Horny experience in the swinger club | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Jenny’s friend absolutely wants to go to one Swinger club with her. He doesn’t know how dirty she actually is and only speaks to it hesitantly. She plays the shocked one first but then agrees. After the two have decided, visit a club for the first time. The owner, a final fifth nice guy, has a 33-year-old Russian woman who stands and serves behind the counter. You will be welcomed in a friendly manner, there are mostly couples there. There are different rooms and a VIP area.

A lot is laughed at the counter and drunk, the two amuse themselves, enjoy the sexy lingerie of those present. Some couples go together in one room, others watch. Tom, Jenny’s friend, notices that the VIP area of the men who are visited without accompaniment and asks what’s going on. Valentina, The woman from the boss, explains it to him. Only members are allowed in there and we don’t take up almost none, since we already have a surplus of men! How can we become a member? As a pair?-Asks Valentina women at any time, but men only if they leave their women to the boss to casting! What does that mean? Well, your sweetie has to blow my husband a blow! Tom witty- but for that, she says, I also blow you one and wink to her …

He gets a stand … Since no one has noticed the conversation, the two go to a room and only have sex with each other, another couple is in the same space that alone already turns on both! You want to go back next weekend. You pay the high bill and drive home. The next WE is there and Tom asks what Jenny thinks of integrating another couple … She asks what he imagined. Tom says she can rummage with a woman and he and the other watch.

She agrees. Tom: “And there would be something … What do you think of it when we become members? Then we do not pay admission!”Oh, sounds good! We do!“, Says Jenny. “But there is a catch,” says Tom … “You would then have to make a kind of receptionist!””Please?? What is that supposed to be?”” Well, you have to spend the evening without me … “” without you?? Without lingerie?? Above all???”” Yes- I know, but everyone did … “”And you?? What are you doing??”I’m in a room with the boss …” “Please?? The Russian? And what is that???”Well … she blows one … and I can only get out when the boss lets me out …

“” Great … but I have to drink something first … “Would that be ok for you? That she blows me one?”” Well … that’s why it goes in a swinger club or?”, She asks …” Yes … There is still a little thing you would have to do … “” What else??”” Each of those present can touch you wherever he wants … And you have to go to the room with the boss and blow a blow … “Jenny is skeptical … but she had already agreed. She doubts … but let’s see? And again the next weekend … you previously spoke to the couple who runs the club.

You have voted this weekend that there is now the recording ritual … You have made both chic, freshly shaved and beautiful underwear … if only to take off, Jenny thinks … when you arrive, you will be received by the couple and in a roomguided. There they take off their street clothes … They look at … They all actually only wear their underwear, Valentina still very sexy stockings and a bodice. They sit down, the owner and his young wife smile- “You don’t need to be afraid.

Believe us, it’s fun- you will see!”Jenny and Tom look at, unsure …” And now, like further?“, Tom wants to know. “Well,” replies the boss and smiles at him, “first … My husband takes care of Jenny. And only when he tells me it’s okay, I’ll let you out!“Tom and Jenny look at. “And? Do you want?“, Asks Tom… Jenny hesitated. “Well- but think about it.. I already have something bammel!“The boss smiles at her.

“You, you will like it … believe me! My husband picks you up right away and prepare you … Tom, you are on!“She gets up and waves to come with him.. Tom looks again at Jenny. She smiles unsafe.., Then she nods. Tom hesitates briefly and follows the boss into a room.. she closes the door. Tom stops, looks at … A large bed, in the middle of the room, next to it a couch landscape with a small bar. “What do you like to drink?“, Valentina asks him with her light Russian accent …

“Doesn’t matter….. Just something to hold on!“, He grins embarrassed.. She gives him a glass … He looks around the room, except for a frame and a long curtain, nothing else stands out … So he doesn’t notice that Valentina kneels in front of him. Only when they have his nimble hands tail Unpacks from the boxers, he flinches … she smiles at him as she begins to slowly jerk off his cock … “Just no shame … I’m on it when I have a cock in my mouth.

