Erotic holidays | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Again and again in life, unexpected things that are always remembered and often even wistful for assets years later. The memory of Hannelore also includes this category history.

It is important to me to mention the following: I got to know a lot of women in very different personal situations. If the encounter was not too fleeting, but there was time for rapprochement and coversation, most of them culminated in an “affair” or a shorter or longer relationship.

Although sexuality played a major role, I am unable to remember that there were not always intensive feelings in the game. I can’t necessarily imagine really nice sex without mutual “chemistry” and falling in love.

If there was a one-night stand, I quickly forgot the “encounter”.

I also want to express that we men should not forget about everything we do, respect and respect for the other person. If not only the bodies, but also the souls touch, the boundaries open all by themselves.

However, it is often the case that such “encounters” do not last long because women or men are still in a friendship or marriage, children are there, separate us countries or even continents, or, for example, after a separationa transitional situation is looking for a pleasant closeness, wants to make up for the missed, etc.

For all the closeness, security, lust and love, for all of them in such situations, every woman deserves my thanks.

I also stood in a separation situation when I met Hannelore. It was on a Saturday in August when I started from home. For the first time, after a long relationship, lonely vacation was imminent.

At least that’s how I thought, because the separation was still in pain and I felt that I was far from being ready for new things. But I still decided to go on vacation and try to distance.

My goal was a campsite by the sea in Tuscany.

I had him via Internet found. I did not have a tent or motorhome. But that was not necessary either, because the campsite also rented out two bungalows.

Stone houses with a small bedroom and living room, fitted kitchen, toilet and shower and your own seat. In any case, it praised the homepage.

I was also surprised when the friendly Italian -prone Italian was able to do the lucky reservations – someone had canceled at short notice – for the next three weeks, because everything looked very cozy and clean. For Italian standards I found campsite, bungalows, park with restaurant and beach above average. I also really liked that the two bungalows were delimited by a palm group from the campsite.

I would come to rest there, I believed. But the second bungalow was of course occupied.

The two houses separated about twenty meters of lawn. A man, a woman and a female teenager are sitting in front of the bungalow under a parasol of eating spaghetti. They waved kindly when I got the suitcase, travel bag and some bags out of my car and dragged sweating into my domicile.

I took a cool shower before unpacking, because I had been traveling with just a short coffee content for around twelve hours.

I was still naked when it knocked on my door and I thought maybe the owner had to know something or my car was in a wrong place. I hurriedly wrapped the bath towel around my hips and opened. But it was not the owner, but the man next door who greeted me while coming. Whether I wanted to eat a plate, he asked spontaneously and added that I must be hungry after the long journey.

Five minutes later I sat at her table, Ace Pasta and drank good Italian red wine.

The man had introduced himself as a henning. He was younger than me, but already had a full bald. However, his stubble beard looked even more in need of shaving than mine and was already pretty gray. His wife Hannelore – he called her Lore – I appreciated in mid -thirty.

She had beautiful blonde hair falling on the back, was slim and in a natural way pretty. Just like her fourteen year old Daughter Tina.

Henning knew a lot to tell. He was a funny, patent guy. But he also wanted to know a lot.

He was particularly interested, which is why a man picture, like me in Italy alone, obtains a bungalow.

I had nothing to hide, told my story And after all, Henning knocked me on my shoulder and said that I should just switch off, forget and enjoy. Then we talked about our home countries, made comparisons between “their” Germany and “Switzerland and again and again Henning raved about Tuscany.

In the meantime the third bottle of wine went out and I saw and felt that we were all tipsy. Tina had long since gone to bed or at least into the house. Henning, however, told and told.

Lore drank vigorously, but she said almost nothing. But our eyes met and the more often I looked into their profound blue-green eyes, I had the feeling that I saw grief and resignation in them.

After Henning had uncorked a fourth bottle – the wine stored in a cool box near the table – Henning suddenly said happily that he had planned a trip to Florence with his daughter Tina for tomorrow. Lore can’t come along. It was too exhausting for her.

She prefers to stay here and go swimming in the sea. And then he actually had the idea that Lore and I could do one another on this occasion, unless I had other plans.

The view that lore was difficult to interpret me. But then somehow she said to her husband: “You know that I am all bored. So let our neighbors do what he wants.

He’s just arrived.»

With that the topic was done. Shortly afterwards I broke up, lay down – it was still in the middle of the night, horny – naked in my bedroom and immediately fell asleep.

The room was flooded with light when a loud pounding aroused me. My head grumbled and I needed a while to orient myself. I finally realized that I was not at home, but in Italy in a foreign bed.

