Gangbang for the anniversary | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Since we report on our experiences online and also read the stories of the others and exchanged with other experiences, has been my girlfriend more and more curious about experiencing a gangbang. A few weeks ago this occasion was given. Ella (21) and I (24) have been a couple for five years. A special wish should come true for Ella for our small anniversary. I have thought a lot of how this special day for both of us, but especially for Ella, could become an experience that she never forgets and that shows her how much I love her.

For me, the fulfillment of longing wishes is definitely part of it. So I have tried to explore my girlfriend’s longings for a long time and I think I found what I was looking for. Wellness has always played an important role in our relationship. We know all swimming and sauna systems in our area and have already used many massage offers. We are also happy to be pampered with massages on vacation trips. We occasionally also made use of offers, in which it was somewhat erotic than with the usual full body massages.

Because of the special occasion, it should also be a special massage. I researched thoroughly and informed myself about ParaMassage, Nuru, Tantra, Yoni and Lingam. Finally, it was clear to me that the special day for Ella should begin with a yoni massage. In the circle of friends of my brother I found an experienced masseur with my own studio. Since I not only wanted to get to know him, but also the premises, Robert and I made an appointment with him. Mean Brother From the beginning I had inaugurated that my girlfriend’s massage should only be the prelude to something that Ella has been thinking more and more about for some time – one Gangbang.

My idea was that it should take place in the rooms of the massage studio and that Ella would only be surprised after the massage. So the thorough preparation played a major role, which included the selection of the place, the time process and, above all, the well -considered selection of the male players. After an hour drive over land we reached the massage studio. In front of and behind the house there was parking facilities, which would enable the other teammates the unnoticed arrival after the massage started.

The masseur named Stefan greeted us warmly and led us through the premises. Large and slim built, long blond hair and at 45 years more than twice as old as Ella, he seemed extremely sympathetic to me straight away. Already on the phone we told him that we wanted to use the studio after the massage. The massage room was very appealing and was also ideally suited for the second part of the planned event in size.

The couch stood in the middle of the room and the left longitudinal wall was dominated by a large mirror in the length of the massage lounger. Stefan explained that it was a Venetian mirror, which was therefore transparent from the neighboring room. I could watch the entire massage with my girlfriend unnoticed by my girlfriend. Perhaps the other gentlemen would also like to get an appetite in this way for the following pleasure, as he said with a smile. Then he explained the approximate course of the massage and asked me about any preferences of my girlfriend and possible taboos, which apply to Ella or maybe also to me as the viewer.

He said that there were quite a few men who could not watch if their partner touched from strangers, let alone peaked. Now I couldn’t help myself a smile. “We have been maintaining a sex life for about three years that some would definitely call it dirty. The hands of strangers have never been a problem. “In my view, something else would be important. I told him that the massage should not only bring relaxation and well -being for my girlfriend, but should also mentally and physically tune and prepare them, which would then come to her as a surprise.

So he shouldn’t be squeamish with his hands and definitely go as far as Ella allows this. Since I have known my girlfriend for five years and know how quickly she gets into ecstasy, I made Stefan clear that he should only leave it with his hands, no matter how Ella would behave during the massage. I told him that my girlfriend had often mentioned the desire for a gangbang, but because of her relatively tight body building in the intimate area, it was also a bit skeptical about the number and size of foreign cocks.

Stefan smiled something in my comments. “If you think of the birth of a child, you can roughly imagine how stretchy the intimate area of your girlfriend is. So don’t worry, I will optimally prepare them for your cocks. How does it look like Anal sex from, that also comes into consideration?“This question met me rather unprepared. “Anal has not yet been an issue for us. It never irritated me and Ella never asked about it either.

But who knows, this time there will also be a teammate whom we have not yet known personally. So it’s best to see what you can do. As I said, go as far as Ella allows you to. Perhaps she has discovered hidden wishes so far. “At this point at this point in our conversation I noticed how much it excited me. And a look in the face and above all in my brother’s step told me that we had the same thoughts again.