I think it’s horny when he starts to twitch in my mouth and sprayed … you have thickness Egg, You will definitely do my mouth well!“She tenderly takes his cock into her mouth without hesitation and begins to suck … Tom shrugs when she begins without hesitation to edit his already steep spanking. Again and again sucks and sucks on him as he takes his head back and lets her moaning … sometimes gently, sometimes hard edits his cock.

“Like what I do with your spanking?“She asks him as she grabs him on his eggs … He opens his eyes and risks a look. Valentina looks at him from below as she plays with his cock … Tom sees that she has unpacked her magnificent tits out of the bodice and alternately massages her tits or rubbing her already very damp and wet shiny cunt … “Yeah … Yeah … “, Tom groans while watching her watch her hand between her spread legs push the panties to the side and processes her cunt …“ Just wait …

If you get on well, you may also put your spanking in and fuck me … or let’s see what else I am doing with you!“She laughs and keep going. “What … what do you mean by that?“, He stammered, unable to suppress his lust … “Wait just, you will see what I am going to do with you and we are doing with you … but now let your cock inject. come on.. I want to taste your cream! Come on, spray me really …

I want to have something to swallow!“She sucks his cock violently, and her hands work hard his tail and eggs … Tom begins to twitch … “Oh god, you are horny … you immediately got me! Come on, suck a few more times … you are awesome! I can hardly stand it anymore!!!“, He stammered when his cock begins to twitch in her mouth. Hot sprays it from his twitching cock when Valentina can always be sprayed in her mouth …

Smart and sucking, she gets everything out of him … “Mmmmmmm … you are delicious. Your cock is really good- what you sprayed in my mouth- very cool!“, Valentina smiles at him, still kneeling in front of him and enjoying his plump tail. “But that was really quick- you like it if I have your cock in my mouth, that’s right?“Without waiting for an answer, she takes it back into her mouth and sucks the last drops of his red swollen glans …

With sperm She rises on the face. “But if you always spray so quickly … I have to come up with something. Come on, take your off!“Tom obeyed hesitantly, still divided by the feeling of having hooked his juice into her mouth. She leads him to the frame in front of the curtain. “Do you know what that is?“Only then does Tom realize that it is a pillory. “How … you want to go in there? And I should fuck you? That would be awesome …

!!!“, Tom has to swallow … But then Valentina answers with a malizian smile: “Yes, I also find it cool when I get climbed from behind … but first you are on it!“She opens the pillory and means Tom to get closer. Tom is still hesitating … but then he gives himself a jerk. “What should happen to me?“, It shoots him through his head … He pulls out completely and puts the head and hands in the recesses at the pillory, which Valentina also closes directly.

“Soooo … now you belong to me!“, She laughs … She goes backwards, gets another block. She puts him on the floor behind Tom: “Go, spread your legs … then your feet!“Obeyman he opens his legs, he feels how the block now closes around his legs. “And now … you are all of me!“She stands next to him by chance and begins, slowly and powerfully his still damp but almost limp tail again jerk off.

“First of all you have to get stiff again!“With relish she jerks him and enjoys his groaning in the pillory- unable to move, he stammered:“ But I just sprayed you!!! Do you have to milk me again or what???“She laughs and werry down him hard. “Wait only … we still have a lot before. And I want to see your plump cock right away, not just hanging something!“She jerks him hard again a few times, then stands in front of him and smiles her malicous smile again … lasciviously she unpacks her tits out of the corsage and rubs her in his face.

In vain, he tries to grasp her swollen nipples … she laughs and continues to play with his tits in his face. Then she begins to slowly strip down the tight panties along the body … Her cunt is still wet and shiny when she provokes herself in front of him. “First of all, I want to have a little fun … let’s see if your spanking stays hard!“, She laughs … she sits down on an edge directly in front of him …

Spreads the legs that lifted up and slightly bent … slowly it begins to stroke her tits and open her legs. “N/a…. How do you like that? Would want to see more?“She asks him … Tom has to swallow when the sight of this horny bitch in front of him. He can only nod with his head … How she sits and stands in front of him, only with stockings and corset … “Damn, it’s horny!!!“It shoots him through his head …

She starts rubbing her cunt, playing on her wet labia. “Horny, what? Imagine you can now put your cock in my cunt and really fuck me … I would really let you ram with your hard spanking until you inject everything back … ”she asks him … her breath goes faster, she groans again and again as her fingers penetrate her and massage her sensitive cunt.

