“, She replied profoundly without leaving out closer and I took off my shirt before I disappeared into the hole again.

As soon as I had put myself up to some extent, when Sylvia asked me something again. If it hadn’t been the possibility of looking at their legs, I would have been pretty acidic now. But that’s how I crawled back and raised my head.

“What is?“” “I asked if you would rather have something cold to drink next time.”” Yes, if there is something.”. I stared again unexpectedly under her skirt. This time she was closer and I could clearly see that her panties were a string tanga that had dug deeply between her ass cheeks. This time Sylvia reacted and took a step back.“You just saw that.“, She laughed happily.

“So it is much cooler and I also like it. So get you back in.““ I just like it.“, I murmured and in a swand with a high -red head back in my hole.

I was embarrassed that Sylvia caught So and I stayed down until I couldn’t stand it anymore. When I forced myself out of the floor hatch for the second time Saj3 Sylvia at the table and drank a mineral water. Her skirt had slipped so far that her panties flashed out every now and then and her blouse was gossip and completely transparent.

Her hard nipples stood through the thin, damp fabric and made me breath even more heavily. But she pretended that nothing had been. Then I threw myself on the free chair and took a cigarette.“It is terribly hot here, not?, Sylvia dropped casually. “Oh, I haven’t remembered yet-.“I wiped the sweat out of my face with my hand.”But.“She pretended that she hadn’t noticed my sarcasm.

“But I think I can make it more comfortable to us.“With these words she took off her blouse and skirt and sat down again. “It is not so hot anymore and you don’t run the risk of scaring your head.“I was completely off the role. Her breasts were big and yet so firm that they didn’t need a bra and the nipples were hard and steeply erected. As if she was sitting at the table as normal, Sylvia hit her legs on top of each other and smiled at me in a cute.

I didn’t know if her behavior was an invitation and preferred to disappear before I made stupidity. This time it took almost a quarter of an hour before I was disturbed again. Sylviakniete on the Bodenluke and held the phone listener in hand. Her breasts swung invitingly in front of my eyes.

“The boss. He wants to know how it works.”.

“Damned! Tell him ….. No, give here, I’ll tell him it.“I squeezed my arm back and grabbed the listener. But the first thing that got my hands on was soft meat, with a small hard area that rubbed my hand.

Of course I had caught one of the full breasts and Sylvia made no institutions to move away. She laughed and pushed the listener into my hand.
I found the version with difficulty to explain to my boss that everything went well and that I would soon be ready with the repair. Then I went back the listener. Sylvia took him out of my hand and put on it.

Then she stroked her hand with her breasts. “Hurry up.“I didn’t let that say twice and worked like a berserk. Less than half an hour later I was finished and closed the hatch sniffing. Sylvia put her arms around my neck.

“You are so cute laying. That must be rewarded.“After a long kiss, she opened my pants and took out my stick -hard tail. “Not here.“I said badly breathing. “It’s too hot here.” “Where, then?”.

“I already know what. You forget that I have a general key.“I took her hand and pulled her to the boss’s office after me, where we made ourselves comfortable on his seating group. First I sat down and pulled Sylvia onto my lap. She conducted my cock into her hot, damp cunt and rode so hard that her swinging breasts clapped my face.

It was too fast for me and after a few minutes I pulled her up until she stood on the sofa and supported her hands on the wall.

Then I let my tongue swirl through her steaming cunt and fucked her with my fingers. Violent moans and wild hip movements rewarded me and I left my finger further freedom. “Oooh … Yeah … Lick me … Fuck me with your hot tongue … mmmh …”.
When I pushed Sylvia a finger in my ass, she gasped violently and leaned against the wall with my head. Her hands, which were now free, encompassed her tight ass cheeks and pulled them far apart, so that I could slowly push my thumb into her tight, horny asshole until the stop.

“Aaah ..

Yeah.. .Firm.. .Firm.. .Mmmh..

.Oooh … Yeah … now Sylvia’s cunt juice ran over my face and twitching into cunt and ass gave me her first orgasm. When he slowly subsided, I pulled her back onto my lap and stroked and kissed her breasts.

Then I pressed her forward until she could support herself on the table and pushed my cock into the still slightly shrugging cunt. Immediately she was back up and every push she acknowledged with a loud moan. Even now I had a finger in her ass again and fucked her in both holes until Sylvia leaned back and put both feet on the sofa. The angle was now so bad that my cock slipped out of her cunt and she reached for it and put the tip on new.

This time on her well -prepared asshole. I helped with a little spit and slowly my cock disappeared into her ass.

With both hands I encompassed her breasts and with slow hip movements she let my cock slide in and out until her ass was widened and damp that she could really get started again, which she did then do. “Yes … yes … yes … oooh … is that cool … aaah ..!”. She might moan even louder than before and kept ramping my cock into the ass.

Slowly I felt the pressure in my cock increased and he was about to spray when a foreign, loud groaning let us go together. Our heads flew to the door. Eva was leaned against the door frame. She had lifted her long, wide skirt up, her panties were lying next to her on the floor and with both hands she rummaged in her cunt.

She had looked at and watched us and now she was overwhelmed by an orgasm that she had betrayed.

Sylvia jumped up, went to her and sank to her knees in front of her. When Sylvia Eva’s hands pulled away, she tore her eyes, frightened, but closed her again with a loud moan when Sylvia rolled her tongue over her clit and pushed her fingers into her cunt. Slowly gave up Evas legs and she sagged on the floor. She was still groaning and had her hips circle and Sylvias ass was now inviting again in the air.

