Georg’s horny vacation [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After everyone got on and Jan steered the vehicle onto the street, there was time to look around. In the huge part there was simply everything you needed. Single -minded seating group, which could be converted into a giant bed if necessary.

A small kitchen with a refrigerator from which you can now extensively supply yourself with drinks.

A bedroom was set up in another compartment, of course with a television and video recorder. The bed alone was three meters long and went over the entire width of the room.

In the meantime, Gerda had come to Georg and Didi back into the bedroom when Georg Didi just asked: “What kind of films do you look at here?““ Well, do you see what we like.“Georg switched on TV and video and what he saw could have been predicted. Of course a porn.

One of the variety “Made in Lesbos”. Three very well built girls drove it in all variations. “You can certainly do that much better,” asked Georg, with a great look in the pupil. “Sure,” said Didi, who had already spread alongside Gerda on the playground.

“Or what do you mean my darling?”;;she asked Gerda.
Instead of an answer, this began to stroke Didi and slowly open the buttons of your dress. Didi just let himself fall behind, closed his eyes and enjoyed her best friend’s caresses. Gerda was just releasing the wonderfully solid breasts of the girlfriend to massage them with devotion immediately.

Didis nipples were immediately rock hard and Gerda spoiled each one with their tongue.

Didi heard a soft moan when the Gerda’s hands finally opened the dress and hiked a hand on the edge of her briefs. She lifted the lower body so that the girlfriend could completely spread the dress and shortly afterwards the slip. “Take off too, darling,” did Didi Gerda too. The her jeans and the blouse had stored in no time.

She only had the top body. He was even sharper when Georg had imagined it. “Come on, little mouse, completely flare me down, you like to do that,” whispered Gerda Didi too. She had nothing to do with this request and to cover the girlfriend with kissing the girlfriend all over the body.

When she dropped back, there was a short jerk through the vehicle that showed Georg that they had probably kept.

In the meantime, Gerda had taken the lead again and had put a hand on the Pechschwarz hairy cunt from Didi. She stroked the vault and the labia. With one finger she shared the little lips and found the girlfriend’s clit very quickly. A twitch went through the body of Didi when Gerda touched the pleasure stick for the first time.

“Lick me, please, please,” said Georg Didi Flehen. He had been unlocked his clothes for a long time and now gently pushed Gerda aside. He put a finger on his lips that Gerda shouldn’t say anything. This understood immediately and willingly let Georg to the girlfriend’s lap.

Georg let his tongue migrate over the Venushügel of Didi before he turned to the clit. A bewitching fragrance got into his nose and he said his cock should burst at some point, so hard it had become. But first he licked did that she said that Angel Sing in heaven.

He not only caressed the clit with his tongue, no, like with a small cock, he penetrated the fragrant and now almost dripping hole and performed a lust. In the meantime, Gerda had passed Georg to stroke and drove his body down with his tongue.

Georg, however, did not let off spoil Didi with his tongue, while it stroked and kneaded her own breasts. “Gerda didn’t tell me too much, you are really a natural talent in licking” said Didi only briefly, “from me you can go on forever” from me “. Georg had now put two fingers in the cunt in front of him and stimulated Didi to the utmost. At the same time, he noticed how his cock was stroked very gently.

He moved his fingers in Didi’s hole faster and faster and the next orgasm waves were already going through the body of the winding woman. “Ooooooaarrrhhhgggglllll …” This suffocated loudly did Didi put his tongue as Georg as Georg in addition to his fingers to drive her into the seventh heaven for the third time.

After this campaign, Georg pulled himself onto the bed and did not give a long kiss. “Hmmmm I taste very good, I have to find out,” said Didi, after she had come back from Georg. “Let’s see how you tasted so much.“She said and disappeared into the deeper regions of Georg’s body with her head.

Shortly afterwards he felt Didi’s tongue dance over his body like a butterfly. The feeling made him horny as rarely before.

His cock was still rock hard and almost hurt a we-nig. But the tongue at the destination of her and also Georg’s wishes arrived.

The hard shaft did not slightly stroked the hard shaft, licked over the top and then pulled the gem almost completely in for a second fracture part. Just to release him back into freedom. “You could also take care of me,” he heard Suddenly Gerda’s voice, which sounded slightly sour. He looked up and immediately realized that Gerda smiled and only complained for fun.

“Well, then come here, we are still there,” he heard from the front of the car JAN voice voice. And Georg and Didi were alone, because Gerda could not be asked twice.

