Erotic hours in the opera | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In our company there are sometimes opera and theater maps at a discounted prizes and this time there were tickets for a Wagner opera. Since I was actually interested in it for a long time, I got one of them. It was a long time ago that I last entered an opera house. It was Summer and very warm outside. I don’t know why either, but I don’t put on a panties, probably because the rubbing of my cock on the trouser always heals me very much.

In the vestibule you already noticed me. You were probably there with a friend and talked very much to her. You wore a black skirt that was almost slotted to your buttocks. In addition, black nylons and a half -transparent, white blouse that let you go through that you don’t bra wore. I could men observe, who always looked over to you, just like me. You had to have felt my eyes on you, because every now and then you also look over to me.

I turned alternately hot and cold … your nipples weren’t greater under the blouse? The idea that you might think the same thing as I created a bump in my pants that I could only make difficult to conceal with the program booklet. Before I could think ahead, a gong sounded and the admission began. I watched that I stayed close behind you and when climbing up to the lodge, the skirt kept falling over your Legs and exposed your own nylons.

I suck the scent of your perfume like a drowning one. The Square showed us a number. As by chance we had the same row caught. I hurried to sit next to you and made it too. Your friend was sitting on your left. With the usual poem until the orchestra had voted the instruments, I was able to listen to your entertainment. You said that your husband had been working abroad for a long time and rarely came home.

I thought it was a shame that a woman like you with such a body had to do without tenderness and sex. I spoke to you if you would already know the opera and your smile chased me over my body. Every now and then your leg touched my pants and the nylons rubbed it … was all random? Now the light went out and the music started. I fell down the program and landed in front of your shoes.

I touched you on the calves and felt how a shower went through you. Your skirt fell on the side of your right leg so that I could see the approach of your nylons. How glad I was now that I was not wearing a slip, because he would only have stood in the way of the urge of my hard cock. I massaged him under my program booklet and you suddenly looked over to me. A knowing smile scurried over your face and also a hint of awakening lust, it seemed to me.

My hand hiked to my seat and from there to your leg. I didn’t know how you would react and I really didn’t want to provoke an uprising here and now. The music was getting faster and more rhythmic, and my scruples were waning more and more. I hiked to the approach of your stockings and touched your leg. I felt how you stiffened, but you didn’t pull the leg away or said something. I gave new courage and hiked under the skirt towards the inside of your thighs.

Your skin was so warm and soft … I was getting hotter in this game. I could see how your nipples stiffened and hard against the blouse. How good that it was almost completely dark in the auditorium. You opened the thighs easily to give me better access. My fingers reached the approach of your panties, which seemed to be made of lace. Mmmmmmmmm, you are wearing exactly the clothes that makes me so sharp on a woman.

My fingers kept walking under the delicate fabric until they reached the first hairs. I felt that you were wet and I could hardly keep myself on the chair. Your acquaintance whispered something in your ear again and again. My finger reached the upper edge of your pussi. Suddenly your hand reached over to me and landed on my stately bump. I opened my pants to make it easier for you and how by itself your hand disappeared into my pants to enclose my hard rod.

You jerked me slowly and evenly and again and again your thumb pressed my glans. This feeling made me raging. While I was still spoiling you with my fingers, I heard how your acquaintance spoke to you again. The thought of being caught made me getting hotter and so my efforts to move to the climax were increasingly violent. Slowly I felt how your abdomen moved nervously back and forth. And your highlighting pleasure juice caused moist stains on the padding of the chair.

Suddenly you press your legs together and my fingers were caught between your cramped thighs, during the approaching climax. I leaned over to you as far as possible and took a hard nipple from you between your fingers. In the meantime I had three fingers in your leaking cunt and your juice ran out. Your wank punch grew and I wanted to tell you that I would come … but it was too late.

My hot cream shot into your hand and you massaged out more and more out of me. Then you open your handbag and get a speeding cloth out. You whisper to me »Follow me in five minutes. «Shouldn’t that have been all? After five minutes I also got up and your acquaintance looked at me with a strange look … I saw you stand in the foyer and you smiled at me. You opened a door on the ‘cleaning agent’.

Nobody will go in here tonight, I hoped. I followed you quickly and inconspicuously. As soon as the door was closed, you kiss me passionately and wildly. My hands quickly wandered to your horny cheek. While we were always kissed wild, I still massaged your gossip wet, which you probably liked very much, because I could hear some soft sighs. Then our lips separated and your hands hiked to my pants.

You opened them quickly and skillfully, and a few seconds later I stood very naked in front of you. You look at me with a smile tail special attention. Although I had just hosed, he was already like a one again. You quickly moved out of the skirt and was in front of me in nylons and lace brief. You immediately took my cock into your hands and massaged it while I knead your full breasts. Then you knelt in front of me and licked over my plump glans.

It was a wonderful feeling and a drop of pleasure appeared at my tip. When you saw him, you licked him with relish from my glans. You look at me with bright eyes. Since you realize that I almost exploded again, you let off my stand and sit on a stool. You pulled me down to you so that I knelt in front of you. Since of course I knew immediately what you wanted and I really wanted to taste you, my tongue had quickly arrived on your lips.

At first I gently stroked your already swollen and opened lips. Then I fucked you deep with my tongue in your column, whereby you sighed with relish. You spread your legs as far as possible and my tongue played around your clit. That almost made you crazy and you were getting more and more restless and groaning more and more. I kept my tongue faster and deeper into your opening, whereby you started to twitch. Your hands bury into my hair and you press my face more firmly on your wet, horny pussy.

From your tension, your twitch I noticed that you were about to be about it, and I let my tongue penetrate you even faster. Then you groaned and twitched even more violently, and I noticed that you were so far. You cramped briefly, then to sack together. At the same time, some drops came out of your already wet hole, which I immediately greedily lashed. When you came back to you, you look at my cock. When you visibly inspired that he was still updated in full size, you got up, turned around, and held your horny ass there.

“Come on, fuck me right now. “You said decisively. Since I was so horny, I didn’t let it tell me twice. I quickly pushed my hard love rod into your wet pussy and fucked yourself deep and slowly. You tighten your love muscles so that it was wonderfully tight. My cock was massaged by your muscles, and you were quickly shortly before. I was so horny that I got faster and faster and had to fuck you more and more firmly.

I covered your rocking tits with both hands and pulled on the hard nipples. I noticed how you started to twitch again, and I too was shortly before cumshot. Three to four bumps and we came at the same time. It was such a wonderful feeling! You woke up and more firmly, and I pumped my love juice deep into you in four or five fountains. When we came back to ourselves, we stayed that way.

Then we separated, kissed again passionately, and attracted us again. I was happy when we left the room. Not without seeing beforehand if the air was in. You heard applause from above and the first act was probably over. The audience would come down the stairs immediately. You still said goodbye and then turned quickly. Unfortunately I don’t know anything about the stranger, I thought to myself when I went to the exit.

But when I pushed a hand into my pocket, I noticed a card. When I pulled her out, I saw that it was a business card. We’ll see ourselves again Christine!.

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