Dirty fuck with Erika | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

For several years my wife has been going to Austria near Salzburg once or twice a year over the weekend. There we were married as a fairly young married several times on holiday and have a cozy in a small town Swinger club discovered. We visited it a few times during our stay. A few years ago, my wife had a lot of lust again without doing me and since then she has booked a room 1-2 times a year in the same hotel and then visited the swinger club all weekend in the evening.

Of course she lets it go really well there and enjoys the time without fucking me. Too bad, but I like to treat her to the pleasure. As a rule, she takes part in gangbangs and offers several men in a special room for uninhibited multiple fuck. Sometimes she also looks for a likeable man and then only spends the weekend with this “chosen one”. Then she treats him like me and can be spent in front of his eyes from other fuck but then only with him the free time.

Of course she regularly writes to me on the other day of her evenings and experiences and I am pleased that she gets her money’s worth. Of course I don’t really get my expense on these days, even if I like to imagine how my wife is fucked by a group of men. But I still have my computer and the films at Xhamster with which I can also make myself comfortable. So it was this Saturday afternoon.

My wife had already left around noon on Friday and had arrived there in the course of the afternoon. Of course she was already in the swinger club the same evening and a few minutes ago she had written to me via WhatsApp what she had already experienced on Friday evening. Of course, these stories did not remain without effect and mine tail Half mast all morning. So at some point I took off and made it comfortable on my head chair in front of the computer on the upper floor.

I was quickly logged in and looked at some of the latest hot films that had uploaded again since yesterday. Of course I was always interested in the areas of “Cuckold” and “Swingers”. When I was really in the mood and was already comfortable to jerk off, I was suddenly interrupted by the front door bell. “Who is probably now” I thought annoyed. “Just don’t open,” I scored before myself. But there was a little more energetic a second time.

I quickly pulled my bathrobe in the bathroom, went to the ground floor to the apartment door and linen through the door spy. Our neighbor Erika stood outside the door. She was at most 1-2 years younger than me and not really my type. At the top she was pretty slim, had short hair and all in all looked very boyish. However, she had a huge and plump ass, which I sometimes envied her husband. Contact we had little because she likes to control everything and everyone in the neighborhood.

She was naturally very curious. I carefully opened the door a gap so that it didn’t see that I only had the bathrobe on. “Hello Erika. Is just a little unfavorable at the moment. “I said to be relocated to her. «Yes that doesn’t matter. I have to discuss something with you because of our car in the garage. Would you have time for a short time?”” Yes, good if it is only short. But don’t be afraid, I’m a little incorrect right now and I only have a bathrobe.

“I still explained and there she was already in the hallway. “Ah yes” she just said and went to me in the living room. I followed her carefully and checked the seat of the knot on the bathrobe again. Erika had already on the couch Law and looked at me in astonishment. «I probably got something at the wrong moment, you were right now under the shower?”” No, something else, but not so important.

As I said, it doesn’t fit me so well at the moment. “She just sat up and looked at me critically. «Not in the shower and only in the bathrobe. “She thought thoughtfully. “” Erika, what I do is none of your business. “Erika was known for her curiosity and I hoped that she would now leave me in peace and not asked. So she started telling something about the garage and her car.

I didn’t really listen to her and at some point I sat on the couch opposite her. She told and told and didn’t want to stop when she suddenly called “Huch” and began to grin. I didn’t understand what was going on until she interpreted between my legs and stared at me. «Something looks out under your bathrobe. “She said dryly. I hadn’t even noticed that my bathrobe had slipped and that I had given Erika a clear view of my shaved and still half -tire cock.

I apologized hastily and covered myself again. «Sorry Erika, I said yes, it doesn’t fit well right now. “I said soothing and hoped she didn’t make a drama out of the situation. «Now you have made me curious about what you’re doing. “She said questioningly. “Erika I don’t think I’ll tell you that …” She interrupted me quickly. «I want to know now. “She said perch and in a commanded tone who did not tolerate a rejection.

«Well, if you really want to know. As you have noticed, my wife is not there. Because I’m pretty excited today, I made myself comfortable in front of the computer and wanted to wag one off the palm. “” Na you see, it works. “Said Erika satisfied. «Then you probably don’t mind if I watch you?“She asked me unacided. I got a completely dry neck and noticed how my cock immediately upgraded between my legs, so that it looked out between the bathrobe.

«I consider that as yes. “Said Erika. «Come on we go up and then you show me what you are doing. “She quickly got up and climbed up the stairs. I no longer understood the world and followed her upstairs. Without a word I went to my office, took off the bathrobe under Erikas and sat down on my executive chair in front of the computer. Then I clicked on the Play symbol on the PC and the film, which I had looked at before started again.

Interested looked at Erika on the screen. «Aha, like to watch films where husbands offer their women to other men to fuck. ” “Yes. I’ll do it with my wife too, if you didn’t know that yet. “” Yes, I noticed that she often has a visit when you are not there. “She grinned cheekily at me. «You don’t just want to watch films or? Didn’t you have anything in front of the palm or something?”Then she asked and pointed to my stiff cock which already twitched” I don’t have to do much anymore.

