Group fuck with Anja [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was approx. Four weeks after our experience at the hut when I said to Anja that she shouldn’t do anything for tonight, from 8 p.m. today until 11 p.m.Asked me, “you will be surprised,” I said.

I told her that she should blow -dry her long harre to a mane and put on an remarkably cheap and bright make -up. The lipstick should be stinging really red, ordinary almost late. Your degree of degrees should consist of a few high -heeled shoes and very tight black holy stockings.

Above a costume that was too tight around the hip so that you Gorgeous saw correctly. It was deeply slotted at the neckline so that it was easy to access and look at their mighty breast that was not held by a bra.

As I said, the skirt of the costume was very narrow and even shorter so as not to say too short. When Anja ran normally you could see the covenant of the hersonal stumps at the short slot of the skirt and who, she was only slightly bent down you could already see her bare skin on the thighs. Would you bend down half of the little stringtanga, she was wearing and would try to tie or clean your shoes. Anja would push the skirt over half ass.

I gave her an extra long chain with 7 love balls with a normal diameter, she should put 5 balls in the cunt and two in the ass, however, that they were still connected to each other.

Furthermore, I gave her a small auricle with a mini receiver that I was attached to the back of her costume. I myself had a mini microphone with which I could give her my commands directly.
We drove to the next largest city to the main station where we do that automobile park.

“Ok, darling it starts, you do everything I tell you and let you do what I want.”I said to Anja.
“You will have no will and satisfy who want to be satisfied with you, no matter what” I said, “understood?”” Yes “breathed, you stroked your tongue over her red lips.
I sent her into the subway and I would prefer to have fucked her myself but when I was running away, I almost sorry for her I didn’t know how far I would do the game myself.
I gave her the track and checked the microphone and reception. Everything was ok and I followed her at a distance and I noticed how, everyone was anxious. Anja climbed into a full wagon, I conducted, to a few men who were in the aftermath traffic.

It was so narrow that her bodies automatically touched the men.

“Lot on him, hot.”I told her through the microphone. Anja went one step forward so that her step was pressing in front of her directly on the man’s thigh.
“Sulproval” breathed, she.
“Don’t do anything, have no problems with it,” he said back to her. He lifted his knee a bit so that he was even tighter on her pussy pressed, and moved it up and down.
“So better” he said. “Mhhh” breathed back Anja.

“Get out, you bitch,” I told her in her ear, what, then she did too.

To astonish the man, but he had a grin on his face. I guided anja him a disco who was mostly visited by black ones. Anja should follow me and I conducted, she in the back of the disco to the bar.
There were three blacks there, they were sitting at the right end of the bar, a bit offside. Behind them was a dark corner in which a door with the inscription ‘private and’ office* and next to it was a giant mirror that covered the wall.
I guided you to the three guys and I ordered her to turn the three and take your time.

Anja sat on a bar stool with her back to them and ordered a glass of sparkling wine. When the glass was enough for her, she was a little opposed to the waiter and leaned forward as much that the three could see their assholes. The presentation of Anja, especially the short skirt, had awakened the attention of the three.

They stared at Anja and looked at them exactly what Anja noticed. “Don’t like something,” said Anja, she said and leaned forward, so that she could stare deep into her neckline.

“Well,” said one somewhat smaller but still at least 1.80 m tall guy to her.
“I think we like everything in you, but you will certainly know that yourself, if a woman is so dressed, then there are only two reasons for it,” he blinked to her.

“For a man” grinned Anja “which?”” Firstly you want to go crazy the men and when it gets going you will disappear or secondly you are still looking for some company for the night to have fun and is really hot, “first” said “I never disappear who it is brokenbecomes and secondly I’m always hot* replied Anja.
This answer surprised the boys but the largest of the three started again and asked: “And what with society?”” The more society the better, “replied Anja and grinned” How is her actually called? My name is Anja.”” I am Ed, this is Sam and the Vic, “said the big black one.

“We are still waiting for a friend and then we’ll go around the streets a bit,” said Vic with you. “Maybe you want to afford us society,” said Sam and put a hand on her thigh.
“You will accept the offer and do everything, you ask,” I said Anja about the headphones. “What is” Sam asked his hand further up towards the beginning of the skirt.
“Yes, ok, why not,” Anja stuttered.
“Ok, what should the whole thing look like, do you want to drink something else?”Asked Ed.
“Say: I have a few love balls in my cunt, you believe that or not, if so, with me what you want,” I said Anja in the ear.

She looked irritated to me over I nodded determined.
“What do you want to do now..”” I have a few love balls in my cunt, you believe it or not …, who does what you want with me “interrupted Anja, Eds question.
“What?“Asked Vic whose hand stopped at the hem of the skirt. Anja put her index finger in her mouth and licked him seductively with his tongue, making her a few clear movements with her hip sodas, she slipped and opened from one cheek to the other back and forth Legs.
“Five balls ..

and two in my ass, ”breathed Anja.

