Dirty fuck experience in the sauna | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

On a rainy Friday it moved Sandra and me, after a dry hike, into the sauna! We wanted to enjoy the warmth, Sandra hoped to see a few crunchy men and I hoped for a few delicious girls and women … This time we chose a bath with a beautiful sauna area unknown to us! I had everything a few days ago in Internet looked at and found it quite interesting. A few days earlier there was in our stammer adventure pool in the sauna A total bankruptcy, it was totally overcrowded even during the week, we hardly got any space for the infusions, all of them were always occupied!!!So we had considerations again, but everything was very quiet, only a few people in the sauna and pretty young and very friendly staff!After we left the locker room, we first checked the situation.

It was a calm and very relaxed atmosphere. Apparently mostly regular customers and a few couples like us. For the first infusion that a fairly young girl made, the log house sauna was well filled, but you got space. For Sandra, 2 young men were present, well trained and burned brown! I went away empty -handed, only older couples or women, too bad … Sandra always scored the boys, who also presented beautiful their shaved cocks. My wife was not asked for long either and showed what she had to offer.

Her horny body, sweated quickly, the welding beads ran down over her wonderful breasts and dripped onto the dark yellow towel on which she was sitting. I was sitting on the top bench and watching the greedy looks of some guys on my indexed darling and was proud to be married to this fantastic creature … After the infusion, there were several showers in the large adventure shower, all places were occupied as Sandra cooled down long and extensively. Immediately next to her, the men were pushing themselves to be very close and being able to admire every detail of their body up close.

I couldn’t get to her and had to wait, but watched the guy sought their closeness from outside. Sandra gave almost everyone the chance to be close to her, but this could also check the different cocks perfectly. Later we cuddled on a double bed and recovered from the infusion. 5 p.m. the young employee apparently had Quitting time, How we got along, and I was excited to see who would do the next infusion. It was also a relatively young girl and a young man with a big big stomach.

The employee had bound her long black hair into a ponytail, wore a black swimsuit and a typical checkered sauna towel above. She made the infusion perfectly, wonderfully hot and also dropped off well. She talked to her regular guests and also observed the other guests that they showered properly before visiting the diving pool or the whirlpool. When she waited in front of the sauna, she had put her sauna towel and stood there in a swimsuit.

She had decent tits, her body was a bit full and when she turned around, I could look at her ass. The swimsuit was pretty high and so half the cheeks were free and seemed to be firm and crunchy despite the size! I had already experienced in other saunas and also on cruises that the employees got under the community shower after the infusion and hoped that with the pretty lifeguard, but unfortunately it was disappointed.

She disappeared into the bathroom and probably had other tasks to do. For this, 2 very young women came to the sauna area, which a slim and rank, with a really perfect ass and a beautifully shaved cunt, small solid tits! The other really fat, with huge udders and a hang belly, so that when I first looked. I watched the unequal duo under the shower, Also went under the shower, although I had already showered …. Then the two disappeared in the 80 ° sauna and I fell on the couch.

Sandra read her exciting book in the bathrobe and I enjoyed the calm and watched the relaxation area and could also see the shower and saunas from the couch. But nothing happened, only a few old men or women moved or showered there, that was uninteresting for me and I didn’t want to see either … Towards the evening it became even quieter in the sauna area, the bathroom was totally apprenticeship and the few people who were still there were in the sauna area and always took the infusions with them, just as we did.

The older regular guests were already on the couch at home at Mutti, and so maybe there were still 10 people in the entire area, the young men, we, the young girls and a few other people. Sandra wanted to leave the next infusion and went to the 60 ° aroma sauna. For the infusion we were only 7 people left, the young men were strangely missing … , But I didn’t worry about it. After showering what I treated myself to with the young girls again, think you tail Extensive presented and enjoyed their bodies in every detail, I went back to the relaxation room to cuddle with Sandra.

But she was still not there!!!With the towel around the hip, I went in search of her. The aroma sauna was a bit hidden in the winding sauna area at the back, you had to go around the corner twice until you found it. One young man stood in front of the sauna and stood in my way. “I wouldn’t go in there now, they would definitely just bother!“The guy explained to me. “How come? If I can ask, I’m looking for my wife, the pretty blonde!”I said to him.

“Yes, my buddy is currently dealing with her in there, I just take care so that the two of them don’t be disturbed!”He laughed. “I don’t understand!?”I said to him and wanted to push me over. “What’s not to be understood there? Man you are quite constant useful! Your wife is just fucks with my friend, I already had the pleasure and it was really horny to fuck your mouse and she was also easy to move, we didn’t have to persuade them either!“He grinned at me.

