Horny sauna fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had my clothes in a shoulder bag and was on my way to the changing rooms. When I arrived in a large group of changing rooms, I went to a free locker and put my jacket in it. After moving out my shoes and socks, I struck my fuel top over my head and pulled out my bra. After stowing the things in the locker, I also pulled out my pants and my panties. I drove dreamily over my Venushügel to my vagina.

I had shaved fresh in the morning, so everything was very bare today. My husband Markus and I had taken a break today. We had driven to an adventure pool with a connected sauna and wellness area on the North Sea to let the soul wander. I grabbed a tight bikini out of my swimming bag and put it on. The slip was dark blue and cut as a string. It was held on his hip by two white ribbons and showed a lot of my buttocks.

The top fits the color of the bikini string and was also rather short cut. Then I slipped into my flip -flops, grabbed two towels and left the changing room in the direction of the have a shower, After I had put my bag in my locker. At that time there were two other guests in the shower. A lady upscale age that showered behind a partition, and a young woman in her early 20s who just insisted her body. I stood in the shower that was her counterpart and watched her while the water began to run down on my body.

She drove her hands under her full breasts from below before sliding over her stomach and venus hill to her vagina. I started showering with it before I took my things and went into the bathroom. Markus was already waiting for me. He is always faster under the shower and then has to wait. We put our towels on two loungers on the edge of a pelvis and went into the water. After swimming a few lanes, we swam into an area with massage bubbles.

In the beginning there was another couple in this section of the bathroom. We made it cozy and cozy and let the air bubbles massage. When the other couple swam away, we could cuddle a little closer. I slipped right next to Macrus and we started kissing lying down. Markus was still on his back and I kissed him while I was lying next to him. I put a hand on his chest and slid back and forth with her on his upper body.

Markus leaned over to me and reached over me with one hand to massage my buttocks while we kissed further. I gently drove my hand over his stomach and deeper to the waistband of his pants. I looked around for a short time and couldn’t see anyone. That’s why I slowly pushed my fingers under the waistband of the swimming trunks until I could feel his shaft. I slowly got out of the water and sat on Markus’ lap while we kissed further.

In my step I could feel that Markus Penis was slowly getting stiff. After all, he was very hard under his swimming trunks and I started rubbing it with my pool. I breathed in Markus: “Come on, we’re looking for a somewhat quieter corner” and got off from him. We slipped from the benches in the water into the somewhat deep water and swam next to each other into a cave in which luckily nobody was besides us. Markus stood in the water with his back on the wall while I swam in front of him and put my legs around his hip and my arms laid around his shoulders.

I could feel his stiff through his pants on my heels. Markus grabbed me on my butt and massaged my buttocks while we kept smooing how teenager. More and more often, his fingers slipped under my string and massaged my hole. At the same time, he started massaging me through my panties with one hand from time to time. Other bathers who came to us in the cave quickly realized that they were bothered and left us again. “Stop! Stop! Stop!“, Markus interrupted me as I rubbed his penis through my swimming trunks with my vagina.

“I’ll come right away, please stop,” he grinned me horny. “What a shame, I was also about to come,” I replied. “Come on, turn around,” he asked me. I sat on Markus bent thigh while putting his hands on my stomach. His hands slid over my stomach from behind to my breasts. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his hands on my body. I felt a pleasant, warm feeling in my abdomen and if we hadn’t been in the water, I would have been moist at the latest now.

I could feel his penis on my buttocks. He caught an arm around my stomach, as if he wanted to make sure that I wasn’t swimming away. The hand of the other arm looked for her way from my breasts over my stomach to my vagina under my panties and touched my shame. He whispered in my ear: “I love it when you are smooth!“While he drove over my Venushügel. Two fingers massaged my clitoris while I could feel his penis between my legs.

He rubbed his penis on my butt while he massaged and twirled my nipples through my bikini’s bust animal. My breathing became heavier and I could feel that I was about to come while I felt the feeling that Markus stimulated his penis on my butt. I turned under his touch and under a quiet moaning my abdomen spanned. I couldn’t hold it anymore. My heart beat faster and faster.

I had a short but intense one orgasm. Markus noticed my orgasm and let go of me. I turned to him and started kissing him. He put my face in his hands. His teeth nibble on my lips while I drove my hand into his swimming trunks. Seconds later, his tongue pushed into my mouth and he had her tenderly circular. I massaged Markus Steifen penis under the swimming trunks until he stopped me again: “Stop, please don’t here!”” I want your juice “, I whispered in his ear.