Tom can’t help it, he has to watch her and can’t do anything … He always wants to get out of the pillory, but she laughs and provokes him further.. She stands in front of him and fingers finger: “Imagine how your cock always penetrates into my cunt … How you take me hard, keep putting your beating in to the stop … Her fingers flinch, she closes her eyes as it shoots in her cunt in her … she has to close her legs …

“Yeah … Was that horny … Exhausted she stands next to him again. “And you also liked what? Your tail is like a one again ….“She grabs hard and firmly, jerks him again. “Well, want to cum now now?“Lossed thoughts she kept at him … “But before that I have to show you something … You have to know that I bubble your cock is only half the truth!“Tom listens. “What do you think?“, He groanes, attached by her firm and delicate grip on his spanking … she stands next to him.

“You like to see when Jenny is concerned? This is not a curtain … “She steps aside and pulls the curtain on …. “What…. What do you do with Jenny???? What’s that supposed to mean???“, Tom howl … What he sees, his hair leaves him with mountains … Jenny only wears her lingerie and heels … In her black stockings with the black corsage she looks extremely sexy, her heels still support this impression … Tom sees how she sees a man with a black hood and black cloak on a collar with a leasha room is managed.

The room is designed like a basement, torches everywhere and old bricks … The man leads you to the middle of the room, where almost a dozen people are waiting in a circle. They too are dressed in black, they wear black hoods or masks … Jenny runs uncertainly behind the man when she is led into the middle of the circle … Jenny follows the man in the group. “What … what do you want? You are so many!!“The man laughs quietly.

“Do not worry…. You will create us!” “Create? What do you think about it?“Instead of an answer, the man points to the group where a few people step back … a black, roughly crowded Andreaskreuz becomes visible. Jenny is startled … “What … what is that? Is this for me?“Instead of an answer, the man pulls her to the St. Andrew’s Cross, tugs them on the wood … There he pulls her leash through an eyelet, pulls her head to the St. Andrew’s cross … Immediately there are other people who move up their arms irresistibly and they with leather straps to the cross tie up.

Jenny groans softly when her arms are hard against the rough wood … “What … you will do with me? What do you do with me?“Instead of an answer, her legs are now coming … roughly the men tore her legs apart and captivate her to the cross. With the arms and legs spread wide, she is now defenseless in front of the group … The man who passed her in the leash comes closer. The other men are flocking around them in a semicircle …

The man steps in front of her and succeeds her. “You are already a very horny little bitch … I’m sure we will still have fun with you!“He gets closer … He looks at her corset more precisely. He pulls her down with a hard jerk so that her plump little tits jump out of the bodice … He laughs when he takes her little nipples. “Just say you are horny … your nipples stand like a one. Good this way!“He pinching her into her nipples that Jenny groans slightly in pain.

He kneads her tits. “Nice plump …. firmly!“His other hand grabs her between her legs … Jenny tries to wind out of the handle, but the Andreaskreuz doesn’t let her go out of his handle. “Mine…. My cunt belongs only Tom! There was only Tom’s tail in it!“, She bumps heavily. The man laughs. “Just wait…. That changes today. You will still have many cocks in your cunt today!“He grabs even harder.

Jenny groans when he pulls her mini-slip hard and the panties disappear into her labia … The man keeps dressing up again and again so that the panties rub in her cunt … The slip tears with a last jerk. The man looks at him. “Look at … your cunt is damp?“Without waiting for an answer, his fingers drive between their labia … His fingers penetrate them hard. Again she tries to close her legs … but it just doesn’t work.

The man pulls his fingers out of her again … “Mmmm ……” Jenny is intimidated by the whole.. The torches, the vault …. The men around them, this feeling of being delivered … The defenselessness is troubled by her on the one hand, on the other hand, she has to secretly agree with the man …. She is excited. Suddenly she realizes how the cross on which it hangs is tilted … she finds herself on the cross … The man comes closer. “Soooo … and now for the first part of your task … open your mouth!“The man opens his cloak expectantly, he is naked under his cloak.