Meanwhile, Didi hadn’t stopped spoiling Georg’s little man. With her hand she rubbed the shaft up and down and with her lips she enclosed the glans. It also only took seconds here for Georg truly exploded.

He shot a huge charge of sperm in di-dis mouth, which made great attention to not losing a drop. After the first pressure was taken, Georg Didi pulled up again and turned so that he came to lie below her. His cock had lost none of his hardness and now insisted against Didi’s stomach. “That’s a magnificent guy,” said Didi appreciatively.

And slowly slipped with her cunt near Georgs Pint.

When he was in the right position to introduce, he just wanted to penetrate them, but did the Georg not make it that simple again. She began again so far that Georg could share the labia with the tip of the tail, but also no longer. Slowly moving boiling lower body so that her cunt Georg’s tail continued to appeal.

And when Georg could hardly control himself, she finally slid down so far that the tail could slowly push into her hole. Didi moved very gently and slowly to enjoy the full length of Georg’s Pickel.

Georg, in turn, remained very quiet to enjoy the wonderful tail massage from Didi. So it went for a while until Didi’s movements slowly became faster and faster. Georg also started to ram his little man in Didi with initially gentle, then ever firmer bumps.

In the middle of the campaign, Didi let himself be rolled to the side to lie on his back very quickly. And to let all of this without Georg’s pint. Georg now pushed hot hole in didis. When a strong pull in his lumbar area was noticeable again, noticed that Didi was already on the way to the climax.

He just let his juices run free and at the time when Didi in orgasm her legs around his butt he shot his second load into her.

At the moment of common orgasm he saw in Didi’s eyes and suddenly knew that it and also didi caught had. You had fallen in love! It hit Georg like a bomb! Not only that he was still horny like neighbor Lumpi, no, there was something else. He had a whole load butterflies in the stomach And his heart raced wildly when the knowledge dawned to him that he loved this woman! And Didi wasn’t doing much differently. The two looked and intensely in the eyes and knew, even without saying a word that there was more than just one one-night stand or more than a purely sexual relationship between them.

Georg stroked Di-Di tenderly all over the body and noticed how a pleasant shower after the other ran over her skin. So the two were for a while until they noticed that something happened in the front part of the motorhome.

“Are you ready for a new round? “Asked Didi Georg Leise. “Sure, especially with you, always. “Replied the.

“Well, then let’s see what happens at the front,” said Didi Lüstern and Georg gave a kiss on the tip of the tail. When the two had sneaked forward very quietly, a picture was offered to them that couldn’t be horny. The seating group had been converted so that a 2 × 3 meter playground was created. Vanessa lay at the very head end and had Gerda licked the cunt.

Behind Gerda knelt Jan and pushed his strap in Gerdas pussy. Georg noticed how his little man slowly stretched back into the tall and he blinked Didi: “What do you think …”, “You are not jealous? “Didi asked quietly. “At least not with sex.

“Grinned Georg and suddenly felt like his cousin again.

He went to the bed and started to gently caress Jan over the jerk and then drove the trail of his finger with his tongue.
When he arrived at the butt of the cousin, he drove his finger into the crack and felt himself up to the anus. Jan had now stopped birding Gerda and held up very quietly. Didi pushed Gerda on Vanessa and began to caress the two muzzles on top of each other.

Jan had now bent for all four, and his legs as far as possible, to enable Georg to access his back entrance more conveniently. He lay down with his head exactly in the triangle and started to spoil Jans ass with his finger and at the same time blow his Schanz. He noticed that his own cock was already hard as a steel tube and Jan only panted the number “69” too.

The mind immediately meant what was meant and turned around so that he got Georg’s Schanz with his mouth and the two blew each other into a true intoxication.

Suddenly Jan ceases and said grinning: “You just interrupted me with Gerda, now you have to serve for the ‘damage’. “Said it and pulled from Georg’s body. “Het the butt” asked Jan, and Georg did what Jan asked. After Georg had raised his pelvis some of the mattress, Jan pushed two pillows under his butt and checked OB Georg in the right position for an ass fuck.

He put his cock to Georg Rosette and was satisfied. The high was just right and so he stimulated Georg’s muffle with his glans until he groaned: “Go, you horny sow, fuck me already!!“Jan did not let himself be asked for long, and penetrated with all the might in Georg, who could no longer hold up with lust.

