Hot group fuck with friends | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A summer day with friends 1. PART

The whole week was already beautiful weather. Now the weekend was just around the corner. Andrea my wife asked me to do the purchase for the weekend after work, as she had to work longer this Friday.

So I wish my office colleagues a nice weekend and drove to the supermarket.

My wife sent me a long shopping list by SMS. But here in the market it was pleasant and so I drove through the corridors with my shopping crop and filled it full. In depth in my shopping list, someone suddenly spoke to me.

“Hello Stefan. Also do the purchase for the weekend?”.

Elke stood in front of me. Elke is a friend of my wife with whom she goes to the belly-leg-po training session every week. Elke is a little over 50. 18 years older than we do, but a very nice one and despite a few more kilos, a very sexy woman.

“Yes, Andrea gave me a long list. But here it can be endured. In the car I thought before that the blow was so hot it was.”

“Well you are a good. I don’t get Hans to go shopping.

He hates that. Except if he needs something from the hardware store, it is gone for hours.”. I also know Hans very well and he is the enthusiastic DIY. “You have a nice house and garden for that.“I answered her smiling.

“Yes, you are right.

What are you doing tomorrow? You don’t want to come to swim?”. “Yes, gladly” I answered. “But will still talk to Andrea whether she may have planned something for tomorrow. Report us “.

Andrea hadn’t planned anything.

That’s why we made up with Elke that we come to barbecue at noon. We packed our bathing clothes, Andreas delicious salad, a few steaks and beers and drove off. The two were happy to see us. Hans had already fueled the Griller and Elke had set the table nicely.

“Make you change.

I’ll throw the meat on the grill right away.“Hans suggested. We were both happy to be able to slip into our bathing clothes.

In the bathroom, Andrea pulled out in front of me. When she leaned forward, I pressed a kiss on her cheek. “You still have a horny ass.

I would like to fuck with you here, ”I grinned at her. “But not here honey” replied Andrea with a laugh. “Elke did you in her bikini horny?”.

I had to admit that I hadn’t missed Elke’s big tits and her horny ass in the bikini. But Andreas also handy balls with the long nipples were hot to look at.

“Keep on and hide your half -tire cock. I am already hungry, ”my wife let me wake up from my daydreams. We were sitting on the terrace and chatting funny too.

Hans told me about his work, which was not so interested in me because I had to look at his wife’s tits again and again while chatting with Andrea. I felt how I got really horny.

“Hans, I will help you to stow the griller. You don’t need to do all the work alone, ”I distracted myself so so that it was not immediately with hard tail To have to run around. The two women took this as an opportunity to carry the dishes in the kitchen.

While we cleaned the griller in the garden, the women in the kitchen disappeared. “You Stefan, I have to tell you something.“Hans suddenly spoke to me with a grin.

“I hope you are not angry with me when I tell you that your wife is a really hot sweeper. Can you appreciate you lucky.“Of course I wasn’t angry with him. On the contrary, I also had to “confess” my enthusiasm for Elke. Which, however, did not shock him, but stimulated to rave about our women.

In the meantime we were finished with the Griller cleaning shop and sat on the pool border and exceeded our women in the descriptions.

Hans and I described very intimate details about Elke and Andrea.

“We can really count ourselves that we have two so magnificent women. Many of my friends are unhappily married. I am glad that Elke and I understand each other so well and don’t really become bland in bed either.“Hans described me.

I had to agree with him.

It was also the case with my friends that after the first years of marriage the air was out.

While we chatted, our two women finally appeared. “Well you two. Already done with the griller?“Andrea wanted to know. “Well they were done quickly.

Make yourself comfortable while we have all the dishes, ”added Elke her. “What do you chat with so stimulated? But not about us?“Wanted to know the two women. “Well, you’re curious.”Replied Hans. “We are women, so we can grin my wife.

“So I make myself comfortable in the sun now.

Still need color.“Elke stated. “Take two deck chairs” offered us Hans. But it was too hot for me. I preferred the pool.

Hans also joined me in the cooling water. “I need cooling after our hot conversation,” Hans whispered to me with a grin while swimming past.

“The two hedges out” said Andrea. What of course we denied. Andrea now climbed to us into the pool while Elke Breitreig sonnen in the deck chair.

I started to fool with Andrea in the pool. She dived me and I injected her.

“Tell me that won’t be seamlessly brown. Why don’t your tits hang into the sun so that they get through well?“Called Hans from the pool border towards his wife. “Don’t worry about my tits treasure, they will still be nice brown,” replied Heike.

“Well, I have to agree with him,” said Andrea, “a good idea to get a seamless tan”. She freed herself from her top, which she threw towards the pool border. Hans leaned towards my wife at the pool with rigid eyes towards my wife. Elke got up and went towards the pool.

She too had now got rid of the top and her heavy breasts rocked with every step. My cock got tough at the sight and I tried to hide it.

Elke sat next to Hans to the pool border. To a certain extent mine erection To hide, I pressed myself next to Hans to the pool border. “Well honey, you have something to hide?“My wife blasphemed.

Elke also laughed in my direction. “What? show it to me.“Hans wanted to know and with a jerk he pulled my swimming trunks up to my knees. I didn’t put up with it and also tried to pull the shorts down, which I finally succeeded after a while.

We laughed and alberten. After all, we both pulled out the shorts.

So Hans and I stood in the water. The two women sat on the pool on the pool and laughed at our right. How off we took our women with the legs and also pulled out the briefs.

What a hot sight. Both women sat naked by the pool border.

Both with shaved cunt, which they showed us unabashedly. Hans and I had a hard latte despite the cool water. I am not bad myself, but Hans can be seen. A really big tail looked through the water.

When he got out of the pool I could see him in full size. Not only that his cock was stately, also his Egg Hang between the legs. Andrea also had to stare at the cock.

Hans went to Andrea and scaled her into the pool. Andrea landed in my arms.

We continue to albert like children in the pool and finally began to kiss. Elke and Hans, who had observed us so far, custody wildly. Hans greedily stroked the tits. Then he got up and let his wife blow the cock, which she also made very intimate.

I pressed Andrea to the pelvic edge and pushed her cock into her pussy. She too was totally horny and moved her pelvis while I was getting my hard hammer more and more pounding into her horny cunt until she roared and roared wildly with lust!.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

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