With the masseur everything was now cleared and we said goodbye. Since our anniversary fell on a Sunday, we had breakfast and then lay down in the bathtub for half an hour. Then I said Ella that she should pack her bathing bag because I would take her to a surprise. After a cap hour in the car we reached the massage studio. Stefan greeted us and handed us a glass of sparkling wine in the anteroom. Ella was delighted when she understood what would come to her (at least what she believed to be able to experience now).

In the changing area of the studio I watched each of her movements. The sight of how she stripped bit by bit of her clothes until she was finally naked, smiled at me when she enveloped the thin massage towel and finally followed Stefan’s invitation to the massage room. As soon as the door was closed, I entered the next room and made it comfortable on the armchair behind the Venetian mirror. The masseur was wearing a narrow cloth around the hips and he had the same for Ella.

So it opened the big cloth that previously enveloped her body below the armpits to the buttocks. Stefan took it from her, while his gaze over the now bare body and especially my girlfriend’s big breasts roamed. According to his hint, Ella now lay down on the massage table with the front down, which offered enough freedom for her face, especially mouth and nose, enough freedom. With the narrow cloth, Stefan now covered my girlfriend’s buttock.

After Ella found a relaxed position in which her arms rested loosely next to her body, the masseur reached to the oil bottle. With first, then increasingly strong hand movements, he distributed the liquid over his shoulders, the upper arms and my girlfriend’s back. Then he started with the massage while Ella closed her eyes. With even movements of his strong hands, he worked in centimeters by centimeter through my girlfriend’s apparently quite tense muscles.

According to the upper body, the masseur now devoted himself to the feet, calves and thighs of his customer. As I could see well, Ella clearly relaxes the attitude of her legs when the masseur edited the inside of her thighs. Now the cloth was in the way, so it was removed. After another grip for the oil bottle, Stefan massaged my girlfriend’s crispy bottom with strength and endurance, which accompanied this with occasional light movements of her head and upper body.

In the meantime, almost 20 minutes had passed when the masseur Ella now asked to switch to the back. He also gave her a water bottle, from which she gratefully took some strong sips. The excitement, more precisely the excitement, was clearly noticeable to my girlfriend after this phase of the massage. But the much more erotic part hadn’t started yet. The masseur grabbed the oil again and now wetted the shoulders, the stomach and the lush breasts of his customer.

Thanks to her young age and tight body, Ella’s breasts are still clearly up when lying down. Hopefully gravity will be patient before it will intervene here. The masseur edited each chest individually and particularly thoroughly, he paid special attention to my girlfriend’s nipples. Apparently he tested how much he can press her without screaming Ella. In any case, I believed how deep and strong my girlfriend inhaled a few times.

Next, it was the turn of the feet, ankles, lower and thighs, which was used for the last time some oil was used. Ella was completely relaxed on the couch when a little break followed, in which the masseur reached for white vinyl gloves. Apparently the most exciting part of the massage should begin. With a slight pressure of his hands, Stefan spread my girlfriend’s thighs until she formed almost a right angle. Now a bottle of lubricant was used.

While the right hand of the masseurs massaged its venus mound, the fingers of his left hand grabbed my girlfriend’s labia in a circular movements. Ella had already closed her eyes again, but I clearly perceived a smile on her face. I had never seen what happened in the next 15 minutes and Ella has not yet experienced. With the fingers of both hands, partly alternating, partly at the same time, the masseur penetrated into my girlfriend’s areas of my girlfriend, who, according to Ella, has not even explored her gynecologist so far.

In the course of time I noticed the violent movements that Joke through Ella’s bodies that the skillful hands of the masseurs had brought my girlfriend to climax several times. I also had to see what I was afraid. Ella tried several times with her hands after the tail to grab the man, but this consistently rejected. Even though I couldn’t hear anything in the next room behind the mirror, I saw Ella’s mouth movements as they several times the words “fuck me!“Articulated.

But the masseur, through and through professionals, was also not impressed by this. Again and again I saw Stefan tended his head to Ella’s ear. She later told me that he always announced what he will do next, which part of the body he will massage next. He stimulated points inside my girlfriend, the existence of which I had not even suspected. So it was also a visual experience for me in every respect.