“Of course” said Vic “and my cock is 3 m long” the others laughed and Anja grinned.
“Ah there he is,” said Sam to the others and showed him the crowd.
Anja frightened. It was John, the John the one who had brutally sticked her at the mountain hut a few weeks ago, was worse than the others who were there, at least twice or three times as bad.
Of course it was no coincidence that he was there. I had staged the whole thing because I knew how much respect she had in front of him.

The other three knew nothing but John was inaugurated and it was a pleasure to humiliate him at the time and it was an even greater desire to do it again and even harder.
“Surprise” I whispered Anja in the auricle.
“Your shop is pretty full. – Vic, well everything, ”John greeted the others.
“Your shop?“Asked Anja Vic.
“Yes mine, oh John this is a..“Vic replied and was interrupted by“ Anja ”by John.
“You know each other,” Sam put in the round.

“Fleeping, but intense, Anja was not” grinned by John Anja.

“So to speak,” said Anja back.
For a long time they looked like the snake the victim. “The little one told us that she had a few love balls in her cunt – hahaha and can do what we want – hahaha, we almost believed it,” joked Vic.
Suddenly John took one step forward, he pulled Anja on his hair from her chair and pulled her to the end of the bar. He pressed Anja with his stomach, on the other hand, pushed her skirt up so that you could see her ass cheeks.
“Aahhhh” groaned Anja and “Auu” when he tore her tanga off her body.
“What are you doing?“Asked Sam.

“The little one loves that and that is not a joke,” replied John and hit her on the bare ass with Anja replied again.
“Open the door and we take the guy there,” said John and pointed to me.
John swimmed Anja whimpered the others on his hair and I followed. He pressed her with his right hand on the wall while Vic closed the door.

With his left hand he cleared the desk with a swipe. Sam and Ed help him. I stood in the corner and watched. The mirror who looked like one from the outside was a window in which you could look into the entire disco.
“So you have love balls in your little cunt,” John growled her, her on.

He turned away from the wall and forced them to bend them. He fumbled in Anja’s step and said: “Aha, now take care of*. Ratzsch, Ploop, Ploop ..

“Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” screamed Anja as her John tore the balls out of the abdomen. He pulled Anja up on his hair and put two of the balls in her mouth.
“Well, tasted good,” whispered John.
“Get off you Sau,” he shouted at Anja.
“Mhhhhhmhhh” resigned Anja, while John licked her her face with her tongue.

Suddenly he pulled her balls out of her mouth and pushed her to the desk.

He pressed Anja on the table with his face and pulled her skirt up, then he took the chain with his balls and swung her around Anja’s head that was stretched a ball directly over her mouth. He comprised the two ends vigorously and therefore had Anja ’. He let his pants down and rammed his giant tail into the ass with all the force of Anja without warning.

“MMMMHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH“ schrie Anja als sein Sack als Anschlag auf ihren Arschbacken klatschte und dort inne hielt. With both hands the chain with the love balls claws deep into Anjas ass.
He screamed as insane: “Look, you to you, so defenselessly just a piece of meat that I am so ram-my that will hear and see the bitch and see., But she will scream in pain but then out of ecstasy and her senses will fondle.

“I fuck you jjjaaaaaaa” shouted John and started to fuck in her asshole “ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
So he fucked her at least two minutes until he let go of the chain and grabbed her hips, he was now struck up for an even more merciless pace and you could hear Anja really screaming now.
“Aaaahhhhh, jjjjaaa, get done, fffick me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh jjjaaa …” Like an insane, he fucked Anjas ass.
“Aaaahhhhhhhhhh, Uuuummmmppphh, Nnnnnn-Naaaah.

Uuuuhhhhhhhhh “. She had to feel countless pain and orgasms at the same time as, she screamed her lust but that was John no matter after endless two minutes, he read from her.

“You will get my juice later,” John growled when he took off her. Anja sagged Matt with his stomach on the desk. She stood on her feet and lay with her belly above the desk but at that moment she was not aware of it, John Anja had too much too.
Her asshole hurt and pulsed after this ride and humiliated, she kept opening her up.

Her hole was a huge dark anal crater that was wide open. “Come on people pulls you out of this Ficksau wants more, it’s not like that, hmm ficksau”.

He stroked her back and the others, including me. “You know Anja like something like that, it wasn’t Eric?“He asked me grinning.
“Ask you yourself,” I replied.
“You can be hard to this lady, not really little Ficksau,” said John while the others laughed and he was still stroking her back on her back.
His tone became more serious than he said: “You probably don’t talk to everyone or you bitten your tongue when I fucked your ass, huh?”. There was Anja, bent over the table from the fuck into her ass out of the high heels, pulled the skirt over the ass and still impressions from the chain of the lifting balls on the face.

