Fairy tale hour | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Christian Enzenberg 0 outside it was bitterly cold, but the clear blue sky and the bright sunshine attracted me to a walk. It was predicted that I would not be the only one with this glorious idea in the parks and forests in and around the city, so I sat down in my old fiesta and let him carry a good deal in the ground. After all, it was lonely to me, I got out of that automobile and breathed a deep breath to rinse the office from the lungs.

For a while I stripped through the meadows and forests for a while, enjoyed the calm and loneliness. Many things went through my head, sometimes I pondered any problems, sometimes I let my thoughts wander, then again I banished everything, worries, ideas, dreams from my brain and sank satisfied in silence. I suddenly heard a noise. A chopped moan, throaty, in vain suppressed sounds that immediately shot into my loins.

I paused, listened, doubted Kurz, but then the curiosity clearly won over my sense of shame. I resolved the narrow path and followed the cozy sigh, an ecstatic lamentation that repeatedly sounded, at rhythmic intervals, lit my blood and kidnapped my imagination. I literally saw these lips in front of me, to whom the lifting jauchzen escaped;Red and full, slightly opened over flashing, white teeth, which sometimes bite down with pleasure, in between a nimble, nervous tongue … I got deeper and deeper into the Forest.

The sun lost its power down here between the trees, there was a insulating half -darkness. Then finally I discovered a bright appearance on a small hill. I stopped and tried to recognize more details, but it was impossible at the distance. I sneak closely. The white shape was stretched out under the tree, a bare, temptingly lush female body, danced by colorful spots. The lustful moan clearly went from there, meanwhile it had increased in a quick, excited heavy gaspage;The naked body rolled comfortably below me still hidden caresses;I differentiate an arm that is reluctant to recolate in the air;deep black hair, a long wild mane;the buttocks, round and firm, the restless robbed over the soft forest floor;Established, fluctuating thighs, invitingly open.

Finally I realized that the strange spots lived, it was not a play of light, as I suspected first, but it was strange human -like beings. I went closer to my caution, but the strange group there was too much busy with itself to remember me to remember me. They were little males, completely naked, but certainly not innocent;They looked a bit silly with their long beards and the colorful pointed hats, while in front of their little bodies they had a surprisingly clear their desire.

They climbed around on the body of the woman, on the body of the woman, on her stomach, her breasts, her legs, her legs, with full physical effort, they clawed into the excited hot meat, conquered customs for customs. They rubbed their skin, immersed in their breasts’ valley or climbed at their summit … They literally climb this woman. A confusing, unreal scurry scurried over the trembling, winding body, inflamed countless fire.

Finally I also saw the woman’s face clearly, she kept her eyes closed, thrown her head back, her forehead was frowning, her mouth opened wide, now she screamed loudly, breathless, her body shrugged wildly, threw herself back and forth … And then, exhausted, a male stumbled out with a high -red head between her thighs, stuck desperately on her leg. His bald head shone with moisture, he ran after air and put his hat on the skull.

The woman herself growled unwillingly, but another disappeared between her thighs, a short, uncertain moment, then her body tensioned. Trembling suck in the air …… involuntarily I took a step closer …… her hands clawed into the ground, her body bent under the tension of the approaching redemption, and then the dams and the swirls died over it, thunder over it,Its body, which glows in lust, hurled the dwarfs through the air;An anniversary scream announced its triumph to the forest …….

As in a trance, I pace ahead, overlooked the jerher in front of me, suddenly I lost the floor under my feet. My holding hands reached into the void, I rolled down the hill, overturned myself several times, pushed my head on stones and roots, finally remained dazed. Silence. No sound was heard while I fought my reflection, showed out of blackness and finally back on the Legs came.

Excerable, hoping against any reason, I looked up to the point, at the Snow White, was just withdrawn into the seventh heaven, but of course nobody was seen there anymore. Only an old, knowing tree.

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