I wanted to give him a slap in the face, but he just held my hand and said: “Don’t even try it, otherwise we both will finish you! Understood?””Yes yes!“I gave small and let my hands sink. “Your wife is really a hot sweeper when we saw that she was going to the aroma sauna alone, we are both right behind. Everyone else was at the infusion, so we had our peace! Your little one smiled at us when we came in, she looked at us and especially our cocks very well, we stood in front of her, looked at her, she leaned back, presented us with her horny tits and then opened her legs! Our cocks reacted immediately, after a minute they stood hard and thick in front of her.

She licked her lips and played around her moist shiny cunt! When I kissed her and my buddy began to play on her cunt, everything was clear that she reached for our cocks and jerked them properly! Then my buddy let me advance and she let me fuck nicely without me having to ask her big! She was so horny, she seemed to be very urgent! I did my best to her and fucked your wife while my buddy was lubricated and tackled outside.

And now he’s right now! If you really want, I can let you look through the door, but I hold you, you can’t go in!“He clarified me. “You lying, at least let me look in, I don’t believe it! My wife definitely doesn’t fuck with every rum!”I said to the guy. He held me from behind and I was allowed to see through the door. What I saw was the language, my wife knelt on the bottom bench and the guy fucked her quite violently from behind.

I could even hear her moaning through the closed door, she definitely had fun … “Well, you believe it now?“He grinned at me and also watched them to fuck. I couldn’t look away, completely in my thoughts I stared through the glass pane. Whether they had noticed us or not, they fucked continued and it turned me on to see my wife! My cock grew all by itself, my towel rays out at the front and the guy who held me then saw it too! Pulled my towel away with a jerk and I stood naked with stiff cock and grabbed my strap on my own and began to jerk off …

After a while, nobody came and bothered us, lay my sweet on his back and let himself be climbed by the guy, he rammed his strap powerfully into her and fucked my Sandra violently. Sandra had her hands on his ass and seemed to literally press the guy in order to be able to feel him as deep and intensely as possible!Then the young man probably couldn’t stand it anymore, pulled his cock out of Sandra, we were able to perfectly admire the gaping column of my sweeties, stood next to her and sucked her up in her pretty face! My wife licked the type of the guy of her lips and took his cock in her mouth again and sucked part again until it was relatively clean.

The guy then just turned around, took his bath towel and came to the door. “Oh who do we have there?“He asked in astonishment when he saw me. “Your wife is a really cool bitch, good to fuck, great body and thank you for being able to use her!“The two left me with an open mouth and disappeared into the shower. I went to my wife in the sauna and she looked at me in astonishment! “What are you doing here, I think you are at the infusion!”She asked me.

“The infusion is long over and I missed you on the couch! Then I searched you and then found you here with the two boys! It was already clear to me that the two had aroused your interest, but that you let yourself be fucked here I don’t think it was okay, what would have been if someone was caught would have?”I asked her. “Oh honey, I didn’t care, I was suddenly so cool and it just turned out to it! Don’t be so angry, it was just fun …

!“She asked me and smiled at me so that I couldn’t really be angry with my wife. Then she went showering, the foreign sperm washed from her great body and later everything was good again and we cuddled on the couch before going back to the next infusion. It was the last infusion and he had it all over again, very hot and the two sauna champions, because it made the young woman and the big young man together, went really hard!After cooling and showering, I had to go to the toilet and got the following conversation of the two remaining sauna employees, because she had the door to the room in which they cleaned.

“Do you want to take the shower first or should I go first today?“Asked the young woman to her colleague. “We can go together too!” he answered. “That would fit you like that, with the colleague together in the shower! Forget it very quickly my dear!”She laughed. “It’s a shame, I would have liked! But then you go first!” he said. “There are hardly any people left, just the couple who was here for the first time today! I hope they don’t happen by chance! Or they have already left, I have to wash my hair and so on and I want to take the big shower right away!”Said the colleague to her colleague.

“You have no idea, I didn’t see them anymore! Actually a shame, the young woman was a real eye -catcher … !“Said the fat guy. I could hardly believe it and I was delighted. I’m quickly in the sauna opposite the shower, put me so that I could see everything perfectly and waited impatiently for the young woman. After a while she came, still had her black horny swimsuit, shower bath, hair wash and towel in her hand.