She looked at him when he pulled her up on his hair and asked again: “Huh?”.
“You horny goat you have to be crazy to fuck me,” breathed anja him.

“For a moment,” said John to the others. He grabbed her more firmly on his hair and threw Anja with his back on the desk.
“You suck what do you think who you are, you say insane, you say insanely?”. His voice became excited and louder. “I will show you that I was still gracious with you earlier, watch out*.
He tore the top in the middle in two, turned her on her stomach and tore anja the rest of the upper part of the body.

John pulled her back on the hem of the skirt with her ass from the desk and pressed her head onto the desk plate, with a train he tore anja the mini skirt from the body, she acknowledged with an “aauu”.
He hastily looked for the love ball chain and as he, he found it stuffed wildly and brutally one ball after the other in Anjas ass. Anja tried to defend himself but he was so brutal that she had no chance. Anja screamed the devil out of her body – shrill and hoarse.

While he stuffed her ass under the loud lust and pain screams, he screamed, “you bumped into my ass to burst, bitch dirty. When he had stuffed the last bullet in he pressed her, brutally in the ass with two fingers and that under the now monotonous scream Anjas.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh …

John snorted like a bull, the plug and taming had strained, but he was far from being enough. “Well how do you like that?“He shouted at her as he, she pulled her down from the table top on the hair directly in front of his tail.

“You are perverse you animal” groaned Anja.
“Hhaaa” laughed at John. He brutally grabbed Anja on his hair and on her ears and rammed her tail into her mouth to the stop. He fucked her, as if obsessed and without consideration hard and brutally in the mouth, his abdomen clapped again and again at an incredible pace against her nose and baking.

She could only tear her mouth open and hope that it would be over soon.
John roared like a moose when he pulled out his cock pulled her head back and screamed: “Make his mouth on you ficksau”. He sprayed everything in her wound -fucked mouth to the last drop. Anja swallowed, she didn’t want to cut the John even more, but somehow she didn’t care as, she had swallowed her, she had swallowed everything and licked his cock cleanly to him: “You horny stallion, do what you want with me”.

That was a mistake he was challenged, grabbed, she on her hair and pulled, she screaming stomach on the desk. With his left hand he pressed it down, and with his right, he rummaged in Anjas ass that was ailing and probably knew what would follow.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh” A bright dull scream came from Anja when he plugged the ball chain out of her ass. He stuffed her three balls in her mouth and asked her to lick her clean.
“Come on now,” he laughed in the round and pushed Anja completely on his back over the desk on an adjoining table that otherwise served to store files and invoices.

We pushed the desk to the side so that it was on the shelf in the middle of the room. Anja’s head as well as her arms and legs hung and dangled imleier so, they were only hung on the shelf with ass and back on the shelf.
John took the chain out of her mouth and stuffed her under the Wimmer Anjas in her torn asshole afterwards he ordered Vic and said to us: “Los vic, fuck her cunt. Sam climb over, she and fuck and knead her tits and you two let you jerk off, ”he whispered to me and ed.

Vic immediately hammered into Anjas smacking cunt while Sam spanned his cock between Anja’s tits and, she maltreated properly. Ed and I watched the spectacle from the left and right and let us enjoy one jerk off.

You noticed that Anja was pretty busy sometimes came, when you jerk off her out of rhythm. John now went to her head hanging over the table and whispered Anja. “Lick me, mine Egg, My asshole and my cock and make you trouble.“As always, he was very hard to Anja when, for example, he completely rammed his cock into her cowl or completely sat on her face with his ass.

We others changed and let Anja jerk off and fucked by Anja, alternately into her cunt. John now stood over her neck and we others standing up around Anja’s head.

John kept standing on Anja’s mouth and grumbling with his ass and sack. He sat down on Anja’s face with a lot of weight, she got almost no air for ten to fifteen minutes and, she inevitably had to put her tongue in his ass. We jerked our cocks.
“Jfijaaaaa, I come,” shouted Ed and sprayed Anja all over his face whose mouth was opened.

One after the other syringe in Anja’s face. They literally drowned in sperm Although we tried to shoot her in her mouth, most of it went on Anja’s face and glued her eyes, nose, mouth and hair. When everyone was finished and Anja tried to lick her corners clean with her tongue, John took his hands and rubbed her everything on her face.

He literally kneaded her cheeks and massaged all the sperm into her skin and mouth.
“Come on, open his mouth* he ruled, she ended up and gave her a baking whistle in the face without warning. John stuffed his glued right hand in Anja’s mouth and spat on her in the face.
“I’ll come back and then you will really get to know me,” he said to her.

Then everyone went and one showed Anja a toilet where, she could wash a little and we drove home afterwards. Anja told me on the trip that it makes her, horny, to treat her and who John was doing a little above the border and, she really had respect for him.

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