Fun for three! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was one of these beautiful days in May. Since I was currently straw widowers, I decided to one Cycling tour. Sabine had driven to friends with the children for a week Vacation close. After half of the way I took a break. The little picnic, which I approved, did a good job, but also made me a little sluggish. I wondered that a little nap in the fresh air would now be just the thing to go back to the rest of the route.

So I sat on a tree on the edge of the path and made myself as good as possible. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace. It was Monday and most people had to work. At the weekend there was nothing to be calm, but so much that it was stressful again to avoid all pedestrians, cyclists and dogs. It was different today and it didn’t take long for me to fall into a slight sleep.

This is a pleasant condition because you still have the feeling in the subconscious to notice something of the things that happen around you. I also don’t know how long this resting phase lasted. Due to a somewhat louder conversation, I was disturbed in my peace and opened my eyes to see the authors of this disturbance. It was a couple that their bikes pushed closer and closer. Slowly I also got the reason for her little dispute.

The young woman had a slab on her front wheel and reproached her companion because he hadn’t packed the necessary repair witness. When they were almost at my height, they noticed me and the woman whispered quietly to their companion. This looked a bit unwilling, but then came up to me. “Excuse me please. Do you happen to have some repair witness? In my wife, the air has said goodbye to the tire. We still have a very long way to go and would prefer to drive than push.

“I was still upset about the disorder, but I also knew the unpleasant feeling once you had the women against you. Because he was almost sorry for me in his situation, I offered him my help. It was noticed that a stone fell from his heart and his wife’s facial expression also became much friendlier. However, she could not help but make a remark in his direction that, in contrast to him, there are also men who think about it.

In the next hour we were busy with the repair and used the time to get to know us a little better. They were called Ben and Pia and only lived a few kilometers away from me. They had been on the road since early and had planned a day tour. On the way back it happened and they had already walked 2 km before the rescue appeared in my person. My initial bad mood was quickly over because the two turned out to be quite personable.

We talked about God and the world and made our way back together. When I got to my apartment, the two said goodbye to me and thanked them again for the help. Two days later, I just got out of the shower, the doorbell rang at the door. I quickly pulled myself over a few shorts and a T-shirt and went to the door. I was amazed when Ben stood at the door. Apparently he was on the road again because he was wearing a cyclist and a jersey with the advertising lettering of a company.

He got a bottle of wine out of his shoulder bag without wiring. “We wanted to thank you again for your help and thought a bottle of wine would be the right thing for it. “I did not know what to say. “Come in first!“I asked Ben to go to the living room, because I wasn’t really dried yet. I quickly went into the bathroom again and suddenly I remembered what I had forgotten. As a straw widower, I had a nice video evening yesterday and also watched a porn.

Now this video was in the recorder and its very striking packaging on the table. I tried to save what was still to be saved and immediately went into the living room. It was too late. Ben already had the shell in my hand and grinned me in a variety of ways. So I didn’t even bother an excuse. “You know how it is when the women are gone? After all, I am only a person with certain needs.

”“ This is not overlooked, but also understandable ”he smiled at me. The situation seemed saved and I went back to the bathroom to finally dress myself. Because I didn’t want to wait too long, it went quite quickly. On the way back to the living room I heard noises that were familiar to me. And right. When I entered the room, Ben had made himself comfortable in the armchair and looked at the porn.

“You will excuse, but I can’t miss such an opportunity. “His carefree was already disarming. Under normal circumstances I would have shown every other one bird and threw it out. It was different with Ben. He enjoyed freedom of fools. I don’t know why that was, but something about him fascinated me. Maybe it was his carefree that I appreciated so. I left it alone with the film and went into the kitchen to make us a coffee.

When I came back, Ben was still staring at the television, where two women just enjoyed each other. The film Of course, over time, his traces in Ben’s pants also left behind. It was clear that his best piece felt the urge for freedom. He rubbed it through his pants. Ben saw my gaze and just said that it was quite normal to get a stand at the sight of two women.