Towels on the hook, shower bath and hair wash on the floor, looked around briefly and then grazed the straps from the shoulders! The young tits came out and then the blank shaved cunt, under the shower she was able to watch out of the sauna in peace, as she insisted her body, washed her hair intensely, bent down from time to time and thus presented me her handsome buttand the tits gone around! I was enthusiastic, my cock grew without my intervention, he stood out hard and I couldn’t get it around it again a little!Then I got braver and left the sauna quietly, held the towel in front of my stiff strap and also wanted to take a shower to take a cold shower.

The young woman was surprised and looked at me. “But I would hang the towel outside in your place. “She laughed. “Yes, of course. “I said” but is just unfavorable and your sight is not exactly beneficial to eliminate the problem I have right now!“I explained. “Believe me, I have already seen many such problems here in the sauna, so they don’t need to be ashamed, on the contrary, it would be easy to see their cock!“Laughed her again.

I went out, hung the towel on the hook and went back into the shower, put me next to her and showered me cold. She looked at me, realized my hard cock and said to me: “It doesn’t even get smaller with the cold water, they have to be pretty cool they are poor!”” Sorry, that’s very embarrassing to me!“I answered her and we were very close to ourselves, my cock almost touched her …

“Nonsense, it’s completely normal, but be glad that it works so well with them and for me it is more praise that I affect them so!“She explained, looked into my eyes and somehow I could discover a change, glitter in the eyes and a meaningful smile … I also smiled at her and wanted to touch her. She took a step back and I was disappointed … But then she turned around, leaned forward, supported the tiles in front of her and stretched her filling butt, put my legs apart, turned her head around and said: “This is how it should go or? Please serve your self!“I couldn’t believe it, stepped up at her, took the ass into both hands, got a little kneel so that I could put my cock in the right place.

The young woman kept silent, looked down, I looked at the back and her back of the head with the black braid, then I penetrated carefully and slowly into her! Since we stood in the shower and both of them were wet, that was without any problems! I started to fuck the sauna champion, she was not as tight as Sandra but it still felt very good in her, my cock filled out the young woman quite well and with everyone in and out and a little faster bumps, we both startedto moan quietly! She let me fuck for a while, I reached her wiggling tits back and forth, rubbed around her swollen clit with one hand, which she answered with more intense groans.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my butt. I looked around and Sandra smiled at me! “Well darling, I see, it worked for you now and you have your fun!“Even when I continued to fuck the young employee, Sandra stroked me on my back and on the butt. Sandra stood next to me and we kissed quite violently when 2 hands suddenly lay on her breasts from behind … My wife winced briefly and looked around after the lust! It was the thick sauna employee, whom I had also overheard and found my sweetness so sharp!However, since Sandra did not protest, I could see that he was even more intensive with Sandra’s tits, kneaded the parts nicely and my wife seemed to like it, because her kisses were increasingly intense!When the fat young man approached with one hand of her cunt and then without asking, edited, Sandra stroked there and then carefully started to introduce one and then the second finger, Sandra began to smoke, her breathing became breathingFaster and I suspected what would happen immediately …

While I was still fucking the full girl, my cute woman turned to the guy, reached under his fat hanging belly and apparently began to jerk off his cock. I couldn’t see anything because her little hand disappeared under my stomach, but on the basis of the movement, it just couldn’t be different!The fat guy now massaged Sandra’s fantastic breasts and grinned at me. When Sandra supported on the wall next to my young wife and stretched her wonderful butt towards the fat guy, it was clear to me that the thickness would also come to his fun.

He stood next to me and behind my sweetness, through his fat belly I couldn’t see how he introduced his cock into my wife. The thick wanst was almost on the sweet butt of my Sandra as he began to move rhythmically, apparently he had successfully placed his strap in my wife … My mare looked very amazed when she noticed what happened next to her and turned to her colleague. “Hey what are you looking for here, I didn’t want you to watch me in the shower! And now you just stand here next to me and fuck the sweet blonde.

“” You were gone for so long and I wanted to look for the right one and was afraid that something happened to you, only that’s why I appeared here! But when I discovered you 3 here, I also wanted to play a little … !“Said the guy who was just fucking my wife to his colleague. I fucked his colleague and he my wife, I found it fairly fairly distributed and we 4 all had our fun …

He often looked over to us and watched my cock penetrated into his colleague’s cunt and that seemed to struggle, which his movements became more violent, his fatty weighed the body of my sweet and her big titsswung back and forth violently, he grave afterwards and kneaded her vigorously!At some point he began kneading his colleague’s ass, I had him done, I didn’t care what a problem with each other, I didn’t care.