“You get it! Come with me, ”he replied grinning and horny. We left the cave and swam into a staircase and left the bathroom in the direction of the changing rooms. Markus pulled me to a cabiest and started kissing me again. I crouched down in front of him and took off his swimming trunks. He stood naked in front of me. At the sight of his penis’ I got my stomach very warm and my vagina was damp again.

Markus picked him up and massaged his penis until he became plump and stiff. Markus looked alternately and then his penis to signal to me that I could blow him now. He moved his mouth without audible and said: “Ocise his mouth!“How ordered I opened my mouth and took his penis in one hand. With the other hand I slowly started massaging his scrotum. I put his link on my lips and slowly led it into my mouth.

My tongue played on his glans while my lips massaged his shaft. He picked up my head and determined the speed and depth of my movements. In the meantime I had become moist again and massaged my kit through the bikini panties. I could see from Markus Blick that he was about to come. He did not moan, as he otherwise did not attract attention. With an open mouth and pinched eyes, Markus came in my mouth.

The first two swells puss in him. I took his penis out of my mouth while Markus got on. Be sperm dripped onto my breasts and my thighs. I kept jerking until nothing came. The last drop hung down from his glans before I enjoyed it with my tongue. Markus grabbed me on my hair and pressed his half -tire penis back in my mouth while he was grinning to me. After Markus was limp again, he let go of my head and I got up to kiss him.

After Markus put on his swimming trunks again, we left the changing room in the direction of the sauna landscape. After walking through the barrier with our bracelets, we snapped bathrobes and sauna towels. The sauna area had its own locker area by getting rid of our swimwear and covering the bathrooms. We sat down in the relaxation area and drank a coffee before we dared to go to the first sauna. Passing a cold swimming pool we went through the outdoor area to a sauna.

She was in a small hut and not particularly hot, so perfect for the former today. There were already a few flip -flops and a bathrobe on the clothes hook. I put my shoes next to it and went to the sauna after I also hung my bathrobe on a hook. Markus followed me immediately. The sauna had her oven in the middle. On the left and right there were three levels with benches. In the middle row, in the middle of the bench on the left side, a man who had closed his eyes was sitting.

I looked at him and estimated him in mid -50. Markus and I sit opposite him on the other side, something to the side of the benches. I spread my towel on the upper level before I sat on it. Markus sat down a level in front of me, leaned back and put his head between my legs. After we were sitting, the stranger opened his eyes to see who made him company.

He first eyed my husband before his eyes hiked up and down on my body. I enjoyed his eyes and smiled at him as our eyes met. After looking a little, he closed his eyes and continued to enjoy the warmth. Markus had also closed his eyes while I was now looking at the stranger. Despite his age, he looked quite sporty. He had no hair on the body, even intimate it was completely hairless and quite well stocked.

When I saw enough, I also closed my eyes and leaned back a little. The silence was interrupted when the stranger uprising and walking with a head nod towards the exit. When we were alone in the room, Markus got up and climbed the benches on the opposite side and looked out the window. “From here you can see if someone is coming,” he said in my direction grinning. “Aha?“I asked him a little surprised.

Without a besitager he replied to me: “Come here, here I can fuck you well. “Surprised, but curious and horny I took my towel and went over to him and climbed to the middle level to him. We started to kiss before I put my towel on the benches. Markus Penis was already stiff again. His sight also made me wet. I turned Markus my back and put a foot on the top seat while I leaned forward and supported on one hand.

So I could keep an eye on the way to our sauna. I put the other hand on my buttocks and pulled it aside. Markus stood behind me and dropped a drop of spit on my hole before it started to finger me. Markus stopped and straightened up behind me. He had his penis in his hand and held it to my vagina. The pressure of his limb on my vagina was stronger.

He pushed against my entrance and with a gentle jerk he had penetrated me. At that moment a quiet moan escaped me. Slowly he pushed his penis further into me. My vagina was closed to his masculinity while he kept moving to me. When he was completely in me, his glans touched my cervix. I groaned loudly. He remained in me completely. “You seem to like that. ” “And whether.

Please fuck me, ”I ferthe him on. Slowly he pulled out his penis and started fucking me. Whenever he put in me until it was stopped, I had to groan. Markus became faster and faster. Due to my moan, it was more and more difficult for me to get breath. Suddenly I looked a couple on the way to us in the sauna. “Hey, stop, someone comes there. “Oh, what a shame,” replied Markus and pulled his stiff penis out of me.

We hurried while we sat on the bench again. This time Markus was sitting right behind me on the upper bank. So the newly canteen could not see his stand immediately. The door opened and a man, for example at my age, entered the sauna, followed by a much younger woman. The two greeted us friendly and sat next to each other on the middle bench on the opposite side. It was well built, had no hair on his body except on his head and well stocked.

