Foreign fucking in my girlfriend’s bed | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The following corresponds to 100% of the truth and has happened as reported by me. Have fun. – Foreword: I had my first time when I was 16, now I am 18 years older and more than 20 women smarter. Really read, I already had sex with over 20 women (then it was still “girl”) sex & I never regret. They were in terms of external, age or character, they all wanted the same thing from me.

Good sex. And they all got it, nobody complained, on the contrary, the majority of women had more than just once with me, some easily over 50 times. Unfortunately I was not always “loyal” and have “cheated” my partners one time or another with other women in bed. I separate love and sex very clearly, one has nothing to do with the other for me. From my side I didn’t want to hurt anyone with these actions but just live out.

So I was dishonest because I never told the women and it has never come to light until today. (Fortunately!) Today I would like to tell you about a “foreign passage” that is about approx. 5 years. My girlfriend Back then was 1 year older than me and after a few months I decided to join the family’s house. —I was autumn. Friday, a cool, rainy October weekend was just around the corner.

My girlfriend had driven to a friend over the weekend and her parents were not there either. So only Kai, my girlfriend’s brother and I were at home. Kai, who is 3 weeks ago and The family celebration had already had behind, planned for Saturday the party with his friends. It was logical, the whole house for itself and none far and wide that bothers. On Friday evening it knocks on my room door below. (The brother + parents lived above, my girlfriend with me) “In, yes please please?”I said and waited.

Kai tore open the door, his electronic music boomed through the whole house from top to bottom. At that time I still had ear for the kind of music. “Ey brother I celebrate a blatant party tomorrow fat and you are of course invited DIGGAH. Drinking, mukke, horny women. Anne (my then girlfriend = his Sister) not there, free travel waaa?“I hated it as he spoke, but remained properly, but if you got him in a quiet minute you could also talk to him normally.

Kai never understood how I could be with Anne. The two argued very often and loudly, to the suffering of everyone else in the house. “Fat & ugly is that .. Max why such a? You can have better … “Was his words always. He wasn’t really wrong. Anne was overweight & knew nothing to do, but in the heart she was a great person & in bed she was in bed with the same things as I liked what I liked more.

If humanity, the character is correct so far I can get involved with every person and give it the necessary “love/attention”. No matter, further in history. “Sure Kai, I don’t like anything anyway, I like to have a look at the top and drink one or two beers with you. ” I answered. “Beer??? Haha du pussy! Vodka, whiskey..! Beer is a minor matter of Diggah. But blatant that you are at the start, the others are also happy.

“Was his witty answer. “The others?”I asked,” who comes everything?”I continued. Kai listed a few people to be mentioned all people who are not worth mentioning because they do not play a bigger role in history. However, he also mentioned Melissa what my eyes grew up. “Nice, it will be a great evening,” I said in the end and he went out of my room again. In addition to Melissa, I found everyone else very strange.

I don’t trust any of them because every crooked thing did and everyone blasphemed over everyone. All always on drinking or other;), all only dreamers and nonsense, a lot of smoke for nothing. Melissa was different there, she was a decent, overcurrent and could articulate itself properly. It was also incredibly beautiful. Brown long hair, pure skin, beautiful lips, sporty body, large bust. Her Father Was Turk who Mother German. She always dressed very sexy and knew how to deal with her stimuli.

Melissa was always a number too big for me. “You burn yourself on it. “I thought to myself every time, and there were completely different men around Melissa who tried to do it, I couldn’t keep up with them. Muscular protectors, thick carts, lots of coal, only branded clothes. Melissa played with them, never really let one of them really get one of them. When we were in the club, she paid off everything, danced with them, wobbled with the bottom and they were like enchanted and obeyed when Melissa asked.

She wasn’t like that with me, but I didn’t treat her like that either. The Saturday evening came. The party on the upper floor was already in progress, so I came along around 11 p.m. Everyone cheered, were already on the move thanks to the high alcohol enjoyment. I warmly greeted everyone, also Melissa, we hugged each other, it was a strong hug, she smelled good, I whispered it in her ear, the music was too loud anyway.

She just smiled and winked. I also decided to enjoy one or two drinks and joined the conversations. Some of the troops danced, others stood by the window and smoked, others, others, included in my chairs in a room and talked. After a good 1 ½ hour and several drinks I noticed how well drunk was. Melissa and I grinned again and again, sometimes chatting at the window in a four -eye conversation or put on a dance performance in the next room.

At some point she leaned against me. “You Max, I’m really drunk and tired. Can I lie down below? Anne is not there anyway. “She stroked my back and finally stayed by hand on my buttocks. “Hee clear, lie down. Wait I bring you down with you. “I answered her. “I’ll be right back. “I called on the loud floor while I went down the stairs with Melissa.

