Horny birthday present | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I have my birthday and you wished you that you have to do an entire weekend unconditionally what I say. Of course you thought about it but in the end still agreed and you are an unconditional slave for a whole weekend. I also do not shine long and put an outfit in front of your feet what you should wear. It is a black short skirt that stops under your butt and a white top.

I only grin for your searching view of underwear, but this is missing for the weekend. “Well then mine Angel, Tighten once “. In the time where you change, I go into Living room And get ready, because we won’t stay at home. When you enter the room, I get a hard one in my pants, because this sight when your horny tits are nicely pulled away from gravity and bobs back and forth slightly with every step.

“Come on Turn on”, slowly you turn for me and I could go crazy with this sight. I come to you and grab you under your skirt to check whether the underwear is missing. Look you obeyed. “So my babe I want to remind you again you do what I say without ifs and without but without, it is clear?“, You swallow briefly because you don’t know what is coming, but you affirm it.

“Good you little bitch, then my first will be commanded that you tear yourself together when it hurts a little or if it tickles. Check on your lips or anything else, understood?”,” Yes “, comes from you. “Well then we want to go”. We climb into automobile and go off, “go Legs apart you cunt ”, when spreading your legs the skirt slips a little higher and I can’t let it and stroke your thigh up and off again, I always touch your swarm lips with my little finger.

Even I could pack you now and just fuck but I have to irritate myself together. That’s why we continue. We stop at a restaurant so that we can strengthen ourselves first. You sit opposite me and we look in love in the eye, I grin slightly mischievously and you just think “what does he have in the head that he has to grin”.

But at that moment you can already feel my foot between your legs how it slowly makes its way to your cunt. I say legs apart and they are promptly each other. I rub my big toe slowly on your clitoris and you can’t suppress it and have to groan slightly. The waiter comes and instead of pulling my foot away, I penetrate into you with my toe.

The waiter sees what we do but it cannot quite see what we do, so I say to you “Lot your skirt and show him what happens there”, you lift the skirt and with your show and middle finger you even open your beautifulshaved skirmipes and show him what happens there. I see how he gets a bump in his pants, but it also seems to make it up because your nipples are far and squeeze against your top. But I also notice how you get wet between your legs. “So we don’t want to let the food get cold”, I only mean to pull my foot out of your cunt again.

You look at me totally divided and I can hardly rewink myself. But we eat comfortably the food that tastes wonderful. After eating, we let the food sink briefly and also enjoy a schnapps. “I have to pee,” I say to you “and you will accompany me”.

You get up right away and accompany me to the toilet. “So since I know you good enough I know that you also have to pee so do so”. You sit down on the toilet and make yourself easier and I piss in the piss basin. “Get bubble mean tail Clean ”and without having to ask you for a long time you go to your knees in front of me and push my cock into your mouth.

With the one hand you groom mine Egg And with the other you wank my cock, which always disappears deep into your mouth. What a horny feeling, I take your head in my hands and push your head against my pelvis so that I can penetrate even deeper into your mouth. At that moment the door opens from the toilet and the waiter is in the room. “Well that took it,” I mean to him and put in your hair and tear it backwards.

“I made the bitch willing you before”, because that was definitely a light puddle of your horny pussy juice below you. I pull you up and press you against the wall so that your horny ass rises into the room. “Come on you can fuck the bitch properly” and give him a condom. I still come to you and tear your top up so that your horny tits can dangle freely.

He doesn’t take long and has put the condom over and stepped onto you from behind. Without problems he can penetrate you directly because you are so wet and horny. I look at the whole thing from the side and wank my cock. You look deep into my eyes and give me to understand that I should fuck your mouth.

I also get this after and penetrate into your mouth. So that you don’t have to stand there so cramped for long, I turn your upper body more to myself, so that you can hold on to me. With every push from the waiter, my cock penetrates into your mouth. “Hey now fuck her really hard and but put her pussy mouth really on my cock”.

He doesn’t let this say twice and pushes really hard and I just feel my cock disappears into your throat. This is so horny I think and you too cling yourself into my hip that it is slowly hurting. The waiter and I are moaning like sow and it doesn’t take long for both of us. First, the waiter rams his tail for two three times hard into your wet cunt and then sprays vigorously.