His tail is plump and swollen red … From Jenny’s perspective, his spanking appears huge, his plump eggs swing slightly when he approaches Jenny’s mouth … Jenny closes her eyes … It opens her mouth … Tom hangs in the pillory and has to watch how “his” Jenny is greedily viewed by a horde of men … and has to watch how she opens her mouth wide- for a guy who swollen his plumpThe tail drifts into her mouth with relish.

Valentina grins … “Do you want to hear them?”, ask her…. With relish, she switches on a speaker. Tom hears how Jenny sucks the tail of the guy … and again and again it smacks loudly when she sucks on his blazing glans … Tom is stunned! Valentina grins: “I like to suck cocks … but your Jenny really seems to like it!“Tom looks stunned how his Jenny sucks more and more greedy on the strange cock … When he realizes how much she is supposed to do this environment, he can no longer get out of surprise, he wonders whether she may even like it? He feels a pull in his loins when he realizes, as his cock swelled again.

Valentina realizes that: “Oh, you can do it again? Let’s see if I make you inject ..!“She begins to jerk off his stiff cock hard again. Tom groans when he feels her hard grip on his tail … She jerks him quickly and hard: “Come on, come on! Spray for me again … I want to see your cream on me!“His cock under her hands is getting harder and plump. Valentina turns to him as she jerks him.

“Look, my tits are very cool … I want you to insist on my tits!“With one hand, she wands him on, with the other she holds her plump tits in front of his face. “You see how full my nipples are already? And only because I have your stiff cock in my hand! You like that when I jerk him hard?“Tom can only groan … The sight is just too much for him, as his Jenny is being grabbed and inseminated by a horde of men and Valentina’s horny tits in front of his nose and then Valentina’s hand on his tail- He starts to tremble… “Jaaaa … come!“Valentina fires at him when she realizes that he is about to explode,“ go! Give me your load! I want to see you inject you!“Tom groaned in the pillory of one last jerking off Valentina, then he sprays … White splashes his cream on Valentina tits, who enjoys his splashed cock on her tits and nipples.

“So it’s cool … Come on, let it out! Make me nice wet with your juice … “Looking pleasantly she plays on her tits with his cock, then she takes him back into her mouth and licks him clean. “Sooo … It’s nice when it is very clean again … “She rises, traces of sperm on the tits and on the mouth. “So, let’s see how far Jenny is … “Grinning, she turns away and looks at again …

Tom has to close his eyes first ….After cumshot, he needs time … Jenny, on the other hand, is getting going more and more. She likes this huge, plump cock to blow hard … Again and again she has to gargle if her tail drives too hard into her throat. She does not notice that the other men are now pulling their cocks out of the cloaks and approaching her … Jenny lies with legs tied up on the St. Andrew’s cross, sucks and sucks the tail that it is a delight- but she grinds up, reared up, reared upIn her bonds when one of the other tails with a single hard push drives into her now wet cunt … the guy starts to fuck her hard that she is thrown into her bonds every time.

Her tight cunt greedily encloses the tail, which she now fucks in her cunt … Groaning again and again, Jenny moves on the Andreaskreuz, as far as the bonds allow- the deep, hard bumps of the tail in their cunt throw them again and again in their shackles, against the tail in their mouth. She hears the men: “Now look at this horny little bitch … it is really fun when she is fucked by several! Come on, read me- I want her now!“She feels how the tail withdraws from her cunt …

Just to feel the next cock that bores into her cunt. Again she rears up when the next guy fucks her … The guy in front of her face fires at her and the others: “Come on, she really fucks through … And you, do what … I want to make your horny mouth really full!“His bumps become more violent, his breathing becomes faster … Jenny feels that he too is about to explode, and sucks even more intensely and faster.

He starts to tremble … Jenny sucks him violently a few more times when she feels the plump cock batting in her mouth, gushing the gush of his hot juice in her mouth … The hot sperm runs out of her mouth,Along her face … Heavily breathing he pushes his dripping spanking into her mouth again until she licked his cock very cleanly … then he looks after the others.