Gradually, Stefan’s hand movements gradually became slower and quieter, as did my girlfriend’s breathing. After pulling his fingers out of Ella’s abdomen, he also brushed off his gloves. He grabbed my girlfriend’s thighs, pressed them together again, but raised her legs on his knees vigorously. He placed her feet in the direction of her POS on the couch at a distance that enabled the slight access to the anus. What the masseur did in the following minutes remained hidden from the neighboring room my gaze.

I just saw Stefan roamed a new pair of vinyl gloves and grabbed the lubricant again. In Ella’s facial expression, I was initially only able to recognize skepticism or even fear, but with the progress of a significant relaxation and finally satisfaction. When this phase of the massage was over, Stefan offered my girlfriend to drink again. After that, Ella stretched flat on the massage lying with closed legs, the arms lying on the left and right relaxed on the body, the eyes closed.

A total of more than 60 minutes had passed, which I almost completely experienced with a permanent erection. In an unrestrictive anticipation for what is coming up, of course I have put a cumshot. The masseur reached for a large cloth with which he almost completely covered my friend’s body, from the neck to his feet. If the face had been covered, Ella had worked as if it were laid out. Then he picked up a remote control, with which he switched on soft music, as I could hear when he left the room shortly afterwards.

In the meantime, the other teammates for Ella’s surprise gangbang had gathered in the parking lot behind the house and were now greeted by Stefan and let it go into the house. They pulled out or. around and were now waiting for their use in the mirror room. With the selection I was particularly careful. Experience and empathy seemed more important to me than youthful stamina. Among us five men everyone could treat themselves to a break, which seemed reasonable to me. But who should be there? Over the past three years we had experienced many adventures how to read here in our experience reports.

My brother was definitely set. No other of our occasional teammates were there as regularly and permanently as he was. If I consider how many times he has already licked my girlfriend to the peak with his clever game of his tongue, he shouldn’t be missing. With his age of 32, he was in midfield. Since Ella is quite on athletic body, which she “taken away really well” and I cannot really offer her one, my choice fell on Georg, Ella’s former sports teacher, who is known to the inclined reader from one of our stories.

He is one of Tina’s parents’ swingers, a student friend of Ella. Was a long story, but was worth reading. Georg is now 42 and was out of joy when he received my invitation. The third in the group was my good friend Markus (now 26), whom I presented here in my story “My friend’s wife”. After I was able to pose for horny photos with his wife Maria, a lot has emerged over the years.

And since Ella and I are often in bed with Markus and Maria together or elsewhere, Markus was of course part of it as a “regular”. The choice of number four was more complicated. Ella and I have always had a weakness for the unknown, surprising. A faster three In the sauna blade with someone who has shamelessly stared at Ella all the time, something like that in this kind gave us some kick. But it should be less spontaneous for our anniversary, but quite planned.

An online portal helped me. Since we do not make a secret from our place of residence, one day someone was recognized as a relatively close “neighbor”. The chemistry was right straight away and we began to write about similar fantasies. Since I wanted to surprise Ella, I had to write the last emails alone. As a problem, it could still have turned out that we generally do not send any photos of ourselves. Paul accepted that, as I want to call him here, and still put a picture of himself.

He was number four for me and I rounded off the group as number five. But now back to Ella, who has been relaxing on the couch for more than 10 minutes and was surely calculated with my appearance. So I carefully entered the room. “How do you feel, darling, you are fine? Ella opened the eyes. I had almost never seen such a ray. “Absolutely fantastic! I can hardly believe that you organized something like that for me.

But it’s our day together! As soon as we are back home, I spoil you with everything I have. My pussy feels like I can pick up two cocks at once. “” Then don’t worry. You don’t have to wait until home. And two cocks at the same time should be a little little. Look who wants to congratulate us everything!“With these words I opened the door and let our guests in, all four of them only released in the slip.

Ella was totally perplexed and spontaneously pulled the warming blanket over the head. Now she really looked like it was laid out, a slightly macabre sight. Meanwhile, I came to the foot end of the massage fiction, while Robert and Markus Links and Georg and Paul stand next to the right of Ella. Now I started rolling up the long cloth from Ella’s feet slowly, making it moving down to centimeters by the head of my girlfriend.