He slowly started to jerk off his cock, but whenever he felt a first twitch he took a break. Jan pushed his strap faster and faster in Georg’s ass and Georg saw that couldn’t take long for him to trace his hot bubble deep in the intestine.

He rubbed his cock on, until someone took his hand away. Vanessa pushed his strap into his mouth while Didi ride on his face and let himself be licked.

It only took a few seconds before he was a deep grunt from Jan and at the same time gave rise to the juice in his own tail. At the same moment he and Jan injected out their sperm, Jan deep in Georg’s ass and Georg in the neck of his cousin.

At the same time, his tongue performed a hell dance in Didi’s cunt and the woman’s juice ran all over his face. When the orgasm waves were passed by everyone involved, Georg noticed how he was slowly getting very tired. He sucked in again deeply the aroma, which filled the air in the motorhome and was already fell asleep with Didi in his arms.

Loud clatter of dishes and the noise of water woke him up the next morning. “Good morning, you sleepy lust newt,” did not grinned at Didi and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

“Lust new? Not me! “Grinned Georg and pulled Didi briefly. “I will never let you go” he breathed her in her ear. Of course there was also a spacious bathroom in this luxury part. Since Georg then disappeared to shower extensively.

When he was drying himself, Gerda came in and brought him a Bermuda and a T-shirt. “My dear husband, but two people got terribly caught. Didi speaks of nothing else than from you.” she said.

“So, on my part, I can only say when we were the first time Looked deep in the eye, it sparked and cracked, I’ve never experienced anything like that.

I haven’t had such a feeling with any woman. That must be something like ’love at first sight’.“Georg enthused. “I have never seen Didi so blown up.“Said Gerda, with a smile,“ I definitely wish you both that you have a nice time. But I already tell you one thing: you definitely can’t avoid an extra number with me.

I already promise you that now.”

After the shower, Georg’s stomach reported and he left the car and sat down at the breakfast table that Didi and Vanessa had put up in front of the motorhome in the meantime. During breakfast, Gerda said you should contact Frank and Marion so that the two were not worried, and she also wanted to try to get the rest of the week free. She got the phone out of the car and called first in the company at. Frank reported and after a few explanations and the insurance company that Gerda was sure to make up for the missed days, he gave his approval of the ‘blue days’ for Gerda.

After the telephone call, the five advised what you could do now. Didi finally said that there was a large amusement park in the nearby of Freiburg, so she always wanted to go. This park also included a campsite and then you could spend the night if it was too late to go back. And so it was a wonderful day for the young people, you laughed a lot and had fun.

After returning from the park to the motorhome, the question now asked what the evening could bring.

This time it was to Gerda to have a good idea. “I know a inn here in the near future, I was already on a business trip with Frank, so you can eat very well and even if you still want to linger afterwards, you can get a very good wine. And there is also a large parking lot for our ’villa’. “After a brief discussion, after all you had already paid for the night at the campsite, since you agreed to drive the motorhome to the restaurant and spend the night in the parking lot.

When the five arrived at the restaurant, they immediately noticed that the parking lot was empty except for two cars. They placed the motorhome in a place that could not be seen from the street and then entered the inn.

When they entered they let their eyes wander and what they saw liked them all very well. A cozy furnishings with dark furniture and thick beams on the ceiling. The walls looked like a log cabin.

As soon as the door had closed, a strikingly pretty woman came up to the group and asked about her wishes. “Why is it so empty here? “Gerda asked first. “When I was about. The shop was packed for 9 months for the last time for 9 months.”” Well, “replied the young woman:” The old owner, mine Father, died two months ago and we, that is, my brother, his wife and I inherited the inn.

And after we have renovated something, we could only reopen on the end of the end on Sunday.

And until it is talking about it will continue here it takes some time. “After this question was clarified, the young people chose a table and ordered an opulent dinner and a large carafe wine directly. Jan looked at the waitress that had imagined as Martina, a little more precisely.

She was about. 175 cm tall, approx. 25 years old and had a rather average figure. She was wearing a white blouse and a black mini skirt.

The most striking thing about Martina was a braid for which she had braided her pitch -black hair. He almost reached her hips and was decorated with a white loop.

When the food was served, the five also got the rest of the workforce. Peter, was a bit old than Martina, a little rounder, but not thick, also about. 175 big and a very friendly, funny man who gave some jokes, even the more slippery way.

His wife, Petra, had it in himself. Ca. Half a head big than Peter, it almost only seemed to be made of legs. She stuck in the same gap as Martina, but you could clearly see that the blouse Muhe had to tame a few huge pugs.