The others hang in front of Jenny’s legs and cheer on the guy who fucks them with a breath of breathing … Jenny has closed her eyes and groans under his hard bumps. “Yes…. Come on, really fucks me … I want to be your fuck bitch! Put it in really deep … Yeah … that’s horny … “She winds herself in her bonds … she feels his cock starts to twitch in her cunt and how he panting hard fucks her more and more …” Jaaaa … let it out, spray me really …me!!!“The guy groans when his cock explodes in her tight cunt …

He fills her cunt with his hot sperm. Panting, he pulls his cock out of her … “Come on … the next … “He cannot miss this and urges himself between Jenny’s bound legs … Tom looks stunned by the hustle and bustle … to hear how his Jenny demands and gives the tails, drives him to the edge of madness. He hardly notices how Valentina builds up in front of him with legs spread wide -out and rubs her cunt in front of him.

“What is … seems as if your girlfriend likes it very much! How does it look … you don’t even want to climb me?“She jerks his cock. “In any case, he is hard enough that you get it to me … “She opens the pillory … Tom stands in front of her with steeply upside down cock … she leans back and looks at his full swollen glans with bright eyes …” Come on, let me feel your spanking in me … What do you want to do with me?“Tom’s eyes wander between Valentina’s cunt and Jenny on the cross back and forth …” Knee yourself … and give me the whip!!!“Valentina’s eyes shine …. “It will definitely be awesome!“Valentina laughs softly when she takes a little riding crop and gives her Tom.

Obedience she kneels … Tom takes the whip and hits her gently on her still wet cunt: “Make your legs wide … And stretch your ass up!“Obediation Valentina spreads her legs and stretches … She presents Tom her wet cunt, her breath becomes more difficult: “Look at what she is doing with Jenny!“Tom hits her back on her cunt …“ You can feel everything she is doing with her!“, He gasps … when he sees what they are doing with Jenny … the hooded man of the other.

“Bring the other tool … you already know!“Another from the group comes with a wooden frame in which there are 2 round openings … 2 rough beams connected to a hinge. He stands in front of Jenny and shows her … Jenny hesitates, half still horny, half skeptical … “What … what is that?“Asks her undecided. The man stands in front of Jenny, shows her the frame … It opens and closes the two bars.

Jenny cannot turn his eyes of it … “What … what is that?“, She asks again. He replies: “You will see … or feel better. I think you like it!“He takes the frame and puts it on her bare tits … He closes the two bars on another sign and squeezes its tits! Jenny moans loudly when her tits are closely surrounded by the wooden beams … The blood builds up in their tits that they think they have to tear.. Her still horny nipples anyway swells under the pressure …

Jenny groans again when the man continues to squeeze her tits and nipples with the frame and clamps … they are very full of the pressure, but Jenny feels how she gets wet again in her tits … “And now … and now you want to fuck me? Get it really me again, again?“, She groanes, half in pain, half with lust … “Yes … just wait!“A few of the men stand on the woods who squeeze their tits and nipples … At one sign, start working on their tits with their fingers …. Tom hangs behind the glass pane and sees and hears stunned how his tame Jenny moaning with lust under the hands of the men, who stand in front of her with stiff spanking and work on her tits … and it doesn’t sound like itOnly moaning with pain is … no, it sounds as if it is just horny! He turns to Valentina and ..!!! I just have to get rid of something!“Roughly he forces Valentina to the ground, who laughs quietly with his whip and kneels …

“Well, what is … your Jenny can do it differently? And you? Say … do you want to get me really now? Do you finally want to fuck me now?“Provocrating her cunt … With a loud growling, Tom falls on her, presses her shoulder to the ground …… he hard into her cunt with his stiff swollen spank, when his plump cock drives into her … she fires at him: “Yeah …

So it’s horny, fuck me right through! Make it horny when you see how your Jenny is fucked by a horde of cocks? Come on, let me feel his cock … fuck me harder! Put it deep in me … “She stretches her cunt in a voluptuous way, each of his bumps throws her forward … She claws into the carpet just to be able to withstand each of his bumps … “Come on, you horny piece … like how I fuck you? You feel my cock?“, He gasps on her …. “More comes here!“Moaning he pushes Valentina into the wet cunt … Then he takes the whip and claps she falls on her ass again and again …, Valentina groans out loud under his bumps and strokes …