First the neck, then the cleavage, now the plump breasts, then the belly, finally the completely shaved pub. “Serve, please!“This request could not be said twice. Paul, who saw my Ella for the very first time, could hardly believe his luck. He beamed all over his face when he reached her left lower leg and stroked tenderly and then passed to the thigh.

With every stroke he approached her pussy and it didn’t take long for him to shyly spread with his fingers of Ella’s labia. My friend Markus did the same with the other leg towards him. The hands of both men met on the pussy, which seemed to be irritating something. At the same time, Robert, my brother, and Georg, Ella’s former sports teacher from school, made her breasts. As the masseur before, the other two gentlemen also seemed to be targeting Ellas Nipple.

With each handle they became firmer and harder. Ella’s moan grew louder and more violent, but I don’t know whether it was more due to the processing of her breasts or the pussy. Paul had already passed to stimulate Ellas Klit with his fingers. Before the bumps could make their briefs tear, I asked the round to take off, which I also did. Now Ella had the selection of five hammer -hard tails with which she had so far had very different experiences, from always (my) over often (my brother), occasionally (our friend Markus) to once (Georg) and finally Paul, whom shesaw first time.

So that Ella could enjoy the attraction of the new, Paul was the first to come. The masseur had made plenty of condoms. Ella slid down a bit on the couch and lifted her legs invitingly up. Paul reached with strong hands and lay in the perfect position Ella’s pool. When he penetrated deeply into Ella, six more hands slid over her body, while Ella’s hands reach for every tail you could find.

After all, one of them was mine. The tails, hands, mouths and tongues kept changing their positions while Ella was still on her back. Since I personally like the “spit roast”, the next change of position came now. Ella knelt invitingly on the soft ground of the studio while I took her from behind. Supporting herself with just one hand, she still had the other free to massage every single tail that stretched out to her.

The teammates alternated in quick succession, everyone was greedy to let Ella blow their cock. The pleasure was on both sides, as could be found in the respective facial expressions. A particularly nice sight is the swinging of Ella’s breasts with every bump that she gets from behind. So it also happened here that two of the men lay on the ground at the same time to get the face stroked by Ella’s swinging breasts.

Of course, they also grabbed with lips and probably also teeth, which often made an outcry of the pleasure sound. But even the strong grip for both breasts is always a pleasure that Ella likes as well. The positions often changed, so each of us five men got their money’s worth. But my girlfriend also enjoyed the event in full. We men had already taken one or the other break in between when I met Stefan, the masseur, in the hallway again.

He wanted to know how long we would stay. “Not long anymore, we are all pretty much done. But you still look very fit and unused. Do you feel like?“Stefan did not miss this spontaneous invitation. He brushed off his clothes and followed me directly into the room. After whispering my girlfriend in the ear, Ella lay down on the massage lounger again. When Stefan picked up to the lubricant, it was clear to me what would happen now.

I watched fascinated how the masseur with lubricant and skillful fingers prepared my girlfriend’s bottom for the “anal deflation”, so to speak. When Ella signaled her willingness after a while, he slowly but determined his hard rod into her body. I couldn’t see from Ella’s reactions to how she liked it. So I still remained skeptical. Ella later said that the first introduction of the hammer -hard tail was not really pleasant.

But with every movement in and out the pain grew lower and the desire greater. Stefan at least seemed visible to enjoy. However, he had not reached the climax himself. He saved that for the following minutes. Even if we other five men had hosed down several times in the course of the afternoon, we did not want to end the special event without the special degree. So Ella left the couch and knelt between us men, whom we have now been to six.

Everyone gave their best to massage the tail to full size, while Ella watched us as expected and grabbed the tail to the tail with nimble hands and let us get hotter and hotter. As expected, the masseur came first and the most intense. With swing, his load poured across Ella’s face, which she acknowledged with a wide grin. We others no longer had as much pressure on the pump, but what was still on Ella’s breasts and belly from our cocks was also not to be scoffed at.

Then everyone showered briefly, then we said goodbye and everyone drove home. For the evening I had ordered a table from our favorite Italian for Ella and myself. So there was still enough time that afternoon to prepare for the evening at home.

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