Gangbang with two uninhibited babes | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Rattling. Otherwise you couldn’t describe the condition of Sybille. Her boyfriend had broken with her a week ago, and since then she hadn’t had sex. She already thought of buying a dildo in the next sex shop-but she didn’t want to go that far yet. But where should she quickly get a engraver? She clicked online through the events in the evening. In doing so, she noticed the vernissage of a well -known photographer who was to take place very close.

She had two hours until then, that should be enough for the preparations. She undressed and went into the shower. The pussy shaved and also made a rinsing of the back entrance to be safe. Then came the clothing question: she didn’t want to look too sexy, but already fuckable. She opted for a knee -length pink dress with a subtle neckline, which nevertheless brought her big breasts into its own. In addition, hold -free black stockings. She wanted to do without underwear right away, because it was still warm enough outside.

After she had discreetly made up, she set off. Some visitors were already waiting at the entrance to the gallery. The final preparations took place inside, two girls poured sparkling wine in glasses and prepared a few snacks. A short time later, a man opened the door and let her in. The photographer was already there, a big man of around 40 years. Very elegantly dressed, he made a good impression on Sybille on the spot.

He looked her deep in the eyes when he greeted her and didn’t want to let her hand let off. Only when the next visitor was pushing next to her did he turn away from her. She took a glass of sparkling wine and walked through the rooms to look at the pictures. The majority of the work were nude photos, often in black and white. The photographer had hit the models well, they were mostly in provocative poses on sofas or other seating opportunities.

During a photo she had to suck: she recognized the two girls who were at the entrance and greeted the guests. Before that, they had little attention to the girls, but this photo was one of the highlights of the exhibition. She looked whether she might be able to meet one of the girls for a conversation. Because even standing in front of the camera has always been a wish of her, and why not naked? She had a nice body, all the lovers had attested her.

Then one of the girls stepped next to her and introduced himself as Andrea. She asked how she would like the photo. “Very good,” said Sybille, “and I would like to stand in front of the camera myself. “” This is not a problem, “said Andrea,” I would be happy to introduce you to the photographer. His name is Martin. “They looked around Martin, but he was deepened with some visitors into a conversation. “Maybe we are waiting until the end of the vernissage,” said Andrea, “now there is a lot going on, and Martin always wants to get to know his models precisely before he photographs them.

Take a sparkling wine – or do you want something harder?“With Sybille, the pussy was slowly tingling. “Do you have a gin tonic there? Sparkling wine is too boring for me in the long run. “Andrea moved away and Sybille continued to look at the photos. After Andrea brought her the gin-tonic, she took care of the other guests again. After about half an hour the gallery owner came to her and introduced himself as Rene.

He was also about 40 years old and elegantly dressed;However, she found his hairstyle a bit affect. He invited her to stay on a drink after the vernissage and retired to pursue his business. The visitors gradually went, some had also bought one or even two works. Rene closed the door and let the shutters down. There were still a few works to be seen in the shop window, but you couldn’t look inside now.

Andrea came up to her with the other girl and handed her a gin-tonic. “So now we’re among ourselves. Let and let’s see if we get into the shop. Incidentally, this is Melanie, we are both not only models from Martin, but also good friends. We also like to do something with Rene. Other things too when you know what I mean, ”she grinned. Melanie gave her a kiss and they went over to the two men who had made themselves comfortable on a sofa.

Sybille only noticed that the photo of the girls had to be taken on this sofa. “Hello Sybille,” said Martin now. “Nice to meet you. I noticed you earlier, but unfortunately I had too many conversations with the visitors. But now we can take care of you entirely. Show yourself, turn in a circle, let’s see how you move. “Sybille did as her ment. When she turned lively to the left, her skirt flew up so that everyone could see that she was wearing holding stockings.

“Hm, nice, do that again,” said Rene, “show us your legs – and also more. “Sybille slowly became tingling. She turned again in a circle and then looked at Martin, who stared at her very interested. “You only take nude photos, or? Then I’ll move out if nobody has anything against it. “Sybille tried to put on a small strip. Not easy, because the dress had the zipper on the back.

She danced to Martin and asked him to open the zipper. Now she went back to the middle of the room and slowly put down the dress, from top to bottom. First she covered her breasts and stroked her, then she pushed her dress down on her hips. “Wow, you have great breasts. You really don’t need a bra, ”said Rene. “But like to continue. “Sybille wobbled with his butt and pulled the dress down, let it fall on the floor carelessly.

