Fuck with a stranger woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was again the beginning of the year and time for good resolutions. Mine was also a little more sport in winter. In the Summer I ride my bike regularly, but in winter it’s not really clever.. So take a look at one of the local ads portals and see not far away there was an almost new part for narrow money. Unfortunately the description was a bit poor and no picture was included. So I wrote a short email about the portal and asked for more details and possibly a picture.

Answer also came promptly and it was even a branded device. In the pictures you could see it in a typical women’s apartment. Everything tipped up, on the modern sofa in the background a big plusheddy and the usual accessories. Greetings at the end of text greetings. Oh well! I emailed that the offer and price are okay and I would like to pick it up. If it was okay I would pick it up and just need the address.

Answer mail came promptly. Address and the promise that she would reserve it for me. And the question of how old I am. Was a somewhat unusual question, but I have nothing to hide and gave her my age. We agreed Tuesday 5 p.m. as a pick -up date. On Tuesday I received another email: “It will also be determined by five today?”” Sure I wrote back plus minus a few minutes. “That’s Supi, I’m looking forward to your Gabriele.

“Now I was already a bit irritated and checked again whether I had answered the right advertisement. But everything was right. I came a few minutes early and rang the two -family house on her name. The electric door opener buzzed and I made my way to the first floor. The apartment door was already open and there was a tall, very attractive blonde end for the end of the fourth in the door frame. When she handed my hand to greet me, an intense fragrance for apricots noticed me.

She had to have just showered. This assumption was confirmed because it was wearing a snow -white bathrobe. “It’s great that it worked,” she said and closed the apartment door behind her. When I passed on it I noticed a crown and the lettering of a hotel on the front of the bathrobe. There will probably be a hotel again, I thought with myself. But much more remarkable was the slight binge in the terry right next to the crown.

Interested I looked briefly on the other side and actually a second bay. But it was definitely not cold in the apartment “I go ahead, it says in the living room” she said and went along the hallway in front of me. She knew how to move. It’s a shame that the hallway was so short! She asked very casually: “Is it for you or the woman?”I was truthfully answered” For myself, I am not married “” Oh yes yes? “Came back from her.

“So, there is the good piece,” she explained with her deep, incredibly erotic voice. In doing so, she posed in front of the home trainer, like one of these ladies from the home shopping channel. A hand casual on the handlebar and one leg on the outside. You could admire her tanned, Laaange’s leg to the thigh. God this bitch knew how to provoke men. In order to get the situation back on neutral ground, I asked if everything works without any problems.

“She said,” You can try it “oh this voice made me very sweaty! “Better not, I have street shoes on and don’t want to make anything dirty. And besides, I trust them, because such eyes cannot lie!“So come, a bit of excavation will be allowed!”I can show it briefly,” she said and took the bike between her Legs. One hand on the steering wheel skillfully pulled up the bathrobe with the other and placed her bare butt on the saddle.

Then the curtain fell again. I reached for my drop of heart because that was too much for me! But what was that a horny butt. Burned seamlessly brown, firm and crunchy. I stood on the side next to her while she started pedaling. The bathrobe moved in the rhythm of her thighs and of course I tried to catch a look at her jewelry box. But it didn’t quite work, the only thing I could catch, she was shaved.

While she continued to struggle, she explained to me that the thing had a vital computer, the pulse, hard frequency and knows the cuckoo still measures everything and shows everything. And there are buttons on the outside where you can adjust it all. “But with all the stuff and the buttons, men know better!“I was actually only interested in their buttons, who were now really thick through the fabric. I thought everything or nothing.

Either you now fly out of the apartment equally, or it will be a hot long evening. So I stood behind her and reached her buttons. “What happens when you turn it here?“I asked innocently. “Nothing at all you still have the protective film on it!”. She was quick -witted that you had to leave her! So I reached in the bathrobe and worked on her stiff nipples. She leaned back and put her head on my shoulder.

She enjoyed with your eyes closed while she was still pedaling. In the meantime I had pushed the bathrobe back so far that I could knead her remarkable breasts with full attention. She started purring like a cat. But I couldn’t only hear your cozy purr but a new sound. A regular smacking sound mingled into the whir of the home trainer. The movement of her thighs followed and became more and more intense. Now it was time to do something before your gossip wet pussy Fixed on the saddle.

I put my hands on her thighs and slowly stopped her pedal movement. I walked around her and stood in front of her. While I was doing this, the bathrobe with a clever movement of her shoulder fell her arm snakes around my neck and her legs around my hips. I lifted her from the gossip saddle, one of my heads through my head, that thing is needed! Of course nonsense, because what I held in my hands was worth a hundred times more.

A flawless gem from a woman that I will now spoil according to all the rules of art. I carried her to the sofa that I already knew from the pictures. With a “sorry, only space for two!“I kicked the teddy to the side and placed my prey on the sofa. “And what comes now is healthier than cycling,” she asked with a snappy smile. I definitely assured that you use more calories than with three hours of cycling.

“Oh too bad, it takes less than three hours now?“She said with a played disappointment. As I moved out my pants, I said “This is a men’s bike with a rod in the middle. An endurance model, not as fast as a racing bike but very persistent ”she laughed loudly;:“ You men and your drum! If you hold through you will get a delicious breakfast tomorrow! That was a challenge Lets Go!She had already placed nicely on the sofa and waited for things that come there.