I played his game and agreed with him. “It bothers you when I get a down?“He asked the answer without a large way. Ben now opened his pants and the limb, which had been fighting for a long time, came to light. Said it and started his tail fully get out of the pants. He had accepted an enormous size and the first drop of pleasure shone his plump glans. I was completely off the role.

There was a man that I had only known for a few hours in my apartment and was there in front of my eyes masturbate. Since I couldn’t deal with the situation, I sat down first. Ben didn’t seem to bother all of this. He kneaded his cock incessantly and watched me out of my corners of the eye. Obviously he was happy about my uncertainty. “Stay calm! You don’t get sick of that. Finally I do the same as you last night.

”“ You’re right, but I’ve never seen a man doing it himself. “That was a lie, but the only thing that came to mind at the moment. I had already seen videos where it was, but in nature it is something different. “You should do the same. Your pants are also ranging. ”Only now did I notice that Ben was right. On the one hand, I was overwhelmed with the situation, but on the other hand I could not deny excitement.

“Well, good. I admit that I have a latte. But that’s no wonder either. In the video the girls lick their damp pussies and you sit here with your stand and jerk. ”“ Just do it like me! Relax and let your drive run wild!“A little more unsafe I went to the couch and sat down. Ben watched me all the time and made an encouraging movement with his head. In the meantime I didn’t care and I started to open my pants.

Immediately there jumped out stiff and a gush of the first drops of pleasure ran over my glans. I started rubbing the glans with it and walking through a voluptuous shower. I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened it, Ben turned the armchair so that he had both me and the television in view. So we sat opposite each other with down pants and everyone looked at the other. It was strange, but the picture that offered me made me even sharper when I was already.

Ben now took off his pants entirely. He sat down a little further in the armchair and put on his legs. Now I could see everything. His shaved limb, which still seemed to be greater with excitement, his testicles and also his pleasure channel. This always came out when he massaged his foreskin over his glans during his rhythmic hand movements and raised his plump sack. More and more we looked at our actions and no interested parties what happened on the television.

A game developed. In the meantime I had also moved out my pants, massaged my cock and played on my eggs with the other hand. Ben obviously tried to adapt to my pace. We didn’t speak a word. It was only our ever louder moan to hear and everyone watched exactly what the other did. And again it was Ben who continued to drive the matter. Now he slipped in front of me with the armchair and was so close to me that I was able to support my feet on the back of the armchair.

He did the same on the couch with his feet. Our legs touched, our eggs were about to. I have never been so close to a man, and I didn’t even have a strange stiff cock. I grabbed me a lust that had not yet been known until then. I sat up and took Bens to the burst of swollen cock. He groaned and I started rubbing him. It was a crazy feeling to hold a strange cock in his hand and see how Ben shrugged under my movements.

I had a feeling of power in me, which I didn’t know so far. I was now the ruler and determined about cumshots or not. Now Ben straightened up, which made our tail tips almost touched. That gave me an idea. With both hands I pressed our cocks together and began to rub them together. Our praise made the whole thing super slip. That was a crazy feeling and I could have cumshot when I was watching.

Both cocks disappeared in my folded hands and then look out again with their acorns. Again and again the first drops of lust ran from our spearheads and it was only a question of moments until our seed would pour out. “I don’t stand it anymore. I come ”, gasped Ben and his warm juice poured out on our cocks. Now there was no stopping for me either. My cock became independent and with a wild twitch that grabbed my whole body, a full gush of my lust poured out.

My hands continued their work and the picture that offered me was unable to survive. Again and again our cocks spit out their horny juice and what did not make the way out of our cocks on their own was conjured up by my hands. They were smeared from our brew from top to bottom and it began to run down on the eggs. Completely exhausted, we now dropped back and treated ourselves to a moment of calm.

Only now did I realize what had happened. I had sex with a man and it was awesome. So it did nothing to ponder big about it. The only thing left was that I can have sex with men as well as with women and the completely new possibilities opened. “It was by far the hottest thing I experienced,” I said to Ben and he just grinned back. “There are many more things that we can do.