Under the blouse you saw a black top or a body flashing out and her very briefly cut blond hair stood excellently. The food was very excellent and it was really cozy. Didi snuggled up closely at Georg and gave him a loving look that slowly woke up his spirits.

Vanessa and Gerda talked about men and what they were expecting from a man.

Jan Horte Denbeiden and grinned into himself. Every now and then someone came by from the landlords and brought supplies to drinks and asked if you had any further wishes. “I liked as a dessert The waitress “Jan, with a horny look in the eyes, couldn’t help but a saying. “Well, let’s see what could be done there,” replied Peter, “how did the gentleman like the dessert? “Jan fell down the jaw and he was speechless for a second.

But then he started again and said: “Sharp and hot, like a dessert should be. “Peter just grinned and went back to the kitchen.

In the meantime, Didi and Georg had started to smooch. The two couldn’t get enough of each other. Georg had already had his hand under Didi’s T-shirt to stroke her breasts tenderly when music suddenly sounded music.

The light was steamed from somewhere and it was a strange mood in the room. Suddenly Petra came to the table and said to Jan: “Young man, you should have your dessert.“Said it and went back to the middle of the room with a dancing step back into the middle of the room. There she started to move to music very slowly. The five thought of their eyes when the host woman started to undress.

Then this wife put down a strip, in which especially the men, but also the girls, had all the juices collected.

Georg, already got on tours from the previous smooch anyway, felt very close in his pants. During the demonstration, Peter suddenly came to the table with a tiny string body and asked Vanessa: “Has the young lady also dessert? “” Sure, why not, what is there? “Asked back instead of Vanessa Gerda. “What you want,” said Martina’s voice from the background, “the young man brought us a great idea. We will always offer such a dessert, from now on always for special guests.

You should know that we have been doing it together for a long time and had a lot of fun with it. And if there are more people more, it had to be even more fun. “Jan had got up during this ‘approach’ and moved to Petra too. When he reached her he pulled her up very close and started dancing with her through the room.

Gerda waved Peter meanwhile waved to, he should come a little closer. The tables were quickly pushed aside and Peter set up in front of Gerda. Due to the thin fabric of the body, you could clearly see your hanging, which was already in an upward movement.

Vanessa did the same for her brother and went to Martina to nestle her very closely and dance through the room with her.

Georg and Didi dealt very intensively. Didi pulled himself first and then Georg the T-shirt over his head and then slowly feeling in Georg’s Bermuda. When she realized that his limb was too well -known shape, she pulled her pants down, and tenderly massaged his joy donor with her hand and then clamped him between her full tits. Georg saw asterisks again and enjoyed the wonderful titty fuck.

Vanessa had now moved out Martina and let her do the same with her. The two kissed as if they wanted to grow together.

Vanessa printed the slightly small Martina on a table and let himself be put on it. With her tongue she touched the stone -hard nipples on Martina’s breasts. Sometimes she took one, then the other in her mouth, while her hand slowly moved towards Martina’s lap.

Like a snake, her finger walled through the dense vault around the cunt of the playmate. Very gently she drove the shapes of the labia, lingered on the clit to irritate it at first, but then more and more stimulously. When she finally penetrated her finger into the hot hole, she noticed how wet Martina was already. The finger slid into the wet cunt as if by itself.

Vanessa noticed that there was still a lot of space and pushed a second finger behind. “More, deeper, Jaaaaaaa …“Heared the lively voice of Martas.

“You can have that, you horny piglets,” she replied and pulled her fingers out of the dripping hole again. She knelt in front of the table and widened something with one hand of Martina’s cunt.

Then she clenched the other hand to the fist and thus completely penetrated Martina. “Uaarggggggg LLL, Jaaaa, I’m going crazy, do weiiiiiiiiiiTerrrrrrg llll …“Martina thought it was tearing, but not with pain, but with lust. Vanessa moved her fist slightly back and forth in the now fully filled Vötze. At the same time, she stimulated the clit with the other hand and drove Martina to an orgasm that it had never experienced so intensely.
Jan had now put himself on the floor and let Petra be pampered.

She had bent over him and had her wonderful breasts spread very easily overlooked. The nipples, which were as big as small hazelnuts, touched his skin as light as a spring.