I decided to approach the matter from below and sat next to her feet. She had very well -groomed feet with flawlessly red -painted toes. Actually everything was flawless and well -kept. I guess a leading position in a larger group. But that was not important at the moment. I was important I had a gem of a woman that I was allowed to edit. So I caressed and kissed her feet and slowly worked on her lower legs.

First one leg, then the other. She was obviously a connoisseur and not on quick sex. She had closed her eyes, played with her hands on her Nipple and let the matter come to himself. That’s why I love older women who can enjoy and wait because they know what they want. As I said, I made my way up and had now arrived on the thigh. I slowly let my tongue hike up and watched it.

She had still closed her eyes, but the closer I got to the magical triangle, the more she started smiling. No, no my Miss, I didn’t think so quickly and moved over to the other at the other at a safe distance above her pleasure grotto. There I pulled back briefly. It was fantastic her face too observe. The smile gave way to a certain tension and she put her head wrong. You could literally see what she thought.

Now the tongue finally comes where I expect it, or the big surprise comes right away. None of the two, I like long intensive prelude, so my tongue made back on the way down, this time on the other leg. She relaxed again and the smile came back. I put my way all the way down, caressed her foot and then it went up again. I pushed her legs together and slowly let my tongue hike back up through the furrow.

The closer I came to her pussy, the more her tension came back. Her inner labia slowly pushed the outer to the side and the love hill swelled. I had the whole thing in the truest sense of the word right in front of my nose. Now the little man came out of his damp furrow and cheekily stretched his head to daylight. She was ready for rock’n roll. Bevormeune tongue briefly finished to the finish I picked her off and put her back on her stomach a bit under my navel.

“You damned bastard” hissed with a mixture of lust and disappointment. I didn’t let myself be put off and now let my tongue circle around her belly button. She now had her eyes open and anxious my further actions. Her magnificent pugs were now within reach of my hands and I started to edit them intensively. I pressed them against each other, pushed them left and right, grabbed my nipples to pull them up and then let them clap on the chest again.

I enjoyed thieving these warm, soft lust pillows to edit according to all the rules of art. In the meantime, my tongue had also reached her breasts and was able to take care of her stiff nipples intensively. I sucked, sucked and nibbled on her pleasure buttons. The top tip in particular was extremely sensitive. I took the front ends of her nipples between my teeth as I tightened my chest with both hands. She almost lost the mind. She threw herself from left to right, pushed her pool up and pushed out a **** noise.

The woman was a volcano and shortly before the orgasm I had to slow her down slowly, because the evening should take a while. So I let go of her and her pantas breathed again. As I kissed her neck, I lay down in the middle of her. She still had her legs closely, so that my best friend of my tongue could follow. I had now reached her head and nibbled on her earlobes.

Obviously another very erogenous zone because her breath accelerated again. Or was it because she received the message from below “Hannibal Ante Portas” I had almost reached my goal. I pushed myself up a bit and raised my hips a little. “Woe!!“She hissed at my ear and made it unequivocally clear that the number would not go through with the tongue beforehand. She didn’t know that I couldn’t expect it anymore.

So I pressed a little down and then just pushed forward. Perfect match! He slipped in as if it was never intended differently. Your “oooh horny!“Just motivated me to push on. I pressed mine tail until nothing went on. Her pleasure grotto was hot and soaking wet and warmly welcomed me. I let this great feeling work on me first and she too enjoyed it finally to be filled out. After a few seconds of enjoying, I started to withdraw slowly.

I felt every wrinkle and bump in her lust cavity on the way back. Just awesome. Shortly before I came out, she pressed the stop button and tightened her vaginal mussels. “It is only allowed to get out when he has done his job!”” No problem “I said and pushed him up again soulingly until the stop. So it went back and forth for a while while she was always careful not to let him escape.

Over time, however, she became more and more excited and forgot to make it in time. And I was pop outside. Which of course helped that she was now gossip and could hardly hold him anymore. I immediately pushed it back in. A awesome feeling when her tight lips closed around my glans. After a few times she also liked this variant, especially because we harmonized so well that he found his way again without any problems.

It was a totally tingling feeling for both of us when I put their labia apart.. I felt how her hip movements became more and more demanding and had to take some drive out so that my powder could not be shit early. So next time I stayed outside and pushed him up over her slot. There he met the little man who immediately put his head out curiously. On the way up everything slipped over it smoothly. When pulling down, the clit gets hidden behind the glans every time and was always pulled along a bit.

Of course all the more as he pumped up. She fully got out of the house and asked me “faster, faster!“But I couldn’t move my hips that quickly, so I took it in my hand and hit and scratched her clit with my cock tip. She completely gets out of the house, twitches and winds and claws her fingernails in my shoulders. She screamed “going in in, I can’t stop anymore, I’ll come right away.

Fuck me, spray me full of horny goat “The rest was only incomprehensible and her body formally exploded. She fidgeted and twitched and rolled with her eyes. For me it was of course too late and I shot the whole load into her pussy. Slowly ebbt her orgasm off and the uncontrolled twitches were less. We were sideway for minutes and enjoyed the abbiting orgasm. Then I slowly pulled back and a gush shared fluid was looking for his way to the sofa cushion.

“It then says reasonably: Actually, you should now lick the mess neatly, but if your tongue even comes to my pussy, I explode. But we are now going to relax bedroom, There is a big bed, we can relax a bit before it goes on. “Or do you already have bottle?“And even if, admittedly, I would never have it, because there is only the chance to spend a night with such a hammer woman.

Therefore cuddle and recharge your batteries for the second act. I do that now and see you in part 2.

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