If you want I can visit you again. ”“ What will Pia say about it?”“ She knows about my little weakness for men. But to this day everything only played in my imagination. A happy fact brought us together and I just had to help my luck. I thank you for this experience. “We started to clean our“ sins ”and sat after a cup of coffee afterwards. Three days have passed since my experience with Ben and what happened again and again kept me.

It was not a day that I didn’t have to think about and every time I got a stand. I remembered what Ben said at the end. And with the idea that we could do even more things, the desire began to get stronger in me. In two days, Sabine would be back and the time for a meeting with Ben would be bad to organize. So I called him. We made an appointment for the next day and this time we wanted to meet with him.

I answered my question about Pia that she was working. Full of excitement and excited about what may I come to Ben. The directions of him was very precise, but also necessary, otherwise I would not have found there so quickly. Pia and Ben were the proud owners of a house, which would have been enough for two families. Ben was already expecting me. I was a little unsure again now and doubted what I wanted to get involved with.

But as last time, Ben’s carefree all concerns all concerns. I got a tour of the house first. Not without pride he showed me all the rooms. With so much luxury, I couldn’t help myself with the money. As always, Ben took it easy and explained that Pia’s parents were so well financed that they were their only one Daughter would have helped something. The showpiece of the house was in the basement.

The two had set up a cinema room there that was already breathtaking. It looked just a little smaller like in a real cinema. There was a real canvas of approx. 2.5 x 4 meters that were limited at the upper end and on the sides of red curtains. There were lamps on the walls that threw a weak light on the rest of the room. In the middle was a gigantic sitting group in U-shape, which hardly deserved the name.

Like everything else, she was kept in red tones in this room. There were countless pillows on it in which you could definitely bury yourself well. There was a closet on the wall behind the seating area. When asked what was in it, Ben opened this. The entire system was housed there and nothing was missing. Projector and DVD Receiver, all the finest. The rest of the cabinet took advantage of DVD without exception.

Divided properly according to different genres, there were 200 films in the closet. From somewhere a ringtone sounded and I looked at Ben questioningly. “There’s someone at the door at the top. I’ll have a look. Take a little more looking around. I’ll be right back. “So I rummaged a bit between the films and ended up with the porn after a short time. The two had a stately number of it and pretty much everything was represented.

Now I was not a straggler as far as these films were concerned. Over the years I had seen Sabine and all sorts of things alone. Of course, this threw a new light on Ben and Pia. I found a film from the category “Bi never harms” and looked at the cover closer. I was probably quite in my thoughts, because suddenly someone cough behind me. I was startled. “It was just the postman with a package.

“Without I noticed it, Ben had come back and it was obviously happy to have frightened me. He pointed to the film and asked what I thought of it. “I haven’t seen anything like that yet. But we can take the opportunity and you give me a private idea in your cinema. “I only wanted to reciprocate with me for his behavior, but unlike me, it didn’t get him out of rest, unlike me.

“No problem. Make yourself comfortable. I just have to leave you alone for 10 minutes. I still have a short trip for Pia to do it. You know how the women are. Nobody bothers you here. ”After giving me a brief briefing in the remote control, he was already disappearing. I felt a bit lost. “But what’s for 10 minutes” I thought and besides, the film started.

The facility was already an experience. A huge picture and the sound like in the cinema. I was curious how the moaning of the actors in Dolby-Prologic would listen to. There was no plot and it went to the matter very quickly. The couple, who drove it in all possible and impossible positions, was too perfect for real life. Everything seemed to be corresponding to the respective ideal picture. Of course I didn’t look at that long.

I had seen something like that often enough. With the remote control I fought myself until I was where I really wanted to go. The position was found where two men and a woman had made themselves comfortable on a couch. The woman and a man began to slowly take off her fellow rider. A “struggle” of the two around the increasingly harder tail developed quickly. The tail alternately disappeared into this and sometimes in that mouth or both of them circled with their tongues over the glans.

Of course, what was seen had not missed its effect on me and I noticed an always unbearable tightness in my pants. “What’s the point” I thought. I am alone and for no reason the film didn’t go either. So I freed my cock and he thanked it by building up to full size. At that moment Ben entered the room. “Well, it seems to go well for someone. Let’s see if I can’t do anything for you ”and immediately he knelt in front of me.