“Yeah … Get it really hard ….“Valentina groans and groans at each of his bumps …“ Yeah, … Get me ready, I want to scream! Come on, show me …. Make it horny when you put your cock in me and you can see how Jenny is injected! Come on…..Take a look at how the men take them … And fuck me!!!!“Tom looks through the window … out of sheer lust he had forgotten how Jenny was fucked by the men … and yes … when he sees how the men stand up with stiff cocks and they greedily grave and one stands behind them…

Jenny moans running when she feels his cock as he drives hard into her cunt … “Yes…. “, She groanes,“ gets me ready, her horny engraver .. !“Willingly spreads her legs even on my legs … Keep her cunt behind the guy behind her … The others get closer and cheer him on: “Come on, come … Put him in properly! Let them scream … Spray, then we can too!“The guy stands behind Jenny and fucks her more and more …

Moaning he clings to her ass, which she holds towards him: “Go, you little bitch … Massify my cock again! I finally want to inseminate you … “Jenny closes her eyes and doubles her efforts … Again and again she pushes her wet cunt towards his cock, she can hardly endure his bumps … And then it is time to feel Jenny how the tail begins to twitch in her cunt and spoils the gush around the gush into her cunt …

It drips out of her cunt and runs down on her legs … moaning the guy pulls his wet, still dripping tail out of her. “Soo … The next!“He steps back and stands in front of Jenny’s face … Willingly opens her mouth when he puts his dripping cock in her mouth. Moaning she sucks … When the next guy is behind her and gets ready … Jenny groans when the next cock drives into the dripping cunt …

Moaning and gasping she sucks the first cock clean as she is fucked by the push of the next tail … The others stand around them and fire the two … Jenny feels her hands everywhere on her body how to massage her broken tits in the block … Your cunt grabs with the tail in it … Again and again she willingly gets involved … The men’s bumps are becoming increasingly violent, and tougher they drive into her greedy cunt …

She groans, over and over again, as the bumps of the tail become harder in her cunt. “Guys, make half the length … I need a break. You fuck me horny, but I need a break … “. Jenny tries to close her legs … but she still hangs in her bonds, who spread her legs wide … “Hey, you hear? I need a break!“, She groans under the bumps of the tail … But the guy behind her only reacts by pushing her even harder and now groaning … faster, in the rhythm of his bumps …

When Jenny tries to turn her head to see who is fucking her, she feels her hand in her hair and pull her head back: “Not so, you bitch … first make us horny and then halfMake the route sloppy? Not with us…. Get boys, she finishes!“Jenny is dazed under the bumps and the grave hands between her legs …” Hey … no, no, what’s the point? I said, stop, otherwise …

“- The rest of the sentence disappears into a gurgling when a plump cock is plugged into her mouth again … The guy begins to fuck her in her mouth … Jenny gurgles and moans, but she does not succeed in winding yourself out of your bonds … her cunt is wounded, so hotly edited her cunt … Jenny rears up, in pain, but also with relief when she feels how the tail twitches into her and begins to spray his hot load in her cunt …

“Yeah ….cool…..“, The guy groans behind her and pulls Jenny firmly on his splashing tail on her hips … Jenny feels how she runs out of the cunt’s sperm … But the tail in her mouth also begins to twitch. Pumping around the cock also pumps his cargo into her mouth … Jenny can’t swallow everything with which he fills her mouth, hot drips the sperm out of her mouth … The guy holds her head tight and pulls her on his hair on his cock again and again: “Yes, you horny bitch …

Suck him really clean … do it!“Reluctantly, but obedience, Jenny sucks everything off … In the hope that all of this has come to an end … When the tail disappears from her smeared mouth, she looks up … Still the men stand in front of her with stiff -swollen cocks. One steps before … If she looks at her, drives her tail through her face and verrits the sperm on her face: “Soooo … Now you know our entrance examination. From now on you are always welcome here … and can do what you want to do.

Maybe you liked it and you want it again … or you are here where I stand and do the same with others- your decision. Welcome!“He steps back … The others relieve the bonds that they still kept …. Jenny sags together. She groans and gases: “Just wait.. I’ll get you still!“But the men have already disappeared … she only sees Tom, as he now also comes into the room naked and with smeared cock … they look at … tired.

They disappear from the room without a word …

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