At this moment I also push your head completely against my pelvis, so that my cock disappears completely into your mouth cunt and I can spray. You have to swallow three powerful pits until I let your head free and you can run back to air. “The food goes to the house today,” said the waiter and disappears again. I’ll take you up and give you a kiss.

We are both grinning and I only mean “I’m not finished yet with you bitch”. And we leave the restaurant.

Next we drive on a lake and there we sit down in sand and enjoy the weather. The sun is slowly going down, that’s why I sit behind you and you can lean on me and breathe deeply deeply through. With my hands I spread my legs and let the group of people a deep insight under your skirt in front of us.

I hike with my hand between your legs and open your lips and stroke your clit. Two young women get up and come up to us. “Hey you don’t want to accompany yourself to us on the ceiling?“Asks the one and I answer it. So we go to the ceiling.

The couple what was already on the ceiling greeted us and asked us what we do. “I have my birthday today and my little slave cunt is doing what I want today”. “How everything you want?”Asked one of the girls,” yes, everything I want “and grin there. The girls bite the lower lip and look at you from top to bottom.

“You don’t have to take them off with your eyes, you can do it too. Let’s get cunt between the two ladies and branches what you have beautiful “. You take a seat between the two women, spread your legs and lift your top and your horny tits jump out. “You can also touch them and use them, the bitch needs that“ I take you against placement and watch the hustle and bustle first.

The left lady of you grabs your head and kisses you intimately and tenderly on your mouth. The lady on the right of you is already greedy and immediately sucks a nipple in the mouth. But both of them automatically make one together, because they wander up and down with their hands between your legs. “You don’t have to be so squeamish to the cunt, go quietly”.

The right lady cannot be said twice and throw you around so that you are now lying on your back. She opens her pants and lets her slide to the ground. The panties also hikes behind right behind. Without hesitation, she sits directly on your face with her wet cunt and also catches your face right away and thus distributes her pussy juice in your face.

The left lady tends to hike between your legs and start licking you. I can only see how wet you are and enjoy all these touches. The couple next to me is already in full swing and she just blows her friend’s tail. He is not idle either and buried his hand in her pants.

Well, with this spectacle I don’t let it wait long and go to the lady who rides your face. You see how I open my pants and push my cock into her mouth. You see how she takes my eggs in her hand and starts massaging it. Again and again you recognize how I put my hard strap into her mouth cunt and now and then so deep that she has to choke.

You only get hornier through this sight and come and tremble all over the body. I get that with and grin because it won’t be the last time. The lady who licks you has clearly noticed it and now push her fingers into your cunt and also the rosette Doesn’t miss it. “Ram the fingers really the bitch” I mean to the lady.

I too can not stick to myself for long and inject my load into the lady’s mouth. The lady who rides your wet face swallows everything well, but you don’t take long anymore and come from the fucking movements of the other lady another time. I look over to the couple who are still excited about the hustle and bustle and only “Do you want to fuck the cunt from my bitch or her horny rosette leaves all desires open” He doesn’t hesitate long and choose your horny rosette. “Well then I’ll fuck the bitch into the dirty cunt.

Let’s go cunt blow my cock hard again and you make sure that his cock is really hard and the bitch is oiled properly and wet is for our cocks “. So the ladies turn you on the stomach and you know that you have to go into the doggi. So you straighten your horny cunt and rosette towards the ladies. You don’t let you tend long and lick nice and wet.

The girlfriend takes his cock in his mouth and blows him hard and I push my cock deep into your throat. Ah what a horny sight, actually I could spread my cum into your mouth cunt, but no I want to fuck you. That’s why I hike among you and penetrate your cunt. “Go fuck her now in the ass”, he too is now stepping on you and slowly struggling into your rosette.

We both start to fuck you slowly and fill your abdomen fully again and again. The ladies have laid in a circle and all lick each other. We increase our pace and fuck you faster and faster and harder. He reaches into your hair at the same time and takes her as an reins so that he can penetrate even deeper into your ass.

So now with dangle serves tits in front of my face and I can suck your nipples in my mouth. The feeling like his cock through the thin pussies my cock massaged let me burst. He too has to think the same thing and explodes in your horny rosette. I can feel every splash that he hunts in your ass.

That also lets me exploded and I injection into your cunt. That gives you the rest and lets you come again. Only this time so violent that you sack together in my amre. The ladies have all satisfied each other.

Everyone is now ko and drive home, but we should all see each other again soon.

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