Certainly the fat would have liked to fuck his colleague, just as Sandra is often fucked by her colleagues! But he should make that out with her, today I was allowed to do it and he was my Sandra ….Since the young thing hadn’t said anything in front of me, I assumed that I could inject directly into it and when I was there, a few more times, I pleaded my seed deep into her, my cock twitched like wildaround in her and I got the last drop out of me.

The fat guy was also apparently just in the process of inseminating my wife, because he curved himself, his fat body flinched and fidgeted! Our cocks then slipped out of the girls, the rest of the sperm dripped on the tiles below us, the girls turned around, Sandra came to me and kissed me, the colleague went to her colleague and sparkled him badly! He grinned at her, pulled her and tried to kiss her too.

She relied on it, finally kissed the two and then he pressed her on his knees, held his cock in front of her pretty face. “Come on at least clean him when I haven’t been allowed to fuck you!”He begged her. Sandra did it with me, licked my cock, took it in his mouth and cleaned it nicely clean. Under his greases, I was able to see the colleague’s black braid how he wobbled back and forth, so she was persuaded and licked his cock and also determined his eggs! He stroked her head and growled pretty much too.

“Hey, pull yourself together, your cock is already big!“The colleague complained. “Well that’s no wonder if you do it so well! Come on, you can put him in your mouth and do me a favor to blow him a little!”He asked his colleague. Then I could hear her smacking too, apparently she even did his favor!We left the two alone and went into the relaxation room and to get home slowly.

When after a few minutes we got past the adventure shower with our things, the fat sauna master lay on the tiles and the colleague was sitting on him and rode him off. The guy had reached the young tits with both hands and kneaded them nicely while she slipped back and forth. Then she leaned down to him and we could clearly hear how she said to him: “So now you have also got your will, your constant begging got on my nerves and don’t think that is continuously available now!!!”” Take care of you two!“Then we wanted to say goodbye.

She looked at us in astonishment and said: “I thought you were already gone! But if you are just there, I have another question to you Sandra!”” Yes please, what else is there?”Asked my wife. “It was really great with you and I hope you come to us again! You also noticed our regular customers very pleasantly and they would also be happy to watch again soon! Our male seniors water aerobics group, of which there were also 2 men present tonight, would be happy, Sandra, if you had time to take part in a trial course next week! Would you like it?“Asked the sauna master and just stayed calm on her colleague.

“Yeah, when would that be?“Asked Sandra interested. “Every Wednesday 10 a.m. the men meet, are all pensioners, they have their peace and then almost all day here. “Explained the young woman. “The group would also take over your day of the day and invite you to the bathroom restaurant for lunch, the men would pay for 5 € for your expenses!”” That’s great, I’m there!“Sandra was happy.

“Then come home well and Sandra until next week!“The sauna master was also happy and began to move up and down again on her colleague. Later in the car, Had Sandra and I, the following conversation: “Are you my sweetheart in clear what the old sacks really want from you?”I asked my sweetness. “Of course darling, they also want something young, crispy and not only always their old ones from home!“Sandra answered me.

“They want to fuck you my sweetness! Rate why they are so generous!”I said to her. “Did you see the older gentlemen today? They were really nice and they didn’t look that bad either. “Asked Sandra back. “Nevertheless, you don’t have to be fucked by the old sacks!”I threw one. “So take care of my darling, don’t underestimate the old sacks as you say! I have often had the experience that the older and more experienced men are more sensitive lovers than the boys! When I am at seminar or at trade fairs with the older colleagues, it is much more relaxed, not everything is overwhelmed, the whole evening usually has a level, nice food, a drink at the bar, first stroking units, an intimate dance andThen there is a long time in the room, slowly the covers fall, my body is tenderly explored, many old men like to lick and long, use their fingers in the right places before they then sleep with me! After they have come, I am caressed for a long time, you drink something and also talk to each other! The young men usually ram like impetuously, want to show me what they can do, rarely take me into account and when they are finished, turn around and fall asleep immediately …

! That’s why I don’t have anything against fucking with older men from time to time!“My sweetness explained to me. “Incidentally, the two young guys from the aroma sauna gave me their cell phone numbers and I mean to them, and at some point next week they want to pick me up from the company, then we’ll eat nicely and later we want to fuck something around somewhere in peacewhere we are not disturbed! I’m looking forward to it, because both were already quite good in the sauna!“Then I was allowed to listen to myself.

“Aha, nice to know” I replied pretty angry … Arrived at home later, we immediately fell to bed, cuddle together happily and immediately fell asleep!The meetings with the boys from the aroma sauna and the older gentlemen from water aerobics are a new story, but she certainly didn’t want to read from me or????Horny greetings from Dresden your PS82.

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