His hand was on the thigh of his companion, who was sitting next to him with his legs overturned. I estimated that she was around 20, so much younger than him. It was dainty, with its bust size was tight and full. Also on her there was no other hair next to her shoulder -length black hair when they entered the sauna. The sweat ran from my forehead. The heat was also to look at the other two. The woman was sitting with your eyes closed on the bench and leaned back.

Welding beads formed on her chest and decol tea and slowly ran down between her breasts. Your companion had also closed her eyes. He was sitting there with a wide leg and was shaved, I could see that. I looked at him for a while and lost myself in his trained upper body. When I looked back over to the woman, I noticed that she had watched me to look at her accompaniment. She grinned and winked at me. Markus typed me up and when I turned to him, I could see that his penis was back.

He signaled me with his eyes and a nod that we should leave the sauna. I rose from my towel and took it before we went to the door. When we covered our bathrobes in the anteroom, Markus whispered my ear: “Come on, we’re looking for a quieter place. I want to keep fucking you. “I was afraid that someone would hear us and said giggling:“ Pssts!“, Before we kissed. We looked around the outdoor area.

We looked into the front of the different saunas and found no empty sauna, which is why we made our way back into the interior. Inside we noticed that apparently nobody was in the steam bath. After hanging our bathrobes next to the door, we entered the room. On the way to a flowed bank, my husband already jerked his penis so that he was quickly stiff as he walked behind me. I just wanted to sit down when he stopped me: “Wait, I sat down first.

“After he had sat down, he grinned with his hands on his thighs:“ Sit down!”” Not yet, “I said narrowly while putting my right foot on the bench next to him. Markus immediately understood what I wanted and started to finger me until I was nice and damp. He slipped with his butt on the edge of the bank so that I could sit on him. Slowly his penis slid into me when I sat on him.

When I was sitting on his thighs and he was deep in me, we looked into our eyes and kissed each other. At that moment the door opened and an older man came in. I immediately got up from Markus and stood next to him. His penis was rock hard and we looked at the uninvited visitor surprised. He greeted us with a cold “Hello” while shook his head to express his aversion. We immediately left the steam bath.

We decided to digest the fright with a cup of coffee and sit down in the bistro area. Markus looked around and I wondered what he was looking. I also looked through the bistro area. Except for us, nobody could be seen, as we had expected in one morning during the week. He looked at me again and said softly: “We are now looking for an empty sauna. I want to fuck you further and come inside. “I grasped to him.

We tried our luck first in the panorama sauna and were lucky. There are no bathrobes in the anteroom and it appeared that nobody was in it. After hanging our bathrobes on the cloakroom, we entered the sauna. As assumed, nobody was in the room. I had seen on the plan that about 15 minutes had passed since the last infusion. Until the next there were about 2 hours. The temperature of the sauna was on the outside with approx.

90 degrees specified. It was generously created and was called a panoramic sauna because it had a large window through which the North Sea or. in this case the mudflats. We could see the people who with children or dogs at the beach and went for a walk in the mudflats. “Bück in front of the window. I’ll continue to fuck you from behind, ”my husband ordered me. I put towels on the top and the bench below. With my forearms I leaned onto the upper bank while I put my feet on the one underneath.

Markus stood behind me and started massaging and kneading my shoulders. I provoked him a little: “Listen to sham around and finally fuck me before we are interrupted again. “Of course he didn’t let that sit on him and grabbed my left buttocks with one hand to put it aside to finger me with the other hand. “Hold them out!“, He instructed me. With my left hand I spread my buttocks while I continued to support myself with my right arm.

Through Markus spit and finger I was damp and far enough that he could easily penetrate me. I noticed his glans on my vagina and felt how he slowly penetrated me. While he fucked me faster and faster, the sweat ran down all over my body. Welding beads ran into my eyes and burned. I noticed how a lake made of sweat and condensed water formed on my back. Outside a couple ran hands on hand Beach, While Markus bumped me up more and more faster until he was moaning in me.

As he poured himself out in me, he stopped his movements and massaged my butt. After Markus was finished and slowly getting slack, he pulled his penis out of me. Sweaty and outside of breath, I also straightened up. I grabbed his penis and massaged the last pots of his sperm out of him. At the same time, Markus load slowly ran out of me and down on my legs. I had lifted my towel when the door of the sauna opened and a sporty man entered the sauna in late 20 or early 30 while we were on our way outside.

Afterwards we made a few passes in different saunas, where we stayed properly.

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