Then she went to the men and showed them their body. “Hey, we’re still there,” it suddenly came out of the corner. Andrea got up and went to Sybille. Melanie had also rose. “But now we also show what we can do,” she said. And started right away. But not with her blouse, but that of Andrea. She went to her and opened the upper buttons. Andrea also did not wear a bra.

Melanie stroked Andreas Breasts, who groaned comfortably. Andrea’s short skirt also fell quickly. She also wore stockings, but had secured them with a hip holder against gravity. Melanie also pulled her slip down, so that she was now also naked in front of the men. Melanie now also undressed, only the high-heels let her on. The two girls lay on the floor and started licking each other’s cunts.

“Come here, sweet, join in,” said Andrea. Sybille had never had anything with a woman, but the sight of the two on the floor made her rat -sharp. And maybe the men would also get there, group sex always wanted to try it out. So she took a heart and knelt in front of Andrea, who kneaded her tits. Then everyone lay down so that they could lick each other. Martin and Rene meanwhile opened their pants and rubbed their cocks.

The Rene from Rene was long and thin, the one of Martin a little shorter, but much thicker. Andrea said after a side glance at the men that Martin’s cock could hurt a little, especially in the ass – but Sybille thought that she could already do that. Sybille, who was moist all evening, came first. She screamed out her orgasm and wanted to recover afterwards. But Martin and Rene didn’t give her time.

Rene brought her to the sofa, where Martin was already waiting for her with a steep tail. He put her on him and Sybille finally had a cock in his cunt. She started riding him;Then Rene came to her head and put his cock deep into her mouth. Blow and fuck at the same time, she hadn’t had that yet. But was awesome. But Rene wanted something different. After Sybille got his cock wet, he went around her and lubricated her rosette with a lubricant.

Sybille had no idea where he suddenly had it, but something like that always seemed to be at hand here. Then he also rubbed his cock properly and put it on the rosette. He was in there with a jerk, Rene had set his fucking movements in time. Martin and Rene now tried to find a common rhythm, which they succeeded even after a short time. Sybille looked over Andrea and Melanie, but the two were so sunk into each other that she didn’t get a guilty conscience.

“The two like to be alone too,” said Martin, “Fuck on. “Let’s change,” said Martin, “I also want to go to her ass. Turn around, Sybille “. Now Sybille got something to do with fear. Martin’s cock had become even thicker, so it seemed to her. Would he really fit into her ass? But the two did not give her time to think about it. Rene got down from her and pulled her up.

She turned around and slowly let herself down. Martin still played around her tits while she slowly pushed his cock into her ass. It works, she thought, but she had slight pain. As soon as he was in there, Rene pious between her legs and put his cock into her cunt. Both men were now only tail controlled. They rammed them regardless, but that didn’t matter to Sybille. Suddenly her head was pulled up on her hair and she saw a cunt in front of her face.

“Licking,” she heard. She didn’t know if it was Andreas or Melanie’s cunt, but she didn’t care. She licked while she was fucked in both holes at the same time. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that it had to be Andreas Möse that she was licking because she saw the black stockings. Melanie stood next to her and smooched her tits while fingering herself. “Change of position, girls,” Martin ordered, “lie down on the sofa tendon”.

So all three women were now so that Martin and Rene had a clear view of their asses. Andrea and Melanie continued to smooch, but Sybille was a little out of breath. Martin and Rene knelt down and began licking the cunts of Andrea and Melanie, Martin worked with his left hand. Martin then fucked alternately Sybille and Andrea, and Rene also switched back and forth between Andrea and Melanie. The holes were also changed from time to time, sometimes the ass, sometimes the cunt.

The women now came almost simultaneously. Sybille fell on the seat over the sofa tendon, while Andrea and Sybille simply continued to smooch during orgasm. “Now get the juice out of us,” said Rene, “comes. “Everyone turned to the men and licked their cocks. Sybille also tried again to get Martin’s cock completely in his mouth. Shortly afterwards Martin and Rene sprayed their seeds on faces and tits of the three. “It was cool, we have to repeat that,” stammered Martin completely exhausted.

“But tomorrow we’ll take a few photos of you, Sybille. The way you look now, it really doesn’t work. We can fuck again afterwards. “Andrea, Melanie and Rene nodded and they made an appointment for the next afternoon …

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