When he wanted to stroke Petra, she just shook her head and said: “I am your dessert and will spoil you, make it comfortable and just enjoy it.“Jan crossed his arms behind his head and gave himself completely enjoyment. Meanwhile, Petra’s fingers wandered to Jans straps who had now fully developed.

Fixed and yet tenderly started to edit his lümmel, waned to the eggs, then from there again to stroke Jan. Then suddenly Jan noticed how something warm was his cock. Very slightly Petra put her lips around the glans and let the tongue penetrate a little into the small hole on the tip, in order to take the hard shaft down and restored with the tongue shortly afterwards. Jan already felt noticeably twitching when Petra suddenly reinforced her mouth massage.

When she started massaging the eggs with her hand, it was over with his control.

He injected Petra his entire load of sperm in the throat and she sucked and swallowed as if they were not wasted, so that they just didn’t waste a drop. Meanwhile, Didi had started to drive Georg to madness. After she had irritated his cock with her breasts as long as Georg said his little friend had burst, she had pulled Georg on a chair and stepped on him. But not something to put your link in the hot hole, but to follow an even hotter massage.

She rubbed with your IH-Rer cunt only over the cock without having it penetrated. At the same time, she kissed Georg so intensely that the senses soon swore.

Didi continued to appeal to Georg by playing his tongue on his ear, when she noticed how it started to brew in her. She rubbed her lap to Georg’s member faster and faster and she already felt the first orgasm climbing.

Like a dervish, her abdomen winc. Didi was so horny that after two bumps she was already experiencing the night orgasm.
Georg now put Didi on the floor and pushed into her with all the might as if he wanted to pie on Didi. Didi no longer knew where she was, she only felt like cunt and staggered from one orgasm wave to the next. Suddenly Georg caught her to push them.

But only for a second to spray his boiling juice in Didi’s hot hole! He came to traces with such a huge eruption that didi meant his sperm up to his neck. With one last, huge orgasm wave, the two sank together on the ground. Gerda hadn’t been lazy in the meantime either. She had pulled out Peter the body and touched his pint with touching.

First with her hand with her mouth, she had driven his best stucco into the high. From the corner of the eye she saw two candles standing on the table and suddenly had an idea. “Just get the candles,” she said to Peter, “so you can play a lot of horny games.“He didn’t mind and thought:“ Well, I will get something now.“He should be wrong. After giving Gerda the candles, she first took his cock back into her mouth as a thank you.

Suddenly Peter waned how something hard approached his rosette. ” What ….?“He wanted to ask, but Gerda only made“ Pschhhhhht … “And continued with a candle through Peters ass.

When she played around with the wax rod for a while, she suddenly put on his anus and pushed the candle a few centimeters in his ass with a jerk. At the same time, she strengthened her mouth massage to Peters Riemen.

He was so surprised at the feelings of such a part in his anus that he sacked in his knees at first. Suddenly Gerda let go of his cock and lay on the table on which the candles were standing. She spread her legs and enjoy the other candle in her cunt. “Come on, you wank it, but slowly.

I want to see the acorn flashing, ”said Gerda to the host, who had put on hand on his hand. Peter had never experienced such a great situation. In front of herself a woman who stood up with a candle, a candle in her ass and herself wanking like a teenager.

Gerda pushed the candle into the hot hole and just before she drove herself to the first orgasm she called Peter: “Lot, man, now fuck me in the ass, I need a cock in my intestine now! “Peter didn’t know what he preferred to do but put his cock in a hole, but he had never banged a butt.

Gerda noticed his uncertainty and made her bei-ne as far as she could.

Then she rubbed her anus with a large load of cunt juice and said to Peter: “Just set up and discover. Then you will see how cool this is.“Peter slowly came up to Gerda, held his cock with his hand in front of the little hole and then printed it up. A wonderful tightness surrounded his glans and he slowly pushed his staff into the narrow opening. Gerda had pulled the candle out of her hole shortly before and now had his fingers on her clit.

“Uah-hh, yeah, go faster fuck me, you little ass fucker, do it, oooooooaargl, jaaaaaaaaa ..!
Peter Ließeiner Energie and birded Gerdas asshole as if he had never done anything else in his life. It didn’t take long for him to pump his sperm in Gerdas ass with a hoarse scream. “Here you little horny sow, here you get your ass full until you can no longer run. “He cried, while he sprayed his last drops into the intestines of Gerda.

It was an unlikely erotic atmosphere in the dining room, the air smelled of sweat, cunt juice and sperm. And the evening had just started.

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