In his eyes he was to look at the lustful lust and he immediately began to massage my hard trunk with his hands. I groaned and immediately the first drops of pleasure bubbled out of my glans. Ben had only waited for that. He leaned over my cock with his head and began to enclose the glans with his lips. At the same time, he circled the glowing head with his tongue. I felt the increasing excitement in me and my gaze wandered between the canvas and the ben back and forth on me.

He did it with a dedication and a lot of skill, so that one might believe that it was not his first cock that he spoiled with his mouth. Now he released him out of his mouth to lick it in his entire length, not failing to massage my eggs and alternately suck the testicles. My lust got bigger and bigger and now I completely got rid of my pants. Ben did the same for me, whereby the interruption of his massage seemed like an eternity.

Ben’s beating had also achieved a considerable size in the meantime. I made it comfortable and hoped that Ben would continue his game. He crouched on the edge of the couch and started to suck my cock again. Meanwhile I lay on my back, my arms stretched up and gave myself completely my feeling. Ben, meanwhile, magically pulled it to my butt. I felt one of his fingers on my back door and sighed.

From somewhere he had now brought a tube of lubricant and looked at me with a questioning look. I just nodded. My gaze to the canvas showed me that the trio was already one step ahead of us, because here it was clearly shown how one man took the other doggy while the woman the free tail molk. In the meantime I had now stuck one of his fingers in my butt while his mouth sucked on my glans again.

I groaned. A short time later his finger disappeared from my butt and he pulled me to the sofa corner on my thighs. I helped him and slipped forward and gave him the opportunity to sitting with his damp glans in front of my rosette. With my hands I supported the side to straighten myself up and looked into his face. In it I saw The pure lust. We got on without a word and slowly he started with his shiny tail tip to circle my pleasure channel.

The moisture I felt almost suggested that he would have come. I had never wanted a cock in my butt, but now it was everything I wanted. Slowly I lowered my pelvis Ben’s hard cock. I felt his glans slowly entered me to release the hole again immediately. With every new attempt he penetrated me deeper and deeper until his strong stake was completely disappearing in me.

Somehow my position was still uncomfortable and so I pressed it backwards. Kurely, Ben slipped out of me before I sat down on his riding position. I felt impaled, but I liked it and I started to determine the pace by lifting and lowering my pelvis. Ben grabbed me on the hips and supported each of my movements. My cock was in never -guessed hardness and touched Ben’s belly with every movement, on which the traces of my lust emerged.

That could have continued for hours, but my body signaled me quite clearly that I was shortly before the cumshot. The air around us was filled with the greed for sex and our gase mixed with the moaning of the actors on the screen. “Wicht me my cock” I gasped Ben too. Now that I was almost sitting directly on his lap, he had some trouble with it. Now everything was too late. The tail that has repeatedly penetrating me, and the massage of my latte now demanded its tribute.

I had the feeling of almost passing out when my lust in a huge fountain was unloaded on Ben’s stomach. Again and again his hand caused a supplement of the white juice. I could see a large part of the stomach and gathered on his tail approach. From there, my eyes hidden, the juice ran along his eggs and then dripping on the carpet. “Now I’m on” gasped Ben. “Show me how horny you are and put everything in my ass” I replied.

Ben’s movements became more and more violent and more uncoordinated and only a few bumps could be done until he discharged. Again, after I was sunken, I supported the couch on the edge and started moving my pelvis with the help of my supported legs. Ben was no longer able to move. Now I was a part of the lust he had given me back to give him back.

With my pleasure channel I started to glide up and down on his bursting tail. This was interrupted by the circular movements of my pelvis when I felt it until I felt in me. Ben gasped under my movements and I knew that the time had come to let him explode. I raised my pelvis and from now on I only let his plump acorn penetrate me. I would never have believed how much feeling you have in your anus.

But I felt very precisely when his acorns had disappeared into me with the bead and I had to initiate the countermovement. “Yes. I’m coming. Anything for you. “He wouldn’t have needed it at all because I felt it. Just when his glans was in front of my horny hole for a short moment, I felt his juice splashed against my opening. I immediately sank it again and continued my work under Ben’s loud groan.