I searched for my wristwatch and finally found it on the bedside table. It was already eleven o’clock. I had slept like a stone.

Again insisted. There was undoubtedly someone in front of the door of my bungalow who wanted something from me.

I sat up and shouted: «I’ll come right away.“But at that moment I heard that the door was opened – I had forgotten to lock it off when I lay asleep – and then Lore stood in the room. I was startled because I was still naked – and as usual, I had a mighty morning latte.

Lore’s eyes widely widened when she saw what towered between my thighs. But she didn’t rush out of the room again, but only stammered an “Oh”, and after another very intense look she said with a smile: “Breakfast is ready.“Then she went.

I only really became aware of the situation when I was in the ice -cold shower. Now my spirit of life gradually returned and I suddenly saw Lore clearly in front of me in her blue, airy, very short summer dresses.

She just stood in front of me pretty and sexy.

Despite the cold water, my dick got big and hard again and when I took it in a pleasure, I remembered that I hadn’t even thanked my neighbor for the invitation.

My long hair was still wet when I was in knee-length shorts, a T-shirt, but barefoot, my bungalow left. Lore sat on the same camping chair as the evening before and flipped in a magazine. When I ran at her over the lawn, she looked up, waved to me and pointed to the richly laid table.

Then she hurried into the house and shortly afterwards came back outside with a glass carafe steaming coffees.

We looked into our eyes without a moment, but suddenly Lore turned her eyes off, put the coffee on the table and said in a slightly stagnant voice, she didn’t hope to have surprised me on my first day of your vacation.

I remembered that Lore had been quite violent in the evening when he made the suggestion that we could do one another during his and Tina’s excursion to Florence.

I couldn’t answer immediately in my thoughts. It was only when I saw Lore’s face changed and two tears ran over her cheeks that I hurried to assure Lore that she was by no means surprising me, and finally I thanked for the invitation.

Lore remained skeptical and said that I would have preferred to sleep for a while after the long day yesterday, and just penetrating me was also plentiful.

I knew what Lore alluded to and imagined the situation again, while I sat down at the table. Then I asked Lore directly: «At least you liked what you saw?»

Visibly embarrassed, she grabbed the coffee pot, gave me coffee bent over the table and whispered: «Yes, very much.»

Lore’s face had come very close to me. So close that I could smell their subtle perfume and see deep into the neckline of her dress.

As I had noticed before, she was not wearing a bra, and what I saw has been triggering again in me for a long time. Lore had the hottest breasts I had ever seen in an adult woman. Breakes like “germinating, awakening” girls.

Of course she noticed where I was staring at. Maybe she had even staged and planned the situation.

In any case, she stopped over the table when I pressed her neckline down, kissed her breasts and told her that she was a beautiful and very desirable woman.

When Lore sat down, her hard nipples drilled into the fabric of her dress. Almost a little amazed, she looked down at herself, even stroked her breasts with one hand. Then she looked into my eyes and said: “Since I saw you in your room.»

Somehow we still managed to eat a roll with butter and drink two cups of coffee. But after that, Lore couldn’t stand it and started telling.

Henning was after Lore’s story – in which I never doubted – not the Father From Tina.

And the marriage more than ten years ago she did not go down from love for him. She is ashamed to confess that I have married Henning primarily because of her daughter and for financial reasons. Yes, she sobbed, she sold, so to speak,. But then Lore revealed to me with tears in my eyes that luckily that would be over because Henning has nothing to sexually ask her anymore and have long since had a lover.

One with lavish breasts and a stately buttock. Not as a board like her. She knows this woman because she works as a secretary in Henning’s company.

I was silent. What should I answer too.

I had heard or read about such and similar stories many times. They were also reality in my circle of friends. And my own story also fit into the picture.

Lore had now sideways to a camping chair next to the table and put a second in front of it so that she could raise her legs. However, she exposed the thighs to the same way that I could see that she was not wearing a slip either.

I knew she provoked me.

My pants began to tense badly with this inlook or outlook and at some point I had to put them all-off in order to give my increasingly harder gender the necessary place. I did this discreetly, but Lore did not escape my excitement. she smiled.

The tension between us was highly noticeable and almost physically noticeable and finally I said: «Lore, you rob my mind. And you know that.

Henning has to be crazy not to desire a woman like you anymore.»

At the same time, it became clear to me that even between the most attractive couples the kick will stay away. I lived with my girlfriend for months completely without sex.