I am so charged and horny when I touch it now, then I’ll sprinkle in a high arc. ” “If so. “Said Erika research, bent down to me, put a hand skilfully around my eggs and took my stiff and twitching cock in hand with the other. Slowly she started rubbing up and down and pressed my eggs together at the same time. After just a few movements, my cock began to twitch and a pleasant feeling spread in the lumbar.

By skilfully pressing on my eggs, she hesitated my orgasm indescribably long until my sperm sprayed out in a real fountain. Erika spurred me on and accidentally got some of the cream on the face. Completely exhausted I sank together on my armchairs. I had never experienced anything like this either. Erika was satisfied and drove his finger over the cheek to record the pair of drops of sperm. «You are healthy so far I accept?“She asked me.

«Uh … yes, everything is fine with me and my wife. With our special sex life, this is a must. “During my answer, Erika took his finger in his mouth and enjoyed the drops with relish” tastes good and after more. “Then she said satisfied to switch back to a kind of commanded tone” look that you are fit again tonight. My husband is also gone all weekend and tonight I want to feel your sauce in me.

“She turned on the heel and went down the stairs. I only heard the apartment door to open. At some point in the evening the doorbell rang again at our front door. I kindly asked Erika. She had dressed up a bit. Wore a wide skirt and a pretty blue blouse. Also her short dark hair had cheeked with a little more modern than usual and was also nicely made up. When I went back to the living room, Erika had already pulled out the blouse and was just stripping the skirt off.

She had nothing underneath a hip belt that fit perfectly around her wide hips and a few black suspenders. «Well, if you are ready again, we can start right away?“Asked her cheekily, put her hands into her hips and bobbed up and down with the foot. Somehow her research and cheeky way started to please. «How would you like it to it?“I asked Vorlaut back. «First of all my cunt is licked.

My husband hasn’t got it properly for a long time and now I want to see what you have on it. “She turned and lay back on the couch. Then she spread her legs wide apart, so I had a clear view of her pussy. The sight of her wild bush of black hair between my legs didn’t exactly turn me on. However, where she was already there and asked me, I didn’t want to pinch either.

I also quickly took off and Erika looked fascinated on my already half -tire cock. «I’m already looking forward to it. “She said in full anticipation and spread her labia apart with her hands. Her big clit looked out like a small button. I knelt in front of her and sank into the well -smelling hair bush. Erika groaned comfortably when I drove my tongue over her wet clit. “Yes, keep it up, you’re doing really well” she groaned softly.

After a short time, their movements became more and more violent, so I struggled to stay in the right place with my tongue. Suddenly she cried out loudly and turned in a violent orgasm. Her whole body trembled and I knew that I could rely on my leak. After that, she straightened up and immediately took my stiff cock in her mouth. Slowly she stiffened her lips up and off and I could hardly hold myself back.

Erika noticed it early, pressing my eggs together with a strong and somewhat painful handle, so that my cock remained stiff but the sperm flowed back. Then she turned and knelt on the couch. For the first time I was able to see her huge plump ass in full splendor. The black bush looked like an invitation between the big baking. «What are you waiting for, put on your cock. I want to feel it.

“Erika asked me. I did like me and my cock actually found the way between the many hairs into her wet cunt “Wonderlich” I groaned. «I didn’t promise you too much. But now really go. I like it a little harder and stronger. “Ordered me. I also didn’t let myself say that twice and fucked it out like a wild one. Erika’s special grip also played its effectiveness now, because I was able to fuck for 10 minutes in this position without it came to me.

Erika was a real bitch. She visibly enjoyed it and screamed louder and spurred me on with dirty words. I hoped that the neighbors don’t hear anything. Shortly before I was ready, Erika screamed out loud again and groaned. I couldn’t hold it back there. I also inject her cunt with a loud scream. We both sank satisfied and satisfied on the couch. “But we’re not finished yet”. Grinned me out pretty out of breath.

«The night is still long. Your wife and my husband will only come tomorrow evening. Until then there is still a lot of time, so let us enjoy. “Erika nestled comfortably to me. The night and the coming morning was the wildest thing I’ve ever experienced. Alternately we probably drove it in every room in the house and married in the morning at 3:00 a.m. only with shoes on even in the dark garden. Since we were there before and nobody was awake anyway, we also tried it in the neighboring garden and in a few house entrances.

We also drove it briefly in the garage. Like small children, we crept naked from place to fuck for a few minutes each. Erika just bent off and stretched her huge ass towards me when she wanted to be fucked back in a place. That was pretty exciting because the fear caught To become a real fuck rush. At some point we ended up in my living room again and ended our session completely exhausted against the early morning.

“What’s wrong?“My wife asked excitedly and grinning when she was back home. «You don’t believe what I had for a weekend. “I answered tired. «I had a visit from Erika. »« Ah with the big ass you always look at. ” “Exactly these. “I answered and grinned at my wife. She understood and was glad that I got my money’s worth this weekend too.


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