After another 4 to 5 movements, I let his horny stand sink completely into myself again and circled with my pelvis. Completely exhausted we let off and took more relaxed positions on the couch. I was pretty exhausted and Ben was the same. After we had recovered something, we decided to clean ourselves from our deeds. We grabbed our clothes and went upstairs where the bathroom was.

We already looked a bit strange. We were only naked around the bottom because we had kept our T-shirts in the hurry of the battle. In addition, despite the exhaustion, our cocks were not completely swollen and completely stained with the juice of the drive. Ben went forward and opened the door, but stopped as rooted. I recognized the reason very quickly. In the middle of the bathsty pia and was busy drying her hair with a towel.

It was naked. Obviously she had just finished her shower. “Well, you’re done? Stupid question. You can see that you are completely finished. I didn’t want to bother you and have already showered. You stand there like beaten dogs with a hanging rod. Don’t worry, I treat you the fun. Only those who take care of my wet pussy now?“While she spoke the last sentence, she drove her index finger through the obviously damp column.

The smacking sound you heard was an unmistakable sign for it. “Why are you no longer in the company” I heard Ben asking. “Since our computers failed and run again tomorrow at the earliest, the boss sent us home. So I’m going and was happy to spend the rest of the day with you. I didn’t know anything about your visit and your game in the cinema. “” You’ve been there for a long time “asked Ben further.

“Long enough to eavesdrop on your hustle and bustle. And now I have to live with the consequences. “While she said that, her wet grotto gave this sound again when touching her fingers. “I would have loved to come to you earlier, but I knew how long you had been on something like that. I thought a shower would calm me down, but that was probably a huge error. “” Should that mean that we should take care of you now, “I asked, so as not to seem completely uninvolved.

“Finally someone who realizes what’s going on,” she said with played outrage. “The best thing to do is take a shower and then Ben knows where you can find me. “As soon as she had spoken to the end, she meandering past us. In doing so, she was visibly tried to walk between us and I felt my still wet tip rubbed past her body and had to leave some traces. She didn’t seem to disturb that. Ben looked at me, shrugged with his shoulders: “Well, then we don’t want to wait for Pia for too long.

“It didn’t take long for us to shower and afterwards we felt in top time again. We decided not to take the trouble to dress. I believe that Ben was very happy that Pia would not resent him with me anymore. Since I had no idea where Pia would expect, Ben preceded and I followed him. I was able to watch his crunchy buttock. I should take care of this new area for me, my first thoughts were.

“Where do we actually go”, I couldn’t help but ask myself. “It goes to our attic,” he replied with a varied look. We got up a staircase at the end of which there was a door. This was not closed and Ben only needed it to open a little so that we could enter. The room was quite large and at first glance it was recognized what it was used for the two. It was obviously her love room.

There was a large bed in the middle of the room, over which a large mirror was attached to the ceiling. A little further to the right of the bed was a shelf with all kinds of useful things that seemed to enrich the sex life of the two. A little diagonally in front of us, almost behind the door, we finally saw Pia. She sat in an armchair, her legs spread wide over the armrests. Her shaved pleasure column was clearly recognizable.

Obviously she had continued her game with her fingers while we showered. Glossy juice ran out of her plum, which she repeatedly rubbed her fingers on her clit. I took the opportunity to take a closer look at Pia. As she was sitting there, she was a great sight, which my hardening member immediately confirmed to me. She was a piece from the ideal figure, but that didn’t bother. I preferred it when women didn’t look like a diet doll and the curves were just right with her.

Your full breasts hang down a bit and I recognized the hard nipples. As to confirm my observations, she started twirling her nipples with one hand, but without leaving the fingers of the other hand out of her cunt. In doing so, she looked into our eyes lasciviously. I don’t know how long we were there, but Pia probably took too long. “Now is not so around. I still don’t feel better and now I want to get my expense.