I was quickly behind her and pushed my cock back into her ass. But this time I couldn’t inject, because both women came together with a pointed scream and Sylvia freed himself from my cock. “Now Eva is on. I’ll take a break.” “No.

Not.“Eva looked up and shook his head. But contrary to her worsts, she spread her legs even further and pushed her cunt towards my cock. With both legs she clutched my hips and her pelvis twitched up.

It was too uncomfortable for me on the floor and that’s why I took it up without taking my cock out of her cunt and wore it to the sofa where I put her back. Now I was able to fuck her in my knees and pushed my cock deep into her cunt again and again.

Sylvia took off Eva Blouse and BH and kissed her breasts. Slowly her tongue slid deeper and then she let her swirl over the tapping clit again. “Oooh … Yeah … Yeah … I come … Yeah …”, Eva groaned. She just couldn’t get enough, lay on the low table and pulled Sylvia with herself.

They lay on it in a 69 position and both lick their pussies with a lot of dedication and perseverance. I couldn’t get to Eva anymore, but Sylvia, who knelt over her, hung exactly at tail height. Once again I put on her cunt, but Sylvia fought back.

“No not like this.

Fuck me in the ass. Please.”. It was right for me and with a little spit rubbed in my cock as if by itself into her tight, hot asshole, which seemed to close like a fist. But again I couldn’t fuck long enough to finally spray, because now Eva asked again and slipped up to the edge of the table again.

I fucked her in the knees and Sylvia lay over her and licked her cunt. “Put him in her ass. She is waiting for that.“, She croaked with lust.I pulled my cock out of Evas cunt and Sylvia spread her ass cheeks with both hands.

I slowly sank the tip of the tail into Eva’s tight asshole and moved them back and forth a little back and forth.
Then I pulled her out again and Sylvia moistened her with a lot of spit and Evas pussy juice. My cock had to be lubricated twice, then he slipped into Evas ass as easily as in her cunt and I fucked her with hard and long bumps that were accompanied by her with a loud chasing and moaning and every now and then with a quiet cry.

“Oooh.. .Mmmh.. .Aaah.. .Yes..

.Yes.. .Oooh … Yeah ..!”. I kept climbing and now I also changed the holes.

Sometimes I fucked Evas ass, then her cunt and then Sylvia’s mouth.

Again and again I pushed new and when I finally came, I sprayed everything over Sylvia’s face. She licked all the drops with her tongue and then my cock and Evas cunt also. Then Eva explained to us how she came here.

“I was driving home when I saw light up here. I came in to turn it off. Then I saw you. You didn’t notice me and …I know I would have gone again, but you …

and me….””That’s fine. It was nice?”” Yes, scary. You are not bad?“We laughed and then we got dressed and left the building together .The next day we kept taking conspiratorial looks and when nobody was nearby, I also accessed the two of them what they put up with laughing. After the general end of the day, when everyone else had already gone home, Saßich was back at Sylvia and she had undressed again skirt and blouse.

This time she was wearing a loosely falling body that gave her a lot of leeway and nice insights.

But every time I wanted to move her to me, she gave me a pat on my fingers. “Work before pleasure. Until I’m finished, you can only watch.“When she was finally finished, we ran back to the head office, where Sylvia got over my cock.

“You actually know that Eva, Helga and I are friends?”” Of course I know that. Everyone knows that here.“I looked at her surprised. “I mean very good friends.“I looked at her without understanding. Sylvia knelt in front of me and rubbed my cock.

She hesitated, I could see that clearly, but I didn’t know what she wanted from me. At the same moment the door opened and Eva put his head in. “If we disturb?“Now I didn’t look through it anymore.

“We.“What should that mean. But then Eva came in.

She only wore stockings and a straps belt and she pulled Helga behind her hand. Helga had a corset that tanged its shapes and particularly highlighted her big breasts. Eva knelt next to Sylvia and gave me a kiss on the tail. “So I don’t know how to imagine that.

Three women….” “No fear. I just wanted to explain that to you. We are really good friends.“Sylvia laughed. With the words she turned and pressed her face between Helga’s legs, which had meanwhile also been approached.

Eva took a few vibrators out of her pocket, which she held in her hand and also put on a thick strap -on dildo, Densie Sylvia.

Then she swung on my cock and Sylvia fucked Helga next to us with the art tail. A multiple moan quickly filled the room and when Eva prevented herself so far that she could lick Helga’s breasts, she had her first orgasm and changed with Eva, who was now fucked by Sylvia in cunt and ass. Helga came to me and looked at me unsafe. She probably didn’t know if I would do it with her too, but when I pulled her down to me and first drilled my cock into her cunt and then in her ass, her uncertainty was over.

She really enjoyed it and I also had fun and the special enjoyment of kneading and kissing her huge breasts.

Helga had more on it. After a while she sat up and put my cock tip in her mouth. She pushed her breasts together and then she fucked me with it. It was as horny as a cunt or an asshole.

Again and again her huge tits rubbed over my cock and her tongue over the tip of the tail. Now I couldn’t hold back. I splashed and a huge gush of sperm clapped in Helga’s face and on her breasts. She licked my tail tip and Eva and Sylvia, who had joined us, licked the thick sperm drops from her face.

Sylvia complained that she had not yet fucked and Helga hurried, the Dildo Caps around and ram it from behind into her cunt. Eva took another dildo and pushed it up in Helgas ass and Sylvialtid my cock again until she could swing it on it. Then Eva and Helga exchanged the positions and together we fucked to another orgasm.
To say unnecessarily that we are even more common overtime have made.

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