Once at the bottom, I went up, opened the doors and turned on a small light including the television. I asked Melissa to put them on bed. “wait a minute. “I said and went to the bathroom quickly. I took a bucket and let some water in. With the bucket in my hand I went back into the room, I put it next to the bed. “Only in case. “I said to Melissa and stroked her hair.

Melissa had already put herself. She had moved out her sweater and I could see her dark bra through her top and that she was so cheap even directly into her neckline. She had left her gray leggings made of soft fabric, she was lying in bed with legs bent. Your cracked butt was unnecessary. Melissa reached for my hand. “Stay with the bottom, there are only crazy ones up there anyway. “Whispered with a slightly flawless accent.

“If I stay down right now they come down directly and annoy. I’ll go up again for a short time and be back in 30 minutes, you can hold it through?” I asked. “Naaaa guuuuuut. “Melissa sniffed and closed his eyes. I left the room and went up again. The music was still loud at the top, but when I looked through the room I only saw the sneaks on the left and right. Except for a small group that were still together.

I drank 2 schnapps and a beer before I also announced my farewell. “Don’t do that long anymore. “I said and said everyone goodbye. I strolled past the toilet again and went peeing. I also clearly noticed the alcohol in me. After I got a bottle of water, I went into the bedroom of my girlfriend and me. The TV was still running, but Melissa slept deeply and firmly, at least I thought.

When I pulled out my pants and socks and lay down next to her, she suddenly turned around me and put her head on my chest. I started without thinking about caressing her back and after a while Melissa also stroked my stomach. The whole thing went a bit like that, at some point Melissa’s hand continued to slip down, she already touched the covenant of my boxer shortage, when I also pushed my hand forward and touched her breast from time to time through the bra.

She even slipped a little so that I better approach. Sometimes I grabbed something, then hissed a little, but immediately groaned. I guess it passed about 10 minutes when Melissa begins to spread her legs and lie down on my leg. She started rubbing on her clit on my thigh, massaging. I helped her by pressing my thighs towards. In addition, she grabbed mine tail Through the underpants, massaged, kneaded him.

At some point she turned away again and made movements that I should get to her from behind. I slipped to her while she was dismissing her bra. We threw a blanket over and immediately reached into my underpants backwards and began to jerk off my hand with her hand. I groaned and reached forward below her shirt to her breasts. They were powerful, big and plump. Her nipples were far off and were thick.

I took care of Melissa’s breasts, kneaded her, played with her nipples and pulled on them. After a while I hiked into her crotch with my hand, I massaged her clit over her leggings and occasionally pressed the fabric between her labia. She also liked this game, we both moaned under the ceiling because we didn’t caught wanted to become. We stayed in this campaign for a few minutes, groaned, horny each other, at some point Melissa pulled out her hand and showed me her palm, which was full of juice from me.

She licked it and turned my back. “You horny pig. “She said to me, pulled out my shirt and shorts, slipped out of her clothes and climbed me. As she sank my cock, I turn the TV a bit louder. She rode me, firm, fast, clawed into my chest that I was bleeding, it didn’t matter to me at that moment, Melissa was so damn wet, the gray leggings already had a huge spot, her tanga was completely soaked and while she was so goodRütt only smacked it from pussy juice.

I enjoyed it, reached for her breasts and massaged her, pulled her down to me to put her in my mouth, suck on them. At the same time, I pushed as I rode me my cock deep into her. We cheered on each other, kissed, were quite wild on the road. I felt her juice running down my sack, so she was so wet. I was shortly before the orgasm. “Melissa I’ll come right away..“I groaned and and Melissa rose directly from me.

“Not inside me, please. ” she said. Her pussy dripped, her hair was messed up and off, her make-up was blurred. I reached directly to her pussy, drove through her labia and licked my hand with relish. “Spray me right in the face, a max. “She said and lay down. I positioned myself next to her face and let me jerk off my cock. I started to finger Melissa, she was so wet that I got 3 fingers straight in.

I stimulated your G-spot quickly and with hectic advantages and back movements of the fingertips, it didn’t take long and she sprayed and came to orgasm, I enjoyed it, the whole bed sheet was full of pussy juice, I took out my hand outand smeared her breasts before I massage them. “Now, I’ll come. “I said quietly but under pressure, twitched and felt how my sperm shot out. It sprayed on her face, her hair, on the pillow.

I didn’t expect so much cream myself. “Woow, Oh my god Max. “She said excited, but shortly afterwards we both laughed at. “That was really a lot and not planned. ” I answered. “Everything is fine, it’s cool, but now I need a shower first. “I showed Melissa the bathroom and moved into the bed while she showered newly new. When she came back we went to bed and cuddled until it got bright again.

Then we went up and cleared up with the others who stayed overnight. That was the only sexual action I had with Melissa. She found it wrong to do it with me while I was forgiven and I didn’t want to separate because of her. We decided to stay friends, which also worked great. -I hope you liked my experience at least as much as I do;) Let me know, with a comment and/or thumb up/down.


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