Lore now got really angry, sighed and once again asserted that Henning really doesn’t want anything from her anymore. She wouldn’t let him go anymore. In addition, she has no longer had a great desire for men, but is on women.

At home she is also with a friend almost every day, who also only leads to marriage on paper because of the children and money. And they masturbate. That is better than fucking with any man anyway.

Except for herself, she broke and became very soft and gentle and whispered: «At least until last night I thought that. Until you came.

I don’t know why, but I fell in love with you from one minute. You are so different … and today in your bungalow … your horny tail ..

I ran back to myself and made it twice like crazy. – you really desire me?»

I just smiled at her, got up, Lore pulled the armchair under my feet, knelt in front of her and began to stroke her only slightly hairy, beautiful and somehow churned cunt. She was damp. Willig let Lore slide her legs apart, leaned back and gave up my hands.

I don’t dare to lick them. Most of the holiday guests were probably already at the beach, But someone could have observed us anyway. So it was just to be responsible for her kneeling. Also because it came almost immediately.

A few minutes later we continued in my bungalow.

There we were already birding in the small hallway while standing. And later I put Lore in the living room over the red bed and bed and took it from the front and from behind – also while standing – from the front and from behind. And at some point on the floor and later still under the shower.

We were both sexually starved. I only really felt that that afternoon.

And Lore said again and again, so she has never experienced with a man. Your tendency for women seemed forgotten.

The tenderness came too short that day. In addition to passionate kissing, we primarily wanted to fuck and feel and see each other in every possible position. But even later, Lore did not turn out to be a cuddly woman.

She loved it more directly and hard.

In the evening – I was still swimming and Henning and Lore’s daughter not back – I found Lore in her bungalow in front of the bed. Suggly sobbing and headed into the bed sheet, which meant that her summer dresses had her thighs, a piece of her attractive little popos and her labia exposed to her thighs. The labia that seemed almost indecent from fucking like swollen and, in contrast to their delicate body.

I don’t know if Lore had heard me come into the room. However, she suddenly raised her head, turned him over to me and stammered: «Please sorry, I – I didn’t want to impose myself, but I thought ..

Do you really want to start an affair with me?»

She trembled all over the body and tears ran over her cheeks and her beautiful eyes looked at me sadly. Then finally the blockade loosened in me and I stretched my hand towards Lore, pulled it onto my legs, into my arms – and then we kissed like two thirsty?

It was amazing. As if Lore melt me in my arms. Even after the first, barely ending kiss, she was still trembling and she cried, sighed and laughed at the same time.

And when I pulled the dress over her head, she opened my shorts, tugged at panties and t-shirt and gasped: «Please take me again. Do what you want with me. Just give me the feeling of being a desirable woman.»

For me, Lore was a desirable woman. I have never had such a tender, girlish, irritatingly beautiful female body.

Her pointed breasts – her indescribably horny teats – seem to burst rails when I started sucking on them and twitching her abdomen.

Suddenly she dropped back on the bed, pulled me down at the same time and opened her slim legs. Your vagina was wide and soaking wet. And Lore gasped: «My God, take me. Let me feel your cock.

I want you!»

I also wanted Lore, and so I knelt between her thighs, pulled Lore forward to the edge of the bed, and then I almost brutally penetrated her. We were like senses, just wanted to feel ourselves. We still had enough time for tenderness. And Wiedeer came to orgasm Lore incredibly quickly.

She whimpered, gasped and her pelvis twitched wildly. At that moment we heard from Henning’s voice outside. «Lore, you are there? Tina and I are still going swimming. Are you coming with me?»

Lore and I frightened deeply, and we were in a hurry to put on our clothes.

But Henning was already in the door. He was petrified for a moment. But then he said soft apology and that he didn’t want to bother us anything. Even a smile now gave way to his petrification.

I hurried past him guilty. I wanted to go to my bungalow. But then Henning called: «Oh, now do slowly. I’m not angry with you and Lore.

I know that it would come that way. Or do you think I’m a fool. It was I who asked you to spend the day together. And you will have described our married life lore.

– I am happy for you that she finally got what she has had for a long time.»

Fortunately, Tina had already hurried to the sea. She didn’t get anything. And that’s how it should stay according to Henning. “You can fuck Lore every day and every night,” said Henning, “but please so that Tina doesn’t notice anything about it.»

I thanked Henning with humble and then went to my bungalow still.

Half an hour later, however, Henning insisted on my door again as the evening before and invited me to eat for eight o’clock.

From then on – when Tina slept – Lore to me every night for a few hours. And our “affair” lasted over two years despite the big distance over two years ..

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