“” What can we do for you “I asked. “It is best to stop there and take your cocks in your hand. Now I can see what I heard earlier. “Without turning my gaze from Pia, I reached next to myself and felt Bens tail. In the meantime it had already reached a considerable size. “Is it right,” asked Ben, massaging my cock. I was a bit shaky on my feet and had preferred to fall on Pia to push my cock into the wet hole.

But it was clear that they were going to do something else with us and it was necessary to maintain patience. Apparently Pia was able to read thoughts because I received her next instruction. “I want you to put your cock in your mouth. And if you deliver a good show for me, you can fuck me afterwards. “So I knelt in front of Ben and started my work. With my hand I pressed his steep spear down a little and started sucking on it.

I watched Pia from the corner of the eyes, who seemed to please this game very much. In the meantime, she had used a dildo that she had probably hidden in the armchair all the time. With pleasure she pushed it along her cunt and then slowly sink it into it. She groaned out of her half open mouth and in exactly this I would have loved to sink my cock. My work did not miss its effect on Ben and he also started moaning.

He was pretty shaky on his feet. From my own experience I knew that sex while standing is not one of the most pleasant ways. You are constantly busy staying on your feet and over time the pleasure factor is lost. To increase the stimulus for Ben, I interrupted my sucking to get some moisture from his glans to my fingers. I immediately continued my tongue game and started distributing the damp mucus on his gate with the other hand.

Ben seemed to like that very much, because his body went through his body. Slowly I pulled my circles closer and closer around his hole to slowly penetrate my finger. It flinched again. My finger now got a demanding access to his rear room, with my movements faster. “Wait. I want it more comfortable. ”Without waiting for an answer, he escaped my care and went to Pias armchair. “Leave me there darling.

“Surprisingly, she showed no resistance and rose. After Ben sat on the edge of the armchair, he said that I should continue. We knelt with Pia in front of Ben and started a fight for Bens Eichel with our tongues. Of course my finger disappeared back into his pleasure channel. Pia did not take my eyes off me in the tongue game and soon she had no longer controlled her desire. She got up and sat back on Ben’s lower abdomen, so that I now had his cock and wet grotto in mind.

“Slice me and cost from my juice” she said demanding. Now I was spoiled for choice. Ben’s cock, who continued to pump up and threatened to burst, or Pias moist column that seemed to devour everything that approached her. While my finger continued his work in Ben, I started licking Pias cunt with my tongue. First her labia and then closer to your clit. From there I drove my tongue down again to finally sink them into their column.

Pia hardly had any control and Ben suffered from her violent movements. Now I was the ruler about both and their orgasm. I had it in my hand or. In the tongue, whether both would come. I decided to give them the salvation that they obviously asked for. Without really interrupting my finger and tongue game, I led my free hand to Pias cunt. The two seemed to know what I was going to do and helped a little.

I started rubbing the Pia column with Ben’s cock and led his plump acorn to her clit to witness how Ben exploded and his juice to extinguish Pias female. I continued my work and tried not to waste a drop of the precious juice and thus delete Pias. Pia straightened up and I helped her to take Ben’s cock within her to finally empty him.

The sight was just awesome and I carefully started to circle her clit with my tongue. That did not miss its effect and she almost started screaming with lust. From the background I heard Bens almost already tortured voice. “I can not anymore. I need a break. ”Without another word, I continued Pia and led her to the bed. There I meant sat down and spread the legs. Immediately I sat down and slipped so close to her that I could put my addicted spit in her.

My whole pent -up pleasure was discharged and I started to push her violently. There is a moment in which every woman looks most beautiful. And this had come right now. Pia got louder and a twitch went through her body. My cock clearly felt the movements in her cunt. The orgasm approached and that was the moment when every woman gains beauty again. Ben had come to us on the bed in the meantime and sat behind Pia.

So she could let herself fall back. While the orgasm flooded through her body, Ben kneaded her erected nipples. There was no stopping with me either. The time when all the dams broke was achieved. I pulled my cock out of Pia and inject my love juice on her stomach. From there he ran down his belly as a small trickle to land over the clit again in her column. Exhausted I let myself fall back and closed my eyes.

The experiences of the past few days had to be processed and the vague hope for more new adventures with Ben and Pia remained.

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